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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    I’ve seen Elton John twice: in Seattle in 1974 on the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” tour; and in 2009 at Wrigley Field, “dueling pianos” with Billy Joel. But in the fall of 1970, when I still lived in Brooklyn, WNEW-FM had him play live in the studio, and because I liked “Border Song” which was the first single they spun at the time, I tuned in. (I think they recorded it and he released it as a live album “11/7/70” or something like that—really nice duet version of “Love Song”). Saw him on a PBS fundraising special a few years back (I think it was just before the Wrigley concert) and I was struck by how I could barely make out a lot of the lyrics—“Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road” came out sounding like “Ooh-ah, Ella Bee Oh.” His voice was really low (in timbre like a baritone, not in volume). I wonder if he had a cold, bad dentures or novocaine from a dental appt. hadn’t worn off yet (or the sound engineer did a crappy job of mixing vocals). He sounded okay at Wrigley, though. Still, it’s undeniable that his voice in his youth was a much crisper and lighter tenor. My favorite songs of his are “Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding” (on several of first my mixtapes, then CD-Rs and finally iPod playlists), “Someone Saved My Life Tonight,” “Rocket Man,” “Where to Now, St. Peter?” and “Tickin’ “ (pretty obscure deep cut).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Sandy great songs, I also like "Daniel" it's so sad and for fun Benny and the Jets, I especially like the piano in that one. When Leslie was little, she loved that song and always sang---she had electric boobs---and I LOLed each time. Then she didn't know what boobs were. He would be great to see in person.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinksThought I'd be sleeping soon and didn't know if NM can make it this morning-so it's early but sounded good to me anyway. So DOTD for Saturday, after all most aren't working and can leisurely down a couple. OOOO maybe this would help me sleep. Well it won't be a good day for the phones for me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Cami, it was my choice to do the low dose. As I don't want to do it at all! Why can't you get diapers for free? And I'm so sorry yesterday morning was so bad for you and during the night. I hope you got work all straightened out and are also feeling better. Was it the D that started the AA (anxiety attack) New meaning to AA! Bahahaha at the Electric Boobs! Looks like your DD and her DH had a date night last night? What did you and Joey do?

    Jazzy, are you asking me "what show in Vegas"? We are going for work. It's just a trade show at the convention center. We really aren't Vegas fans either. We got just a dusting of snow and it's still coming down, but not hard at all.

    LDB, what is the PT for. Did I miss sumptin? Glad you will be done and I hope it helped whatever the prob was. You mean your son still hasn't learned QB? I thought you were teaching him when I was there? 8 months worth, yikes!

    Sounds like pretty good news on the home front Sandy. Glad that cold is hitting the exit door.

    I had to get me some new jeans, all my clothes are just too big on me. I am now in a size 5, weight is fluctuating between 125-130. I cannot get up to or over 130! I know my mother will notice, and I don't know how I will handle it. Do I tell her?

    Thanks for the morning DOTD BossLady.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    OK I'm back, slept a couple of hrs.

    Lori I'm glad u'r on a lower dose so u feel better. I don't know if my sister is on anything now, I think for now she's doing OK as far as the rat bastard anyway. Her body tho feels not so good, but don't forget she's much older than u. It's funny, she needs her knee done but because of the C-Diff they feel like it's to risky for an infection or some crazy thing like that. She's very matter of fact when we talk about these things and she was told that C-Diff could be a life threatening disease--I never knew that---anyway she's in pain alot but for different reasons. Do I make sense? Yes my kids went out last nite, their friends came over and said Oh u said we were ll going out LOL they fell for it and went out, Leslie never goes out on Friday cuz she works today and tonite she's having Bunko here, so they were home by 10PM, they're so funny, like really old people. Joey and I just hung out and we did some talking, but at one time he looked at me and said I love u so much and continued to just talk. I love when he does that, so whatever we do is fine with me. Lori when u go to Vegas for work, don't u do any gambling or any shows at all. I'm not a big Vegas fan, but when I did go I could gamble, that I enjoyed, never won but it was fun for me. But it's a hard place to relax to me so I hope u can take advantage of that for u. I'm not preaching, just saying LOL

    I hope NM is doing OK.

    JULIE, DARA where are u???


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Very quick pop in. Having a lovely time. Got Pearl back yesterday. More latah.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hey girls!

    Wanted to pop in for some saturdey eve dwinks, gotta get my ewwa in the shower then hit the likker store for some more JD. I was up until the sun rose this morning. We were watching a mini series on TruTV about OJ Simpson called "Is OJ innocent" was six episodes. I was falling asleep at the end so have to watch the last two again. But OMG, it is so overwhelmingly powerful with a theory that his son Jason was very involved. It seems that there is enough new evidence that was surpressed in the original trial that points to Jason as the killer, for a new grand jury to meet and ponder trying the evil son. It is a must watch for anyone interested in this case. I ended up dreaming about it. I had a dream that the storage unit that was previously rented by Jason was actually like a consignment store and it was in my home town. It was a freaky dream and very scary! Good Lord, was I glad to wake up and be far far far away from OJ's very creepy son!

    So the story about Logan getting mad at me: I babysat him on New Year's eve while my DD went out (on a date). Logan loves candles so as I was finally unpacking a box of personal items that was shipped to me from my former employer, I pulled out this beautiful candle which was a gift from one of the closing attorney's that I worked with out of NY city. It is a large candle and is heavy so as I put it in front of Logan to smell, he said ummmmm over and over a few times then proceeded to grab the "dandle", as he called it, then run with it. Well he dropped it on the floor twice and I was afraid of him breaking the glass, dropping it on his toes or on the dog's head etc. I took it from him and put it out of reach in another room. He took the biggest fit and started screaming DANDLE DANDLE over and over. I told him no, I did not want him to get hurt and so on. Well that was when I saw his little temper. He picked up a bag of bows from a box set to go back up to my attic and pulled them out and started to throw them. I told him to stop and he told me over and over "YOU GO YOU GO YOU GOOOOOOO", I believe he was trying to tell me to go and get the dandle and give it back to him. OR perhaps he was unpolitely asking Nana to get out of his face lol. He was so cute and funny, i had to leave the room and giggle at him. After a few minutes, he calmed down at which time I gave him a new ride on firetruck that I had put together earlier in the day before he got here (was an exchange of a duplicated tool bench set I had returned). Bad Nana rewarding his lil temper fit. I did feel bad for his heart though. The lil guy just cracks me up, my cousin and I laugh so hard when we imitate his fit! So that's my story.

    Oops, time to hop in the shower, Cheryl wants to go out to eat tonight. I had bought some pretty t-bone steaks for us but it is dark out for grilling and frankly, too much dog poo on my path to the grill lol (good excuse to wait until tomorrow to grill outside) and do poop patrol lol. TMI ???

    Will try to report back latah or tomorrow to address my lovely fellow lounge lizzards.

    CheerS! Love you all berry muchly!

    image alt="Image result for cheers girls">

    oops! Titties up, iffin ya got em!!!

    Image result for cheers girls

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Image result for cheers girls

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Wow I don't remember posing for that 2nd pic. Dara, but there I am. Oh Logan cracks me up, being a grandma u can do what u want and laugh at what u want, that's the best part. And they don't stay mad very long, it's just fun and isn't fun when they say words all screwy and u don't want to correct them either.? Oh so cute.

    I'm glad NM pooped in to let us know how things are going and Pearl is back. YAAAY

    We actually had doors open today for a while in January yet. It was great.

    BTW Dara I haven't watched the OJ Simpson thing, but I remember watching that trial constantly--when the hell did I work? Now u'r making me interested in this whole thing all over, I don't know if I can take it. U know how I watch all this crime stuff.

    Lori I just thought u mentioned about me getting Depends paid for, how do I go about that? I never thought about doing that, or if I can, oh I'd save a fortune.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinksThis sounded good and looks so pretty. damn I wish I drank.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Boss Lady, there usually isn't time for anything when we go to Vegas. The show opens at 9 am, and goes to about 4 or 5. So we are walking all this time, up and down isles, looking at the different booths and what they have. Then it's dinner and then to bed. Get up the next day and do it all over again. So no time for anything else. Can't that C-Dif be taken care of? I didn't think it was a permanent thing.

    Wacko, you can let us know what happens in the OJ story. I'm not that interested, but glad to see him in Jail. Love the dandle story, and glad you left the room to snicker. Did you make him pick up the bows? What does he call you? And where did you find that picture of all of us???? LOL! Ha ha, Boss Lady was thinking the same thing I was!!!!!

    NM, yeah for getting Pearl back.

    Cami, I will ask my mom how she gets hers. Do you have a social worker? You are on Medicare or Medicaid? I WILL check into this for you girl! If I call, I will just say I am your daughter and I live in AZ, and trying to help my mom who lives in Illinois. You might need a script from your doctor, which should not be a problem. Let me ask my mom and I'll let you know.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Sadie and I had a wonderful visit with Aunty and Cousin Laura.Found out that things are not so bad with Aunty as is being said by another Aunty.Aunty L and Laura (her DD, my cousin) are still planning to go on a cruise to Alaska this summer.Aunty L may have a pinched nerve in back that is giving her trouble with one leg, she has appointments to check on that.She's got a gizmo coming to help her communicate better (she can't talk).Eventually things will change, but she isn't going to be in a nursing home on a breathing machine in a couple months like Aunty D is telling everyone.Got lines of communication sorted out, who is going to relay info to Laura after doctor's appointments, etc.We even brainstormed some ways to make it easier for Aunty L to fly by herself.So, for now, life goes on with minimal changes.Four of us cousins got together for breakfast and bowling, I came in last.Had a blast, though!

    Now to catch up with the HTL news!

    Cammy--phewon the D not messing up the new love seat.

    Genny--Glad the blood pressure is better!

    Jazzy--I'm sure there is a way to find a balance with the phone calls.Letting them go to voice mail and screening is something I'm going to try.Then I can check the messages after every visit, return the calls that need to be returned immediately, return the rest at a set time, say around 4 pm.I can ask the office to text if something is urgent, but they already go back and forth between texts and calls all the time, so that may not work.But I can do the same thing with texts, and look at them after every visit, only answer the urgent ones right away, the rest later.Sounds like a plan, I'll see how it goes next week and see if anyone has a meltdown!

    Chi--Good idea leaving some items uncleaned to be swabbed for lead and other problems.The Limoncello recipes I found used lemon zest, bet that would be better than flavoring.But then, it's probably easier to just buy a new bottle, too!

    Jazzy--I live the idea of drinking martinis as networking!

    Goldie--Aunty L is resisting gettng a new phone and learning to text cuz Aunty D is pushing her do to that.Aunty L does not like to be bossed by her younger sister.It's creating issues.Can you say "Family Dynamics"?No wonder I'm so good at dealing with family with crazy interrelationships, I come from one!

    Cammy--online ordering and home delivery is such a wonderful thing, isn't it?I just ordered a bunch of Meal Time Box meals to have in the freezer, I take out a couple every week to thaw, then on nights when there isn't time or energy for cooking I just pop one in the microwave for 4 minutes and I'm good to go!Full meals, meat, sides, properly portion sized.Good quality food and great taste, even if they don't look all that good after being vacuum packed.Fortunately I can get past the looks easily enough. Thanks for covering the DOTDs for me!You find some really great drinks!

    Mema--Hey, Mema, great to see you! Glad PT is helping.

    Chi--Glad to see that the insurance adjuster is being reasonable about the habitability of the house during the next phase. Glad the cold is better, too.

    Cammy--I generally can't stand cold coffee, but I bet I can enjoy and Espresso Martini!

    Goldie--wish I knew what to tell you about talking to your Mom.Got to be a hard decision.Praying the lower dose FU pills work without side effects.

    Dara--oh, my, little Logan sounds like he has a BIG temper!I can just picture you having to step out of the room to get the giggles out of your system. I would have had to do the same.

    Goldie--That sounds like a lot of walking, but that's good exercise. Something I need more of. And I am VERY happy to have Pearl back!Now I can see where I'm going when I'm driving, and don't feel like I'm going to get blown off the road every time a car passes me or the wind gusts.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Happy Happy


    1 1/2 oz. 151 Proof Rum

    1 oz. Vodka

    1/2 oz. Triple Sec

    Orange Juice


    Mix in shaker and strain into a cocktail glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- we had a big weather system push through here Thursday evening through yesterday with everything from rain, to sleet, strong winds, snow, you name it. I was out in the weather Friday night to have my martini and ended up staying for dinner (and enjoyed some delicious Earthquake petite syrah), but was in yesterday. Got me focused on a project that will continue through today.....

    I have been working to get my home in order and working through the kitchen right now. Been cleaning out things like the fridge, pantry, cabinets, etc. I have far too many dishes, some which came from my mothers home, some which have been my own purchases. My mother was a big entertainer, and I used to do more of that when younger, but now pretty much am limited to small dinner parties usually in the summer on the patio. Less time and interest in having parties and other social gatherings, so I just need to get rid of some of my kitchen stuff. Some is going to the home consignment store this week (better things) and other things to the Habitat Restore. Into my every other year purge, and do look at things with a different eye.

    Goldie- trade shows are a lot of work. I have been on the attending side of them and just always a busy day. I am sure you both are exhausted at the end of the day. Any chance you may be there in mid-February?

    Cami- so it sounds like you have C-diff and know of other cancer patients and also non cancer patients that suffer with this. Have you heard about the fecal implants they do to help straighten things out? I even saw a documentary on it and it sounds like it can really help to get things straightened out and major treatment for C-diff these days. Worth exploring with your providers?

    NM- sounds like you had a fun weekend with family, but also helping your Aunt to have better support and communications. It is never good when people start overstating things about others and creating more stress for the person and those around them. You have a good process in place now. And congrats on getting Pearl back, I bet you are so happy!

    Dara- how was your outing with Cheryl? Do anything fun?

    I start my 6 month follow up tomorrow with my mammo and ultrasound, later in the week, I am going to see my MO for blood work, exam and Prolia shot. I tend to go of line a bit while this is going on so if I am more absent this week until I am done with things, you will know why.

    Wishing all my friends here a good wrap up to the weekend and good week ahead. January is going quickly!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    My cold's trajectory is “seesawing," unfortunately. Started taking Mucinex (plain, not DM—wanna be able to cough) and drinking more water to thin out the mucus so I can at least swallow the postnasal drip. When I do feel like I need to cough up something, it comes out of my lungs but then gets stuck on the nasopharynx (top of throat). Had been clearing my throat, but I think I may have done a real number on my vocal cords (hope not permanently, but I guess there was a reason for not having any gigs coming up). So instead, I've been “huffing out"—exhaling forcefully, like a silent “ha-ha-ha"—and sometimes it works. I would go to my primary or Immediate Care, but since my phlegm's yellow (probably viral) and not green there really isn't anything they can do besides what I've already been doing for myself. Heck, with my three antibiotic allergies (penicillin, sulfa, cipro), and my experience of an arrhythmia last time I took a Z-Pack, I'm afraid of developing either resistance or allergy to the few abx I can still take that might work. Trying to ride this out—supposed to be self-limiting—but losing patience. Hard to believe I can feel this lousy without running a fever.

    Last night’s DOTD (besides lots of water) was ginger peach green tea with raw honey. Maybe tonight I’ll add a dollop of bourbon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Just thought I'd poop in for a minute.

    Jazzy good thing now u have the time to catch up with all the dr. stuff, OK and I guess the houseworky stuff too. Sounds like a lot of work. And smaller groups for parties are really more relaxing than big party stuff.

    Sandy that's right u have to protect u'r voice too. This is really hanging on and u know when u don't have a fever and u feel so rotten it just isn't fair. I always felt like I deserve one so it explains how bad I feel and not having on seems like u shouldn't feel so bad. well u sure know what to do so it has to be tired of sticking around. And thanks for the tip about the DM, I didn't know that.

    NM it great to see u back and if anyone can help about u'r Aunty u'r the one. And things sound not awful for her with u'r explanation. And seeing u'r cousins has to be a blast whether u bowl and win or loose, I'm so glad u got to do that and had a nice time with everyone.

    Lori now I remember about shows in Vegas. The guys went to one in November and I'm still getting calls from vendors, it is all walking and talking. Oh Lori u'r so sweet I don't even know what I'm on it's Dis.with SS if that tells u anything and I know I can get anything I need from my Dr. Oh and I don't have C-diff, in fact all my samples came out great, found nothing. So now I start with a brand new Dr. who knows about all this stuff with me and how NOTHING has gotten worse over the last year. BTW my sister has C-diff and altho it can go in like a remission u have to take something for it and have it checked all the time and now if it comes back she'll have the transplant, which she told me to see if I can have one anyway but I told her they don't do it willy-nilly.Of course I had it tonite Ugh, yep that's what I need some willy.

    Jazzy u'r right, this month is flying by as usual, I hate that everything goes so fast.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Cami, just a thought—have your doctors mentioned taking probiotics? Could your persistent D be caused by a serious imbalance in gut flora? Just a thought.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning,Loungettes!It's Monday again, another work week starting, going into this one with high hopes for smoother working with some new plans in place.We shall see how it goes.Sadie will be unhappy not to be riding with me.She's had lots of rides this weekend. She is one tired pooch!

    Jazzy--I envy you your every other year purge.I'm still working on decluttering! Ah well, we all start where we are and move forward, right? Kitchen gizmos and gadgets are a failing of mine, I have stuff I will never use, stuff I use once a year at most.Need to, someday, get all that stuff organized and/or moved out of the house. I am very happy to have Pearl back, and even more happy with knowing where things really are with Aunty L and having a good communication set up in place. Good luck with all the testing and appointments, praying for good news when you are all done!

    Chi--you can try steam therapy, too, all you need is steaming hot water in a mug you can hold near your face.Add a drop or two of essential oil --camphor and eucalyptus are favorites, pine, peppermint, rosemary are helpful, too. I find the steam gets into the sinus better and helps thin out that mucus.If I were you I'd be wary of antibiotics, too. It's amazing how crappy you can feel without running a fever.

    Cammy--We cousins are needing to get together more often, our parents are of the age where health issues are showing up and they are slowing down. We're the next generation of caretakers of the family elders, and need to support each other.So it was really good to get together and start really reconnecting.I'm not sure I care for this part of life--our parents aging, that is--but I guess I have to deal just like everyone else.Mom and Dick are visibly slowing down.But, we'll get through it all.Even if we do bowl terribly, we have a huge amount of fun!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Berry White martini - Smirnoff Blueberry Vodka, blueberry infused sweet & sour, and white cranberry juice. #cocktail #martini #happyhour:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Gosh NM, why would Aunty D say things that aren't quite right? Is she not quite right either? These are your mom's sisters? Is your dad still around? You don't talk a whole lot about your family, and iffin ize being too nosey, why just say you don't like to discuss on public forum. I understand.Glad you had fun bowling and have Pearl back. I hope the device helps her to communicate. When I worked with the kids, we had something with pictures on it, and the kids would press that. If they wanted to eat, go play, bathroom, etc. It was a way they could communicate and we would use it when teaching. When my father in law passed my MIL's older sister tried to hone in on her little sister. Would tell her she should do this or she should do that and in the end, they no longer talk. And they were so close! What about some kind of a cheap tablet she could use? Instead of the phone? Maybe Sadie is too exhausted from the weekend and will be ok not riding this week. I hope you have an easy week as well.

    Jazzy, we have round 3 moving in, or is it round 4? None of them have really had an effect on us. Just a tad muddy out and a few traces of some snow. Trade shows ARE a lot of work. No, we won't be there in Feb. LWe understand about the check ups. Praying all is good for you Jazzy. I have a feeling it will be but that still doesn't stop the anxiety. Dang, I hold enough of that shit for everyone here!

    Sandy, whatever it is you have, it's sure hanging on, it really likes you!

    Cami, I will call today and see what I can find out and then I will call you. I hope the new doctor can help you. Do you and Lou see any of the same doctors? I have to chuckle at how we ALL try to help with your D!

    My mom was back in the hospital!!!! And home like 6 hours later! Gheesh. She doesn't feel good and just wants to die. Told me that yesterday and she has said it before. I told her God just wasn't ready for her! Or he just don't want her!!!! Just kidding of course. And I told her you are just one tough bitch! I just don't know how I'm gonna hide all of this weight loss. She said something about it the last time I was there and I just blew her off. I'm afraid for her if I tell her. Her heart is not good at all. And how horrible would it be if I were the one responsible for my own mother's death????? Oy Vey! Lord help me!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Edited to remove picture

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, I hope you all had a nice weekend.

    NM, I am so glad you and Pearl are reunited. And even happier to hear the good news after your visit with your aunt. Glad you had a good time bowling, I miss bowling, used to enjoy bowling very much. I hope the new device helps your aunt. She is in my prayers. And you are right, Logan displayed quite a temper, it is somewhat scary especially considering who the sperm donor is. But don't wanna even go there, uh uh no way Jose, hate that man. Hope your week is better and that you find a new effective communication system that allows you to continue your driving, uninterupted yet allow yyou to better utilize your valuable time as a hospice nurse! Hugs my dear friend.

    Lori, try not to stress over the weight loss. It is what it is and no changing it. Maybe tell your mother that you felt fat? There are a lot of skinny girls out there who think they need diets. Maybe, just maybe she will believe you? Just a thought. As for the OJ story, the revelation is that his son was most definitely involved. Did you know that OJ is up for parole this coming October? That is preposterous. Sending you hugs my dear and of course lots of prayers for less anxiety and for your health to get better or at a minimum, remain stable. Muah!! BTW, the hur grandsaughter is beautiful and the hair, oh what a shame because her hair IS beautimous.

    Mema, miss you so much, hope to see you back here soon. Glad the PT is helpful but also wondering what it is for, is it stability on your feet? Love you too, so very muchly!!

    Jazzy, I too am in aw over your motivation both at home and with your work. I wish you all the best for nothing but perfect results with your screenings etc. U2 will be in my prayers. Love you lady fwend!

    Cammy, my love, the girls here are great in trying to assist your medical team in figuring out the problem with your chronic diarrhea. I pray so hard that a solution can be found for you. As always, I love your Joey stories. I had a tears in my eyes when reading about him randomly telling you that he loves you so much. He is indeed a gem. You are blessed.

    Sandy, NM has a good suggestion. I have used the steam method and it is very effective. I hope and pray that you feel better quickly. I can relate to your issues as my sinuses have been jacked up for seven months now. And I still have green crack boogers despite my ENT telling me there is no infection. Ugh. Feel better and sure hope your voice recovers.

    I have a dental appointment in about 30 minutes. After consult ng with my dentist/inventor/boyfriend who developed the device, we have determined that I need the device re-fabricated. I am hoping my dentist sees it my way I will fill you all in later about that. It is time for me to get cleaned up dressed and out the door.

    To the rest of my girls, Jenny with a G, HSant, My girl Nancy who I do believe is reading, and all of the rest of my fellow loungettes,, have a great day. Lots of cheers and lots of love to each of you.

    (see Cammy again below, such a poser hehe, she is with her friends and I see Leslie too!)


    Image result for girls cheers

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Cami, I'm sorry about the big DD (diarrhea devil) coming back. I hope you're finding relief today. Depends are an effing fortune. So are Ensures. One of the perks of hospice for my dad is both of those are supplied and Medicare pays for it. The whole "pantygate" topic is really getting old on BH. Who cares? Please, bring on the drama. It's why I watch these hags. I'm sensing some tension brewing between Eden and Kyle. Also, Kim shouldn't be filming so soon after getting sober.

    NM, having to pull over to take calls, while in the process of a long commute sounds dreadful. How long does it take you to get to your destination? So happy to hear you have Pearl back. Hopefully, no problems and she's purring easy breezy. How is Auntie? So nice that you could spend the weekend with her, but I imagine it's also very difficult. Hope Sadie gets some much needed rest.

    Genny, it would be disrespectful if you didn't listen to your elders.:) You have done really well with respect to cutting back on the sauce and going to the gym. Kudos to you. Great news about your BP! How did the stress test go?

    Goldie, it's good that your mom calls 911, even if it ends up being nothing. Better to be safe. I'm glad your mom is home, but she must've been pretty sick if she was admitted. Is she getting home care via her insurance? Are you losing weight because of a lack of appetite? I'm sorry your mom was back n the hospital. I'm not a medical professional, but I will say that you would not be responsible if something (god forbid) happened to your mom. Please don't add that thought to what must be a stressful time for you. Is that your granddaughter? She's beautiful!

    March does sound very busy!

    Mema, hope you are enjoying your time with your DS.

    Jazzy, wow! It sounds like you have some fun weekends in the next few weeks! I'm a big Kevin Costner fan, too. Loved him in My Bodyguard.

    Dara, do not, I repeat do not feel guilty about spending $ on JD. You are going thru a rough, rough time and if a little liquid love helps you get thru this time, so be it.

    Yes, you sound like you're depressed. Understandably so! You have been through so much in the past year. Please don't put pressure on yourself right now. You just need to ride out the storm and give yourself a break {{{Dara}}} Sending you a big, fat hug!

    I had a really tough weekend. My dad has a lung infection and was prescribed Levaquin, but I believe this infection has caused his blood gasses to go up. That's my father's issue. His pulse Ox is always in the upper 90s, but he doesn't expend all of his CO2. So he was hallucinating all weekend. He managed to walk up the stairs to his old room in the middle of the night early this morning. Oy. It took a lot to get him down the stairs and back into his bed. He's sleeping peacefully now, but I'm scared. I'm not going to put him back in HHFH ( hospice house from hell).

    Had a long talk with the hubs, and I'm keeping him at home. We shall see how he is when he awakes.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Did a Neil-Med sinus rinse yesterday, but nothing except normal mucus came out. Went to our family shrink appt. today, and he suggested I gargle with Listerine. It knocked stuff loose for a little while. It might be too harsh on my throat, though. Going to WF to pick up a few bottles of Singer’s Saving Grace (the ones I have are old and too much has evaporated from them). It has jack-in-the-pulpit extract, which helps reduce laryngeal edema (swollen cords). The Professional Strength and the Citrus Honey varieties are non-alcoholic (the other flavors have alcohol, which is drying). I stopped taking my nightly Zyrtec, since antihistamines are drying. (So is “vitamin X”—all benzos can cause dry mouth—but melatonin alone doesn’t help me get to sleep).

    It’s my birthday—Bob has office hrs and is working late. So my DOTD will be some champagne when he gets home. Belated B’day dinner will be Thurs—Cellars is having an Italian wine-pairing dinner.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Happy birthday ChiSandy. Wishing you many more wonderful years on this planet and with us! Heart

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Chi, also wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many many more! It is partay time!

    Image result for happy birthday sandy

    I wish you were feeling better. I now use the Neil Med rinse and it does wonders,, thanks again for that suggestion. I support you taking your vitamin X. I miss my vitamin V but have to stay away for awhile since I have to test for pain management on Friday. Then it is back to the vitamin and the willie, yippee! Gonna have a big ass partay in the lounge for ya, ok?

    I huge emotional day for me. I think I will report in under my alias in the next 24 hours to discuss. But it starts sorta like this....I have a friend who....

    Was really pissed off at her boss so she got her fired. Yep, my friend did this and altough she feels a tad guilty, she is much less angry. She and her cousin were the only peeps in the world who know what my friend was up to. But I have a single word for my friend and all others who have been harmed:

    KARMA :

    image alt="Image result for karma is a bitch">


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for funny belated birthday wishesThis is for u Sandy==Hope u'r DH came home early enough.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Early mornin' ladies,

    Oh chit I forgot almost everything I read so iffin I miss something I'm sorry--I usually do.

    First tho--OK Dara start splainin' u know I didn't get all that, u know I have to have an order of things and who is u'r boyfriend...etc. I'm lost with all this stuff--so I'll be waiting, u'r so mysterious u'r like a Patterson novel.

    Hsant, I'm so sorry about u'r dad, he was doing so well. But u'r right I think cuz whenever they gave my dad anything new he'd start hallucinating, it would pass but it's still awful to watch and be with. But I don't think he's suffering because of it. He probably won't remember anything. I really wish he's better today (((prayers))) And I agree about BH someone has to start something soon cuz if they're going to go with this panty story any longer I won't keep on taping it. LOL I'll show them.

    Lori I'm sure u'r mom will see u'r weight loss and whatever u decide to do and say it will be fine, I'm sure. Nothing will be u'r fault so put that out of u'r head, plus u'r mom is pretty strong.

    Sandy I hope u'r feeling better this thing is going on for a long time. Are they working in u'r house now? I've tried the stuff u mentioned for a while, it did nothing It's kind of silly how it happens tho, Joey and I can be talking and I've been ok then my stomach makes a noise like thunder and it's super loud and within 30 to 60 seconds it explodes out with the same noise and Joey will be following me with the mop that I bought just for this. I like when he's with me when it happens cuz it's so much easier on me. I know it sounds disgusting but he grew up with me having this and he was with me so much it doesn't get him all upset, like it does his parents. LOL Last week he said to me no one really understands our relationship cuz we're so close. So I am blessed with him.

    NM u and Pearl are back together and u pooped out Sadie. I would enjoy her so much, she sounds like such a good friend. People are so busy nowadays but u really should make time for the cousins to be together, it's such a great feeling to really laugh and have fun like that. Especially with what u do every day, u need to laugh.

    Jazzy even when u'r not working u'r always so busy. Hoping all goes well this week, I know it will but there is always the anxiety factor no matter what. U'r still off of work for a while aren't u?

    Our weather has been really warm for IL this week, and no snow in sight, so this was an easy January, well so far.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Snow and sleet here, schools closed all over the place, even where the precipitation hasn't started yet. Got a meeting this ayem, then visits.Going to be a slow driving day. Supposed to turn to rain later in the day, maybe that will happen before I have to be on the road. We'll see.Did wind up working late last night, doing an emergency admission.Was in the home until 6 pm.But, got things settled and the patient comfortable and the family calmed down, so it felt good.

    Goldie--We all wonder a bit about Aunty D. She likes to be in control, and the center of attention, but she doesn't really listen and rarely gets info right. So we've decided to let her have her drama while not taking anything she says seriously. Of course, we have to explain to everyone she talks to that Aunty L is not on her deathbed, which gets tiresome. But we'll manage. Aunty L is doing pretty well with a pen and pad and gestures with the communication. Laura has ordered her an e-reader/tablet for e-mail and FaceBook. It should have a text to speech function and I can show her how to use that if she wants. So your Mom was at the hospital, again. I really don't think you telling her about your situation will cause her death. But I understand your worry.What a pretty girl! And look at that hair!

    Dara--so far the checking e-mails, voice-mails and text-messages after visits and returning only urgent ones until the end of the day is working pretty well. Going to keep going with this and see how it goes over time. Also not taking the phone into homes when I do visits. Need to remember to turn the volume down while I'm in my facilities, and only check between visits there, too.

    Hsant--some drives between patients is an hour without stops. I drive over 100 miles per day for work, some days it's very close to 200. And very little of that is on highways or with speed limits more than 45 mph! Pearl is going marvelously, and I am so happy to be back in her where I am up high enough to see what's coming, and have my studded tires so I know I have traction when I need it AND I know where all the controls are and don't have a fancy, changing, distracting touch screen to deal with! Those things are dangerous, in my opinion. Cars need to drive themselves cuz the driver needs all her attention on the screen trying to find the speed readout or the gas gauge.Sorry to hear about your Dad, when COPDers get a lung infection it knocks them for a loop even when they don't retain CO2. Glad he's resting now. Don't be shy with the morphine and lorazepam, they'll help him feel a lot better, even if they don't make his condition better.

    Chi--Happy Birthday!Sorry to hear you are under the weather, but glad you have plans to celebrate later in the week. The Singers Saving Grace sounds much better than Listerine, that stuff has so much alcohol that some people drink it! Yuck!

    Dara--oh, my, Karma is a bitch only if you are, so true!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    For Chi:


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Wacko, I think OJ is a POS. Up for parole for that house break in or something? Love the karma saying!

    Hsant, my mom calls 911 about once a month. I think 50% of the time she is sent home in a few hours. That picture is about 4 years ago. Always praying for your dad and glad he didn't get hurt going upstairs.

    Sandy, hope the Singer's Saving Grace works for you. And Happy Birthday!

    Oh my goodness Cami, that Joey is sumptin else I tell ya. And I hear ya about the tummy rumbles and tumbles and gurgles and then the explosion.

    We got another dusting of snow, was windy and now it's suppose to get cold for a few days. Been spoiled with 40-50 degree temps. It will be below freezing, not too bad. But single digits at night. My computer is still acting up. So DH will take it in tomorrow morning. I took my measurements yesterday, not too bad actually! 37-27-36. But look how skinny!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Image result for musical happy birthday sandy

    Image result for musical birthday cake

    Image result for happy birthday wine