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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Bob brought home some shrimp & tuna penne with tomatoes & garlic, so I opened a bottle of “Gorgeous" Rosé from S. Africa—Pinot Noir & Chardonnay. No way to Coravin it, since it had a screw cap. Of course, it's history now.

    Vet called this morning—Happy’s bloodwork is fine, though his liver enzymes are a tiny bit elevated, so she wants to see him in 6 months (when he’ll need his teeth cleaned—just a little gingivitis this time). I asked her whether, given the product’s website and other articles, I could give it to Happy mixed into his food, and she said of course. The reason she instructed Gordy to apply it topically was because some cats don't like the taste. No worries—Happy gobbled it up, mixed into his food, this afternoon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good morning Ladies.

    Jazzy u sound like u'r doing all u can do, and very well I may add. U always have a handle on what to expect and back u'rself up. And also seems like u never tire. Which bodes well in u'r business. I bet u'l be up and running soon with everything in place.

    NM u really do have a lot of options and now they're all so clear to u. Again I hate that u had to go thru all of this, but it really cleared u up to have a much more needed and better life and still being able to help all the people u come in contact with. BTW snow season is over, so cut it out.

    Sandy hahaha, sorry u can just give Happy the pill, well it's good he just takes it. So altho u like fish <and u do make it sound so good> smelling of fish is not a happy time. AND u really do make fish sound good, I wish I liked fish. I've tried it in so many ways over all these years but somehow it doesn't appeal to me.

    SusyQ sorry about u'r friend.

    Well altho I didn't go yesterday, after brunch some of my cousins came over here. We got to sit outside, wind was a little chilly, but the sun was warm and just talked and had a great time. U all know how much I luv to be with my family, they are so funny to be around. Actually all of them are--so I'm lucky.

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday today.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Woke up with the sun this ayem, watching the sun burn off the fog.Hoping the clouds and rain will clear out today, but I think that's not going to happen until later in the week.Had a family of deer in the field next to me yesterday ayem, haven't seen them for a while.Poor Sadie went nuts wanting to go play with them.Had a really lazy day yesterday, did absolutely nothing except watch TV. Really need to at least do a sink load of dishes today. Working hard on not doing too much too soon, but doing nothing is truly not enough!

    Cammy--yeah, we're still getting snow at times.It doesn't stick this time ofyear, but it is annoying.I feel so much better than I did a month ago, so glad I will be able to keep feeling good like this going forward.

    Jazzy--Sounds like a great birthday party for your friend.I'm glad you've got other irons in the fire besides the current slide deck one, it seems like that one isn't moving ahead very fast, but maybe I'm just not seeing the progress. I love Fiddleheads, can't wait for fiddlehead season.It's very short, and I stop and buy a pound at the first roadside stand I see when it does come. Half goes into lamb and fiddlehead soup, half gets steamed as a side dish for a couple of dinners.Given what I've just been through, I obviously need more help managing the asthma than just the PCP, so I'm ok with the idea of adding a pulmo to my list of healthcare providers. I do NOT want to go through this again, and it wasn't because I waited too long to get on steroids this time around.I do know that alot of it was sheer physical fatigue, and that I can prevent going forward.And moving out of survival mode has let me see how many options are open to me.Glad the neighbor lady had some help in, shows that you aren't the only help she has and reinforces that it's ok for you to not be her primary support. As someone who has lived alone her entire adult life I can say that it can be isolating.I have to make a point of doing social things from time to time, and is a big part of the reason I'm not ready to completely retire yet.

    Mema--I said a little prayer for your friend's widow. Losing a partner is hard, must be harder when it's sudden. Hope she continues to do ok.

    Chi--Hooray for Happy taking his fish oil with his food! If cats don't like the taste, will they still lick it off their fur?I wouldn't think so, but I don't really know about cats.

    Cammy--I wish I didn't have to through all this, too, but apparently I'm still a little thick headed and God needed to drop an entire pile of bricks on me to get my attention.But I'm listening now!Sounds like you had a nice visit with the cousins yesterday, that is great!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for spring drink recipes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Sandy, I see no reason why Happy couldn't eat the fish oil. You could also try some coconut oil on his fur and smells NICE!

    Fish oil for dogs and cats comes in capsule or liquid form. If your pet will cooperate, give them the capsule to eat. If your pet has no interest in swallowing the capsule, use a clean safety pin or a small knife to open the capsule, and squeeze the liquid onto your pet's food.

    Sue, I too was so excited to spend some time wif you girlfriend, but sorry your DS is a bed hog. My DD is the same! IMHO=in my humble opinion.

    Cami too funny, telling Jazzy how to call DARA. I think we just say "BITCH GET IN HERE!" Sorry you didn't make it to lunch, but glad they all came over to visit you and you ended up having a great time.

    Wacko OMG, I'm so essited that the h/a and toof pain main be gone, no matter what is causing the relief. And how smart of you to think to dismiss all of your artificial sweeteners. So areyou drinking JD and regular coke then?

    NM, what do you use on Sadie for the ticks? I'll bet there's an essential oil for that! And I think our Jazzy has TWO persons of interest. WebMD has some links for treating certain diseases with supplements. Those chores are not going anywhere (darn it), so don't worry about not getting to them. They will be there when you are ready.

    Jazzy, sounds like a fun day/evening with b-day party. You do manage to get around, with EVERYTHING! I too hope Mary and Heidi got together, it was supposed to have been Monday, I believe.

    MIA yesterday, had to leave to go to town early, had people coming over later in the day. And Friday, DH had to take the truck in. Working in the garden on this glorious Sunday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up a bit later again, because of not great sleep. Ugh, two nights in a row. I think it is the stress of this presentation and will be glad when it's done. If we get to a yes next week, things will start moving very quickly.......

    Going to spend another day at home today finishing up yard and house things. I have the last of the winter stuff to put away/closet purge to deal with, and then will also be more prepared for the cleaning company tomorrow. The

    NM- please don't beat yourself up about what has happened. Having been in that situation before with a job I know I talked to you about, you end up trying to just survive things hoping they will improve, but then they never do. But that being said, I have also been in the place of my body letting me know a bit louder each time until I made a change. This experience is going to serve you well for the future so you are not in this place again. Saying no to others is saying yes to YOU!

    Cami- I am glad the fam came over to hang with you yesterday since you were not up for going out. Nice to have that alternative and to feel grateful for family.

    Goldie- you crack me up, get over here beoch! Enjoy your gardening time. It has been a bit cooler here this weekend but still just lovely! Winds have been kicking up at night some......

    Chi- it sounds like your kitty is doing better. Are you still doing your vocal work? I remember you were having some vocal therapy or the like after your respiratory thing. Any concerts coming up?

    Wishing everyone a good day and happy belated Earth Day too. Every day is earth day really.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Happy's fish oil is a liquid in a pump bottle. He gets one squirt a day mixed into his food. It can be absorbed through the skin but more slowly. The dandruff is in his caudal area (the lower back by his tail), so maybe what I'll do is brush him gently and rub coconut oil on my hands and pet him. My voice has cleared up, but few opportunities to use it. Was supposed to go to L.A. next weekend but the event has been moved to Aug. 5, somewhere in L.A. (they're negotiating for a venue). Have to buy a ticket to attend, but it's cheaper than the Grammys.

    Last night had a Muscadet de Sevre et Maine and a King Estate Pinot Gris (neither of which I finished—they were over-chilled and didn’t really “bloom” till they warmed up a bit, and the Pinot Gris was a bit too alcoholic compared with the Muscadet; I don’t like my dry white wines “hot") with a very forgettable cold seafood platter at Oyster Bah (sic). They were overcrowded and the service was glacial. Will go back only on a weeknight—last time was on a Wed., and the seafood Louis was very good with attentive service. May try actual fish the next time before I judge.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon, ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to dinner with my cousin's wife last night and it was a nice distraction.

    I'm going to book my flight back home today. I plan on leaving 3 weeks from Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday (the cheapest days to fly). I really wanted to see my dad's plaque (in this particular cemetery they don't use head stones), but it's going to take another six weeks for it to be ready and set on his grave. I need to get home. The cemetery director said he would send me a photo, so I guess that will have to suffice for now.

    I had a BLAST with Mary and her girlfriend on Monday. I'm located on the east side of the city, and Mary lives on the west side, so we met (Ubered)downtown. Lots of boozin', Laughin' and chattin'. I never thought or planned on meeting anyone on BCO when I initially started posting, and It has really been a pleasure getting to know the lovely ms. Mary. She is one fun/cool chick!

    Also, the best margarita I've ever had at one of the restaurants we went to. It was the perfect ratio of fresh lime juice, Orange liquor and silver Patron tequila. No added sugar.

    Dara, I'm so happy to hear that your migraines are subsiding. You have done everything to resolve this problem.

    How's Lucy? Is she beginning to adjust?

    It's fantastic that you're close with your sisters! When are they coming back from their cruise?

    Lori and Sue, love the pic!!! Two beautiful ladies!

    Jazzy, is this the same neighbor you mentioned months back? The one who was constantly calling and attempting to guilt you into doing things for her?

    I am definitely going to seek out a therapist who specializes in grief when I get home. I didn't do this when I lost my mom and sister, but I know this will be crucial for my emotional health now.

    Ms. Jazzy!!! You got the boys a buzzin'! Updates please!!

    Cami, I'm sorry you couldn't make it out for brunch, but it's great that your cousins came for a visit. You are obviously not only loved, but revered. I've said this before, Joey is such a special young man, and I love reading about your special bond with him. You obviously come from a close family, and your peeps really look out for you.

    Native, teaching would be fantastic! Your students would love you. It's great that you have options with respect to the future. But most important that you take care of your health first. I'm glad you're feeling better. When do you expect to hear back from the pulmonologist?

    I'm glad that you're enjoying a relaxing weekend. You need it! Lol about Sadie and the deer. Dogs love them some deer. I remember this with my cousin's Sheltie. She would go nuts when she saw deer.

    Sue, I'm so sorry about your friend. It was very thoughtful that you gave his widow something you know she likes. You're a good friend.

    Goldie, how far is "town"? I'm under the impression that you live in a remote (and beautiful) location. Please post pics of your garden this year. It's so beautiful! Also, love, love, love the pics of you and your gorgeous DD on FB!

    Sandy, I'm sorry about Happy (love that name!). It's nice that Gordy is responsible for the cats, but I feel like this chore with the fish oil is on you. As usual, sounds like you're eating and drinking very well!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    imageimageimageimagePics from Monday.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hsant- so good to hear from you. I am glad to hear your time together with Mary and friend. The photos speak to it all what fun you had, you all look GREAT and the margarita sounded perfect too. I think you needed that. I would have never thought the same thing here that actual in person friendships could happen, but seen it happen on a lot of threads and know many plan trips to meet up. The Insomniacs thread has a large group of CA women that often connect up either or north or south, in case you want to know that too.

    When we buried our mom in 2012, my sister wanted to get a nice headstone for both parents. Our dad had a bronze plack from the military installed in 1999 after his passing, but my sister said we needed a headstone for both and just went about it before I arrived for the services for mom. We both live out west, cemetary back east in our home town. It went in six weeks later too and we did the same thing. If you have anyone in the area, you can have them check it for you in person too (a good friend of mine went to see it after it was installed). When you go back there again sometime down the line, I hope it will be a place of peace for you. I know it is all still very raw right now.

    And I am glad you are considering grief counseling. Every loss is very different, some are so much bigger for us than others and you never know how you are going to feel until things happen. I am glad you have your plans to return home and get back to your life. Your dad would want that for you. I am sure DH will be glad to have you home as well.

    Oh on the romance front, I have a prof colleague I have been friends with for many years, starting thinking lately he may have a romantic interest. Then, an old BF from long ago has surfaced again after five years. We went out 30 plus years ago back when I was young and foolish. He lives somewhere else and may be visiting this summer, but that is up to me. Cami has been my romantic advisor and says to go for all of it and see what happens?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    NM- friend posted this on FB and make me think of you.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Hsant I was so happy to see u post. Of course we all understand but we miss u. And so glad u'r going home to u'r DH and getting counselling, sometimes we just need that extra help to get thru some emotionally hard times. U ladies look like U'r really having some laughs and much needed ones at that. So glad u got to hang out with Mary and her GF. And u'r right I never thought I'd actually meet someone and form such bonds with ladies I've never met. It still amazes me. Have u caught any of the reunions withBHH??? Funny stuff and all arguing. Erica sure found her voice this year. hahaha

    Jazzy don't take any of my advice. Had 4 big relationships in my life all of them crashed and a couple burned too. so again I sometimes talk like I know things but I can't live like I know things. LOL. It's so exciting to hear of some romantic things happening going on here. And I want to see u fit these men in when u start working. Cuz I know u will be able to.

    Lori I forgot about Wacko and it still makes me LOL. I echo about the pics. of u'r garden when u have it ready. I think u live like outside of any big towns, but u still manage to have company and go places. So then I forget u'r farther out. OK u'r far out.

    Sandy why do u'r dinners sound so good to me. And I told u I don't even like fish. Lori has a great idea about the coconut oil. I'm surprised Happy will just eat it, usually cats can sniff everything out and super fussy. So petting him will be so nice for u too now.

    I'm trying to go to sleep but it hasn't worked yet--GRRRRRRR.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! So nice to get up when I wake up and be able to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee and watch Sadie running around the yard this ayem. See the pulmo tomorrow, probably back to work end of the week.Got to type up my resignation letter to take in with me an devise a strategy for getting through a month of working full time (I plan to give a month notice).I'm getting my energy back, and don't want to waste it all and end up getting sick again. I'm sure I can work out something with the director, maybe working 4 days a week. It'll all work out, anyway.

    Goldie--Right now I'm spraying Sadie with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, with abit of almond oil.Fortunately the smell doesn't last long, and later in the season I'll switch over to a mix of just oils without the apple cider vinegar that smells a lot better.I use it on myself when I go outside, too, cuz it repels mosquitos as well as ticks.And yes, the chore will be there, and I am actually making some headway, the laundry is finally almost caught up despite all the rain recently. Jazzy has TWO persons of interest?????WTG JAZZY!!

    Jazzy--I'm not beating myself up, I promise!Was trying to make a joke about my being stubborn.No, I have nothing to beat myself up over, I've accomplished A LOT and am well placed to accomplish even more of the things I want and am ready to enjoy doing that.Part of the laundry catchup I did yesterday included throwing out a whole bunch of uniform shirts.I'm keeping 4 sets of uniforms, 1 to keep in the car for emergency clothing changes and 3 to get me through each work week.Now I can't work more than that cuz I won't have anything to wear!!Still praying that your project goes well, sounds like things are at the tipping point.

    Chi--Intriguing wine name, Muscadet de Sevre et Maine, I had to look it up. Sounds yummy. I bet the coconut oil will help Happy as well as the petting, which is good for both of you!

    Hsant--so glad the meeting went well!When you get home call a local Hospice, they can give you names/numbers of some local grief counselors. It's too bad your Dad's plaque won't be in place before you leave, but you can make a trip back to see it, maybe as a way to honor him on his birthday or on another significant date.A photo will be a good start, it's nice of the cemetery director to do that for you. I see the pulmo tomorrow. Hopefully will find out what he thinks by the end of the visit.I'm hoping he'll give me the ok to start a walking program.I've done that before successfully and am actually looking forward to starting it again.

    Great pics!

    Jazzy--I agree with Cammy--go for it with both and see what happens.Going on a date or two is not committing you to anything, and who knows what may happen!

    Like the Sunday Fun Day pic!

    Cammy--Have you tried melatonin to help with sleeping?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Monday drink recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- got a bunch going on first thing this morning so I will make this note a quick one.

    Down to the last 48 hours before the big meeting. I talked to my other collaborating partner yesterday (who I find I am more on the same page with most of the time than the other), and brought him up to speed on the conversations with the other the day before. We have a meeting this morning and then they are flying out to the bay area this afternoon and will be meeting up tonight to go through any final discussions. I told them I can be available this evening if they need me. And I got some more details from the guy yesterday who has been meeting with this group for awhile and said they are very smart and innovative, which excites me to be able to work with them. I love working with smart people!

    Cami- only 4 relationships that crashed and burned? I have you beat there sister. Dating when you are older is very different and it is much easier to take your time, enjoy the companionship, if something works out great, etc. And you are correct that my focus is getting the work going first!

    NM- glad you have your plans together for your conversations with the director. You have ruled out PT because you won't have benefits, correct? I think you can get through the next month but also think they cannot be working you 80 hours a week either. You are going to need time to look for a new job too. Also, are you required to give a months notice? I know many times, clinicians have to give more notice to ensure replacements are found for continued patient care. And get some advice from the pulm on your plans to return to work and see what he/she says. Remember that doctor's letter is your friend in these situations. Maybe something to the tune of no more than 40 hours a week (and that means WITH driving).

    And good to hear you are doing some purging with your laundry. Did you ever hear back from that company yet whom is going to help you with the decluttering?

    I have the cleaning company coming in the next couple hours and have some final pick up to do before they arrive. Will poop in later after my morning activities and trip to da pool.......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, sorry the presentation is causing you some anxiety and not able to sleep well. I'm sure it will go just fine. Or are you more worried about what the outcome is? Ya gotta love Cami's advice on the possible "relationship" status!

    Sandy, I hope the coconut oil helps Happy.

    Heidi, I love it when I can get to meet a breastie, and I have met MANY. Mary is a doll for sure. Glad you had a good time. I'll bet your DH is anxious for you to get home. "Town" is an hour away. We do live remotely! On 80 acres, off the grid! 6 miles down a dirt road that takes almost a half hour, and then another half hour into town. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures girls!

    Cami, I promise to take pictures of the garden.

    NM, Sadie is going to miss you when you go back to work, I'm sure she is loving having you home. Nice to wake up when you want, isn't it? How gracious of you to give a months' notice, but I don't think we would expect anything less from you, you are so dedicated. Laffing at your reason for 4 uniforms "can't work anymore, no clothes to wear".

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017


    Jazzy--yes, PT does not have any health insurance benes, so no point not taking complete control of my schedule and going per diem.I know I can get the hours, especially in the summer with people going on vacay, and this way I am in control of when and how much I work. Not really looking for another job, like the people and the work I'm doing, just need to not be run into the ground, which the FT expectations do cuz there is a lot of work that is not really counted as work time.Not being a case manager gets me out of all of that stuff, though.Have not heard from the cleaning company, which disappoints me, but I have a couple of calls out to other companies to get estimates.

    Goldie--Yup. Sadie is not going to be happy when I go back to work. She seems to like having me around, and every time I go near the car she is right there, too, wanting to ride.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Morning DahhhLinKs

    Heidi - GR8 pics. Looks like you had a good time with Mary. Who's the other gal? Jes curious. I too think it's a good idea to seek some counseling, with all you've had to deal with in the last few years, I think I'd need it too. Good luck my friend!! Regarding the plaque, they did the same thing. Luckily I have sev cousins in Mesa (where mom was buried) who took pics and sent to me. While I was there last week, 3 cousins, my DD and her hubs and I went and placed flowers and held hands for a prayer. It was very comforting.

    Jazz - I admire you for having your head on straight and have other venues/ops in your network.

    NM - didn't you mention fidel heads some time ago? I may have dreamed it, but I swear I did, maybe from someone else. Your whole attitude seems brighter, yay yay. Still hoping and praying you'll get what you are looking for. Sorry you had to get so sick tho. Sounds like you are better tho…

    Sandy - good news about Happy…I use a pin to poke a hole in the top of the capsule, squirt on pooches food. Bella, my picky eater, goes right for it.

    Cami - thanks about my friend. The bar was packed, even the 6 extra buffet tables they set up. I made artichoke dip, 2 pans of it, it was gone in no time. Wonderful the cousins came to visit you…sounds like you had a very good time.

    NM - thank you. Spring should be popping up in your area soon. Ah ha, it was you who talked about fiddleheads. I think I asked you what they taste like, but brain didn't retain it…ugh.

    Lowee - thanks for IMHO splanation. LOL on how to call Dara.

    Dara dahhhling - so thrilled you are doing better, I'll pinch ya so no jinx. You sound very happy which I'm happy for. You're almost back to u 'ol self again. Keep ur tits up and sailabrate.

    DS is on his way, flew in this time so didn't bring his laptop. Gonna use mine to pay some of his bills. Cleaning crew jes about done…so gotta get check written.

    Hope all have a good week!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    NM- might be good to get a competitive bid, depending how many people in the area that do that kind of work? You could also call them and say you are reviewing some of the responses from other companies and wanted to see if they were still submitting their estimate? That way, if they are dragging their feet on responding to you but interested in the work, you will know.

    Mema- is your DS coming there or heading out? My cleaning company was here today too and they made an offer for a bit more money to come bimonthly vs. monthly. When the new work comes, I likely will take them up on it. I have two sisters these days who clean my house from the company and really like them. I told them I will call the office once I get a few more things in place. Funny, I had been thinking I needed to up that service more often again, especially with more biz travel, but voila, there it was!

    Goldie- I think my anxiety with the meeting was not going in feeling we are solid on the presentation. A lot coming late, and I am not the person who does things that way. Anyways, the call this morning went well with my team, and I have moved from apprehensive to excited with feeling a bit more prepared for this. They guys are meeting tonight when they get in to the location, and said I would be available if they need to talk about anything. Basically the client could say three things including 1) ready to move forward 2), interested but not ready yet or 3) won't pursue this approach with us. It is a three hour meeting tomorrow, and hope someone in the room recommends a break for a bio break!

    Winds are up and asthma is bothering me so skipping the pool today.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    The fish oil odor seems to seep out of Happy’s pores, so he still stinks (though not as badly as when the fish oil was applied topically). We’ll give him the oil in his food every other day, and try petting him with coconut oil daily. Of course, the coconut oil will pick up the fish smell and I will still have to use coffee grounds and Mrs. Meyer’s lavender dish soap to get most of it off my hands. I will probably just have to eat more fish. Anyway, at 8 am he climbed on to my chest and plopped his neck onto my face, so I ended up sleeping several more hours.

    Had fish & chips for dinner, so I drank more of that S. African “Gorgeous” rosé. Tonight I will grill steak, so some sort of red. (The grenache I have Coravin-ed seems a bit light, so I’ll dig out some Signorello cabernet, of which we have plenty).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    ChiSandy- where did you buy the Gorgeous rose? Whole Foods?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, I bought it at a “20 for 20” wine tasting last month—Cellars restaurant in my neighborhood holds them every month, 20 wines from 3 or 4 distributors for $20—unlimited tasting as well as buffet of foods to go with the wines. This Thursday will feature S. America (and perhaps some from Australia and NZ). You order and pay for the wines and pick them up a week later. Same with the bimonthly (or oftener) winemaker or regional wine dinners—I missed April’s, which was Spain (second year in a row) because I was in London. The next one, which will feature N. France (including Champagne, Alsace & Chablis!) is May 11. The dinners are five courses with wine pairings and the winemaker or distributor there to give a presentation and introduce each wine, then the chef describes the course. It starts with a half-hour standup reception at which an aperitif is served—usually the wine for the first course, but sometimes something else.

    BTW, the English sparkling wine poured (freely) at Jenner & Block’s London office reception a couple of weeks ago was Nyetimber Brut NV—darn near fainted when I looked it up and found it costs 35 pounds—roughly fifty bucks a bottle! That’s more than I pay here for Veuve Cliquot Yellow Label.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    I grilled a grass-fed ribeye tonight, and decided to revisit a wine I first Coravin-ed in Dec. 2015 and again in Jan. 2016—Ch. Mazeris-Bellevue 2010 Canon Fronsac (a cru bourgeois Bordeaux). The bouquet was very much like unripe apple peel, and there was a tiny bit of fruit, but mostly tannin and alcohol. Needs at least another year or two. So instead I went with a couple oz. of the 2012 Maryhill Grenache (Columbia Valley, WA) I started a few days ago. That was much, much better—rounder, fuller, fruitier, gentle tannins. Will bring home a rotisserie chicken from Costco tomorrow night, with which that Grenache will be sublime.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I see the pulmo this afternoon, expect I'll be cleared to go back to work, will start that paperwork process, and then see what the day brings.Feels like the start of a new phase of life for me! I was on the work website yesterday, noticed that there is an opening for a full time nurse, specified for the area that I have been working in.The director didn't waste any time getting that out.I felt relieved when I saw that!I can't wait to find out how they've been covering that area and what they have learned.

    Mema--Someone asked about fiddleheads, it's almost that time here. They are a mild, slightly bitter tasting green that just says SPRING HAS SPRUNG around here. I am better, though, thank goodness.I was getting worried there, for a bit.

    Jazzy--not too many companies doing decluttering work around here. Going to contact the ones I can today, and go from what I find out.I've contacted this company once, he said he'd get back to me by the end of the week, it's Tuesday of the next week, makes me wonder how long it will take to schedule the cleaning if I use them.Wow, talk about karma, with your cleaning company mentioning increasing the services just as you were thinking about doing that!Be careful around all the pollen.

    Chi--ah, the perks of pet ownership--extra sleep!I so love cuddling with Sadie when I go to bed and when I wake up in the mornings. She seems to like it, too.At least she keeps coming back for more. $50 a bottle, yikes, hope it was good!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Related image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    NM, I can't believe you haven't heard from the cleaning company. My guess now would be that they much not be very competent, therefore maybe not the kind of people you want in your house/business. The FT nurse opening, is that to replace you?

    Sue, what a great turn out for your friend. NM gets fiddleheads every year. I believe Mary got some last year in the grocery store as well.

    Jazzy, good luck on the meeting today. Windy here too, and even windier today. I don't like that for our spring weather. Go outside and you eat dirt! Not a fan!

    Sandy, can you wear some gloves when you pet Happy, so no smell on your hands at all?

    Quiet here lately. I also want to give a shout out to our Birthday Girl Heidi. It was yesterday, but we can party any time, right???

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hi friends- just a quick message to say the call today went well with the potential client on the west coast. We are putting together some assessment costs for them along with another request they have and they are submitting it for funding approval. Pending that, we should be on our way. I held my own with the physician questions and came away feeling good about our presentation.

    Woke up to unexpected rain today and it continued off and on until this evening. We have been so dry and it is a welcomed reprieve. More coming this weekend.

    Thought this was funny and hope you enjoy too......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Tonight’s drink (to accompany Korean-BBQ-style wings) was a couple ounces of that elderflower-lemon soda over ice, topped up with seltzer and garnished with mint leaves. Yum! I think I will make one for Bob with vodka in it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Saw the pulmo yesterday.Now I'm trying a short vacay from my blood pressure pill to see if that is creating problems, a low likelihood issue but worth ruling out.More likely is that the GERD (reflux) is at the root of the problem, and the pulmo is talking about doing some testing (a pH probe, don't know much about that test yet), and a possible surgical intervention.I'm not sure about going down the surgery road for something that is generally only a problem once a year, but I've got time to think about that.Got cleared to go back to work, go back on Monday. Talked with the Director, told him I don't think I can work full time for a month, he said to do what I need to do, so I'll probably give a 2 week notice.On the home front, I contacted a couple of other cleaning companies yesterday, one gave an estimate over the phone of $11,500!I was floored, Eleven thousand dollars!I was thinking it would be 1 or 2K, not 11.5K!Got another company coming out to look at the house and give an estimate tomorrow am.If that one doesn't pan out I'm going to just rent a dumpster and do it myself, it will just take longer.I've noticed that several people on my road have a dumpster in their driveways, going to check into that company for prices and such.It may be easier than putting the trash out once a week and having to buy the special trash bags.

    Goldie--I'm really surprised at the first company, they have a great reputation in the area. Going to move ahead one way or another anyway.The FT position is to replace me, yes.

    Jazzy--oh, my, LOL at the perfect date!That is too funny!Getting rain here, too, I just wish it were warmer already, but that will come.Glad the presentation went well, and I'm sure you did your part with style and flair. Praying it works out for you.

    Chi--that elderflower-lemon soda with vodka sounds like a wonderfully light and yummy drink!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bois de Rose Cocktail Photo

    Bois de Rose


    3/4 part(s) St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur

    1/4 part(s) Aperol Orange Liqueur

    1 part(s) Gin

    1/4 part(s) Lemon Juice

    Champagne (Brut Rose)


    Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into a Champagne flute. Top with Brut Rosé Sparking Wine, and garnish with an orange peel or twist.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, glad your presentation went well…yippee skippee!We got a little moisture here yesterday too.

    NM, glad you got cleared for work. Will you stay there for PT? Wowsa Bowsa, over 11K to clean and declutter? That's just plain ridiculous. If I lived closer, I would be more than happy to come and help you declutter. You will get it done, especially if you move to PT work.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up to clearing skies today and going to get some things done here at home and get to the pool as well for a swim! I also have a few other work related things to pursue beyond the current collaboration opportunity.

    I went to a business networking event late yesterday and made a few connections, one with another business that provides services to the health care industry and met a fellow freelancer who works in network engineering. But here was the best part, THE FOOD! There were a lot of great local restaurants represented there with free samples of new mexican cuisine, deserts, etc. It was like going to one of those "taste of...." events where you get to walk around and try the treats from each place. That alone was worth showing up for and the $20 registration fee.

    NM- it sounds like your pulm visit went okay. I agree that a bout of asthma once a year that may lay you up is not a basis for surgery, but that may be the way that doctor works too. Been there with specialists who only offer surgery as a solution to health issues. Everything about the way your employer has been treating you suggests moving on from this is going to be better for you in every way, especially for your health. One of my favorite expressions is "go where you are celebrated, not tolerated".

    So you have had the unresponsive firm, the ridiculous quote, and maybe third time will be a charm? Maybe tell them you are getting close to making a decision about who to use and need the quote this week? If they are really interested, you will hear back. I have cleaned out my mother's house and also de-cluttered my own home and sometimes easier to just do it yourself. Do you know a young person who would like to make a couple bucks? You can get them to help you too. We paid our 15 year old nephew to come help us clean out our mom's place. I will come back with that later.

    Goldie- did you get any of the rain that came through the west yesterday? I hear more is coming and hope you get some moisture too. Tomorrow it is forecasted to be windy again (ugh).

    Chi- that drink sounded delicious. I always have potted mint in the summer to put in my ice tea and other beverages.

    Where is PontiacPeg, Cami, and Dara? How about KimBurke, who I know is in treatment?

    Hsant- wishing you a peaceful birthday friend. My mom passed a couple weeks before my birthday and I remember it being a hard day with all that being so close together. Sending you much love on this birthday.

    I hope everyone has a good day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, again, Loungettes! Got the estimate from the first company, almost $4K!If tomorrow's estimate isn't considerable less that that I'll just rent adumpster and do it myself!

    Goldie--Yes., I will be working for the same company, but just doing patient visits.No case management, so no hours and hours of paperwork and phone calls.ALL of my time will get paid for, cuz I'll be hourly.

    Jazzy--I do know some young people who would like to earn some money, and would be very happy to pay them to do the lugging of stuff up and down the stairs.If I end up getting a dumpster and doing it all myself that's probably what I will do, unless the dumpster can be parked right under the sunporch, in which case I can just open the window and chuck stuff out.It's the stairs that get me, my knees aren't up for repeated up and down trips.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    NM- so $4, and then almost $12K. I agree with you, if it is not a few grand less, I would go the same path. Sometimes it is either time or money, and with a new and better schedule, you may have more time and should find those young people who can help to carry the heavy stuff.

    When I declutter, there are usually several things involved:

    1) A dumpster of some sort for pure trash- the big dumpster is great for everything from furniture to other items that need to go. They come in different sizes. .

    2) Donation places- some of my favorite places include local shelters, Big Bros/Sisters, etc. Identify those up front and what they take. Many will also do a schedule pick up for you (and on the weekends too). Great for used household items from sheets, to towels, old TVs, clothing, decent furniture, old sports equipment, etc. Animal shelters love old towels and sheets for the critters too.

    3) Consignment (for nicer things you might get some $$$ for)- it is a big thing here, but maybe not where you are. But if you have anything nice, a good way to put recycle it back out there and get a bit of money!

    2) Things for paper shredding- I take my paper shredding to Staples for sensitive documents, very cost effective including for large volumes! All non sensitive stuff goes in my recycling bin for weekly pic up.

    Wishing you good luck with the third and final bid!