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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for winter alcoholic drinks recipes images This sounded kind of good, trying to save time for NM

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny hump day gif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny hump day gif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny hump day gifJust one more

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, yesterday was a long day, started before 7 ayem, ended around 7:30 peeyem, still got stuff left over to do.One person asked why I was behind, I ran through the visit and drive times, and saw a light bulb go on.Add in multiple phone calls about the same issue from multiple sources every day, meaning I have to pull over and deal with the phone every few minutes and double travel time and I think the office folks are beginning to get an idea of where I am at these days.Did get more help this week, so that's good.

    Genny--Love the furbabies pic!And getting Nora on Friday, what a great weekend start for you.

    Cammy--you got a thunderstorm?Yikes! I did get a call about Pearl, the engine is installed, but they need to replace a pulley (I think that's what he said) that should get in late Tuesday, may be able to get her back today (Wednesday) maybe, they will call.I really hope to have her back today, but not counting on it.Ah, Netflix and Amazon, a great combo! Do you need to write down the instructions to get all the way on with them?

    Jazzy--I'm hoping the new feature will be a time saver, but it will only apply to admissions, and I am skeptical.I have visions of having to scroll through pages and pages of duplicate entries and trying to remember what I've seen and what I haven't and getting the right ones approved and the wrong ones deletes and the whole process taking longer than putting the meds in one at a time.But I'll give it a chance and see what happens.Won't come through for a couple of weeks.

    Chi--here's hoping the insurance will cover everything AND the process is as clean as advertised.And finished faster than anticipated!

    Jazzy--Glad you have a good dentist, one that listens to you.That makes all the difference in the world.

    Wow, what a harp performance, from such a young girl!

    Hsant--the Wednesday, Women and Wine group meets monthly.Dick is fine, got put on a blood thinner after the TIA on Thanksgiving, no symptoms since.Hopefully getting Pearl back this week.Praying for normal TMs for you.

    MammRay--what would you like to be loaded up with?Tell the Tenders, they'll make sure to keep your favorite libation stocked up.

    Chi--Perrier Green Apple, that's a new one on me.Sounds interesting, though.

    Cammy--Yup, going to Aunty's Thursday after work, staying through Sunday probably, Sadie will be in 7th heaven cuz she's allowed on the furniture there.Not to mention getting all kinds of attention.I worked with a woman who used shorthand a few years ago.It was fascinating to watch!

    Genny--We must honor and obey our elders, so drink the wine, indeed!

    Thanks, Cammy--love cranberry drinks, and the Cosmo looks fantastic!

    LOL at the teddy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    MIA yesterday, hubby had my puter as I was having issues with it.

    Hsant, always good to see you and good to hear that dad is doing fairly well. And what a good hubs to run out and get that other bottle of vino! My mom calls 911 whenever she has trouble breathing or her chest feels tight, but this time she was having flu like symptoms, she is home now. Yes, I am back on the FU pills. Good luck on your labs, how long do you usually have to wait for results?

    Jazzy the place is beautiful. How many other people were there with you? Is it usually other women, couples, both? About how many do you share the experience with? The computer issues that NM deals with at work, is what I think you do? Create those programs for the medical field to use? I too should try and get out and walk, there's either too much work to do, or I get to a point where I just don't have the energy. Plus it's a tad muddy around here lately. Good news on the toofer too! Amazing, some of these young prodigy's! I saw a little one singing, she was like 3…but OMG!

    Well gheesh Wacko, come in and stay awhile why don't ya! What's goin on girl?

    NM that is good news on your Aunty and so nice that you are headed over there to spend a few days. Is she ok staying by herself? I see the surprise was more of a "meh". Oh well, eh? Did that person's mouth drop open when you explained how your day becomes so dang long? Good idea to tell Mary to listen to her elders!

    Mary, what a perfect picture of your fur babies, how in the world did you ever get them to pose like that. My gosh, it just couldn't be any more poyfect. Unless you got Moose and Gloria in there!!!! LOVE that your client told you to go home and have some wine. So cute!

    Cami, glad you have recouped from the party. I think you actually party more than any of us!!! Sorry to hear about your BIL, but glad he is doing ok. I'm doing ok on the FU pills, but it's a low dose and I just started. My two weeks will be up this Saturday, then I get my week off. I am planning on mid February to MI and my DD will come the end of March, I think. She hasn't booked yet

    Sandy, what a mess with your house, I'm so sorry. And a PITA as well.

    Well hello and welcome Mama! Pull up a bar stool and order your favorite libation. Sorry to see that you are stage IV, there are a few of us here at that point. And you are so young. We shall take you under our wings. And you can help yourself, like Cami suggested. However, we have some super good looking Tenders that are more than happy to wait on you. And she never gets her own either!

    Still having issues with my puter. It's a lap top, and it's the buttons you click and the mouse pad. They are sticking and holding and just doing weird things! And if I take it in, I will be without for a few days……grrrrrr!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- lots of good updates here today!

    MamaRay-welcome to our thread sister. We love to have you here with us! Cami is our resident bartender and the rest of us sling cocktails. What can we get you friend?

    Cami- I am LMFAO about the hump day gif. How did you know I love that dirty bear? I am glad you are not super busy, but maybe enough to make the day interesting? And shorthand, I remember that from school days too, although I did not take it. My father really felt it was important for me to take typing though, because he saw my future to be a secretary. Well, that was not my path but the typing skills helped me with all the papers I had to do in college, grad school, and once computers came around.

    My yoga retreat was only for the long weekend last week (Fri- Sun). I do have a trip to Vegas coming up in another 3 weeks. Going for a 4 day get away to meet up with my sis and her partner, and to celebrate one of their birthday's and to see Elton John. I have another yoga retreat the weekend right after that, but it is local/in town so will be going for the yoga and dinners, but sleep at home. Then I expect that will be in for awhile for my get away plans.

    Hsant- I hope your blood work comes back okay. Keep us posted as you would like on any results. Always here to listen friend.

    And thank you for the compliments on my focus on taking care of myself. Sometimes harder when working on the difficult contracts I do, but during my breaks, it is all about me. I have made myself more of a priority in the post bc world.

    NM- don't you love those questions when you have too much work and then everyone wants to know why you are behind? Constant interruptions don't help anything. I hope that you get good news on Pearl soon.

    Maybe they will start with IP on that module first, then expand it to OP?

    Goldie- I hope you are feeling okay friend. I agree that weight loss is never good when you are not working on it. When does you DD come for a visit, soon I think?

    I help clients with healthcare system installs, problem resolutions, and optimizations. Been working on electronic health records the past few years, but have done other ancillary hospital systems in the past. I am more focused on the back end than the clinical areas, but have also done enterprise wide projects which is my expertise.

    And regarding the yoga, each retreat can be different. Sometimes couples, friends, mothers and daughters, sisters, singles. There was a three generation group there this past weekend that included an 80 year old woman, her daughter, and granddaughter. Loved that. This particular group this past weekend included around 13 women, no couples this time. I heard the retreat she is dong there again the last weekend of January is all couples. Most of her retreats include anywhere from 10-15 people.

    Genny- I agree with your client, life is short and enjoying some wine is okay by me! Words of wisdom I was going to imbib myself last night as I have a half bottle of red that needs to get finished off, but had a bad headache late yesterday from all the drilling in my mouth, so I opted out. Going to make some nice dinner for myself tonight and take care of that residual petite syrah.

    What was your wine choice last evening?

    Going to get back on track today with tax work, house things and also have a call this morning related to the business development for new work with one of my teaming partners. Got a trip to the gym to do today too. I am enjoying some late afternoon walks now during the break between storms. I noticed that the daylight is getting a bit longer and so look forward to that time change that comes in the spring. I love the evening light.

    Wishing everyone a good wacky Wednesday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi girls! Happy humpday. A special thanks to Cammy for the hump day videos, too funny!

    NM, I too hope you get Pearl back today, it has been too long, she must miss you too. Glad you are getting help at work. Great news on your Aunt, so happy to hear this. I know you and Miss Sadie will have a fabulous visit.

    Genny, loved the pic of your doggies, Lori is right, a poyfect pose they made for the pic. Glad Emma is doing so well and hope she continues to feel good. Smart advise from your client to direct you to dwink some vino last night. We DO only live once girl.

    Cam, omg, short hand, yes. I tried it but did not do well. One of my best friends is a court reporter and have watched her at work in the old days before computer technology and she amazed me. Funny that you remember Dear Sir! Joey must think that shorthand is jest the wildest thing. How nice of Dan to give you a Netflix account. I wish I could figure that all out, I would not know how to get the movie from the computer to the TV.

    Sandy, sorry you have to utilize insurance but prolly best as it seems that the remediation and clean up is bigger than anticipated. Hope your kitties will be okay and not too lonely when you leave them alone at the house. Your DOTD sounds good.

    Lori, shit on computer issues.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    oops, my stupid fingers hit submit by mistake, jest as well, can't lose that portion of my post.

    So Lori, hope your DH can get the computer issues worked out. I still have them but the issue is my damn fingers, not my computer. Still bothered that the fingers were moving so well just after surgery but seem to have gone backwards. It is so annoying when the machine does not do what you want it to do. Sounds like you are tolerating the FU pills, hope for no more se's and that they are effective. So sorry that you have to continue to update people on the progression of the rat basturd. Hope and pray that you get to inform all that things are looking better after some FU therapy. I pray so hard for you and that it works for you without much discomfort.

    Jazzy, I too admire your organization skills AND also how disciplined you are! Oh, FYI, I do not really live in KS, I am on the East coast, in NJ. The Kansas thing is part of my cover. I too like to keep myself as anonymous as can be. I am still in aw over the pics of your retreat. You are right, there is so much beauty there in NM. I vaguely remember being there as a 12 year old when my family took one of two cross country trips through the US. I am blessed to have seen 47 US states. Great news on dental front, hate losing teeth, I have lost two now, both back molars. Sounds like a great dentist, a doctor that really listens is hard' to come by these days. You too have a fab humpday.

    Gonna hit submit and return, don't trust these fingers for a minute!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    FU*K, jest lost the re t of my post. I closed the entire chrome program somehow, I hate m y goofy fingers. Ok, where was I?

    Yes, at Hsant.

    Hsant, thanks for the JD, the straw and the curse on that FN whore who again rejected my UI benefits. I am so angry over the decision and plan on appealing again. I just can't right now though, so sick of it, literally makes me nauseous to tink about it. So happy that your Dad is stable and that the cold easily went away, whew! I sure hope you and Genny get to meet up again next month. Always happy to see you pop into the lounge. You sound good, keep up the great work chickadee!

    MammaRay, come on back, we love new dwunks to visit our lounge. The girls are right, we have hot servants that we call tenders. They will make whatever you'd like to dwink and keep it flowing for as long as you need. Hugs to you,

    So my headaches, ugh. I do think that the NTI device is helping but still difficult to wear it throughout the night. It can't be adjusted any looser or it can fall out or I can push it out with my tongue. But my damn teeth hurt like hell after several hours with it. I am still fairly confident that these headaches are coming from the grinding and clenching of my teeth. And of course, that activity is more intense lately as my nerves are shot. I am worried about finding a job and then working. Some days the headaches are so bad. It was better Saturday, actually yesterday was particularly bad I took again. I took an imitrex which helps but only have one left til the end of the month. The pain always gets more severe when I get my hair cut and colored which I had done last Thurs. I took an imitrex on Saturday before attending my oldest sister's surprise 60Tth bday party. But the damn pain was back on Sunday,

    The pain has not left since then. Ugh, it is so old and gets me so down. I have to buckle down and look f or work. I am going through my savings, my nest egg, much too fast. It's been six months since I have earned any money. And the mortgage market is quite slow now with rates up. Things usually pick up in the Spring in the industry. The only jobs I see out there now are in center city (Philly). I hate the city, can't deal with taking the train in and it is not practical to drive. I am also bored and totally lack energy, most days I do not get out of my jammies! This is why I don't post much, I am not enjoying life too much.I should exercise, at a minimum, to feel better. But my EWWA does not wanna move. I never say I am depressed but hmmmmm! I think I just need structure in my life instead of watching TV all day then dwinking at night, spending money on likker than feeling guilty. But it is all I look forward too. I have not seen Logan for a few weeks, I think that is what I need for medicine. OMG, I do not think I told you all about him getting very mad at me, will write about that another time, mese fingers are so jacked up, it annoys the hell outta me!!!

    Hope you all have a great day! And for me, This too shall Pass, it better!!!!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Fighting off a rotten cold—woke up this morning and snarfled out an orange (!) booger. Never saw one that color before, but on closer inspection it was yellow with little red speckles—so dry in here that I must have had some broken capillaries overnight. Everything else I hawked up or snorted out is clear or white. No fever, but my face hurts. Ugh.

    Talked to State Farm this morning. Good news is that our deductible is only $1K. Bad news is that they will not pay to put us up at all unless the house is completely uninhabitable. I mentioned Gordy’s & my asthma, Bob’s pneumonia and the vet’s contention that cats have very sensitive airways and we cannot tolerate any new plaster dust now that we’ve finally cleaned up. I don’t buy for one minute that the dust from the restoration will be fully contained (though at least it won’t be toxic this time). If paint fumes waft upstairs we will definitely have to board out the cats rather than just move all their food, water, litter and toys into the master bedroom. Not only that, but I don’t do well with paint fumes (even latex) until it’s been completely dry and vapors gone at least several days. They said they will give us a “meal allowance” for the days we couldn’t and won’t be able to use the kitchen. (I suspect that’ll cover just a few Happy Meals). And they said I should have taken pictures of the dust all over everything and made an inventory of the food products we had to toss. (She seemed unconvinced that the dust could have gotten into the cupboards with their doors closed). I will have to go through my reorder list to compile an inventory of the staples we’ll be replacing—I won’t get any sympathy over having to trash anything arcane, exotic or otherwise frivolous.

    I will also call my espresso machine repair service (which picks my machine up and brings it back for its biennial cleaning/descaling/gasket replacement) as to how much extra they’ll have to charge me to get all the demolition dust out of the machine’s innards. The boiler seems clean—putting out clear water—because not only was its fill hole covered but the cover was covered by a cup. But the top of the machine, which doubles as a cup warmer by virtue of its vent slots, was covered in the stuff.

    If it turns out that all we’ll get is the cost of remediation and reconstruction, minus our deductible, we’ll withdraw our claim. This is an old house and might not be re-insurable if they drop us after a major claim in the next year or two (and anything can happen here: fire, tornado, falling trees, etc.). We will, sometime before we eventually move or sell, make some major repairs, cleaning out accumulated stuff, and repainting—if the house can’t be insured it can’t be sold for anything except as a teardown.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it was a long day yesterday at work, but today won't be.I told them I had to be done by 7 pm, have a family obligation.Sadie will be riding with me today, going to Auntie's after work today, will be back home Sunday.Taking my Kindle, may or may not be able to get on line, so may or may not be checking in this weekend.Got 2.5 inches of snow overnight, light fluffy stuff, very pretty this ayem.I did get voice mail from the dealership about Pearl, the message just says to call back, didn't say Pearl was ready, not sure what to expect when I call later today.I guess I'll find out.

    Goldie--Aunty is ok by herself for now.There's family that lives next door, Uncle checks on her twice a day, and she's got a Lifeline installed now.My cousin got her internet connection sorted out and reconnected, so she can e-mail and message, too.Trying to get her to learn to text message, but she's not wanting to do that, which I can understand, she has a cell phone that does not have a keyboard.I did get a bit of a jaw drop when I pointed out the driving time between some of my visits.The geography bit is hard sometimes.

    Jazzy--The constant interruptions are a royal Pain in the Anatomy, that's for sure!I had a mini melt down about that the other day.I think I may have to stop answering the phone while I'm driving.I do have hands free, but I usually have to pull over to take notes and then make follow up phone calls and put notes in the charts.Maybe I should set a time that I return phone calls every day, and ignore the phone all the rest of the day?Nah, that will not work.Oh, well, I'll figure out something.

    Dara--Sadie and I are looking forward to this weekend's visit with Aunty, that's for sure! Sounds like you are in a hard place right now.Keep coming here, though, so we can keep an eye on you. And I hear you about not wanting to move!That's my issue, too, need to get my butt moving.The fingers thing must be really annoying. Hugs.

    Chi--Wow, sounds like the insurance company is being a royal drag.They are so good at wiggling out of covering things.I can't imagine being worried about all that on top of living with the mess.All from one little rubber gasket.Crazy.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy u'r time coming up sounds wonderful, I guess I lumped alot all together, My oldest DD used to go every year to WI for those long retreats and always asked me to go and I never did, now I AM sorry, like u said they were all ages. Well she used to go before she married FF. And she loved them. I read word for word what u do, for some reason I don't understand it completely, but I do have a better understanding. I just don't get anything computer wise, but wow u r good. And I too was in NM many years ago but I just remember all the scenery which was totally foreign to me living in IL and it was beautiful even to someone young.......but hot.

    Oh Dara I thought u were doing much better, it sounds like u'r headaches are horrible and that has to make everything else worse (to me) Jeez I'd think u'r fingers should be better by now, what r the Drs. saying? How cn u possibly go for any interviews feeling like this? Can u apply for Dis. in anyway? How can u possibly work? 2017 is supposed to be a good year for u, so it has to start happening. And how mad can Logan be at u, I must have read that wrong. I know to many questions. I can't help it--I just want things to go well for u, I think u know that tho.

    And years ago women were not encouraged to go to college usually because they can be secretaries and get married and have kids, so why bother. My parents did want my sister and me to go but both of us said no (stupidly) but my brothers had no choice they had to go (my parents) and they had plans one a Dr. and one a lawyer. But the Dr. one went to premed and started, but (those days) being color-blind hindered him since blood didn't look red to him. Now I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. But he went thru as far as he could and my other brother became an attorney. I know, at that time they were the only ones that went on to school and finished something and over the years my dad was so proud of them and of course we were just the girls with no titles. LOL But I was the first one in our whole family to get divorced so I accomplished that, good thing that didn't catch on right away. But I didn't have to pay an attorney.

    Sandy is it possible u feel like u'r getting a cold, but it's all the junk spinning around u'r house? Oh what a job with insurance. But what u are doing sounds enormous for all of u and clean up sounds disgusting. And I would be concerned for u'r furbabies too. But I would think ins. would pick up more, I never understood all that either, cuz in my head if u pay u should be completely compensated when u need them, but working for ins. companies over the years I would get so upset for the customers because things weren't covered when I thought they should be. But if anyone has to deal with them u r the right person to do that, for sure. I hope this doesn't take to long for u to be completed. U can get back to u'r normal routine of u'r home.

    I had a terrible episode yesterday with my D, it took everything out of me literally, it finally stopped during the night, but I got so scared (even tho I protect where I'm sitting) I ruined my new loveseat, but I didn't--I couldn't move and thought OMG it's new LOL But I ended up with my new samples, now somehow they have to get there today.

    NM did u get Pearl??? WTF r they doing to that poor thing.

    Lori I hope u'r doing OK, u'r in my prayers u know.

    Oh Jazzy I just learned what a "gif" is on the computer, didn't know how this was done til now.

    OK I'll close for now, cuz I could loose this at any moment in time.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    I'm back

    I missed u'r post NM Wait, today is Thursday and I of course get confused. Are u taking off of work and staying at u'r auntie's for the next couple of days. However u do it, she sounds like she's actually doing OK. And she'll be so happy to see u. And let us know about Pearl too, hope u have connection.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny thursday gifs

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies, hope everyone had a good nights sleep. Last day of the work week for me, yay, only working 3 days but still glad at my TGIT. DH still in MI so I've been very busy with the furbabies. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to have all that extra time in my day if I didn't have them, foreign to me since I've had dogs my whole life. Wouldn't give them up but they do take a big portion of my day. I have my stress test tomorrow morning, then gym and then I get Nora in the afternoon. B/P's been good, diastolic mostly under 90 now so meds have worked.

    Where's Sue?

    NM, hope you have a shorter day today, glad lights bulbs are going on, maybe you will get a more manageable territory.

    Dara, my heart goes out to you, hoping things start going your way soon.

    MamaRay, hello, we are neighbors, I know you from the Cleveland site, I believe you live just a few minutes from me. Good to see you in the lounge, hope things are going ok for you.

    Lori, sure hope we can meet up when you come to MI, even if I have to come to you!

    Everybody else, I've got to run, hope everyone has an easy day.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Thanks for the swim Cami, water is great, join me!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies- heading out and about to the gym, errands, lunch with a friend and then a movie so will keep this one short. I had a busy day working with my collaboration team and a few phone calls on a few things we are working on together. Continuing to herd my cats......

    Cami- so sorry to hear about the bad D and the love seat. Let us know what you are hearing on the latest samples and tests. Drink fluids friend.

    ChiSandy- hoping State Farm will make good on things, but understand your possible need to withdraw the claim. I have had 3 hail claims (twice on roof, once for car) in the past three years and always worried I will be dropped. My 2nd car is finally getting fixed for the hail damage in Nov right now. Take care of that cold, lots of sickness in your house and so much stress......

    NM- many people I know that get called all day set an expectation on their phones/messages to return calls by end of the day if they cannot answer. But knowing your work, you are likely getting called for what could be life threatening situations with a need for an urgent response. Is there a way to find a good balance? To not have to pull over and do calls while you are driving? Can you listen to the message and see if you need to call right back? I have been in that place with client calls while I am driving and it can really be distracting. Frazzles my nerves too.

    Dara- sorry to hear you are still struggling friend. People are still buying homes though, right? Need mortgages, yes? I know winter is not the time though, and perhaps good to put a plan in place to be ready for spring? Have you thought about talking to an atty about your situation?

    Genny- hope your stress test goes well. I am sure you are looking forward to seeing little Miss Nora later today.

    Wishing you and Sadie a good weekend and visit with Auntie. Unplug from social media and go enjoy time with family. We are not going anywhere and will be here when you are back!

    Will be back tomorrow morning! Have a good thursday friends.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Definitely a cold—it’s coming on (including laryngitis) the same way it did the last week in Nov., and the way our housekeeper’s strep started. Taking my temp twice a day now. The dust from the demolition has been cleaned up (believe it or not, the crew’s definition of “cleanup” was going to be using a feather duster, when in fact my housekeeper & I had to handwash stuff until the machinery was gone and we could use the dishwasher without blowing circuits). We did leave a couple of bottles in the back row of the counter with dust intact so it can be swabbed for lead testing. The insurance inspector is coming tomorrow; I sent a letter to the contractor because there seemed to be a couple of insufficiencies or omissions in the estimate. Tonight I will go to Peapod and get prices for the stuff that I recall we had to throw away. Some of it came from Whole Foods, some from specialty shops. Will do as complete an inventory as I can, and hope to have an updated restoration estimate for the inspector.

    Tried the homemade limoncello last night—meh. (Just vodka, sugar and lemon flavoring). It was the thought that counts. One sip and I switched to water. Going out to Eataly & a movie (probably “Hidden Figures”) tonight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    ChiSandy- I saw Hidden Figures this afternoon and it is one of the best movies I have seen in years. Love to hear what you thought of it tomorrow!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    We never made it to the movie—it was cold & rainy, the theater was a three-block walk, and Bob was starving. We got a late start anyway because of rain causing traffic jams on his way home from work. We Uber-ed it down to Eataly, and chose its casual Osteria (which had a little bit of everything). Baffo, its reservations-only formal prix fixe restaurant with the Mario-Batali-designed menu, closed last July after several kitchen shakeups and inconsistent food (the first time we went was wonderful, the second was meh). Along with our mostly fish-centered meal (except for the salumi & cheese antipasto) Bob had a couple of glasses of rosé Prosecco and one of a chardonnay-sauv. blanc blend from the Alto Adige; I stuck with a couple of glasses of Ferrari Brut Rosé (sparkling Pinot Noir from the Alto Adige). By the time we were done with dinner (no room for dessert), we both agreed we were way too loopy to appreciate a movie (or even stay awake in those reclining seats). So I bought mini-cannoli to go (still no room to eat any of them) and we cabbed it home.

    Next Sat. is their annual Italian wine-and-cheese tasting festival (takes over the entire second floor), so we'll catch a matinee and then do the 7:30 seating. Last year we did the 7:30 and then went to a movie (“The Big Short")—and first I got “the black whirlies" and then fell asleep halfway through. So watch first, drink later.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- Friday once again and another storm has moved in for a few days. Came out from the movies yesterday to grey skies and rain. I will say this has been a very wet January here in the southwest, last weekend we had record rainfall. The storm will remain here through Saturday. There may be some good snow shoeing conditions for me by Sunday!

    Went to enjoy lunch with a friend yesterday and had some delicious pad thai with korean BBQ pork (yum) and then we saw Hidden Figures, which I had mentioned yesterday. Really great story about three women who contributed to the success of some of the earliest NASA missions in the early 60s (when I was just a babe). Great story, excellent actor. One of my favs is in it too, Kevin Costner. I still think he is a hottie. I highly recommend this movie!

    ChiSandy- sounds like a delicious meal instead of the movies. I hope you are feeling better friend. Sparkling rose is yum.

    Today I am heading to yoga at the gym and have some business things to attend to, and then have a business networking get together (that really involves drinking martinis) later tonight if the weather is not too bad (meaning we don't go from rain to a snow storm).

    Wishing everyone a good day and excellent start to the weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, I figured the retreat might have like a couples weekend and such. My DD should be here end of March and I go to MI in the beginning of March. Mid March we have to be in Vegas for a show. So March is quite bizzy!

    Dort, I'm at a loss for words my love. My gosh, I think we have said it before, but the man upstairs must really think you're a bad ass. And why isn't the mouth guard working. And no baby? How far are they from you. I know you see a shrink, or at least used to, have you let them know how you are feeling. I love you girl, and am sorry you are dealing with so much. Oh I forgot about Logan getting mad at you, Cami reminded me. What the heck was that about???

    OMG Sandy, I can't believe they don't think the house is uninhabitable. Maybe you should tell them that you had cancer and don't really want to be around all that dust. Oh wow, now you have to withdrawl the claim. And the house, is it in that bad of shape that you think they might just tear it down?

    Kim, enjoy your time with your Auntie, I'm sure she will love having you and Sadie for a bisit. We got some snow too, but just a dusting really. I don't blame her one bit for not wanting to text without a key pad, nuh uh, no way. I remember those days, I would get so mad when someone would text me. I'm like, just call me! Can you get her a phone with a key pad? Let your calls go to voice mail and return them when you can take notes and such.

    BossLady, you crack up when I say Wacko, and I crack up when you say "FF". First one to get a divorce? You are so funny! You have to still send in stool samples? Do you get supplies for the D? Such as diapers and/or those blue chux? Not sure of the spelling.

    Mary, I grew up with dogs as well. My DH has never had one. I can't imagine with all the times that we are gone, what we would do if we had any animals. Just wouldn't work. But it's funny to see him when Tammy comes over and brings her little toy poodle Bentley. I too hope we can get together. Last time, I just really wasn't up to the driving. I'm back on the FU pills, but taking a low dose. So hoping I get to make it out that way and to Cami's. Good luck on the test and yippee for getting Nora!

    Lil Doity Butt, where are you? Julie?

    A bit of weather heading through my neck of the woods too, so we went to town yesterday. Got a dusting of the white stuff last night, so that is ok. Another round coming through. It's not bad, but it gets muddy and then the driving is not so good on these dirt roads.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy I know the movie, but can't think of what it's all about, but I like when u gals see a movie and tell us what u thought, I wait for them to be on cable (now it doesn't ke as long) so I can make a choice to watch it or not. So it sounds like u had a good day.

    Sandy u and u'r DH have a great attitude about this whole thing, altho not using a kitchen is a big plus to me, u 2 just go with the flow. Now today u should be hearing more about things today I hope, damn u'r organized. U and u'r DH sound like such a great pair, it's just nice to hear.

    Now I'll see if NM will be here this morning and try to understand what she's doing.

    I had a terrible day yesterday, a super anxiety attack that lasted for while and the after effects. The thing is I screwed up work and really can't explain it to the guys. I could barely talk to people and listening what they said, of course I took my Xanax but it took a while then I fell sound asleep for a while didn't take any calls. I'e had these things all my life way before they had a name, but u still don't get used to them and as u get older I think it scares u more. I don't get them as often but they are still crazy But now I have to see if I can undo some damage I caused--u all know if u've never had them they are super hard to understand, and I don't blame anyone for not understanding. One of my meds for the most part keeps them under some control but it's not infallible.

    I got my order from Walgreens yesterday, they had some good prices on line for my things, now I have to find room to stuff them someplace until needed. That store is amazing, always get my order in 2 days, so I can count on it and anything over $35.00 is free delivery, so I don't have to explain anything to my kids for my over the counter crap I need. It's such a convenience, finally. And u know it's easy to spend that money, my Depends (Walgreens brand) takes a big chunk of that. And they have more things on line that they have in the stores--so if anyone needs to utilize the convenience. This is not a paid announcement .

    I guess I'd btter start undoing what I did yesterday, hopefully I can.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    OMG u gals are after me, right in the pewl by both of u. But it felt good--one of our hotties helped me get out. Whew wake me up for sure.

    Lori I'm glad u'r on a lower dose this time and pray it'll go all gooood. And I hope to see u in March, oh it would be great really, I get so furcited about this.

    Jazzy now I remember the movie, it does look good and interesting too. Jazzy this yr. I'm going to do my taxes, I 've found out some more things I can actually deduct so they will be shocked but I'm determined to hae it done.

    OK check in later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinksSounds interesting

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Cami- I watch a lot of movies once they come to HBO or Cinemax. I rarely go to the theater, never time when I am on the busy contracts. Been catching one a week now, Manchester on the Sea last week (sad but very well done) and the Hidden Figures yesterday. I think next week will be La la Land which is a movie musical and heard great things about that one too. I love movies, on TV or otherwise!

    Sorry about your anxiety attack friend. I used to get them a lot in grad school, and have noticed they started showing up again in the past few years. I don't take medication for it, but all for it and know it helps many. I think anxiety is a constant companion to anyone who has had cancer or lives with it. Hugs sister.

    Goldie- you are sending snow my way I think! We are supposed to get some later today. The ski resorts are so happy here this year.

    You might be surprised to hear this but this Elton show will be my first ever Vegas show. I am not a big Vegas fan, so I have only been once before on a trip and also been there for conference. This makes me a sort of Vegas virgin, ha ha. What show are you thinking about?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Just a quick pop-in. DS coming w/in the hour and I'm not even dressed yet. DS needs to enter 8 mos of transactions to QuickBooks. I gotta show him how, then I can finish up my project.

    Am ok, still going to pt 3x's a week, working on my leg strength and balance. Maybe one more week and I can call it good.

    Been reading and seems like most of you are doing OK, for those that are NOT….am still praying for you all and sending positive vibes your way.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    We met with State Farm’s estimator today and will go ahead with the claim. He agrees with me that though the house is currently habitable, once the next phase starts the paint fumes and new plaster dust will likely make it inadvisable to stay here for up to a week. Reimbursement for that (or direct payment to a hotel) will be up to the adjustor assigned to our claim. I may be turning a corner on my cold, as my sinuses don’t seem to be dripping as much as they did earlier and I’m not coughing unless I want to (or maybe that’s the Mucinex DM working).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    I'm back,

    Sandy good news with State Farm and I bet the adjuster will be all good too. Wow u kicked that cold in the arse. good for you.

    SusyQ u sound good and u know how to do all that with the puter. U must be having a fun weekend too.

    Jazzy I used to go to the show when I worked and to plays--but I don't anymore. I'm not a huge musical movie person but LaLaLand sounds like one I would see. It won so many kinds of awards and I like the stars. And Elton John oh well u'd still be a virgin but not to vegas after seeing him, I love him. Whenever him or Billy Joel is on PBS I watch them and usually tape them too so I can watch them again. Now this is silly but I would never figure Elton John for the piano, his fingers are so stubby but I like to even hear him play. Last month I watched the tribute to Tony Bennett (90 yrs. old) and so many stars were on, then the following week it was Billy Joel. Enjoyed both. Oh and Joey watched Lynnard Skinner (sp) and he sang all the songs, we still haven't told him he's tone deaf.