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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- wow, something to NOT put on my bucket list. Looks very dangerous? I hope your apt went in PHX goes well.

    Yes, last night was a reminder AGAIN to not go to Kohl's at night. I was telling my client about it as she shops there regularly for her kids and she said they have a lot of stuff right by the doors, no security and are wide open. I said the loss control there must be a huge issue. I worked in retail once and remember how clever some people were at stealing things.

    Cami- does Joey still go out to trick or treat?

    My eye balls are fine. The eye center had a whole lot of processing and ended up in three waiting areas before I saw the retinal specialist. One of the techs jokes "it's like a progressive dinner, but without all the good food." The good doctor says my eyes are good and the way to keep your eye healthy is to stay healthy. I told him I am trying.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Genny, well played tonight. But there are at least two more games left. And though Chicago has had more championships over the years, you guys just won the NBA last spring. Our turn, IMHO. (You can have the Super Bowl....)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Sandy it was a tough game last nite, nothing great just edging by, but still a win.

    OK Lori a BD to go to, now that's fun and then ok the Dr. I'm so sorry. This is so not fair. U and SusyQ have been thru way to much and I hate that. On that note my D is happening almost daily right now, this is so recockulous--it's never been so bad, I'm really crabby tho.I know that's really nothing compared to all u gals are going thru, it's just a reminder to me I'm really getting old LOL

    Oh Joey the brat is going TorTing the last year this time and with his friends as the stupid guy from Scream, it's poopular again, and I hate that one.

    I started a little of my shopping, got my sister a crossbody bag, she always carries a big purse, but when u use a can u've got to be practical, it is cute tho. And I bout Sam (my boss's 2 yr old) something for his BD and Christmas, so that's done. Oh I bout bags and wrapping stuff, and those Joy Mangano hangers, we need like crazy--So I got started nd will do more next week. I really don't buy for anyone else, well except my kids. and grandgtr and of course Joey--but Les and Marty buy all of those from the house money Oh and my sister's 4 girls, but usully buy something that comes in 4's so they pick what they want. Just small stuff. Like lipstick, or earrings--that's about the only thing I'm organized about usually.

    OK I'm tired so I think--oh I think we change time next week, for those of us that do.The nights are long then.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends-whew, another work week over and into the weekend. We are having a warm spell and temps in the 70s to 80s, no hard frost yet. My gardens are going on and on, which I just love! The trees down by the river (cottonwoods) have all changed to their beautiful gold color and going down there for a walk later and also tomorrow. Late October to early Nov is one of my most fav times of the year here. Must get outside and enjoy it!

    Cami- I am sorry your D is getting much worse. You have had many doctor visits around this and no real answers or help with getting this under control. Time to seek out a second opinion with a different medical system?

    NM- thinking about you on this sat am and am hoping you are able to rest for a bit today, even if you have things to do. If I were closer, I would bring you some of my fresh green chili stew I made yesterday. Good for the immune system (the green chili that is!)

    Dara- how are the headaches and did you have your scan yet? Hoping you had an extra special birthday this year.

    ChiSandy- how is the music event in Iowa going? Did you bump into Hillary?

    Genny, MemaSue, Hsant, and everyone else, thinking of you and wishing you a good day.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Good morning girls, drinking my coffee, got the fireplace on and enjoying the morning. Husband and pooches still sleeping and so peaceful at the moment. Supposed to get to 70 today, want to get my plants indoors, I have a huge mandevilla that needs to be re-potted first so it will be a job.Still no frost here, supposed to be warm all week but I know it's coming.

    Cami, ok, I'm not ignoring your request for Nora pics, I tried but she doesn't hold still long enough to get a good one.. so I will post the blurry ones that I got. She is going to be Pepa Pig for Halloween. It's this dumb little British pig, I don't get why it's popular but she likes it. So sorry about the D and it's control over your life, so not fair, I wish there was something that could be done.

    Lori, Hope the RSO kicks the BC's butt this time. I know you are going to the MO on Monday, do you think he'll give you a hard time about not going back on the FU pills? I understand about not wanting to go on a drug that makes you feel like shit and especially now that you remember what it's like to feel good again. I think I'd want to give the RSO one more go at it too. That slide looks like one wild ride, I would prolly do it if given the chance.

    Sandy, I know the game did not go the way you wanted but it sure was one tense ending! Wow, I about pulled my hair out, I'm thinking it's going t o be another close one tonight. I know we have the Cavs but it has been years for Cleveland to win anything before that, well unless you count hockey. And hahaha about your joke of us winning in football... that was a good one! Oh, I hate being stuck in traffic when I have to pee, so glad you made it to the potty in time!

    Dara never showed up to the lounge for her birfday. Hope I was right, I got the info from FB. Hope she's feeling better.

    Jazzy, you are so super busy, hope you get next year lined up the way you want and your next clients are as pliable as Play-Doh. The night time Kohl's visit sound for sure like a thing not to do. Don't they have security buzzers at the door? Course I guess they don't put them on every item. Glad to hear your eyeballs are good. I hear ya about the docs, I'm swearing off them all till January if I can.

    hsant, YAY Indians! We do have to contain our excitement some since we have Chicago girls here but YAY Indians!! Does your dad enjoy watching? I cannot believe the nurse you were talking about is a hospice nurse!!! No one lives forever, are you friggin' kidding me?! She needs to find a new job, maybe in coding or medical records or something... or management. Geesh, doesn't matter if the patient is 40 or 90, to the family member dealing with the impending loss is the issue. NM, is Cleveland too far for you to take on this case! Anyway, I'm so sorry that you got a lousy nurse, I think most hospice nurses are the most compassionate people out there, can you request a different one? I liked the breath deep drink, need to save that for the next time I have a cold.. would have to use whiskey or bourbon tho, not a gin drinker.

    NM, so sorry to hear you've been so sick, hard to fully recooperate when you are being overworked. Seems this is an endless cycle for you, hire someone new, get more help, get caught up them, too many patients again. Did someone quit or did they just add too many patients to your territory, or increased the territory? Take care of you, I hope you can somehow make "them" get it! ...Geesh! Hope you get some snuggle time with Sadie this weekend.

    Sue, how'd it go at the onc's? Fingers crossed all is well and that you are feeling better.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    I been reading trying to ketsup. I'll jes start from yest.

    Lowee - Appt with onco went well, she agreed that I need 2nd opinion from cardiac doc, so called the doc and soonest appt is Dec 1st. Ugh!!! Good luck to you on ur upcoming visit to doc. I always took just a 'rice' sized dose of RSO when I started back on it, then after couple weeks I could double it and be OK. Am just glad to hear u are back on it and praying it will make a diff. If u can, get a bottle of CBD tincture. I use mine (1 squirt under tongue) every night. That slide is tooooo much for me…eww-wee!

    Prayers and HUGZ!!!

    Hsant - get a new nurse on board and then biotch-slap that other nurse, we'll help ya drag her to the swamp. Praying for you and your dad (((Hsant)))

    NM - you need more rest and recoup from your cold, sounds like anyway. I hope u do call in sick…working sick is not good for you or ur pts. I know u get it and I get the Puritan feelings too, but we have to force ourselves to slow down and rest. (((NM)))

    Cami - pretend gifts, good idea, then u can weed out what is really necessary. I look for deals on Groupon and Amazon, have to seriously tell myself, 'I don't need it'. Haven't found anything for my gkids yet. I am way behind. But I do like Lowees idea of printing the pic of the gift and wrapping it…I'd write on them, "here's what I wanted to buy you, but ran outta money" LOL.

    Jazz - scary chit about the thugs at Kohls. Please quit shopping anywhere after dark. That's when all the 'bugs' come out. Glad ur eyeballs are fine, lol ref the techs joke.

    Mary - all good at onco's. MO agrees about the gallbladder, no surg unless absolutely nec. Am getting 2nd opinion on angiogram and stints but not til Dec 1.

    Well I burnt up the microwave yest. Thot I put on power level 1, but did not, so 20 mins on high blew the circuits. Had to go right out and get new one. We have a Sear's Appliance store here in town, same brand and size, on sale for $78 woohoo. Trick was getting it outta the car and in house. Had to go pu friend from the bar to come help me. Have a rust-hole in our kitchen sinks too. The guy is coming over soon to replace it.

    Now gotta take mese doggies to the park. Hoping ya all have a Gr8 weekend.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Conference is going swimmingly, though I'm over-caffeinated, over-carbed and somewhat sleep-deprived.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    8:10 pm.... Cleveland Indians vs. Chicago Cubs... here we go, Sandy, Cami and hsant.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    uh-oh--tied 1-1 in the 2nd

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Going to be a nerve wracking couple of hours... love my peeps no matter how it goes... um but i hope the Indians win!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Well. Looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, so here it is:

    Woops, found it back a page, Gonna be one of them crazy days!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I got the reports done yesterday, AND got the planned nap.Glad to see the clouds and rain moving out today.Need to get some laundry done and much prefer to hang it out than put it on the rack with the fan.But, the rack and fan thing works, so I shouldn't complain, right?

    Jazzy--the green chili stew sounds very effective, can't imagine any germs surviving that!

    Genny--There is a bit of cycle of increased work load, getting staffing caught up and things going well for a while. The Office Director tries to stay ahead with the staffing positions since it takes a few months for a new person to get up and running.This time we had a bunch of things happen, a jump in patient count, a nurse out with an injury, my partner went back to school thinking she could work 2 days a week while in school and then discovered she can't, our per diem nurses aren't as available as we had hoped, and this respiratory thing has at least one nurse out sick on any given day.So I've been working a double load, working 10 to 14 hours on weekdays and then another 8 or so on Saturdays for the 3 weeks before I got sick.Believe me, they get it, now that they've had to cover my entire workload for 4 days.I just don't know what the answer is right now, other than to start saying "no" and taking whatever results that brings.In the meantime, this weekend has been full of Sadie cuddles and naps and rest, and actually feel a bit better this morning!

    Mema--I am trying to slow down.I really am.Going to set up this coming week's visit schedule with what I can reasonably do and mark what I can't do and see what happens.Probably be told I need to do it anyway, and I'll cave and try to do it all and get sick again.It is so hard for me to ask for help as it is, and to be wondering what's going to happen when I do and there isn't any help to be had, ties my stomach up in knots.So you burned up the microwave?Good to be able to get the same kind, though.Hard to learn new microwave buttons!

    Chi--happy conferencng!Enjoy the caffeine and carbs, ketchup on sleep later!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Sunday drink recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning ladies- well I think my coffee maker is finally KAPOOT so I ordered one from Kohl's this weekend and should be here this week. I have french press I have used for years and getting me through. I need my morning Joe!

    NM- those were pretty heavy hours but my current client site will do that to me if I am not careful. I had to learn to put hour limits in my statement of work in my contract to avoid being in those situations; 'will work more than 40 hours a week, IF agreed to by both parties'. There are times I have to work extra with go lives, but won't maintain heavy hours.

    As a FT person, you are at their mercy and they need to learn that one person cannot do the work of 3. Rather than beat yourself up, hope you are taking good care of yourself this weekend and that your employer realizes what they are doing to you. Hoping there are lots of Sadie snuggles this weekend?

    Getting lots done around home this weekend and took a nice walk in the bosque (area around the river) yesterday. Cottonwoods at their peak right now. Some photos to brighten up your Sunday! Enjoy!





  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2016

    Happy Halloween! I can't believe it's already the end of October, and my dad has been in Hospice for 3 weeks. Thankfully, he's doing really well. He's actually doing better than he was 6 weeks ago when he was going to the gym, climbing up and down stairs to get to his bedroom, etc. I call Prednisone the magic medicine, but I also know I have to take this craziness one day at a time.

    The nurse really isn't a bad person. I don't want to present her as a bitch, because that wouldn't be fair to her. She wasn't unkind, and I do think she meant well. She's just not very smart. The person I really can't stand is the nurse coordinator. Her name is Connie and I've nicknamed her another name that starts with a C has one N, a T and switch the O with a U. I'm sure you can figure it out.:). I won't bore y'all with all the gory details, but she lied to me about Physical therapy and allowed me to spend hours on the phone with Medicare, but she nixed it because of my dad's prognosis and lied to me saying that PT isn't covered if you're in Hospice, with the knowledge that I'm taking care of my dad on my own. She's evil. What put me over the edge is when I requested more Ensures on Friday. she told me the order won't come in until Tuesday. I told her that this is pretty much all my dad is ingesting and he drinks 6 to 7 of them a day. She said she knew. SO WHY DOES MY DAD HAVE TO PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR FOUR DAYS IF YOU KNEW??.

    I complained to the Director of Hospice. I told her that I give hospice a big, fat F, and told her all my gripes with C*nty and the social worker. I also requested a different nurse, because my dad doesn't like her. She has very little knowledge with respect to wound care, and when I told my dad that she wanted to use the same cup for saline that was used three days prior, he was appalled. Plus, she doesn't change her gloves when she dresses the wound. Major sanitary issues. Anyway, will have a new nurse next week. And a case of Ensure was delivered to the house. Funny how that works.

    Genny, yay! You know what I'm talkin' about. What is Nora dressing up as for Halloween? Ithink you mentioned it in a post, but I don't remember and can't find it. She's so cute! My little 8 year old cousin is going as something where she'll wear a cloak and dagger and be dressed in all black. She wants to be scary. What happened to princesses and fairies?

    Native, oy vey! A flat tire?! Man, that just sucks! I think you should call in sick. Bronchitis in and of itself is taxing on the body and so is asthma, and you had the combination of the two. I find it hard to believe that you're fully recovered. Plus, you don't want to relapse. You take care of so many people. Please take care of yourself. I hear Sadie woofing in agreement. I know you're really, really good at your job, and I'm sure your supervisors know this, too. Do you think you're being taken for granted? Or is it that you're understaffed?

    Question about PT and hospice. I see that Medicare will cover PT if you're in hospice. But I've learned that hospice has to approve this. Is this true? Can my father's Doctor call Medicare or hospice with an order?

    Goldie, oh HELL no to those slides. Seriously, I would rather get a root canal with out novocaine then go on that thing. Prayers and positive thoughts out to you for a good MO appt. tomorrow.

    Cami, I want to kick that nurse in the back and tell her "well, you're going to have chronic back pain, so just deal with it". What is wrong with medical professionals these days?? When my dad was a resident and a group of residents and the physician were doing rounds at the hospital, one of the residents was disrespectful to a patient. So the doctor had him drop his pants, and told all the other residents to look and point. The doctor basically gave him a verbal spanking. Whatever happened to good bedside manner?

    Oh, I'm caught up on the OC. I find it vile how Tamra, Heather and Shannon were trying to get Kelly drunk, so she would lose it. I think Heather is the worst of the bunch. So pretentious. She thinks her shit doesn't stink (IMO).

    I wish I had a magic wand that would get rid of the big D.

    Jazzy, lovely pics!

    Dara, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and everything is getting straightened out in your life.

    Well, have to check on my dad. Sorry if I missed anyone. Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Having a lovely weekend.Getting laundry done, and cleaned out Sadie's crate for the winter.Apparently she's taking up cooking!


    Jazzy--I just sent a visit schedule for this coming week, and each day is set up for 8 hours, with notations of what needs to be covered. Not sure how this will go over, guess I'll have to wait and see.At least it's a try.And there have been lots and lots of Sadie snuggles, up till just now.She's a tad miffed at me right now, but she'll get over it quickly enough.Oh, wow, the cotton woods are fantastic!

    Hsant--Happy Halloween!Prednisone is good medicine, that's for sure. I'm glad you spoke to the Hospice Director.You and your Dad deserve much better treatment than you've gotten.And I know I should have taken more time off, but I just don't have that much time in the bank, and we are understaffed just now.And, frankly, I don't trust that my patients will get the care they need and deserve.And yeah, a flat tire.I get them from time to time.Occupational hazard, you might say.This set of summer tires is on their last legs, so I've actually kind of been expecting some issues.Time to get the studded tires on for winter and let this summer set retire.Regarding PT inHospice--we don't use PT the way people usually think of it.We use PT for consultations, to help with getting the correct equipment and teaching people how to use it, and evaluating for safe transfers and ambulation, and for a few visits to set up an exercise program. Generally PT only visits once or twice, 3 times max under Hospice.Anything more than that is considered curative or active treatment.Medicarewill not pay for PT if the person is using their Hospice benefit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    NM- Sadie does not like you messing with her box! But hey, if that dog will cook for you, I am all for it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Monday!I'm up and out of bed, got the first cup of coffee going.I've been using the French Press cuz it's ultimately quicker than the drip coffee maker, cuz I never remember to set it up the night before.Not to mention the coffee tastes much better.

    Jazzy--ah, if only Sadie could cook for me!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Black Devil



    Stir rum and vermouth with cracked ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the black olive and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Black Devil recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Happy Halloween Ladies.

    I missed a couple of days, but kind of go caught up.

    Jazzy those pics are so pretty, this is the best time of the yr. to me too--I love all the colors U'r always busy with work or daily good for u and it's great u have the work that u enjoy doing.

    NM u seem better and I hope that's how u feel cuz we all know u push u'rself a lot. U'r such a giving person and after all this time they have to so appreciate u for everything u do.

    Hsant I wish u'r dad had all the people around him like NM is. U'd love that. And wow this lady must be something for the C word, very seldom use it, but have on rare occasions. I wish u and u'r dad good days, u both deserve that. Oh and I don't know how I got started with the OC cuz I usually don't watch that stuff, but I'm in to deep now. And that have a drink thing was horrible, I felt like throwing it in their faces. I know they all get paid but there is no way I would hang around with these people unless I got paid, they're horrible bitches. LOL Now I got started on the New Jersey one, OMG they are tough.

    Mary I know I'm always bugging u about pics. but we've seen Anorable for so long and they grow so fast I just enjoy seeing all the ages.

    SusyQ I like that u'r getting a 2nd opinion, that always sounds good especially when a Dr. thinks so. I just pray for u to be well, and u always sound so cheery, I want u to feel that way.

    Jazzy I've been to all kinds of Drs. from different hospitals--I even had a researcher come to me and have a few Drs. try to help me and I was told this researcher actually doesn't work with patients, for some reason he did get interested in my case and brought others in on it. No one could figure this out it's just stupid and I do see how much more I'm complaining about it and for that I feel bad for u gals, I have it nearly every day, I can't go places like I used to (I didn't get it as much) but it wears me down and I can't take other pain that I have as well as I used to. Well Lesle had a horrible nite Sat. she had a couple of beers and was up all nite and I stayed up too--I was in the bathroom enough so why not? But she got really filled with anxiety, she souldn't have had any drinks but she thought she was up for it. And I didn't want to give her any Xanax cuz her meds are so different anyway.but I felt so bad for her cuz I can always go to those to help me so we sat up and talked till she started feeling better and 7AM so we slept on and off all day Sunday. She sees her Dr. tomorrow so she'll see if she can go back to work Thursday???

    Lori u have an app't today I think, please check in to let us know.

    Dara, dara, Dara---Julie, Julie, Julie.

    I haven't really been on FB for a while, I'll never catch up with that, for sure.

    Have a Happy Halloween Ladies.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Good morning and Happy Halloween to you all! I had a quiet weekend, hate to see it end. I updated my phone a few weeks ago and now I can't get it ti sink with iphotos or itunes, going to have to call apple help line I guess and see if they can help me. Still haven't re-potted my mandevilla so I have to get to that and then to the beauty supply house cause I'm running low on color, then tomorrow back to work...sigh... I think i'm wishing I could retire. Like my job just fine but 41 years of hair... ah well, about 4 or 5 more and I'll be done I hope.

    Cami, I couln't send you pics if I wanted to now, tried yesterday, that's how I found out my phone isn't syncing with my puter. Please don't ever feel like you are complaining, that's what we are here for. It's such a shame that you are basically a prisoner in your house because of the damn D. You need Dr House! Too bad he's not real. I hope Lezlie gets the OK to go back to work this week, sounds like the 2 of you had a very long night together.

    hsant, the World Series is getting interesting for sure, hoping the loss is so they can win in Cleveland. I'm glad your dad is feeling better, I was having ears problems awhile back and the Dr put me on steroids and I felt like I could run a marathon, a wonder drug for sure,too bad they have so many side effects. My friend Molly has a sister that we always referred to as the Big C, the name reserved for a select few for sure.

    NM, glad you are feeling better. For the life of me I can't figure out how Sadie got the big cast iron skillet in there! Years ago we had a GSD that would empty our cupboards when we weren't home and put everything in the middle of the living room, blenders, toasters, pans. Would love to have a video of them in action. Hope you get some more help at work soon and go back to a 40 hour week for awhile.

    Jazzy, the fall colors are beautiful here too, nice pics!

    Lori, hugs to you, hoping for a productive MO visit.

    Sandy, where you be?

    Dara, hope you're feeling better.

    Sue, second opinion sounds like a good idea, too bad not till Dec.

    Gotta run, have a good day all!



    • ... million page views later…Happy Halloween! | Take Back Halloween
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Genny, I was in Iowa City for a folk music conference and then a concert I gave yesterday. Cubs are stayin’ alive! Your Tribe did give me agita right up till the final pitch last night. Even if your guys win tomorrow night, the Cubs at least avoided the shame of being swept at Wrigley. Hope Arietta (and the bullpen) is up to the task and can force a Game 7….I have a rehearsal tomorrow night and early morning cataract surgery Wed.—and I wanna be able to stay up late enough for extra innings.

    No DOTD tonight—had wine every night at the conf. and champagne last night.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016


    Here ya go Cami!! My beautiful little Pepa Pig!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Happy Halloween friends!

    Genny- oh Miss Anorable all dressed up for her fun evening out. I hope she had a great time. Cute as a button!

    NM- I am wondering if you are like me, inside with the lights off or handing out candy to the kids?

    Cami- I am so sorry about the daily D. I have enough issues with my GI tract (also from some of the meds I take) and know it can complicate my days sometimes, but nothing like what you have. I wish you could get an answer about this.

    Your DD may need to lay off the sauce for awhile until she is better. I hope she feels better soon and can resume working but it does not sound like she is close on that yet?

    Goldie- wanting to know how the apt went today and if your MO will want to rerun the TMs to verify? Fingers crossed sister.

    Hsant- I think speaking up for your dad with someone who is not a good resource is the right thing to do. As in every situation, there are people who are better than others. Your dad should have the best care possible to be comfortable during this time. It is hard enough otherwise. Hugs sister. I know these days are hard for you.

    Work was filled with fun costumes today. I wore a fun hat which I could take off to attend meetings. Not everyone has a good sense of humor in that place. I heard one of the women who works for my client went up to the C-suite and walked around in a funny costume, but still. When she mentioned it in passing to her manager (my client), the manager was horrified. I was a bit stunned myself but just stayed out of it. Not everyone has common sense.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Yesterday went better at work than I was expecting.The only thing said about my not going back to one particular place was to ask if it was temporary or ongoing, and if there was anywhere else I needed to say away from.I guess I was expecting more of a fuss. Got an e-mail that my application for the Clinical Manager position has been received.Now to wait and see what happens.Sadie was happy with me getting home a lot earlier than usual yesterday!

    Cammy--I am feeling better, and hope the trend keeps going.Poor Leslie, what a way to spend the night!Hope she's feeling better now.And can go back to work soon.

    Genny--I hear you about the job thing.I so wish I could afford to work part time.Starting to feel my age, I guess.So far, so good with the more reasonable work week.Time will tell, as the week goes on.Sadie can move very big and very heavy things when she puts her mind to it.Would love to have seen her doing that, though.Maybe I should invest in a monitoring camera for the house to keep tabs on her!

    Chi--sounds like a great conference, what with wine every night! Good luck with the cataract surgery.

    Sweet Piggy!

    Jazzy--there hasn't been any trick-or-treating on my road for several years now.So no lights on, just reading and falling asleep until Sadie wakes me up to go to bed.Some of the folks I work with wore costumes yesterday, the sad thing is that I didn't recognize any of them.One I have never even heard of, still don't know what/who she was supposed to be.Showing my age, again, I guess!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Frankenstein- more like "Drunkenstein"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I like how u sad to Sand what a great conference, immediately following with WINE EVERY NITE. LOL. I hope all u'r days are good ones, so u can get home on time.

    Oh Mary I did see Anorable on FB, she's looks so cute, her hair looks long now too--I have no idea who she is as a character, but then again I'm not up to the new things. Oh u have to be tired of doing hair all these yrs. It's not as easy as it looks, I know, I know not to much longer right.?

    Steroids, what can I possibly say about them, I love them--the only time in my life I actually felt like doing a lot in just a day, and when I worked and had an 11 hr. day I was the only one not the least bit tired (that's when I was getting Chemo) no one would ever have known cuz I was a working fool, of course when it was out of my system I was a slug and another thing I could actually type really well, so I'm a big fan at this point in my life.

    Jazzy we had quite a few kids last nite, but this neighborhood has a lot. The older kids went out til 7 (the alloted time) the younger ones were much earlier, but I didn't have to be bothered, I could hear the dog bark tho, that's our door bell.

    Well for some reason I was very busy with work yesterday, more than usual for a Monday. I talked to the guys more than usual too, all I do is basically swear at them--I don't know why I talk to them like that, except that's how they talk so I go right along and since working I really don't say much of those words anymore, now I'm right back into it. Oh well, BTW I never use God's name in any words I say, my Catholic up bringing. LOL

    OK I'm going to set up my little work place and charge everything up so I'll talk to u later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Hey girls, I'm home! Visit actually went well! I was quite surprised and relieved at the same time, as I like my doctor so much. He is fine with trying the RSO again, checking labs in 6 wks and if they go up again, go back on the FU pills and hope that the H/F syndrome will take a while before it hits me with a vengeance. I have read and caught up, but not going to respond to everyone. I need to get in the shower and get my day going. DH is having up the a$$ and down the throat on Friday, and then we have company coming overnight on Saturday. Not sure if anything during the week, but then Laughlin the following weekend. We have lots of stuff going on!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- good to hear the apt went well. Hope DH's pipes are good. Hope your day was good and that you can get past the medical apts to go have fun in Laughlin. I stood up for my best friend from college days when they got married there. What fun we had that weekend!

    I get mine colonoscopy the day before Thanksgiving. It's now November so gotta start thinking about that!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Hi girls, nice to see everybody sounds like they are doing ok at the moment. DH is outta town, in Kentucky then home for 2 days and then to Chicago for the weekend. He doesn't have to be gone often on weekends and I hate it when he does, altho if he were home all the time. I'm not sure how that would be either, guess I'll find out in about 5 years or so.

    NM, sounds like things are looking up a bit, got my fingers crossed that you get the job! What does it entail? It would be fun to have hidden cameras watching our pets, wouldn't it? I am so lucky to be able to work part-time at this point in my life, I rally have nothing to complain about, seems to be something we all go thru at this age, the desire to just be able to do whatever we want each day... and be able to afford it. Next year, I'll turn 60... been doing hair since I was 18... oy vey that's a long time. Ah well, I just turned 50 about 3 years ago, so 65 should be here in another year, not that I'm rushing it.

    Cami, Nora is an English character called Peppa Pig, it's popular on utube and I have no idea why. It's very one dimensional, the heads look like they are pasted on walking around and I don't get what she likes about it, I'm sure it won't last long. I know what you mean about using the G word in vain, I was raised catholic as well. When I get mad at myself I always say "Jesus Mary!" and then I follow under my breath with "and Joseph". Makes me feel like I haven't sinned quite so bad. And as I've said before, steroids are the best... if only they didn't cause weight gain, acne, vision problems, osteoarthritis, mood swings...oh... and whiskers. We get no tricker treaters here, never one since we moved in, I miss it, always liked looking at the costumes.

    Lori, your MO sounds awesome, so glad he is supportive of your decisions. Oh my, hubby getting heinyscope and deep throat! yikes! Off to Laughlin again, how fun!

    Jazzy, sounds like you had fun with the costumes at work. I would have dressed up but I didn't work yesterday, next year I'll be there on Halloween. The retirement home that I work in is under a HUGE 2 year renovation, lots of people not happy about it, construction everywhere. So one of our computer savvy residents ordered hard hats for all her table mates at the Halloween party and they won first place, it was the talk of the place today.

    Sandy, hope you had a fun time at the music conference. Yes the Cubs are staying alive, it's going to be a nail biting night for the both of us! Hope the cataract surgery goes perfectly!

    hsant.... deep breath, here we go!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Hi girls!

    Sorry for being MIA, I've been reading, read all of your thoughtful birthday wishes too. Btw, loved the hot guys that my Lori sent my way.

    Watching the baseball game now and omg, the Cubs are doing fantastic with three runs in the first few minutes, starting out with my honey Kris Bryant hitting a home run, oh baby! Sorry Genny, the cubs are jest hotter!

    I've been down in de dumps due to feeling so FN nasty. I am so very frustrated with the headaches and I am getting no where close to finding a reason or finding any relief. A nd the pain just gets more intense ebery day. I had high hopes that the sinus cat scan would reveal sumting. But when I went to the ENT on Friday, the doctor said that the scan scan did not show anything that be causing my headaches. He referred me to a neurologist which trying to find a good one that specializes in headaches. I found one that sounds great but could not get in until February. I did make the appointment, can cancel if I find someone to get me there sooner! I made at least a dozen calls this aye em and got no where. I am going to work on it again tomorrow if I can lift my head long enough to do so. It seems that all of the good docs in Phila are booked way out. ugh.

    I've yet to send out one single resume. I am in no position to work or interview as the pains in my head are too much. And what scares me most is that the pain is not only at my temples, it is on the side, top and back of my head and radiates down my neck.

    And nothing gives me relief, not even de willie! ughhhh!!

    I went to the ER on Saturday in hopes of finding out what is going on but nada. A cat scan of mese head was done and I guess it is good news that nothing could be found to cause all of this fn pain. I still feel strongly that the pain is from the tooth extraction since I also still have a lot of "phantom" tooth aches from the area where the tooth was. It is so FN frustrating.

    Sorta funny ting, I thought that two of my lap tops have issues with the keyboard and the text skipping all over the place. Came to realize that it is my numb fingers on my right hand causing the problems. And now wondering if the sudden numbness has to do with the FN headaches.

    I'll try to pop in again and talk to you all. Prayers to Hsant, curse on Nurse coordinator Cunty too. she def needs to be dumped in the swamp. Prayers for Lori too, glad that the doc visit went well. And Cam, can't imagine the frustration you have with the D. I got to thinking about you and not being able to figure out wh y it is happening after all this time. I fear that years will pass before the fn medical community will figure out what the f&ck is going on with both us.Thanks again goils for missing me and sending the wonderful bday wishes. The only highlite in my life righ t now is Logan, he is just a doll and I can't get enough of him.

    cheerless In Moorestown I am,


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Genny- my client site I work at a lot was a major construction zone when I was there a few years back. So much noise, hammering, drilling and dust. But in a retirement center, that would be SO hard as it is their home. No where to escape too. I feel for those folks.

    They are building a new wing at the client site currently and all day long we hear the earth movers moving dirt around and then the "beep beep beep" with big equipment backing up. The foundation is going in soon and then the banging will begin.

    If there were hot construction workers to watch, the whole thing would be more appealing, know what I mean?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016