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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Ooooooh I like that Thong Thursday Cami!

    Image result for thong thursday guys gif

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Been having some off n on decent weather. Meaning 1 or 2 days of high 60's then clouds, cooler temps, and rain. Yest was 70o ooo a beautiful day.

    Hope everyone had a wonder Valentines Day. Dh and I went to 2 places, one was too loud with todays rappers n such, we had 1 drink and left. Checked out the fancy-dancy place, no go since no reservation, so ended up at Eureka hotel…They had steak n shrimp special, dh was able to exchange the steak for primerib. I had the 'senior' shrimp plate. It was all n all a good day/evening.

    Dara dahhhling - hope you are feeling better and that the headaches have subsided. Good to hear Bella is doing OK. I have put many dogs down and it always makes me crawl in bed with my tears and torn heart for a day or two - praying for you and ur Bella.

    NM - don't kno what to think about that Pysalis/Elderflower DOTD…knowing me, I'd prolly take a dwink and inhale a petal or 2 up my nose.

    Lowee - really, head under covers….I try to do that, but find I can't bear the stuffiness, and the fact that I have gas all the time so the smell is NOT pleasant.

    Jazz - pics are just GR8. I never saw EJ perform live, but I do like his music. Saw DR twice in Vegas, she is totally awesome. My Pandora is mostly Mo-town and I jes love it. It really helps keep me moving at the gym.

    Sandy - I like that cracklin rosie from ND, never knew it was about rose wine…LOL.

    Cami - had to lol about ur gramps giving the kids wine in a shot glass. Can't imagine drinking it in the morning tho. LMAO about the pics u posted, specially gramma.

    Lowee - ooolala, love the Thong Thursday idea and those thongs u posted make me wanna get into my 'toy bag' and spend an hour or two in da bed.

    Still no word from disability. It's been weeks since I spoke to them to verify info and I asked them how long before I get a decision, they said 'couple weeks' Idk, thinking about calling them but afraid that will piss em off. Oyvey

    I kno I'm missing some gals….but kno my thoughts and prayers are out there for you all.


  • nem126
    nem126 Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2017

    I like how this post about drinking has been running since 2006. LOL.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good afternoon friends- a mid afternoon message and before I disappear for a few days to my next yoga retreat which begins tomorrow afternoon, but is right down the road. This means I am not traveling anywhere like I did for the January one, but will go in for parts of the day and just be there for the yoga, meals, quiet time, etc. They have a wildlife center next door and plan to do some hiking and may still see a few of the residual sand hill cranes around.

    Nem- welcome to our thread. We tend to talk about drinking more than we do it, but that can depend on the day! Good observation though on how long this thread had been running.

    I saw you posted a question on an Oncotype thread and tried to answer what I did with similar results. Hope it's helpful?

    Cami- I am far more interesting when I am NOT working, because I have more time to do fun stuff. I cram a lot in during my non-contract times because often, it is hard to do some of the things I like (or need) to do because when you are on projects, you are SO BUSY! I have some things from now through the 25th and then think it may quiet down some. I will go back to being boring in March!

    Oh and my Cami dear, that ars bounces without much effort. LOL! That is a great post!

    Chi- wow, so many great suggestions here and who knew what went in to that? I have a friend coming over a week from Friday for wine and tapas and going to pick up one (or more) of those roses. I was reading something on the SW airline mag that rose only has 7g of sugar per glass, which makes it a good wine for me with my blood sugar issues. I had some nice Italian rose while in Vegas but forgot what the label was.

    Mema- so it sounds like you like the R&B/Motown/Funk genre? I totally love that music and listen to The Groove on Sirius a lot. Given you like that genre, did you see Bruno Mars on the Grammy's on Sun night? We saw part of it at the hotel before we went out to dinner. I LOVED what he did, total old school funk, and will post it here if you did not see it (Cami will like it, others too). He is one of the few younger musicians I am growing to really like.

    How fun that you saw DR there in the past. I think what floored me about discovering she was playing there is that I had no idea she still performed. She keeps a pretty low profile?

    NM- I forgot you have so much snow there right now that it might be hard for Sadie to really play in it. Glad you only got a dusting the last storm. It snowed a couple inches on Sunday while I was gone, but rain when I returned and heading back to spring now. Only one more day of work for you and hope you and Sadie can relax by a fire while you drink some type of hot alcohol drink.......spiced choc with pepp schnappss......

    Will check in on Sunday when I am back!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Wine has been a hobby of mine ever since I turned 21. (When I was in college, drinking in NYS was legal at 18). We visited the Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville, NY a few times, but they didn’t make serious wines. (“Serious" to us was something at least as dry as Mateus or Lancer’s). When we got married & moved to Seattle, we took a lot of cheap (mostly tent-camping) driving trips down the coast to the Bay Area, and back then all Napa Valley winery tastings were free (and pretty darned simple). There was a handful of famous ones—Inglenook, Christian Bros., Charles Krug, Sebastiani, Beringer, and Hans Kornell Champagne Cellars were the ones we visited most often, plus Paul Masson around Santa Cruz and Almaden further inland in San Juan Bautista. (Remember Almaden? You could tell which of its wines to serve by which little animals were dancing around on its back label, wineglasses-in-paw/hoof. And you had to buy your wine in the State Liquor Control Board stores). After law school, when standalone wine shops began opening all over Seattle, I started going to serious tastings, the first one at Nordstrom’s downtown shortly after they stopped being just a shoe store—it was a Burgundy and Beaujolais tasting, and Patty (with a Y) Smith—the Frugal Gourmet’s wife—used to attend them too. (Her husband Jeff had been our law school’s chaplain). We would tour Napa & Sonoma whenever we had conferences to attend in the Bay Area (plus a couple down near Monterey when we would vacation on the peninsula), and we even brought Gordy along when he was a toddler. In 1990, my very first trip to Europe was a wine tour in parts of France (Burgundy & Bordeaux) & Germany (Rhine & Nahe) with a wine merchant.

    So yes, I do know this stuff without Googling. ;-)

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Good evening, ladies! Lots of catching up to do. I thought I was a couple days behind, but it's been over a week. Time flies.

    Knock on wood, things have been good with my dad. The other day it was sunny and 49 degrees, so I took him out to lunch and to get a much needed hair cut. The weather is going to be nice starting on Saturday for about a week, so I hope to get him out everyday. The bad news is it appears he has a pressure ulcer on his ear due to the nasal cannula. He uses one with the rubber thingies, but because of his hearing aids there isn't enough room to utilize them. Anyway, I'm going to schedule an appointment with the wound care doc for next week.

    On the topic of Tracey Ross; I auditioned her for a pilot (new series that may or may not have been picked up by the network for future episodes) when I was the casting exec. for MGM TV. She was probably around 19 or 20 at that time. Lovely, lovely woman. While there is a resemblance, she didn't have the star power of her mother, but she's an excellent actor. She reminds me of Carla from The Chew and Top Chef.

    Genny, I hope you're feeling better, and I hope Emma is comfortable. I didn't grow up with pets, but I have friends who's cats or dogs are members of the family, so I'm sorry that you and DH are going thru this.

    Goldie, it sounds like everything is stable, which is awesome! How are you feeling? How's the appetite? The wicked witch of the west (aka MIL) also didn't have a funeral or memorial service for her husband. They not only had a good marriage, but my FIL was very, very well known in his field of research, so I'm sure there would've been a lot of friends, colleagues, former students who would have loved to paid their respects. Money is also not an issue for her, so I still scratch my head over that one.

    Native, LOLing to the suggestion that I could take 24 hours off from my dad. Even if I did have someone in my family who would cover the responsibility, I wouldn't leave my dad.

    I want the wine purse, like now. Like ASAP!

    Love the the Dr. Seuss reference!

    Jazzy, what an epic vacay! Sir Elton John and the legendary Ms. Ross all in one trip! Plus, some spa treatments at canyon ranch! You, my girlfriend, deserve it. Thanks for sharing the pics. Enjoy your yoga retreat!

    Dara, Logan is such a little nugget! I just want to kiss that beautiful little face! You're so pretty! Love your lampshade pic! I'm so, so sorry about Bella.

    Sandy, I'm a huge sparking Rose fan. Personally, I love the Mumms Rose Brut for around 20 bucks. I tried the J Rose brut (Jordan) for close to $40, and I was pissed! It lacked the dry, clean crispness of brut roses. Now, give me some veuve (Rose or brut) with some osetra caviar and I'm one happy camper. However, Billecarte-Salmon Rose brut is my absolute favorite. This happens about once every 5 years.

    Cami,Dance Moms??? Girl, I think we have the same taste in TV. So, what do you think of this season? I think Abby is losing it over her pending law suit, but those little girls are so sweet and talented. Love watching them. BHis getting interesting. I'm curious how Rinna is going to dig herself out of this hole.

    Sue, your V day with the hubs sounds wonderful. I'm getting hungry. Was it a Tequila kind of night?

    Nem, welcome to this thread!

    I'm late with my dad's meds, so will sign off.

    ❤❤❤❤to everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    I love osetra—not as salty as sevruga, but far more interesting flavor than beluga (which I find bland).

    The fact that >20 years later, Tracee Ellis Ross now oozes charisma and has amazing comic timing is a testament to the power of maturity to perfect one’s artistry. Came as a shock to many to find out she’s Diana’s daughter—she’s such a strong personality in her own right.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Gals, Welcome Nem, hope u come back and share with us about u'r life.

    OK that's it. where the hell have I been? Hsant when did u ever tell us u worked for MGM TV, I would think I would know that if u did, but then again.....??? Who knows. Wow what a life u had too. Oh Dance moms are great for the girls--wonderful to watch, but everyone else is totally crazy, well we wouldn't watch it then, I guess--I can't even imagine being on a show and arguing with other moms without LOLing, so stupidly funny and Abby has always acted like that. Oh and Rinna is on tape an for her to say "I don't remember" is a hoot, she's got to know they taped it. LOL--Now we have to watch and see how she handles this one.

    Jazzy u are always interesting even when u'r working and yes I want to see the tape or whatever u have--u know I do.

    Sandy I never really thought u googled anything for one reason, u have to much passion in what u write and a tremendous memory. (OK that's 2 things) Whatever type of law u did u had to be great.

    DARA, DARA, DARA Are u doing OK.

    Lori I like the post, good one. How are u feeling? U know I hope well.

    SusyQ looks like u had some good VD time. (doesn't sound so sweet) I like how u and u'r DH find a way to make a situation good. And of course hoping u'r feeling well.

    Still haven't slept yet, just floopy tonite. I took a pain pill, then my Xanax an I want to take another pain pill but I don't like to mix alot, so I'm trying to tolerate the pain and I miss my Katie, The animal hospital sent me a "sorry" card and then they put in each individual plastic protectors Katie's paw prints, I didn't know they did that, so sad.

    NM u'r not on call this weekend, r u? I hope not.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for DRUNKEN TGIF

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for DRUNKEN TGIF For some reason I thought this was funny.===TGIF DAY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    OK I broke down and took another pain pill it's been a little while, so it should be all right. Now I'll probably sleep a lot today--I hate when I do that too. I'm such a whoose.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for tgif gifImage result for tgif gif

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Friday! Should be a decent day at work, should be able to get done at a reasonable time tonight, which is good cuz I need to get out to pick up the buying club order by 7 pm.Didn't get the onions I wanted, but did get 5# more of chicken breast than I ordered, so that part of the freezer will be well stocked for a bit.

    Cammy--No plans for a cousins get together right now, but we don't plan a lot of that kind of thing this time of year.Weather is too unpredictable. Summer is when we do that kind of thing mostly, unless one of the out of state cousins happens to come home, then we'll try to get together if we can.


    Mema--Inhaling petals is a problem with those fancy flower drinks, but they look soooo elegant! Sometimes I wonder if the government runs on a different time calendar than the rest of the world. One where "2 weeks"for them means up to 3 months in our time!

    Morning, Nem126!

    Jazzy--Sadie and I will get to relax this weekend, and the temps are warming up so a good bit of this snow will melt off.Slowly, I hope, if it melts off too fast it's going to get very messy in places.Hot drinks are good right now, though. Have a good trip!

    Chi--Wow, you have LOTS of experience with wines!

    Hsant--I didn't think you would take a break from Dad care, but I have to try to take care of you, you know!

    Cammy--no, not on call this weekend.Next weekend on call is March 4th & 5th.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Well Sue, my farts don't stink, so head under the covers is not an issue! And if you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona for you. What is it you are waiting of SSD for? You haven't been getting it all along?

    He and welcome Nem. Come on in and help us keep this thread running!

    Jazzy, glad you take your me time when things are slow for you work wise. Did you get your bike? Enjoy your weekend girl.

    Sandy, you ARE the vino expert!

    Hsant, I'm feeling a ok, all is good here, even mese appetite. Not gaining any weight, but not losing any more either. Having a funeral or memorial for someone where people would actually come, but they didn't? Yikes! Not the issue with my dad.

    Cami, I know your heart is still hurting for your Katie kat. I'm doing ok, thanks. I hope the pain pill helps you today and so what if you sleep.

    NM, hoping the day goes as easy as you have planned and you and Sadie can enjoy your weekend.

    Town today, then Tammy, Bentley and her son will be here Saturday, may spend the night depending on the weather. I have posted this before, but thought it was funny!

    Image result for i think you should quit drinking cartoon

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Good morning ladies,

    Nice reading and catching up here. I spent a few days in hibernation due to headaches. Whenever I get my hair colored, I am down, way down for a few days. I had an appointment with a third neurologist yesterday, made the appt back in Oct and was going to cancel it but thought WTF, why not go and see what she has to say. And she has wonderful ratings and is a headache specialist. She gave me injections into my scalp called Occipital nerve block, using lidocaine. It did nothing for me yesterday despite being said to have results right away. She s working on getting a prior auth for botox injections for the headaches. Meanwhile, my rx for imitrex became due yesterday so I picked it up and took one and got some much needed relief. Back to my day, I came home from that appointment and accidentally dosed off, nearly missing my 2pm appt to get my new NTI device for my teeth. They had called me on Tues to advise they had a cancelation and could get me in yesterday vs waiting until the rescheduled date of March 3. Well I got there and tried the new device but the doc would not let me take it with me since I have a very sore front tooth, assuming that is from grinding/clenching while wearing the old device. So I am back to that early March appt to get the new device. The dentist things I sprained a ligament behind my tooth? I dunno but wtf!!!! Gonna hit submit then try to address all mese goils. But first have to scream as my tooith is killing me and I need for the ibuprofen and percocet to kick in some. I can't even touch a coffee cup to my mouth without screaming.signed, Dara Downer Bawling

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Dara a ligament. OMG I never hear of such a thing where u'r having it. No wonder there is so much pain. How could u even o that? Lordy u'r a walking time bomb with every part of u'r boy. Those headaches have to be horrendous for that type of treatment, which again I've never heard of. Ah but Botox, which I have read is a huge help with certain types of headaches, plus an added bonus of when u feel better u;ll look in the mirror and after all, if u don't look good, they don't look good. And if it helps who cares what it is.

    Lori u'll be busy this weekend, I hope u have good weather and feel good too.

    I think Jazzy has gone so our adventurer has departed and we'll find out how she does soon.

    NM here's hoping u'r ay is good.

    See u layah..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for sexy men cookingBTW here is my new cook, see I spelled that right, ahem

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Ligament behind a tooth? Wow—didn’t know there were ligaments there. Hope the Botox will be the charm, Dara.

    It is sort of ironic that an oenophile (a wino with a credit card) would get a form of bc that limits me to 15 oz. of wine a week. Sounds like a lot, but that’s less than a pint. A “glass” is considered 5 oz. In most restaurants with a decent wine program that’s a “half-pour.” (The average good-restaurant wine glass holds at least a pint, and a pour is 6-9 oz.). Everywhere on TV these days, you see women cradling in their hands (a real no-no, BTW unless you like your wine warm) wine glasses the size of fishbowls (>20 oz.) filled halfway up. But if I can make it to decrepitude before those sneaky little nanomets floating around decide to glom onto my bones or liver—as is usually eventually the case with Luminal A bc—I’ll take it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Sandy, wow. 5 oz of wine? Ugh. I have one big glass that Google says works out to 8 oz (250 ml). I don't think I drink quite that much. I would hate to have to give up my one glass of wine with dinner. I mostly drink low alcohol wines (below 10%) because they taste better to me. But turn me loose at Total Wine and I can usually find 6 bottles of wine - some new to try that fit my criteria (i.e. not white and low alcohol).


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Quiet in here.

    Wine, BC? another thing I've never heard of. The more things I read, the less I know I know. I thought with age came sage, not in my case.

    Peggy u keep up with as much as u can handle an u'r evening is always smooth. I remember when I did drink, nothing ever hurt (I was younger) and if I i wake up with a headache I would fix my coffee with a shot and I was OK. I still have the blackberry brandy I bought, but it in't taste as good as I remember, but then again I think our neighbor made blueberry brandy, that was good.

    Sandy I'm glad I was n't the only one that in't know about ligaments in strange places--but if anyone can have one it is Dara--she's had the strangest things over the years and it hasn't been easy for her.

    Joey went to bed early with a headache, his friend was over and he left. Marty is the only one up in the garage watching TV with his Friday nite beer. Once a week they drink and Leslie usually gives up first. It;s funny I always think of them as kids. Both Marty and Jodie (my oldest DD) are in their 50's and Leslie is just a couple of years younger. Where the hell did all this time go? Oh well

    OK enough silliness.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Yeah, Cami, those of us with ER/PR+ bc are advised to drastically limit alcohol (some preachers in the Medico-Dietary Church of No Fun, aka Survivorship Nutrition, say to avoid it entirely) because the theory is that it somehow promotes estrogenic growth by preventing estrogen from being metabolized into waste and excreted. But OTOH, for those of us whose ovaries long ago went to the Great Stirrup-Table in the Sky, the enzyme aromatase—produced by the liver—converts the androgen made by our fat cells and adrenal glands into estrogen. However, alcohol does affect liver function, so it stands to reason that it also might impair aromatase production. Of course, it’s so much easier to cop out and say “we don’t know for sure what’s what, so best to abstain” rather than “we don’t know squat, so do what you want as long as it doesn’t make you gain belly fat."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning Ladies

    I actually slept a couple of hours at nite, then waking up to pain, otherwise I think I woul have slept longer, Oh well.

    Sandy I guess that makes sense, no one ever told me that, but maybe cuz whenever I've been asked if I drink my answer is always no, maybe at Christmas so no one ever bothered about any explanation. My sister drinks daily (wine) but she has for years 1-2 glasses a day, she takes after my dad. My mom never rank until she retired then she waited until 4PM and have 1 martini--she was so much fun after. LOL My sister has been stage IV for 10 years now, but she does well. The first couple of years were very hard on her, but it's much better now.

    OK QUESTION---Whoever can answer--when u use Willie (Nelson) does it help pain or does it just relax you to feel better? I'm confused on what it can do for u. I'm sorry I've been complaining about my pain a lot lately and I know some of u have plenty of it and mine could be worse but, I vent it all here so u gals are stuck hearing about it. Oh Joey comes in my room worried about me, but he's 12 I just tell him I'm tired, but he gives me a look and usually says yea right.

    I hope NM is getting some rest today.

    And my love to all of u.

    Be boock latah


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for recipes to make alcoholic drinksOK I know this is an old drink, but I was singing that stupid song in my head, so I'm passing it along.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in, till 8 ayem!Didn't get to bed until late, read until after midnight, then wound up sleeping in the recliner cuz of the heartburn.I should know better than to drink OJ in the evening.I took myself out to dinner to finish up the day's computer work, found a place making 24 hour breakfast, had corned beef hash and 2 glasses of OJ, should have realized that would not be a good thing at 7 peeyem!Ah, well, over and done, finally got the e-mail caught up, got the first load of laundry in the wash, signed up for a webinar on essential oils and such that starts in a hour and a bit, looking forward to a puttering sort of day.

    Goldie--glad your appetite is coming back. The weight will come along in a bit.Got quite a bit of work related computer stuff to do this weekend, which is disappointing, but not surprising. I'll pick away at it a bit at a time.

    Funny cartoon!

    Dara--holy moly what a set of problems! I didn't even know you could sprain ligaments behind teeth, or that teeth HAD ligaments.I have got to go review my anatomy and physiology, I guess. Not being able to touch coffee is BAD, VERY BAD. Nobody would want to be around me if I couldn't have my coffee! Hope the drugs kick in soon.

    Cammy--weather here is nice and warm, almost 40 degrees,Snow is melting gradually, YEAH!

    Ooh, do you share your Cook?Or does he come from a company where I can get one?

    Chi--I'm with you, going to enjoy my wine however it comes.If I get mets later, I've had some enjoyment out of life.If I don't, then I still get some enjoyment out of life.Works for me!

    Peggy--I'm still not convinced that the "studies" linking alcohol or any food or diet to any form of cancer really show that the one causes the other. And I refuse to live my life driving myself crazy trying to avoid something that may or may not happen no matter what. If I can't enjoy life, then why bother with treatment at all?

    Cammy--I think your kids will always be kids to you, no matter how old they get!

    Chi--someday they will have to admit they don't know squat--and I will be laughing very hard at them!

    Cammie--Good question about the effects of Willie.And a great classic cocktail for the DOTD!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    NativeMainer, I'm with you. I'll drink if I want, eat what I want (and hopefully avoid making my GERD act up - that's more a limiter than anything else). QOL is important. Yes I want to live forever but not if it isn't fun! OJ is bad :(


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Morning sunrise at the yoga retreat


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Morning sunrise at the yoga retreat


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, that's beautiful. Where in NM are you?


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Good DAY DahhhLinKs!

    It's Sa-turd-ay woohoo. Having my 1st dwink of the day… Had to get up at 6:00 this morning take DH to work, his twuck got dwunk. Got his cold too…UGH!!

    PonPeg - I have at least 2 'hard liq' drinks every single day. I smoke still too. I am with the others, gotta live my life in my lifestyle, n drinking n smoking n gambling are all a part of 'putting' a smile on my face. I will celebrate my 6th year cancerversary this April. I have problems but just annoying things. Yes, some of them drive me to drink, LOL, but for most part I am doing OK. Glad to have you on board….ooops, dumped ya into da pewl….shoot, well let's jes relax and have tenders take care of us.

    Cami - u gonna share ur cook? MMJ, in diff recipes - candy, smoke, tincture, RSO, cookies, chocolate etc, all make you sleep and some take good care of your pain. I highly recommend it.

    Dara - keep us posted. I have never heard that teef had ligaments either. However, my teeth are more sensitive now since wearing the mouth guards. Am so sorry u are having such terrible aches and pains…sending big HUGZ and lots of prayers your way.

    Lowee - ur appetite coming back? Woohoo, hope this is true. In answer to your other question….I paid into SS all the years I worked. I am unable to work now, so I want what I'm due from our gov. Have 3 years (a ltl less) til I HAVE TO file for plain ol' social security, so wanted to get a little more benefit. Plus, I really cannot work anymore.

    Sandy - You are so right on about alcohol and pos hormone cancer. I'm 3P, so as some say….'what's going to do, give me cancer…' there now but will say I am thrilled to still be breathing…yeah!

    Seems to me that there is another new gal on board…is it NEM? Sorry if I didn't get it right but welcome….come join us in the pewl.

    OK…dh be home soon…Made chicken tortilla soup in the crockpot. It is ready now, so I expect him anytime.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all…o and prayers too.