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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Haven't gone around fixing the clocks yet, still need to do that.Not looking forward to full dark at 4 pm, but I guess I'll survive.Just wish I wasn't so tired all the time. . .

    Jazzy--nothing worse than an awful presenter at a conference.I really have trouble staying focused when the presenter reads the PowerPoint slides.I can read them way faster than any one reading it out loud, then just sit and get bored waiting for the reader to catch up with me.But by the time the reader gets to the next slide, I've been daydreaming and can't remember the previous one!I hate the Christmas shopping craziness, too.I am feeling better, but still having coughing episodes, so still got some remnants of asthma going on.

    Chi--ah, a grocery delivery, wish there was that available where I live.On line grocery shopping, the ultimate is avoiding impulse buys and poor food choices!Ah, well, someday, maybe.

    Goldie--Lava Flow?Haven't heard of that drink, will need to look it up! Didn't get a nap yesterday, went out to visit Auntie Linda's Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel,trying to teach her how to text so she's less isolated.She can't talk clearly since having a stroke a year or so ago and doesn't call anyone on the phone anymore.She and Sadie had some good cuddle time.She spoils Sadie terribly!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lava Flow Cocktail

    1 oz. coconut rum

    1 oz. light rum

    1/2 banana

    2 oz. pineapple juice

    2 oz. coconut cream

    2 oz. frozen strawberries

    The key to preparation is to blend the strawberries and rums separately from the other ingredients, rinsing the blender between steps. (If using strawberry puree, you can skip this and simply blend all ingredients except the puree.)

    Pour the strawberry mix or the puree to the bottom of a large glass (a collins or hurricane glass). Then add the blender ingredients, or as it's often done, reverse and pour the strawberry mix on top. The red strawberry mix swirls in the drink, simulating a lava flow.

    Here's the recipe for the Lava Flow at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel:

    Dr. Joey's Royal Hawaiian Lava Flow

    Muddle in the bottom of a Boston shaker glass:

    2 fresh strawberries

    1-2 in. slice of banana

    Fill shaker glass with ice and then add:

    1 oz. coconut cream (Coco Lopez)

    1 oz. pineapple juice

    1.5 oz. Mount Gay Rum (or other golden rum)

    Cover with top of the Boston shaker, shake vigorously. Pour into a hurricane glass. Garnish pineapple wedge and paper parasol. Enjoy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Hi friends- I have been a girl on the go, but taking a break here and watching an interesting show on the election on Frontline. Ha ha, jazzy cannot get enough of the election! Trust me, I am ready for it to be over, but also fascinated by some of the things happening right now. Not been anything like this in my lifetime!

    I did do my last stint at the campaign HQ yesterday and it was a record turn out for phone bank and canvassers yesterday. The energy in that space was palpable! Early voting ended yesterday, so now the push is on to do outreach to those who have not either done early voting or mail in ballot. They were encouraging me to come to the evening celebration, but just cannot do a late night on Tuesday. My work here is done!

    We had a bad hail storm late yesterday afternoon and unfortunately, my cute little convertible took a hit. I had met a friend for coffee after my volunteer work and we both looked at the sky as we were leaving, and did not like the look of it. By the time I got to my car, the rain had started, but some pretty big hail too. Marble sized or larger and sat pretty afraid in the car and was scared it might break the windshield. No where to run or hide for shelter, so I decided to get the heck out of there (sun shining to the west told me this was a localized mess). By the time I got on the highway and heading west, I was out of it. After I got home, I found small dents on the hood of my car, so I put in a claim on line last night with my insurance company.

    Several friends were posting last night about the hail storm and told them to go check their cars and roofs. Several of them found dents in their cars too. Today I met a friend for breakfast and did not mention anything about the car (been lots of car things this year, the conversation gets old....), and she was on the freeway when it happened. She said she thought her car was okay but asked me to look with her after we ate, and sure enough, she has some small dents too (not as many as I do on mine though). She was upset, but we all are. I have lived here 20 years and this will be my THIRD hail related claim since 2013. I call myself a "hail magnet" but think our storms are much worse here than they used to be. I have an auto body shop that has done work on this car and will call them in the am to make an apt to bring it in this week. Cars can be fixed and glad nothing worse happened, and it that storm was nowhere near my house thankfully. This weather system seems to be out of here now for the most part.

    Today on the way home from breakfast, I stopped at my fav mattress store as I saw the mattress I bought last time was on sale and on my list to get a new one, as there is a spring sticking out the side and that tells me it is time. Been almost 13 years since my last one when I moved into this house, and as they did not have the foundation but will get it in this week and have it delivered on 11/20. Now I just need to get a new phone and i am done with my upgrades for 2016!

    Got some house things to do and hope you are all adjusting to the time change. I was awake too early and feel a nap coming on......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Hi girls, sorry to be M I A again. I've been feeling horrible and very frustrated that I'm getting nowhere with the headaches.

    The World Series, oh my God, that was the best World Series game I have ever seen. A true nailbiter. Both teams gave it their all. Congratulations Sandy and Camille and my sympathies go to Jazzy and my Genny. You should all be proud as it was truly a great series.

    NM, what horrible dreams you had. Jazzy makes a good point and wow, she had the same dream! I also suspect it is due to the stress you are enduring at work. I am cracking up too over the picture of Sadie and the things that she had in her crate. And laughing my ass off at getting her a cookbook for Christmas. She is such a hoot, God bless her. I hope you're enjoying your weekend and you're able to relax. Give Sadie a kiss and a tummy tickle from me.

    Jazzy, sorry you are having headaches too, I certainly feel for you. I will get into my saga later. And sorry your conference was ruined by the awful presenter. Nothing like listening to a narcissist go on and on and on. I hope you feel better today and I hope that your weather improves. That is wild how much damage all the hail did.

    Cammy I am so glad that you were able to watch the festivities on TV. And wow wow wow, 5 million people and a record breaking turn out, amazing. And I always wondered how they dyed the river, I recall they dye that river green on Saint patties day if I am not mistaken! I hate so much that you had a bad episode of the big D yet again. I will keep praying for you, it is so NOT FN FAIR. I can totally relate to unfair, iworld, more so than cancer although mine was a low stage and low grade cancer, the recon was hell to say the least. Anger is one of many negative emotions I have been feeling over the last few months and it consumes me at times. You seem to handle the kicks in the ass better than I am. As does our Lori, Sue and well most of my goilst. I love you to the moon girl friend hope you feel me putting my arms around you in a big fat dorky style hug.

    Hsant, you've made me laugh and your talk about the World Series and the fat lady singing. She sure did sing but as you said both teams played and did conquer. Each team were winners as far as I am concerned so I take back de apologies and say congrats to you and my Genny too! I am glad that your dad is doing so well. I also wondered if he is at home or in the hospital. I hope that he is at home with you. I'm still thinking about that bitch nurse that was so insensitive and I hope that my curse on her worked. Oh I put another curse on her today. I pictured her riding her bicycle and crashing into a tree and smashing her nose. She has a big bruise on her nose and her chin and her lip is black and blue with a big cut. She will be all right over time but I sure hope she understands the power of my curses and the reason for it being so insensitive to the way she treated you, that bitch.

    Julie Julie Julie, where art thou Julie? Hope you are doing well and able to smile at least for the most part of each day. I know the pain of your loss I know that it does not get easier as quickly as we would like it too. Hugs and lots of love to you my dear friend.

    Sandy, sorry that you did not make the parade. I thought that I might find you either on Clark Street or Oak and then ended up seeing someone that looked like you on Michigan Ave LOL. Were you able to find any good loot at Dick's sporting goods? By the way whenever I see the name DICKS, I chuckle inside. Yes I am a simpleton and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm glad that your trip was good. Whenever you perform, I am quite envious as I really miss performing... and in a major way. Whenever I hear any of the scores we used to play, weather on TV, radio, or even in commercials, I get depressed over not being in the band and more so for giving it up because of that job that I sacrificed SO much for. Ef them. Anywho... I am way too rusty to go back besides the headaches along with my numb left hand would make it impossible to do well. Poor poor me, POUR ME A DWINK hehe!

    Genny, Nora is so adorable love her Halloween outfit. I had a trick or treater that looked just like her. Thanks for essplaining. I guess yer hot hubby is done his travels for awhile and home this weekend? And I hate construction in the workplace, ick. LOL on the residents with the hardhats - love it!

    where's my Sue?

    I don't want to get into my appts and such, still searching for a cause of the headaches. Saw a neurologist last week and have tests coming up - so fed up with feeling like chit! I could not sleep last night, pain was severe. Ugh! Need some calgon and JD!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    I stocked up on T-shirts and a couple of commemorative pint glasses at Dick's—they'd run out of the World Series Champs hats by 3 am. (I was lucky to get the Series “participant" hat the night of Game 1—they were rationing one to a customer). The line outside (40 min. long) was full of people already in Cubs World Championship gear, obviously stocking up to resell online or otherwise. Sure enough, en route home, I saw a house in Lincolnwood that had a pop-up souvenir stand in the front yard. I didn't even bother to stop, because I knew there'd be some serious price-gouging going on. And on Fri. night when I went to see the last episode of the comedy show Gordy directed (“Election," an improv mock debate in which the audience chose the two nominees, the moderator asked questions both she and selected audience members wrote, the “nominees" had to answer in character and the troupe fleshed out with background sketches, and the audience chose the “winner"), I got to talking with a cast member who moonlights as a Sun-Times copy editor—the Sports desk was able to pre-order the coveted hats for them for the sticker price of $35; she said complete strangers came up to her on her commute home and were trying to outbid each other to get her to sell her hat for as much as $1500! (She’s keeping it, of course). Meanwhile, I just ordered an official Cubs Pandora charm (licensed by both Pandora & the MLB). They only had either the sterling silver dangles or the baseball beads (I got the latter). Inexplicably, they had the ash-wood (from recycled bats) beads for every other team but not the Cubs.

    Believe it or not, we have Bar Show choral rehearsal Tues. night!!! (Doubt anyone’s minds will be on the music—but at least one will be absent due to her duties as an Asst. US Atty for the DOJ, which include making arrests for election-related offenses reported by the Asst State’s Attys—which include state Asst Attys Gen’s deputized as ASAs for the day—I pulled that duty twice when I was an AAG, and got to turn in two goons to the AUSA). Gonna be a wild L ride home. Bob canceled all office hrs & procedures for Wed. morning—whichever way it turns out, he expects to be hung over—either happily or depressedly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Monday!Start of a new week, with a new time deal to get used to, Yeah!Can you all hear the sarcasm there?

    Jazzy--Wow, had hail here too, yesterday morning!Just rock salt size, no damage, but then the car was in the garage.What's really scary is the number of house fires recently.Seems like a home is destroyed somewhere in the state almost every night recently.This morning they are reporting that one homeowner put in new smoke detectors 2 weeks ago and they didn't go off, probably cuz the fire started in the attic, above the detectors.So, so scary.Ooh, a new mattress, what luxury!Sounds like you've done quite the list of upgrades!

    Dara--Sadie says "Thanks" for the kiss and tummy tickle!Fortunately my dreams have gone back to normal--silly things, entertaining things, nothing memorable, and nothing upsetting.I so wish you could find a cause for the headaches and get it taken care of.Headaches are not fun.And I hope your curse hits that bad Hospice nurse straight on!She deserves it!

    Chi--that improve show sounds like it was a blast! Improve can be sooooo funny!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Donald

    Tall and golden like a gilded casino tower, this choice is anything but subtle.

    • 2 oz vodka
    • .5 oz Goldschläger gold-leaf cinnamon schnapps
    • Orange juice

    Garnish: Orange wheel and cotton candy

    Pour the vodka and Goldschläger into an ice-filled Collins glass, and top with the orange juice. Garnish with an orange wheel and big puff of cotton candy.

    From <>

    The Hillary

    A riff on the classic Democrat cocktail, this option's a little stiffer than the one you might ordinarily choose.

    • 2.5 oz gin
    • 1.5 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • .5 oz peach liqueur
    • .5 oz honey syrup*
    • Soda water

    Garnish: Lemon wheel

    Pour all of the ingredients except the soda water into an ice-filled Collins glass, stir, and top with the soda water. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, sorry about the hail damage and to your convertible no less. Maybe you should have put the top down….j/k! Happened to my hubby with one of his trucks. And for us, we are always afraid it will bust our solar panels. Congrats on the new mattress, I love mine. We have a memory foam one.

    My sweet Wacko friend, I'm always so glad to see you pop in. I just hate that those headaches are so debilitating for you. I hope your up coming appt's. help. Cracking up on the curse you put on the nurse for Hsant's dad.

    Sandy, I forgot about all the sales stuff after a big game win like that. I hope you got enough.

    NM, I hope your week goes smoothly. Love the DOTD choices. I'll have Donald, but only cuz I prefer vodka over gin!

    Need to meet with our accountant this morning, then have to wash and detail the new truck so it can be put away for the winter.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Election Day!Get out and vote, protect your right to complain about the state of government affairs!

    Goldie--So far so good this week, yesterday was only an hour over.Today should be more interesting, currently set as an 8 unit day, a full day is 5 units, but mostly in one nursing home so much less travel time.We'll see how it works out.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bad Hombre

    1 dash chili bitters
    2 dashes chocolate bitters
    1/4 ounce creme de cacao (Tempus Fugit brand)
    3/4 ounce Cocchi di Torino vermouth
    2 ounces Ilegal Reposado

    Stir well over ice, pour into a cocktail glass, garnish with a small chili de arbol balanced on the rim and a sprinkling of fresh cinnamon.

    Photo courtesy Nicky Beyries

    Nasty Woman

    3 Thai basil leaves
    1/2 ounce simple syrup
    3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
    2 ounces Square One basil vodka

    Shake, double strain into a glass, and top with about 1.5 ounces Fever-Tree Bitter Lemon soda. Garnish with a spring of Thai basil.

    Don't have these fancy ingredients at home? Try Tom Philpott's out-of-the-cabinet Bad Hombre:

    4 ounces mezcal
    2 ounces dry vermouth
    2 splashes Cointreau
    2-4 dashes of orange bitters
    A pinch of chipotle powder (or smoked hot paprika)
    A teaspoon each of salt and chipotle powder (or smoked hot paprika), mixed and laid out on a small plate
    Garnish: two quarter orange slices, dusted on both sides with salt and chipotle powder.

    Wipe the edges of two coupe glasses with an orange slice to moisten. Dip them into the salt-powder mixture to line the edge.

    Combine the mezcal, vermouth, Cointreau, a pinch of chipotle powder, and the bitters in a jar. Add ice cubes, stir vigorously, and strain into the coupes. Garnish with the oranges slices. Serves two.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Good morning girls, sorry to be away so long again, just busy with projects around here as my DH is at a trade show in Chicago and I've been cleaning closets and such and busy with the dogs and just realized I haven't picked up my computer in days. He left Saturday and will be home tomorrow and I'm trying to get those ...rather do when home alone projects done. So the fat lady did indeed sing, it was a great game and if Cleveland was going to lose I'm glad it was to the Cubs. I am soooooo glad it is finally election day, 18 months of this... ugh! I sent mine in absentee, first time to do that but since I am working today, I'm glad I got it done. Looks like everyone here is basically doing ok, can't address everyone now and I have a bit more reading to do to catch up but hope all of you have a good Tuesday.

    Haha NM, love the drinks!

    • Cartoon: election somebody had to win (medium) by rmay tagged election ...
      • Royston Cartoons: Election day cartoon

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Well well goiles! Not even sure what to say! NM, Genny....good morning!

    Well, I've tried 2 different things with my green tomatoes, and DH didn't care for either. Have another huge bowl of them, they are going in the trash! We leave Thursday morning for Laughlin, home Sunday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- it's big day in this country. I think historians will have a grand time analyzing this election for all it has been. But like Genny, I am ready to not hear anything about politics on the tube for a long, LONG time. I voted several weeks ago with early voting, which I think I told you all and we had some historic early voting numbers here in NM (as well as all around the country). Hopefully that will make the lines in the more urban areas better, but for those of you in the burbs or rural areas, wishing you short line today if you did not absentee vote.

    Genny- glad you are getting some things done around home. I am going through closets as well and took a round of items to consignment a week or so ago, and more going this Saturday. And then there will be things for donations too. You go girl!

    NM- those cocktails are awesome! I want one of those Nasty Woman drinks!

    Your work week started out well from the sounds of it, and glad to hear that. I hope that your residual resp. stuff, including the asthma, is better. I woke up today and reminded myself I need to get in for a flu shot this week. It's time and just put a reminder in my phone to go to Walgreens this weekend and get er done! I hope you are feeling better as time goes along.

    Dara- I am sorry to hear you still have such bad pain and no resolution. I think anyone who has been a cancer patient and has such a serious pain needs to be worked up until something is found. I know you are going down all the pathways available.

    Goldie- hope you got that truck taken care of. I am getting things put away for the season change. The storms have passed on through finally, and hope to get some work done in the yard this weekend. The leaves are coming down off the ash tree and the rosemary bushes need pruning. Those will be my Sunday chores!

    I talked to the insurance company and the assessor yesterday and will have some things checked out tomorrow on the hail damage. Going to my auto body shop first thing and then have the insurance folks coming to my client site to look at the car over there later in the morning. By tomorrow, I will know what this may look like. I am going to probably get the work done after the holidays as right now, I have too much going on and not enough space to deal with the drop offs and pick ups, etc. To me, it's the hassle of everything and right now, I have enough hassles.

    Cami- you busy with work? Is the D better?

    Gotta get going folks, have a good day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Happy Election Day ladies! I'm off to vote then get an EMG on my hand, hoping the issue is bixable and not permanent damage. I have an EEG scheduled for next week. Also tring to figure out the phantom dental pain. ENT is guessing nerve damage from perforation, good God, only me. Each day next week, I have a medical appointment, takes me back to the early days of the rat bastard DX. Worst part of it all, gotta stop dwinking due to new med starting today, well maybe...picking it up today, we will see, might need mese Jack for election results Loopy

    So agree that I'll be super happy that election day will be over and I can watch non cable TV again. I get pissy every year that on my bday late Oct, I can't escape the political adds. And this year, other than the horrific presidential adds. there is a war in PA Senate, Toomey vs McGinty, that is Shady Katie McGinty, Really, they stoop soooo low and make me ill. May the best man win for president. I have a hard time accepting either of the candidates but will vote for the one that I feel is the least of the two evils, ugh! God Bless America and may Americans get back to blessing God, Amen I say!

    Bless you goils doing your organizing.

    NM, hope n EZ day.

    Lori, sorry bout the mators in the trash, booooo bummmmmmmer! Have fun.

    Hi eberybuddy else.

    Ooops, gotz ta run, cheerS!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy yes, we got the truck all washed, vacuumed, cleaned out and put away for the winter. We only got out 2 times this year for camping. I hope your ride can be fixed without any moola outta yer pocket.

    Mary, I guess your DH will be home today. Are you hosting for TG?

    Dara, you poor thing you! Nerve damage, but they only "think" it might be that? How about TELLING you what the problem is. I sure get sick of doctors "guessing" what is wrong with us.

    Well, I guess it's a trump kinda day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- on the run to get my car checked out for dents this morning.

    I won't get into my feelings about what happened last night, but will say for those of you with ACA plans, you need to be thinking about what you will do next year if it gets repealed.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, no shit. I'm scared. We've used the ACA since 2014. Our premiums are high, but doable. Before, our premiums were higher than our mortgage. We use a PPO Gold plan with Blue Shield, and it didn't disappoint when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May/2015.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning my wonderful ladies.

    Sorry I've been MIA again, but a bad few days, which I promise I won't bore u with.

    Jazzy I cn't believe how bad the hail must have been, wow haven't seen that around here in a long time, but we did have rain, but no big deal.

    Lori throwing out tomatoes? Holy chit, that's sad after all the wrk u put into that. How are u doing tho> U sound good.

    NM u and Miss Jazzy, the busy bees, but u did have a nice weekend, and chit we're all ready for hump day wow.

    Dara u r having a hell of a time and yet all I can think of is that big hole in u'r body, I never saw anything like that in my life--u have the oddest things going on, but they'd better find out what the hell these headaches are, it's impossible to think right when u have them. (((DARA)))

    Up all nite with the election, so glad its over--hate all the crap being thrown around, just to much. Now history has been written and we'll see how it goes. And yet I had to watch all of it. But I have to say I read some things I FB and thought to much for me, and left it alone. Whoever won we have to be behind them or we fail again as United--Well time will tell.

    Love the DOTD drinks going on NM no favoritism for u on that subject.

    Leslie is dying my hair today had a long time to wait, cuz she was s sick, so finally getting it done and she'll trim it all up too. She can be handy.

    I know I'm not talking to everyone by name, but I just wanted to poop in and I'm still shakey from the last few days, BTW Joey was a fantastic help, what a blessing I have.

    I'll check in later

    I LUBS U ALL and wish I lived next door to u too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Image result for elections 2016It's over, whew

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    No time to ketsup, so gonna start wherever I start.

    From reading it looks like those who have been suffering are still suffering and w/no answers. My heart aches for all of you, hope it turns around soon.

    Well, got the new micro-wave and new stainless steel double sink. Hopefully no more water leaks. Have been extremely busy. Quit smoking on Sept 30, the 1st 30 days I was ok, even in the bar, but last few days, well since Sat, been cheating. Told DH, he was not happy, but I say, 'hey, it's my life and if I choose to have occasional smoke, then that's on me'. I kno he does/says things only to help me, but it actually puts more pressure on me. My DS came to visit on Sat and bought me 1 pk…I average about 2 cigs a day. Oh well, we shall see what happens.

    Good news, am leaving for Cancun on Tues the 22nd and coming back Mon the 28th. Do ya think I'm excited….hail yah!!

    NM - you are feeling better sounds like anyway. Am praying you are. Yep, was supposed to get extra hour of sleep, but I had forgotten to change the clocks so I got up essentially an hour too early, LOL. Love the Lava Flow!!

    Lowee - sawee u had to dump the green maters. I don't care for them either, but I did like the movie 'Fried Green Tomatoes'. U leaving again

    Jazzy - OMG, glad the hail storm did not damage ur car too much. That is scary stuff. I got a new phone too, thot it'd b easier to operate, but alas not to be, gonna have to call for help soon as I finish here.

    Dara - it was a Grrrr8 WS. We did not wish for a win either side, but we watched them, all very exciting. Congrates to the Cubs and those who follow them. Am not happy that u r still experiencing the headaches. Mine have subsided a lot since using a mouth guard at night. I get earaches up to my brain when I fall asleep without the guard. Sending u big HUGZ. Keep us posted on the test results. MUAH!

    Mary - good to see you. I relate to being busy. Hope u r feeling well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    No DOTD for me today—alcohol is for celebration. Carbs are for consolation….

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I hope everyone is feeling OK.

    Dara what's happening? Headaches are the pitts, they'd better come up with an answer for u, I really hope they do.

    Julie where are u???

    SusyQ nice to hear about u'r sink, but CANCUN?? oh wow what a trip that will be for u---total relaxation and comfort. I've never been but heard it's great. Another Busy Bee

    Well people are in the street again, and not for dancing, holding up traffic, I just do't want to see anyone hurt. There are cars all over the place along with these people, that's what worries me.

    The weather will be a little chilly but at this time of year great actually. So far we've been lucky. Caught NM cold/sinus thing, not great. But Joey made me tea last nite, for some reason he makes the best tea, he really lets it steep for a while, then rewarms it. Of course I didn't teach anyone that. Never thought of it actually.

    OK I'll get myself set up for work, I can't believe how busy it is, I know last year wasn't like this, I know it's silly cuz it certainly isn't a hard job, but I've noticed now people need to talk to me more than once and I have to figure stuff out, I don't like figuring, but I do anyway. I'll try to stop by later--LUBS U ALL

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    ChiSandy: me, I'm trying to figure out how to combine carbs and alcohol. And worrying about the ACA, big time. No way could I have afforded breast cancer treatment without it, or any of the other things I've had done in the past few years.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Hi ladies- heading out to work shortly and busy day ahead. After some very exhausting days for a number of reasons, I went to bed early last night and am the better for it today. Will go to the gym for a swim tonight. Water for healing.......

    The visit to the car place and insurance adjuster stuff got done quickly yesterday. Few thou to bang out the dents and get my convertible back to where I want her to be. Going to wait until January when I am done with this contract as I have no time for it now. They are swamped with folks needing repairs, some much bigger than mine. I am glad I had this car vs. the Subaru as my friends with those did not fair as well. Having the rag top helped. No panels needing replacement but they found far more dings that me.

    Chi- we were at a business dinner the other night when the vendor suggested we order a bottle of wine. Four of the six of us drinking that and as the results came in, he suggested another bottle. By then, I really needed it. We all scattered to go home and see the rest.

    Cami- I have sworn off FB and the national news right now as I am so exhausted from everything and not interested in mean people either, but do see on the local news about the protests (if not outright riots). We are heading into a period of great turbulence.

    Queen- I am going to explore whether any of the companies here who contract with my docs have a business plan I can get on to for 2017. It is an option for me, but not for many who are not business owners. They won't overturn it that fast, but it will happen and not sure there will be anything to replace it unless they expand Medicare to the 20 plus million who need ACA.

    Hsant- thinking of you and your dad and hope your days together are special.

    Dara- worried for you and the headaches

    Genny- hope you are getting those closets cleared out. I am going to take more to consignment this weekend.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day, if that is possible right now. Lubs you all

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2016

    Native, your dream of tsunamis and earthquakes sounds dreadful. You must be under a lot of stress. Any news about the promotion? You deserve it!

    I hope you and Sadie get to enjoy a relaxing weekend. And I hope the headache has gone bye bye. Lol about exercising!

    Goldie, crazy stuff surrounding your daughter. I would think it would be hard for her to pursue a divorce from the Virgin Islands. All that matters is that she's happy. My dad is at home. I will keep him home for as long as I can, and then I will have him go into a fancy hospice facility. It's not a nursing home. There are six apartments (brand new), and each patient gets his/her own nurse.

    Glad everything went well with your hubby's scopes. He must be relieved that's out of the way.

    Dara, I hope everything went well with the EMG. Dental pain is the worst. Geez, between the toothache and headache you must be so uncomfortable and that breaks my heart. Wishing you quick relief on both soon. {{{{Dara}}}}. Btw, I don't know what {{{insert name}}} means, but I assume it's something warm and fuzzy, and not go f***k yourself.:). You crack me up with your curse, but I also greatly appreciate it.

    Genny, I need to clean out my dad's closet and go through his stuff. So not looking forward to it. Under the best situation, I hate cleaning out closets. Ugh. Good for you for being so productive while your DH is away on business.

    Jazzy, sorry about the car. Hail can do a lot of damage.

    It really sucks.

    Memasue, Cancun...woohoo! Sun, surf, beach, Margaritas here you come!

    Quitting cigarettes is sooooo hard. I've quit a total of 4 times. I haven't smoked a cigarette in 8 years, but I still chew nicotine gum. Have you tried this? I'm not a fan of the patch.

    Cami, part 1 of the OC reunion was a little boring. I'm starting to like Kelly over the three witches (Shannon, Heather,Tamra). Did you watch the season premier of Vanderpump Rules? Oy Vey!! Such a low, even for me. I hope the big D is behaving itself and you get some relief.

    Not much going on here, which is a good thing. My dad is still thriving on prednisone (knock on wood). We were going to go out for dinner, but I'm hoarse, so if I am coming down with something, I don't want to spread the love to my dad. I'm wearing one of those disposable masks just in case.

    Hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Friday Morning Ladies. Yes Hsant these ((({{{{ and even --- are lubs. there can be no signs for eff word cuz that says it all. U'r dad sounds good and that's so nice to hear..These silly colds are all over the place and I'm sure u'r trying u'r best so u' dad won't catch it. Oy vey is right about these reuniuns and shows, I still haven't watched Vander..... one yet, I always think Robin (the Drs. wife) always tries to watch a little cuz she's also selling beauty products on EVINE and then her husband is on Botched, which for now is a strong show, so she kind of acts like a peacemaker and quietly isn't LOL

    Jazzy I didn't realize the hail was that bad, whoa--u r so prompt in lookng after and taking care of things. Jeez we could never be room mates. LOL--It's funny cuz when I read how u plan and manage u'r time (as most of u do) I get jealous cuz once in a while I do plan on doing things, then I don't-- Actually years ago I was much better than now. One time my sister came over and walked in and I yelled excuse the mess, and when she sat down we both looked around and she said wht mess? and I said I was so used to saying that it just came out. Now when I say it I hear OMG it really is. My boss tells people about it, the guys come over to drop things off just to see it. F**kin animals---see Hsant that's what u do.

    My boos has a 2 yr. old son and next Saturday they are having a BD party for him, I so hope to go. I didn't get him much but Joey said what I got him was a popular thing for 2 and 3 yr. olds. So maybe it'll be OK. For Christmas I'm getting him a silly pillow, (he's the only one I buy for now) actually I'm getting one for myself too. I love them. They are so comfy LOL

    OK I'll close for now.

    Everyone have a good TGIF day--it is Friday right?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinks with vodka

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Hi friends- better day yesterday and got a lot done with the management out and a quiet afternoon. We are doing a check on our readiness to deliver this project in December as targeted and hope to have a good session on that today. A great guy from one of the vendor teams and myself will tag team it on the facilitation for this. We have the main vendor coming in for a visit next week and going to be another busy one. There is too much to do right now and my clients managers and directors are checked out. We had a talk about the lack of urgency around this project this week, but I cannot make these people care. I know they are overloaded and burnt out. I guess she already read a couple of them the riot act this week. It's pretty gnarly around there and am glad I will be done soon.

    We get bad hail storms here now. I lived in TX for three years long ago, and bad weather was something we always expected. More than a few hail storms when I lived there, an a few twisters too. TX has car ports in many places to protect vehicles, including some malls and shopping centers. At least they used to, and that was good for the times you had to park outside, whether at an apt complex or other location. Not sure that is true anymore.

    I have a couple friends who are not being cool with me about the election. Their candidate won and mine did not. But they are coming at me with some unkindness, so I think I am going to just TUNE THEM OUT. What is that expression, if you have the choice to be right or be kind, always choose kind? I am off of FB for the time being. Going through cancer and many other things taught me you don't have to stick around for people's unhelpful words.

    Cami- I lubs flavored vodka and have to check that out! Hope you can enjoy the party.

    Hsant- sorry to hear you may be coming down with something. So much stress with doing this on your own, but your dad sounds like he is doing okay and that is good news. Take care of you too, okay?

    Not sure if any of you have served in the military or perhaps you have family that is (I have a nephew who is in the Army). But wanted to just extend my blessings to you and yours for this Veterans Day and to thank you everyone for their service to this country.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2016

    i'm back, thank you for all the kind thoughts,just trying to get caught up

    lori-tmsThumbsDownhope its just a blip

    cammi-saw dd was back at work on fb so hope she's ok and not overdoing it!

    hsanso sorry for what that nurse said to you and doing a long distance hug!glad your enjoying your time with your dad

    dara-hope your ct had solved the problem of your ha's ,and drinking to your appeal going well but why do you have to appeal if they granted it in the first place? and why did they need to inteview you? puzzled

    nm-nurses are lousy at taking care of themselves but you need to to,sadie needs you

    ok pcp apointment this aftenoon, need to get ready will catch up more later

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good evening, Loungettes!Been a couple of long days again at work, starting early to get some of the paperwork done and then the day would drag out into the evening.I am getting very tired again.Not sure what I can do to make things different, but I'll keep looking for a way. . .

    Genny--I bet you'll be glad to have the DH home again.And I am so glad to get my TV back, and now if only the election mail will stop filling up my box I'll be happy!

    Goldie--You will be in Laughlin today, hope you are having fun!

    Jazzy--I live in a town of less than 2000 people, even during "rush hour" at the polls there was no waiting!Hope the insurance will cover the hail damage for you.

    Dara--Yikes, medical appointments every day?So not fun.But if they can find a cause for all the pain and crap and FIX it, will be worth it.I agree, the political ads got so dirty it was shameful.There was a Senate war on here, too, and both parties aired some very mud-slingy ads.They were painful to see/hear.I got so sick of it I stopped turning on broadcast TV and only turned on Netflix or Amazon Prime so I could control what I saw.

    Hi, hsant!

    Cammy--I would so like to get my hair done, and my nails done, and just generally have a spa day like I had on the Disney cruise.Needs me some pampering!Maybe Leslie can come to my place?

    Mema--Cancun?Can I squeeze into a suitcase and got with you?????

    Chi--love the alcohol for celebration, carbs for consolation idea!

    Cammy--so good to know Joey is a tea connoisseur!

    Hi, Queenie!

    Jazzy--I keep hoping the political stuff will calm down on FB, if it doesn't soon I probably will give it up completely.Every post turns into an argument, so not interested in all the drama.

    Hsant--not a word about the position.Going toreapply this weekend since there have been a lot of computer problems at work recently, see if it got "lost" or something.Or at least ask why I don't qualify.The automated e-mail I got said they had received the application, it would be reviewed and I would be contacted if I qualified.That hospice facility does sound very fancy!I wonder if they are hiring.?.?

    Cammy--What kind of silly pillows did you get?Nice peach DOTD!!!!!

    Jazzy--The thought of tornados terrifies me.How can you live someplace where something so deadly can just appear out of nowhere and suck you off the face of the Earth?I'll stay in New England with my blizzards and ice storms.At least you know those are coming days if not weeks before they arrive!

    Julie--glad to see you back in the Lounge!And yes, we nurses do need to do a better job taking care of ourselves.It's just so hard to do that, though. . .

    Princess Leia of Maine's Night Cap of the Night:

    Lavender Honey Cream Cocktail


    1.5 oz Square One Botanical Spirit

    1 oz Organic heavy cream

    1 oz Organic egg white

    1 oz Lavender Honey Syrup

    Garnish: Lavender blossoms

    Glass: Cocktail


    Add all the ingredients to a cocktail shaker and fill with ice.

    Shake gently for 30 seconds.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

    Garnish with a few lavender blossoms.

    Lavender Honey Syrup: Combine .25 cup lavender honey with .25 cup boiling water. Stir gently until the honey is dissolved. Let cool and store in a squeeze bottle.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    NM- well, your application is stuck in HR no doubt! I know in most places, it takes months to get an interview, but hopefully since it is internal, it will happen faster. Fingers crossed for you!

    What do you and Sadie have on tap for the weekend? Do you have a yard with leaves to rake?

    I had a good readiness assessment for my go live today. Still have work to do, but think we got it all out on the table today. The other vendor is in next week so there will be much to do.

    But now, on to the weekend and a soak in the jacuzzi tub with a glass of wine.......


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Hi Ladies.

    Welcome back JULIE, we missed u. I hope u'r doing OK.

    Jazzy nice pic. looks great and relaxing. Oh don't pay atrention to any of the people ribbing u, that's why I don't talk politics in that way on FB to many opinions and who really knows. Anyway I did not like how any of this was handled and so glad it's over, way to dirty for everyone.IMO. Well u sound busy as anything and NM is so right about Tornadoes they terrify me and when the skies get that color it's scary and they go any which way, they choose the path.

    NM I'm glad u reminded me about Lori I couldn't remember and I too hope she's having fun. Well I don't understand all the computer talk but can u send another form in just in case, or is that to pushy? U would be fantastic for that job, u r so organized and feeling I wish u the best for it. I think u know that. Beside it would be better for Sadie too. This cold has taken over this house too, and Leslie didn't cut our hair tonite she came home from work not feeling to well and tomorrow has I think 4 app'ts so she went to bed early. And BTW she doesn't do anything for us really, she did dye my hair this week--that's it --no spa treatment nothing. LOL She turned me down for a good message cuz she's not certified to do cancer people, Brat.

    Well just thought I'd poop in and see what's happening and I did.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Saturday!Lots of wind last night, lots of branches down today.But the sun is so nice to see and feel!I am so tired of it being full dark at 4 pm already.Going to be a long winter, I think.

    Jazzy--no leaves to rake for me, thank goodness.Do have some branches to pick up, though.Glad the readiness assessment was good.Praying the go live goes smoothly!

    Cammy--Ah, well, it was a fun idea to have Leslie come do a spa day.Probably cost too much when I factor in travel expenses, hmm?Hope she feels better soon, and isn't overdoing it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Fireball Apple Slushies


    • 1 c. ice
    • 1 c. apple cider
    • 1/4 c. Fireball


    1. In a blender, combine ice, apple cider, and fireball. Blend until combined.
    2. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon, and serve.