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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, I only have time for a quick poop in but I'll be back tonight after work. DH left for Indiana this morning, waiting for the sun to come up and get the pooches to the park. Nora was lots of fun, has changed so much just in the last month. Talking up a storm, a million questions and temper getting more in check.

    Lori, yes you are very thin, I'm so sorry, wish I could donate 15 pounds. Maybe if you absolutely don't want your mom to know the truth you could tell her you have thyroid issues? At least it wouldn't cause the same worry as the truth? Hands and feet doing ok?

    hsant, oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad...hang in there, one day at a time I guess.

    Sandy, Happy Belated Birthday!

    Dara, sounds like Logan is taking lessons from Nora... that sounds just like her! Seems it gets better at 3.

    NM, glad you and Pearl are reunited.

    Sue, glad to hear the PT is helping.

    Cami, Jazzy and everyone else have a good day, gotta run!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- popping in to let you know part 1 of the follow up went a-okay yesterday. I had the mammo and ultrasound, and always go in expecting they will tell me they found something, and just exhale a sigh of relief when the radiologist comes in to tell me NED. I don't have to see the BS this time, she gave me a reprieve until this summer. I do think this summer could be my last mammo (5 years in Nov) but it could go to next January too. Will ask the BS this summer. I see my MO this Friday and also get my Prolia shot then. I celebrated my good news yesterday by going to one of my favorite coffee places and also buying some lovely day lilies for my home (so aromatic).

    NM- how is Pearl running? I bet you must be glad to have her back. I expect to have my convertible back from the hail damage repair by Friday at the latest. Then I need to get her in sometime later next month for a tune up.

    Goldie- I remember you mentioned you had lost a lot of weight, and think I did not really understand how much until seeing your photo. Yes, you are thin friend and know you are worried. And your mom, you are being so sweet and self protective. Maybe wear some looser clothing and if she starts asking about things, just tell her you are taking good care of yourself. She will probably just be so happy to see you and focus on that.

    Dara dear- if I had a friend who got another friend fired from a job, I would find a new friend. Once someone shows you who they are, believe it. Life is too short and difficult to spend time with toxic people. Please take good care of yourself including who you spend time with. That is part of our wellness. And yes, people create their own karma and consequences with the way they treat others.

    Cami- my hope is that I will be back to work by March. I am getting so much done and did a big clean out of the home office yesterday. Now I am putting that back together today, along with needing to get out for a few errands. My collaboration team is unavailable this week to continue any conversations but waiting to hear on when we may be having our next meeting, targeted for next week. I need space this week anyways for all things check up!

    Hsant- sorry to hear your dad has taken a turn with his health. I hope he can get better remaining at home. Hospitals are NO FUN! Keep us posted and take good care of yourself too.

    Genny- Nora sounds like so much fun. Hope DH has safe travels. So many storms everywhere? We have another moving in here, yesterday was super windy.

    Chi- I hope you will be able to go celebrate your birthday in proper style soon. The colds that are around are turning in to nasty infections for many I know (happened to me when I had this in Nov-Dec) so take good care of yourself.

    MamaRay- are you still here with us?

    Mema, Juliet and anyone else I am missing, wishing you a blessed day! Will pop in again later in the week.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi girls,

    I crack up at you gals that do not know the old 'I have a friend" addage. There is no friend, it was ME that XXXXX. I will write more about it once my cell phone charges (I talk to text due to my stewpid fingers with typing).

    Lori. great idea to tell your Mom that the weight loss is from a thyroid issue. Our girl Genny is so smart.

    Does anyone know how to post videos here, I have great ones of Logan but do not know how to post. I should take more pics vs video but I love seeing my lil guy in action.

    HSant, hugs to you my dear. I recall the pain of what you are going through so clearly, as if it was yelsterday. Great advise from NM. I too will keep you and your dear Daddy in my prayers.

    Gonna submit cuz mese fingers are a joke, sooooo annoying! brb.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    NM, be safe out there, will keep you in prayer for safety today and always. Glad you havt e Pearl, especially today. And I relate to the freaking computers on the newer cars. It took me some time to be able to ignore mine and also figure out how to get the screen to a point were it is not a huge distraction. So glad that the new return call system is working and that you are ABLE to NOT answer all calls. As I said, at least i tink I did, I had the same issue at work were I would be in the middle of something and always answer my phone. It is bad enough having such severe ADD, hard to just let the phone to to voicemail as I always hated puIling so many messages. But it did help me stay foclused. I also had an issue with email, I would receive a new message and without thinking, I'd exit what I was working on to address something that I deemed important. I was at a point where I'd have over ten tasks in process and that would make my head spin. I finally figtured outl that I could turn off the functionality of new email messages that would "float" into all apps then fade away. Sorry about the Aunt that is making things more complicated with your other Aunt, glad you've nipped that in the bud.

    Genny, good to see you. Are you getting any of that noreaster that is here on the east coast? It should be ouytta here soon. Glad you got to enjoy Nora. And you know it will just get even more fun with her as the days go by! How is dear Emma doing? I think about that sweetie often. I can picture her sitting in the middle of the circle at the library as the children read to her. Does she still do visits to children and the elderly? I pray that her condition remains stable for a long long time.

    Oh, I received an email from the Disney cruiseline yesterday. It took me back to this time last year, theu weather guessers, as NM calls them, were predicting that hugestorm which put nearly three feet of snow on the ground here. I was so lucky to be able to catch my flight out to be with so many w asyou gals on that cruise. Oh how I wish it was this time last year again and we were nearing our sail date!!!

    K, gonna hit submit again and come back.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Lori, yes you are thin. But you are still beautiful and still have an amazing figure. I too would love to donate 20 pounds. If only .... !! You have not talked much about the effects of the FU pills you are again taking. I hope that is a sign that the SE's are much better?? I really really hope this is the case but thinking maybe you are jest not talking about it? Hope I am very wrong. You have so much on your plate girl and I wish I could personally deliver a huge hug to you. There is a slight possibility that I could be in the Phoenix area in the next few months. That is another story, not sure if you recall the very nice gentleman whose mortgage loan I closed whom I have been communicating with on and off for several years, his name is Steve and he is from the Chicago area. He is moving to Phoenix and has againm asked me to be his wife lol. ugh! he has ml thinking but I just couldnt leave my family to go so far away. Anyway, I am seriously pondering a trip out there to meett himm. I'd only stay a few days. How far away ARE you from Phoenix? I would have a car. And hell yes, OJ is a POS and then some. I was so glad that he was convicted of that armed break in at the casino in Vegas. Glad they threw the book at him but hate that he will be a free man again soonI, MUCH too soon!

    Camille, I can't say it enough, your Joey is such an amazing young man. I would so love to meet him and you too. Hmm, is this weekend good? I could fly out before my mystery man departs for AZ. No kidding, It has bveen a long time since I have done something very spo Ianeous. My dream man is leaving for AZ on monday so I'd have to act fast. Hmmmmm, no shit girl, a big HMMMMMMMMMMM. I;d much rather fly to Chicago to meet him than to AZ. Call me crazy, I am! I could possibty meet Ms Sandy too!

    Sandy, feeling any better today> I hope so.

    Lori just map quested you r town to phoenix, 3 hrs 45 min. Doable! Make me do it! Would so LOVE to see you, would be around Feb 5ish.

    Gonna hit submit and then have a bite to eat.

    My belly is making noise too Cam! (and Lori)( lol


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, awesome news on NED girl, woooooo hooo! Hope part II results are just as good. Each time you mention the Proia shot, I think of Blyth Danner who does a commerical on TV for the shot. I love her and like her raspy voice. SHe is a sexy old gal!

    Nap time for me. Can't have advil or aspirin since less than a week til surgery, not gonna be easy.

    CHeerS ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, ladies (Cami, I love that li'l kitten). Bob got home early enough, but neither of us felt like champagne (he was into his vodka & Minute Maid Light) and he didn't want to share any of my Death By Chocolate cake. Perhaps it was because when I tried to divide the slice in half it looked like said “Death" was caused by a fragmentation grenade. Messy and sloppy though it was, it was exactly what I'd been craving for days. The rest of it is sitting in the fridge—maybe Gordy won't be so picky about its appearance.

    Bob is trying to cut way back on any sugar except from fruits—he wants to start a competition between us as to who weighs less. I have a theory about body weight within a circle of family & friends, and it is based on one of Newton's laws: that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transmuted. Ergo, every now and then, someone within the circle will lose a significant amount of weight. But where does it go? (Remember, even burning fat doesn't destroy all of its components). I propose that its elements turn into an invisible cloud of gaseous matter that hovers over the circle, settles upon another member and re-congeals into fat once absorbed. Because, did you ever notice that when someone in your circle loses weight, someone else gains and vice versa? (Can't prove this, so don't go looking for it in Scientific American).

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Goldie, yes, you are quite thin, and I'm going to guess that this must be scary for you, since you are obviously not trying to lose the weight. That being said, you are beautiful and you have the figure of a runway model. Hugs and prayers out to you. Oh, and I also agree with Genny. A thyroid excuse for your mom is a great idea. The last thing you need is to worry about your mom worrying about you. You need to take care of yourself.

    Dara, I must've missed a post. You're having surgery soon??? For what? Wishing you the best for an easy surgery and recovery. So, who's the chap? Please share!

    Sandy, Happy belated Birthday! Enjoy the wine dinner on Thursday!

    Native, so you have two Aunties? L and D. I'm under the impression that Auntie D has ALS. Who is Auntie L to you? I would love to see a pic of you, Pearl and Sadie (hint, hint).:)

    Jazzy, congrats on NED! Oy. Those tests are nerve wracking. I just got back my blood work results, which are normal. Best of luck on part 2!

    Genny, nice that you could spend time with Nora. At three she must be her own little person. The weather on the east side was fantastic.....until today. Temps in the 30s, but I can't complain. Could be worse.

    Cami, it was a pretty good January for north east Ohio, too. Fingers crossed the rest of the winter remains mild. I've said this before....Joey is an extraordinary young man.

    My dad is weak, but seems to be holding up ok. I grew up in an athletic family. My dad was a state champ wrestler and captain of the Ohio State Wrestling team, my mom was a competetive swimmer, my sis was a cheerleader in high school and in college, and danced professionally and I played competitive tennis.

    I think all those years of exercise and healthy eating has paid off for my dad. He's strong. We shall see.

    P.s. I'm drinking way too much. Finished a bottle of Concrete Zin,and now it's time for his evening meds. Love you ladies! Thanks for all of your support!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hello girls,

    I'm back and a little more sober than this time last night!Jest a widdle teeny tiny bit.

    Hsant, so glad to hear that your Dad is doing alright. I too used to play so much tennis and It was good. I miss it. If we get together, we will have to play a game using doubles. I am waaay too out of shape to play without doing teams. My surgery is just carpal tunnel release, this time being my left hand. Had righty done dec 8. And this guy, as I said, he was a former client of mine and after I closed his purchase loan, he found me on Facebook. We have been talking on and off for over 7 years now. It all started even before I was dating my most recent exhusband whom I have been in and out

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    OOOOPS, thought I lost my post, turns out that I somehow hit submit. Have later to fget bacl to watching yet another mini series on Scientology with Leah Remini...will report back latah and also provide the update about the termination of my prior manager who jest took that ole walk of shame last week, KARMA!!!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Dara, sometimes a little schadenfreude is just what the doctor ordered. (There’s a song about that in the B’way musical “Avenue Q”).

    Made a really nice steak tonight , and Bob brought home some Momessin 2016 Beaujolais Nouveau. Of course, the liquor stores are slashing prices on the Nouveaus now that we’re almost into Feb., but the joke is that they’re holding up pretty well and drinking like regular Beaujolais. They’re quite drinkable right up to and maybe past Easter. He paid six bucks for a bottle that cost me $11 back in Nov.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Hsant I'm glad u'r dad is doing better. Jeez u'r whole family was (or were) really sport people, how wonderful, u all trained hard no wonder why there is so much strength there, sounds like fun tho. We did nothing and still do the same thing. U do that to the big word that Sandy said, I would think it's fun, whatever it is.

    Sandy I agree with u'r reasoning about fat, I have collected so much this past decade, I curse the people who lost their weight and it stuck to me, I knew there was a good reason for this. What restraint u have leaving some cake behind, it all goes to my behind, but I could never leave it for anyone else. That's one time I use a fork in a criminal way.

    Of course I had my D all nite and hope it's done, I thought I was going to get thru the day, bu no such luck.

    Lori I emailed my Dr. so things will get started on my supplies, I hope it happens for me.

    Oh Dara we don't have a car to use here cuz my DD will be working and I don't drive any more, but I can figure things out, oh just call me.

    OK I'm going to try to relax now. so.......nite


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Hsant, glad your dad’s hanging in there. Hope he can get stronger.

    Funny how the other half of that slice of chocolate cake is still in the fridge (with gelato in the freezer) and I have no desire for it. Ditto for that unopened bottle of bubbly. What I want are more of those perfect strawberries I had earlier today with my happy-birthday-to-me present of real balsamic vinegar (Cavalli Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio-Emilia DOP, silver label). Maybe over a sliver of Parmigiano-Reggiano. A few drops earlier seemed to help cut through my mucus, and a spoonful of olive oil helped me swallow it and hopefully send it on its way. But first, some herb tea with honey.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Yesterday was a bit interesting.Sleet and freezing rain, a good quarter inch on the car by the time the morning meeting was finished.So many roads closed in the area where my patients aredue to icing, accidents, and flooding that I didn't even try to get there, finished some paperwork so I had the needed half day and went home.Will see people today now that the roads are roads again and not hockey rinks. My back deck got 2.5 inches of assorted rain, sleet, snow and yuck equaling 1.65 inches of water. Crazy.

    Goldie--I've got plenty of extra insulation that I would be happy to donate! You are skinny, but still look good, I can see muscles in the arms and legs.Do you know what your BMI is?That is often a better indicator than just weight.The measurements aren't bad, wish mine were more like that!

    Genny--They don't call it the Terrible Twos for no reason! Three seems to be an overall better age.

    Jazzy--Hooray for Dancing with NED! Great way to celebrate the good news. Pearl is running great, and I am so happy to have her back. I have a list of routine things that I will be getting done for her over the next few months, but they can be done one at a time and not be another big bill.

    Dara--oh, my, Stella has been acting up again! That girl gets into more trouble than anyone I know. But I'm nosy enough to be anxious to hear about her latest exploits.The new system of letting calls go to voice mail and picking them all up at once is working well so far. Added bonus, it's in line with company policy, that states that driving and taking calls and texts is "greatly discouraged" AND I have found out that at least 2 other people I work with do this very thing as well, and they have never run into a problem.So in this case I appear to be behind the curve!

    Chi--Love the fat running in circles theory, and it is SO TRUE! Based on my observations over the years. LOL at the Death by Chocolate Cake looking more like Death than Cake after being cut. But who cares what it looks like at thatpoint? It's going to look a lot worse once it's chewed and swallowed!

    Hsant--Aunty L is the Aunty with ALS.Aunty D is the younger sister Aunty who is a communication problem. Aunty L is also the Aunty who has the Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel I've mentioned, the one who takes care of Sadie when I go away. Got the pic hint, will work on that just as soon as I can get Pearl looking white rather than dirt colored!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    image alt="">

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies!

    It has been about two years since I have logged in here. Nice to meet all of you newer loungettes!

    I have to be quick as I have a play date with an adorable two year old boy in 45 minutes.

    As my friend was telling you all, I had my prior manager tereminated from her employment. While I am a very nice gal, I can be quite vengful when either me or any of my friends/loved ones are hurt. So this "friend" of mine was fired from her job quite abruptly and without just cause. So I got even. I had to think very hard of a violation that I could report to my, err I mean my friend's former employer. It was late at night in Oct when the investigation began and there was a lot of back and forth with the employer's HR dept.

    I best to show what went down, in a nutshell, using a photo so that certain words can not be googled/found. Gosh I am pretty smart for a blond! hehe!







  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    STELLA!!!!!!! Finally wow u'r still as sharp as a no 2 pencil (after sharpening)--Good job, see u'r friends are very important to u and u'r very important to us---u seem to show up when there's trouble to explain--like Superman, or I should say Wonderwoman, or Tinkerbell, maybe Mighty Mouse--well one of those characters. Welcome back.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Wine dinner tonight at Cellars: meet & greet drink was prosecco with a wild strawberry liqueur (too bad I can’t buy the wild strawberries separately); a verdicchio; a “pecorino” (yeah, they apparently name varietals, not just cheeses, after sheep); a proprietary red that was mostly Merlot (from the NE province of Udine, which along with the Alto Adige is Italy’s only Merlot territory; a Barbaresco; and finally an Amarone liqueur—which was nice at first but had a little too bitter finish for me, reminding me of digestifs like Fernet Branca. Seeing as how I drank and ate judiciously, I didn’t need a digestif.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Sandy there are so many places for u to go, sounds like fun, maybe it's a downtown thing too. I know my bother when staying there would always have someplace to go with his fiance and that's why (I think) he really wanted to buy a place there--they were always doing things and didn't need a car very often. The burbs just didn't have all the stuff they went to. He worked downtown, well just one day a week and he was then close to that too. And u always enjoy all the stuff that's offered which is great and I enjoy reading about it. Now how is u'r house going and u'r furbabies.? U haven't said anything.

    Jazzy I wanted to tell or ask u something, but damn I just can't remember, chit, I thought of it today and I should know better and write things down.

    BTW one of my GF's went to the Dr. for a test to see about Alzheimers and now she's a nervous wreck and calls my sister when she forgets something and thinks it's starting. First my sister, cousin and I told her she never should have done that, then proceeded to tell her how we are and she' 95% better than us. She felt better cuz it's true, how can we all have this at the same time and it's takes an hour to say the things we used to take 1/2 the time cuz we can't think of the word we want. It's funny with my sister, she worked until a yr. ago and she was Elmhurst College's PR and proofreader, she can barely see out of one eye and the other eye is not great, but a wordsmith she was, now I LOL at her instead of the other way around. She BS'd a lot. I know I'm bad, but she's worse. But when we both worked we were always emailing during the day but she was always correcting my whole email--so I wouldn't email her any more and she had to promise not to. She's a bitch Alot of nothing here, I know.

    I didn't even realize yesterday was hump day, I'm so mixed up this whole week, my sleep has been screwy, maybe that's why.

    See my whole life is about nothing, I could have written a TV show.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny thursday gifs Just thought I'd say my piece.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungetttes!Well, another long day at work, complete with a mini-meltdown in the office at 5:30 Peeyem.Had a full day, was working on an admission, got assigned a second, late day admission.The LPN partner I'm supposed to have has been loaded up with visits for other nurses, so now I'm back to overloaded days for the rest of the week.Just when I thought things were getting better, this stuff starts up again. And I'm on call all weekend this weekend.And the new thing that puts all the meds in the chart on admission--turns out that doubles the time it takes to create a medication list.Have to go into each pre-loaded medication, add info just to discontinue it.And most of the meds are so oldor duplicate listings that have to be taken out of the list.Took me 90 minutes to get through just the med list on yesterday's admission. I could have put it in from scratch in 30 minutes.

    Stella!Long time, no see!Where have you been, girl?Ah, I see you've been busy.Wow, seems like a foolish thing for a supervisor to do. Sounds like the supervisor got his/her just reward, though, thanks to you!

    Jazzy--I needed the winebulance at work last night!


    Cammy--So many people worry about having Alzhiemer's, go and take tests and then STILL worry about it!It's crazy.Hard to keep track of the days, sometimes.

    Love the cat licks and cocktails!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi girls,

    Reporting in after a super charged emotional week. Stella knows! hehe! But really. On top of that, realized at freaking 4am that my appeal (AGAIN!!!!) is due today and I am not ready. Managed to get two hours of sleep, having coffee then gonna get up and at em!!

    NM, OMG, OMG!!! You knew it, you knew that the new "FN SURPRISE" was going to be not just a joke but a freaking disaster. Geez, not sure what to say other than I pray for peace today after that meltdown. I do not blame you. ((((((KIMMY))))))))

    Hitting send, brb.

    ~cheerless in Moorestown I M

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    and my FN laptop battery is outside,, in the pouring rain. had a big ass fire last night with cuz, did not light until midnight. we left everything outside, sheets on the lounge chairs, cushions, blankets including a down blanket which will be FUN to remove while soaking wet. kk, gotta get my rain gear on and head out there, only have ten percent battery left. OH chit, hope I do not melt since I am sooooo sugar sweeeeeeeeeet!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- well my MO apt tomorrow got pushed to next Wed as the provider was not available. I thought I was seeing the MO, but was going to be seeing his nurse practitioner this time (I have seen her before and like her, but of course, always good to see the doctor if you can). Anyways, she is unavailable friday, they offered me a different MO (said no to that, give me the providers that have been following me please). My MO is a big researcher so I can often get good info from him on things related to AIs, etc. So now I go next Wed, 2/1 instead and wanted to be sure I get this check up done, and also get the Prolia shot (and few days of side effects) over with before I go on my trip. So imaging this week (thanks to all for the whoot whoots on the good films this week), MO next week and the permanent crown on 2/6.

    Been getting huge amount of other stuff done this week from cleaning out and reorganizing my home office, took things to consignment and donations yesterday from the kitchen purge over the weekend (a bit more to drop off before I am done). Also got some new cellular technology including a new phone on order (Google Pixel) and a new Samsung tablet I came home with (first time with one). The tablet is cool, will be good for meetings with clients and when I travel.

    And my car is also done with the hail repair and repainting of the trunk. Went over to see her yesterday and get some paperwork done and will get her back later today. The car looks beautiful, like brand new, and can't wait to have her back! This girl has been busy!

    NM- so sorry to hear about being worked too much this week and then having to be on call this weekend. Gives you no time to take care of you and your life, and I hate that. I have had employers do it to me over and over, clients too with their high expectations. I would have personally driven the winebulance to you yesterday to help with the meltdown. Hugs sister, I am sorry your employer is not being more fair with you. I know you want a different job and praying something better shows up.

    ChiSandy- sounds like you got a bit of that birthday celebrating in this week in the end. How is Bob doing with this resp issues?

    Cami- I will be ready for your question whenever you are ready. Have your providers scheduled a follow up with you to talk about the C-diff?

    Hsant- thinking of you and hoping your dad continues to recover from home. You are giving him such extra good care. I hope he is getting stronger every day.

    I have lots more to do today and must get to my day and wishing all my other sisters here a good day.

    Stay warm, healthy and happy please!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    me gain, I pushed Jazzy in for a swim.

    Jazzy girl, you are just amazing with all you accomplish on a daily basis! OMG, I have wanted to organize my clothes for sooooo long now. I have no room in closets, I have clothes packed into two bedroom closets and also moved some into my Dad's room's closet more recently. My issue is that I changed sizes again so now have three sets of sizes. And Murphy's law states that if I give away my larger clothes, I will need them again and vice versa. So...when I clear out my laundry, I do not have ANY room in my drawers or closets!

    Jaz, speaking of the C-diff and Camille, I think I have the solution for her. Whilst you gals were sleeping in the wee hours of the morning, I gave Cammy a prank call, will let her tell you about my antics. I did not trick her though! I told her that I am willing to help her with phone calls, will pose as her DD. I have time and feel the need to do something productive with my life while waiting for a solution for my migraines....(will touch on those later). Anyway, I have done more research and tink I have the solution for our dear friend:

    The Rise of the Do-It-Yourself Fecal Transplant

    I am dead serious that this soundts like the best approach for her. The FDA as she indicated continues to make it impossible for a medical professional to complete this procedure without a DX of c-diff. I am going to keep researching for her. Will need a donor too. Sandy?? lol. But seriously.

    Gonna hit submit and come back shortly. Mese fingers seem to be improving over the past 24 hours but not chancing losing my post to the FN gremlins on here, no sirrrreeeeee, hell to the N-O!!!

    BE back.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Well, I guess I could be a poop donor with all the probiotics I take—and people sometimes tell me I'm full of….naaah, not gonna go there. Brought up the subject with Bob last night. He's over his mycoplasma pneumonia, but had a couple of days of intermittent D (not enough to keep him home). First he thought it might be norovirus (no joke—that's going around the w. burbs; I had it 3 years ago and had to give up the second weekend of an artist-in-residence gig at NIU because there just aren't enough rest stops between here & DeKalb). He had us sterilizing everything, using paper towels & plates, washing our hands constantly. But with noro, it comes out both ends, and he wasn't "worshiping the porcelain goddess." Now he thinks he caught c. diff because he was on a week of Levaquin and one of his elderly hospital patients has it. But that's not how you catch it (unless you're handling bodily fluids & waste, which he's not). I bet he had a touch of food poisoning, either from something in the cafeteria or eating the mussels in that Chinese buffet on 95th St. between two of his hospitals—I don't trust stuff, especially seafood, sitting out on steam tables.

    Cami, we don't live downtown. We're up northeast in a neighborhood called Edgewater Glen, south of Rogers Park & north of Andersonville. (On a wider scale, halfway between Evanston & Wrigley Field). We have a bus stop on our corner and are 3 blocks from the Granville CTA station (would have to drive to a Metra station, and that train goes to Ogilvie Center, not Union Station, which are a few blocks' hike apart in the W. Loop). Cellars (formerly B'way Cellars) is four blocks s. of us. A few doors down from that is Mas Alla Del Sol (great authentic sit-down Mexican), and half a block further is Mango Pickle (Indian, so we don't have to hike or drive over to Indian Restaurant Row on Devon Ave., where parking's awful). Around one corner from us is Ethiopian Diamond, and on the other corner is Lickety Split frozen custard parlor/patisserie. (On a warm night, there's always a line out the door till almost midnight. I only go there for the sugar-free chocolates…that's my story and I'm stickin' with it). Across from those two corners is the Edgewater Whole Foods, with a wine/cheese/pasta/panini bar at one end and a sandwich & microbrew pub at the other. A few doors down from that, between WF and Independent Spirits Liquors is a new wine/cocktail bar called “Income Tax," named after the cocktail. They serve small pub food plates. And they're putting the finishing touches on Growling Rabbit Cafe three blocks from us. It used to be a coffeehouse on Sheridan Rd. in Rogers Park, but they were getting tired of being robbed and the nearby gang shootings; they also wanted to expand. So the new location will be the coffeehouse in one storefront—so commuters going to the Thorndale CTA stop can get a latte and a pastry in the morning—and a full restaurant in the adjacent one. (We use Granville rather than Thorndale station—not only are we likelier to get a seat on the train but Granville has an escalator and an elevator, and Thorndale has neither. Granville’s getting a Drunken Donuts next month, too—won’t need the drive-thru at Devon).

    For those who don’t drive, don’t want to walk to & from the CTA and don’t want an Uber account…across Broadway in the Winthrop/Kenmore Ave. “corridor” is the Nigerian community, which includes about 1/4 of the city’s cab drivers. So you never have to wait more than 5 minutes for a regular taxi, which you can either call or hail. The only reason we’d ever consider moving downtown is if we needed to downsize to a condo and no longer wanted to deal with hiring people to mow the lawn & shovel snow. But we’d miss the neighborhood feel. We live on a double block of mostly early 20th century single family homes with a few 2-flats, and it really feels like a small town. Everybody knows everybody, we have block parties & garden walks, and everyone attends either St. Gertrude’s, Temple Emanuel, or Immanuel Lutheran (and all three congregations hold joint secular holiday services and have even traveled to Israel together).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Love the Winbulance BTW!

    Here are some pics of play date at Little Adventures with my sweet baby boy yesterday. Last one is foggy but it is of his tired lil self waving bye bye to Nana as I was leaving. He is holding his "green doggy" which he takes to bed with him without fail. He was getting ready for his nap and was a very tired little sweetheart!! Love this two year old sooooo much!!

    Appeal is done, off to the post office to send certified mail. Ugh, say a prayer for me friends. Will try to finish updates latah. CheeRs!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    oops missed some! gotta run!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Dara, awwww… cute!

    No update on the house—it’s not even a week since State Farm’s estimator was here, and he said it could take 10-14 days. We did get a letter warning us that our latest policy has a “mold exclusion endorsement” (nationwide, they’d been getting slammed with mold claims) so that unless the mold was caused by water used to fight fire or lightning strikes, they won’t cover mold remediation. But we had no mold, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Besides, they already paid us for the mold remediation. The cats are doing fine, better than me.

    As for my chest cold, the medical verdict is…it’s a chest cold. Saw my MO this morning and she said my lungs sounded good and I was able to breathe deeply without coughing. I told her why I hadn’t seen a doctor about it (if viral, there’s nothing to be done and if bacterial, I didn’t want to become allergic or develop a bug resistant to yet another antibiotic). She said there’s a virus just like mine going around, and it isn’t flu either. (Ergo, no fever, chills or aches). She has two kids home with it right now. Basically, just keep hydrated, breathe steam, and hang in there. If I still have laryngitis next week, she agrees I should see an ENT to check for damage from coughing & throat clearing. As for the Zometa vs. Prolia, she agreed that Zometa didn’t turn out to be a good choice for me. She has some patients whose insurance pays for Prolia, and if my PCP can get prior auth for it I should have him administer it. If he can’t she says the GoodRX coupon is a reasonable compromise, and that either she, my PCP or even Bob could administer it (but better to use her or my PCP so there’s a record in my patient portal). She also said my osteopenia isn’t severe and my cancer wasn’t aggressive, so she suggested I can even wait till my next DexaScan in Nov. and see what it says (about how much damage 22 months of letrozole has done and whether the one Zometa infusion made a dent in it).

    I drank way more last night than I usually do in a week, so teetotaling today. I just read that seniors who drink 5 cups of coffee a day have lower levels of inflammation and age more slowly. So my DOTD is good, hot black joe. (2 c. regular, 1 c. decaf and a shot of espresso so far today).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Kim I am so sorry about u'r day and meltdown, it seemed like things were going better than u got slammed, that's awful for u. Oh and then to be on call this weekend just adds more to u'r feeling of anxiety of being called--it's not a well rested weekend of course, and I hope today goes much better and u'r phone doesn't ring this weekend, I was going to put up a TGIF, but I won't now for sure, just rest as much as u can and don't start any projects, just in case. MUAH

    Sandy I know a little about where u live (the area) and I don't blame u for not liiving downtown, it sounds like a real neighborhood, with that homey feeling. And for some reason I was thinking they were just going to continue working, I really forgot that u had to wait. I do hope u'r throat comes around, so u won't need to go to another Dr. and more importantly for U. Seafood, u and u'r DH are very trusting. We always use paper plates and I use plastic forks, only cuz in my head things still taste metally, I'm sure it really doesn't but to me it does. And this house is filled with wipes and Lysol (to much). I kinda like the idea of more coffee, since I drink more than I like to of it. I stopped for a while but it didn't do anything except headaches so I went back to it.

    Oh Oh Oh Dara. u r so funny--I read the DIY transplant--OMG who can do that???? My own kids feel the ick factor on this one, my sister can't do it nor can my cousin and they would. LOL Dara called me around 2am, I knew who it was cuz my phone told me, not because I knew who it was. We did have a great talk tho, but she's not coming this weekend. But she and her cousin were sitting around the fire, before the rain and having a nice time outside in January yet. Who would think? Dara I can't believe it rained after and u left everything out. And u finished the paperwork? Wow u can work fast, but I'm so glad u did it and Prayers for it to work, u deserve it to work. Oh BTW Dara knew I was up so it's all good.

    Jazzy I was hoping u were going to get all u'r tests done in one week, but as long as things are good it's just an inconvenience but it's fine. U get up and go everyday, slow down and relax a little too. This is u'r time for that too. I know u will, but u can start a little early u know.

    Where's Lori, or did I miss or forget something?