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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning slackers.

    I was up all nite partaying and Sandy did a little, Thank you Sandy. dara u usually start this big thing and forget. I hope u'r all right. That's no. 1.

    I love those pics Lori, I remember that. (I think) Hope u do all u'r supposed to today, u have to go so far. I know it's not so far for u maybe, but I'm used to things being 5 mins. away at the most. (((HUGS )))

    NM u'r weather s really getting crazy. U really had a crazy day yesterday, u drove on all those streets. Wow can u drive. it never seems to bother u much. I hope all is good to get around today an hen RELAX--u need and deserve it. Good DOTD today.

    All D stopped and I fell asleep about 4ish an just woke up a little bit ago, had to get my coffee. I told u gals everyone here goes to bed between 9-10, wimps all of them.

    Well u all know my whole nite so not so much to say I guess, Now I'm watching all my crime shows, it's kind of goulish maybe. But these minds just mystify me--hurting and killing for no reason except they want to. Even soccer moms. So watch out for them. LOL

    I'll check back later.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Cami - don't know who to see, neurologist or what. I will keep investigating tho, cuz this crap scares me. And what doc would u see ref the Epi? U cwack me up with your last comment about the lamp shade..LOL And don't you look gorgeous in you party gear. Tonight we gotta start the Partay, yes?

    Loweee - LOL so glad you posted our pics. We had a good time didn't we. I remember u being the birthday surprise for Allison (Mrs Vino) too.

    Sandy - never heard of EPI but will look it up, hope Cami can find it useful.

    DS will b here in about an hour so I better get a few things done. Hope everyone can make it to the partay tonite…a good time fer shur.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, I gravitate towards low alcohol wines. They seem to agree with me and I don't like feeling buzzed. I've found quite a few now that I've looked hard.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Oh as I see another big PARTAY nite--Dara starts things and whoos there it goes. DARA u' better be all right Well I'm draggin' tonite and I had to use my lamp shade for the purpose it was actually intended. Way to bright in here I have enough wrinkles I like dim lites. Taking my X hoping it works tonite.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    With some great ribeye tonight, I thought Bob would pick a cabernet from the cellar—but instead he chose a Louis Jadot 2015 Beaujolais-Villages he’d picked up a couple of weeks ago. I was afraid it wouldn’t stand up to the heavy sear and the herb butter (I made the steak in a cast iron pan), but because it was young it had enough tannin to hold it up yet still had the fruit characteristic of the Gamay from which it was made. (And much lower in alcohol than a California Cab.).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Sandy sounds delish, u cook quite often, of course it always sounds good an uR DH made a good choice. U seem to eat later in the evening, or is that when u post, cuz I know u'r DH has crazy hours.

    I was so hungry late in the evening, I had to eat. They shop today so I found some cheese an crackers, which is my usual, but I like certain crackers so I settled for their type. It was good anyway.

    I can't believe it, weather is still good sso we'll see.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for ingredients to make alcoholic drinksJust in case NM sleeps in, cuz she should

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Boy did Sadie and I have a lazy Saturday.After computer time I sat down and started reading, wound up napping until lunch time, fixed a bite of lunch for me and the pooch, turned on a TV show, and the next thing I knew Sadie was waking me up to feed her dinner and to be let out and it was 4 peeyem!Guess I was more than just a little tired.Watching the Weather Channel this ayem, shaking my head at the heat warnings in one part of the country, and the Blizzard Warning currently up for my area for tonight and through tomorrow.The management folks are "watching the weather reports" regarding closing offices tomorrow, lots of places already announcing closings. Will be an interesting evening/morning weather-wise.

    Cammy--I got some serious relaxation in yesterday, just ask Sadie! Did get grocery shopping, not going to go out into the day before the big blizzard grocery shopping craziness, have plenty to live on for days and days, even if it does mean drinking water rather than Allen's Coffee Brandy and milk!Will probably get out the coffee maker that runs on alcohol and make sure it's ready to go and grind up some coffee beans in case the power goes out.Iffn I can have my coffee I can survive lots of craziness!

    Mema--Good morning to you,too!The weather people are preaching the stock up on batteries thing, which reminds me to clean off the kitchen table and make sure all the kerosene lamps are filled and ready to go.The chimneys probably need cleaning.

    Peggy--Hugs back!I can't tell the difference in taste between high and low alcohol wines most of the time, maybe that's why I can't predict which wines I order when I'm out that I can have a second glass of!I can tell by halfway through the first if I can have a second (If we're going to be at the table long enough) or not.Love the different tastes of different wines.

    Cammy--hope the Vit X worked for you!

    Chi--I love cast iron cooking.My cookware is cast iron, stone ware or glass, with just a couple of stainless steel pieces.Keeping the cast iron in good shape can take a little extra time once in a while, but sooo worth it!

    Cammy--you found a DOTD just for ME!!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    NM, sorry about the late admission Friday night, but glad the family was understanding.

    Cami, I enjoy driving, so it's not an issue. And living in the country for over 35 years, you get used to things being far away. My biggest drive is to the doctors, 4 hours one way. Oy vey! Not sure what I'll do when things get bad, just pray it won't be for loooooooong time! LOL, beware of the soccer moms!

    LDB, did we have a good time??? Oh hail yeah! And I hear ya about the screaming back. All those pills you take, prescription, supplements or both? I quit taking my supplements.

    What a pwetty dwink Cami. But everytime I see something with Grenadine in it, I think of all the drinks that we said we all got sick on….had Grenadine in them!!! You can ask whatever questions you want, and I will answer them…unlike someone else I know!

    Jazzy, I hope you are enjoying your time in Sin City. And you are correct, no service for my dad.

    Sandy, glad your vocal cords are not damaged. I'm sure it's all that wine!

    NM, I was waiting for you, felt like swimming this ay em. I hope you don't lose power and good for and lazy day yesterday and lots of well needed rest goilie.

    I'm day off, and keep thinking it's Saturday, since we went to town yesterday and not Friday. Didn't sleep well last night, was up around 1:30 and could not go back to sleep. I wish I could get up then and do some chit. But nooooooo, I lay there for hours and try to go back to sleep, I think I finally dozed off for a bit around 4 am. Gonna be a long day for moi. Gonna make some lasagna.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Found this on Fb, and LOVE IT:


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017


    Good morning girls!

    I found this lampshade partay pic in the archives here back from Oct 2011. I was with a loungette from Philly who has been MIA here for several years so not posting a pic of us together. Note the absent foobs in this pic, i rocked flat!

    will post more latah!

    love n hugs to all mese gals. Cam, hope your feeling better and Jazz, hope you are having a blast in Vegas!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    I'm back,

    Damn Dara either u have no boobs, a whole in u'r boy (a huge one) or a cast on--WTF. U'r like Auntie Mamed. Oh how I love u girl.

    Lori I'm sorry u can't sleep sometimes. Do u watch TV then or do u just lay there. Just llaying there is horrible. I watch all the comedies of the nite and at least I LOL some and sooner or later I do get tired, but it might keep u from thinking. Thinking is a curse, that's why I never do. U'r not going to get that baaaad, u'll see there is a rainbow waiting for u. Cuz we're all praying for it ThumbsUp

    NM u were really knocked out from work. Glad u and Sadie got some well deserved rest. Did u sleep all nite then? And yes coffee, oooo I actually look forward to it.But our coffee thing is broken and only Marty knows how to use it. OK This week another new one. I always ha an electric percolator, which to me made great coffee, but for some reason they like the drip better.

    OK for now--see u latah

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Cami, we’re indeed night owls, all three of us. For me it’s hereditary—my Mom would call me up at 2 in the morning convinced she had Alzheimer’s because she couldn’t complete a “7-letter word starting with…” in the NYTimes crossword…in ink. Or call in panic if her Mac froze while she was about to win SpiderSolitaire. Bob usually works well into the evening (sometimes till or past midnight), even on weekends—that’s why it was amazing that he got home early enough for 5:30 Mass yesterday. And Gordy works all night—performing, directing, rehearsing, emceeing, doing tech in the evenings; then writing for a daily morning cable show overnight.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Hello again loungettes~

    *corrections in BOLD ~

    Happy SundeyFundey to all. Sorry I missed last nights lamp shade partay, I was sleeping, or should I say hibernating? I was up all night on Friday, had my DH1 (baby daddy), a friend of his and my cuz here for a big ass all nighter! Willie was here too, have two weeks til mese next test so have to start weening down on de weed.

    My Bella had another sick episode on Friday, she threw up her dinner and was again lethargic. But she is much better, she showed improvement by Saturdey aye em before I went to bed. I am chalking her sickness up to the homemade dinner I made on frieday, I made more ground beef and green beans which are said be very healthy. She gulped it down waaay fast and was sick within an hour. I am thinking that the beans were too gassy for her and upset her little belly. I was glad that i had the anti nausea drugs for her, seemed to help her recover quickly. And since the dogs slept nearly 24 hours, I knew they were very hungry this morning. I gave them the same concoction but eliminated the green beans for Bella and only gave them to Lucy. All is still well with Bella's widdle belly, love her soo much. I was very skeered though and it put a little damper on our all nighter!

    Lori, can you take some vitamin X or V during your insomnia? I think Cammy has a good point in saying laying in bed sleepless and thinking is a bad bad ting. I hate that you are not sleeping well, prayers for better nights ahead. Loved seeing the lampshade party pics of you, Allie and Suzie! Does not seem possible that the party was in 2012! What a surprise you were for Allison. I sure miss her around here along with many other fun goils who used to post (Cyn, Kymn, Scuby, and more). And seeing the news in on the TV showing hurricane Sandy took me back to that very time (lost a few sentences here, edited to add: Enjoy your dinner, assuming you are using yer canned 'maters? Hope you feel better and sleep better. And try to stop the ole "stinkin' thinkin' ..." it does us NO good. Deal?

    Cam, glad the D is gone and hope you were able to have your coffee this morning. What crime shows do you watch? Cheryl and I watch a lot of TruTV, love it although it often leaves me skeered in my own home! Crazy~! We watched a few episodes this morning. Now breaking from doing some much needed house work. Oh, the cast you saw on mese arm was from ulnar nerve surgery that I had at the time. That was harder than the carpal tunnel and I also went through ulnar surgery on both arms. One might think that I love surgery, I do love proprofel though lol. I still think you should consider a new kitten or even an older kitty who needs love. Jest mese two cents for what dey are worth!

    NM, sorry you had to work well into your friedey night and gps sending you in the wrong direction jest sucks. It recently sent me to a dumpster behind a shopping center when trying to get to my new neurologist, hate when the bitch is wrong! So happy that you and Sadie did some hibernating yesterday, it feels good huh?!! will meet you at the hot tub whenever you are ready but would rather drink the princess martini's you posted, yeah baby! Oh, loved the wine poem, great stuff! Be safe tomorrow and stay home if it's bad, hear me??

    SuziQT, sorry again that I missed de partay. I hope you find the right doctor for you, I don't like when you are skeered either. Sending lots of hugs, prayers and love to you. Hope you had a nice bisit with your son, and so glad that you are getting help with his taxes, it's about time as I know they stress you out this time each year. Do you have any upcoming visits with your grandkids? It's been while, right? And how is Jengirl doing? She is a warrior just like her mama. Muah muah muah and WEBK to ya too hehe! Me lOVE YOU muchly!

    Hi Peggy, nice to see you again. It's okay to visit and have virtual alcamahol, many of the goils are virtual alcamoholics. Wish I was lol, I drink tooo much especially with e out of work. Cheers to you ~Peggy~ keep coming back now, ya hear?

    Sandy, great news on your vocal chords, glad also that you are feeling better. How is the construction coming along? Or are you waiting on the contractors and living and cooking in chaos? Uhhh, I was wondering if you can yodel, I think that is just the neatest thing. Do you have any upcoming gigs? You've been under the weather for some time so a good time to have off from performing. I envy both you and Jazzy in being able to participate in playing live music. I can only play with myself. hehe! I dabbed at the piano on Friday night bcuz Xdh's friend wanted me to play. I did not do bad but was a little hard with my left hand wrapped. I played some classical music by Chopin since his music is very simple to memorize and also play.

    I need to decide what to do about my financial situation. I have been out of work for six months now with zero income and am really putting my retirement funds out the window for paying the bills. Some days I am very motivated in my search for work but most days, my head hurts too much and I wonder if I could hold a job. I do not want to wait too long to start a serious pursuit of work, especially given that there is said to be a huge layoff at P H H Mortgage in April. My former has over 3k employed in my county and that is quite a bit of competition that will be out there looking for either underwriting or processing jobs in the mortgage world. And I doubt I would get social security at this point. I believe I would need to be unemployablele for a year to qualify, anyone know if this is true? Oy vey, I find myself spending too much time in my head worrying about finances lately. I do not want to deplete what is left of my nest egg that I have worked so hard for but it is getting down to numbers that skeer the hell outta me. Then I dwink, visit willie, have my vitamim v (which I can only take for about a weeky-ten days after my pain mgment appointment, uh. I sometime think I should just get off pain meds since I get so little anyway since the big war on opiates. Thanks addicts for making my life more difficult and more painful, hate you druggies that take de pills ONLY for de high. I admit I like that part at times but overall, like the relief. But really,might be time to depend on jest the 800 ibuprofen? I dunno. ~sigh~

    OOOPS, sawry for the rant, might have to edit some! I speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT! (I never mentioned that I went to court last week wtih my cuz to fight a speeding ticket, it went relatively well...prosecutor reduced ticketed speed from 92 to 69 MPH which resulted in two points vs four. And I, err i mean SHE, took the defensive driving course Frieday night to eliminate two of the points she already had. DAS my story n I'm sticking to it.

    ChEErs goils!

    *gonna post then edit typos caused by retarded fingers so I do not lose this! tata loungettess!!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Chi, cool that Gordie writes for a morning show, is it comedy he writes? He sure keeps busy at night. And lol on your Mom calling you late at night, cute stories.

    And oops, sorry I bumped ya into the pool. It takes me long to type as I have to back space every few words and make corrections, my cursor hops like crazy, dumb hand o mind! Anyway, I hope the swim is a good one!

    Image result for beautiful warm pool party'

    Are you ready for a pool partay Chi?

    Image result for beautiful warm pool party'

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    PS, need lampshade pics of the rest of the girls...CAM? Sandy? Peggy? NM? Come on, make my day! ~help a sister here~

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Weather here has been a yo-yo/rollercoaster, but certainly neither a Snowmageddon nor Chiberia (except for a short deep-freeze snap when a lot of people disregarded the advice to keep a faucet trickling, resulting in so many burst pipes that the restoration contractor is at least two weeks behind—my relatively small repair is way down the priority totem pole for them). If anyone had told me during my first winter here (the infamous Blizzard of ’79 when we also hit a low of -26F air temp and spent several entire days in a row below zero) that NYC (my first hometown) and the PNW (where I moved next) would be buried in snow while Chicago is enjoying 45F with sunshine and bare pavement in early Feb., I’d have metaphorically hauled out the straitjacket & butterfly net.

    (And “Auntie Maimed” made me almost do a spit take on my keyboard)!

    NM, I have a hand-cranked coffee grinder, espresso pods, pourover coffee cone, French press, Aeropress and two totally manual espresso makers—so I can have my caffeine during a power outage so long as I can boil water (lighting the burner on the stove with a match). In fact, that’s how I had my joe during a long power failure last summer. The machine that takes the pods is the size of and works like a bicycle pump and makes a decent if not-quite-hot enough cup of espresso, but takes quite a bit of elbow grease to pump it up to brewing pressure—and the pods, while they taste decent, are nowhere nearly as tasty as freshly ground beans or even Nespresso capsules. The other manual machine—ROK—looks like a giant winged corkscrew on a plate, with a little water well and portafilter (ground coffee holder) where the screw would be. Grinding by hand takes time, but the machine makes very good espresso—all you have to do is put the coffee into & lock in the portafilter into the machine (just as like with a regular espresso machine), pour boiling water into the well, lift the “wings” and then push down hard. The Aeropress looks like a manual breast pump and works like a French press, only faster and with much cleaner coffee—you then add more hot water (or not) to taste. And before the Mr. Coffee and other electric drip machines came on the consumer market—and after many of us realized we wanted better-tasting coffee than from a percolator—pourovers and French presses were how we made coffee, without needing to plug anything in.

    I usually take the little bicycle-pump machine, a mini-kettle, and a bunch of pods when on the road or when I fly. (There’s a version I keep in a tote in the trunk along with a bunch of pods; I plug it into the car’s power port/cig. lighter socket, and use bottled water—or from a rest-area bubbler. The car’s battery brings it up to temp & pressure, and when ready, I invert it over a cup and push a button. You should see the looks I get from other drivers when they see me drinking espresso without a Starbucks in sight). And when I travel abroad, I pack that manual pump setup—fits in a corner of my suitcase!—along with some Nespresso capsules in case the hotel has Nespresso machines in the rooms, especially if they charge a euro or two for every one of the supplied capsules you use, just as if they were a minibar item.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Hello ladies! Wow, lots of activity since I last checked in to the lounge. All kinds of parties happening.

    My dad is doing pretty well. Fingers crossed, this lasts for some time. He doesn't have dementia. His mind is sharp, and his short term memory is better than mine. He remembers his episodes of hallucinating and confusions. This happens when his blood gases get high, when he's not expending all of his CO2.

    I plan on playing catch up, but I'm too pooped right now. Love all the lampshade pics! I knew that many of you have been friends for years, but I didn't realize just how long. So cool! I'm so happy I found this thread. You beautiful gals are the best!

    My lamp shade pic. I'm late for the party

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    DOTD is seltzer—Bob will be home late and I don't like to drink alone.

    Had my first voice lesson in two months today. My teacher expected me to sound much worse than the “vocal fry" I displayed in my middle voice. So we're working on exercises for that (and to knock the phlegm out—tree pollen season has started a month early). It was a 25-min. lesson, so as not to strain my vocal folds. 15 min. tomorrow, and our normal 45-min. one Thurs. Hope I get my full voice back in time to write the new song tossing around in my brain and learn it before my March 7 songwriter-showcase gig.

    No lampshade photo, alas—none of my lamps have shades.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good evening ladies- been packing it in here in Vegas and heading home tomorrow!

    Life is always filled with surprises, but the one I am going to share is a good one. I found out that Diana Ross was playing at the Venetian where I am staying this visit and got a ticket last minute and was in the eight row! OMG, what a show! I have some great photos to share when I get back. She is as beautiful and that voice is still so good! Total diva and sang everything from her Supreme hits to the more recent work. The crowd was up and dancing and going crazy the whole time!

    Then last night was Elton John and that was beyond words. What a show.

    I am totally spoiled at the moment

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Wow, wow, double wow!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    It's pretty groooooovy having some goils partaying with me dis time of night....err, should I say de early aye em! By golly, I shirley konked out early last night but the ripping n wild wind gusts woke me up n I cant get back to sleep. Snarllll wind! FU. I made a dwink, hoping it makes me like a relaxed type a goil so mese can sleep again. ugh.

    Hsant, sooo happy that your Dad is holding on so tight AND has his noggin in tact! That is jest wonderful news. I too hope that he stays this way for a long time. And omg, jest love your lampshade photo, I literally laughed so hard that I spit out mese secondary sippy! hehe! but REALLY! You de best!

    Chi S, so happy that yer voice coach is enthusiastic over your progress, super fantastic stuff! ....Keep on practicing since we know that uhhh, practice makes person or sumting like that! ? No lampshades in your entire home? well I think you might consider improvising, heck I know that you are a creative soul. How about perhaps a pic in a hat that LOOKS like a lampshade? Shirley you have sumtin?

    chit, wanted to say sumting else but ken't remembra. oh well, will try to sleep cuz i has three, yes three doc appts tomorrow. ugh, mese head gonna shorely hurt in de aye em...i mean the later aye em sincen it is aye em now, ... mese dumb ass! chEErs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    OMG Jazzy for sure a double WOW, can't wait to see some pics.

    Sandy u'r so funny, carrying all the coffee around with u and I thought I was a coffee nut, u take the nut cake, but that's good cuz I'm already thinking about my coffee. I'm gl u'r voice is coming around an especially taking it easy with it, that had to be a big worry for u. Dan (my boss) just left a little while ago so I slept early then he woke me and came over. That's why I'm up now. Sandy he forgets I work for him and has to take early calls, he's so funny, I love him like crazy.

    Dara u started a pewl party, then left. So what else is new? Oh I watch all the true stories too, like Snapped, My worst nightmare, etc. So I really can fear noises in the middle of the nite, but it's mostly my stomach that can wake me up it's so loud, when it's gearing up for explosion. Between the scary movies and the true crime shows I'm a mess all the way around. And on't worry about u'r typing, cuz I have 2 perfectly good fingers an I still can't type, but u all know that. U know the song SMELLY CAT? well I use the excuse of STICKY KEYS, well they are sometimes. Dara wait til u'r all healed then throw u'rself into the work place again an I'm sure u'll be fine, and remember some of these places do drug testing now--UGH-- But in the men time just heal, that's all u can do. And I'm so glad Bella is doing good it warms my heart.

    OK I'll be boocck..


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for ingredients to make alcoholic drinksIt's Monday and this way NM doesn't have to bother, this is a Monday kinda drink.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    chit, there are times when I tink I get the old "rebound" effect from alcahamol. It is keeping me awake and more so than when the fn wind woke mese ewwa up.

    BUT, I remembered what I wanted to say and forgive me (Jazzzy( ...LOVE that you are having such a fantastic time. And SO envious that you get close to the Elton and the Diana Ross! Funny ting,one of my high school bff's looks like Ms. Ross but I have never told her that I think so. This friend is caucasian which is strange but true. I would post her pic but uhhh, prolly not cool since she has not granted permission. Anyway, keep on having fun!

    So not gonna sleep anytime soon. My poor Bella is sick to her stomach again. I am heartbroken. I want to think that the wind is skeering her and making her sick? I just don't know. I do not have the heart to even put an anti-nausea pill down her throat and she will not accept any food or treats right now. Chit, life can really suck. She is not resting, will not put her little head down to rest. I should prolly give her a shot of the liquid mega pain killer to get her to rest? Dear God, help her~ help us!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!4 inches of snow so far, have had to clean off the deck twice, wind is starting to pick up, visibility is starting to drop. The Management is going to decide if the office will open around 8 ayem and send out an e-mail. So I'm enjoying a leisurely ayem coffee, waiting to see what gets decided. Half the state is closed down, most doc's offices closed, the big medical center has cancelled all elective surgery, procedures and tests, don't think there is a single school open, most banks are closed, even car dealerships are closed today!Hoping to be able to sit at home and watch the fun, but will have to wait and see.And then another storm coming Wednesday. Winter has arrived!Poor Sadie has to trample down the snow to make a depression so she can squat and pee without getting her belly in the snow! You should have seen the look she gave me. As if I can do anything about the weather!

    Goldie--ahhhhh, that was a nice dip in the pool.Hoping I don't lose power, but ready if I do. Hard going when you're off a day of the week, isn't it?

    Yay, Dara--great pic!

    Cammy--Yup, I can sleep all day and sleep all night, too!Just a sleeping machine! I know I need to exercise more and get some energy back, keep telling myself that, someday I will actually do it. . . .

    Chi--you really do come from a family of night owls!

    Dara--poor Bella, such a delicate tummy she has! You are probably right about the beans, or maybe she just ate too fast. Still waiting to hear the decision about the office opening, will take that as it comes. Not even going to get dressed until I know what that decision is. I hear your rant, and I agree, the approaches taken to "control" prescription drug abuse are not affecting the people who abuse the drugs, but the people who NEED them.

    Love the pool floaties!

    Chi--You must have a HUGE kitchen, or lots and lots of storage to have all those coffee gizmos!I do have a little manual grinder, but it's more decorative than functional, although I have ground coffee in it a couple of times.The gizmo that plugs into the car sounds like something I need find, I drink coffee all day long while driving, and would save a ton of $ and get better coffee with one!

    Hsant--Glad your Dad is doing better.Love the lampshade hat pic!

    Chi--hooray for the voice getting better!

    Jazzy--Enjoy being totally spoiled, you deserve it, and you should enjoy it!What a last minute ticket find!

    <Love the Swamp Water DOTD!Thanks Dara!

    Dara--give Bella some pain med, that should calm things down so she can rest and you can unwind, she can pick up on your anxiety, you know. Praying she (and you) feel better in a few minutes.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Wacko, I thought that was a recent lamp shade pic, just cuz your arm is in a cast. Was that when you had surgery on your elbow? When Bentley was here with Tammy, they spent the night and she forgot to bring him some food. I was browning some burger, so I put some rice in it and some left over green beans I had canned. He was fine, but then again much younger than your sweet baby and no health issues either. Glad Bella is doing better. I slept good last night, that is when I make up for the lost sleep from the night before. Had a few cocktails, then took 10 mg of melatonin when I went to bed, woke up around 9 to go potty, and had a night time pain reliever on my bed stand and took that when I got back. I think I got up at least 1 or 2 more times, but went right back to sleep.

    Boss Lady, we sleep with the tv on, so I just listen to it. I like to listen to Forensic Files, but they have so many repeats, night after night, it's the same ones. And yes, it has to be something I can LISTEN to. If not and I'm not interested, then yes, I start thinking and that keeps me awake even longer.

    Sandy, no night owl here. Used to be though. Usually in bed by 7 and up around 4am.

    NM, love the Cat in the Hat take on wine, too cute. FB does have a few funnies that I ejoy when people share.

    Dara, are you typing on a lap top? I found that my cursor jumps around because I hit the mousey pad with my hand some how, and it puts the cursor where ever I just had it sitting while typing, which is usually in the middle of a sentence elsewhere. So I put the cursor down below in my tool bars. Then it doesn't mess up my typing.

    Not finished reading, but I see a sister and a lampshade! Back latah! In the mean time…

    OMG stopped by Speedway to buy a coffee. When I walked into the store I noticed these two Police Officers looking at a woman who was smoking while fueling up and I'm thinking wow, what an idiot with Popo standing right there!
    So I go in, got my drink and as I was paying, I hear someone screaming "look outside" the woman's arm was on fire!!!
    She's running around like a chicken with its head cut off, waving her arm around freaking out. I go outside and the cops put her on the ground and were putting here in handcuffs. The guy next to me is like, "what the f@&%??" I kinda stuck around cause it looks like the guy is a wise ass and I wanna see what happens. Being the wise ass I thought he probably was, he asked the cops what in the world they were arresting her for, after all, wasn't catching her arm on fire punishment enough? I kid you not, the cop looked him dead in the eye and said, "For waving a firearm."

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Some pics for now of Diana Ross




  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2017

    Waving a firearm? (moans in anguished giggles)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Wow!/ BTW, if you watch the ABC sitcom Blackish (it and The Good Place are the only sitcoms I watch), Tracee Ellis Ross (who plays Anthony Anderson’s wife and just won a Golden Globe for her performance) is Diana’s daughter!