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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Oh meese oh mise, can't take it, going to turn The Voice on for awhile...


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Dara, I pray for an answer for you... what about an MRI? So sorry for your pain, hang in there, easier said than done, I know... Hugs to you...

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2016

    This game is KILLING me right now, so I'm taking a break from it.

    The new nurse came by today, and I really like her. She's very knowledgeable and smart. Plus, she's had a lot of experience with wound care. It will take my dad a little while to trust her, but I think that's fair, considering the other nurse just wasn't experienced.

    Cami, in the Jewish religion you're not supposed to write the word God. It's written as G-d. I don't know why (Sandy??). I hope Leslie is feeling better. You have such a wonderful relationship with your kids, grandson, etc. I love that you were up with her and were cracking each other up. It reminds me of the relationship I had with my mom and sister, and the one I have with my dad. Jews and Italians have very similar values.

    Jersey, was a little boring this season compared to past seasons, but I'm looking forward to the reunion. I haven't watched the OC season finale yet, but I hear it's a doozy. BTW, if you haven't watched Vanderpump Rules, which revolves around vapid, stupid 20 and 30 something waitresses and bartenders in LA, I highly recommend it for good, mindless TV. The new season starts next week.

    Jazzy,my dad is completely lucid and sharp, so he notices every little thing that the nurse does or doesn't do. He's very sweet and easy going with respect to his demeanor, but pretty much nothing gets by him.

    I haven't had a colonoscopy yet, since I'm 49, but it ain't something I'm looking forward to.

    Goldie, I'm so happy that your doc appointment went well! Is your hubs getting a colonoscopy and endoscopy? Wishing him the the best. Have fun with your friends, and I'm glad you're getting away for a little vacay. You need and deserve it!

    Native, thank you for all your wisdom and info. Hospice is a new road for me and it's all overwhelming to say the least. Needless to say, I wish you were located in Cleveland.....

    Genny, at least you get full control of the remote when the hubs is out of town on business.:)

    Nora is just so dang cute! I love her little piggy costume. I also never heard of Peppa Pig, and she sure looks darling!

    Dara, I am so, so sorry that you're in so much pain! Unfortunately, the way doctors work these days sucks. Based on the obvious fact that you're in an emergency situation, any neurologist should be able to fit you in ASAP. Wishing you relief soon. My heart goes out to you.

    Just checked the score, and it ain't pretty if you're rooting for CLE.I'm going to pour myself another glass of Zinfandel.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Dara- have your doctors looked at your meds? I know a sister here who has had migraines in the past, but they have gotten much worse since she went on Tamoxifen. She was unable to tolerate any of the AIs. This could be a medication SE too if the scans are not showing anything. That part is good news I think, but no answers is not good news. Hugs sister.

    Genny- nothing that looks like that at my client site. LOL, thanks for the eye candy!

    Hsant- your dad is observant and that is good. Less bad things will happen that way.

    So I was on looking at the ACA plans tonight. The one I had is available to purchase, but not on the exchange which means it won't cover the pre-existing. It looks like I will be paying around $165 more per month with a similar plan. Fortunately, I can write it off from my income as a business owner. The plans dropped a couple hundred a month for the first few years from what I had been paying, but will be back to where I was. Hoping the new administration that I hope will be elected can bring ACA to a better state. I need it and willing to pay for it, but we cannot go broke doing so. Hard to be us!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Night girls, I've had enough, but as a very wise woman recently told me, I don't yet hear a fat lady singing! We have game 7 to go!!! Don't know if I can take it! Sweet dreams all.... nighty night

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Genny, it’s a whole new Series now! Hoping yanking Arietta early for Montgomery and bringing in Chapman so soon (possibly spraining his ankle or worse making that play at 1st) won’t have been Maddon’s fatal mistake—having a hobbled bullpen for tomorrow night while Cleveland’s is fresh and powerful.

    DOTD: Mumm Napa Brut Reserve Rosé. I have only about 1/2 hr. to drink it, since I’m NPO after midnight. My surgery is at 7:15 am, gotta be there 6:15, and up by 4:30 to be dressed & outta here by 5:15. (My poor housekeeper has to be up even earlier—she’s driving in from the W. Side to come along with me—I’ll drive us down, she’ll drive us back. Bob wants to sleep in because he has office hours and 2 cardiac caths to do tomorrow and wants to be able to watch at least part of Game 7).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Up way to early, but whatever.

    Lori so glad u Dr.'s went well for u and sounds good u can wait to take the FU pills for a while. Again u'r as busy as a bee in heat, but it's all good. Good luck to u'r DH this week too.

    Dara so glad u pooped in but so sorry how u feel. Not til Feb.? Holy chit that's way to long. I know most Dr. are quite a wait but u'd think for certain reasons, they can fit people in, especially if u've been in the ER from this, and having scan and not finding anything is great, but that doesn't solve u'r problem, Damn wish we could help with some clue. But I am glad u'r seeing Logan more, it's so much fun. One question, when u open up u'r eyes in the morning do u already have the headache or does it come in an hour or so? OMG Dara, either u've made me crazy or I am already--I read over what I wrote to u---I never proof read my posts, and it didn't mke any sense how I put the words together and had to go in and try to correct things. Lori would have caught that right away and I feel sorry for all u gals tying to make out what I'm saying. Holy chit.

    Jazzy Mary gave us some nice eye candy, but most that I see don't look exactly like that. I enjoyed it too. But Mary I feel sorry for all the people living there, any kind of construction, especially as u get older is really hard on them--Just the confusion of it all. Old people are like cats, and I'm speaking from my own experience, u notice sounds louder except when people are talking to u, u feel vibrations more, except when u get dizzy and fall and if u have to go any different way than u are used to u get lost easily. It's not easy.

    Hsant so glad u have a change of peeps taking care of u'rdad and extra good that he's so alert, u 2 have to be so close, how wonderful. Oh I've watched the last of the OC and so I won't tlk about it, but I have watched Vanderpulp a little, but I also have watched the Beverly Hills one and that has Lisa V in it, I can't take that much of her.

    Sandy I hope it all goes super for u, it's so nice it's early, that's how to have any procedure done. By the time u read this it'll be done and that's always good. I never ask about what u'r husband does cuz if u explain it I will have so many pains when u talk about it. I'm such a baby.

    OK , I think I'l try to go back to sleep, maybe I can.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes for alcoholic cocktails NM just thought I'd save u a little time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Yesterday turned into a long day, looks like todaycould be a long one.Have to try and see if I can be really efficient today. Picked up a bottle of Limoncello while I was grocery shopping the other day, got that chilling in the fridge.Haven't had an adult beverage in a few weeks, just now feeling like I would like one after dinner.What a crazy sign of progress!

    Cammy--steroids are wonderful drugs, aren't they?If only I could feel as good as I do when I'm on them, AND be able to sleep!I just can't sleep while I'm taking steroids.Funny how you talk just like the guys at work, but not at home! We are flexible creatures, aren't we?

    Goldie--Welcome home!Glad the visit went well, and praying the RSO does it's thing.Good luck to your DH Friday.

    Jazzy--I don't want to think about the scope thingy.I'm probably due again.I think I'd rather not know.

    Genny--The Clinical Manager job is an office based job, coordinating patient care, processing referrals and admissions, some quality control, working with referral sources (doc's offices, nursing homes, hospitals) and education, both in the office and in the community.Low level management position, much less driving, still some after hours work but usually with some prior notice.Haven't heard anything yet.

    Dara--I cannot imagine what you are going through with the headaches.I so wish you could find a cause and fix the issue once and for all.I can't help but wonder if the tooth extraction has something to do with it all, the way you describe the phantom pain related to that.And the numb fingers are a worrisome sign, do your docs know about that?So glad you are getting some Logan time!

    Jazzy--hot construction workers would be a benefit that would make living through all the renovation disruption a bit easier to live with.

    Hsant--so glad you have a better fit for a nurse for your Dad now.It does take time to establish a trusting relationship, but it will happen if she's good.Wish I were closer to you, too.Hospice is a complicated road even before the emotional aspects are factored in.

    Chi--Good luck!You must be up and out by now.Check in when you can!

    Cammy--thanks for the DOTD--looks fantastic!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- I am kicking some ars this week at work with pushing to get some things done to be more ready for our go live. I had a good meeting with my client yesterday, but she clearly has so much angst about so many things around this project. So I have been working with the vendors and we are going to do a pre-readiness review in another 10 days and get an output document from the vendor driving this process to help her. We have vendor visits the next two weeks and think that will help too. The politics on this one are like nothing I have seen before. I am glad I will be done in a few months!

    NM- I am on the five year plan with the bottom scope due to polyps found the first time. Will be going to the hospital where I had my breast surgery four years ago. I have arranged for one friend to drop me off, another to pick me up. I will say neither feel particularly dependable to me, so I need to check in and can take an Uber over and have a more dependable friend to pick me up (that is the part I have to have in place, someone who knows me). Now that it is getting closer, will check in with those folks. Everyone said "why that day, right before a holiday?" Because of anesthesia, I need a bit of space after that to get back to where I need to be. Best time to do it with work and all the rest. Nice four day weekend and plan to relax over the holiday anyways. I plan to veg on Thanksgiving but will make a small turkey at some point that weekend.

    ChiSandy- wishing you well with your procedure today. Will be in your pocket and do let us know how you are doing please?

    Cami- I feel myself getting old very fast these days. I especially notice it with many of the younger workers at my client site who are very rude to anyone who is not their age. They know it all, and think I remember thinking the same thing but hope I was never that rude. We cannot move as fast, see as well, hear as well, and forget the cognitive stuff (AIs take their toll). Getting older is not for sissies, right?

    Dara- I missed the February part and good lord, you need a resolution to this now. It is keeping you from looking for new work and you do have to support yourself. That is the part about healthcare I detest, the reality that no quality of life translates into many other situations like not being able to work. These doctors are missing something.

    Gotta get going to another busy day. Going to hit the gym for yoga tonight! Wishing you all a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, we will have fun in Laughlin. We also have 2nd row seats to see Leann Rimes. She is one of my favorite artists. Hot construction workers are a plus! Health insurance…..GRRRRRRR! That's about all I can say about that!

    Mary, my DH and I have always been with each other 24/7. I guess I don't even think about it! My doctor really is the best. I was so afraid he was going to say that I didn't need him anymore! I guess I read more into at my last visit. I had to look up Peppa Pig. Nora is much cuter!

    Dara, you and those darned headaches and Cami with her D and no doctors to tell ya why? There has to be a reason! Did the ENT suggest a bite guard for at night? Did Logan dress up and go out for Halloween? (((((Dara)))))

    Hsant, I think having your dad so sharp may actually make it a bit more difficult to deal with. And yes, DH is getting colonoscopy and endoscopy.

    Sandy, not sure what procedure you are having today? Your other eye?

    Cami, it's usually pretty easy to read what you write. But everyone knows I love typos.

    NM, I'm still laffing at the stuff from Sadie's cage. It's just so darned funny. I hope today is easy on you. Any idea when you will know something about the new position at work?

    Nuttin going on here, just cleaning, working in the garden, cutting things back, transplanting my geraniums so I can bring them in for the winter. Ooooooh, what an ugly word!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- I like Leann too. I remember when she came on the scene at only 15 years old and what a voice! Have fun!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Genny, your Indians made the Cubs (and all of Chicago) sweat out every atom of strength we had. Amazing game—no matter who'd have won. You should have some bubbly too. To take it to extra innings in a Game 7, playing ping-pong with the lead? We couldn't have faced a nobler adversary!

    DOTD (duh): pink champagne!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Wow, is everyone sleeping in this morning?

    DOTD - Raspberry Pink Champagne Floats!

    Image result for pink champagne

    Raspberry Pink Champagne Floats, made with pink champagne and raspberry sorbet are the perfect Valentine's treat! Sorbet Mimosas are perfect for New Years Eve, Valentine's Day, baby showers, or wedding showers! Beautiful, EASY, and delicious!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Hi friends- rain moved in to NM last night, which we were glad to see. Sounds like it will be a bit rainy here for a few days, but Oct went down as one of the driest in history. I love the look of golden cottonwoods against the gray skies.

    ChiSandy- congrats on your team winning the series! Chicago must be one heck of a party town right now! I think I read the Cubs have not been a series since the 1930s? Is that right?

    Did you have your surgery?

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Go, Cubbies! I don't know when the last time they were in a World Series, but the last time they won was in 1908.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Per the line in Steve Goodman's immortal “The Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" (now obsolete but still funny):

    “The last time the Cubs won a National League pennant was the year we dropped The Bomb on Japan."

    That would be 1945. And the last time they actually won a World Series was 1908!

    DOTD was the remaining Mumm Napa Brut Reserve Rosé, and then we cracked open a bottle of Ch. Cazeneuve NV (from Champagne itself). Me, I had only two small flutes, maybe 6 oz. total. But I sure made it last!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Well then that is way cool. They won before the roaring twenties and were in last right around the time WWII ended. They must be ecstaic!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, you have NO idea how crazy things are around here right now. They finally announced the celebration details for tomorrow: the parade will start at 10 am just e. of Wrigley Field on Addison St. (good luck getting a seat on the L), head west past the stadium and hang a left going south on Clark St. all the way to Oak St. From there it will head east on Oak to Michigan Ave and turn right, ending two miles south at Hutchinson Field in Grant Park (scene of the 2008 Election Night celebration at which Obama made his victory speech). There the rally should start at about noon. They are expecting close to a million people along the parade route and in the park. They're setting up the Jumbotrons (like they did in 2008 to show CNN's coverage) and security stations at the entrances to the park. Expect those lines to make the TSA look like a 50-yard dash.

    Too late to get hotel rooms along the parade route (rooms normally <$300/night going for as much as $1K or more—and I already learned I can't use my HHonors points at the Hilton & Towers, formerly the Conrad Hilton). I might see if I can find some place along the way to hang out. Normally I'd say “no way, I'll watch on TV;" but at 65 this might be my last chance to witness history, especially if key players exercise free agency and the Cubs can't afford to keep them on. I'll bet that every bar and restaurant the length of Clark St. will be packed, especially the sidewalks in front.

    Headed up to Dick’s Sporting Goods now to scoop up whatever hasn’t been sold out yet.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2016

    Well, the fat lady sang, and it was obviously an aria about Chicago. We played, we conquered, but we lost. What a great World Series! Congrats to The Cubs!

    I've been living in Los Angeles since 1989, but I'm a born and bred Clevelander and proud! Needless to say, I'm a little bummed about the loss.

    Goldie, great cocktail! My dad being sharp is a good thing, because he's logical and reasonable. He's also very, very easy going, so if he doesn't like or trust someone or something, it's legit. I'm also grateful that he can still make important decisions for himself, even though I have Power of Attorney.

    2nd row seats to Leann Rimes is fantastic! I'm sure it will be a great concert. Wishing your DH the best for an easy breezy colon and endoscopy. Not fun, I'm sure.

    How is your daughter? Any progress with respect to her divorce

    Sandy, hope you're recovering well from your surgery.

    Genny, 😢😢😢😢😢😢

    Jazzy, work seems intense, but you obviously have a lot of passion for your career. Office politics are never fun.

    Native, it sounds like your on the mend. Big yay! I hope you enjoyed some limoncello or will very soon. I hope you can enjoy a relaxing weekend with Sadie.

    Cami, I just want to throw a bucket of water on all those OC "ladies", watch them melt and call it a day. I'm looking forward to Beverly Hills next month.:)

    Julie, Mema and Dara, you're in my thoughts.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, so here it is again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Not such a long day at work yesterday, but boy what a long night.I dreamed all night about earthquakes and tsunamis.As in being in them.Over and over again. Not being able to get away from it.Kept trying to get to the top of Cadillac Mountain, kept running into road blocks, couldn't convince my friends to go with me, kept getting caught inside buildings and watching people getting washed away.Very bothersome.I am more tired now than when I went to bed.Wonder where all this came from?Normally I enjoy disaster movies!Poor Sadie, I must have been tossing and turning a lot, she kept jumping up and down off the bed and looks like her butt is dragging this ayem, too!

    Jazzy--sounds like the project is going to be very interesting at go live time!Hope the vendor input helps.I'm on the 5 year plan for the scope for the same reason, really don't want to be going through all that, so hard to find someone to drive me.Around here you can't do the drop off/pick up thing, someone has to come with you and STAY, so I have to tie up someone for the whole day.Very annoying.I need recovery time after anesthesia, too, will only do procedures on a Friday unless I can take 2-3 days off.

    Goldie--I'm thinking of buying Sadie a cook book for Christmas!Don't know when I'll hear anything about the new position.I think the position has to be posted for a specific period of time, need to look that up if I get some time.So I don't know when to expect to hear anything more.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Looks like today could be another long day at work, but at least when it's over it will be over for a couple of days.We'll see how it goes.

    Goldie--the Raspberry Pink Champagne Floats look MARVELOUS!Do you think they would make a good breakfast drink?Maybe not for a workday, hm?

    Jazzy-we're getting a nice gentle, steady rain here, too, very much needed.And so glad it's not the white stuff!


    Chi--how long can you make 6 ounces of vino last?:)

    Hsant-- the Limoncello is still unopened, but in the fridge and ready to go, maybe tonight when I get home from work.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Chicago Cocktail

    2 oz brandy
    1 dash bitters
    1/4 tsp triple sec

    Rub the rim of an old-fashioned glass with lemon and dip in powdered sugar. Pour the brandy, bitters and triple sec into a mixing glass half-filled with cracked ice. Stir well. Pour into the prepared glass, and serve.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- I had a full and productive day at home yesterday and up early today heading out

    NM- tsunami's are a dream I have when I am feeling overwhelmed. The big waves are symbolic of that "hard to keep my head above water" thing. Perhaps that is your feeling having been sick and then that puts us behind at home and everywhere else? Ahh, but the weekend is upon us, right? I know how those turbulent dreams make it hard for a good night's sleep. I was dreaming of baby owls and leopards last night (I have animal dreams a lot.....). I hope you get some good sleep tonight.

    ChiSandy- sounds like quite the good time in Chicago. Too bad you cannot get a hotel on your points (I am Hilton fan too, I racked up some nice points from our Waldorf stay there). You should do the parade if you can, it is a historic event and will be a great time no doubt! Let us know if you go and how it was?

    Goldie- yesterday was alternating showers and sun but I can already hear the wind outside this morning. Got a warm outfit put together for today's meeting as there will be a walk to and from the casino where the conference will be. Looking forward to meeting new people and hearing some new things. I have an idea about presenting at this event next year possibly, but want to check it out first.

    Hsant- I hope things are improving with the care your dad is receiving. With you being there by his side, you are helping both of you with this time of transition. He is very fortunate to have a daughter to take such good care of him. Sorry that your team lost too. We have one happy and one disappointed sister here.

    Gotta get going to my busy day. I see a trip to the gym for a swim and a soak after the conference today.

    Time change this weekend friends, and don't forget to vote on Tuesday too, if you already have not!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Got caught up, I just had super bad D for a while and felt icky.

    OMG what a tme Chicago has had--There were more than 5,000,000 peeps to see the cubs stuff yesterday. I was watching TV and u couldn't see the end of peeps just a sea of blue caps and they dyed the river blue too. Noe one arrest or crazy stuff so tht really brought the city together, it was the most people ever anywhere for anything, that's how loyal the fans are. I always like the Cubs, we were a Cubs family so it was really needed and a shot in the arm for the city. I don't think anyone went to work either.

    Hsant it's good to hear how good u'r dad is doing, amazing. nd I too m waiting for Beverly Hills to start, watch that one too. LOL

    NM u sound so much better, and u must be wanting this new job more than u think. Poor Sadie.

    Sandy how r u doing and u'r DH? what a week u guys had and then the Cubs.

    I'll be back lateh.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, we got some well needed rain here as well. Unfortunately it was at a time where we had to go out. Slippin and a slidin the entire 6 miles.

    Sandy, be safe out there with all of that celebrating going on!

    Hsant, glad that dad is doing well. I know he is in hospice, but I don't think he is at home, is that correct? As for my DD, there has been no divorce. It appears that her SO is out of prison, but he and the girlfriend have appeared to be broken up. And he is perhaps back in Michigan living with his dad.

    NM, what a strange night of dreams, tornadoes, tsunami's, etc. LOL@ buying Sadie a cookbook. I still just laff my butt off just thinking of that picture. It truly was everything she needed. Did you ever get any of that amaranth to come up? Hopefully a relaxing weekend for you.

    BossLady, you and that damned D, I'm so sorry. You really should look into getting some MMJ and trying it. It's can't hurt, that's for sure! The pictures I saw of the river looked green to me.

    All went well with DH's scopes. Upper and lower is all good, just a little bit of diverticulosis and a bit of internal hemroids. The gal that answers the phone for us, her and her husband are coming up from Phoenix for the day. Need to get some last minute cleaning done. Burgers on the grill today.

    Adults 21-and-over can enjoy a Mr. Cub No. 14 Cocktail, served in limited-edition souvenir glasses on the main concourse at section 109 and the bleacher patio in left field. This Cubbie Blue (not "Bleed Cubbie Blue," I should point out) cocktail features Smirnoff Vodka, Blue Curacao and lemonade, served with a slice of lemon and a cherry:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Yesterday was a pretty good work day, actually got out of work ata reasonable time!Slept in the ayem, buthave a headache this ayem.This headache has been coming and going for a week now and I'm tired of it.Need to figure out where it's coming from and fix it.Probably need to exercise or something unpleasant like that.Sigh.

    Jazzy--good point about the Tsunami dream.I have been feeling a bit like Alice in Wonderland, running as fast as I can just to stay in the same place.I did sleep well last night, though. And planning on a nap this afternoon, I so love Saturday afternoon naps!

    Cammy--you may have a point about wanting the new position more than I realize.Trying to be patient and not get my hopes up.

    Goldie--DD's POS hubby may be back in the states?That sucks but make make it easier for her to get a divorce, maybe?I didn't see any of the aramanth.Maybe it takes a couple seasons to show up?It wasn't a good summer for new stuff this year.Hooray for DH's clear scope results!

    Nice looking DOTD!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- my day was a good one at the conference yesterday and ran into some colleagues I have not seen in awhile, met some great new folks, also identified some training I want to do next spring. Felt good to do this as several of the things I had planned this year through another prof association totally fell apart for me. I am also going to another prof org event next weekend (a women tech group that meets a couple times a year for wine tasting events). Less about learning, more about networking and drinking!

    Oh but there was one particularly AWFUL presenter who was just an oddball and talked about himself and the head of education for this group for almost the first half the hour; about his experience, how great she is, how much he loves working for her. Thanks for the fascinating details on your crush, but can we talk about your presentation please? Well, that was awful too, a very basic presentation about how to fill out a project plan that would be useful to a brand new project manager but not for the seasoned group sitting there. At the end, the timekeeper was abrupt and said "you are out of time". If I were that education director, I would be embarrassed that I asked him to speak!

    We had a whole day of hard rain yesterday and like you Goldie, a bit messy out there and was raining on the way in to the conference, then after I went to do some errands and all the way home and all last night. The yard and patio are very soaked and we may have a lot more today too, although I see blue sky and clouds around this morning. They said we may get up to 2 inches with this storm, and since we are 3 inches behind for the year so this storm is a welcome visitor. It definitely feels like fall now!

    I went to do a bit of early Xmas shopping last night to Chicos and got some gift cards that will be going in the mail, plus a few cute things for myself. But alas, I had asked the sales person to put aside this cute red jacket and scarf that were on sale that are perfect for work and found they were not in my bag today. She was new and kept apologizing for that and not being as quick with things. Well, I have been that girl too and checked on line and found both items there as well so I just ordered them. Everything else I will do will be on line this season. I hate the Xmas shopping frenzy.

    Today is my last day working for the campaign and will go down in a few hours to get the word out for this last day of voting and to be sure we continue encourage getting the word out to the remaining folks who have not early or absentee voted about their remaining options. Tuesday is going to be a nail-biter for sure.

    Cami- I am sorry about the D. I woke up with it myself last night but also did it to myself. I like this sugar free cookies that taste just like oreos but you know some of those artifical sweetners can be a laxative. I need to stay away from those. My GI tract does better when I don't eat those. I hope things calm down today for you, so frustrating.

    Goldie- OMG, I love blue drinks. Blue Hawaiian is one of my favs when I go there. I hope Sandy will have one of those for us!

    Glad to hear DH's scoping went well. I had both of those two last check, along with 2 tiny polyps. Hoping for no surprises with mine in a few more weeks.

    NM- hoping you are continuing to feel better. Does Sadie enjoy her Chewy box? I was thinking I should tell my sister about that idea for her golden.

    Wishing all a good day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, half my wardrobe seems to be from Chico’s (or as I call it, “Forever 61”).

    Didn’t get to the parade or the rally—housekeeper had to take her husband to the V.A. for his medical appts., and I had to be home for the Peapod grocery delivery & the monthly exterminator visit. I wouldn’t have made it there in time anyhow, nor would I have been able to see anything since all the tall guys would have blocked my view on the sidewalk. They did the math and realized that there was no way they’d be able to get downtown via Clark St. in under an hour, so instead they headed south on Lake Shore Dr., down Michigan Ave. (faster than even the most lead-footed cabbie I’ve ever had) to Grant Park. I’d never have gotten a seat on the train either. It was still SRO today—I was lucky to snag one of the “seniors” seats.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    NM, I had to chuckle at your comment of having to "Probably need to exercise or something unpleasant like that. Sigh." I've never been one that "enjoyed" exercising, wish I were! I don't ask my DD about the POS husband, cuz I think she gets tired of hearing it. Again, when she does something, she has to go over to St. Thomas. So she has to get to the ferry and take that over to St. Thomas, then get a taxi to go where ever it is you need to go, taxi back to the ferry and ferry back over to St. John. And she went back and forth so much before and got nowhere. I hope you got that nap yesterday!

    Jazzy, we did not get any more rain yesterday. And I have no idea where we are as far as yearly totals. Driving 6 miles in the mud is a mess for sure! Sorry about the missing coat, glad you found it online and that you weren't charged for it in the store. My DH likes the Blue Hawaiian drink too. We had many of them in HI, along with Lava Flows. And the ones made with icecream are so yummy!

    Sandy, sorry you didn't make it to the parade/rally.

    Another quiet night in the lounge. I need to get on those tomatoes today. Had company yesterday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Image result for blue hawaii cocktail