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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, I didn't know my dad fractured his hip either, I was told it was his rib! I got your PM, thank you. She is a beauty! Enjoying this warmer weather we are having.

    Sandy, you are sick again. Ha ha, you need to see a doctor, not sleep with one! Gotta luv our Cami!

    Cami, I too have heard that about hips. The hip breaks and the person falls, not the other way around. However, I don't think that is what happened in his case, as he was trying, well he succeeded, to climb over the rails of the hospital bed with an IV and catheter in. Really, you never made left turns? Not even at a light? And no bridges.

    Mary, I had to laff about your weather, as it was on our news this morning! Cleveland to be hit with 3" of snow!!! Glad you like the new PCP. And poor Emma, it's just so sad, and I'm so sorry. You and Dort both with sick puppies. And Louie being a bad boy. I saw a video on FB yesterday of how dogs find ways of getting into things, mainly FOOD. But it actually made me think of Sadie, as we know HER antics! My son is moving. Harvey Wallbangers eh. Looks like we all had a grenadine experience!

    Time to do my stretches!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Had a reasonable work day yesterday, today looks to be reasonable, too. I'm hoping this is the start of a trend.I have started looking around to see if there is anything open in the teaching arena, or with less driving. Found a couple of interesting things, going to freshen up the resume/CV and start doing some research. I'm thinking about asking if a part time job can be created, that would have no major case management work, so would take out a lot of headaches.And praying, too.Much.

    Having fun watching the evolution of the new legalization of possession of marijuana in Maine.As of yesterday it's legal for anyone 21 years old or older to possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana for personal use. It's not legal to buy it in Maine state or federally yet. There is a moratorium on opening marijuana stores until Feb 2018. Legislature decided the Dept of Agriculture would manage MJ sales, the Governor used an executive order to change that to the Dept of Alcohol and Lotteries. Going to be entertaining!

    Cammy--a DIY poop transplant?I hope it works, but I cringe at the thought.Not of the DIY part, but of the poop part. I still have the cough, still bringing up yellow stuff, trying to keep on top of it.Which reminds me, I need to get some cough drops to have in the car today.

    I'm with kitty on Monday ayems!

    Goldie--when I'm on call I do take the phone with me everywhere.Bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, and then give myself panics when I can't see it and can't remember where I put it last. And I'm checking it every couple of minutes to be sure I haven't accidently turned the sound down. I haven't looked into leasing a car, but I can get a fleet car through work.Right now that's not helpful, I'd end up with 2 vehicles.When Pearl is paid for I may look at it again, but getting a Fleet car means a monthly personal use fee, tracking every single mile driven as work or personal, not sure how the maintenance part works. On the other side it comes with a gas card and insurance already covered.But if I find another job I'd have to find another vehicle, and end up with a car payment again.So I probably will keep Pearl and work on getting her paid off and then going without a car payment.I can't believe your Mom is going to let that big dog out unattended/unconfined like that.Just asking for trouble, and I'm thinking of something happening to the dog, not what the dog could do to someone else!Just a bad idea all the way around. Your poor Dad.I'm glad the wife wants to talk to doc before agreeing to hip surgery, the stats on someone with mod to advanced dementia actually getting back to walking after this are pretty low, and the death rate pretty high.Really aggressive pain control is the key right now, and that may be making him a little sedated.I hope they aren't just sedating him and not treating the pain, too. Praying for him, and for you and the rest of the family.

    Jazzy--I'm kind of hoping I can keep Pearl going for quite a while, I really would like to get out of debt before I have to retire! And I like driving her. She may not have all the bells and whistles, butshe goes good and gets me where I need to be. And except for some coughing episodes, I slept really well last night. Ah, the benefits of a glass of wine with dinner and not being on call!

    Chi--I hear you about the funny cold. I've got one very itchy and sore ear, I swear it's swollen inside the ear canal, and lots of post nasal drip crap. Trying to keep the hydration thing going. Wondering if I should get on the steroid thing now or if I can wait it out a bit more. Otherwise, I don't feel too bad, just tired.

    Cammy--I cannot imagine driving without making left hand turns!Not going over bridges I can see, there are a couple I try to avoid as much as possible, don't care for the height and the seeming fragility of the structure. LOL at Dan asleep in the car in the dooryard. His wife must have been crazy mad at him.

    Monday's ugly sister, indeed!

    Genny--Welcome home! Sorry to hear Emma is slowing down, so hard when our furbabies get to that part of life. LOL at getting a PCP that will out live you!

    Ooh, yeah, I stretched my neck, good!

    Goldie--I'll join you in some more stretches!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Royal Stretch


    1 oz. Crown Royal

    3 oz. Sparkling Water

    splash(es) Cherry Juice or Grenadine


    Serve over ice in tall glass with mint leaf garnish.

    The Royal Stretch is a refreshing drink alternative for race day. The blend of Crown Royal paired with brisk sparkling water and a hint of cherry juice is easy to make and satisfying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for ingredients for making alcoholic drinksJust in case---good to read u Mary--u 2 are really going at it--working out I mean, not easy stuff, for sure. U sound good, I hope it's true. Any pics for us???

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- waking up to sunshine here again. The weather is much better again with warmer temps and sunshine. Mid 50s now during the day and better for my late afternoon walks.

    I had the cleaning company in yesterday to get my house taken care of and went back to working on filing/paperwork and some more summarizing of receipts to be ready to work on my tax planner for my accountant. Got in a nice late afternoon walk too. Today I am focusing on getting more clean out activities (some boxes in the garage that I need to go through, empty out, creating more storage space as a result). Tomorrow I am getting my Prolia shot and therefore, know Thursday on I may be a bit achy. I have already targeted a couple movies later this week to do until the SEs lift.....

    Genny- good to hear from you. A vacation is always good incentive to loose weight, although not that easy these days in my experience. I heard a Dog's Life is good, saw the previews. Stay safe in the big weather your way.

    That photo is very hubba hubba and helped my neck too!

    ChiSandy- hoping round 2 of this bug is pushing through. With all the house stress, it is no surprise you are sick. Feel better sister.

    NM- I am with you and trying to push to get my debt gone too before retirement. The house is my main focus now and been paying it down through time. I had a goal to have it paid off by the time I was 52 but then cancer came along and cost me some money as well as time off. But during some of the more lucrative contracts the past few years, I have been doing extra payments. I have a goal to pay it off this year maybe, but if not, just will keep paying extra. That being said, it will be awhile yet before I retire but with no mortgage, I actually can work less or do the types of work that is fun and interesting and less about $$$. As one friend once said to me years ago, no debt means more freedom!

    Cami- wow, Dan must have been tired or maybe cannot get enough rest at home. Sounds like everyone was worried about him. He got to check out the new love seat too, he bought that for you, yes? So nice of him. I agree And Tuesday, so true!

    Dara- how did surgery go? You okay sister?

    Goldie- how is dad doing today?

    Hsant- same question about your dad?

    Wishing everyone a good day! Happy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    State Farm & the restorers called today—they're cutting me a check for the estimate (actually $100 higher than the restorers originally quoted) and will reimburse me for any living expenses during the project over & above what I would normally pay had I full use of the house. E.g., if all I can't use is the kitchen, they will reimburse me for the cost of meals out minus what I normally would have spent in groceries. I'm s.o.l. on the food we had to throw out because we didn't inventory it (and besides, it was partially used anyway). If a doctor (not Bob) says I can't safely handle the dust & paint fumes, they will pay us for our hotel room minus the reasonable rental value of our house for each day we have to stay away. And when I get the espresso machine cleaned, they will reimburse me when I send them the receipt. Unfortunately, if the machine sales & service company (Cora Italian Specialties) says it's unusable, I'll get only the depreciated value (I paid $1400 in 2009, but the same machine today would set me back nearly two grand).

    And I’m gonna humor Bob and walk over to Immediate Care to get checked out. Still no fever, less phlegm and it’s still whitish; but throat is sore, ears pop when I swallow and my tinnitus is louder. I doubt if they’ll do anything beyond telling me to do what I’ve already been doing, but at least I’ll be able to tell him abx and a chest x-ray were unnecessary.

    Going to Cellars tonight; so DOTD will be whatever goes with the food.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Hi girls!

    I hope everyone is doing well, happy and staying warm. It is cold here. We had thunder snow yesterday then a mini blizzard. There is only a dusting of snow coverage but enough to have to clean the cars and walkways. Just 45 days 5 hours 50 minutes 40 seconds.till Spring, yippee!

    Thanks all for the kind words on my Bella. She is hanging tough. We have a most difficult decision facing us. At times I think the sooner thel better and that I should have her put down. There are other times I feel that she can hang for a few weeks, a month or whenever God comes for her to take her to the bridge. It is hard with getting her fed and drinking water. She is taking meds to stimulate her appetite, control nausea and another for pain. The pain med makes her comfy but she is like a zombie. I made her rice and ground beef tonight for dinner and she ate and drank better than she has since Friday night before she started her decline. She is such a trooper. She is having trouble walking either due to pain and the size of the mass in her mammary which is located near her hind left leg. But today, she is walking quite well, just a bit slow. The vet said that the mass in her stomach is the size of a freaking baseball. FURB FURB FURB and then some.

    Lori, do you get regular updates on your Dad? And are you in contact with your step mom? Dad is a handsome man, I can see some resemblance, you got the best of both parents girl, you are so beautiful . Cam told me that Joey thinks so too! Glad you are hanging in there alright with the FU pills. Lotsa love to you. Oh, lol on your poop comments, what is wrong with my poop? I hate that you have constant anxiety. I'd suggest taking the vitamins x or v. Hugs to you. Baxter is Mema Sues baby. She has Baxter and Bella which is prolly why you are funcused. You are thinking about my Mandi who died on my kitchen floor just a few days before my Diep Flap surgery in 2013. Or maybe you are thinking about my Mocha? He passed about a year before Mandi. There was a period where I had three dachshunds.

    Hsant, things sounds good for your Dad. So glad he is so sharp. You are such a great daughter and I know it is a sacrifice in caring for him. I am happy to see you visiting the lounge more. And I wish your DH would get the carpal tunnel surgery.It really is not that bad and the pain is very managable. And the payoff is awesome. I am glad that my left hand is not numb as my right hand was and is. I am having improvement on both hands and it is so worth the pain to have them right. The pic was my grandson, love him so much. We were going to watch him on Monday night while my DD had a girls night out. But she found another friend to help since she feared Logan bothering Bella and thought it might be too much on my cousin Cheryl considering she would do most of the babysitting and had to also babysit me and Bella too. I am always high as a kite after having the Michael Jackson cocktail. I LOVE propofol, I totally see why MJ like it. I'd buy some if i could cop it lol. JK!

    Genny, sorry to hear that Emma is slowing. I know your pain, it is tough isn't it?! Hey, this time last year, we were all together on our cruise. I wish we could do it again. I was in a bit of a funk at the time due to work and the pressure of missing time. I was not my usual partay animal self. Enjoy your "blizzard" lol. Funny that Lori heard about it on the news. I believe your winter has been mild and lacking in snow this year as it is here in NJ. We have had temps well above average on the majority of days so far and the snowfall amounts are record low amounts. I do not think we have had more than 4 inches this year. Last year was insane, especially with that blizzard that worried most of us gals in the days leading to our cruise. Again, so wish I could be there now! Miss you and the other gals too. Hang in there lady!

    Jazzy, was it you who started the discussion on our early drinking years? I had some good laughs reading everyone's experiences! My first drunken episode was drinking a quart of schlitz beer aka shits beer. I was on a low budget. My friends and I used to each get a quart then walk around town with it under our jackets to conceal it. We would then show up at the school to watch the hot boys play basketball and to also warm up. We had so many giggles back then. I was also fond of adding kahlua to McD's shakes and going to school with it! A funny story from high school...I was of age during my senior year in highschool; the legal drinking age was 18 and birthday is in October. Well one day, early the in the AM, my cousin Cheryl and I showed up to high school after doing some some kahlua and McDonald's vanilla shake cocktail. Our spanish teacher, Senorita Wells, was a kooky woman whose only love was the Spanish language. And she went to Spain every summer. Well she wore this really ugly wig. One day we were tuned up a bit so we pretended we had fishing poles and when she turned around, I would pretend that I caught her wig on the hook and grabbed her wig then reeled it in. We laughed so hard that day. Another story is of a teacher who was missing fingers (now we are in college, same school again with Cheryl). Well one of us pointed out the abnormality of the professor and we could not stop snickering and trying very hard not to laugh when we noticed his stubby fingers. To this day, we have this gesture we do to imitate him at the chalk board. Such little rebels we were. It is amazing that we turned out as well as we did! Now to the slow gin fizz, that was def a good drink in the winter time along with brandy. I recall being quite sick on blueberry brandy, never touched any brandy again lol. Glad that you have a nice clean/organized home. I am envious. I am also happy that you have your convertible back and love it just the same! Not long before you will be driving around with your top opened and feeling the wind in your face, lucky you. I wanna ride with ya! Can I can I pleeeeze? If only!!

    Chi, wish the insurance company was not so stingy, seems that they should have done better. Hope you start feeling better soon. Enjoy your dinner out and the DOTD. And I hope your voice completely heals. Let us know what the dr said, every word as our Cam would say!

    NM, glad your week is so much better. Hope things stay calm. It must stink to be on call and be so nervous over waiting for the phone to the point that you think it is not working, sounds like my darnself and what I would do. Glad u are enjoying Pearl. And I hope Sadie is doing well and happy. She must miss driving with you, tell her Spring is coming!! Praying for no breakdowns for you, again hoping for a relatively easy work week. Let us know how you are feeling,hope you kick all symptoms to the curb asap! I too reflect on the photo of your Sadie with all of the hoarded kitchen items, she cracks me up!

    Cam, thinking of you enjoy your rants but u know that. Pls keep your mind open about the transplant, think of it as a chocolate transfer. Nothing ick about it if you think of the big picture. The offer is there. Cheryl is also willing to be a donor iffen you don't like willie or JD in your system from my "chocolate" cocktail lol. I love you and want the best for you. Don't discount it, keep thinking about it and keep talking about it. Again, no pressure but it is doable even if I happen to get a job. The offer will be on the table, always.

    Where is Julie? And Sue? And who else is MIA? I want to attach some pics and a portion of the doc from the vet were she discusses Bella's prognosis. Again, I welcome suggestions. It is hard not to be selfish and keep her going when it might be better to let her go. OMG, hate this sooo much. Gotta jest do my best to keep my head up in spite of it all.

    Have a great week gals, love you all much!!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Went to Immediate Care today, just to get Bob off my case and tell him I went. Walked in and the waiting room was full of coughers and snifflers. Told the receptionist my symptoms—emphasized that I had no fever or technicolor phlegm and no problem breathing. She replied it’d be a 45-minute wait in what was for all intents & purposes a Petri dish. She said that Bob’s bacterial pneumonia was the exception to an unending parade of virus sufferers demanding antibiotics. I told her that my MO said I didn’t need a chest x-ray or abx, and that I would take my chances out in the fresh air where I could put some space between myself and all those other viral plague vectors. She was happy that she didn’t have to process yet another kvetch with a cold, and I was happy that I could tell Bob I went to the clinic. And he was satisfied. (If I start hacking up yellow or green stuff, I’ll call my own doctor. And I’m gonna get an ENT consult anyway to make sure all those weeks of coughing didn’t injure my vocal cords).

    Speaking of which—the coughing—there’s a possibility that the first round of it wasn’t caused by a bug at all but by horsehair in the plaster. (Back in the day they used to grind it up to strengthen the plaster). We shall see. Also possible that pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) could themselves be allergens. They’ve certainly been asthma triggers for me in the past.

    Dinner out was shrimp & corn chowder and fish & chips, so DOTD was Vega Medien Cava.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    above is photo of my Bella and sis, Lucy. They love snuggling together. See how Bella's tongue hangs out? She cracks me up, she has been doing this since the removal of her teeth several years ago. This breed is notorious for having severe dental disease. And since my Bella was a rescue (who was neglected by starvation, physical abuse and mental abuse,) she lost her teeth very early in life due to the malnutrition.


    above is the verbiage that the vet used in instructing me to care for Bella. "a few days" is up ughhhhhh. HATE this.


    My two girls love to snuggle. But in this pic above, they are so funny with them side by side yet not touching each other. It is cute that they are both in the same position!

    The below pics are a few of the xray take on Sunday.. If you know what you are looking for, you can see the two large masses te

    Again, asking for feedback from my girls. Part of me f eels selfish for keeping her alive yet when I see the improvement, I think that it is alright to keep her for some more time together. She does seems very comfortable, our vet did well with the meds she prescribed.

    K, gotta hit mese bed. Another night to snuggle with my baby girls.

    PS sorry to continue to rant, appreicate all of you who are willing to listen to my rants. You gals are DE bestest breastest friends ever.

    Titties up, dwink up! CHeeRs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Early Good Morning Ladies,

    Dara I'm afraid I'd be just as selfish as u are, as long as she seems comfortable and not suffering why can't u wait? She might do better for a while at least and hole on as long as possible. U seem like u'r healing really well this time, I hope that's he case. And believe me, I'm giving all this crazy thinking a lot more crazy thinking--u do know people now think u'r as crazy as me--with eyes rolling an all. That pic is so cute. Oh we all remember our first times drinking, but never thought of putting Kahlua in MickeyD's shakes, good one. Good thing I don't remember all the other times tho, cuz there were enough for sure--no wonder why u and u'r cousin are so close.

    Sandy of course I'm confused, so u went to urgent care and really didn't have a Dr. look at u. Oy vey. I thought the Ins. was reasonable, but then again there is so much work and inconvenience on u'r part maybe it's not. Horsehairs, OMG I never heard of that one, and I'm old. But then again I never paid attention to where the horses went. Now it sounds like thingss will get started tho.

    Jazzy nice weather, not only good walks but a really clean house and tax time too. I promised myself I will do my taxes this year. That's another 10yrs of not doing them, but this yr. I will. I'm sure u have all u'r paperwork in order, do u do them u'rself or get them done. I think I heard that just couples won't get anything back til March cuz of the hacking last year. And all the mix up, wow if things from the government can be hacked so easily just imagine--we are all hackable easily. Anyway that's what I heard, but u'll be fine with all of u'rs.

    Mary u'r getting lots of snow? I thought it would be on the way here, cuz I thought u were on the other side of IL, but my SIL said I was wrong and this will not be our snow. U'r another one wit great walks with u'r furbabies--Again any pics?

    Lori what's going on with u right now--This is Dr. week for u right?

    This is Hump day and Jazzy's Dr. today. I have a couple coming up this month, I hate every one of them.

    NM I know u'r snow is not done so even tho u have plenty of experience, u drive so much, just be careful.

    Oh some news from the home front. Leslie asked her boss for a raise and some type of commission too and she tol her she couldn't afford it and try to find someone who could afford it. So she did. There is a place called Hand and Stone (I think nd it's kind of shi-shi and over 25 other applicants she got the job--she had to do routine stuff--micro- facial wax etc and they said she was great. She always thinks she can;t do things well cuz she' a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. Anyway she starts next week and she'll get salary and 35% commission and 20% on any sales of products she makes. It's not far from here, but she only has a few clients and doesn't think they will follow her cuz the prices are doubled in this place--it's a chain type spa place. Sandy u know about where it is it's in Naperville, nice suburb. And she can still work part time. She did thank her now boss for giving her the opportunity to work for her when she had no experience and she would have stayed if they could have come to an agreement. So that's that. They do the stone massages there--hence the name---Leslie has had one and said it's fantastic.

    I talked to my GF the other day and she told me to have Marty call her and come by her restaurant to pick up a tray of eggplant parm. and I totally forgot, she would make it when he called, cuz she forgets too, Damn I miss hers--she makes the best around, so I'll go for this Sunday. She doesn't deliver here LOL

    I'm at my still sleep a couple of hrs., then awake--I would really like to sleep straight thru for like 5 hrs. sometimes I do but rarely--I was such a good sleeper a few years back nothing woke me up, now I sleep like an old person--nodding off during the day, like my dad did when he was in his nineties. It's supposed to get colder here and I wish we would have a snow day, I still like those, well cuz of Joey only.

    Jazzy I need u'r cleaning cew to organize me--I get so mad at myself cuz I tend to start something and I can't finish And I think I can squeeze another tall but not wide shelf thing in here to get things picked up, I have all these ideas to consolidate but no energy. Everyone is always so busy, but my sister and cousin offered to come , then we realized all 3 of us together can't do what one person can do anymore. What a group. But my head is always organizing so it doesn't look as bad to me.

    OK I've bored u enough----BTW my Katie -Kat still spends all her time with me when I'm in the bathroom (often) she still takes her bath in the sink, only when I'm in there--she probably thinks she might drown, then she walks thru my legs to dry off, another brat in this house.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for hump day gif

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day!Cold here this ayem, as in 6 degrees.I had to get out my jacket yesterday when the temp started dropping. Got some snow coming in, just an inch or two. I hope the weather guessers are right cuz I've been sent to another distant location, one that I don't normally go to and don't know my way around, and I'm taking a new nurse with me. At least I'll have company for the hour and a quarter drive there and back!

    Cammy--woops, bumped us into the pool. I like your DOTD better than the one I found. I really like cosmos, lots of taste to them, usually.

    Jazzy--no debt does mean more freedom! I am getting to an age where thoughts of retirement enter my mind from time to time. Not to mention that it's getting harder and harder to keep up the work schedule. If I get the mortgage paid off this year I should be able to get out of debt altogether by the time I'm 60 or 65, and may be able to work part time until full retirement, which for me is probably going to be 73 or 74. Still working on figuring it all out.

    Chi--talk about a complicated situation! I hope the espresso machine is salvageable, that's and expensive machine! I've got the popping ears going on, to, figure it's the sinus part of the deal, but generally still feel ok and just dealing with the cough. Don't blame you for getting checked out, might as well hush up the hubby and make him feel better.

    Dara--thunder snow, what fun! Feels like the end of the world when that happens. FURB indeed. Gentle hugs to Bella. And to you. Pearl is running beautifully, and Sadie is unhappy about not riding with me, but just too cold for her just now. I reminder that she can ride again soon, but she doesn't seem to understand. OH well.

    Chi--Good for you for not parking in the waiting room petri dish!Probably did more for yourself that way than any other.

    Dara--what a hard place to be in. If Bella is comfortable I can see wanting to have a bit more time with her. At the same time it sounds like she could get very sick very quickly, and we all want to avoid the pain that can go with that. But as long as she is comfortable and able to enjoy cuddles I'd be inclined to keep her with me.So hard a place to be in.

    Cammy--Good for Leslie, finding a better paying job so fast!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    NM, you mention checking into part time, would that be doing what you are currently doing or something different? Willie is legal there, for recreational too? I'm sorry that phone gives you such anxiety when you are on call! But it's a tad funny, sorry. I think I would prefer no car payment too.

    Jazzy, I'm lovin this nice weather. No recent info on my dad. I'll send a text to his wife later. I also want to mention to her what NM said about keeping him sedated is ok, but to be sure he is on pain meds.

    Wacko, tanka ewe for the spring update, although I do not look forward to the winds. Hummers arrive first of April. Oh yes, Mandi. I know you forgive me. And yes, Sue has Baxter and Bella. I'm glad you have Lucy. Praying for your Bella, tough decision you have. Loving your HS memories. But uh, "used" to be a rebel? I don't know what to tell you. I guess if she is not in any pain? Why not keep her? I dunno hun. Well, I change my mind after reading the diagnosis, where it says it could rupture and bleed. I don't like that.

    Sandy, how funny that you have to go to the doctors to appease your doctor hubs!

    Boss Lady, my appt is for Monday. Labs this Friday. Good luck to your DD on the new job. I hope her clients follow her. Did you hear back from your doctor about the Depends?

    Well, ya all know I took my puter in, guy charged me $75.00 to tell me it couldn't get fixed. Well, guess what I did yesterday? Messin around with it, and walla! I bixed it! I just did all my updates and kept pressing on the left button and it just started working.

    NM, glad you have company going with you to the new location.

    We have our friend Tammy here, with her little Bentley. I'll see if I can get a picture later today. Dark chocolate toy poodle. He too is a rescue, and he is so darned cute, but soooo skiddish.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends- got a breakfast meeting with a colleague from a prof group I have not seen in awhile this am and getting ready to head out the door soon. I dropped out of that group this year as it was more money and time commitment than was good for me, but keeping up with some of the folks I met there. Going to one of my fav restaurants, then will be getting some errands done. Doctor apt at the end of the day today as you know.

    I got something done yesterday I have been needing to for a long time. Went through a couple boxes in my garage with some things from my mothers house we cleaned out in 2005. I pulled everything out, decided what I wanted to keep, and the rest is going to this thrift shop I found last week that is perfect for such things. Now I have more shelf storage room in my garage for things I need to store. Whoot whoot!

    Will write more to each of you individually tomorrow and wishing everyone a good day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Good morning gals,

    Thanks as always for your kind words and opinions on my Isabella (Bella). She looks like she is hurting this morning when I took her outside to do her business. She had a good night sleep although short as I did not get to bed til 6am after falling asleep in my kitchen. I am on and a few other web sites for future employment and applied for yet another job. There are not many out there there for right now. I am trusting that my headache and accompanying sinus issues, tooth and hair pain will diminish once i get the new mouth guard. It must work, otherwise I will be down, so down. I am confident. I have not worn the guard for the past two nights as I had not been sleeping well. I keep checking to make sure that my widdle Belly-boo is breathing and there have been a few times where my mind has played tricks on me and convinced me that she stopped breathing. ~ BIG SIGH~

    Cammy, woo hoooooo for Leslie getting a job at Hand and Stone. That is one of the more elite places to go for a massage, we have the around here. I was there once as a client gave me a gift card. I did not belong though. Next to the other ladies there, I was not uppity enough. Here is our local website. Tell Les congrats!! She is going places! I am surprised at the prices, they are more reasonable than I remembered! Good luck with your future doc appointments, luv ya lady!

    Lori, good luck with your scans, I will be there in your pocket and can send the HTL rocket to pick up anyone else who wants to be in yer pocket. Hoping for good news with your Dad. More, hope he is comfortable. Life is hard, isn't it? And so cruel for many of us, especially for you lately. I pray for you and hope for miracles. And whatcha mean Willis, I am still a rebel? Not sweet lil ole me? Nah, you must be high.

    NM, I met to mention about the legalization in ME. Hmmm, Dara might take a trip for some, errrrrr I mean to visit with you lol. I am waiting for it to happen here. WIth our FN governor, I do not seeing it happen until he is outta here. And I wonder why he is so opposed. With all the donuts he eats, it is no wonder he does not want to legalize it for recreational as it would greatly complement his donut fetish!

    Image result for governor chris christie donut

    NM, yes, be safe out there today. I am glad that Pearl is equipped with studded tires. I hope you really enjoy the company for your ride. I wish I could see an end to my mortgage but unfortunately, my loan will not be paid off until around 2040 when I am over 80 years old. It makes me sick since I only owed 90 K before my diagnosis. But have since done two cash out refinance loans to supplement my income after losing so much time, wages, work relationships etc due to my many surgeries and subsequent disabilities so I now owe over 200k! OUCH!! And now my retirement income is shrinking with each passing month, Ugh. But I am alive and well, that should matter more right? Ooops, vented again. Stay warm and safe too. Hugs!

    Gonna hit the bed after getting mese doggies fed, medicated and situated. My DH1 is coming tonight to see Bella. Jessica visited on Sunday. And I too fear my Bella having a rupture. I guess I am selfish, I pray that I do right by her. It is so so hard. Thanks again for your support goils, you all de best!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    oops, Jazzy, bumped ya right into the beautiful pool. Hope it was a good swim for you. Good job in networking with other professionals. And great job on going through the boxes. I still have boxes of stuff that came from my parents home when they sold... with a few boxes tucked in a corner of living room. I am ashamed. Can I rent cha for a few days?? just askin' . Have a great day and enjoy that awesome meal!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Dara, it's been my experience that our fur babies let us know when it's time to let them go. I've had two go on their own, but the two whom I had to euthanize communicated clearly that there was no longer anything in their existence that could give them pleasure. Bella will let you know.

    The fecal transplant isn't the actual whole poop--it's centrifuged till the fluid containing the gut micro biome settles out and that is what is administered via a sort of enema.

    Bob cracked up last night when I told him about my visit to Immediate Care. He'd been so insistent because I'd nagged him to go when he felt so lousy and feverish between Christmas & New Year's; and his pneumonia was discovered via chest x-ray. The levaquin saved his life (and they gave him some "loopy juice" syrup for the night coughing). I told him that generic Mucinex was working for me and didn't need the opioid, since I already sleep more than I should. So he was projecting his own experience on to me for my protection. But I'm still gonna get an ENT appt. to get my cords scoped--the range is there but the tone is rough and I can't sustain notes from midrange on up. If I got a nodule from all that coughing, there goes my March 7 gig--the only one I booked. Otherwise, I'll just baby my voice till then and concentrate on playing

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Dara- I am laughing and laughing about the Chris Christie donut picture.

    I agree with ChiSandy your dear pet will let you know when they need your help. Be watching for those signs.

    NM- the pot legalization continues to come up here because they are desperate for tax revenue on something and since the general fund here has all it's money in the oil and gas industry revenue (which is in the tank right now). We have a conservative governor so I know she will vote it down. They are proposing hemp which can be used for many things (I am a big fan of hemp fiber clothing) and think they are trying to push that one through.

    NM, you will have to let us know how the pot thing works out for Maine. Colorado is going gangbuster with all the revenue coming in. Everyone here is moving up there for the better jobs (but no places to live.....) All boom times do go bust eventually.

    ChiSandy- it is good you went to get checked out. So many people have infections sprouting from the cold (mine did in the fall.....)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    I put in a request to the North Shore Center for Voice Disorders for the first available appointment at any of the system’s locations. I want to make sure I get a singer-specific ENT. If I can’t, I will bite the bullet and go out of pocket to see my first ENT (who is the Lyric Opera’s “team physician” and coordinates with my voice teacher), who diagnosed a “bowed” vocal fold back in 2003 and helped my teacher devise the proper exercises to cure it.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2017

    Genny: waaAAAYYYY behind, but thank you. i needed that just now, for reasons that got nuttin to do with the BCO boards. And yes: my neck is VERY flexible just now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve, AKA Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday at work was nice, was able to help the new nurse get a lot of what she's been needing and not getting, Not sure what I'll be doing today, probably more of the same, kinda hope so, the new nurse is a great person to work with, which she has to be since she's a Kim, too!Guess we'll find out when we get to the office.

    Goldie--Part time would be doing almost the same thing, but not case managing.I'd be seeing patients, doing admissions, but not managing a case load. It would take a lot of the phone work off the plate, and a lot less taking work home.Not sure it's an option, but I might look into it.Can't wait to see a pic of Bentley.He sounds adorable! Yes, willie is now legal recreationally, to possess and to grow a certain number of plants for personal use. Not legal to buy it, though.Not sure how one gets it legally without risking an arrest yet.

    Jazzy--Hooray for the clean out success!More shelf space is a good thing!

    Dara--you might want to hold off on that trip out this way, there's a 1 year moratorium on licensing stores to sell MJ here, as it is still illegal to sell/buy without a medical MJ card in Maine.Legislatures need to figure out that piece before they will allow sales to start.As it stand the state of Maine can't collect any taxes on MJ sales cuz it's illegal, and the state is not going to allow sales that they can't get a piece of. One of the big selling points of the new legislation was how much money it would raise for the state through taxes. Crazy stuff to watch play out. I did very much enjoy the company for the ride, and Pearl went very well with her studded shoes. Ouch, indeed, on the mortgage situation.So not fair that we have to go through bc treatment crap AND end up with huge debts to boot. As to Bella having a rupture, I wish I knew what to tell you. Maybe a call to the Vet to find out what would happen if something did rupture?Knowing the signs might be helpful.

    Chi--praying your vocal cords are just irritated and not really hurt. Your DH probably was projecting his situation onto you, glad he could see the humor. The poop transplant still sounds unpleasant, but not as much as I was thinking before the explanation!

    Jazzy--I'll keep you all updated on the evolution of the legalization process.I'm actually kind of interested in the whole thing myself, once it's all completely legal I may give this stuff a try, just to see what all the fuss is about. Got to do research on drug testing, though, as I can be drug tested at work anytime.Indulging my curiosity is not worth losing my job.

    Chi--wow, I never realized that there was a specialty for singers, but it does make sense. Good for you for knowing how to get exactly what you need!

    Queenie--Good Morning!Wasn't the neck stretching fun?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Damn I just lost my whole post and I don't really member what the EF I wrote, but Good Morning Ladies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    My darling Dort, you have so much going on right now, I just wish I could give you a big hug. And if peeps are that uppity, I wouldn't want to be there. No scans for me, had that done in December, which showed the fugly beast rearing it's ugly head in other places. Just having labs done Friday and see the good doc on Monday. Yes, you are still sweet lil ole you! I think I stay high! De good gov would be eating more doughnies iffin he had some MJ! You might be alive, not sure about the "well" part though! J/K, but you know that!

    Sandy, those are good words Dara about her baby. And hopefully Bella will let her know. Hope your vocals are all a ok do re me fa so la te do ok!

    Jazzy, I don't think hemp is illegal, just as the cannabis oil made from hemp is not illegal. What makes it illegal is the thc in it. And a lot of that stuff does not have the thc. Hemp does not contain any thc at all. It's all a huge learning experience. And I'm still learning.

    Hi Queen, glad to see you, even iffin it is just for exercises.

    NM, if the part time is available and doable for you, then that is my wish for you! And another Kim? Well then! How can the MJ be legal to possess and grow, but you can't be caught with it? Is it legal for medical? Ok, I see it is. Do check into how long it stays in your system. I gave some to a friend, she had the RB, but suffers horribly with neuropathy and other pain and bloating from treatment and surgery. She is on one of the Oxy's and has to be drug tested monthly to get her oxy.

    Darn it Cami. We love your posts, so when you lose them, WE LOSE!

    I think I need to do some more exercising!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends- my MO appointment went well yesterday and lots of good updates. The first is that for my luminal A bc, he said there are no studies that suggest I will benefit from 10 years on the AIs. They are taking a toll on a lot of things for me from weight, to bone loss, blood sugar, and more. So next March, I will be done with those.

    I also learned that I won't be done with seeing him though. He said he would continue to follow me for at least a total of 10 years for any signs of late reoccurrence. So the 2X a year imaging will end, AIs will get finished, I won't need the Prolia anymore, etc. but it sounds like I will still continue to see him. I did get my Prolia shot yesterday too and am waiting for the aches to come.....

    Whew, good to be done with the follow ups and A-okay for now! Will help me to feel more ready to get going with work again (still targeting for March.....)

    ChiSandy- I hope you can get some good info about your vocal chords from your provider and will be singing once again. I know how much you love your music. Between the house and the winter sickness, you have had a run of it.

    Dara- how is your puppy doing today?

    NM- well since I am not planning to ever run for a political office, I can share that I dabbled in my teens a bit with MJ. I had a cousin who was a year older and when we would go to visit them, she and her friends would go out to the woods to smoke a wee bit of the wicked weed. I smoked once again in my 30s after leaving a job I hated. Because of life long asthma, I knew it was never good to do but know these days, there are all kinds of ways to get the THC. I know several friends who are cancer patients that were able to get the medical card here and the THC really helped them. Do you know any rules about using it as a health care worker?

    Cami- even though you sometimes loose your posts or forget what you wanted to say, we love you anyways sister. Heart

    Goldie- how is your dad doing? Was the apt yesterday to find out what they want to do for the hip?

    Are you getting this lovely mild weather? I think today is a top down day for me (Cami, I mean the convertible not me since you were thinking that.....)

    Hsant- I hope your dad is doing better every day. Any good wines lately?

    Genny- are you still getting snow?

    Anybody in to the Superbowl, having a party, going to a party this weekend?

    Wishing you all a good day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Light at the end (ok the middle) of the tunnel: next Thurs. I have an ENT appt. to get scoped by the head of the NorthShore Center for Voice Disorders—like my first ENT (who doesn't take Medicare), he is an operatic baritone. Then in the afternoon, the restoration contract will be over to go over exactly what will be done (AFAIK, first placing blue-board instead of wood lath strips; then several coats of actual plaster, which has to be dried and then sanded between coats; then paint the entire kitchen ceiling, hopefully with a latex semigloss), dust and fume amelioration & protection, cleanup and timetable for the whole thing.

    The Rabbi Emeritus whose wife died last month on her 102nd birthday died this past Tuesday, just a couple of months shy of 101. His funeral will be tomorrow. Because of all the dignitaries (including the Mayor, Gov. and Cardinal) attending, I haven't a prayer of getting a parking space in the lot and will either have to park next door in the condo bldg. or walk to temple and catch a ride to & from the cemetery (there will be an afternoon service upon return). He was amazing—a leader of the nation's Reform movement and pioneer in interfaith relations. He had been best friends with Chicago's longtime Cardinal Bernardin (as well as friendly with successors George and Cupich). He and his wife emigrated (separately) from Germany just before Kristallnacht—her family left when its business was seized and closed, he when he saw the writing on the wall. They met when he was in seminary in Cincinnati. His biography, A Brand Plucked From the Fire, although very long & detailed is a fascinating read. When Gordy became Bar Mitzvah and the regular rabbi was out ill, he presided over the service—and for several years had Gordy return on the anniversary to read his Torah portion and have me sing. Bob (who is Catholic) used to ask me before I'd leave for temple “Who's doing the sermon tonight?" and would come along only if he knew Rabbi Schaalman would be preaching. (This throughout the tenure of three successive regular—aka Senior—rabbis). His sermons were always Bible-based and scholarly.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    ChiSandy- sorry to hear about the loss of your Rabbi Emeritus and so soon after his wife's passing. Total soul mates.

    Went to see the movie, Silence, today about two Jesuit priests from Portugal who went in search of the founder of the Jesuits who and whom had gone to Japan as a missionary and never returned. Set in the 1600's and not an easy movie, but beautifully filmed and the lead actor (Andrew Garfield) who I don't know well did a total Oscar worthy performance. I saw Martin Scorcese interviewed about this film recently and my sister had also heard a great interview on NPR about it. This movie has been in the works for 26 years. Regardless of your faith even if you have none, it will make you look at religion from may perspectives. Really glad I went to see it.

    Prolia aches have set in. Going to rest for awhile.....

  • angie67
    angie67 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2017

    hi I read one of your old post I luv jazz about green coffee. I was just wondering is it safe to take if you have breast cancer in the family? I really want to try it but I'm always afraid with the hormones. Thanks for any help you can give me

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Wow, so much to catch up on. My college (and first) drinking experience was a bit different. My school, Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, actually encouraged us to drink on campus (in out of the way places, of course). We were a commuter college and each summer we would have a couple students lost to drinking and driving. So the school looked the other way. I also had "creative" ID. We drank a lot of Meisterbrau beer (cheap, really cheap). I also had a roommate who smoked pot. I smoked cigarettes and absolutely couldn't stand the smell of the pot. Luckily she lasted only a semester.

    Anyone wanting a lovely trip, come to Spokane. Pot's legal here and there are MJ stores on every corner. The local, free alternative newspaper usually has several pages devoted to pot dealers. Besides, I'm fun to visit and Spokane is lovely. :)

    I'm very plebian in my drink tastes. I prefer low alcohol wine and generally stick to Riunite Lambrusco. Recently found Cassa Rossa Rivata which is even lower in alcohol.

    Those of you facing challenges with parents and furbabies, I'm thinking of you. It's all so hard.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    angie, are you talking about green coffee bean extract? And by “have cancer in the family” do you mean a family history of cancer but don’t have cancer yourself? Green coffee bean extract is a stimulant, very high in caffeine, used often in over-the-counter weight loss supplements. It has no effect on cancer, but it can be very dangerous for your heart, especially if you have arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and/or are taking other stimulants. The more a coffee bean is roasted, the less caffeine it has (it turns to carbon). And if you don’t have cancer yourself but do have a family history of it, what you eat or take would not put you at any greater risk than someone without a family history. 85% of breast cancer patients have no family history of it.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Happy almost Friday, ladies! We had a HUGH snowstorm early Monday morning. I honestly don't remember that much accumulation in the last four winters I've spent in Cleveland, and we're located in a snow belt.

    Got myself a spa pedi with a hot rock massage today. Dee-vine. Unfortunately, I couldn't take the time to get raw oysters and a glass of Chardonnay at the seafood restaurant close by like I normally do, but no complaints.

    Dara, I am so sorry about Bella. Prayers out that she leaves this world peacefully. It sounds like you had your second surgery??? I may have missed a post or two. Between the booze and the tamoxifen, my brain is a mere shell of itself. It sounds like it was a success.

    Love the pic of your your two little dollies. Too cute!

    God Dara, the "additional client instructions" would put me over the edge. I'm so sorryyou are going thru this. Sending you a big hug (and a few shots of JD). {{{Dara}}}

    Native, so you're interested in teaching? How cool! I love that you're so loyal to Pearl. She seems like she's a part of your family. Like Sadie, she's been there for you!Cami, your love seat seems to be a big hit amongst your family (and you). Congrats to Leslie and her new job! I'm sure she will flourish there. Being a perfectionist in her field is a good thing. And I've always found that people who doubt themselves in their chosen career are the ones who are talented. BH.....still a lot of Zzzs. Seriously, do they really have to resurrect an old story line (Kim) in a current season?

    Cami, your love seat seems to be a big hit amongst your family (and you). Congrats to Leslie and her new job! I'm sure she will flourish there. Being a perfectionist in her field is a good thing. And I've always found that people who doubt themselves in their chosen career are the ones who are talented. BH.....still a lot of Zzzs. Seriously, do they really have to resurrect an old story line (Kim) in a current season?

    Goldie, you really know how to capture the moment with a photo Love that pic with your hubs, friend (?) and her son. I assume that Bentley is the fine looking canine. How is your pops? Of course you love him! Not every relationship looks like roses and candy. Sometimes it's complicated, but it doesn't mean you love the person any less. Best, best, best wishes and prayers for great results on your blood work tomorrow.

    Genny, I'm so sorry about Emma. I pray that she leaves this world peacefully in the manner you and your DH wish.

    6 a.m. Spinning class? Good for you! I can barely walk at that time. My husband cried when we watched Happy Feet. Lol! My hubs is a man of very little words and emotion, so it was pretty amusing for me.

    I would love to get to together after your appointment with Dr. price. What time is your appointment? My dad is doing well (knock on wood) so i should be able to get away for a little while.

    Jazzy, congrats on finishing the AL next March! This is March, 2018? I personally come from the place of better safe than sorry, so no harm done continuing your regular appointments with your MO.

    Sandy, how are you feeling? It seems like you've been under the weather for quite some time.

    So sorry about loss of your rabbi.

    Pontiac, Welcome! I'm the opposite of you. I like wine that contains a high alcohol content. I'm partial to jammy Zinfandels, and Napa Valley cabernets.imageimage

    Gonna post this before I lose it. Wishing everyone a happy, safe weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    I'm back. not as fumed as before-----

    Hsant I hope u have someone to help clean all that snow at u'r home now. What a job and so glad u'r dad is doing OK. Oh BH women are so boring now, jeez my group of friends have more excitement and we love each other. There must be something in us that we enjoy chaos.

    Lori and Dara, (((HUGS))) I wish I could do more for u gals, but my prayers are also with u

    Sandy I'm sorry about u'r Rabbi, but he did live a long life and sounds like a good one. So many people loved him so he had to be wonderful. And hoping u'r vocal chords are on the mend.

    Jazzy u'r a smart woman, keeping up with all the Drs. and taking good care of u'rself. U r always so focused on what u do and how u do things. U know they are announcing on the news (I don't know if this is national) about dogs and cancer--being able to tell if people have it. And people are acting so surprised that this could actually happen. U all know my cat found my cancer and she was adamant about going for it, I just thought she was getting perverted somehow, but sshe knew something was wrong, so I can assume dogs would be great at it too.

    See I go right to NM with that thought. Would that be nice to be able to work part time, if u could. It would relieve so much tension and yet u'r still have hands on something u love to do.

    Hi Angie, welcome. I think this was u'r first post, so we can be here to help u in any way we can.

    Pegg, it's good to see u too. I hope u both come back often.

    Dara I know u'r the kind of woman that won't let FURB ruin u'r retirement. I was not in such a plan, but I also help Leslie and Marty quite a bit (didn't count on that) and I screwed myself up big time and then cancer came along screwed me up completely. But thinking about u actually, I thought u have so much going for u, yea maybe right now it difficult but soon it won't be and u'll be on track for a good retirement. It's funny when my parents were younger and my aunts--they lanned all of their lives for retirement and I used to think they were pots (crazy) but whn all of them did they lived very nice lives for a long time and then that's when I got serious, but it was kind of that time. But of course those days being late only meant one fear for me by that time.

    Wait I don't want to loose this post.