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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Raining here, been raining all night, we badly need the water so this is a good thing.I got almost half an inch overnight.Going to be a long day today if I don't get some help, got essentially a double day lined up.Hopefully I'll get some help, if not don't know what I'm going to do, cuz I can't do all that needs doing today, and there is no room to move any visits to Thurs or Fri.Ah, well, such is the life of a working gal, right?

    Cammy--Sorry to share my cold with you.Meant to keep it to myself, but those little viruses are slippery buggers.It would be so nice to be able to work from home and not have to get dressed.Your doc may have a good idea, not all docs know the same thing, especially specialists.Where they work makes a difference to the resources they have access to, and if they are involved in research that's a bonus, cuz they are most up to date.Not all specialists keep up with all the changes and research.

    Sorry for pushing you into the pewl--shall we swim over to the jacuzzi and catch some bubbles, and maybe some bubbly?

    Jazzy--Labradors are notorious for being food motivated, and Sadie is no different.She'll act like she's starving 30 seconds after wolfing down a bowl of dog food.It's crazy.Wow, what a moon!

    Goldie--the moon didn't look much different to me either, and it hasn't the other times this year there has been a supermoon or whatever.For something that only happens once every 500 yearsI seem to hear about it almost every month!

    Dara--I'm hoping the absence of the job listing is a good sign, too!You are really racking up the appointments!Are you trying to set a record?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Brain Pain Killer



    Pour vodka, Jose Cuervo gold tequila, mezcal and creme de bananes into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Brain Pain Killer recipe

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Doctors and specialization: there can even be specialists within a specialtyt (e.g. someone with Ehler-Danlos syndrome can't use the same neurosurgeon as someone without--yes, someone I know had that problem. We're in Michigan. Mine's local. They had to have surgery at Johns Hopkins.)

    It's enough to drive patients to drink.....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, I thought maybe it was "Desert Rat's" picture. That is a cute name. I know a guy up in Holbrook, he makes spices, salts and such. But the name of his company is "Dusty River". Due to the fact that it's so dry out here and all the rivers are really just washes.

    Dara, did you get the get the picture? Waiting to hear what the new developments are. I saw your sweet baby in his "Elma" costume. He is so cute. When do you get that thing for your mouth, and no, I don't mean a gag! That picture of the good doc and his family is like the perfect picture. The one they would put in a picture frame that you were purchasing.

    Cami, so are you going to see the specialist? I kind of hope so.

    NM, if you can't get to it all, you just can't. I hope you don't beat yourself up over it. LOL, you are so right about seeing a super moon every month!

    Queen, I may have asked before, what part of MI are you in? SW?

    Lilian made it just fine. Getting the last of my maters out of the garden and going to have our last BLT's of the year. She's never had one!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- I am trying to get to the gym more now that the weather is colder and outdoor exercise is less appealing. Did a solid weight work out last night and plan to go again tomorrow night after my hair cut. The weekends are so much easier to get to the gym because of not having to be anywhere usually. One of my colleagues told me yesterday he admired my "dedication" to the gym and I laughed and said I was not that dedicated. Before I went, I stopped at the nearby Starbucks for a delicious ice tea and some holiday blend coffee. Good coffee is a must in the morning for this girl!

    We are expected to get a cold snap and temps in the 20s tonight. I think the hard freeze may finally be coming. Goodbye gardens until next spring.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy: you've met my cats, then? Though I'm now owned by not only a greedy little bowling ball of a calico miss but also her brother. Much more athletic and with a distinct piratical tendency in regard food left out. I can imagine them conspiring: he shoves the turkey off the counter, they carry it off together at a gallop.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    So I have a cat story. While I was on vacation last month, I had a friend watching the house and she said "I did know you had a cat?" I said I don't (I have several allergies so no pets for me) and she said there was a black and white cat in my backyard hanging around every day. I know this cat, he seems to like my yard and think he belongs to the neighbor. Anyways, she told me she really thinks he may be stray, so she buys me some dry crunchies and a bowl for this cat.

    I discovered after I was back he had been sleeping on the chairs for my new patio furniture (white cat hair abounds!), so I knew he did seem to be camping out in the yard. So out the bowl and crunchies went and have seen him around eating them.

    Enter cat number 2, who is an adorable calico (tortoise shell) and she has a collar and a tag, but comes up to my back door like she is wanting something or wants in. She is not a shy one like the B&W, but think she now looks for a snack too. She was out there this morning, and after I filled up the dish, she came out of hiding to eat. Photo of her below.

    I am officially a cat lady now!


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    They know who loves them! (There's a stripy gentleman in the neighborhood who's presented himself upon my porch and into my lap more than once.)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, yesterday didn't turn out to be quite so long a day as I thought it would, did get some help, and have help for today and tomorrow, too, which is good cuz I have an admission scheduled today that is a situation described as a train wreck--meaning complicated, complex, multiple issues/problems, and going to need lots and lots of work.Can't wait to find out what's going on, I love getting into these situations and sorting them out!

    Queenie--too true about specialists within specialities.Micro-specialists?It keeps getting crazier and crazier.

    Goldie--how can someone not have had a BLT?She's in for an experience!

    Jazzy--good coffee certainly is a MUST!It's an essential food group for me.So far temps are still way above normal here.I'm certainly not complaining!

    Cute turkey disposal unit!

    Oh, my, you ARE a cat lady now!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Hep Cat



    Stir all ingredients together over cracked ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Hep Cat recipe

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Goldie: how did I miss your question? (blushes in embarrassment) I'm not ignoring you, really. I live in extreme SW Michigan, such that South Bend and Chicago are closer than any Michigan urban area, which makes finding medical specialists that my insurance will accept a bit interesting.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, our cold snap is hitting tonight, going down into the 20's. Ha ha, I am not allergic to animals, always had a dog, except in my current relationship. Anyways, it's the hair that drives me nuts. Having all that hair on my patio furniture, my NEW patio furniture would make me crazy. I wouldn't even be able to sit on it!

    NM, glad you got help yesterday, today and tomorrow. You'll have to let us know what the complications are. For us nosy folks. Lilian LOVED her BLT, even had a second one. I put egg and cheese also on that one, and she loved that even more! Of course it is the tomatoes out of the garden that makes them. And with that freeze coming tonight, no more maters!

    Queen, I didn't think you were ignoring. And I was right. So I must have asked you before.

    Super duper windy day here today. Need to tie down the solar panels. Looks like they are getting snow up in UT and CO. I hate winter, and it getting dark so early.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- I took the cushions off and cleaned the cat hair off and put them in storage in the garage for winter. Mr. Cat Thang won't like laying under the cover on the cold metal chairs.

    It is super windy here today, front is moving on through!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    It hit 75 today on the SW Side, where I went for my final eye surgery followup appt. and got refracted. (20/20 R., 20/40 L with a bit of residual astigmatism, 2.50 reading correction in both—strange, because lately I haven’t seemed to need glasses to read anything but the fine print on shampoo bottles and nail polish label foldouts, and for those 1.50 and 1.75 has seemed to work). I wore sandals all day, and skipped the jacket. Only reason I changed to loafers to ride the L to rehearsal was that the intersection in my ‘hood near the station is undergoing sewer construction and there’s a lot of tar and gravel.

    Had some leftover filet mignon Bob brought home from a dinner at Cooper’s Hawk. Accompanied it with an oz. of 2012 Mon Ami Gabi private label Cotes de Beaune (Pinot Noir from southern Burgundy). Had to miss a wine dinner because rehearsal ran long. Tonight is the arrival of this year’s Beaujolais Nouveau—Bob’s probably going to bring some home. Will report on them.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Yesterday turned out to be a bit frustrating at work. Spent almost the entire day waiting for doctor's offices to do their thing, ended up not admitting anyone, only to find out there was lots of info that only one person in the office had, and that person hadn't shared any of that with any else.

    Goldie--The person I was originally scheduled to admit didn't get admitted.One of the complications is that the person's doctor left the practice and no other doctor in the practice will take this patient on, so there is no doctor to give the admission order and write scripts for pain meds, which apparently is the big issue for this person.Glad Lillian loved the BLT, and yes it is thetomatoes fresh out of the garden that makes them so great!

    Jazzy--Poor Mr Cat, losing his cushy chair cushions!

    Chi--75 degrees, nice!Still getting up into the 50's, occasionally hitting 60 here, which is way warmer than it should be.I'm sure we'll get the cold stuff soon enough.Can ANYONE red the tiny print on the shampoo bottles these days without help?That print is SO tiny!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Naked Waiter



    Pour into an ice-filled wine goblet, and garnish with a lemon wedge.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I still have to catch up sorry. I started to but my eyes are still kinda burning. I got sicker and vomiting and just couldn't move for a couple of days. Fever went right along, feeling a little bit better cuz vomiting stopped--well dry heaves (TMI) LOL Oh one thing thos I've seen all Gastros, but my Dr.thinks I should go to the hopitals that teach, I think that's what she means--like Loyola, Lukes the University of whatever Downtown...sandy u know what ones That's why I said why don't these Gastros know what they know-WTF am I talking about??? OK let me come back when I feel better just wanted to poop in to tell u why I was MIA Actully is's cuz I'm falling apart. hehe


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Cami- I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Teaching hospitals can be a good place to go because they look at things differently. You need a Dr. House type person to figure this out for you. Hope you can get some rest and feel better sister.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Ha ha Jazzy, Mr. Thang may return in the spring to his favorite chair! Maybe just a towel will do? Windy here yesterday and brrrrrrrrr cold this morning. My thermometer was reading 12.

    Well shoot NM, maybe today will be smoother and it IS Friday. Hopefully you won't be working the weekend. I think that is so sad about the patient that can't get in just because his doctor left the practice. That's horrible.

    Sandy, I'm with NM. Who even reads those little tiny prints? It amazes me how much they can actually put on a bottle of nail polish!

    Awwww Cami, sounds like you got it bad. You poor thing you. I hope you are resting and not working. And of course we know Joey will take care of you.

    Naked Waiter eh?

    Image result for naked waiter

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- I have always been jealous of men and their ability to have a muscular firm butt! I do my machine at the gym that helps to keep my butt from saggy, but she still comes with lumps and bumps! Ah the joy of middle age. That picture is pretty hot!

    Bought a small half turkey breast last night that I will cook this weekend and have as left overs into the week, including on thursday while I relax after my procedure.

    Have a good day everyone from Mean Feathers!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Hi girls,

    Silly Stuffing reporting in!

    Lots going on here, some good, some uhe, not so good.

    Found out heaadaches and phantom dental pain/hair pain not from TMJ and very well might be from a crippling rare disease called Atypical trigeminal neuralgia. Hoping that is not the case but so far, all symptoms pointing in that direction. I am also set for surgery on my right hand in december. Hoping for a quick recovery. good news is that I have an interview on Monday. Not sure about how I feel about working but the job sounds very appealing. It is a referral from a former coworker working at a much smaller mortgage company. And I would the former coworker, Eric, by my side as a fellow loan processor. The location is decent and pay is great. Not sure about health insurance as Eric has coverage through his wife who is a union employee and pays nothing toward their coverage. Not sure how to handle my medical issues with potential employer, I have a load of dr appointments coming up... I am thinking of bringing up only the surgery for now? I did mention the headaches to my friend Eric. ugh, was not thinking of employment yet but sounds good to pass up.

    will try to report back later, had to be up for twos appts this AM. HARD time sleeping,tossed til at least 4am despite hitting bed aat midnight, eff word !!!

    Cam,prayers to you and NM< hope today is better.

    Having a hard time coping and keeping from stressing out over all this.

    cheers in spite of it all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Dara, bummer about the possibility of trigeminal neuralgia (aka tic doloreux). But there are meds like Lyrica or Neurontin that can short-circuit nerve pain. There are also semi-surgical procedures like injections to quiet the nerve.

    Cami, closest teaching hospital to you is probably Good Samaritan (Advocate) on the border of Downers Grove & Lombard/Glen Ellyn. Central DuPage is part of the Northwestern U. system. Loyola is fabulous too. The ones in the city are Rush and U of I (UIC) in the W. Side medical district; U of C in Hyde Park; and Northwestern Memorial in the near north Streeterville (the high-rent district) 'hood between the Loop & Gold Coast. But you shouldn't have to leave the west suburbs to find a great university teaching hospital!

    Bottom is dropping out weather-wise late this aft. Managed to pick the remaining tomatoes (some starting to ripen) before the storm hit. Another storm coming in 3 hrs or so (just as I have to walk to the “L" train, ugh). Still 65 degrees…but will dip into the low 40s after my rehearsal in the Loop, and below freezing overnight. Windy with flurries tomorrow—high of 40; Sunday it won't even get into the 40s!

    Of course, because this weekend are preliminary dress rehearsals for the Bar Show (at the CBA bldg. at the s. edge of the Loop), I have three choices: wrestle a suitcase on to the L (and walk it from home to the station and station to the CBA in the wind, cold, rain or snow); drive—paying $35+, walking even further between garage & CBA than the L and tomorrow fighting traffic from tourists gathering downtown for the Festival of Lights parade & show (and possibly not even finding a spot in the garage); or paying through the nose (probably “surge pricing") for Uber—assuming the driver can make it through the traffic in time. Oh, did I mention I have to be there at 9am both days? And Sunday I have to go to a friend's all-day party after rehearsal (runs till 5 pm)—so I either have to wrestle the stupid suitcase onto & off the L (his station lacks an elevator) and three long blocks to his house, or try to find parking on his very congested block.

    After-rehearsal cocktail party tonight. Gonna need it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Dara- I would not bring up any medical issues with a potential employer. Hopefully this opp is as good ass it sounds and the interview should show you if it is a good fit. You should negotiate to start after the surgery or let him know you have a personal commitment that may have you out of the office for a bit.

    I am not sure with that surgery if you would be able to work or not (thinking of computer work). Maybe find that out from the surgery center? Everything is usually negotiable once you know they want you! This sounds like a super job with people you like and good money. Will help you to get going again.

    Regarding insurance, if they don't have any to offer right now, then get yourself an ACA plan (more affordable when working!) and then with time, they may have a plan. I talked to my insurance guy and he says right now, they don't believe they will do anything to take ACA away completely because there is nothing to replace it. That may at least get you through next year?

    Sorry to hear about the other potential dx. Like ChiSandy says, there are meds to help all kinds of things. Figuring out what is wrong has been so hard, praying there is some help to manage this sister.

    You deserve a break, this has been one kinda rough year! Wishing you better days in 2017.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Yesterday got exciting toward the end of the day.Was stopped in traffic and got rear-ended by a guy in a hurry cuz he was late for work. But the time all the processing got done he was REALLY late for work!I got a good scare, and a crunched corner of the back bumper, and lost a parking light, the other guy is going to need more fixed than I am.I've been jumpy about cars coming up behind me since the big pile up a couple winters ago, now I'm really going to be jumpy about it.But, no one hurt, both of us drove away, cars can be fixed.And now people will stop laughing at me for having a seat belt adapter for Sadie!She was with me and didn't even get bounced around.Never a dull moment!

    Cammy--so sorry you've been under the weather so far and for so long.I so wish you could find an answer and make all that go away.Sometimes a teaching hospital is a good place to go, way more minds and eyes involved and more likely to identify something rare or unusual, and since you have ruled out all the usual stuff, maybe that's what you need.

    Goldie--I'm not working this weekend, and I did get out of work on time, even a little early yesterday!Not how I'd choose to do that, though.Found out that the patient now has a doctor and will be admitted next week, so that got worked out.Ooh, handsome buns!

    Jazzy--I bought 2 turkeys yesterday, one 23#, one 24#.They are residing in my freezer until Thanksgiving and Christmas for my Mom to cook.She doesn't have enough freezer space, so I "rent" my freezer space and get lovely leftovers and homemade turkey rice soup in return.I think I come out on the better end of that deal!

    Oh,my, I am either Evil Old Bird or Stinky Old Bird, depending on my real name or screen name!Sadie would be Rebel Old Pecker! Too funny!

    Dara--Silly Stuffing, I like that one!Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia?Sounds ominous.Trigeminal Neuralgia is very painful and hard to manage, I pray that's not what you've got.But at least there are some treatments for it.New job sounds promising.Hard to say how to handle the health issues, though. You certainly have enough going on to stress out over!

    Chi--wrestling suitcases, the down side of traveling!And traffic issues, such fun!And parking fees, not such fun.After-rehearsal cocktail party--FUN!

    Stinky Old Bird's DOTD:



    • ¼ cup honey
    • 1 ounce brandy, preferably V.S.O.P.
    • ½ ounce blackstrap rum, such as Cruzan or Gosling's
    • ½ ounce fresh lime juice
    • ¾ ounce St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram
    • Sprig of fresh mint, for garnish
    • Dash of Peychaud's Bitters
    • Nutritional Information


    1. Make honey syrup: In a small saucepan, mix the honey with 1/4 cup hot water from the tap. Simmer over low heat, stirring, until integrated. Set aside to cool, about 5 minutes.
    2. In a tall glass, combine the brandy, rum, lime juice and Allspice Dram with 1/2 ounce of the honey syrup. (Remaining syrup can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.) Half-fill glass with crushed ice and stir with a bar spoon or chopstick until the outside of the glass begins to frost. Add more crushed ice until it forms a small mound above the rim of the glass.
    3. Garnish by tucking the mint sprig between the ice and the glass, and insert a straw. Dash bitters over the mound of ice to give the drink a pink "hat."


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Porky Gobler here! Oh my dear!

    Jazzy, why is it guys get the nice butts. I have the worst butt ever. Actually I have NO butt! It's about as flat and saggy as they get.

    Silly Stuffing, I sure hope you don't have that disease, unless it's quite treatable! Good luck on the job front too.

    Sounds like a busy weekend for you Sandy, but the cocktail party after will make it worth it.

    NM, so glad no one hurt. I am skiddish about cars coming from a side road, whether a busy one or just a sub division. I would totally rent our frezzer space for some of the goods!

    Taking Lilian to the airport this morning, need to get moving.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- the holiday is almost upon us. It sounds like NM is flush with turkeys and know others of you have your plans in order. I am so looking forward to pushing through the few days next week of work and getting to the long weekend. But even before that, today is SPA day! Having a whole bunch of stuff done to this old bod including a massage, some foot reflexology, then another combo treatment that includes a facial, foot scrub and hot oil hair treatment. Ooh la la, can't wait!

    NM- I am SO sorry to hear about your car getting rear ended. I hope you are not sore from that this weekend. And yes, cars can be fixed, but the hassle. I bet that guy wished he had just called work to say he would be a few minutes late. Going to be kind of expensive for him now?

    Goldie- I worked with several personal trainers over my life and asked that question. Men have less fat on their bodies in general than women and apparently far less in the butt than women do. Most older men have the same issues as women, the flatter thing that also changes with some gravity. I would rewrite that song about big butts to be more like "I like firm butts and I cannot lie....." Hope your trip to the airport was an easy one.

    Cami- are you okay friend?

    Dara- do you have your interview outfit picked out and listen of questions made for the interview on Monday?

    MemaSue and Genny- hoping all is well

    Hsant- thinking of you and this time with your dad. Hope you got a different nurse.

    Queenie- when does college start for you? January?

    Wishing everyone a good weekend and if anyone is starting to travel for the holidays, be safe!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy: that's my kind of day/splurge (planning a similar though shorter encounter myself next week) I'm in now/fall semester, though taking only two classes, but yes: spring semester does start early January. (Brr. 'Hot cocoa with a generous tot of rum' weather here already.) Three business classes this time, as I think that's the direction I'll be going in. College's online registration system being a butt about allowing me into upper level (for a community college) classes, because *IT* doesn't think I have the prerequisites. (B.A. from another institution places me out of pretty much all this college's prerequisites, but I didn't take any business classes then, and realize now mumbletwitch years later that I need exactly that.)

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Good morning ladies, I've been sitting here reading and I'm all caught up. Will start this post now and come back later to finish, I have to get the dogs to the park and then exercise class at 9 then appt with attorney at 10, updating our wills. We have a holiday party tonight, first one of the season. All is good here, nothing much new to report. Haven't seen Nora in forever, trying to come up with a date to get her but no luck at this point, maybe Sunday, I'll have to see what her parents are up to. Thanksgiving is just me and hubby and MIL so going to local deli for sides and will cook a breast or small turkey. Super busy at work, ladies all wantin to be purdy for the holidays.

    NM, hoping you hear something soon about the job and I sure hope it's good news. Funny about Sadie and the food stuff, Emma is the same way and in spite of all the exercise she gets, we have to work so hard to keep the weight off her. She has a crappy metabolism like her hoomans. I just heard some noise in the kitchen and when I went to investigate I found that a piece of kibble had fallen into the water bowl and Emma was diving in with her nose trying to get it! Junior on the other hand eats only enough to survive, we mix chicken in, have to use certain bowls or put it on the floor, Emma HAS to be in the room and I have to sit on the couch and them MAYBE he will eat. If he was an only dog I would just leave food out and he would eventually eat but not an option with the big girl around. How he survived 6 months in a puppy mill I have no idea. Hope your workday goes ok and not too crazy.

    Jazzy, I have a cat, Moose and I have to keep towels on my patio furniture cause that's where he sleeps at night, during the day it's on the bed upstairs. Our patio furniture will be coming in today and he will be lost. So glad you are feeding the stray... and the collared moocher!

    Dara, nice family you have there, he is hot and beautiful low maintenance kids. Your twins are adorable, good work Goldie! So glad to hear you have some answers, sorry if I called you a wimp when I brushed your hair, 41 years in the business and I never heard of the painful hair thing. Too bad about the carpal tunnel thing, that job thing is a tough call, if you don't tell them and then need time off for appointments, might not go so well either. Did you ever end up getting workers comp?

    Lori, I finally pulled up my tomato plants, winter arrived last night. Yesterday it was in the 70's, now it's in the 30's.

    OK, above is what I wrote yesterday and never got back to it, so now I'm going to sit here till I'm all caught up.

    Lori, wow, cold in your neck of the woods, brrrr. Wowza he can wait on me anytime! Lillian never had a BLT? Did she love it? I've missed some things I guess, who is Lillian?

    Cami, I'm so sorry to hear you are so sick, sounds like the flu? I hope it moves on quickly, have you made an appt yet at the teaching hospital? Hope they can help.

    Sandy, hope which ever way you got to rehearsal it was the best choice. Did you have fun at the after party?

    Jazzy, good for you going to the gym, I've been trying to get more committed to it too, went yesterday but my knee is aggrevated so I'm taking today off. I found a 6 lb turkey for TG, there are only 3 of us so should be just right and a few leftovers.

    NM, sounds like you are getting slammed at work again, or still. Hope next week goes a bit more smoothly.

    OK girls, it is now almost 2 and I just got back to the computer, I'm going to post this even tho I didn't get to everybody. My son, DIL and Nora are coming for dinner today and due to arrive soon, I'll try to get back soon, love you girls, have a good Saturday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Stayed at the after-party about half an hour, but had to leave because I had a 45-minute L train commute (down in the Loop it’s a subway, by the time it’s in my ‘hood it’s elevated—Chicagoans call their rapid transit the “L” even when it’s a subway, but NYers call it the “subway” even when it’s elevated) and an early morning today. Had an okay Cabernet, soft & fruity but not tannic—good for pizza, nachos & chicken fingers. Had to be at rehearsal by 10:30 this a.m. Left the house about 9:40—wrestled the stupid suitcase (a small spinner) over uneven pavement in the freezing cold, wind & flurries and got to the station just in time to see my train depart. D’OH! Luckily, there was another one 3 min. later. Ran into a cast member, and she shyly flashed me her right hand….brand-new 2 ct. sparkler—she got engaged on her birthday! Arrived at rehearsal at 10:45 and only half the cast was there yet. Looooong day, multiple runs-through of the aerobic dance/gym rat number. Then after a short lunch we got into costume for the “mannequin challenge” video. (Thank goodness it was over before I almost started drooling). We did a complete run of the show, and there are going to be a couple of very quick changes where I’m gonna be cutting it pretty close. We were sitting around at the break making notes on our scripts about what pieces to stash where, whether to dash up to the dressing rooms or change in the green room or backstage. I swear, those logistics are the most stressful part of the show—been doing it since 2002, and I have had a couple of very, very close calls. (My first year, during dress rehearsal I had to do a scene with my shoes untied)!

    Anyway, we were turned loose about 4 pm (an hour early) to go home, rest, & woodshed. Tomorrow is a non-dress run, so I took my suitcase home. This time the stupid elevator at Van Buren St. was out of order, and if someone hadn’t helped me carry the suitcase down the stairs I might have missed more than one train. I had dredged up my old iPhone 3GS to use as an iPod w/o the need for either an internet connection or hours spent downloading playlists from my cloud account (I detest Apple Music, and miss iTunes). I had been using my 6S for that, but I was burning through data (the CTA trains have AT&T). So I got on the first car, fired up the 3GS in Airplane Mode to save battery power, and everything was fine till I got to my home station. Walked out on to the platform and was hit with a blast of cold air. Made it to the elevator (shared it with a couple & their kid in a stroller), and when I got to the street, the wind was so brutal that it blew one earbud out of my ear and caused the player to go crazy (speeding up, skipping from song to song). At one point, it was so strong I couldn’t even push or pull the suitcase through it—had to huddle in a doorway till it passed. The 2 blocks home were like the Iditarod without the dogs or snow. The wind actually blew my parka hood on to my head!

    Had to shop for a couple of minor costume adjustments, as well as food for Bob to take to my friend’s all-day brunch party ahead of my arrival (gonna take the L there after rehearsal). He managed to get 3 bottles of this year’s Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau…at Whole Paycheck. (Couldn’t get to an actual liquor store in time). We ate at B’way Cellars (had to circle twice for parking, a block away), I had a flute of cava and Bob a vodka martini and glass of Gavi.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Enjoying the simple things in life again, like hot water and heat.Oil ran out last weekend, got the tank refilled, but it took a couple of tries to getthe line bled and the furnace restarted.Very hard to work in a dark basement.Need to replace some light bulbs there.Got things going yesterday during the daylight hours, and now am a happy camper again!

    Porky Gobbler-- I'm glad no one was hurt, too.Especially Sadie.Which is why she has her own seat belt adapter.And yes, renting freezer space for some of the goods is a very good deal, since I have the room anyway.Hope you had a good visit with Lillian!

    Jazzy--I took Friday this week off, so I have a long weekend to enjoy, too!No particular spa plans or anything, but I do plan to enjoy! No soreness from the accident, just annoyance.And a couple of nightmares.I can deal with a couple of nightmares and some annoyance.I suspect this will be pretty expensive for him.I bought the crash report, it quotes him saying he was distracted and couldn't stop in time.And his car has a lot more damage than mine.And he expected his wife would have words for him when he got home.Still, nothing that can't be fixed.

    Queenie-- funny how one college doesn't like to recognize another college's courses.Interesting finding out what you don't know, isn't it?

    Genny--I'm hoping to hear about the job soon too.Not sure what to think about not hearing anything other than an automated notice of receipt for 3 weeks.Especially since the position is gone from the listing.The tracking site says the application is "under consideration" so I guess that's a good thing, right?Working on being patient.I can picture Emma diving for the kibble in the water bowl.Junior sure is a picky eater!It is a wonder how he survived in a puppy mill.Hope you are having fun withaNorable!

    Chi--oh, my, what a trip with the suitcase and the wind and the snow and the elevators and all!Good luck with the quick changes.What is the Mannequin Challenge?It sounds painful.

    Stinky Old Gobbler's DOTD:

    Cranberry Gingersnap

    2 oz. ginger beer

    Cranberry juice

    Lemon juice

    Grounded ginger

    Garnished: ginger snap cookie and white chocolate shavings

    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into a glass. Top with white chocolate shavings and garnish with a ginger snap cookie.




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Oh Jazzy, I'm so jelly of your "ME" day. It sounds fabulous. I totally love my husband, but I think I could be happy single.

    Queen, good luck on your upcoming school year. We'll get ya flask to take into classes with ye.

    Mary, sorry you are having Nora withdrawal. I would too! You should just call and tell them you willcome and get her. Give them an evening or two alone….period, done. YaYa gets Nora! Lilian is a gal that we met at a trade show and became friends with. She sources products for us in Taiwan and China. Also, she will go to shows with us, and she can translate for us if we need to communicate with Asian vendors. And you got a little bit of Nora, I see.

    Busy weekend for you Sandy. Glad the trains didn't give you too much trouble.

    NM, do you get a 4 day weekend over TG? That guy that hit you was no likely playing with his phone!

    Cami, are you going to go ahead and try a new doc at a teaching hospital?

    Had a nice time with Lilian. Got my eyes checked, I don't remember the name of the condition I have, but I basically have no mucus membrane over my eyeball. She said every time I blink, it's like rubbing sand paper over my eyeball! Drops every 2 hours and an ointment at night before bed. Thanks FU pills. Gonna break down the garden today, it's done!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- after being out and about, I have a day at home today for the most part, minus a trip to the gym and a few errands along the way. My new bed I bought a couple weeks ago is being delivered today, out with the old mattress and box spring and in with the new one.

    The spa day yesterday was absolutely fabulous and just what this girl needed. I ran a few errands before hand to pick up some gift cards for Xmas gifts and decided to get these cute little boxes of treats for the two people I see at this spa. This place is called the Flying Star and has the best desserts in town, and they had these great little boxes of their delicious cookies and had them pack up two to bring along. Gave them to both my folks at the spa and they were so surprised and pleased! They both got extra tips too for yesterday as part of my thanks to them taking good care of me this year. It is the time of the year for such things.

    Oh and the treatments were divine. A bit of soaking before hand in the hot tub, followed by an hour massage with focus on the feet, then a second treatment with a facial, hot oil hair treatment, and foot treatment. My tired achy feet got worked on TWICE yesterday. Feeling great this morning after an afternoon of self care.

    ChiSandy- oh the hassle with bags and stair and the like. Been there so many times, including a similar incident with an escalator at the Waldorf last month. What a day for you. I also could not help but notice about the woman with the 2 carat sparkler, that is one big diamond!

    NM- sounds like a busy day at home getting winterizing things done. I did not realize Miss Sadie was in the car with you too during the accident. Glad you are both okay. I think that man is NOT going to have a very good Thanksgiving. Distracted drivers for any reason are always trouble for others. Oh and I hope you hear something on that job soon!

    Genny- I hope your dinner was the family turned out well last night!

    Got to get going to my busy home day. Glad to be heading in to a short work week, but also preparing for my procedure on Wed. Ready to get that over with!

    Have a good Sunday Funday one and all!