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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for monday morning

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Jazzy--food, wine, shopping, dancing, wow, what a great time! Winning prizes, too!

    hsant--what a craziness at the eye doctor's! People just don't get the value of experieince. I would work in a doctor's office, but most do not hire nurses anymore, they hire med techs. It's looking like case management may be the way to go, lots of openings for that. I'm not well positioned for that education-wise, but that's something I can work on in my "abundant" spare time.

    Chi--health care payment/rembursement/insurance is getting more and more complicated all the time. There are a handful of docs in Maine that have dumped ALL insurances, and charge a flat monthly or yearly fee, for which people get a yearly physical, phone/e-mail availability 24/7, and office visits within 48 hours for the sinus infection/aches and pains stuff that come up. One office has decreased it's billing department from 20 to 2 people, and used that money to hire a couple of RNs who help with minor procedures and chronic condition management. If only that office was within driving distance of my home!

    Chi--WOW what a party! And you cooking for the whole crew, what a hoot! I bet it will be a blast, though.

    Cammy--I'm going to take my time looking for something else to do. And maybe this set up at work will work out, I'm just doubtful. I'll give it a good try, but I'm not totally committed, not going to do whatever it takes to make it work. A doc's office job would be nice, but they are hard to find.

    LOVE the shots, and who snuck in and took a pic of me when the alarm went off this ayem?????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM The thing I'm concerned with u is that u try to hard to make everything because u care so much. And that's cuz u want to take care of everyone cuz they need it. I really wish u would just do what u can and take care of u'rself, that's u'r priority. I think it applies to you --that u don't work a day in u'r life, if u love what u do, and I really ,know u love what u do, u just are overloaded but it's their fault, not your's.

    My Dr. emailed me late last nite and kind of scolded me cuz I din't make an urgent app't, instead I'm waiting for 2 more weeks. I did not know I could say about my pain, I just made an app't she started setting up for some images an she called in a script for me--I don't know WTF is going on, but I have to get some relief and get to the bottom of this. She seems more worried than I was, so I really don't like that--but then again I'm very dramatic--we all know that. Well it starts today so now I'll see. Oh and I do (I think have my D Dr. today and bring all my questions u gals helped me with. Thank you.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Sandy I missed u'r post and just read it. Wow u both won an u'r cooking inner for the restaurant, that's hysterical, U'r DH should have stuffed a napkin in u'r mouth, he would have known how long it could stay in, LOL Sounds like loads of fun tho--u ladies have great DH's.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone had a good weekend. I spent most of yesterday working on tax stuff and more to do today. Need to get some form issues straightened out and my planner in the mail to my accountant by next weekend. Another fun week begins!

    I know Chi watched the Oscars last night, anyone else? Justin Timberlake did a great job of opening it up with his music and getting the mood set. But what a mess at the end. If you did not see it, the wrong winning film got announced (first La La Land), then they came out and said Moonlight won, the first announcement was a mistake? Wow, what was that about? Wrong name in the envelope. Crazy. Faye Dunaway looks pretty amazing........

    I was very pleased to see Casey Affleck win for best actor with Manchester by the Sea. He delivered an outstanding performance with that film. My other favorite male actor performance this year was Andrew Garfield in Silence, although he did not get nominated for that one but for something in Hacksaw Ridge. He is very up and coming I think?

    And I love, Love, LOVE that NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson (now 98) was brought on the stage to be honored by the crowd. The look on her face to see that audience cheering her was so beautiful. How lovely that this woman's work was so honored at this time in her life. It was worth watching just to see that.

    My final. comment about the Oscars is them interviewing Mel Gibson and his very young wife who looks like he could be his daughter or maybe even his granddaughter. He just had his ninth child with this young gal who is 26. Well, never been a fan anyways.......

    I have my cleaning company first thing and have a bit to tidy up for them to be able to do their thang this morning. Will poop back in later this afternoon with more.

    Wishing you all a good start to the week!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    Oh my NM, Sadie and her love for cooking, it's too funny! Little Bentley comes runnin when he hears me in the kitchen, or if someone is eating something. I tell him no begging, nothing for him and he goes and hides under his moms chair. It's so funny. You had me laffing at your "abundance" of free time.

    Jazzy wowsa, what a day you had girl! And to feel young again, you go girl. Yes, I'm hoping to meet up with Mary, aka Genny and maybe we can ride over to see Cami and stay the night in her hood. I have met up with Mary twice and been to Cami's once. West coast trip, for work or to visit your sister? I did not watch the awards.

    Hsant, your excitement for the day, glasses! I have big issues with mine too. All the same ones as you, plus light sensitivity thing, which is horrible. Partly from the FU pills and I guess I sleep with my eyes open. For real, that is your hubs without the shirt?

    Sandy, up for an award? Our vote is for you. Nice to see your other half as well. Yeah for scoring the bottles of wine.

    Cami, I will do my best to make it out to your hood, but I know it all depends on you and how you are feeling and you really don't know a day ahead of time. So hopefully it works out! And you need to make your doctor appts lady, good grief.

    Image result for monday cocktails

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning again friends- my cleaning company is here doing there thang, then I will be off to a yoga class and some errands. It will be nice going in to the new week with a clean house! Still working on some purging though, got some piles to get rid of. I have a trip to consignment this week to bring a number of things. Getting these closets cleaned out once again!

    I got a nice Herbie Mann CD on Saturday night with my gift bag and listening to that today. Not sure if you know who he is but a jazz legend who played the jazz flute, and also lived up the road in Santa Fe. My story about Herbie Mann is that back when I moved here twenty plus years ago, I found out he was performing a free concert at the Taos Ski Valley when I was up that way for the weekend. I read about the free concert and made sure I got there. Lovely performance with bossa nova music and wonderful musicians with him, and got to meet him after where we talked about his work, got a signed CD, etc. How nice to have another of his works and a nice memory of that meeting. I should put together a list of all the famous musicians I have met (there have been a few.....) Jazz musicians love to talk to their fans.....

    ChiSandy- your Oscar party sounded fun! Your hubs is a cutie too. He is like my doctor sister who is in the retirement zone is also wanting to retire because complicated healthcare is these days. And things may change again too with the current administration. My sister will have a hard time leaving her patients, just like your husband will. She set a goal for April of next year with some incentives built in from her healthcare group to stay until that time. We talked about it again just this week and said she was now a year out and has some things to continue to do. When they permanently move to where their second home is, I expect she will be doing some PRN work.

    Goldie- so glad you may be able to see fellow BCO sisters. I want a report from you ladies on your par-tay.

    The trip to the west coast will be related to work and location is not close to my sister. I was looking at doing some training out in her area in April, but the timing won't be right and that company may be offering it here in town in June (thus, no travel expenses).

    Cami- are your doctors concerned it may not be the RA? Good to get checked out. Sounds like the par-tay went okay?

    Must run again, will poop in again soon.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited February 2017

    Hsant, are you in Cleveland or SoCal? I did move from Pontiac, Michigan, to Spokane last June. DH died Sept 2015 and I wanted to be near one of my sons. #1 is in San Diego which I'd have loved but the budget said, "Yeah. Right." So Spokane and #2 son are where I am. I do love it. I've made so many friends. I've gone from a 90 year old in an old established neighborhood to an 8 year old home in a new subdivision. And it is very friendly. There are a lot of people my age (71) or so moving here to be near their kids and grandkids or other family - especially in my particular area. We have an Air Force base so lots of AF personnel live nearby.

    I can't tell you how heavenly it is to live near one of my kids after well over 20 years of having them both so very far away. I am very happy and content. Life is good. Just missing DH.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    PontiacPeg- so sorry to hear that you lost your husband not too long ago. But it is a blessing the community you have moved to is a good one that has embraced you. Life is richer with family and friends nearby!

  • kimburke
    kimburke Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2017

    I enjoy my white wine and vodka. I have refrained since diagnosis of cancer, from vodka. But still having my white wine. About to start Chemo . Drinking my wine all I can until then. Not sure what to expect after this.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    What would be ideal would be if Bob could join a “concierge medicine" practice like Kim described. The 24/7 phone availability would be no big deal, as he's always been available 24/7 except when we've been in-flight or so far out to sea that there wasn't any cell signal. We look at some of his colleagues who net half-a-million or more a year, but blow it all on showing off with multiple luxury cars leased every year, new McMansions in upscale suburban gated communities, and bedecking their wives with jewels (although, to be fair, high-karat gold and gemstones is traditionally the way Brahmin and other high-caste Indian families invest their wealth). We live in an old and modest (and until we fix everything, somewhat ramshackle) house in a middle-class urban neighborhood, drive our non-luxury cars (bought for cash) till they croak, and have a timeshare rather than a posh vacation home. He won't even fly business class unless we've been put there by the airline (and he won't fly anything but Economy on any flight <5 hrs…and grudgingly accompanies me in Economy Comfort/Premium Economy for foreign travel only because of the legroom—he’s 6’3”--free drinks and the greater opportunity to move around and prevent blood clots). We do spend a lot on food & wine, but because of quality and taste, not status. (And we just as often eat economically—I from my restaurant or takeout leftovers or from my fridge & pantry, he in the hospital cafeterias or on pizza or sandwiches at his office during dinner hours). Life is too short to eat & drink stuff you don't really like, except out of economic circumstance or absolute medical necessity.

    In other words, I would be delighted to have him around more and not exhausted—we don't need for him to make a killing, just a living.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Good evening ladies, DH is in Michigan and I hafta say I'm enjoying a night to meeseself. I went and got my MRI of my knee yesterday, went to ortho today. He said I have a torn meniscus as suspected but arthritis is much worse than was noted in the x-ray. Said he could cut the meniscus but I may or may not get relief because of arthritis. Only way to be sure it's fixed is knee replacement but I'm kind of young for that so he'd rather try some other things and see how I do… and I very much second that one, no way am I ready for knee replacement. He is going to inject some sort of gel in between the knee joint and it may or may not work. Will take up to 2 weeks to get approval from insurance company. Got my bone scan scheduled for tomorrow. Came home and was cleaning my closet and had another one of those funky episodes , weak kneed and dizzy and tingling on my left side. B/P was 160/90 so I called cardiologist, got me in with the PA. She added metoproplol to my regimen, wants to do a holter monitor but I told her I needed to get thru the bone scan first so I'm going back to see her in a few weeks, if I continue to have symptoms and holter is negative then I may be looking at the dreaded heart cath. Looks like I'll have no problems meeting that $6400 deductible this year. Ugh, when it rains it pours… other than that tho, Im just peachy keen!

    Sandy, wow that party sounds like a blast! Hope all was good by the time you got to the personal trainer. Oh my, sounds like you will be one bizzy chef! Nice pic of your DH, I love to have a face to go with the stories.

    Cami, I just started having the B/P issues before Christmas when he put me one med and then a few weeks later another one, today she added a third. I quit the wine for 2 days last week and it didn't make any difference…. so I might as well have some, eh? I do have some pain in my knee but nothing so bad that I think it could affect my B/P. I know I probably shoulda left work but then who does the hair? I do think it's mostly hereditary, shit for genes. Woohoo, so glad you got to go to the party!

    NM, Still hoping the job thing turns around for you soon, seems like every time you are at your wits end with that job they hire you a new person and things calm down for awhile and then either someone quits or they expand your territory. Hope they realize you need more nurses to cover such a big territory and they change their mind about replacing the one that is leaving. The mouse traps on the counter and stove really did work, only had them out for 3 days now it seems I don't even need them.

    hsant, wowza, like the back when pic of your hubs, was he modeling in that pic? Maybe jeans or cologne? And a nice looking guy now, I'll bet you really miss him. Thank you for stocking the bar for me, and I'll appreciate you being in my back pocket tomorrow. Dye injected at 3:30and scan at 6:30. I'm sure Dr Price will call me on Wednesday. Sounds like the young eye doc needs to go back to school. Glad you got it straightened out.

    Lori, Sure hope we can get together, doubtful that I can go to Cami's with you with all my medical chit going on and with DH back to traveling now that Emma is gone, he stayed home for quite awhile while she was sick. I'm off on Sat, Sun, Monday and Friday next week. Just out of curiosity, do you remember, when your TM's started to go up was it all of them or just one or two.

    Jazzy, the event sounds like fun, I love dixieland jazz and yay of getting some good auction stuff. Just continue to enjoy before launching yourself back into work next month.

    SusieQ, hopefully the flu has been kickes to the curb by now.

    Dara, how's the mouth, and the headaches, and Bella?

    Peg, so glad you are enjoying life near your kids, good for you on making the move.

    Kim, just take it one chemo at a time, everyone reacts differently, I worked all the way through. I stopped drinking for the first 2 tx's then by the 3rd and 4th I drank only on the third week before it was time to go back. By the last 2 I was having wine when I felt like it.

    Time for me to get my beauty rest, got a busy day tomorrow, dogs work and scan. Oh and if I can ask something from all of you….. PLEASE pray hard that my DIL's mammogram and ultrasound are negative, think I'm more worried about that than anything. Sweet dreams girl, love ya!

    Not going down there!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Had to postpone the personal training evaluation. (Bob warned me that his geriatric patients using LA Fitness complain that their young trainers tend to work them too hard—so I am going to tell my trainer exactly the parameters he is medically permitted to work within; if he disagrees, I’ll go to the branch that has a pool and take water aerobics classes and use this branch for the rowers, ellipticals and lowest settings on the Nautilus machines, for the exercises my LE PT said to do). Was up past 3 am because of a nasty case of esophagitis and gas entrapment. (I even had waves of aching in my jaw—scaring me into thinking I was having angina--until I could finally burp). My delts and trapezius muscles on the R side feel strained, especially if I tilt my head to the R. (Turning my head is no problem). So we postponed till Friday—the trainer says he will take into account my LE & joint replacement restrictions (no twisting, running, jogging or jumping lest my prostheses loosen), work to strengthen my core to help support my arthritic spine, and find strategies to reduce inflammation to the point where I can expend optimal effort.

    And I awoke this morning to the UPS guy delivering some towels I’d ordered—he pointed to a familiar-looking box on the porch and asked if I’d like him to bring it in. I nodded. Turns out it was that double magnum of wine Bob won last night—he put it down to open the door and forgot to bring it in. I’m amazed—there have been many package thefts in our neighborhood. No harm, no foul, but it could have been. Anyway, I looked at the seal on the side of the box…and it’s Caymus Conundrum White! So, change of plans—chicken, prawns, halibut or lobsters on the grill, not beef. (Or I could make a couple of paellas or a vat of bouillabaisse).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Welcome Kimburk and hope u'r chemo goes good for u. Remember ask u'r Dr. anything u want and believe me there are women here who can really help with questions--This is a wonderful thread, great gals.

    Pegg I'm sorry for u'r loss, it really wasn't very long ago, So glad u have u'r son and DIL and now a new life to help u thru this. And wine.

    Mary just take care of u'rself and hoping u get to see Lori again.

    I of course have to tell u about my crazy day--all my Drs. know I can't always make it on the right day, but this is a new one, so when I cancelled she made another app't for over month away. OMG as the nurse said well u missed this one so u have to wait all over again--this is my chit dr. Then my other Dr. called and moved my app't up to this Friday and yes I know she is concerned about cancer stuff, we talked about that, but I like to think she's wrong--but I still have to get tests. Just to prove it to her.

    Lori what are u'r dates for being in MI???

    I really didn't watch the awards last nite, but I did watch Fashion Police to see all the gowns, that's always fun to me.

    My pills are taking hold and I'd better take advantage of it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    Welcome Kim Burke, sorry you are here but glad you popped in. Grab a bar stool and let our tenders serve you some wine and wodka, and perhaps a shot of tequilla As Camille, said, hang with us, we are an awesome and diverse group of girls. Hugs to ya.

    My Bella is strugglng again, it is heart breaking. Will write more soonliest, gotta get back to bed, got up to take some meds for this fn headache.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2017

    oops, hit submit....


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2017

    Cammy--Ido love taking care of people, I just wish I could make the work people happy, take care of people the way they deserve, AND have a life of my own. Someday I'll find that balance. I hope.

    Jazzy--sounds like quite the award show. Jealous that you have a cleaning company!

    Goldie--Isn't is amazing how quickly the furbabies show up when we make a sound in the kitchen? Now if only I could teach Sadie to turn on the oven and put something in and have it ready for dinner when I get home from work. . . .

    Love the Monday Martini idea! The berry Martini looks very yummy!

    Peggy--it must be wonderful to be so close to your sons. Good for you for picking up and moving like that!

    Welcome, kimburke. pull up a bar stool and join us!

    Chi--is your hubby thinking of retiring at all yet? Sounds like you guys live well, and don't waste on things that aren't important to you. That's the way to go!

    Genny--those episodes are sounding scarier and scarier. Praying it turns out to be something simple and fixable and not too serious, or never happens again!

    Chi--sounds like a lot of hard work just to find someplace good to work out! You obviously have way more energy than I do!

    Cammy--you need to hire a personal assistant to keep you on track for your appointments!

    Dara--praying for you and Bella.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2017

    PP, I can relate to not being near your children, I am in AZ (from MI) have a son who just recently moved to NC and my daughter is in St. John VI's. Sorry for your loss.

    Hi Kim and welcome to our lounge. You can have all the virtual or real cocktails you like whilst here. We are just a small group of silly goilies.

    Sandy, is your hubs gone a lot for work? Kinda sounds like it?

    Mary, nice to hear you are TOO YOUNG for knee replacement. Those deductibles can be easy to meet, that's for sure. Is today a bone scan or bone density? If bone scan, is it nuclear? Ok, looks like it might be the nuclear one? Let's see, what is more important, some old ladies hair or Mary's heart….DUH! I do not remember which went up with my TM's. One or both of the CA's. I don't think it was the CEA at all, that one hasn't budged too much. Have some of yours gone up? When does your DIL get tested? We are praying very hard for both of you Mary.

    Sandy, good luck with your new trainer. And you are still dealing with being sick, or this new now?

    Cami, I leave this Friday and will be there until the 13th, so 10 days.

    NM, your ideal work situation doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard for a company to establish, sounds so flippin simple, but they are always trying to cut corners, I think. Perhaps we need to get Sadie on one the cooking shows on the Food Network, or have her start her own series! Cooking with Sadie.

    Image result for cooking dogs

    Wacko, I am always happy to see you, but your poor Bella, and you too girl. Anxious to hear more from you.

    I had an awful day yesterday. Was cramping sooooo bad, I skipped my evening FU pills. Hoping all is ok today, so far so good. Waiting to see what the weather is going to do, so far it's staying away, we are sitting right on edge of it. Jazzy, not sure if you are suppose to get any of this or not.

    Here is a screen shot of our weather, I'm in that spot I circled, where it says Show Low. No precip where I am, and that is usually how it goes!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Good morning friends- another busy day begins and I have an apt with my endocrinologist today and think she is going to be happy. My AIC has never been better, and I have lost anywhere between 8-10 pounds in the two months since I have saw her last. I may reach the first milestone with my weight loss by May. I am back down to my best weight I was at when working with the personal trainer two years ago.

    Went back to the gym yesterday for the first time since the car break in to attend a yoga class and to also resign. Waited too late to avoid the March charges, but okay with being there through next month, at least for the yoga classes, while I get the rest of my replacement fitness regime together. I am going to send a well crafted letter to the manager of this branch at the end of March about why I am leaving, including their lack of follow up on the break in and the parking lot safety concerns. I went to Big 5 yesterday and bought some new weights and a fitness ball, so I can do some things at home. I am tired of gyms right now and need a break, but need to keep moving too.

    Kimburke-welcome to our thread friend. We are here to answer any questions related to our own experiences around treatment if we can help in any way?

    If you have any about how much to drink, you should ask your MO at some point about what they think is best for you. My first MO told me 2-3 drinks per week, my current MO says it does not matter that much. But their advice for us has to do with a lot of factors so you need to ask your medical team. Many of us have been down the pike on this stuff for a bit, and hope we can help you?

    ChiSandy- having worked with a personal trainer for about 8 months after my surgeries, it is very important to help them get it right up front about where the boundaries lie. I worked with a few personal trainers in my life, including one as I resumed with my gym six months after my surgeries. The first trainer was a body builder and helped me with a few things, but was not a good fit for anything more than a few sessions. The woman I went back to work with later was the one who really helped me. She was my age (mid 50s) and if I can recommend anything, get an older trainer if there is one available. They just get the contradictions with joints, surgeries, serious illnesses, etc. A lot of them are trying to be nutritionists and weight loss consultants now too, so watch out for that. I wish you well on your fitness journey! I got really strong again from my training the second go around, it was money well spent.

    And some wine vs. a box of towels deliver? Score!

    Genny- worried for your girlfriend. Those symptoms almost sound like TIAs to me. My mother had them and was with her once when she had one. I think the injections for the knees sounds like a good solution to avoid a bigger surgery like a knee replacement. Please keep us posted and take good care of yourself friend.

    NM- I may have shared this before but when I had my surgeries back in 2012, I could not do much for awhile and my sister arranged for Molly Maids to come in and clean once a week. My sister has had a cleaning person for years, and many people I know have them here, but never had much luck finding one that way with the referrals. Having a regular company is better, because they are insured and bonded (for any damages). I reduced them to bi-monthly for awhile after, and been using them once a month for awhile now. It allows me to keep up with the rest over the course of the month. Totally worth it for us working gals, and if anything else happens, easier to ramp it up vs. start all over. I am going in to the week with a clean house!

    How is the aromatherapy going?

    Cami- I agreed with your doctors they need to rule out any cancer stuff with your pain. Hopefully nothing of concern friend, but that pain is telling you something ain't right. I will be interested to know what the docs say this next visit?

    I have to get going to my day and have another business call today, an in town meeting tomorrow, and dinner next week with the other. Things are moving faster now finally.

    Will poop in later with any updates from the doc visit and to respond to a few more of ya!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Oh girls, my DIL just texted me and mammogram all clear!!!! Yay! I'm SO relieved and happy! Phew, thanks for your prayers!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2017

    Oh girls, my DIL just texted me and mammogram all clear!!!! Yay! I'm SO relieved and happy! Phew, thanks for your prayers!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Dara Are u'r headaches still really horrible, I thought they'd be lessened by now, this is terrible for u. And Bella, oh poor baby.

    Lori what kind and where are the cramps that u get? They must be pretty miserable for u and it always seems to be from the FU pills.

    And now we can put maps up? Holy Chit, does this expertise ever end?

    Well Jazzy u seem to be all organized an Congrats on the weight loss, u'r Dr. will be so happy. Now u seem like u'r ready to go back to work. And really let us know about the Dr.

    NM u o sound better this week, but then again I don't think all of the chit has started. I forgot to mention about Sadie, LOL I love how she takes what she wants and hides it in her spot. She is so fun.

    My Dr. called in my pain meds so fast this time, usually takes a full day, but the pharmacy already called--Les can pick them up on the way home, she'd better. Maybe I told u but they got a second car last nite--It was crazy tying to drive each other to and from work at different times, of course it's used but I hope they have good luck with it.

    Oh my oldest DD found a dispensary for MJ so I'm asking my dr. for a scipt, it's really not far from here so of course she offered to take me, I wonder why??? Years ago the older generation seemed to know more, now the younger one is. About everything.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2017

    Image result for alcoholic cocktail recipesThis glass looks crooked to me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2017

    Genny- congrats on the DIL news. Whew 😍

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Pegg welcome to the drinking thread. So glad you are near at least one of your sons and that ur home is cozy and lots of good people around. So sorry about losing ur DH, sending u HUGZ(((Peg)))

    KimB - welcome to you too. We are a good group to chat with. Please let us kno how ur chemo goes. You can share anything with us anytime.

    Sandy - I know a few peeps like that, spending their money on, in my opinion, expensive stuff. But to each their own. Hope u two check into the 'concierge medicine' practice. Sounds ideal.

    Genny - oo wee a night to uself, wonderful. My dh only works 3 days a week. I really love those days!!

    Egad, those episodes sound scary. Hope you find the answer and can get some relief soonliest. I am feeling better, not coughing as much at night and in the ayem. I too was told I had a torn meniscus, chose to have the fluid drained and did my own pt. Haven't had a problem with it since. I do suffer with the Arthur-it is tho.

    Cami - Sounds like u had a fab-time at da patay, glad u were able to go.

    Dara dahling - so sad and sorry ur Bella is struggling again…u have my prayers and mese big arms around you.

    Lowweee - hope you have a fab time in MI. Hope the situation with ur mom doesn't put a downer on ur time there. Also hoping u get to meet up with the girls.

    Sorry I have to cut this short…a rep from Neptune Society is coming over to talk to us about our cremation and chit. DH did this on his own, I'm not thrilled about it. O well, such is life.

    Lubslubslubs to all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2017

    Genny - doing the happy dance for ur DIL's new....FANTASTIC!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2017

    Would that the big heavy box on the porch was wine being delivered, but it was wine Bob won, carried home from the party and then forgot to bring indoors. The towels are those spongy things that look like cardboard when dry but swell when wet and absorb like crazy—they’re what you see Olympic divers use to dry off between dives. I had a thicker one I bought at a KS Wal-Mart back in 2010, and it was wonderful for drying my hair very quickly w/o damaging heat & tangling from blowing it dry. Can’t find it—disappeared after I brought it home. Those sponge towels are much better than the microfiber towels sold at sporting goods stores. You can also use them “in reverse:” soaking them and then putting them around your neck to cool off without dripping water all over the place.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies- quick messages before I head off to my last writing class!

    The visit with the endocrinologist was good, although I was waiting an hour to see her and she must have had an emergency as she was even in and out the first few minutes she came in to my exam room. Anyways, we had a good visit about my blood work, weight, etc. She says the combo of things I am doing now is working and will make a small adjustment to my BP meds because she is wanting to protect the kidneys better. She told me I look a lot less stressed since our last visit (last few days of that wicked contract I finished year end), and said I am on my way. I gave her the updates from the MO too about not doing the AIs longer than next March (which is contributing to some of the issues I am working on with her). I don't have to see her again until end of May. Whoot whoot, no more scheduled doctors or dentist apts for awhile. So rare these days. It is almost like my pre-cancer days (but not quite....)

    I am glad I pushed for this specialist. My cancer docs have lectured me on the importance of keeping to a health weight to reduce reoccurrence, but finally got someone to help my insulin resistance which is keeping that from happening. I told her she had really helped me in the six short months I had been seeing her and she got a big smile. I feel like I finally have something that is working to keep my blood sugar in a good range and helping with the rest too. Yay!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hey girls,

    I'm bock, as Arnold S would say! I wish mese fingers would cooperate more though.

    Genny, so so happy to hear that all is well with Nora's mommy, yeah, I will dwink to that. I am worried about the episodes you are having, you are too young and too in shape for heart issues girl. You are in my prayers. Thanks for asking about Bella and to all, for the prayers. We need them more than ever now as she is not doing well. She is barely eating, managed to get a little bit of yogurt down today and she drank a lot of water this morning. But she is struggling to walk on and off. I am thinking that the rat basturd has a hold of her but still hoping that this episode will pass as did the episode last month. (It was four weeks ago Sunday that we were told she has cancer).

    Me, the mouth is healing, got stitches out today but still not able to wear the mouth guard to prevent grinding in my sleep. I emailed the inventor of the devise and he thinks I should get another dentist to check my bite, grinding and see if the NTI will benefit me. I already know that it helped with the headaches but with being told that it is not the right appliance, I am skeptical of my current dentist duo's conflicting advise and am fed up.

    Gonna hit post and try to come back later, time to give Bella her daily meds, also having trouble typing, will try talk to text feature when I continue.

    Thanks for the love and for listening ladies. Hope to see KimB back in the lounge too!
