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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning ladies- such a busy week, and lots more to do today. I have a call to see about the new work I hope to be starting and then later, a friend is coming over for wine and tapas. Got some sparkling rose, she is bringing some type of white, then there will be a tasting of some red too from jazzy's collection.

    Tomorrow I am going to a very fun mardi gras event with the jazz workshop here. Given I will have a mask on, I may even be able to share a photo here since I will be in incognito. One of my most fun friends is going with me and she has been out of town for a family emergency but headed home today. So we will go and I have a flapper looking dress (1920s) I am going to wear and she is going to wear something Downton Abbey. People can dress however they want, but the mask is key.....

    ChiSandy- I watch the Steve Harvey show sometimes and I don't ever see him doing that much for the audience like other shows. He seems to do things for his guests like his mentoring program, and the like. The show I would love to get on is the 12 days of Xmas with Ellen DeGeneres. She gives away big trips, cars, etc. to the entire audience like Oprah used to do.

    NM- I am sorry to hear work may be going sideways this week. It seems like things have been better for at least a couple weeks. I hope you get through today and not on call this weekend. I think you need this weekend bad! Have a nice cocktail or glass of wine tonight!

    Cami- so I think I read Joey has the flu? I see you have a surprise party and hope you can go. We want to hear all about it! Food, drink, people watching, etc.

    Goldie- I think it would be fascinating (also probably difficult) to live at the turn of the 20th century in New Mexico. This state did not even become a state until 1912. Not that long ago really, considering the state I grew up in was settled in 1788. There are some places here that have not really changed that much since those days and still have all the historic building, like Las Vegas NM. I learned from a woman at the yoga retreat there is a tour in August up there you can do and think I want to go do that this year. Might inspire a sequel to my story. My class told me my story could easily expand into a novel? I love the history of the west and finding it is inspiring some writing too. The class has been so fun, will be sorry to see it end this coming week.

    I am also sorry your dad was not kinder to you. My father had a bad temper and I was afraid of him most of my life. As I grew up, he was more interested in his children, because they were adults. He softened some, but mostly because of the early onset of Alshiemers in his late 50s. I learned from a cousin that his mother used to beat, which was a bit shocking as she and I were so close, never a sign of anything like that during my time with her. Having a conflicted history with a parent is never an easy thing to live with or after they are gone. That was more true of my mother, I miss her and then again I don't. You just know you did not deserve any of that stuff you went through sister. Hugs.

    Dara- how are you feeling after that dental work? Any news on the next appeal?

    Thank you for your kind words about my young cousin. She had a lot of health issues from the time she was a child and had bc in her 30s. She was only 42, and just died in her sleep. They are setting up a trust for the children and we are going to contribute to that. I took some time to write out a card to the parents last night and going in the mail. Perhaps this is just a reminder to me again that things just come out of nowhere that make no sense and to keeping living each day fully.

    I am going back to the gym today for the first time (almost three weeks) since my car got broken in to. I am going to end my membership and change my plans to do work outs from home and outdoors (new bike) as this spring unfolds. I have other places to do yoga (better than what the gym offers these days). I love to swim so finding a good pool is key and looked back to a city pool I used to go to and found that they have even more open lap swim hours these days and I can get an annual pass for $60 now (vs $180 for the year) as they consider senior pricing 55 and up! I was telling my sister last night sometimes you go do different things, come back to something you like, and then find out it may be even better. i plan to begin this transition this weekend by going for a lap swim on Sunday (can pay for it for just for one session too) and then will buy the pass on March 1st. This girl has a plan!

    Wishing you a good day and will poop back in on Sunday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Happy FRIDAY dahhhLinKs!

    Got meself some Musinex, 1 for nite and 1 for days. Plus the sore throat spray. Did sleep better last night, only had 2 coughing jabs. I think the nite musinex is working cuz this ayem I am really expelling a load of mucus. Not a pleasant pic is it? LOL

    PP - u r so right about friends and wine, love spontaneity, seems things turn out better if you don't plan it. Glad u had a good time.

    NM - u scaring me…musta been really bad. Will check in tomorrow for detail of the blow-out.

    Jazz - OMG so sad about your young cousin, sending loving hugz. OOOHH yes, please send a pic if you can, mardi gras seems like it would be a blast.

    Sandy - Sounds like you and hubs had a good evening yest. How come hubs needs an echo. Or is that mean something else?

    Cami - praying you can go to the party and that bossman doesn't blow it. Years ago a bf and I were sharing a hotel room in SanDiego. We were really lit when the Cadbury eggs commercial came on. We'd never seen it and cuz we were lit…we laughed til we cried. I still think of bf whenever I see it. Love the DOTD!!

    Lowee - LOL, thanks for enlightening me on the SMH. Hope the movie is a good one, let us kno what you saw and what u think, score it girlfriend.

    Gotta take the pooches to the park…hope all have a fantabulous weekend.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    A bit of inspiration for the day.

    'I am so glad you are helps me realize how beautiful my world is' by Rainer Maria Rilke.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    MemaSue, Bob doesn’t get echos, he reads them—he’s a cardiologist. We live on the far N. side of the city, but his main hospital is down in Oak Lawn (all his hospitals & offices are on the SW side or along 95th St. in the SW ‘burbs). The commute, especially at rush hour, can be hellacious—which is why, when he has an early Friday morning echo-reading day (usually 7 or 8 am) he likes to stay at the Hilton down there. His office reimburses him. Both Advocate Christ & Little Co. of Mary hospitals are less than a mile down the street, as is the Ford dealership where he gets his car serviced. We’re Platinum Level HHonors members and automatically get Executive Perks. F’rinstance, I slept through the free breakfast in the Exec Lounge (they stop serving at 9 am), so I got free breakfast in the restaurant downstairs instead. Had a rough night—Bob was tossing and turning, shaking the bed and yanking the comforter off me as he wrapped it around himself (snoring, too—but I have earplugs). Finally, at 2 am gave up and had Housekeeping bring me a blanket. Woke him up at 6am when the alarms I set for him went off so he could be dressed when his room svce. bkfst. arrived. I turned over and next I knew it was 9 am. Made it home this morning in under an hour.

    My housekeeper only got a $25 gift card—she had to get there at 7 am and didn’t get home till 7. The free lunch? Bland pepperoni deep-dish pizza and warm canned soda pop and water bottles in the audience holding area, not even the commissary, much less the gourmet restaurant for the public. Where is Ellen taped, anyway? I’ve been to the Oprah show three times—once as a panelist, and once as a “planted” speaker in the audience—and we all got great donuts & coffee. (First time, she was still taping at WLS, our local ABC station—and she came out of the elevator, in sweats, rollers & no makeup and greeted all of us). When I was a panelist (I brought my housekeeper as my guest, and we were picked up & brought home in a limo), we got pastries & coffee before the taping and a deli platter in the green room after. She wasn’t giving away stuff yet back then.

    Well, I am kitchen-less again. The crew came back at noon and decided that in order to smooth out the uneven area, they’d have to replaster, sand & feather it in and repaint the entire ceiling (two coats for the redone area, one more coat for the ceiling). They said they’ll be done by tonight, though. And I’m getting a $50 rebate. Called Vittorio at Cora today—my grinder has sharp new burrs and a freshly-cleaned hopper, the espresso machine has been cleaned (new plastic tank), vacuumed & descaled, but needs a new grouphead (the water-distribution thingy into which you lock the coffee handle, aka portafilter) because it got gummed up with plaster dust so badly it wouldn’t “backflush” (how you’re supposed to clean it every week or so if you’re a consumer or every night if you’re pulling shots all day). It’ll be back by next Wed. or Thurs. And State Farm is gonna be out a nice chunk of change, albeit not in four figures.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Chi- Ellen is filmed out of a studio in LA. Here is the link to get tickets! She always seems to give her audience good stuff, but the 12 days of Xmas sort of follows Oprahs "favorite things" concept and is the best. I expect it is really hard to get those and think she often hand picks previous guests to come back for that. She does a lot of good things for the world!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Hmmm…gonna be in L.A. at the end of April.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    You should do it! Let us know if you get on the show so we can try to watch!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Yaay!! I have my kitchen again. It came with a compromise: the “crease" was minimized but couldn't be eliminated unless I was willing to have the entire ceiling replastered (and possibly—ugh—first taken down again). The sight of sledgehammers makes me queasy now. The reason was that back in 1908 when the house was built, the kitchen ceiling laths were originally sloped & mitered leading to what had been the molding along the original back wall; when the addition was built during the post-WWII baby boom to convert the house into a 2-flat, to save money on materials (and probably because drywall was not yet common and there was a shortage of plasterers during the quick-and-dirty building boom) they just put in a dropped tile ceiling rather than extending the lath & plaster. The owners who sold it to us had, when they bought it in 1970, turned it back into a single-family home while keeping the addition—they had 6 kids. (And they did all the work DIY, in Seventies-style). There will always be a little bit of an angled line and a shadow cast by the soffits and ceiling fan/light. Oh, well—we're not eating off the ceiling. At least we know it's good, solid, clean and dry.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Good evening, ladies!

    It was so nice to see Genny again after 6 months. I could've wined it and chatted it all day with her. She is such a lovely and classy woman. Oh, and she's fun!

    The pic was taken at the end of our lunch, which is why those glasses were empty. I also hate an empty glass.

    The weather has been beautiful here (for Feb.), and I've managed to get my dad out of the house every day since last Friday. I took him to his wound care doc on Thursday, and his pressure ulcer on his tail bone is completely cured. I was concerned about his ear, but the doc said it looked fine. So, I'm a happy camper. Cheers!

    Cami, I'm so sorry about Katie. I can't imagine what a void this creates for you and your family. Sending you a big hug! I'm sorry that Joey's sick. I hope he's feeling better. Jazzy crystallized your relationship with him. You are soul mates.

    I hope you made it to the party.

    Rinna put herself smack center in a hole. Don't these hags realize that they have about 3 cameras on them at all times??

    Dara, teeth pain is the worst! I've had work done on my mouth that was much, much more painful than my BMX recovery. That coupled with your head aches? I'm feeling you! {{{Dara}}}}

    Just read about your endodontist appt. Dara, I'm sending you a hug and a HUGE bottle of JD. Hell, I'll send you a case. You are NOT a Debbie downer. You are going thru so much, and I admire your strength.

    I have no doubt you will get a job when you are ready. It sounds like you're ready. Go out there and kick some ass! Of course, after you've recovered from your physical ailments. You need to take care of you first. {{{Dara}}}

    Genny, I'm so sorry about Emma. She really is a beautiful dog, who was lucky to have you and your DH as parents.

    Nice that you're exercising with the hubs!

    Nora is just too dang cute! Loved her video! I want those boots!

    Jazzy, your yoga retreat must have been rejuvenating. You work so hard in such a stressful situation. It's great that you can balance it out. Love your pic! BTW, that's me in the pic with Genny, taken when we met for lunch on Monday.

    Your dad had early onset of Alzheimer's when he was in his 50's? Wow! That's a lot for young adults to handle.

    I'm so sorry about your cousin, prayers out to you and your family.

    Native, the wine tasting sounds dee-vine. Please share the details. I'm glad you are getting some down time. You work so hard!

    Goldie, love the pic! Yes, you are right. What you endured is pretty typical of our generation. Not saying this is right or effective, just typical. My parents weren't hitters. My mom was a yeller. When we would do something wrong....Oy, could my mom scream, and sometimes this came with a few swats on the butt(no implements involved), but my dad never laid a finger on us, or raised his voice.

    Mema, how are you feeling? Your cold/flu sounds quite nasty. A little brandy and tea can sometimes (always) make one feel better.

    Sandy, where are you staying in LA?

    Peggy, I agree. Wine goes with everything. I love wine with a burger, either a California Cabernet or Zinfandel.

    Time for me to sign off. It's late, and I need to get at least four hours of sleep. Wishing everyone a glorious weekend

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Not sure where I’ll be in L.A., but last time, I was at the Hilton LAX and rented a car. I stay pretty cheaply because of all the HHonors points we’ve racked up. The awards banquet is tentatively Apr. 29, but they don’t have a venue yet.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I'm trying to catch up, but it's bit and pieces so now I'm just plain confused.

    OMG SusieQ this thing is hanging on u like a leech, oh maybe that's a good idea. Hoping today let's u feel better and u can relax and have some fun.

    Hsant u sound good and tht's not much sleep to get as busy as u are. Cuz u are one busy and caring WOMAN--BTW I LOLED about Rinna, it's on tape, she's really asking for it this season. Well that's makes it fun. And who would really be friends with this group in the real world???

    Jazzy what can I say, u have really learned how to balance work, fun and adventure. I admire u so.

    NM start spilling the beans, we're waiting.

    Dara tell us how u r doing today.

    Sandy it sounds like so much has been done in such a short amount of time. It can't seem like that to u. But I have to say u'r stay at the hotel seems good to me. But u'r home sounds like an interesting part of some history.

    Lori I think u said u'd be busy this weekend, just hope u'r having a good time.

    I had my D 1/2 the day, well I didn't eat so I could stop it and by 3PM it stopped so I went to the party weak tired and took my pain pills-but it did it. And I did have a hell of a time getting Dan here cuz he was home and relaxing--he was a PITA, but when he found out why I was so adamant he really understood and we LOLed about it. But he did wonder why I was like I was, cuz he told me I never act demanding--altho I think he's wrong--but it was great, of course I love to be with my family and Joey came and they pour over that kid, and I'm sure he loves it. I split a piece of chocolate cake with Joey, of course I had to eat that-and was OK. hahaha It's said chocolate solves everything, not cottage cheese;

    I'm confused but I'm finally knowing it's Saturday, so I hope everyone has a great day, NM i hope u can relax today.

    LUBS U ALL and saying hello to everyone I din't write to.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    JImage result for how to make alcoholic drinks

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! sorry to go MIA, but life at work has gotten interesting, to say the least. On top of that my computer keyboard died, and I can't find the old one, so I've paired my little wireless keyboard that I use for work with my Kindle, so if anything looks really funny it's cuz a couple of keys, including the shift key, are in slightly different places and i miss them and get craxy stuff sometimes.

    So, here's the work story. Got called into the office with all 4 managers the other day. I was wondering what the heck I had done wrong, turns out I haven't done anything wrong. One of the nurses turned in her notice, next week is her last week working. Management decided to give me her territory, which is as large as mine is now, to me to manage. They've assigned a part time nurse and and a full time LPN to work with me. On the surface, sounds doable. BUT--the part time nurse has to be done and home when her kids get home from school, meaning she can only see a small number of people per day and cannot go to the furthest places in the territory. The LPN is already so burned out that she's talking about quitting, and will only see a limited number of people per day and won't go to the furthest places except on certain days. So I now have double the area to drive, double the number of patients to see and manage, help that is limited at best. Needless to say, I spent Wednesday being a bit freaked out. Then comes Thursday. On Thursday I come to work and find out that I am admitting 2 new patients, another nurse is admitting 2 others, all at the same new facility, that is 30 miles outside my (new) territory, and will be my newest facility. 4 to 6 more patients should be admitted from that facility over the next week or so. That makes a total of 8 to 10 patients in that one facilty, a full caseload all by itself. So now I'm managing a triple caseload with the equivalent of one helper. Needless to say, I am NOT impressed. I'll do my best, but I am going ot start seriously thinking about changing jobs. I'm even thiniking about getting out of nursing. There must be something out there that I can do , amke decent money and have a life, too.

    OK, that's my sad tale Going to go back and start ketchuping now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Goldie--I got DoTerra oils. And I will be going to OG by myself, I don't mind going by myself, but it is more fun to have someone to go with. I usually get something alfredo, too. Love Alfredo!

    Jazzy--getting rain storms here this weekend Going to melt all the snow away!

    Cammy--hope Joey feels better.

    Dara--I would say it doesn't matter what the diagnosis is, if the gizmo is helping, it's helping, so use it!

    Chi--fountain pens are fun!

    Mema--hope you've had a chance to have a killa!

    Peggy--glad you had a good time with your friends. Bubbly is always good.

    Jazzy-- glad the presentation went well. That's always a good feeling.

    Chi--two alarms plus you to get DH up in time, what a laugh that would be if I weren't one that has 2 alarms set routinely. My second alarm is on my cell phone in case of power failure and the Kindle alarm doesn't go off.

    Cammy--Cadbury Eggs, YUM! Last couple of days at work have not been fun, and have been long. I'm afeered that's my future with the newly expanded territory. Yummy drink!

    Goldie--it might be time for your peeps to talk to my peeps!

    Jazzy--not on call this weekend, on call next weekend. And then on call one weekday night every 2-3 weeks until a new on call nurse is hired and trained. The current on call nurse resigned, her house sold and she is moving to Georgia to be near her daughter and grandkids. Yet another addition to the workload. . .

    Chi--kitchenless again? Yikes, hope it won't last long! Oh good, it didn't last long. I guess you'll be able to say your kitchen has "charm" and "character" with the uneven ceiling. Like you say, you're not eating off the ceiling.

    Hsant--glad your dad is doing so well. Healing up pressure sores is not an easy job. I am looking forward to the wine tasting and meeting some new people this afternoon.

    Cammy--love the shots! And I am relaxing today. Then will have to do a bunch of ketchup work for work tomorrow. Sigh.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    NM- well, that org is burning everyone out and not surprised, usually when places are doing it to you they are doing it to everyone. This situation is going from bad to worse. Sorry friend.

    Before you give up on nursing, maybe you need a different TYPE of job in nursing. You know I work in healthcare, but also know a lot of nurses and other types of work they do and have some ideas if you want to PM me?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Good morning girls, got halfway through a post last night and somehow lost it, that's what I get for not doing it Lori's way, damn gremlin!

    Cami, I sure hope you got to go to the party and got your boss there too. Hope Joey is feeling better, your story reminded me of when Jake was a little boy. He was 4 years old and I kissed him goodnight and he put his little hands on each side of my face and looked into my eyes and said "you're not perfect mom but you're a good woman" .... bahahaha.... I laughed till I cried over that one. He used to come up with some stuff and now his daughter is doing the same thing, telling her mother "you ruined my life". Wish there could be a camera on them that could catch only those moments.

    Sandy, woohoo to getting your kitchen back! You def need to toast that with a glass of wine or two!
    Dara, I sure hope your mouth is feeling better and the headaches are subsiding. And then to have to interview in the midst of all this, ugh I hope things start to go your way soon, life has thrown way too much at you for way to long. How is your furbaby, was it Bella I think? I hope the meds are still working and she is okay for now

    Lori, so glad to see you peeking out of the rabbit hole. Seems you have been home for awhile, any trips planned with your hubs? When do you go to Michigan? Sure hope we can meet up, even if only for a few hours.
    hsant, weather has been crazy beautiful, hasn't it? I ordered my DH to take off early and go golfing yesterday, may not get to for another few months. Glad you got to get outside and enjoy with your dad. Hoping we can uber to happy hour sometime soon, I could of sat there and drank with you thru dinner.

    NM, I hope you are off this weekend and take some major "time for Kim" time. Oh and Sadie too of course. Our newer dog Louie stole half a loaf of bread and 2 hamburgers off the counter the other day, needless to say he didn't get dinner that night. I had them pushed all the way to the back so I told DH, guess we have to remember not to leave food on the counter. He said "oh no, I'm gonna fix that". He drove right up to Lowe's and bought mousetraps, we st them and put them on the counters next to food. Wasn't long and he snapped them, didn't hurt him just the noise scared him. Then I put one on the top of the garbage and same thing, now he wouldn't take even steak from the edge. I just leave the traps there and they're not even set, only got snapped twice and he is a cured dog. So, we still haven't heard about your rough time at work, sounds like you need a vacation. Oh, I just read your latest post, not good at all, what the heck is wrong with mngmt…. I wonder if you tell them that you are considering looking for another job d/t an impossible case load if they'd get off their butts and hire some more people. That is why I did not stay in nursing, I liked it, I really did but just never had enough people to do the job the way it was meant to be done. Too bad you could't manage a doctor's office or geriatric center or something, might not pay as well but what good is pay that kills you. Got my fingers crossed that something works out.

    Sue, Cami is right, this thing just won't let go of you will it? I sure hope the Mucinex does the trick and gets the crud outta you.

    Jazzy, The yoga retreat sounds nice and the food, you have been getting a lot of time for yourself before going back to the grind. I did a spin class today, was warm enough to go out and bike yesterday but winter has reared it's ugly head again. Hope the Mardi Gras party was as fun as it sounds.

    OK, I'm leaving with DH for awhile, we are taking the dogs to Cabellas for a walk, they are pet friendly and should be crowded and we are working on Louie's people skills to see if he can become a therapy dog. I have a lot of "me" stuff to talk about, need my kind and caring and smart friends but will have to come back later.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Thank you all for the kind words. I moved to Spokane in June not knowing anyone but my DS and DIL and her family. BCO gals came through. And I landed in the perfect neighborhood to make the perfect friends. Lucky me!

    NM, are you a hospice nurse? That's crap that you are being dumped on. That's a huge territory. Perhaps there is another agency that you could sign on with or even a hospital or nursing home. My DH was in hospice in the hospital. I thank God for the wonderful gal who was his hospice nurse. She was perfect and a great help. Nurses are the best.

    Sandy, glad you decided to not re-do the kitchen. That's so darned stressful and you've had enough of it.

    Tonight no drinking. BUT going to the huge, yummy buffet at the casino near me with DS. DIL is at a scrapbooking retreat. Looking forward to it. Too bad #1DS and DIL are in San Diego. I like having the kids near after over 20 years being on the other side of the country.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Hi again girls, so here is my tale of woe for the last few days. My knee is all messed up and swollen, I'm having an MRI tomorrow, follow up with ortho on Monday, my guess is a torn meniscus. So I'm at work on Thursday, knee was killing me, hobbling around trying to get my people done. All of a sudden I got very lightheaded, left arm slightly numb and tingling down to my fingertips, I had to sit down, while doing my customer. Whole episode lasted maybe 2 minutes, then it repeated itself 3 more times that day, I know,…..I know….. I should have left work and called doctor or gone to hospital or whatever but I had a full day and I made it thru work. So I asked the LPN to bring down the B/P cuff and it was 190/100. So I got done and went to Giant Eagle and took it there and it was 180/95 or so. So that evening after sitting on the couch for a couple of hours I took it..140/80. I talked to Molly and she insisted I call Dr yesterday morning, cardiologist on vacay (of course) the guy that did my stress test last month got on the phone, didn't have any urgent concerns, said if numbness or dizziness came back to go to ER. It hasn't but my B/P remains about 180/90. OK, so last night as I pulled out my computer to post here my MO called to tell me my CA 15-3 is within normal limits but up 10 points from 6 months ago, CA25.27 up but still within normal limits but CEA has doubled from 2 to 4 which is high and asked if i have any symptoms. I told him my lower back hurts but that has been ongoing for quite some time and I just write it off to ruptured disc and being on my feet all day. So he said "well, we'll start with a bone scan". Ugh….. anyway, I'm fine, just wishing I could go to the hospital and get a total overhaul like you'd do to a car or something. And then to top things off, my beautiful DIL, Nora's mom has a "dent" on her boob and is having a mammogram and ultrasound on Tuesday. She is 33 and has no familial hx but I'll feel so much better when she gets the all clear. So I've just finished my martini and now I'm having a glass of wine. Standing at the top of the rabbit hole waiting to see what the next week brings. Thanks you my friends and feel free to voice your thoughts.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Genny, ouch! Bad enough that you blew out your knee (torn meniscus is no fun), then had those hypertensive-and-neuropathy episodes (with BP spikes like that I would ask your cardio’s answering service to reach him on vacay—a systolic of 180 is way too high, never mind the diastolic is “only” 90), and on top of that your MO is suggesting bone scans. And now your DIL has her own breast scare to worry about. I hope you can get by without knee arthroscopy, that your tingling & numbness is due to worn facet joints in your C-spine, that your hypertension is from stress and stress alone, and your scans—and your DIL’s imaging—come up negative.

    We did an Oscar-nominations doubleheader again today—Moonlight on DirecTV, then our friends’ Academy-voter DVD copy of Fences. After those, I am ready for a Monty Python or South Park marathon. Had a little champagne to celebrate the end of the kitchen ceiling saga, along with NY pizza & Caesar salad we ordered out. Tomorrow night’s the Oscar party & prediction contest at Cellars, so tomorrow morning & afternoon we’ll scour the papers & various blogs for Oscar predictions & reviews. At stake is a free bottle of wine, a hand-drawn caricature poster of this year’s contenders by the chef-owner’s brother, and one’s autograph on the official inflated “Oscar (Mayer) Wiener” displayed all year atop the bar.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy, I trust your wine tasting with your friend went well and I hope the Mardi Gras was fun. Anxious for pictures. I think it would be tough to live at the turn of the century, but so much cleaner and kinder, ya know? Afraid of my dad, YES. But at the end of the day, he is still my dad, and I do love him.

    LDB, we saw Collide. Was your typical car chasing, shooting, etc. Throw in the love story and it revolved around drug smuggling. Was ok, I give it 3.5 out of 5. Glad the Mucinex dude is helping you. My mother swears by that stuff.

    Image result for mucinex gif

    How cool Sandy to be on the Oprah show! And the kitchen is done, yes?

    Hsant, it's amazing how fast out time goes by when visiting one another. Her and I always have such a nice time, and always too short. My mom didn't hit much, but occasionally she did. More so she would walk around with the belt around her neck, but mostly it was "you wait until your father gets home"! Glad that your dad is doing well.

    Cami, glad you got to go to the party and only dealt with half of the D….LOL!

    NM, I'm so sorry they are bogging you down at work. How can they think this is good for the patients. Please please please, only do what you can and don't beat yourself up if you can't. We are only human, not miracle workers. I would have loved to go to OG with you! When do you have your next get together with your wine women?

    Mary, I leave this coming Friday for MI. I think we should be able to meet up. What about heading to Cami's? If she's up to it? Oh my on the mouse traps! I have some outside and I have to go pick them up before I let Bentley out. They would surely hurt that little fella. Well FUCK girl. Praying hard for you that it's just your knee causing those hikes in the numbers. If they are still within normal, hold on to that. Lots of things that can make those numbers change, without it meaning C. And your DIL, praying both you. But I have no idea what you can do about that blood pressure, shit fire!

    Enjoyed our company yesterday, put Alex to work, he is 12 and then paid him. He was quite excited about that as he hadrecently told his mom that it's hard for a kid like him to make any money! Well, it's turkey baster time for me, y'all know what that means. Hoping I can catch a break while in MI and not have any sneezing at all. I'm managing to maintain my weight and even put a little back on, but not in a good way, unfortunately!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    DOTD-Green Juice Margarita. Green stuff and alkamahol.

    Image result for green cocktail

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning, Loungetts! I had a great time yesterday. First at the wine tasting. The store was selling the winery's wines at half price, so I picked up 2 bottles, one of the cabernet that I really liked and one that was recommended by some people I talked to there. Then I took myserlf to Olive Garden, had a wonderful chicken alfredo and chicken gnocchi soup, with a bocci cake for dessert. And in between I spent some time in a bookstore, which I haven't done in ages and love to do. Then when i got home my essential oil kit had been deliverd, so I spent some time reading about and playing with them and the diffuser that came with them. Sadie seems to like lavender and lemon, does not like oregano. All in all, a very nice day of indulging myself!

    Goldie--management is not hiring a nurse to replace the one that is leaving because we don't have a big enough average census. It's all a numbers game, with no one taking into account the driving time in such large geographical territory. Add to the travel time issue the fact that we take patients other agencies won't take due to complexity or challenging social situations that creates a huge amount of coordination work and there just aren't enough minutes in the day for all the phone calls and negotiations and extra visits that are needed. I'm just getting too old to put up with this crap, I guess. I've heard of the mousetrap trick for teaching dogs to stay off counters. I think I should try this with Sadie, and see if I can get her to stay off th 1\counters and stove. She took the skillet off the stove again the other day and stashed it in her crate. With the sausage still in it! And still hot!

    Peggy--I am a Hospice nurse. I have worked for most of the other agencies in the area at one time or another, and this company is better than the others despite the issues. But it's a growing company, and the bigger we get the harder it is to keep up.

    Genny--wow, how scary! Both the dizziness and tingling and the time-for-a-bone-scan info. You don't need heart problems or bone mets. Just so not fair! And a blown out knee? You can't catch a break. And then the DIL's "dent". Praying for an all clear for her ASAP.

    Chi--had a great time at the wine tasting, and found out that there is a "winery trail" in Maine withg a number of wineries participating. I picked up a brochure that lists them and has a place to get a mark from the different wineries. After getting 8 marks you turn in the brochure to be included in weekly drawings and a yearly grand prize. I did not know how many wineries are in Maine, and how many are close to where I live! And I got a list of other wine tastings at the same store over the next couple of months.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends- busy few days and pooping in to catch up with everyone. I had a friend over for wine and tapas Friday evening, and was at a mardi gras fund raiser last night. Been enjoying some good (and then not good) wines.

    We had a variety of wines on Friday at my house, some rose, a white, and then some red. The Zebra sparkling rose was good, but my friend and I both commented a bit sweeter than either of us prefer, so good to know! She brought a bottle of J Pinot Gris that was very good, and then we had a final taste of some petite verdot from a local winery that I had. The verdot was good but needed some room to breathe.

    The event last night was super fun and will have some photos to share later today too. Not as well attended as in the past, but worked in our favor as it gave us quick access to the bar & appetizers. Some good music and a marching Dixie land jazz band that would periodically go through the venue. My friend and I both scored at the silent auction and not for too much out of pocket. Usually I don't ever get anything from the auction, as with the larger crowd, things end up top dollar. I got a great glass plate with this cool jazz motif and my friend got a lovely wallet. Then we ended up shaking our booties on the dance floor the last hour. Food, wine, shopping,dancing, fun friends, what could be better? Super good time. For a moment dancing last night, I felt young ago (fleeting feeling.......)

    They gave us a free drink with our admission ticket and my friend and I both got the red wine for that, which was some sort of blend from Portugal. I almost choked on it when I tasted it, and my friend said "I should have gotten a beer instead". Well, it was from a fresh bottle and once aired out and with food, became drinkable. We got that one down and then changed to some better pinot noir. I have been to many events with this group and usually the wines are all good, but they must have gotten a deal on this for the free part part....

    NM- the wine tasting sounded really fun! And wines on sale, all the better! Hope you and Miss Sadie are enjoying a lovely Sunday together.

    Chi- so your kitchen is okay maybe?

    Goldie- you are going to see a sister during your travels, maybe go see Cami too?

    Dara- were you able to get to the reunion for a bit on Friday?

    Cami- did you get to your surprise party? Jazzy is filled with questions this morning.....

    Genny- oh dear about your knee friend. So sorry to hear this. And prayers for your DIL that there is nothing going on for her. Way to young to deal with this chit. Keep us posted?

    Had some good discussions with my work teaming partners on Friday and think we are about to launch into some new work here in the next month. Some contracts to get together and meetings this week in to next and a possible trip to the west coast in March!

    Don't forget the Oscars are on tonight if you are interested. So many good movies this year, it would be hard to choose the winner in my opinion!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    Good morning, ladies and Happy Sunday!

    It was 72 degrees here on Friday, and today it's snowing. Gotta love Cleveland in February.

    About a month ago I had an eye exam, and the optometrist I've been going to for the past 4 years wasn't in the office. Under normal circumstances I would have rescheduled my appt., but because of my situation with my father, I really don't have that luxury, since his illness is unpredictable. So, I'm in the exam room, and in walks the doctor, who honestly looked like she was around 18 years old. I'm thinking to myself, a newbie, maybe an intern, not enough experience under her belt. Plus, she was trying so hard to act like, adult. Anyway, I was uneasy about this from the get go. I have really crappy vision, a lazy eye, night blindness, and a hefty astigmatism. Cut to picking up my new glasses, and they just seemed off. However, I thought maybe it was psychological, since I was prejudice against the doc right out of the gate. A couple of weeks later I put in an old pair of contact lenses, and I could see better with those than my new glasses. Went back and saw my usual optometrist, and yep. My prescription was off. I was also given a new contact lens script by the teenager, but my optometrist changed that, too. So, I'm going to pick up my new glasses today. Yee haw. It's an exciting and glamorous life I lead, I'm telling ya.

    Sandy, what/who is the awards banquet celebrating? Driving in LA is a nightmare. It gets worse every year. Have fun at the Oscar party!

    Cami, I'm glad you made it to the party with your little sidekick. It sounds like you had fun! Now I'm craving chocolate cake.....

    What did you think of the Dance Moms season finale? I thought that mom from Candy Apples quitting was possibly a set up for her to be the new ALDC coach if Abby goes to prison. Dance Moms (IMO) will not be the same with out the craziness of Abby Lee Miller. I love that Chloe and Christi may return. The Moms are all whacked, but those kids are so sweet and talented.

    Native, wow, and I mean wow! It doesn't sound like there are enough hours in the day to be able to cover your new responsibilities. 8 to 10 patients, along with admitting new ones is a lot. When my dad was in the HHH (hospice house from hell) for three days, there was one nurse for the first floor, which consisted of three patients, and one for the second floor, which also consisted of three patients. Actually, I think my dad and one other person were the only ones on the first floor at that time. Anyway, the nurses were pretty stressed with that situation, and it's nothing compared to what you endure. Plus, all that driving! I'm glad you have Sadie for much needed cuddles. There are so many areas of nursing that won't require the stress that you go through. Would you consider working in a doctor's office? {{{Native}}}

    Almost forgot, how was the wine tasting?

    Genny, I will repeat what I texted you, when it rains it pours. This has been one rough week for you across the board. Knee problems can be so painful. Best wishes that you can heal the knee easily. Please keep us posted with respect to your bone scan. I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'll be in your pocket with a full bar set up, passing you the cocktails of your choice. {{{Genny}}}

    Also, prayers out to your DDIL for a clean mammo and ultrasound.

    Goldie, loled when I read Alex's comment about making money. Hell, its hard for adults to make money in this day and age. Lol! He sounds like a special kid. I hope you and Genny can meet up, and it would be awesome if you guys could visit Cami.

    Peggy, you mention that you recently moved to WA. From where? I'm thinking MI based on your user name, but I don't want to make assumptions. I'm glad your transition has been positive.

    Sue, I hope you're feeling better.

    Jazzy, your weekend sounds like so much fun! Glad you enjoyed. Ive only had the sparkling rose in the J line of Jordan. It was expensive ($40 a bottle) and mediocre at best. The Pinot Gris sounds tasty.

    Ok, time for me to get started with my day. ❤❤❤ to everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    The awards banquet is for the JustPlainFolks Music Awards, the world's largest music awards program (it happens once every 4-5 yrs. or so, and there are about half a million songs entered). JPF is an all-volunteer music organization founded by Brian Austin Whitney, who was a piano-playing songwriter not having the commercial success for which he'd hoped, but who discovered that the independent songwriter community was warm and welcoming and multi-talented. So he quit his job and traveled the country, visiting and couch-surfing at the homes of indie musicians & songwriters with whom he'd met & corresponded, finding out the ambitions, values, needs & desires of that community. He founded the website as a forum, with regional forums & subforums. (I was Chicago coordinator for awhile). Each subforum held meetings and occasional showcases. Once every year or so, Brian would visit a particular city during his travels (eventually along with his wife Linda) to put on a large showcase in a venue most members wouldn't ordinarily otherwise have had a prayer of playing. Although the org. is HQ'ed in Indy, he would always have a JPF showcase in the L.A. area after each year's TAXI Road Rally (a convention held by a company matching performers, publishers, writers, labels, and music supervisors for film/TV/ads, so songs don't get discarded as “unsolicited material). The awards cover every musical genre except perhaps straight symphonic classical & opera. This is the third time I've been nominated (in 2005 as writer/performer in Novelty, 2010 as performer in Trad. Folk Song, and two nominations this year a writer/performer for Holiday song—one funny Christmas song and the other a sort of “interfaith carol." Hoping that since both are the only songs of their type nominated in the category I might be at least a finalist if not winner).

    But it looks like I will be available on Apr. 29 if that's when the banquet is held. Bob says that for an absence of 15 days or longer, he needs to give at least 6 months' notice, since either he'd have to trade call or close the office. He's the only cardiologist (his partner is an internist who won't even cover the non-invasive cardio patients and takes off a lot more time) in a practice whose patient base—largely geriatric—is dying off; the younger patients (and even the older ones on Advantage plans) are gravitating to managed care plans with closed networks that don't reimburse adequately for the hospitals where he has privileges. ACA open-panel and fee-for-service Medicare Part B supplements do reimburse better, but these plans are falling by the wayside because patients tend to utilize services disproportionately to their premiums (which, even though rising, can't keep up with an older & sicker insured base). I just wish he'd retire already, if none of his hospitals want to buy the practice, but he wants to do right by his staff (some of whom, nonetheless, are retiring already and moving to warmer climes). We have enough socked away to take us into our early 90s (which neither of us are healthy enough to likely reach) and leave a little nest egg for Gordy if he hasn't sufficiently “launched" by then.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2017

    This is the hubs back in the day. Y'all tend to like the beef cake photos, so I thought I would post a

    nice, cheesypic of the hubs. I

    promised him that I would post a respectable (recent) photo, too



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Hsant- your hubs is a good looking fellow!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Still eye candy, hsant. Here's mine (circa last Dec., in Sardinia on our cruise):


    That thing around his neck is the “Quiet Vox" used to hear our tour guides.

    What a wild night tonight! We went to the Oscars party at Cellars. There was a predictions contest, with the winner getting a bunch of wine and “Oscar-Wiener" autographing rights. (No caricature this year—the chef-owner's brother was back in Boston). Dinner was a buffet of various Best Picture-nominee dishes. (See “What's for dinner?" thread for those). We started with a flute of cava for me and a “La La Land Cosmo" for Bob. We then killed off a bottle of Duckhorn “Decoy" Pinot Noir, then Bob had a “Moonlight Martini" made with mandarin vodka; then a bottle of La Galope Provencal rose; then another complimentary bottle of rose. Bob won the contest (I came in second) out of 40 entrants—we did our homework. Even though the Best Picture snafu threw everyone for a loop, we were so far ahead by then it didn't matter. (We voted based on odds—had I voted based on the pictures and performances I saw, I'd have won, but the family won nonetheless). I won a bottle of Prosecco and a tawny port; Bob got to sign the “Oscar Wiener" (second time in a decade), and won a double magnum of Caymus Conundrum meritage. I was so tipsy that when Bob asked what we would do with the wine, I offered to grill on Memorial Day, on our deck, for the restaurant & its staff. (I will order some wagyu tri-tips from Snake River Farms). I asked Bob “OMG, did I just offer to cook for Tom & the entire restaurant?" and he said “yup." I then asked if he though I was up to the task, and he said that when it came to burnt offerings of dead cow, I was the equal of anyone.

    Oh, Lord—I have a personal training assessment at LA Fitness tomorrow at 2 pm. Pray for me. (I am eating Pepcid Completes like they were M&Ms).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    U know if I go to a party I'm MIA for a day or 2. But we had fun. so OK

    NM I can't believe all that u are supposed to do. It sounds impossible. I really don't blame u for wanting out, but u can't give up nursing. U are the type of person that people would love having u. I rally like the idea of a Drs. office. I mean nowadays u see 2 nurses before u ever see the Dr. and u would be in one place and u have a gift for all of this work. So give it big time thinking, u give so much of u'rself but it's time for u and Sadie too.

    Mary what's going on??? I will not yell at u for not leaving work, bbbuuuttt u should have. R u on any BP meds, somehow I missed if u are. Or maybe it's time to readjust them. I'm so sorry u are going thru all of this and u'r family--does u'r BP go up if u have wine or something like that?? I'm sure standing on u'r feet all day doesn't help. I don't remember but something comes to mind that when u' in pain BP can rise--of course I can be all wrong, but something is telling me that in my memory. Keep on letting us know exactly what's going on.

    Lori I really hope we can meet up on this trip, it would mean so much to me. It would be great if we could all meet. I like that kid, he's so right.

    Sandy u find so many interesting things to do. U'r DH should retire and enjoy all the fun things now. U both like so many of the same things, maybe it really is time for the 2 of u.

    Hsant u should have asked for that Dr's driver license, I've done that. Naturally they all have to get experience but not on us. Oy vey There are so many that look like Dougie Houser types, but not as smart. U must really miss u'r DH. he's darling.

    Jazzy u really get around and u already have the next project going. Well u made u'r time off great and now u might have to go to the west coast? Wow sounds good, but I know u do work hard an I'm always glad to hear when u have u'r time--u really make the best of it..

    Pegg It's really good to live by u'r family, I'd be lost without them--so enjoy now.

    U know if I miss someone I never mean to but I don't do double screen or know how to save or anything actually. It's all memory and we know what mine is like.

    Well I hope the start of the week goes well for everybody, I've got some Dr. stuff this week and I hope to get it over with right away. Ugh


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for how to make alcoholic drinksThis just sounds like fun.