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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for tgif gif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy LOL, I just got it.

    OK Jazzy we're waiting?????????????? tap, tap, tap--my foot tapping on the floor.

    NM U'r another ??????????????

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! So nice to wake up on a Friday and not be dragging a$ and praying for a normal rather than a long day of work. Saw the PCP yesterday, thought she would clear me to go back to work but she didn't, want's the Pulmonary doc to clear me at my appointment next week.Which is fine by me.Short term disability is kicking in, was approved yesterday for the first couple of weeks anyway. I did go into the office, the Director wasn't there, but I did talk, or more accurately, croak with Clinical Manager #1.Let her know about not getting cleared to come back until I see pulmo, and my plans to cut back hours when I am cleared to return.Not as much of a surprise as I was kinda hoping for, but a good, unofficial conversation.You all will be proud of me, I started with the boundary setting right then and there when she started asking me if I would be willing to continue to case manage (I said "No."), how far I would be willing to drive, how much I wanted to work (need to be 8 hour days, 24 hours per week max INCLUDING documentation and driving time), would I be interested in doing Home Health visitsfor our sister agency is having a staffing crisis (probably not, but hadn't really considered that option, need to think about that more).I did find out that since Obama care kicked in the company has stopped offering health insurance to part time employees. Which basically means I will be going the per diem route rather than the regular part time, which is probably a good thing as it give me ultimate control over when and how I work, and gets me out of covering on call unless I choose to.And since $30 for 8 hours of call is ridiculous, means no more call. Which upsets me NOT AT ALL!I also found out that one of the other nurses, one who has been with the company longer than I have, is retiring in December.That makes the 2 of us with the most longevity with the company stepping out of full time work this year.So, now it's time to start researching health insurance options, firming up my budget and planning some fun stuff to do on my days off, that will finally be completely OFF!I am excited and a little scared, but overall mostly looking forward to this change.

    Cammy--My PCP said the same thing--it's good this latest bout with asthma pushed me to make big work changes.She said I'll be happier and healthier, and it's time to get a lot more enjoyment out of life.

    Goldie--Yup, more snow. We call April and May snow poor man's fertilizer.It comes down but doesn't stick for very long.I should hear from the cleaning company today, if I don't I'll check with a couple of others and see if they move any faster.I prefer to use a local company when I can, so I started locally.Will work out to state-wide if necessary.Makes sense that your busy season is the start of the gardening season for most of the country.

    Jazzy--So exciting that you and another bc sister are getting to meet in person! That can be very exciting, I can tell you from experience.I do have a plan B. that is to apply to a number of places to work per diem, and I have applied for a Kaplan University part time teaching position, and I know I can call 2 local nursing schools and work as a clinical instructor during the school year if I want to.There's plenty of work out there for an experienced nurse like me, but I am pretty sure I can get all the time I want/need from the current company (and Clinical Manager #1 practically promised me as many hours as I want yesterday).Work is there, I just need to choose what I want to do.Good luck with your meetings and prep work, and have fun at the prof org meeting.

    Cammy--I did not know that a business could get out of unemployment if it went out of business.Do they have to declare bankruptcy or just close their doors? Seems like a bit loophole.

    Chi--wow, you have a real challenge with the kitty feeding! How does one manage two so different approaches to kitty food?Good luck with all that!I can see where Vegas isn't much of a draw for you. I take it hubby likes to go?Elderflower soda?Sounds way yummy!Elderflower is good for preventing viral infections, so it can be considered medicinal!

    Jazzy--I'm wondering, too, if your neighbor doesn't have some early dementia, hadn't considered a drug issue, and if she is elderly it could even be a prescription drug issue (interactions or inappropriate dosing) but neither is anything you can do anything about except keep up the boundaries and be pleasant when you do cross paths.If you get an opportunity to talk with any of her family it might be a good idea.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Elderflower Martini


    Homemade Sweet and Sour Mix:

    • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 1 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
    • 1 3/4 cup simple syrup


    • 1 ounce gin
    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1 ounce St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur
    • 2 ounces homemade sweet and sour
    • Lime wedges


    To make the sweet and sour:

    1. Combine sweet and sour mix ingredients in a mason jar and shake to combine. Keep chilled until ready to use.

    To make the martini:

    1. Pour gin, vodka, St. Germain and sweet and sour into a martini shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously to combine. Squeeze a wedge of lime into a martini glass and strain the contents of the shaker into the glass.
    2. Serve immediately.

    This Elderflower Martini - made with gin, vodka & St. Germain Liqueur - is one of our most requested cocktail recipes. Make it batch for groups!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    NM U have sooo many options, it's wonderful to hear. See I don't remember u talking about teaching, but oh yea that's a good one, IMO. There is so much that can open up for u now, it shouldn't be any worry to u at all. But really am sorry u did have to go thru all this to make up u'r mind. Sounds like u r really on the mend tho and that comes first. Oh Sadie is going to love the extra time u will spend at home and u will too for all kinds of reasons. See I'd say don't plan a lot now, but knowing u when this all gets started up u won't take long to get u'rself busy again. U are a goer.

    OK one question answered and very nicely I may add.

    Keep em' coming J A Z Z Y

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- got a busy day today, with work stuff, a trip to swim, and later to a birthday celebration. I still don't have the slide deck for the presentation that was supposed to come earlier this week, was told would be in my hot little hands and never saw anything via e-mail. So I guess we will just edit them together on the phone. I honestly don't know how this meeting is going to go, but also glad I chose to be on the phone vs. get on the plane for this one. Collaboration work can be messy!

    NM- it is good your PCP is ensuring you have your pulm consult before you are cleared for work. And the other nurse retiring end of the year, kind of says it all doesn't it? They are driving people out, but not surprised either; not good for the nurses or the patients. I am glad you are going to be looking elsewhere friend. I think you are going to end up with something MUCH better and a work arrangement you can better support. I knew your PCP would get on top of this and help you.

    And snow, winter is not done with you yet! We are coming past our frost potential this weekend, but can still get shots of snow here into May. We have been dry and need some moisture......

    Cami- oh I knew I would get you all stirred up with that last post I did! So my story is there is a professional colleague who I have been having a lot of connection with the past few month at events, and who I think is interested in me. One of my friends who also knows him said she thinks he has been interested in me for awhile. But then one of my old BFs from long ago has surfaced again and may be here in NM this summer. We were together in grad school 30 years ago and reconnected via social media 5 years ago, but right before everything happened with the bc stuff. Just was not the right time for us back in the day, and then complicated by cancer when we did reconnect. It would be good to see him again. Jazzy might be going on a few dates!

    Must get going to my day and wishing everyone a good one!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Cami yes, it is our business, which is WHY I don't think they care. Not their business, and they still get paid. And it's not like we could keep an eye on her and make sure she is answering the phone. Oh well, such is life! I hope Joey gives you hugs and kisses in front of his friends for a looooooong time! Sorry Marty is having such a hard time on the job front.

    Daaaaang Sandy, how many bottles of wine do you actually have? Good luck finding a cat sitter, I assume it's for your Vegas trip and all 3 of you will be going.

    Jazzy, is your bothersome neighbor elderly? Romance eh???? Yay for meeting up with a breastie!

    NM, I think the change will be a good one. So proud of you for standing up for YOU!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Goldie- neighbor is in her early 70s but been in increasingly poor health for the past few years. Hospitalizations, surgeries, etc. This is when it changed and when it did, it immediately started coming at me. I have helped where I can, but cannot responsible for her needs. I have tried to make that clear for some time now.

    NM is right I need to talk to the family, but notice they never come around here anymore. Siblings in town, but they meet up vs. spending time at her place. I noticed when her brother moved here from northern NM, she had him doing her yard work, painting, etc. He is an older man too, probably in his 60s and am sure that got old quickly. I had really hoped he had moved in with her and they could muddle along together, but he got his own place in town instead.

    My mother used to do this with our relatives that visited as well as with neighbors. My mother was always a high demand person on everyone, it got worse as she aged. I remember when her sister visited one time and said "your mother just put us to work the whole time we were there visiting." I told my aunt welcome to our world. Our mom often did the same with us when we visited, but we knew how to say "I will help you with this, we will get you help with that." That is what the kids can do, help the parent have what they need. With respect to this neighbor, part of this is age and health related, part of it is personality. I do believe that. Seeing people as "here for you" never works well for others.

    If I see her brother here again, I may talk to him if I can. She can contact the out of state son.

    Never a dull moment in the hood....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    OK Jazzy, aka miss personality, u have to go for both of them and see which one is better and if there are anymore around go for all of it. It's u'r time now, don't wait around. I do hope too that u get to talk to u'r neighbors' family somehow so u don't have this to go thru. It's funny cuz when I lived in the condo, there was a woman that was really not very nice and got everyone to take her everyplace cuz they didn't want to see her wrath. I don't remember anyone turning her down, then I found out more about her. My mom would say poor lady she doesn't have anyone so it's the right thing to do. Well she had 10 kids and no one was EVER around to help or see her and I told my mom doesn't that tell u volumes about her personality before she got this mean.

    Lori it's really bad that people take advantage of people in their own business. I think it's hard to trust anyone with it, but u'rself and that's sad to me.

    I think Sandy has said she has a whole wine cellar which in my mind means a lot of wine, sounding good about now.

    OK see u gals latah.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Well, I think Happy (my little furboy) will have to put up with dandruff for the time being (not that it’s ever bothered him). I did the first application of the omega-3 topical oil yesterday, and pee-YEW!!!! 20 hrs. later he still reeks of fish oil, as does everything he touches and in his wake. I must have gone through half a bottle each of Softsoap and Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap last night and I still couldn’t get the fish-stink out of my fingers. I’ve found myself sifting through the spent coffee-grounds “pucks” in the espresso machine knockbox, since I figure that if coffee grounds can neutralize garlic they can do the same for fish oil. The concept of the omega-3 stuff is that Happy will lick it off his fur and that will improve his skin & coat, but he’s too fat (or lazy) to reach back there. The bottle says “for external use only.” I think this particular vet is trying to “churn” fees, as she also insists Heidi get her Royal Canin kidney formula kibble from her (I’m sure I saw Royal Canin at PetSmart). Our neighborhood blog has a lot of complaints about how expensive they are, but Gordy insists on using them because they kept Matthew alive more than a year after his stroke and two years after he first started getting sub-cu hydration. (And they’re the closest vet to us and have separate waiting rooms for cats & dogs, unlike the vet clinic that I and most bloggers prefer south of us—and against whom Gordy still has a grudge because one of their former vets—long since fired--had a bad attitude toward our previous two cats). Gordy does most of the cat-care in our home, so we reluctantly defer to him.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Sandy I LOLed thru the whole post. OMG fish smell is awful, hahaha--well gloves should have been recommended for u, but what could u possibly do for Happy????????

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    ChiSandy- that Omega 3 stuff I have taken in pill form and it has a fish smell. Yucky!

    Cami- what are you and Joey up to this weekend?

    Dara, dara, dara.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    I was reading the product’s website, and it says to “administer 1 pump per 10 lb. of body weight.” Doesn’t say whether topically or on food—but it mentions “easily digestible.” Gordy was furious when I told him I’m not going to apply the stuff to Happy’s coat, saying “next time you want to question the vet’s judgment, YOU come along.” This is the same vet clinic which, last year, administered a general anesthetic for Happy’s dental work that caused him to exhibit serious neuro-motor effects (running around, crashing into things, unsteady on his feet) for several days after he awoke. (I was out of town). He also said that this vet is 5 minutes closer than the other one, and that’s 5 minutes less of hearing him howl and pant (which starts the moment we put him in a carrier, which he associates with being abandoned). IMHO, the emotional impact of my refusal to kiss and snuggle him because he stinks of fish is far worse on him than is the dandruff (which is only on his lower back, where the vet says to apply the oil—Bayer DVM FreeForm Omega 3). Everything I read online (vet pages, cat care blogs, etc.) about Omega-3 supplements for cats mentions taste & digestibility and instructs that it be applied to food. I’m going to call the vet and ask why I can’t put it in his food. (He has never met a kibble or wet food he wouldn’t wolf down).

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017


    Am so happy for those of u who work and look forward to the weekend. I am finally over my down time from PHX.

    Loweeee…can't tell you how thrilled I was to visit with you. And by the way…I slept better with you than I did the 2 nites with my son. He hogged the bed and the covers, LOL, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    NM - Am very proud of you. You have your mind right where it needs to be. Sorry you cudn't meet with the Director, but who knows, he/she may contact you. Let us kno what the Pulmo doc says. U should see our office. It's a mess. Paperwork everywhere, but will say, most of belongs to my dh. After I quit working for my DS, I cleaned out 2 file drawers, told dh to organize and file most of his stuff, that was several mos ago and he has yet to use the files. I don't even kno what Elderflower is….but if it has medicinal properties, I think I'll check it out.

    Cami - Sad about Marty and his hunt for work, but I feel confident that he will land something soon.

    Jazz - my heart aches for your elderly neighbor, but I do agree, keep your distance as much as possible. Have fun with your bc sista….nothing like meeting in person. Hope your phone meeting goes well…keep us posted.

    Sandy - ewww ewww ewww, on the omega-3 oil smell. I heard lemon juice will squelch fish odor, idk.

    What does IMHO mean? I'm not up on all the abbreviations. I with putting it on his food tho.

    Dara Dahhhling - sounds like things going OK for you and soooo glad u got to spend time with DD and Logan.

    A widdle phunny "I read that 4,153,237 people got married last year, not to cause problems, but shouldn't that be an Even number?"

    Lubslubs to all and Hey Hey to anyone I missed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Gee Sandy I thought it was a food supplement too, I guess I just figured it cuz of Omega for humans. Oh definitely call the vet, it will save u from the smell.

    Jazzy this is how u have to do it. DARA, DARA, DARA--she doesn't hear as well as she used to. Tomorrow we're supposed to go out for brunch with my family--Leslie and Marty too, so Joey will come along--it's only 2 miles from here so it's really convenient. Now I hope I can go. And Sunday Joey said he'll pack up my closet while I direct him, but of course that's a maybe too. Big excitement around here for sure.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    IMHO=“in my humble opinion.”

    Would try the lemon juice, but cats detest citrus. The spent coffee grounds seem to work for awhile. And the tuna salad sandwich I just ate—with onion, no less—masks the fish-oil smell. I can stand the smell of actual, edible fish. But the extracted oils? Bleccchh!!! (One reason why I switched back from taking Costco’s fish oil caps to Mega Red is that the latter don’t stink). It just hit me why I don’t like to fry stuff in canola oil—unless it’s the pricey “high-heat” variety WF sells, when it gets very hot it gives off that same smell…as does the flaxseed oil with which I tried to season my cast-iron pans. (Never again). I bet it’s a characteristic of all Omega-3 fatty acids, not necessarily just fish oils.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Hahaha, Sandy u'r crackin' me up today--the smell of fish can be horrendous too. I remember yrs. ago I was taking garlic pills <like an Italian doesn't eat enough garlic> OMG I had to stop it came out in every pore, like garlic doesn't already do that job by itself.

    Dan <my boss> just left, jeez we were so busy today all kinds of computer work and talk about organization. I don't really know why Dan asks me what I think about things, cuz I know chit, but he really listens to me. Of course I tell him IDK, but he seems to think I have a functional brain. So I pretend.

    Other than that it was quiet, well that's really enough for me these days.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hi girls,

    Happy weekend! I want to start off by saying that I thin my headaches are diminishing., I can hardly believe it! I have not had imitrex for the past three days and find that I am taking less and less ibuprofen. I am being cautiously optimistic in thinking that the pain is going to be gone and soon!!!!! I noticed that change on Wednesday. I took a shower before a doctor appointment, washed my hair and noticed that it did not hurt. I had also mentioned to Cheryl, sometime last weekend I tink, that I have not had any phantom toothaches for a week or so. I am not sure what is causing me to feel better, it could be one or even two of a few I am could be the botox, it could be the magnesium supplement. It could also be the NTI (mouth guard for grinding) or that I have taken all artificial sweeteners out of my diet for the past 10 days. I dunno but I am totally excited as can be!!!!!!! And I was a little skeered to post this thinking I may jinx mesedarnself but jest had to share this news! I am just two weeks away from going on the 12th month with the daily headache and really thought I would get to the one year mark and was having trouble coping with the thought of it going on and on and ont for life, maybe? OMG, pinch me!

    Cammy, I lol'd so hard when you told Jazzy how to correctly page mese deaf ass into de lounge!

    Will try to catch up with you a

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    stewpid hand of mine ... did not mean to submit, just happy that I did not lose what I wrote.

    I will try to update you all more and address you goils sometime this weekend. I have a lot of work to do with catching up on paying medical bills I've been putting off and I also tink it is time to start getting some resumes outta here!

    NM, so glad you had the talk with your employer over the change to PT for ya. You go girl, you went on a mission and it will be mission complete soonly!

    Jazzy, wishing you the best with the meeting next week AND for some new/newly found love interest!

    Gonna hit send and git to bed bcuz I nearly lost this bit I wrote along with the post above due to mese stewpid jacked up fingers. Hoping you all have a nice and relaxing weekend! Love you gals!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    peee esss, Cam, hope you can make it out tomorree, will check to see lat!er. Love ya!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    pee pee esssss , sorry

    Image result for it's all about me

    hehe! jk. but really

    Image result for it's all about me

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dara u so funnybunny--that poster is good for me too yes me me me me. This is wonderful news and honestly I was just trying to count when u got the Botox, wondering if anything had started and maybe it could be all the reasons u said. Whatever it is, Thank God. To start being relieved of pain is like a light going on and u'r finally not in the dark--and again me me me cuz I hope I get there soon along with you. Such good news, finally--this is what u've been waiting for. RELIEF oh and R E S P E CT ♪ (just a little note, love it) YYYAAAYYY

    40,000 channels to watch and I'm watching a 1955 movie with Joan Crawford. Yes Joan Crawford, <NO WIRE HANGARS> no not that one.

    Well I slept about an hour and don't think I'll be going--I can't clean up very well to leave the house. OH OH I forgot to tell u when Dan came over, he has to walk thru the house to get to my room and the house is pretty much straightened up and looks fine and did. He walks into my room and of course I say oh this room is a mess and he says OMG it really is. I told him to get the eff out, but see he stayed. Well I actually live in this room so.....aha but hopefully Sunday after Joey and I get done it will look better. Maybe, if we do it. Who knows???

    Oh Dara, I'm so very happy for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for chandler happy dance gif HAPPY DANCE FOR DARA


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Dara- OMG, praise the good lord the headaches are finally going away. Fingers crossed this continues! Life is awaiting you in all it's glory (and messiness.......)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Switching between rain and snow here, so it's wet and crunchy underfoot.Wish it were warmer, but that will come.Gonna be a big tick year, though, I've found a couple on Sadie already this season.Time to mix up some repellant and start using it on her.

    Cammy--I love teaching, was an Instructor in a nursing program for 4 years and loved it, except for the cut in pay at the time.There are lots and lots of options out there, so I can completely control my work time now, and am really looking forward to it.Not planning a lot of stuff right now, but beginning to think about what kinds of things to plan in a month or so.

    Jazzy--Collaboration does seem to have it's drawbacks, from what you describe.Sounds like you made a good call to go by phone rather than in person.I thinkyou are right, the changes are making a statement.I'm semi-retiring, another nurse is retiring, a third full time nurse has cut back to part time since I've been out.I hope someone is paying attention to all this.I really would like a chance to really explain the workload issues to someone above the Clinical Manager level.So, Jazzy has a person of interest in her life, maybe?Good for you!Hope the timing is right this time around, for a least a few dates.

    Goldie--too true that too many employees do not care about the business they are working for.They should, they can make a huge difference, if only they realized that.The changes coming are VERY good, and I am very much looking forward to them.

    Jazzy--you are right, some people do have a very self-centered view of the world, and that doesn't change as they age. I hope you see and get to talk with some family soon.And keep those boundaries up!

    Chi--Did the coffee grounds work to get the fish oil smell off your fingers?Some of that stuff can really smell! Sounds like the vet knows her business, but being expensive doesn't help things. I've heard of adding supplements to pet's food, I wonder if you could do that for Happy?Oh, I see, you've already thought of that.If the point is to get the stuff INSIDE Happy, either approach should work, I would think.

    Mema--I'll get a chance to talk to the Director eventually, I was just hoping to do it the other day. But he'll get the message anyway.Will let you all know what the Pulm doc says, should be interesting.I suspect he will become a new regular provider in my life.But if it keeps the asthma under control, I'll take another "ologist."Elderflower is bushy plant with very nice smelling blossoms that has been used for herbal medicine for ages. Elderflower syrup was one of the ingredients in the drink that I liked so much in the Champagne Bar on the Disney Cruise.I've got a bottle of the syrup in my fridge.It's often made into a cordial historically used for medicinal purposes.And I'm with you, shouldn't that number be an even one?Doesn't it take 2 people to make a marriage?

    Chi--You make me wonder if all Omega 3 fatty acids smell like fish, too!I still like plain old Lard, like Crisco, for seasoning the cast iron.

    Dara--So happy to hear the headaches may be easing up!Whatever it is that is working, I hope you can keep it up and it keeps working.Living with pain is not easy, and I will keep praying that your headache pain goes away completely.

    It's all about ME! That's going to be my new mantra!!!!!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for elderbubble cocktail recipe

    The Elderbubble


    1 ounce white elderflower syrup or St-Germain elderflower liqueur

    ½ ounce raspberry vodka

    3 to 3 ounces brut champagne

    2 fresh or frozen raspberries for garnish


    Add the elderflower syrup and raspberry vodka to the champagne flute. Top off with the champagne. Garnish with the raspberries.

    Respect your elderflowers.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Hi NM, reading u'[r post I was thinking about u a month or so u actually sound so relaxed and not going crazy about all the work u still have to do. This is great for u finally able to sit back and enjoy. And there are so many times ahead for u too. U still getting snow??? Jeez u people up north like to really drag on the winter. Enjoy u'r weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- I was out last night to a birthday celebration and had a great time. Sort of a last minute thing, but for a friend I like and don't see that much. It was a fabulous evening with great wine, quite the food spread, and nice people. A few I knew, some I didn't and always enjoy talking to new and different folks. I brought her an about to be blooming cactus that she was thrilled with. It was a great time, and was home early too.

    Well, we never had a call yesterday on the slide deck because it was not ready (and from what I could tell may not have really even been started being compiled until yesterday), but had already done my part by putting together some slides together last month after our meeting and again around some particular parts of the solution for this presentation. I am not going to worry about this, if it comes together, great and if not, I have my answer. I have some other things in the cooker and more I am following now too. So glad I trusted my gut on this and opted to do the meeting by phone. Having teaming partners is sometimes a plus, but not always......

    Today I am heading out to play some music this morning, then go to hear a colleague who has developed an app give a pitch for his new software. He invited me and really wants me there, so I will make an appearance. I hope to get a bike ride in later too.

    NM- sounds like winter is still got a bit of a hold there. I have a friend on FB who has been talking about Maine fidel heads, do you like those?

    I see my specialists (cancer docs and endocrinologist) far more than my PCP these days, but my asthma has been manageable with the PCP's help. Given all you have gone through, you may need that specialist now to ensure this asthma does not get the best of you.

    I think you now can see you have far more options than you realized too. That comes with having the space from a crazy situation where you are just trying to survive.

    Dara- well, sometimes things that are unexplained just resolve themselves for reasons we will never understand. These headaches may be tied to a few things, but hope they remain away and you can have some quality time to focus on the job search and getting out for interviews. And without headaches, you won't have to worry about not feeling well for the later. I think things are turning around for you.

    ChiSandy- remember that South African moldersbosch rose I told you about? I brought that to the party last night and it was super tasty and gone in a flash.

    Mema- I love that you and Goldie got some nice time together! Good to hear you are home and recovered too!

    I have great compassion for anyone who lives alone as they age. I think there is a certain isolation that happens that does not help anything. I will never be unkind to her, not my way, and have always helped where I can. But I cannot allow the situation to become an expectation of me either. I did notice yesterday she had an electrician over helping with some lighting work, a yard guy doing some stuff and then one of her brother's appeared to help her with some things too. A relief to see some of this happening. He asked me if I had any electrical tape and found some for them, but she was hovering around having him do stuff so no opportunity to chat with him on the side.

    Cami- sorry you are not up for getting out today. My bedroom is always a hot mess, I need to do some work there later today. Thanks for telling me how to call Dara too (lol)

    Gotta get on the yoga mat and wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Sandy, or was it Jazz, thanks for splaining IMHO.

    Dara - Happy Dance is right, so thrilled to hear your headaches have abated. Did you have earaches too? Yest my jaw popped and froze. Skeered me to deaf. Only lasted bout 10 mins, and I am faithful about using my mouth guard, so am thinking it was the raisins, hard to chew.

    Cami - sorry u cudn't get to the partay. Singing

    NM - yuk on the snow....but even so, you sound so much more in control of your future too...good luck m'lady.

    I have to get to the store...having a wake at the bar tamari for a good friend that suddenly passed. I saw his widow yest morning. She seems to be doing OK. I brought her a Bath n Body gift. She loves the Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray. She smiled...I love that smile. Anyway, will see her again tamari.

    Gotta git bizy....lubslubslubs you all! MUAH!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Well I decided after not enough sleep to skip all the out and about things and been focusing on the house and gardens. My consulting partner is working on the slides to finish them today so I am trying to help so we can all feel good about the big meeting. Cleaning and slide decks, this girl knows how to have fun!

    I wonder if Genny & Hsant have had their get together yet?