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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    That Alien Birth cocktail is something I will never be able to un-see.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    ChiSandy- ha ha, right? Could never drink that as I would fear an alien popping out of my chest or something like that!

    I bought something today at the grocery store called Zebra sparkling rose. Having a friend over on Friday and doing a bit of sampling. I forgot about Gruet who is from here too, they make a nice sparkling rose.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Oh, yeah, forgot about Gruet. I really like that

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Hi girls,

    Debbie downer here again~ well hopeful that i will soon feel better. I was sent by my dentist to an endodontist. 1.1K later, I should be on the mend. The papers I brought home showed that I had "multiple periodontal abscesses". I never cried so hard at a doctor appointment than I did today. Getting the novacaine shots was worst than my titties lopped off. And I do not remember anything about multiple abscesses when the doc spoke to me. I have sutures and a drain in my mouth. I am getting more pissed everyday at God for putting me through all this hell. It is .just not fair and I am tired of talking to him. No willie or alcamahol for a few days. I am going to a mini class reunion on Friday night and hope I feel well enough and get doctor approval to indulge in some alcamahol! Oh, to top things off, now my dentist;s "partner", aka her husband, is saying that the NTI device for grinding is not going to work for me due to my jaw alignment woes. Good God, can I get a freaking break?

    Hope you are all doing well, will try to report back after a few z's.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    NativeMainer, doesn't wine go with everything? I always have it with hamburgers!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    By the time the painters were gone for the day and I’d showered, it was nearly dinnertime, so I walked to a new cocktail/small-plates/wine bar called Income Tax (named after a 1930s cocktail that tastes—acc. to Bob—like an Old Fashioned with diabetes). I had a Mourvedre from the Languedoc-Roussilon of SW France. Pretty darned good. (See “what’s for dinner” thread for the food). What threw me for a loop was that as I waited for my food, I reached into my purse for my phone, to check e-mail…and it wasn’t there! Didn’t panic, though—I remembered I hadn’t bothered to unplug it from the charger and take it with me. I felt simultaneously marooned and liberated. (How did we ever get along without bringing phones with us everywhere)? So I had to pull out my pocket diary and a fountain pen (1950s Sheaffer Snorkel Admiral, if you’re curious) and start journaling. Stopped in to Lickety Split on the way home to pick up a decaf cappuccino—to go, so I could sip it out on my deck watching the planes go by. Tomorrow the kitchen should be finished and we can start putting stuff back where it belongs. No word yet on my espresso machine (I think the commercial cafes are ahead of me in the pipeline), but I’ll shoot Victor at Cora Italian Specialties an e-mail anyway.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Hi girls, I have started and finished posts about 5 times, should just put the bits and pieces on here instead of always trying to finish. Maybe I will start doing that. Anywho, I'm pretty caught up on reading and I see I missed a very important birthday, so may I start with


    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KIM!!!! Hope it was great and you get to enjoy the aromatherapy oils.

    Cami, laughfest with Joey sounds great, and over soft kitty, how fun, now the song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night! Catching up with old friends is great, the best ones you can pick right up where you left off no matter how long it's been.

    Sandy, the only thing I know about wine is that I like to drink it and the only thing I know about music is that I like to listen to it but it's fun getting so much info from you.

    Dara, I don't even know what to say, I am so very sorry that you are still having so much pain and I'm praying for you! You've had way too much chit for way to long, it is certainly time that you catch a break. Hope the abcess surgery bixes everything up and soon the headaches will be nothing but a memory... ((Dara))

    Lori, glad to see you've poked your pretty head outta da wabbit hole. Glad to hear your weight is holding steady now, hope the TM's do the same. Looks like you are having a nice time with your company and Bentley is adorable!

    Jazzy, hope you are having wonderful days at your yoga retreat, sounds fabulous!

    Peggy, nice to see you, and yes wine does go with everything.

    SuzieQ, I'm with you, gotta live yer life, it's all a crap shoot anyway.

    I'm probably missing people and I know it was a quick catch up but I hafta go to bed soon, going to do a 6:30 ayem spinning class with my hubs. Had a MO appt yesterday and then a fabulous lunch and visit with hsant, I'll post a pic but will do it via my phone since it is still not communicating with my puter. I went and saw Nora on Sunday and she is so funny now. I told her we were going to go the the park and she couldn't leave till she put on her make-up. I asked her why she needed make-up and she said "because I have to be bootiful to go to the park". I told her she was already bootiful and she said she needed to be more bootiful. Her mother scolded her for something to which she replied "you've ruined my life". My DIL calls her a threenager.

    Now I need to tell you all... Emma went over the rainbow bridge tonight. We had to take her, we'd made the appt last night and then chickened out and canceled it. We kept hoping we'd just find her curled up in her bed, but it was not to be. DH took other dogs to the park tonight and I was doing dishes and heard a noise like someone had fallen down the basement steps. Well Emma was down there, had not fallen but went down and had bloody diarrhea and I could not get her back upstairs, she was so weak and couldn't get up. So I poured myself a glass of wine and sat with her head on my lap and talked to her and waited for DH to get home. He carried her up and got her in the car and we took her. She went so quickly and so peacefully, she was so sweet and touched so many people in her therapy work. I will miss her forever... we are ok, it's been torture trying to figure out from day to day if it was time, I'm glad she is at peace now. Anyway, so pretty caught up on my end, sweet dreams all.. love ya!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Genny- I am sorry about Emma friend. What a lovely photo too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Oh, Genny, so sorry about sweet Emma. Yesterday on my neighborhood blog a guy posted that his longhair Siberian cat "Mr. Katz" had somehow escaped and he was worried sick about him. One person posted “I don't understand why any sane person would want to hold an animal captive." How sad for those who have never experienced the bond between human and pet! When some of us pointed out that the domestication of cats & dogs not only ensures a long and safe survival but mutual emotional comfort, this troll replied that anyone who needs emotional support has bigger problems than lost pets. I was SOOO tempted to write back sarcastically “I don't understand why any sane person would want to expel a miniature human being and hold it captive for eighteen years;" until I realized she would probably un-ironically agree. And the thread was closed, because Mr. Katz returned this morning.

    I got a reminder from Williams-Selyem today that my semiannual allocation of Pinot Noir & Chardonnay was about to expire. That 2011 Westside Road Neighbors Pinot I just started is so extraordinary (as has been every bottle I've had going back to when they were just two guys making Pinot Noir, and nothing else, in their Sonoma County garage and selling only to selected restaurants) that I had to take the bait. I looked it up and saw there were only four bottles of the current vintage (2014) in stock, and nearly fainted when I saw the current price (twice what I'd paid for the 2011). But I bought two of them, one each of the Sonoma Coast and Russian River Valley Pinots, and two of the Central Coast (it was cheaper, and made from grapes grown down near Monterey, but everything they make is insanely wonderful). I have a basement full of wines from France, CA, WA, OR, NY, Spain, Italy, Germany—and a few bottles from Chile, Argentina & Australia—but when I want a really good Pinot Noir nothing else in my cellar, not even from Burgundy or OR, can hold a candle to it. I'd always been very sparing in how often I'd opened one (or gifted it to someone special who loves good Pinot—like my PCP who grew up in Santa Rosa) because it's not for guzzling; besides, how often can I make Copper River salmon or a prime rib roast? But with that Coravin I can sip from one bottle for more than a year. (I'd Coravin-ed a bottle six months ago, but then along came said Copper River sockeye, a lovely autumn night, a fresh cedar plank, a nice hot grill, and two hungry guys—Bob & Gordy—who definitely know their wine; so I had to uncork that remaining half a bottle for the three of us to savor). BTW, you still need to be invited to join their mailing list and can't buy the wine in stores.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!Decent day at work yesterday, should be decent today as well, we shall see.Long meeting yesterday, the doc called in and participated by phone which slowed things down a bit, but not as bad as I thought it would. Been nice and warm, snow is melting nicely. Sounds like some rain coming over the weekend, that should be interesting.Maybe mud season is going to start early this year!Sadie will like that!

    Cammy--I can just imagine you and Joey singing Soft Kitty in round, and laughing like maniacs!Wish you had a recording you could share.


    Jazzy--I don't have an Aromatherapy book yet, well, I didn't.I just went to Amazon and bought the Kindle version of the Patricia Davis book.Looks GREAT! Can't wait to sit down this evening and start perusing it.Wow, must be nice to have a choice of projects to take on next! You must give great presentations, you rehearse and polish so much. Rehearsal makes a huge difference in presentation.

    Chi--that is a notable drink,isn't it?

    Debbie--oh my goodness, my poor dear. Multiple abscesses?So not fair! Stitches AND a drain? So, SO not fair. Did you get the NTI device from the dentist who's "partner" is saying it won't work? If it came from another dentist, I'd ignore the "partner" and keep going with it, especially since it helped. In your situation I would be hitting the Vit X pretty dang hard right now.

    Peggy--my opinion, too, wine with EVERYTHING! But I'm not known to be terribly discriminating or wine educated. I go with what I like the taste of.

    Chi--Talk about ends of a spectrum, from electronic notes to a fountain pen! I love fountain pens, even if they do get ink on my fingers. Love the description of the drink!

    Genny--oh my, what a little lab dance, made me laugh out loud, and brought Sadie running to see what was going on! Thanks a million!

    So Sorry about Emma's death. She knew she was loved until the very end, and is waiting for you and your DH to reunite when the time is right.

    Chi--Wow, what a wine find you have! Glad you got some more for your cellar.And glad Mr. Katz came home. As for the toll, I feel sorry for them. Imagine having so little in your life and so little self esteem that you have to go looking for online threads to snark on anonymously. . . .

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Emma Cocktail


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, not too many great memories to share about my dad. Being the only girl of 4 kids, you would think I would have been daddy's little girl, not so. Most of my memories are when we got beat or got in trouble. My parents weren't the "loving" type. But I think that was typical back in the day. Do you use the lavender and tea tree oil together or separate? I think I have to urge to go out and build a snowman!

    Image result for show me the money

    Sandy, it was on the news about your temps there in Chi town. Warm today and then getting cold. I hear ya about not having the phone and feeling liberated and lost at the same time. Same goes with computers, I can't imagine being without either one.

    Dara, I just don't know what say my friend. Other than I love you and sending my prayers your way as well. OMG, and NTI thingy isn't working, and you had to have surgery and a drain. I am just SMH girl.

    NM, enjoy your lunch at OG and the wine tasting. Going alone? What do you get to eat at OG. I seem to always go for the chicken alfredo. You must have gotten Young Living or DoTerra oils? The Alien Birth looks like a Halloween drinkie!

    Cami, I don't know what soft kitty is, but glad you and Joey got some good laughs out of it. Nothing beats a good laugh.

    Mary, I'm with you. I like to listen to music and drink wine…..or beer, or wodka! Love to hear Nora say bootiful, as that is where my DD got her nick name of Bootie. And a threenager, good one. Look how long her hair is! Tears for your loss of Emma, she WAS ONE SPECIAL LADY, that's for sure. Love her picture too, in front of the hospital. You and Hsant look fab, and you need your glasses filled! I forgot the name of your new baby, I only remember Jaeger.

    Nuttin new here on my end. Tammy, her son and Alex will be here again Saturday, but not spending the night. I enjoy their company, but it means I HAVE to do cleaning! I think Cami had a Tender that looked like he could use more work. I know he was a cook, but maybe he can clean too, or at least do up mese dishes!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends!

    Dara- OMG, multiple abscesses? Good lord. This is what has been contributing to the terrible headaches? Well, dental problems can make your life miserable. I hope you can rest and feel better today and going forward. Did they give you some good pain meds?

    Maybe see how you feel on Friday and just go for an hour to the reunion to make an appearance? That is what I do more these days when I don't have the desire for a bigger outing. I call that the "drive by".......

    Chi- I have a bottle of something from Napa I got when I was there in 2009 called Charles Krug Generations. It is a 2005 vintage and been saving it for something special. I am going to reach my 5 years end of the year and decided that will be the event. A good friend of mine who supported me through treatment and gets the whole five year thing as a major milestone for us survivors will drink it with me. We talked about this recently. A friend who gets it and who appreciates good wine is the right person to share it with, yes? It was not a super pricey wine (maybe $50 tops) but remember how outstanding it was and something I got right from the tasting room at the winery.

    Funny, in my writing class last night my teacher was talking about writing with the old style fountain pen........

    NM- sounds like your work is going okay. How is the weather in Maine, are you still getting storms? I love that you can take Miss Sadie with you sometimes. I am sure she loves being with you and having a car adventure. Glad the reference about the book is something you could check out and get on Kindle. Fun with oils!

    Genny- love the photos and look at Miss Anorable's pink boots. She is a total fashionita isn't she? I love the second photo too, is that you and your DD? My only suggestion is that you fill up those wine glasses asap.......

    Went to my writing class last night and have to say this has been the best group I have done a class with to date. We sat in groups and read parts of our stories to each other. People had some pretty intense stuff in their content that rivets you. Made me think about all the different types of things you can write about. My writing teacher says most people identify around one particular style of writing. For me I write about stories from the early 1900's, don't ask me why! I use material from things I know from my family, but also the current story just came to me while in a historic town here last year. Next week we read our stories to the class and then will give him a copy to critique and send back. I am not looking to publish, I do this for myself because I just love to write.....

    Got some things to get to and will be in touch after the presentation tomorrow and will let you know how that goes. I now have three outfits picked out to wear, and will decide today or tomorrow which one seems the best for tomorrow's discussion!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Mary I'm so sorry for Emma, it's a sad time losing our furbabies. It is ironic tho to me, like Sandy said about that lady, if u've never really ha a pet to bond with u have no idea of the feeling that u have. U really don't consider them a pet, they are u'r friend an comfort u and love u so much and always happy to see u. More than some people in u'r life Anorable looks just that way. And that's u and Hsant, right?

    Dara I pray u start feeling better.

    This is a short post, Joey's home sick with the flu and I was up 1/2 the nite with him. The kids both had to leave at 8AM so I took the shift cuz I'm up a lot anyway. But I just have to tell u, he is goofy. He's thanking me for caring for him and tells me how much he loves me and then he said--you're a good woman--see I LOLed and he had no idea why. Oh and he's so dramatic OMG he's just like me, especially when I was a kid.

    OK I'll be back later and read everything--BTW that Alien drink looks like it belongs in a scary movie.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Hi girls,

    Going to bed at five pee em was not the greatest idea since I am now wide awake. I wanna dwink, waaa! I am feeling better, the swelling has going down, pain is minimal but the drain is making me nuts. I have to get up early as I have phone interview with Princeton Mortgage. It is time to get a job regardless of how I feel. I have nearly blown through my retirement money and do not want to deplete my savings so getting more serious in my pursuit for a job.

    Genny, nice to see you but so sorry for the loss of Emma, you did the right thing. Maybe she has met up with Cam's Kitty Kat and Shannon's furbaby?? Seems to me that doggy/kitty heaven would be similar to our human heaven in that our loved ones, eg furbabies and hoomans, have the ability to meet n greet every person/animal that has been important to us hoomans! Crazy thought perhaps but there is something to it? Anyway, please give my condolences to your DH too.

    I started the above post at 3 aye em but drifted off before finishing. I will pick up where I left off.

    NM, I did purchase the device for my mouth from the same dentist. The wife is the one that said that I did not have TMJ disorder and now her husband says that do! My head is just spinning over that issue. Anyway, glad you had a decent day at work and that you meeting wasn't as grueling as it could have been. It has been very mild here as well, we're going into the 70s on Friday. Sorry you are getting rain this weekend but always good to just snuggle with sweet Sadie. Hope your day goes well.

    Jazzy, I would love to see some of your writing from your class. You are amazing in the things that you do and I am impressed by how you continue to stimulate your mind. I wish you all the best in future work endeavors and hope you find something that you love and a great group to work with this time instead of those lousy doctors that cost you so much grief. And I'm sure whatever outfit you picked out, you will look marvelous.

    Lori, it saddens me that your childhood was so difficult. It is not fair for a child to endure constant beatings. (((((Lori)))). I was beat with a belt twice, once when I was about five and took scissors to curtains, sheets, clothing etc. and another time where I chiseled plaster off the walls because I needed something to put in my pan to cook in my little kiddy kitchen. I think those whippings hurt my feelings more than they hurt physically. But I sure did learn some lessons LOL. Things were so different when we were growing up. There was a point of time when my dad worked three jobs to make ends meet and he would come home from work so very miserable and he and mom would fight and often times he would throw and smash things in the house. I inherited a bad temper from him but have also calmed down with age and therapy. I feel bad that you had such a miserable time and hope that your brothers at least tried to protect you. Hugs right back at you, love you so much too. Enjoy your company and don't work too hard in preparing ~ remember, they are coming to see YOU and not your house!

    Hsant, so glad you were able to get out if only for a little while and spend some time with Mary. You are both great girls and there is nothing more precious than meeting up with a breast friend. I hope your dad is doing well. Has the ulcer healed yet? Pop in and let us know how you're doing when you have minutes. You and Mary look great in the photo but I too have an issue with those empty wine glasses.

    Genny, back to you. Nora just gets more beautiful with time, as if that's even possible! I love the pout on her face in the photo and love more the story about her putting on her makeup. She is something else that one. I'm glad you have her to keep your heart warm, especially now. More hugs to you right back. I too like that the lab dance that you sent to Kim for her birthday, especially love the little dogs shoes LOL.

    Hi Peggy, glad that you are continuing to visist the lounge and are enjoying your wine! cheers!
    Sandy, happy to hear that your kitchen is nearly done. Your post about the lost cat really saddened me in that there are really people in this world that are so cold and do not comprehend the love we have for our pets. It's amazing that you were able to bite your tongue, or should I say your fingers, and not give that person a piece of your mind. I'm glad the story about the lost cat had a happy ending. You ore right that our pets give us so much in return for our love and that it is always unconditional love.

    Camille, found a great video of the soft kitty song, the guy is a genious in doing it acappell, seems he dubbed himself over and over. - I can visualize you and Joey carrying on. Love and laughter together is just the best thing in the world for you and for Joey too. I know you are still missing your Kitty. (((Camille))) I did not know that you had fibromyalgia, too, sounds so horrible especially combined with your digestive issues,and RO. Is today a better day, wishing it is! And I hope that when you talk about me and my ailments with your people that you do not also tell them that I am crazy, that is our secret OK? Ha ha.

    I am feeling much better this morning besides having the usual headache. I did get a prescription for pain meds but can't fill it without permission from my pain management doctor. I also can't take vitamin V because I am to to be tested on Friday afternoon. I do have an appointment on thurs with a new doctor, who is a sports medicine specialist/physiatrist. )sp??). if that goes well, I will cancel my appointment for Friday and be done with pain management.

    I have to sign off and prepare for my telephone interview. I am glad I took the time to write to you girls, it helped to calm my nerves and divert me from what is to come. I hate interviewing. OHhhhh, I do not think I told you all that I found out last week that when my prior manager was terminated, my director and another manager were also terminated a few days later for the same violation. I feel horrible, especially about my former director. she was one of the few people there that really understood me and she always gave me the utmost respect. That has been bugging me more than I'd like to admit.

    Missing some of my girls who have not been around. Julia, where are you, please report. Who else is missing? Shannon? She needs to pop in and bring in something tasty whether it be human, edible or drinkable! Also thinking of the loss of her fur baby (((Shannon)))).

    Have a great day goils, chEErs!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Dara, hope the antibiotics are working their magic on whatever remained after the abscesses were drained, and that your pain mgmt doc can sign off on an effective Rx. I haven't been able to dig far enough back into this thread, but was the director who was fired (along with the mgr. & your prior mgr.) the “former director" who was on your side? And was it for the same “violation" they cited for terminating you? If so, I see a potential class action in your future…

    I've been a fountain pen collector since 1990, when I first visited France with that wine merchant I mentioned earlier. Just before driving back to Frankfurt to fly home, we spent a couple of days in Paris. He had promised his staff some gifts, and asked if I wanted to accompany him to Printemps & Galeries Lafayette near our hotel to shop for them. We went to the stationery depts. at both stores and I was floored by all the fountain pens—especially Watermans, which were being made in France by then. (Parker was also shifting its mfg. to France as Waterman had bought them). I then remembered all those Waterman print ads in glossy mags, the most awesome of which read “I gave up wine. I gave up chocolate. I gave up that beach house at Cap Ferrat. I even gave up the Count (that naughty man). I did not give up my Waterman—I must have something thrilling with which to record my boredom." The pen pictured was this gorgeous red ripple fountain pen, and I was hooked then & there. I've been to a gazillion pen shows (yeah, they're a thing) and got into collecting vintage pens as well as modern.

    I remember when I was a kid in third grade learning cursive in Brooklyn's PS 183—they started us with pencil and then we graduated to dip pens & ink. (Our desks really did have inkwells, which the teacher filled from a big bottle). No ballpoints, which my dad thought was nuts because they were so convenient and often free giveaways. In fourth grade, we were allowed to bring our own pens, and my dad gave me his old Wearever and Esterbrook lever-fillers (my friends who grew up in Catholic schools tell me Esterbrooks where what the nuns made them use). But when ink fights erupted in the schoolard after water pistols were banned (Sheaffer Snorkels shot a really strong stream of ink quite far), the only fountain pens allowed were the newfangled cartridge-fillers; and by then the Bic had been invented so most kids were using ballpoints. (But the day we graduated from sixth grade and got our official leatherette autograph books, our teachers let us use any kind of pen & ink we wanted—even wild colors like “South Sea Blue" or “Peacock." Wish I could find those old autograph books—their padded covers had the school colors & insignia, and they zipped closed for privacy, just like diaries).

    I must have over 500 pens by now, vintage & modern, ltd. edition & everyday writers, and I've used all of them at one time or another. I always keep a few close at hand (and when I travel abroad, I always seek out pen shops—I even have a couple of cloisonné pens I bought in Shanghai). In Europe, especially France & Germany, kids still all must use fountain pens and the drugstores & dime stores have the coolest ones dirt cheap—models you can't find in the U.S. except perhaps at outrageous markups on eBay. I love odd nibs (flexy, music, stubs, obliques) and old-school filling systems (eyedropper, lever, button, twist, piston, and especially Snorkel). One pen collector listserv arranged a factory tour of the old Sheaffer plant in Ft. Madison, IA back in 2004, just before it closed. It was the last factory making fountain pens in the U.S. Parker in Janesville, WI had already switched to ballpoint refills and (briefly) Rubbermaid housewares.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Oh, and the kitchen ceiling & moldings are finished. They did a great job. Now when people visit, I'm gonna have to tell them to look up at the ceiling but not at the rest of the room. (The crew did leave us enough paint to do the fascia & acoustic-tile ceiling over the breakfast nook, which wasn't part of the job because the leak didn't affect it). And I'm ready to cook again, just as soon as we put everything back where it belongs.

    Jazzy, interesting history about Krug in the Napa Valley. Charles Krug founded Napa’s first commercial winery during the Civil War, and after changing hands a couple of times after his death, it was bought by the Mondavi family, who introduced public tasting rooms and tours. For awhile back in the ‘70s (when I first visited the valley), the winery made two lines: the upscale (for the time) Krug (on a par with neighboring Beaulieu, Beringer, Inglenook et al) and the cheaper CK Mondavi line (mostly sold in jugs for quaffing). Eventually, Robert Mondavi split from Krug and established his cutting-edge-opulent winery across the road (I think on the old Inglenook property); at the time, tours and tastings were by appointment only, and for food & wine industry workers, owners & press. Robert Mondavi soon became the face of the Napa Valley, famous in ads and articles for both his winemaking and gastronomy. Krug nevertheless managed to survive as other wineries folded and merged and new ones sprang up by the hundreds, maybe over 1000 in the valley between the two main roads (Hwy 29, the main tourist route, and Silverado Trail, where the most upscale & exclusive wineries such as Stag’s Leap, Caymus & Signorello are). It’s the oldest continuously operating Napa Valley winery open to the public. The “Generations” bottle you have is a “meritage,” the California term for a winery’s proprietary blend—usually red Medoc-style— but with a little Syrah (a Rhone varietal) thrown in. Later vintages are more traditionally Medoc. Meritages were pioneered by Robert Mondavi’s joint venture with Christian Mouiex of Chateau Petrus (a winery in the Pomerol subregion of Bordeaux unique in being made from 100% Merlot—and is probably the most expensive red wine in the world). They named their baby Opus One, and the rest is history.

    Back in the day, we used to bounce like ping-pong balls across Hwy 29 from winery to winery, stopping to picnic, and then enjoying part of our purchase for the day around the campfire before retreating to our tent. You could do all the wineries along 29 (which was most of the valley) in a day or two. Now, Hwy 29 alone would take you at least a week (and risk you a ticket for DUI unless you took the wine train, a bus tour or hired a driver).

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Happy HUMPDAY dahhhLinKs!

    I have been mostly bedridden since catching the cold from my DH. The cough makes me feel like I'm hauking up a lung…nasty chit man.

    Dara - am hurting that you are hurting and now with the teef work and stitches and drain, oyvey. Praying so hard for some relief for you. U r right…it's not fair for u to have all this chit going on. Feel the HUGZ from me.

    Cami - get your laughs in however u choose to do it. I am forever grateful that u have Joey.

    Jazz- hoping that you get a contract going soon so you can "see the money". Love the 'breaking up with winter pic'.

    Peg - I like tequila with my burgers. LOL

    NM - looks like I missed your birthday too. Hope you had a good day. When my cold is better I will have a shot of killa in ur honor.

    Genny - OMG, so hard to lose a pet. Emma was a real lovable pet. And you holding her in the basement made me cry…just so hard to let go. (((Mary))) Love the post of Emma she surely was special. Also lubs the 'lab dance', the shoes are adorable….LOL.

    I think you and Hsant look marvelous, glad u were able to connect.

    Hsant - can't believe this chit is hitting you hard too, f'ing RB. (((Hsant)))

    Genny- Anorable is so precious. She looks like she is pondering the 'ways of the world'.

    Lowee - what does smh mean? Don't laugh at me or I'll cry. I guessed it means, 'sending many hugs'?? idk.

    Dara - glad you are feeling less pain, and yes the drain would make any of us nukkinfutz.

    Gotta wrap this up, been sittin here too long, my coxes (sp) is screaming at me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Hi ladies- I found out there are around 11 folks signed up for my presentation tomorrow. That is perfect actually, small intimate group and have presented to small groups like that or up to 40 with this group (or hundreds at conferences). This will allow me to not need to do much today and focus on some other things. Right now I need a nap!

    Cami- you and Joey are totally soul mates. I think you probably knew each other in another life. It is like you have known each other forever. My brother was like that for me. I love how he called you "a good woman". Joey is beyond his years!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Good morning girls! Happy Thirstdey-Thursdey!

    It is highly unusual for the lounge to be so quiet this time of day, where is eberyb?>?uddy? Was I not invited to another partay?

    Cammy, yikes, so sorry that poor Joey has the flu, hope he is feeling better. Can he take tamaflu? I hope and pray that you do not get it. Sorry missed your post yesterday, bumped ya in de pool. Be sure to check out the link I posted on the kitty song, here it is again! Hugs to ya!

    Chi, you sure can write a story, love your story fountain pens and your school years, quite interesting. Hope things are well for you and yours.

    NM, where are ya this aye em? hope you have a good day!

    Suz, good to see ya but sorry you have been down with a cold. Hope you are feeling better.

    Jazzy, good luck today, sounds like you are ready to go, break a leg and get that contract! You simply amaze me lady.

    Gonna hit the bed again for an hour or so, have an appt with new doc early pee em. Am feeling better in de mouth but the head, not so much. I am out of immitrex, only git 9 pills a month and have a lonnnng way to go for more. waiting for new neuroogist to get approval for the botox which btw, will not affect my appearance, jest shots into my head and forehead.

    chEErs girls and hello to all!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    ps Jazzy, strongly agree that Cammy and Joey ARE indeed soulmates. The boy is tooooo wise for his years! Love to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    wow, crazy quiet here.

    Sandy, I failed to answer your question regarding my employment (or lack thereof). I was terminated for sending a closing package to closing attorney on a loan that was for a very high profile client. Our systems preventing my o department from sending the package due to an IT issues with our systems. Because time was of the essence, I did what I thought best at the time. My management team that was terminated was for another reason.

    Ok, gotta git in the shower and wash my dirty butt, have had some D due to the anti b I am taking.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    I had a horrible night with this cold. Thinking on going back to bed but gotta go out and get me some more cold remedy.

    Dara dahhhling - I hope you can get some more meds too. Glad ur teef are better, now gotta work on the headaches.

    Jazz - 11 peeps, oh boy...glad it's going to make things better for you....go KNOCK M DEAD.

    Cami - hope Joey (definitely ur soul mate) is feeling better today.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Good afternoon! Had a great time yesterday. My dear friends across the street called at 1:30 - did I want to share a bottle of bubbly? Well, duh! So Val and I polished off a bottle of Prosecco (don't recall the brand) while her hubby was into his Valentine's bottle of scotch. Nothing better than friends and bubbly. I'm so lucky to have found them in my brand new city!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good afternoon friends- the presentation went great today. I think there were more like 20 people there, some last minute folks and a couple of my colleagues I knew were coming, few nice surprises too.

    The talk was really well received and got some good questions and thinks I would like to include in the future in this talk (with the permission from the client on a couple fronts).

    Our family got some bad news last night about the death of a young cousin yesterday and trying to wrap my head around this one. She was a breast cancer survivor, or at least she was. Sigh Sad

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Just a quick poop in, things blowing up at work, needed an early start today, will need to do the same tomorrow. Details later.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, NM, sorry about the bad news.

    I'm here at the Oak Lawn Hilton with Bob overnight. Took me 2-1/2 hrs in the rain to get here during rush hour. We had some complimentary noshes and drinks (dbl. capp for me, wine for Bob) in the Exec. Lounge. Then to dinner at Cooper's Hawk Winery, where they gave us complimentary mini-pours of their Barrel Reserve red blend. With my dinner I had a flute of their Lux Sparkling, made traditionally from Oregon grapes. Bob has early echo reading tomorrow, and it is my job to get him up & out, using two alarms at 6 & 6:30, so he can answer the door for his room service breakfast. (We get free hot breakfast in the lounge, but he is afraid that he would sleep too late if he opted for that. He can use his free breakfast ticket for room service anyway.

    Typing this on an iPad. PITA (and not the kind I had yesterday with falafel). Ironically, back when I'd thought we'd have paint fumes and have to stay in a hotel, I briefly entertained the notion of boarding out the cats and staying here. Well, they just used fresh oil-based varnish in the elevators, and I wanna puke when I'm in them. Can even smell it with my hand over my mouth, and feel like I'm about to start wheezing to boot. Not gonna walk up & down 9 flights, though. Bob wants me to finish his room service breakfast, but I'd rather have the frittatas & pastries (and cappuccino) in the lounge. Brought a muumuu and ballet slippers for that. Will come back to the room, shower, dress, finish packing and head home.

    My housekeeper is bitterly disappointed--all Steve Harvey gave the audience was free lunch between tapingsand a $25 gift card. Guess he's no Oprah.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm kind of caught up.

    Jazzy I'm so sorry about u'r cousin sending (((HUGS)) to u and u'r family.

    SusyQ I hope u'r feeling better and sleeping tonite. To feel that sick that u, uself goes out to get u'r own medicine for u'r cold, u must be sick,

    NM u must be having a horrible day, hope today is better and waiting to find out WTF happened.

    Sandy I know it's always nice to be in u'r own bed, but as long as u'r furbabies are good to me that's important. And anyway u sound good with all that's going on in u'r home.

    Dara I hope u'r headaches are easing up now that u've seen another Dr. That sounds funny his partner is telling u something different, well that's typical, I guess. It really doesn't matter if this one can finally help u.

    Thank u gals for the soft kitty stuff, so cute, Joey always feels so honored when u remember something for him (brat)--I have a surprise party tonite, I hope I can go. Either way I have to try an get my boss (it's for him here an stay for a while and not let on. Normally he comes at all hrs., so I feel like he might just take his time and throw everything off--oh well we'll see. And yes Joey was invited too. I know I talk about him alot but please remember he my contact out of my room, he's still trying to teach me where the states are located, but now he's throwing in when they became states, like that I'll ever remember. And when I really don't understand things he says things like don't worry it's not that u'r not smart enough, u just aren't that interested. (pep talk)..

    Chocolate alert---Cadbury eggs are back, I remember when they came out--that was a treat for candy lovers then. Kind of still is.

    O hope everyone has a TGIF day.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Just throwing this in.Image result for recipes for alcoholic drinks

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, your writing class sounds quit interesting. The old fountain pen, and to think that was the norm. The 1900's eh, would have been a good time to live, don't ya think? Cami and Joey knowing each other in another life, that sounds to be sooooo true. Condolences on the loss of your cousin. So sorry to hear she was young, but glad in a way that it wasn't cancer. Hard none the less.

    Cami, I hope Joey is feeling better by now, and no one else got sick, especially YOU! And you ARE a GOOD WOMAN! I hope you get to go to the party. Joey must be feeling better. Too cute about his "teachings" to you. We would be lost if you DIDN'T talk about him. My son loves those Cadbury Eggs too, I think they are gross!

    Wacko, nice long post from you, I just wish you could get some relief. And good luck on the job front girl. I got the belt one time when I wasn't doing anything, it was my two brothers, I was told "this is for next time then". I wish it were peeps that you didn't like, that got fired!

    Sandy, over 500 pens? Wowsa! Picture? Yeah for cooking again!

    Oh LDB, you poowe baby. I am sorry you got so darned sick. SMH, I like your version of Sending Many Hugs, but it's Shaking My Head!

    PP, those are the kinds of neighbors to have, ones to share cocktails with!

    Uh oh NM, I hope all the stuff at work is not too hard on you, mainly the emotional part. And I hope no one treats you badly, or we will get Dork's people after them.


    Town day and going to the movies. Not sure what we are seeing, some action movie.