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how about drinking?



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, ladies! It was a rough, rough weekend with my dad. It started off on Saturday with some audio hallucinations and went full blown agitation and confusion on Sunday. I woke up at around 4 a.m. on Sunday and his walker was lodged in the bars of his bed, and his TV remote control was in his hand held urinal (??). Thankfully, it was empty and I rinse it out with every use. Sunday, late morning he was in really bad shape, short of breath, and he had all the symptoms of high CO2. He's ok now, but it was scary. Lots of red wine (consumed in small doses thru out the later part of the day) for me. I have to say that I'm proud of myself, because I could change my dad while he was sleeping (Haldol) and his bed pad. Thank the good lord for the hubs and a close girlfriend who talked to me off the ledge pretty much the entire weekend.

    Goldie, prayers out to you for good numbers. You are going thru so much right now. You are one strong woman!

    Cami, I hope you made it out on Saturday. My parents had a cheap Mr. Coffee maker. Worked perfectly for around 30 years. I truly believe that appliances made these days are just pure crap. It seems like everything is made in China these days.

    Native, it sounds like you and Sadie had a relaxing weekend. How is your cough? It sounds like it was pretty nasty.

    Jazzy, your vacay sounds fantastic! Sisters are the best! The last time we were in Vegas was about 12 years ago. We stayed at the Bellagio, but we had dinner one night at Postrio, which was a Wolfgang Puck restaurant at The Venetian. Pretty sure it's not there anymore. Anyway, the hubs who was raised in Milan, is familiar with Venice will say that the Venetian is an accurate replica of the Canals and the building is spot on. My DH is an architect and a huge design snob (he will never admit this) and he was really impressed with The Venetian. Have fun!

    Genny, how wonderful that Emma was a therapy dog at Rainbows! I hope she goes peacefully in her sleep. I read the 50 Shades trilogy but never saw the movie. I think the sequel is coming out this month. When the hubs and I buy a movie, we always fall asleep. Too much wine is typically consumed.

    Sandy, we had dinner at the original Bouchon in Napa about two weeks after it opened. One of the best meals we ever had. The hubs will argue that it was better than French Laundry. Hope you're feeling better.

    4sew, hell yeah I'm up for a lamp shade party. I'll admit that I don't know what that is, but count me in!

    My dad is sleeping peacefully, so I'm going to take this window of opportunity to take a much needed shower. Wishing you all a happy Monday!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Dara, when is your surgery? Best wishes for an easy breezy recovery! Oh and lotsa good pain meds😀

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day! Slept most of yesterday and Saturday, hopefully my body used that time to throw off this cough, although I woke up coughing several times last night. But not coughing so hard I was peeing myself, so it was ok.That's an improvement, at least!

    Genny--LOL @ the MJ overdose pic!I never realized there was a perm season in retirement homes, but it does make sense the way you describe it.

    4sew--glad to see you!Things have settled a bit at work, hopefully they will stay that way for a while. I'm keeping my eyes open for a teaching position, if I can find one that pays well I might try that route again. I can just imagine the new puppy antics going on, what kind of puppy?What's his/her name? Would love to see a pic.

    Jazzy--oh,no, what a pain! Hope the vandals are enjoying their yoga class. . . .

    Chi--holy, moly, they broke in during a snowstorm? You must have been relieved to get the briefcase back, but still what an upsetting and unsettling thing to have happen.

    Hsant--I am so sorry you had such a difficult time with you Dad over the weekend. You did a wonderful job taking care ofhim and coping with all the issues. Glad the hubs and GF were able to help.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Beer Breezer



    Add freezer chilled vodka to frosted glass, add tabasco and celery salt, top up with very cold very strong lager.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Hey girls, Hope you all had a great weekend.

    I wanted to send you a quick update on Bella, it is good news!! Not sure where to start~ sigh~ ! We were planning on taking her on Saturday since Cheryl wanted to be there with her. Well, Bella started to show improvement late Tuesday and by Wednesday she was eating and drinking quite well. On Wednesday night the so called mass on her mammary burst and drained quite a bit enabling her to start walking well again. For the next two days I did hours and hours of online research and decided that I wanted to confirm that it was in fact cancer before making that dreaded move to .... I was going to take her to Penn in Philly when I came across a local vet who had a coupon for a free first visit. I called on Friday and made an appointment for Saturday. Long story short, as short as I can make it, vet did agree in examining her that she does very likely have cancer. But he explained to me, from the dogs perspective that it would not be worth the money and the pain that it would cause to confirm since she would be too old for such a major surgery, especially with her heart murmur. I had also told the vet that initially, we thought she had gastritis because she had gotten into a bag of pistachios last Friday night. I also told him that I felt she had made a miraculous turn around. The vet prescribed antibiotic and pain meds for her, if needed but the meds were not as strong as the ones I got from the other vet that made Bella a zombie. He suggested, as many of you smart goils did, that I let Bella be my gauge as when it is time to put her to sleep.

    Well, this morning, she jumped out of my bed, was walking and running and also playing outside with Lucy. She is doing so good that I am convinced she has some great quality life left in her, God bless her little heart!! I will not lose sight of the fact that she does very likely have cancer and when that time comes when her quality of life is no longer good, it is then time to take her to the bridge. But for now, she is fantastic!! What a miracle, I so believe. Cheryl kept telling me to pray for a miracle! Thanks for the prayers, God heard all of us, He is good, He is GREAT! We thank Him and will never forget the added minutes/days/months that He gave us our sweet Belly-bells!!!! OMG, pinch me!

    K, I am so tired, only got three hou rs of sleep and need to grab a few more. My brother is coming over in two hours to do some home repairs. I then have a dentist appt at 2pm then watching my baby Logan, yay!

    CheerS girls!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Wow good to read u 4sew, it's been a while and glad u'r fin is finally looking good.

    Jazzy that's awful what happened. But there really isn;t much stuff like that in u'r area is there? I can't stand when I hear about any type of crime, it's just so upsetting.

    Sandy u had u'r fill with that, OMG good u have garage shelter now and a steel door.

    NM u' better start being better with that cough. U know what to do if it persists so there's no sense in me telling u what to do I guess. Hope this week goes well for u.

    Hsant I can't even imgine how u do what u do. What a weeken u had. U' poor dad. He no doubt will not remember anything but I'm glad u have u'r wine. U must miss u'r DH so much and he never complains? How devoted u are.

    Lori pray results are good, waiting here.

    Dara such good news finally and hoping this just goes on and on for u in every department. How r u feeling?

    Well my weekend was chit. We had to put my Katie-Kat to sleep, she had a blood clot by her heart and couldn't walk I laid with her as long as I could but she was in pain so I didn't go, I couldn't Marty Leslie, an Joey wanted to go. How sad this house is we all loved her, she was so good and loving and owned us all. Jeez

    Mary I didn't talk to u, I'm so sorry.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    OMG, can't fathom all the crap my bresties are going thru. Cami - so sorry about Kitty-Kat, hugs!

    Lowee - can u feel mese arms around ya in a big SuZQ hug? My heart aches for you girlfriend.

    Dara - prayers did work for Bella and I am so thankful. Sorry to hear your dad is in the state he's is. Sending lots n lots of prayers for u, ur dad, and ur pooches. Surgery?? When and on what. Guess I missed that post. My prayers are with you.

    NM - glad to hear u not peeing ur pants anymore. I recall being hooked up to Kadzyla, coughing and exploding….and ooohh the smell was horrendous as it stunk up the whole POD room. Never even felt the urge….sooo embarrassing. I do have those diaper-like panties for my D. Good luck with your search for a teaching position, will send u lots of positive energy.

    Mary - I missed the pic, gotta go back and see if I can find it.

    4 - so good to see you too, course I've been MIA for several weeks…I lost track. LAMP SHADE Party, ooo boy…sounds like a plan to me…I'll have a shot of killa please boys.

    Chi - that many break-ins and I'd be moving outta that area if I could. Sounds like u made it damn hard for thieves to get to ur autos tho.

    Hsant - wowee, sounds like you had a very frightening time with your dad. It's always so hard, but you have been there and I know you take good care of him, just wish it wasn't so stressful on you. Gotta take care of yourself, thanks to hubs and close gf were able to help you…I don't like talk about the 'ledge'. You r one tough lady, I kno u can get thru it.

    Jazz - good that you leave nothing of value in ur car. If we got broken into we'd being doing a lot of paperwork cuz of the guns in both vehicles. Ugh!

    Welcome to the new gals, pull of a chair, grab a lampshade and let's partaaaayyyy.

    Got the results of my brain MRI, everything looked good. Then when I was reading my copy of the scan the very last sentence under 'impression' said

    "Severe supratentorial treatment-induced leukoencephalopathy" So I looked it up on line, it says that it is a disease of the White Matter of the brain and the spinal cord. Onco didn't seem like was a big deal and wish I had read it while in her office then I could've asked her. Nurses, have you any ideas about this leukoencephalopathy?

    Gotta get pooches to park…then finish paperwork for taxes next week.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs and prayers to all!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2017

    Oh Cami, so sorry to hear about Katie Kat. I know your family is missing her something fierce. Her pain is gone now. I know that doesn't make it better. When my kids were little we lost a couple pets. Each time I would tell them to watch the clouds and every once in a while you will see them there floating across the sky playing in heaven. To this day they will out of the blue go "look mom, I see Kirby!" (Or Theo) and sure enough I look up and see something in the shape of that cloud that reminds me of that pet. So watch the clouds and you will see Katie Kat smiling down to say hello.

    Dara, great news about Bella. I hope your luck continues to hold and things keep getting better. You in for the Lamp Shade Party?? We need to party with Hsant !!

    Jazzy, that sucks about your car and yoga stuff. Hopefully you can decompress in Vegas with your sister!

    Hsant, sounds like your dad is resting comfortably again. Glad the hubs and friend are there for you. Lamp Shade Party it is!! How about Friday? Dort, does that work for you?

    NM. Lots and lots of hospitals, schools and programs down here with the almost no snow weather 😉 Glad you and Miss Sadie had a good weekend. Right now Mr. Doggo is having an identity crisis because the 6 of us can't agree on a name! Kind of leaning towards Kaito which means scoundrel and theif, stealer of ladie's hearts! I come up with all sortsof fun things and the kids just roll their eyes and come up with Doggo? WTF happened to a little imagination? I will work on some better pics. They are in my phone, not on my tablet. He is the quintessential Heinz 57! Not a clue what all is in there!



    To the rest of the gang I hope it's a good MonkeyDay!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2017

    wow this water is nice and warm. Thanks for the swim Sue

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Just a quick update. Got the window replaced today as the glass place had an opening and was able to pull up all my info from last time and had what we needed to move forward. I opted to not involve insurance because of the recent hail claim on the other car. This was not that much out of pocket compared to other bigger things and will hopefully keep my rates steady. Fastest I have ever turned around a situation like this. Now I can move forward to do all I have to do before I leave on Friday and to be ready for my trip.

    I have a wicked headache and came home to drink some petite syrah. I know I don't have to explain that to any of you.

    More tomorrow friends. Hugs to everyone with elder things, pet things, cold things, etc.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2017

    Reporting to the Pet Bereavement board- this is the place, isn't it? CAMI- I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Sh**ty weekend indeed. GENNY- My condolences on your pet troubles. Hoping she gets a lot more time. DORK- Great news on Bella. Fingers crossed for you. And last but not least, my boy. I said "goodbye" to him today, and quickly said "hello" to my wine... and honey JD. And to kidney disease- may you drive yourself off a cliff-repeatedly. Cheers to everyone else.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Undie what's going on with u, did I miss something more? And why are all ou furbabies leaving us this month. I don't like any of this.

    And yes Jazzy u have to explain to me what u drank-Is it anything from Shakespeare's time , err like Hemlock, I've never heard of that. so start splainin' Missy.

    Every effin time I go to the bathroom and clean up and redress myself, I have to go back tonite, so far it's 4 times and I stay in there a long time. And then I really miss my baby cuz she was goofy, she loved to be in the bathroom with me and I could pet her then she'd move and I had to pull her tail over and over again til I was done. This could go on for hours. LOL

    BTW did anyone see the poem Joey wrote, he wrote it before Katie-Kat left us, but just so u know I was his muse, now we'll see what grade he gets. He gets so upset when he gets a B and I hate that for him==to much pressure, but he did ask me if I ever got an A in HS--cuz we have talked about that and I could say I did, he was so happy but then I I had to tell him I sat next to a girl from Brazil and she just took the course for a credit. And yes I cheated for 2 yrs. But by the 3rd year we could not speak any English in 3rd yr. All I could say was Where is the bathroom? Where is a restaurant? and The bull is dead. So I had to somehow work those into whatever we were talking about that I didn't understand anyway and I failed, the Brazilian didn't take 3rd yr. Damn El burro es muey muerte y so was I. see it's not so easy.

    OK as I bored u again, cuz I can't sleep, oh I'll be great on my job later on. This man called today and I thought he said his name was Tim but I wasn't sure so I went to spell it and he said no it's Ken like Ken and Barbie, so I asked him if his wife's name was Barbie and he said no. Then instead of stopping I went on to say does she know how much u talk about barbie and he said I'm talking about the doll and again I said oh so u like dolls named Barbie. What the eff is the matter with me, good thing he had a sense of humor, I always say the dumbest things and I know it and instead of stopping I keep going. Oh well another boring part of my day.

    Wait most importantly SusyQ don't look things up, if the Dr. did not sit down and explain it then he doesn't feel like it's an awful thing, I actually have heard of that but all I remember is it has something to do with white matter and there are different kinds, but that's all. Which is nothing actually but it's enough for u to know, along the way people I knew must have had something like that. So it seems like u shouldn't worry.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Oh just starting to unwind and boom ahuge rumble of thunder, scared the chit out of me literally so back to the bathroom, I'm so tired, took 4 meds to sleep, and good guy Marty gave me pills for PM sleeping telling me this will help u sleep--I didn't want to tell him I even take those during the day and not much happens.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2017

    No, Cami. You didn't miss anything. I hadn't posted anything about it before. My dog had kidney disease. I don't know what is going on here with pets. The HTL is turning into the Horrible Tragedies Lounge.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2017

    I think we could all use these Image result for beach cocktails

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!So far so good at work, looks like the help situation is going to hold, at least for now. Which is a good thing.I gave up and went to Walk in
    Care on the way home from work to see if I could get something to calm down the cough, at least at night, and left with the usual Z pak of antibiotics for bronchitis, steroids for the asthma, albuterol for the nebulizer, a warning not to wait so long next time cuz last time (last year) I didn't go in until I had pneumonia!I did not realize I had pneumonia last time, thought it wasthe bronchitis/asthma thing but worse than usual. How does one have pneumonia and not have a fever? I guess my system can pull that off.In fact, I don't have a temp this time, coughing up yellow stuff in the ayem but clearing out during the day, still feel like eating, tired but not wiped out, so surprised to end up getting the full treatment.Time for me to do more research on asthma, I guess.Or look into finding out just how much lung damage the radiation treatments did to me. But first to get through the next few days of the being on steroids and feeling woundup and not being able to sleep without my Vitamin X to help!

    Dara--What wonderful news about Bella!She certainly does sound like she has some quality of life left.That mammary thing must have been painful for her, it will feel so much better now that it's drained. Having pain meds that work but aren't too strong will be a comforting thing to have on hand, even if you never need them again for her. And since it may, just possibly, not be cancer,so much the better.Hope you got some good sleep in the little time you had to sleep last night. I'll be looking for baby Logan pics!

    Cammy--the cough will start getting better now.I have got to figure out a way to know when it's time to go get seen and when it's time to ride things out.Seems to be getting harder and harder to figure out that line as time goes by. So sorry to hear about Katie-Kat.Your house will be so quiet and sad for a while.{{{Cammy}}}

    Mema--oh, my, that must have been sooooooo embarrassing! I would have died of embarrassment, I think.I hope the staff was able to help you with all that.When I get a cough I wear the diaper panties, too, when I'm working, and pray a lot that they will work!In the brain there are nerves with what is called a myelin sheath, they look white, and nerves without myelin sheathes that look gray.The two types of nerves tend to group together and create what is call white matter and gray matter in the brain.Leukoencepalopathy is a broad term used to identify changes in the white matter of the brain.It means there is damage to the myelin sheath, which can be caused by heredity, infection, episodes of loss of oxygen to the brain, cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, and by exposure to certain chemicals, most notably drugs that used to treat multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or to suppress the immune system (this includes chemo drugs for all cancers).There is a certain amount of this process that happens with getting older as well.So, if you are over 50 years old and have had chemo, certain kinds of cancer or rare viral infections, an MRI will probably show some amount of leukoencephalopahy.Unless it is already causing problems or is progressing over time it's considered an "incidental" finding--need to know it's there but otherwise meaningless.

    4--Great idea with the clouds! I used to love watching clouds as a kid, should do more of it now, great relaxation and imagination workout!Oh, my, what a cutie-pie!I'm sure he'll name himself before long.

    Jazzy--Hooray for a fixed car window, and being able to move forward on the trip, as soon as the wine works it's magic!


    I vote for more of these--

    Image result for beach cocktails

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    OK my vote is in, I vote for all of the drinks too.

    OK NM, I first know I did a lousy job of splainin' to SusyQ but that's all I member. And B.) I told u before to go to see a Dr. U nurses and Drs. too are miserable about seeing someone. (I should talk) but I knew it was time for u to see one. And good about the meds. U know tho I never put together anything about radiation and any after effects, but who knows. I don't think anyone is 100% sure of any effects all this crap that we had and what it could do, not always but let's face it most of us have had a lot of things going on after the fact then we ever did before. Oh well I'm sure we'd still go thru it.

    What kind of pain meds. do they give a dog--Can humans take it? Oh not that I would I just wondered, hoping they give strong enough ones to them. Well it must also be by how big the dog is too.

    Jazzy u do things lickity split, again organization. And I know u are. oK what's the count down to Vegas? I think it's real soon. Lucky Duck.

    Shannon I'm sorry for what's been going on with u and now the sadness But likker is a well know recipe for what ails us.for sure.

    The rain has stopped for now, but more is coming they say, then colder again.

    Dara I don't think u told us how u'r doing with u'r surgery, unless I missed it. So fill us in.

    Lori where r u? Hope it all puter stuff, cuz u did mention that before.

    4sew stay with us girl, it's good that u'r here.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for recipe for fun vodka drinksJust in case u want more than one drink and this has a recipe, altho it kind of sounds disgusting.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning ladies- whew, what a few days it has been. The wine last night (finished off the bottle of Earthquake petite syrah I had open) helped and the headache is gone. I had the permanent crown put on yesterday and although there was no drilling, I still got that all day dull headache after. Finally gone after some sleep last night (sometimes the only way I can get rid of a headache is to sleep.....) Going to get back on track today with all I need to do these three more days before I go. I have a short story writing course that starts tonight, just for fun!

    So here is the fuller story. I went late afternoon to the gym on Sunday for a work out, and after a nice swim, came out to my car that was parked out front of the gym to see my right rear window broken. There was a gal there from the gym taking down my license plate so it must have just happened and gotten reported. I stopped in my tracks and she asked if it was my car? So we went inside and then took an incident report and called the police. I waited close an hour and as the gym was closing (no way was I going to be waiting in that parking lot in the dark for the cops), I said lets seal up the window so I could get home, and I could put the report on line. Just as we were doing that, here come the police!

    The only thing that was taken was a yoga bag with props including blocks, straps, an eye pillow. Probably lost a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff (the bag itself was a nice one), but I have extra yoga stuff and will just move on with what I do have. Because this happened once before, I looked up the place that fixed it the last time the car got broken in to in 2011 (lost much more that time and hard lesson to go through). The auto glass place was able to get me in and took care of it yesterday afternoon so I am back in business. Although I have full glass coverage on both cars, I chose to not put in a claim on this because I JUST finalized the claim on the other car for the hail damage last fall. Saving the claims for the big stuff and full glass coverage, if I need windshield replacements with chips that are common here in the windy west. I was fortunate once again it was only the window, as breaking a window can break other things in the door mechanics.

    I did know there have been a rash of car break ins in my part of town. I am on an app called which is a social media site for info on surrounding neighborhoods, which some of you may know about. The police post things there too on crime prevention, how to set up neighborhood watches, etc. I had heard there were issues in this gym location, cars had been broken in to and heard from one person they had some signs that someone had been trying to tow their car (they try to steal cars sometimes this way). I posted on that site after my break in happened, so my community who may go to that location is aware too.

    I don't expect to hear any more on this. Although we have an extremely high property crime rate here in this city, it is well known the police are understaffed and not able to solve most of these petty theft crimes. I know more and more people having their homes broken in to here as well (trust me, my house got reinforced with a lot of extras years back when the crime rates starting rocketing).

    The gym said their manager would call me yesterday, which they didn't and they are also supposed to check the security camera tapes. I think it is the gym's best interest to figure out what is happening in their parking lot as it is clear their customers and their vehicles may not be all that safe? If they were smart, they would hire some security to patrol the property during open hours. If the gym manager does call me, I am going to recommend this and say I expect most of their customers would be willing to pay a few extra bucks a month to feel safe when they go to work out?

    The young officer who helped me was very sweet and kind and shared a lot about issues with car thefts being a huge issue in town (thank god they did not take my car!) One of the people helping me from the gym had her car stolen while out hiking the day before. Another bystander who was there as the police report was being taken said his store front had been driven through so they could steal property from his store (gun store, eek). I also heard there was a second break in up the road at the DQ.

    What is ironic about what happened is they always say don't keep a lot of stuff in your car that looks like it is covering things up, etc. Because of all the news lately on the car issues here, I made a point to clean out the back seat thinking it had a "landfill look" to it and what remained was the yoga stuff, some bags for my groceries, and some plastic bags to take to recycling. I felt I was in a better place with having a back seat and vehicle that would not be interesting to anyone for the break ins. I was wrong, but then again, I don't think like a criminal? That yoga stuff has been in the back seat for years. Obviously somebody saw it as maybe having something good and went for it. I hope that person enjoys their new yoga practice. I can only imagine the look on their face when they realized what it was.

    So I will summarize this tale of woe by saying I am grateful, which may sound odd. I was very angry when it happened and felt like that most of Sunday evening. But yesterday, when I got the apt to have the car fixed and could do it both time wise and financially, I told myself because I have been through this before and came through this relatively unscathed and my car back and fixed yesterday, I feel I can move on quickly from this. I will change more of my car storage to put everything in the trunk from now on, and keep that back seat clear of anything now. I am a bit behind now as I prepare to head out of town on Friday, so will disappear again and try to ping you before I go.

    Please know I read all your posts but unable to just respond to all of you right now. I hope you understand.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    NM, thank you so much for your kind words of how things may have played out for my dad. I am going to pass that on to his wife. Do you have pneumonia? Not sure, I hope not! So glad to read that what Memasue was asking about is nothing to be too concerned about.

    And thank you to everyone for the condolences; you are all truly some great friends. And I love you all.

    Cami, you lost Katie. I am sure your whole family is sad, especially you and Joey. Big hugs to you my friend. How old was she? You are too funny, I loved the story about the "Ken" customer calling. You are a nut!

    Jazzy, I bought myself a bike a few years ago. It is much too hilly where I live and rocky dirt roads. It was a mountain bike, but I had no idea it would be so hard to ride uphill. Even slightly, and 6000' elevation doesn't help none either. It got sold in a garage sale last summer! Sorry about the car break in, I hope it wasn't the sporty one? Ok, I see it was the other one.

    Mary, so sad about Emma and your DH having to take her in to say her good bye's. I have lots of catching up, so there may be more. Don't beat yourself up over not losing as much as your DH. That hormone blocker is NOT your friend. Well, it is…but not for losing weight. You still look great and are as cute as can be! And why do they have such small seats on a bike??

    Hsant, it is nice to read that your dad is doing well. I hope that is still true, as I am only on Feb. 5th. Ok, I see he had a bad weekend. I don't know what is worse, what you are dealing with or what I did???

    Sandy, I concur with NM, you could write for a foodie mag. And I will say, I usually haven't a clue what you are writing about!

    Hello 4, good to see you. Love the arranged marriage! I have seen John Smith, but haven't followed, guess I should check him out. What a cute little puppy, can't wait for the name!

    Wacko, that is awesome news about your Bella. Thank you sweet Jesus!

    LDB, I'm so glad you showed up. I been worried about you and was going to call, but just had so much going on. I am so relieved to see you. I just hope I don't read anything bad, as I have only seen you and not read yet. Now you have me laffing, cuz you said "Sorry to hear your dad is in the state he's is. Sending lots n lots of prayers for u, ur dad, and ur pooches. Surgery??" Her sweet daddy is in heaven wif her mommy. But I am pretty sure you meant Hsant. I hate when we read stuff and it not only doesn't make sense, but sounds scary to us.

    Unde, I was afraid of reading your post. Knowing you were struggling with your boy. I am so sorry. My gosh, we need some good juju around here. And what's this about the kidney disease? Was that what was wrong with your fur baby, or you? Ok, I see it was not you, I am glad for that.

    Cami, can you share Joey's poem he wrote? And did your doctor ever answer you about getting diapers? You need to stay on this lady!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Old mountain bike gone and $150 credit toward the new bike purchased today, and getting pimped out with some new gear. We shall call her Townie.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    I’ve gotta learn to ride so I can shed my 20” training wheels. (Several guys on my neighborhood blog have volunteered to teach me). But first I should get that Prolia shot…

    Celebrating a completely uneventful dental checkup, X-rays & cleaning. Well, not completely uneventful—the single-tooth Maryland bridge lower front-&-center is wiggly on one side, so I had to make a non-emergency appt. to have it realigned & cemented on that side. Definitely nothing that would affect a Prolia shot were I to decide to have it now rather than wait till my next DexaScan in Nov. (which my MO says I can safely do).

    No booze tonight. Picked up some wings for dinner, so DOTD was seltzer with lime, followed by a Nespresso Limited Edition aged 2014 Colombian blend (newer beans mixed with aged ones for smoothness). It’s actually one of the few non-flavored Nespresso capsules in which I can taste a difference.

    Tomorrow night is my monthly BC support group meeting. No topic yet—but it will be the first chaired by the new Survivorship Director. (After the previous Director passed away suddenly, the meetings were chaired by the BC nurse-navigator). Natch, it’s gonna be cold, maybe snowy. All those meetings I’ve attended have been in rotten weather!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Chi- the good thing about this kind of bike is not being in the hunched over position as well as able to being able to put your feet on the ground when you need to stop. I just realized I had to have that at this point, the regular style of mountain bikes feel a bit more precarious to me. The falling is of course a big concern in the new "brittle bone" world. Definitely get the Prolia going. I think you were having problems getting it approved though?

    I had my shot last week and am pleased to say after having two years of it, I barely had any SEs this time. Just a bit on the day after, the usual achiness. My guess is my body has just gotten used to it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    I have been notified that my “annual Medicare Wellness Visit” must be done by my primary, so I’ll see if he can get prior auth for the Prolia. (He’s dead set against bisphosphonates). If he can’t, I’ll just get a GoodRx coupon and buy the Prolia at CVS…for 1/4 the price. We can definitely manage five shots at $1200 per, rather than $5K each. (Five shots, since my Zometa session counted as one of the six).

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2017

    Thank you all. My brain is a bit foggy, otherwise I'd address everyone. Right now I have somewhere to be. Cheers.Image result for rabbit hole

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2017

    Oops, almost forgot to take these with me. Image result for bottles of alcohol

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, ladies! Oy vey! It's been quite the stressful past few days. My dad basically slept all day yesterday, was very weak and short of breath. I'm thinking, this is it. Then boom, he's fine. Back to his old self. I'm grateful, but it is such a mind f**k. I've been indulging in the liquid love a little too much. Specifically, Shooting Star Zin consumed out of a red Plastic Solo cup (I see you giving me the stink eye Sandy). Anyway, I feel like I'm hanging by a thread. I have got to pull it together. Ok, enough about me.

    Dara, yay to Bella making a big comeback! Did you have your surgery? I feel like I may have missed that post.

    Native, wow! You are sick! Bronchitis is nasty, nasty, nasty. So unpleasant. I'm glad you're taking antibiotics. I hope you're feeling better. My dad never spiked a fever when he's had pneumonia. Go figure.

    Cami, I'm so, so sorry about Katie. My heart and prayers are with you and your family.

    4sew, awww....what an adorable puppy! I like Heinz for a name, not that you asked, but thought I would put in my two cents.

    Jazzy, for whatever reason, dental work always causes me to have headaches for a day. My BMX was less painful than some of the dental work I've endured. Glad the wine helped!

    Oy to the car break in! That is just terrible. Apparently, not all people believe in Karma. What a pain for you. Your vacay is coming at the perfect time.

    My husband is a serious amateur cyclist. He's been riding since he was kid in Italy. Everyone in his group replaces their bikes every couple of years, and those bikes are expensive! Around 10k. The hubs has two bikes, one is a pinnerello (sp?), the other was hand made by a famous Italian bicycle designer. Don't remember the name. Both are at least 15 years old.

    Goldie, how are you? When is your dad's funeral?

    Mema, leukoencephalopathy, scary word. But it sounds like you trust your MO. Prayers out to you that it's nothing major. My feeling (which means nothing) is it isn't.

    Undercover, where in southern CA are you located? I live in Santa Monica. Well technically. I've been in Cleveland taking care of my dad. I miss the beach!

    If I missed anyone, I apologize. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Good morning girls, not a lot of time again but want to pop in before I get even further behind. Emma is hanging in but not doing well, we will probably make the dreaded vet visit this weekend. My DH had to go to Indiana again and he took her with him, found a pet friendly hotel and she loves riding in the car. She is still eating and going out to do her bizness but we often have to pick up the water because she will drink until she vomits. I had dogs my whole life and if I could clone one of them, it would be her, wish we would have had more than 3 years with her. So, I have caught the dreaded crud that is going around, so far just a sinus cold but it seems to be trying to move to my chest. Hoping I can kick it over the next few days. took Louie to doggy day care for the first time yesterday, he'd gone with his old family and the day care said they could tell he was an old pro.

    Dara, such good news about Bella, enjoy every day. Initially when Emma collapsed the vet thought she had only days to live, that was 6 weeks ago and for awhile there you couldn't even tell anything was wrong. I had a 16 year old years ago that was dx with liver CA and told a few weeks left, but lived well for 9 months. I believe these bonus times are given to us hoomans to help us prepare and come to terms with their crossing of the rainbow bridge.

    undercover, so sorry about your furbaby.

    Cami, and so sorry about KatieKat, my heart breaks for you and Joey and the rest of your family. Funny story about Ken, you crack my up.

    Lori, hope you are holding up okay, such a tough time for you, will there be a service for your dad?

    NM, good explanation for Sue as usual. Hope you get the z pac and it kicks the crud to the curb.

    hsant, so sorry about the tough times with your dad, I hope he's doing better now.

    4sew, SO good to see you! I've read some posts by John Smith, very smart. he knows his stuff and has done his research on ILC.Puppy is cute as can be, I like Kaito, hope you can talk your kids into it.

    Jazzy, so sorry about your car, hope your ins. covers all of it. Love the bike, I may have to get a Townie this summer, been wanting one for awhile.

    Sandy, hope your crud is clearing up and you are breathing easier.

    Sue, yay on staying NED! SO glad the brain scan was clear.

    I know I'm missing some and I have more to say to each of you but time's up, got to get pooches out and on to work... love to all, only good juju for today!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy hump day! The meds, particularly the steroids, are kicking in well now, coughing is much decreased and not peeing myself with the coughing jags as much. Still tired, but that will get better now that I will be able to sleep better. Now if I would just stop being hungry all the time! Ah, well, better hungry than coughing and gagging.I must have been tossing and turning a lot last night, Sadie got up and laid on top of me at one point. Either that or I was hogging ALL the pillows andshe decided to use me as one! Gotta love the pooch's antics.

    Cammy--yes, we nurses are miserable about going to drs when we should, you are right. I need to pay more attention to you next time, and go when you tell me to. Good question about what to give dogs for pain.I remember giving one of my dogs, I think it was Brandy, aspirin for her arthritis/hip problems by the vet's instructions. Good question.

    Interesting drink, I need to look up Siracha, no idea what that is. Sounds like fun to say!

    Jazzy--wow, to go through a car break in, learn from it and take appropriate precautions and have it happen again, life is just not fair. I can imagine I'd feel pretty angry, too, for a while, but then when it's all said and done and there's time to think a bit it makes sense to be grateful, too.I was feeling a bit put out when Pearl broke down and first, and from time to time during the month it took to get her fixed and back, but overall I was grateful I had the extended warranty and access to a rental car and was able to continue life as usual while all that was going on. Have a good trip, poop in when you can.

    Goldie--No, I don't have pneumonia, this time.Last time I went through this I thought it was really bad asthma, but the record said pneumonia, but I didn't know that.I was surprise to find that out.And I am feeling much better this ayem, and felt quite a bit better yesterday, so things are on the upswing now.

    Jazzy--Townie is pretty! Good for you!

    Chi--what is it with support meetings being in lousy weather? The Nespresso blend sounds yummy. I love the convenience of the once cup at a time machines, but love the ritual of grinding and brewing coffee myself even more. Good Lord those shots are expensive!

    Morning, Undie! I see you've packed wisely.

    Hsant--The ups and downs and changes in condition are a true roller coaster ride.It's really important to take care of yourself, too. If you get taken out of the picture your Dad is up the proverbial creek sans paddle. I really push my caregivers to make arrangements to get a full 24 hours off from caregiving from time to time, especially after a rough patch. You don't realize how little sleep you get, or how little restorative sleep you get, and how much one solid night of sleep knowing you aren't "on call" can make a difference.And it's good for other family members to get a taste of what the primary caregiving is like, even if just overnight! Sounds like you grew up with the same mother I did--if you aren't throwing up or don't have a fever you aren't sick, shut up, get dressed and go to school/work/whatever it is you want to get out of today.But not everyone does have a fever with colds, flu, pneumonia, aren't throwing up, but really are sick! Does make it hard, though, when you feel crappy but can't justify taking the day off.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Snow White



    Place Sprite/7-Up into glass. Pour Heineken to top off. Mixture can be varied. Good summertime drink.

    Best served in a Pilsner Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for hump day gif

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, pretty bike, I like the color. So SW!

    Sandy, you don't know how to ride a bike? The cost of the drugs we have to take is absolutely reCOCKulous (as Boss Lady would say). On the news yesterday they were saying how to two diseases that make the most money for doctors and the big pharms, is Rheumatoid and Cancer. TA DA….we have both, DH has RA and well, y'all know what I have!

    Hsant, I am so glad your dad keeps pulling it back, but can totally understand the roller coaster ride. I think we need a party in the wabbit hole. Heinz is a cute name, I also have always liked Sir. There will be no funeral and not even a memorial service. Just not sure how to deal with that. There is no family other than my 3 brothers, which only 1 of them talked to my dad and myself and his wife. Not sure what kind of friends they had in FL, I don't imagine too many, with the shape my dad has been in for years.

    Oh Mary, so glad Emma went with your DH since she likes to ride. 3 years is not nearly enough, but then again, neither is 15, right?

    NM, so glad you are feeling better. But OMG, I am laffing at Sadie laying on top of you. Again, you always have the right thing to say (advice to Hsant). Just love you to pieces.

    There's our naughty Boss Lady. And she's not answering me!

    At my onc visit, although I have more bone mets and the spot on my liver, which we don't know if it is cancer without a biopsy, and he isn't ready to do that, neither am I! He said that some of the things in my bones that showed up on the CT, did not show up on the nuclear bone. My TM's went up again, but not as much (percentage wise) as the last time. So although NED would be nice, I have to be happy with us.

    I am joining Unde in the wabbit hole, can't have my girl down there by herself. And I think most, if not all of us, want to be there right now, for some reason or another!
