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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Did I scare every one away?

    Guess I';ll take the opportunity to steal Jock away for a massage by the pool!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- good day yesterday getting things done around the house and then took a break to go to my women in tech event. Sat with a good friend and reconnected with others. This place does great wine tastings and they had one food pairing that was out of this world with a crab meat stuffed avocado in what tasted like a Bearnaise sauce. The red wines are always my favorite and we had some great Cote Du Rhone as well as some other delcious Italian wines and finished it off with a nice Bordeaux. ChiSandy, this whole event would have been quite to your liking!

    NM- I hope you had a good day yesterday and got some branches taken care of. Sadie probably picked some up and helped no doubt. I am still thinking about her box with the cooking stuff. That dog has talent!

    Cami- it is hard to go back to work after any surgery. The GB stuff takes time to feel better from. I hope she was able to rest yesterday and feel better. Hoping your D is staying in check.

    Queen- I saw on another thread you have a birthday! Wishing you a good one sister!


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    (squeals with delight) Jack Sparrow for my birthday! How did you know that's what I wanted?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Queen- just had a feeling. Who would not love this?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Hi girls,

    Been missing you all but reading. Gonna be all about mese k? Had my EMG and low and behold, de numbness in mese right hand is bixable, that is de good news. The bad news is that I have severe carpal tunnel in both hands and will need surgery to correct. Funny ting, and might a told yas, I returned a new laptop telling them that the keyboard was messed up, not knowing that the issue was my fingers until I had the same problem with the replacement. It is so hard to type, I keep hitting something that skips the cursor back to the middle of a word, it makes me nucking FUTS!

    I was to the oral surgeon this week about the phantom dental pain and I might just be making some progress on that AND the headaches!! I am hopeful. And I tink it was Mema who suggested that this could be the issue. It is known that I grind my teeth in my sleep and clench during the day. I had already undergone a complete upper cosmetic restoration as I ground my teeth crooked. And I could never wear my night guard as it gagged me so bad. Well this doctor suggested something called the NTI-tss guard. Here is the issue and resolution:

    Grinding/clenching are considerable negative inputs into the Trigeminal Nerve Sensory Nucleus.

    Headache episodes are the result of an imbalanced, "irritable" Trigeminal Nerve System.

    Excessive negative input results in an increase in headache frequency and/or intensity.

    Eliminating intense clenching/grinding can significantly reduce negative input to the Trigeminal system and thereby reduce it irritability, thereby reducing/eliminate headaches altogether

    I checked it out and it is quite pricey. And of course, I have no dental insurance. Anyway, the inventor of the appliance and his current wife had experienced severe headaches for years as children into adulthood. I watched several stories of other patients of his and many lectures by this hot doctor when I ran across a "contact me" email address. Well don't ya know, I had no expectation of hearing back from him but I. And he hooked me up with a link for my oral surgeon surgeon to order the appliance 100% free since I told him my sad story.

    So wow, shocked first that I heard back from him at all but so quickly. But more impressed when he answered many questions for me. He is one amazing human being. And did I say he is HOT? He is from the LA area and OMG, I want him lol. Sooo.... he was able to tie the pain from the tooth extraction and the timing to the headaches and also tie in the reason for the hair pain which started months earlier (first sign was while on the cruise with you goils and Gennie was blowing out my hair and I complained that she was hurting me and she commented that I was one of those with "tender scalp". That escalated with me making my hairdresser change the brush she used to having constant hair pain (which this good doctor is calling Allodynia, tied to the blasted headaches). So.... I am so hopeful. And I finally believe that I am not gonna die soon! wooo hooo!!

    Have the EEG this week, find out surgery dates for my bum hands and uh forget what else. Here is a pic of the hot doc and his gorgeous family!

    cheeRs girls, ya'll have a great week!!


    Now if Lori could just ditch the blonde wife and insert ME there that would be spectacular woooo baby! ~ cept the cowboy hats!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Dara dear- you can't do that doc. Just sayin.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday!Start of a new week, another chance to make a difference in the world, right?If only it wasn't so dark outside. . . .

    Jazzy-- Sadie is definitely a "help" when it comes to yard work, especially moving stuff around.As fast as I could pile up stuff she grabs some of it and chases me around to throw it for her.Gotta love a retriever!

    Happy Birthday, Queenie!!!

    Dara--oh dear, carpal tunnel is not fun.Surgery is not fun.At least the surgery will fix the problem.Not that surgery is anything to look forward to.Good news too about the teeth grinding and headache issue, and wow for the guy answering your e-mail AND giving you a free fixer device! Boy, he IS hot!Looks taken, though.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Blue Monday


    • 1 oz. Piña Colada Mix
    • 1 oz Vodka
    • 1/2 oz Blue Curacao Liquor
    • 2 oz Pineapple Juice
    • 1 oz Crushed Ice

    Preparation Directions

    Whirl in a blender until smooth.

    Pour into wineglass.

    Garnish with maraschino cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    LDB, you are going to Cancun? Woot woot for you goil. Who are you going with?

    Julie, welcome home. Albeit the situation, I hope you had a good time with your family.

    Cami, hair colored but not cut. What color?

    Dara, my sweet sweet Wacko, you can make it all about you, that's fine. At least we get to see you! Glad your hand is bixable. Had a friend, one we went camping with, she just had both her hands done. I think she had to wait like 3-6 months in between the two surgeries. As for key strokes, and them doing ghostly things, drives me nuts too. The cowboy hats are cute! And WOWSA, you are getting the apparatus for free! Good for you! When do you get it? How long before it starts working?

    NM, that super moon should be lighting your way in the morning, at least for a few days.

    Had a fun weekend. Concert was great…of course! Went the to the movies twice, got my hair cut. Today is a town day. Dentist and eye appt. Need to see if my eyes can be fixed. I can't go out without sunglasses. This has only happened in the last 6 months and I think it's permanent damage from the FU pills, as I see other gals having the same issue.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    O M G DARA leave it to u to to all that u did and getting things fixed up. I admire u so and not only is he H O T he's wonderful. He's sending it free. I'm so happy for u, what a great feeling to look forward to this being done and over with. Well I am sorry about the surgery, but if it will solve this problem u will be so all right--it's all so promising. U so deserve this rainbow and every color in it. (BTW I still see that whole in u'r body, my eyes, my eyes)

    Queen I'm sorry I missed u, I hope u come back and hope u had a wonderful Birthday.

    NM u'r in a hurry I think, but it sounds like u did some stuff this weekend and as usual Sadie helped, now u'll find more stuff in her place. I still love the cooking stuff, what a riot.

    Jazzy yeow u had some time too. How nice to go to nice places and enjoy u'rself so much U know I have always bought my sister Merlot (she likes that) but never knew that there were so so many types to really make a difference. Can u and Sandy gice me an idea of something like that, or a decent Merlot?

    I told u my kids went to a concert at Rosemont, they saw Richard Elliot and Joey was so in the minority of young people but he loved it as did my kids. And they got to meet him and get his autograph and pics of course. They had front row seats so they really loved it. Leslie's GF got an A for sending those tickets--her DH is in the band part. And Les knows him too. Anyway I didn't know if u ever heard of him, cuz I never did--he plays the sax.

    Oh NM I think u asked about the pillows I'm buying for my boss's little one and myself. They re shaped like a foot in neon colors and I think they are adorable. U can cuddle with the smallest part of the foot. LOL

    When does Lori come back? it should be soon I guess,

    It's certainly not like u gals, but for me I've been very busy with work and problems also (drivers) I try to take care of everything so by the time it gets to Dan it's pretty much solved, I don't know why I do that, I just have to in my mind.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    YAAAAAAA I see Lori is back and had a great time, Good for u Lori. All this complications tho, don't like any of this.

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinks with vodka DOTD for Queens BD, too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Wacko, do you want all 4 kids? Or would you like to down size?



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Cami: don't worry, I never left! just a bit distracted for the last couple of months (Hear that? it's the sound of my computer networking class swooshing straight over my head. But I'm learning a lot.)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Cami, WA seems to be producing the best Merlots in the U.S. right now, though they aren’t cheap. My favorite WA winery is Maryhill. Chile is putting out some good ones too, from the Maipo Valley, and they’re more affordable.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    OMG Lori, I jest love you so much. Imma gonna print this out and frame it then take it in to my office when I get a job. lol. Oh, I like having the four kids since I don't have to pay for their college nor worry when they start dating, join the military etc. You made my day.I'd love to put that on my facebook but uh, prolly not smart. Hmm, something to ponder!

    will try to get back a little later, gotta pick up my car and return my loaner by 6 pee em


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Welcome Back Julie!

    Image result for happy birthday queen

    Happy Birthhday queen!!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Thank you, Dara! I'm-a spread the joy out over at least a week. I'm like that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Thanks Sandy, I knew I could count on u. How r u feeling?

    Queen spread it as long as u can.

    Dara, Lori where have I seen this pic. before, everyone looks so familiar to me???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Feeling ok physically, Cami (my body is getting used to these daily Bar Show rehearsals but still have trouble putting arms & feet together…which was why I never became a dancer). I get refracted this Thursday—good thing, because w/o glasses I have to use concealer and I suck at it. (Caught my reflection in the train window en route home tonight…my undereye bags are big enough that they wouldn’t fit into the overheads on a plane). Emotionally? Another story, but one that cannot be discussed here w/o violating bco rules.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!No news yet on the position I applied for, but I did see that the position isn't posted any more. Not sure what that means, but we will see.Trying to be patient. And trying to keep up with the workload.I feel like Alice in Wonderland, running as fast as I can just to stay in the same place.Phew!

    Goldie--the super moon is hiding behind clouds this ayem.Did get a look at it last night, pretty impressivewhile it's near the horizon!Hoping the needing sunglasses issues is a fixable thing.

    Cammy--I saw Sadie smuggling a slotted serving spoon into her crate last night, so she's restarting her collection.Such a funny dog, you'd think she never got fed the way she goes after food!Foot pillows, hmm?Sounds like fun!You are such a good and helpful employee, no wonder your boss loves you!

    YUMMY Ice layered Cake Dwinky!!!

    Morning, Queenie!

    Hey, Dara!

    Chi--glad to hear the physical side of things is going well.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD is Cammy's Ice Layered Cake!

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinks with vodka

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    I love marmalade!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy I'm glad u feel OK, but again I'm confused--what is refracted? And BTW I have the medal for black bags--(Italian thing) bad enough to have bags but black. I've seen that bye ye foundation and it looks really good, but right now (when I do go out) I use Smart Cover, but I'm way off topic I think. I also have ADD I think.

    I talked to my Dr. and she thinks I should go to another hospital, like Loyola or Downtown Chicago to see a Gastr. I don't get it, don't all Drs. know the same things, or is there a special group that have secrets from others. Right now I have a small fever from this head thing that I caught from NM and I have a party sat. GRRRRRRRRRR--I hope to make t least 2 parties this year and one of them being Christmas, fingers crossed and prayers. Sandy I realize fingers crossed might be difficult for u, since u could never be a dancer, and prayers well need I say more.

    Lori, did u tell us about u'r trip? And how u felt during it? SusyQ is still in Cancun or Cabo or Cuba, something that starts with a C I think.

    Joey got accepted at some college in Iowa or Idaho ??Again same first letter. We were LOLing cuz they wrote that since he started HS he has to start planning his future. He's only in 7th grade but takes all HS classes, he's all pressured out cuz he actually thinks he has to make up his mind soon. Poor kid there's no money for him so he'd better do something to get in anywhere. He can't even throw a ball, but he's in the band--He's going to be crushed in HS as a big Nerd, I know it.

    OK I have to write my boss and tell him how sick I am but I will not let him down, I will work cuz that's the kinda gal I am. And sonce I don't have to dress or leave my bedroom, I can handle it.

    Hsant did u watch Part 2 of the reunions yet. I'll watch Orange count pretty soon and see how that goes.

    Have a good day everyone.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    NM I'm all wet u pushed me right into our pewl---Let us know about work ASAP.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- busy week underway and like NM, trying to keep up. Got my other vendor coming in today and expect to be very busy the next few days working to be ready for our go live. No pewl for me today but you all have a great time!

    NM- that visual of Sadie with the spoon his hilarious. My sisters retriever acts like she has not seen a drop of food her whole life. Dogs and their endless appetite.

    Cami- wow, acceptance letters already? If there is no money for college, hopefully he will qualify for some good scholarships and he should go for those. And it's okay to be a nerd in high school, I was interested in science and did a lot with music and held my own. Remind Joey that the nerds are the kids that everyone should like, as they will be the ones everyone will be working for some day! Ever check in on some of the prom kings and queens of days gone by? Facebook has been an enlightening one for that.

    Chi- hugs sister on all fronts. I understand.

    Dara- I am glad they found out about the carpal tunnel. I wish you relief with the headaches!

    Goldie, Hsant, Genny, and everyone else here, wishing you a good day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Yes Boss Lady, I'm back. I saw Joey's picture with that sax player. Now that you explain it, I know why I didn't know who it was! Yes, I did tell about my trip, nuttin too exciting. And I don't think Suzi Q has left yet, but I could be wrong on that one. I was thinking it was closer to TG. College letters for Joey, wow. What does he actually want to do? Sorry you are feeling under the weather too. Another doctor? Well?????????? What can it hurt???????????

    LOL Wacko, glad you like your new family. I'll bix you up!

    Queen, Happy belated Birthday. Did you do anything special?

    Sandy, you made me laff with your comment about the bags under your eyes not fitting into the overhead bins! Sorry to laff, but sorry about the eyes and whatever the emotional issues are that you can't discuss. I would have no idea if I have broken any rules or not. Most likely YES!

    NM, the sun glasses issue is more of a PITA than anything else. And certainly one of the easier things I have to deal with! Fingers crossed on the job front Alice.

    Jazzy, good advice to Cami ie Joey and nerds. Did you take that moon picture?

    I moosta say, the moon didn't look any dif to me. I guess I didn't have the right horizon. No biggie. Taiwan gal (Lilian) will be here this evening, staying until Saturday, which is when I have my eye appt. I thought it was yesterday. Dentist only yesterday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- no not my photo, trademark on bottom from what ever artist took that. Desert Rat. Love that!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Goldie: trip to my in-laws over my actual birthday, trip to Chicago over Thanksgiving (opera, mainly) which I'm considering my official birthday celebration.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    I started writing this yesterday and will pick up where I left off!!


    Hi everyone,

    Missing MemaSue around here, gots some tekilla for her.

    Lori, thanks again doing the pic, what a great laugh. Glad you guys had a nice time away... It sucks that you have those eye issues from the FU pills.

    Cam, How's the D? Hope it is absent. Prayers to ya. I would ask at the likker store for a suggestion for an inexpensive melot that is good, usually what I do when shopping for others since I know about nada about vino! Or listen so Sandy, she shirley knows her chit about wine!.

    NM, OMG, Sadie just keeps on cracking me the hail up. wonder what she is plotting with the slotted spoon LOL. I checked out the super moon last night and it did nothing for me, Contrary, the brightness made my head hurt more. Hoping that the absence of the job listing means something good for you.

    Sandy, good God, I am so sorry that you are dealing with so much. I hope you heal quickly both emotionally and physically. You do find a way of putting humor in your words despite feeling cruddy. Here's a big hug for you (((Sandy))). Keep on playing those gigs, I am envious because I do not have that escape.

    Camille oh my God another 'IST doc and this time at the hospital? Well it's certainly can't help to look for a good Gastro at a local hospital. You've been dealing with this for way too long. It makes me sad that you just want to go out twice and one of those outings is Christmas?? Life sucks sometimes doesn't it? Joey will do great in high school, and even better after - that young man is going to go places! Lots of hugs to ya honey, muah!!

    Queenie, I hope you continue to enjoy your birthday month!

    Jazzy, sorry for no pool today. You and the other girls are right. It is amazing that Joey is getting acceptance letters for college already. I hope your work goes well. And good point on the prom kings and queens. Our prom queen ended up in jail for drug dealing crank, you know the speed. Thanks for your hugs. And she was also our class president. She went of off the deep end freshman year of college. and our prom king, well he is obese and bald and it is suspected that he is gay. Not that I have an issue with that WHATSOEVER. He is a great guy and if he is gay, I wish he could/would open up about it so people would stop mentioning that "Nicky has never married". SO what. I hated when people said that about me since I was 29 when I first married. Anyway, I always liked him, he was very handsome and nice. (And a good kisser I might add)! TMI?

    Lori, enjoy Lilian's company.

    Some new developments with my issues, two more appointments this week for a total of five to go in three days (one is for an inspection of my new solar panals

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    OMG, lost a lot of my post. and not gonna retype bcuz it takes me sooo blasted fn long with my stewpid we todd ed fingers, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHs!H !!!!!!!!!!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    “Refracted” is a good thing: it is the process of testing vision (near, far, focus, astigmatism) to determine the prescription necessary to correct any or all of those factors. It means my eyes have achieved a “new (improved) normal.”

    Cami, all doctors learn the basics. Used to be that if one was not a specialist or subspecialist, (s)he was a “general practitioner” who was an old-fashioned town or family doc. But now family practice is a specialty all its own. Primary care docs (who are the insurance gatekeepers and maintain your general health) are usually either internists (internal medicine), family practitioners, gerontologists (for seniors) or OB-Gyns (for women). Specialization has become necessary as the knowledge base of various bodily systems and diseases has grown like wildfire. So gastroenterologists know stuff cardiologists don't, cardiologists know stuff OB-gyns don’t, OB-Gyns know stuff ophthalmologists don’t, ophthalmologists know stuff oncologists don’t and so on and so forth.