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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! TGIF!Even if I am on back up call this weekend.Hopefully no emergencies this weekend, but we'll see. Need to spend the weekend working on the cough I've had ever since having an asthma attack the other night. So tired this ayem, hope to get better sleep soon!

    Dara--I agree, the new "improvement" is anything but.Oh, well.Maybe if the new feature came with instructions and we didn't have to go through this phase of figuring out how it works it would be better.Praying you got your appeal in and didn't melt in the rain!

    Jazzy--I think you will like the tablet, very convenient and useful little items once you learn the ins and outs. And so happy your car is all pretty and new again! As to the meltdown, at least it was a small one and not an atomic one. Not sure anything will change, but I'm not the only one having meltdowns, so maybe, maybe someone will listen.

    Very accurate forecast!

    Dara--leave it to you to come up with a Do-It-Yourself Fecal Transplant!

    Chi--So nice to live in a true neighborhood like you do! And so many eateries and such so close by, must be wonderful. Good thing I don't live there, I would be even fatter than I am, even with all the walking!

    Dara--prayers for the appeal, and great pics of Logan!

    Chi--I love the way insurance companies can decide to change what they cover and don't cover any time they feel like it. Just cuz they are getting claims they can stop covering something. Wish Icould work like that, changing the rules any time I didn't like something! And I'm with you on the coffee, any time, any where, love my coffee!

    Cammy--The only project I have planned for this weekend is working on the cough I've picked up and ketchuping on some sleep. The getting slammed just when I thougt things were getting better wasjust too much after being up most of the night coughing my toenails up. I found out that I wasn't the only one who had a meltdown the other day, and over pretty much the same thing. So maybe the manager types will listen.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Winter Warmer Coffee Cocktail


    • 2 splashes triple sec
    • Granulated sugar
    • 1 1/2 ounces Bacardi 151 rum
    • 1 1/2 ounces Kahlua
    • 1 1/2 ounces Ameretto
    • Freshly brewed, strong coffee
    • Freshly whipped cream
    • Freshly grated nutmeg

    Cooking Directions

    1. Fill a 12-ounce beer stein with hot water to warm the glass. Drain and dry the glass. Dip the rim in a splash of triple sec and then sugar to rim the stein with a crust of sugar.
    2. Carefully pour the rum and triple sec into the glass.
    3. Light the alcohol with a long match and gently swirl the liquors to melt the sugar on the rim.
    4. Add the Kahlua and Amaretto and fill the glass with fresh, hot coffee to within half an inch of the top.
    5. Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg.
    6. Serve immediately.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Wacko, I know who your "friend" is! Iffin you came to AZ, I would def. come and see you. And another STEVE??? Logan is so darn cute. Good luck, AGAIN, on the appeal. And do you have surgery today?

    Jazzy, glad you got good results right away. Hoping to read that the rest of the week went well.

    Hsant, a runway model? I knew I liked you for some reason! Quite the athletes in your family. How about hubby?

    NM, I have not checked BMI in quite some time. Glad you managed in all of that horrible weather. But sorry about the meltdown, darn it! Hoping for a quiet weekend fer ye.

    Cami, glad you emailed the good doctor. Hoping to read that you heard back from her. Nope, don't see anything. I had to take my computer in. Picking it up today, hope they could fix it.

    SE's from the FU pills are not too bad yet. My eyes are super super sensitive to light, I just hate it. On a low dose of FU pills, labs today.

    My BMI was 19.2. So I guess I'm ok. Thanks all for offering to make donations! Now to delete that nekkid picture of mese!

    bmi chart thermo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- took some time for self care yesterday at the local spa. I have a massage therapist who works on my achy feet and they feel great today. He did a bit of work on my back as well. Ahh......

    I also got my car back late yesterday and she is looking mighty fine. The weather is good today so I plan to drive her today. She needs a tune up but going to wait closer to spring for that.

    Goldie- sorry to hear the FU pills are making your eyes sensitive. So glad things are not worse on the pills. Seems like we are drying out from all the storms, how about you? Still pretty chilly here.

    Cami- sounds like you and Dara are bffs. I have ready about the DIY transplants elsewhere for those who don't want that hospital experience. A poop transfer, who could ever imagine?

    Going to try to some more things to take care of myself after a busy week. I have yoga today, and may catch a movie or go for a walk in the nature center where the wintering birds still are.

    Dara- oh my closets need some attention and going to work on those next. I have a couple sizes in there too, I expect most women do. I stopped by one of my consignment stores to make an apt for Feb to bring in some spring things and have a bag of things going out this weekend to donations.

    NM- I already like the tablet and going to get more familiar with it this weekend. I pray you have a quiet weekend and don't get called away too much. Try to do something nice for yourself even if it is going to bed early. I find this is something that is a real gift to myself these days.

    Sandy- the insurance stuff is such a hassle. I know they have mold exclusions in my policy too, remember when I worked back east in environmental work that old buildings were turning up with lots of it. Mold is less common here in the desert (not enough moisture), but if things break in the walls, it can happen.

    I am glad to hear you only have a cold too sister. That norovirus is everywhere and making people sick like the flu.

    I have home things and business things to do today (still trying to get my collaborating partners together for a call next week) I talked to the one I am on the same page with a little while ago and think we have a new approach figured out. Hopefully things are going to come together on this soon, and this is a real test to see how well we can work together (or not) so we will see. Everything that is new and different takes time.

    Genny, Mema, Hsant, Juliet, MammaRay and everyone else, enjoy your Friday and slide in to the weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    slept a couple of hours and here I am, GRRRRR I hate this 2 hr. sleep thing, It's maddening I tell u, just maddening.

    Lori I'm glad to see u but sorry that the FU pills are starting to rear their ugly faces, I hope it stops and u will feel better. Waiting for u'r test results.

    Oh Jeez NM now coughing. I hope u can get a good nite's sleep and the damn cough stops for u. And maybe not any calls would help.

    Jazzy I was thinking when u said u had a Feb. 1st Dr. app't I thought what a wait. I actually didn't realize it was just this coming week. Jazzy u are always busy, but some sounds really good--like the foot massage--sounds wonderful. And yes it's amazing how close we can get by meeting on a site and posting like we do. It still amazes me. I talk to Dara like I've known her for years, and it's just over the phone.

    I I hope to let my Xanax work now so, I'll close-maybe if I relax I will go back to sleep--just poopin' in.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny saturday gifs

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, I just have to deal with the SE's. If they get too bad, I will quit. The massage sounds divine and nice that you got your car back too. Do you have a name for your vehicles? We call our new truck The Red Rocket.

    Cami, sleeping for 2 hours, oh my. That is horrible. I must say, I can get my sleep without too much trouble. 8-10 hours, getting up just to pee and waking up with hot flashes. But I can usually go back to sleep. I could not however, get up and get on the computer, or get up and do anything for that matter.

    NM, I too hope you have a nice weekend. Meaning quiet from work.

    I decided to wait until next week to do my labs. Do them Friday and see onc on Monday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good (late) Morning, Loungettes!Slept late after working late (left the office at quarter to 9 peeyem) and have been ketchuping on e-mail, continuing education stuff, and other odds and ends.Didn't realize it was 11:30 already. And 've just had breakfast!

    Goldie--at a BMI of 19.2 you don't have much room to lose any more weight, but you are ok.I think you look pretty good, anyway.I think the meltdown made a point, am getting full time help again next week.Just hope it's going to keep up.

    Jazzy--so nice to have the car back, isn't it?I plan to treat myself to a nap shortly, and indulge in a long hot shower before bed tonight.

    Cammy--Going to do the steam treatment with a long hot shower tonight, and a couple of nebs during the day today and see if I can get this thrown off.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    One of Everything:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Anyone a fan of the Mary Tyler Moore Show? I heard they are showing the series on Sundance TV this weekend. I don't have the channel but if you do and love that show, have fun!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Slept in till noon—the Oneg Shabbat after last night's service was a joint celebration of the rabbi's 50th birthday and his son's Bar Mitzvah. The whole family (both sides) came in from all over the country. Normally, the Oneg is a cake or two, cookies, brownies, fruit & coffee. Last night it was like the dessert table at a wedding: different kinds of cakes, cupcakes, brownies, lemon bars, mini-danish, rugelach, chocolates, linzertorte, fruit and even a make-your-own sundae bar. Obviously catered, because the usual temple coffee (always decaf) was unusually strong & tasty. Had a lot of catching up to do with friends I hadn't seen in a while. Spent a long time there, stayed up late (caught up on TV shows I'd recorded). And was able to sing a little bit—our new rabbi is a singer-guitarist; between him, the guest mandolinist, the cantor and the kids' music director the Shabbat services are like Jewish campfire singarounds. Ironic that for the first one I've attended other than High Holy Days or funerals I'd have laryngitis. I have my range “below the staff," from high D to "above the staff," but nothing in between. The cantor says to gargle with salt water and drink as much water as I can stand.

    So last night's DOTD was decaf & water. Tonight's will be whatever they're pouring at the bar of the theater where we're seeing La La Land.

    Edited to add: just tried vocalizing and I have two of my three octaves back. Gotta love that Singer’s Saving Grace spray.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited January 2017

    Sandy, I'll be very interested in reading what you think of LaLa Land. It appeals to me. Any drinks sound good! Glad your range has improved so dramatically! Have fun tonight!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good evening ladies- been on the go the past few days but pooping in to say hi. Enjoying a glass of the Earthquake petite syrah I started last week and enjoying delicious currant and berry overtones of this wine. From the Lodi region. YUM!

    Chi- hope you enjoyed the movies and had some tasty wine and eats at the theater. I hope to see La La Land soon. Did you like it?

    PontiacPeg- welcome to our thread!

    NM- hoping the weekend is not too bad on call. Hope you and Sadie are hanging out tonight vs. out and about.

    OMG, that drink chart. You know what my first drink was when I used to go to the bars back in the day? A slow gin fizz, circa 1976 or there abouts. I was just talking about that to a friend last week as we reminisced about our early drinking days (what was the first thing we ever got drunk on, what was our go to drink back in the day, etc). That chart of drinks is right out of the history books, but brings back some great memories.

    Goldie- glad you made a decision about when to do labs and then see the MO. Mine always does a blood draw the day off and they have some results by the time I see him, but never the liver enzymes. Praying the FU pills are working sister.......

    Cami- you able to get some rest last night? I am having the middle of the night insomnia again. Hope you are doing okay this weekend and that darned D is in check?

    Going to visit a friend tomorrow afternoon at her place over in the nearby mountains to enjoy some wine and tapas. The weather here has calmed down and sunny, and slowly warming up

    Blessings to all for a lovely Sunday and wrap up to the weekend Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Went to see La La Land tonight. I had expected a sort of psychedelic extravaganza like Moulin Rouge or the reboot of The Great Gatsby, but it was rather charming and a throwback to the classic movie musicals (though set about a decade ago). The concession stand had beer & wine in cans…so the logical choice for me was a can of Sofie brut champagne (produced by Coppola Winery, of course), At dinner, I had a flute of Rivarouge Brut Rosé (with fried chicken & mac & cheese). Tomorrow we're going back to see Hidden Figures and Manchester By the Sea, with dinner in between. (The theater lets you take a tray from their restaurant to your seat). Thursday night Bob doesn't have office hours, so we'll stay down in Oak Lawn and see Moonlight.

    The reason we're seeing so many movies in such a short time is that Cellars hosts an annual Oscar Night party, and the winner who guesses the most awards correctly gets a bottle of wine, a poster with caricatures of the nominees drawn by the chef-owner's brother, and their autograph on the "Oscar Wiener" (a large inflatable Oscar Meyer Wiener that sits above the bar). I missed most of the parties because I was always out of town at Folk Alliance International in various cities over the years, but this is the second year I opted not to attend—it's getting more & more like the Folk Music Hunger Games. One year Bob won. Last year we pooled our entries, and ended up in a tie with one other patron—but lost the tiebreaker (whoever most closely guesses the time the end credits begin to roll).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    NM, not having much more wiggle room for the weight loss is what has me worried! I'll be so glad for you to get your full time help. Working until 11:30 at night is uncalled for.

    Sandy, glad you got your singing voice back. Perhaps we need to set up a stage in the lounge for you? Take food into the theater with you and drinks? They do that in Vegas and Laughlin, at some of the theaters. But the food is more theater stuff, at least in Laughlin. Not sure about Vegas, we went to one once that had reclining seats….NICE!

    Jazzy, a Slow Gin Fizz, it's what we all had I think! But then I got sick on them, never touched one since! Hope you had fun at your friends. And yes, things are warming up here in the west!

    My dad is in the hospital. Took a fall and is not in good shape at all. Asking for prayers. More so for peace for him. He is old and has Alz pretty bad. He ripped out his catheter and IV, banged his head pretty good, bleeding on the brain, fractured rib and was in ICU. He is in his 80's.

    I'll be removing these after time. First one was my visit with him 2 years ago, and then the fall.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Goldie- oh your poor dad. I hope he is better soon sister. Will keep you all in my prayers.

    You are also so cute in that photo.

    ChiSandy- saw both the movies you are about to see and liked them for different reasons. I want to see Silence, Lion and a couple others next. I saw something on the TV early this morning about Silence and it looks very good to me.

    Champagne in a can, you go sister!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Goldie, prayers out to your father for comfort and peace. I love the pic of you and your dad, a handsome gentleman with his beautiful daughter.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes!Had to go out and do a couple of visits to "take the pressure off" the weekend nurse.A little over 100 miles and 2 after hours visits in 5 hours. I guess that's a lot of pressure to relieve!

    Jazzy--I enjoyed the Mary Tyler Moore show.Not sure I have sundance, will have to look. That show was fun!

    Chi--Gotta love the spray, and good salt and water, too!Glad you are getting your voice back.

    Hi, PontiacPeggy!Pull up a bar stool and join the gossip!

    Jazzy--I thought that chart was kinda fun.Glad you enjoyed it too!

    Chi--The Oscar Night party sounds like a hoot and a half!Great tie-breaker!

    Goldie--oh my, what a tumble he took!Prayers for peace and comfort for all of you.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Pepino El Pyu


    1 /12; fl oz. Tequila blanco

    3/4; fl oz. Lemon juice

    1 fl oz.Cucumber juice

    1 fl oz. Hoja santa syrup

    Directions: Add all ingredients.
    Shake over ice

    Garnish with cumin salt (in equal amounts) and cucumber spear.

    For Hoja Santa Syrup:

    4 tablespoons hoja santa (root beer leaf or piper auritum) sub for star anise or mint if not available Simple syrup.

    Place all ingredients in a pot. Bring to a boil. Fine strain. Add 1 oz. vodka per quart and then refrigerate.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Dara, carpel tunnel is serious and painful. The hubs has been dealing with this for 10 years and refuses to get surgery. Wishing you the best for an easy breezy surgery and recovery. Hmmm....the boy sounds veddy,veddy interesting. I'm a huge believer in karma and love the story about your evil demon supervisor from hell.

    Is that your grandson? He is precious!

    Cami, Alzheimer' scary for your friend. I am grateful that my dad is completely sharp. I feel for family members and the Alzheimer's victim. Our BH broads are still giving me the snooze. I read that Heather from OC isn't coming back. She took a lot t of backlash last season, so I'm not surprised.

    Jazzy, your feety massage (yes, I know "feety" isn't a word) sounds amazing. Like I said in a previous post you have perfected the art of work hard, while still balancing fun and taking care of yourself. Glad you have your car back, and she's looking purrty.

    Native, I was a daiquiri girl back in the day (fake ID. SHHH don't tell). When I was in high school I would visit my sister during vacation time, who was living in LA, and I would order either a daiquiri or a margarita depending on the restaurant or club. Lol! My sis didn't drink, but she loved seeing her baby sister tie one on.

    Seriously, 100 miles to alleviate the on call nurse? Question, how many miles do you have on Pearl? That is a lot of driving.

    Sandy, your synagogue sounds like fun. The type of synagogue I would join. Fried chicken and M&C... proof there is a God and she is a woman.

    Goldie, wow. Your dad's gash on his forehead looks painful. How is he doing? Does he also live in MI? You, my friend, are going through so much! Best' best, best wishes and prayers for great results next week.

    Pontiacpeggy, welcome!

    Julie, Genny.. hope you had a great weekend!

    My dad is ok. Ups and downs, but nothing detrimental. He sleeps A LOT. A little scary, but I guess that goes with the territory.

    Sweet dreams, ladies! And wishing you all a happy Monday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi girls .

    Quick pop in then bed. It's been a horrific day in Dara-ville.

    Lori, so so sorry to hear about your Daddy. Sending lots of prayers and love your way. Love you so much, this is just too much.

    Speaking of too much girls....I am so pained. My sweet doggy, Bella has terminal cancer. Shehas a huge mass in her mammaries and another in her abdomen ... spreading rapidly to intestines and her spleen, diagnosed today.I brought her home and she is comfortable for now. I am hospice nurse for her and it just hurts. We don't expect her to be here this time next week. My heart is just so broken for my little baby girl, her first six years of life were pure hell before we rescued each other. And her canine sister Lucy seems to know . Sorry for sad news.

    My head hurts, hard without ibuprofen and fiorinal for pain. Things will get better though.

    Have to report to surgery center at 8am so off to bed now.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Dara, so sorry for the pain you are going through due to being NPO for tomorrow, and I share your heartbreak over your dear Bella. Prayers for her comfort.

    Lori, also sending prayers and healing thoughts for your dad’s injuries, and that your stress will at least be mitigated if not alleviated.

    DOTD was a rosé cremant de Bourgogne, to go with the bouillabaisse we ate between movies (at Fork, a farm-to-table and wine-tasting restaurant a couple of doors south of the theater).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!2 more hours and I'm off call but on duty for the day. Can't wait for this evening when I can have a glass of wine with dinner.And be able to put the phone away.I woke up twice last night thinking the phone was ringing, but it was only my imagination. Now to see what today brings.

    Hsant--Yup, 112 miles from home to 2 visits and back home. Pearl has 110,000 miles give or take a bit.I drive 100 miles per day most days of the week for work. Most of us in the office drive this much or even more a day. Hard on vehicles. Funny about your big sis not drinking but letting you drink underage! I like daiquiris and magraritas. And cosmos and lots of other mixed drinks. Love to try new ones, too.

    Dara--oh my dear, you poor thing, and poor Bella. I know you will keep her comfortable and with her canine sis as long as reasonably possible. I'm sure Lucy knows. Hugs and tears. Prayers for easy surgery and quick recovery.

    Chi--nice dinner, wine and movie night! I need to consider moving out of Maine to see if I can get a life!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bella Drink

    Full Ingredient List

    2 oz Captain Morgan spiced Rum

    2 oz Malibu coconut Rum

    2 oz DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker Schnapps

    1 splash grenadine syrup

    8 - 10 oz pineapple juice


    1) Shake all ingredients together with ice and pour into a hurricane glass; top with cherry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh what news----

    Lori u'r poor dad, I'm so sorry, he looks so pained certainly prayers for him and u my dear. So much stress.

    Dara when u lose a furbaby it is as sad as anything could be, they are u'r buddy, sleepmate and fun, I know and I am again so sorry for this happening to u. I know u'r in surgery this morning and hoping all is good for u, and let us know what's going on ASAP

    Dara has offered to help me with my own DIY transplant, which is something unbelievable to me. It's been rolling around in my head and waiting to see my dr. about this whole thing.

    Jazzy u bought back memories, yep a slow gin fizz was popular, but like others getting sick on it was horrible. I never drank gin again, but they were good. Happy about u'r car Oh and of course I watched MTM I always loved that show and would sometimes miss it then cuz I had to work a double on a Sat. nite (and I didn't have any kind of taping then) but still managed to see them all..They all had a reunion on Hot in Hollywood and it was really cute.

    Hsant sounds like things are going OK for now. And I think Heather has a lot going on beyond the show too. She's on another station selling her products big time, I don't know if that has anything to do with it. but yes right now the BH gals are totally snoozy, someone better start something soon. LOL

    NM u drive way to much especially in winter time in Maine, I really hope they come up with something better for all these people. Are u feeling OK now. Great drinks.

    Sandy U'r religious services sound like a fun restaurant--and glad u'r voice is returning. U must be feeling better, of course if it was me I'd drag myself to a service for all of that. Even consider on converting. And having drinks and food like that at a theater would find me seeing more movies too. I watched most of the awards last nite, but not seeing a movie, I have no idea who I'd vote for, but what u do sounds fun.

    Welcome Pontiac and hope u come back and get to know us


    Lori--(((prayers))) for some good news.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny monday morning gifsMonday Mornings

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    NM, that was a huge relief you gave the weekend nurse. When is it your turn to get some of that help? And waking up just thinking you hear the phone, yikes. Do you take it to the bedroom with you? I do not. In fact my brother sent me a text last night, I was already in bed. And I'm like, whoever it is, whatever they want, it can wait until morning. I understand you have to have it with you at all time when you are on call, of course that makes sense! Have you ever looked into leasing a car? Of course then you ALWAYS have a car payment, and perhaps you don't have one of those now?

    Thank you Sandy, I doubt my stress will ever be alleviated. I just try not to think about it. Pretend it doesn't exist!

    Hsant, glad to see you poop in. You too are a beauty with your daddy. Unfortunately, I am not close with my dad. Never have been. But I don't love him any less because of it. He was just always a mean grouch when we grew up. 2 of my brothers don't even talk to him. And one of those just wishes he were dead! But I do hate to see him like that. My dad lives in Florida with his current wife. Funny about your sister liking to watch you tie one on. And your secret is safe with us!

    Dorothy, I am so sorry about Bella. You gave her a wonderful life and she will soon be with your other baby. For the life of me, I cannot think of his name, forgive me. Baxter, it just came to me, right? I pray for Bella, for a peaceful passing and that she won't suffer. Hugs for you and now you have to go in for surgery. Thinking of you sweetheart, love you.

    Cami, you will be full of chit just like Wacko! You want wacko chit? Are you sure??? Too funny!

    My son is suppose to leave for NC a week from tomorrow. My mother is letting the dog, 100+ lbs of black GSH, out the front door to go to the bathroom! I said "what are you gonna do if he attacks someone?" Her comment was "he has a chip and it has Jason's name on it" WTF? My daughter is livid. And she brought up a good point, what if he kills a child? She has kids on both sides of her. And my dad, and my own shit! Oy Vey!

    The bleeding was between the brain and skull. It has stopped. They DID replace the defibulator (sp) that is how this all started. He is on heparin, can't go back on Coumadin yet. He fractured his hip when he fell, not the ribs. His wife wants to talk to his doctor and cardi before making a decision to do surgery on the hip. They have his hands tied and I think are keeping him sedated.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    I do love my dad, and hurts my heart to see him like that. TEARS

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- I have the cleaning company here which of course required me to pick up around here over the weekend and this morning. It will be nice to go in to the new week with a clean house! Still have some home org to work on from purging to stuff with files, etc. I got my 1099s for my vendors done over the weekend so now it's on to the primary tax work for my April filing.

    Goldie- I did not realize your dad broke his hip. I went through that with my mom and it is serious business. I never cried more in my life for her than when that happened. I understand your tears sister. Sending you big bear hugs today.

    Dara- I am so sorry about your dog and praying your surgery goes well today. In your pocket sister

    ChiSandy- I hope you are feeling better every day, that Bob is getting better, that the house things are getting resolved, and that you enjoyed your movies.

    Cami- you mean the reunion of the Mary Tyler Moore cast on Hot in Cleveland? I watched that too. I never watched the HIC show that much, but am a big fan of Betty White. She is still working at age 95. I want to be here when I grow up!

    HSant- thinking of you and your dad and hoping he is getting stronger every day.

    NM- sorry you could not sleep better and know that anxiety of missing calls or alarms when traveling. I hope you enjoyed a nice glass of vino with dinner. Pearl sounds like a dependable car and I drive my vehicles until they are well over 100K. With the new rebuilt engine, she could go another 100K. Hope your week is better with the help you will have.

    The weather is going to warm up here this week. Instead of highs in the 30s and lows in the teens, we will have highs in the 50s. I plan to get more walks in along with trips to the gym.

    MemaSue, Genny, and all the other lovely ladies here, wishing you a good start to the week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Cami, I love that little kitten .gif—that’s how I feel Monday mornings too. (cue Boomtown Rats’ “I Don’t Like Mondays”). Reminds me of that old Chesapeake & Ohio RR ad featuring “Chessie the Sleeping Kitten” (a little kitten tucked in to a sleeper-car berth with her head poking out of her blankie).

    My second cold is affecting me differently—still no fever but definitely more sinus activity, painful one-sided sore throat when I cough, and phlegm coming up & out much more easily…but still looks viral (faintly yellowish first thing in a.m. and clear/white the rest of the day). Might indulge Bob and go to Immediate Care, if only for a throat culture. Still see no reason to get an antibiotic or steroid pack. DODT will probably be a hot toddy tonight, after a big honkin’ bowl of matzo ball soup.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good early Morning Ladies,

    Lori I have no doubt in my mind u love u'r Dad. He might not have made the right choices but he's still u'r dad and I'm sure u must have some memories that u think about. I didn't know he broke his hip tho, ooo that's not good. It's funny now but all the times my dad fell, (being blind and my goofy mom always moving furniture around and not telling him) he never hurt anything, so I never thought about my parents breaking anything, but falling was a big problem and no one ever broke anything. I did read somewhere that sometimes the hip cracks and then they fall, why am I still typing about this. Anyway I wish nothing but the best for him and u always especially with u' mom. OMG the "chip", how is she really going to take care of u'r DS's dog? This doesn't sound very good. Can the dog stay somewhere else? Just sayin.......

    Jazzy u'r house has to be sparkling. What a nice feeling for u. I'm sure u put in a lot of work too, to get it that way. And with the weather getting warmer u'r walks will be more often, which u always like to do. U live in a great place for all of what u want. U have a Drs. app't tomorrow so let us know everything.

    Sandy u don't seem like u'r getting better maybe u'd better break down and see a Dr., no not sleep with one, but see one for u'r throat. If u need anti-B's then just take them, this is going on to long and I know u know better. So just do it. TODAY.

    NM I really hope u'r week has started in a good place and continues to go that way. U work so hard and go so far. I could not do that ever. I'm a driver with a disability. I don't make left hand turns nor do I drive over bridges. Always took me longer to go places but i managed, of course that meant just staying close to the house.Now this weekend u won't be on call, so u and Sadie can really just relax and do whatever u want.

    I got paid the other day and my phone rang, and it was Kat (Dan's wife) looking for Dan for dinner. He hadn't been here yet and I tied calling him and nothing, texting too. Well about 1/2 hr. later he was here--but he was parked in my yard all the time---sleeping---boy did I yell at him and threw him out so fast, well tried to but he wanted to sit on my loveseat and he liked it, so now we can watch movies more comfortably and he's just talking away. ASS and I told him too, we were LOLing so he finally left. He's such a character and his wife is such a doll.

    DARA,I hope u can let us know how u are today. Lori u'r right--Can I risk mixing Dara's chit with mine. OMG maybe I can make left hand turns then.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny tuesday morning images

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, a week away and I'm so far behind. I started post several times, got called away and never finished. DH at the gym, he joined the one I go to a few days ago and is committed, a boot camp class at 5:30 ayem! Too early for me but I did do a 6 am spinning class yesterday. We may take a 6 day vacay to FL the end of the month and DH says if he doesn't lose wt he'll have no clothes to take. We are currently getting nailed with snow, about to brave my way thru it with the pooches and then get to work... but 1 more cup o joe first. Lots of school closing. We went and saw A Dog's Purpose on Sunday with MIL. What a nice movie, Dh has tears just running down his face, I had read the book so I knew what to expect but still made me cry.... happy tears, it's got a nice ending so don't be afraid. MIL did not cry, my DH said she has no soul. Emma is hanging in there but slowing down a lot, I've been leaving her home when I go to the park and DH just walks her around the block. Louie got into the garbage, found some rib bones, we are not used to that, it's in a drawer but I guess we didn't close it all the way, have to put food at the back of the counters now too. Went to my new PCP last week, I liked him, he's young, should outlive me. Wants some bloodwork but other than that won't see him for a year.

    NM, I am so sorry about your work being so sucky again. It seems to be a never ending cycle there, they get you help, things get better and then goes to shit once again. Ugh, I hope something breaks soon and you either get some permanent help or a new job.

    Sandy, sickness and giant home repairs and not so good for you either. Over drinking does sound like the right choice. I don't think I could drink 5 or more cups of coffee/day, I'd be a jittery mess.

    Dara, so sorry thinks have been so chitty for you, still having the migraines, oh I sure hope the appeal goes your way this time. Hope your surgery goes off without a hitch and alleviates all your symptoms. And your sweet little Bella! My heart is breaking for you... ((Dara)) Pray she goes peacefully, I'm so sorry.

    Lori, So sorry about your dad, I hope he is comfortable and the pain meds are doing their job. Very nice pic of the 2 of you. The dog situation does sound scary with your mom, is your son on a vacay or is he moving? My pre-legal drink of choice was Harvey Wallbanger, sme thing, got sick on them and have never been able to drink grenadine since. Hoping and praying the side effects stay at bay and keep the TM's down as well.

    Cami, sounds like Dara has plans for you, there is def an ick factor involved but ifin it solved the problem it would be worth it. Hope they figure something out that gets you living life again.

    Jazzy, sounds like things are ok with you, getting organized is forever my dream, I'm always trying but it seems endless. Glad you are getting some pampering time before you have to hunker down at work again. Hope things go well with the MO.

    hsant, glad your dad is hanging in and it is wonderful that his mind remains sharp. We are finally getting winter, eh? How you doing over ther on the east side? We have about 8 inches now but more coming today. I had a fake ID in HS too, but it only work at certain bars. I ordered it via the mail from Las Vegas. My brother had a gf that fit my description and I would use her drivers license from time to time when I wanted to be 21. That was before pics were on licenses.

    Hi Sue, hope things are good with you.

    Don't know who I'm missing but time to start my day, DH back home so I've been on here for an hour. Hope things go better today for you all. Lubs and hugs.....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017


    Oh yea, my neck feels a whole lot better.... good work out today.