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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Kim, check out Angie’s List for housecleaning/clearing services. Bound to find something cheaper and highly reliable. And GERD can definitely cause asthma attacks, big-time. Before they developed proton-pump inhibitors, my doctors had told me I might need hiatal-hernia-repair surgery. Then along came Prilosec & its progeny, and that was that.

    Speaking of housecleaning, I will be losing my housekeeper for 4-6 weeks come June. Her podiatrist told her yesterday that her bunion & hammertoes have reached the point of no return, and neither orthotics or custom shoes will work. So she’ll be having foot surgery, will be off her feet for a week, then on crutches for another week, then in a walking-boot for a month. I will have to become reacquainted with the features of my washer-dryer—I can handle the kitchen stuff, vacuuming, kitty care, etc. My bunion is pretty bad too, but I am a world-class wuss: so long as it hurts me less than surgery would, I’m not going under the knife (and especially if it keeps me from traveling). Thus far, orthotics and orthopedic shoes are working for me (and most of them, while not fashion-forward, are not too frumpy either).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    ChiSandy- that is a bummer. I used Molly Maids and maybe they can help you interim? I bet you like your gal though and may be able to wait and get by until she is better. I hope her surgery goes well and she is well soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    My housekeeper was originally Gordy's nanny and has been with us working M-F 9-3 for 32 years. We pay her well, and have never denied her a request for paid vacation (even on short notice, though it sometimes leaves us in the lurch) or sick leave. She is like family, has taken care of us through health crises (and of Bob's late FIL during the two years he lived with us) and knows our home better than we do. She knows how everything works, where everything is (and if there were bodies, where they'd be buried) and I often call her after hours or on a weekend when I can't find something. She even makes breakfast for Bob or lunch for Gordy when they ask. (I tend to sleep in). Gordy's ex-girlfriend (who stood by him in his teen years during his darkest hours of suicidal depression, whom we put through drug rehab and whose rent we're paying until she gets enough training to land a job) sometimes fills in with laundry & pet care when our housekeeper is on leave for more than a week or two. Our housekeeper will touch base with her about doing that. I might turn the tables and go out to her house with meals and such while she recovers. She's more personal assistant than cleaning or laundry woman.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- she is part of the family. I love the idea of you taking her some meals while she recovers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hi girls! I have missed you all for the last few days and want to thank you all for the kind words regarding my headaches. Today marks the one week point where I've had nothing more than a touch of a headache and today I am happy to report no headache at all. Today is the third day in a row that I've gone without taking any meds for pain. I am so thrilled!!

    I've just finished reading and finally caught up here.

    Hsant, wishing you a happy happy bleated birthday. Sorry that I missed the party but as I always say, it is your birthday month not just the day.!I hope you are doing OK. I think it was you that asked how Lucy is doing. Sadly, she still is not eating right. I have to doctor her food each and every day to get her to eat. And there are times that she still will not eat. It breaks my heart that her little heart is still hurting. Speaking of hearts, I hope that things are getting easier for you. I know how hard it is to lose a parent and it just sucks. Sending you more cyber hugs and lots of love. You are in my daily prayers. I love the pic of you, you are really cute in your overall shorts!

    Image result for happy birthday Heidi

    {I could not resist}

    NM, holy the cow, 4K and 12 K for decluttering? Hell, that is insane. I thought of you today after seeing a TV commercial for tourism in Maine. Congrats on your release back to work, I hope and pray that it goes well and that you stay healthy. Enjoy the last few days of the time off. I hope Sadie does not get too upset when you leave her. Maybe she can come with you and keep you company?

    Genny, love the photos of you and Heidi, it looks like you two had a great time together. Nothing sweeter than seeing some of mybreasties together. I miss you here, please report when you have a chance.

    Suz, I am sorry about your friend. I will keep her in my prayers. I love the photograph of you and Lori. You are both most beautiful and I love you both so much ❤️ .

    Sandy, I am glad that Happy does not have any serious medical issues but I hate that you have to deal with the smell of the fish oil on your hands. I too would consider petting Happy with gloves on. You sure know how to eat and drink don't you?

    Jazzy, so glad to hear that your meeting yesterday went well. I was thinking of you and I said a prayer that things would work out for you; I hope that you are able to tie up a deal soon. I trust that you had a nice swim today? And you have a few prospects of love interests eh? How nice. I might have already commented on this but I too hope you get together with both of them. I once had dates with two different men in the same night. When date number one dropped me off, date number two's car was already parked in front of my house, can you say awkward? lol. Number two did know about number one but number one did not know about number two. It was number one that I had to let down and I wished it went the other way around. I ended up engaged to number two but things got very ugly and the wedding was called off just a few months before. I already had my dress and everything was booked. That was one of the most painful times in my life.

    Camille, where is my Cammy? I miss you around here and hope you are doing well. I am still cracking up over Lori telling you how to properly page me. You girls are all so funny.

    Lori, i've been replacing the diet Pepsi with regular Pepsi and sadly enough, I am gaining weight. I am also using a sweetened creamer for my coffee in the morning which is loaded with calories. It beats having such a bad headache though so I will figure out how to drop the added pounds. I am sorry that you had to let your help go. I hate that you were a victim mise as that girl stole from you and your husband with not answering the phone when she was supposed to. I don't know how anyone with a good conscience could do such a thing, especially someone you previously called friend. I am hurt for you. If you need any help while I am still out of work, hit me up.

    Hello to anyone that I might have missed. Love you gals and hope each of you is happy and feeling well. Have a great night and an awesome tomorrow!

    Image result for happy birthday Heidi

    Let's keep dis partay going!


    *Image result for cheers birthday


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Dara- praise the lord, no headaches in a week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Had a screwy few days.

    NM that was the first of thinking about Sadie and how she'll miss you. She'll be ready for u'r retu rn home on time with much less stress. You 2 are are going to have a ball, just u 2 cuddling. 11,000-yeo, sounds like they really didn't want the work--that's what my guys do, that's recockulous. Good idea for Angie's list, Yelp is another popular group.That never occurred to me. U sound good.

    Jazzy u seem like things are going much better and u should know soon. Now I think u said u will be flying out for a meeting? So that's u'r usual last step. Of course the best of luck.

    Hsant I think I missed u'r BD or maybe I didn't--But I hope u'r starting to get peace in u'r heart. It will probably take a while, but it will come.

    DARA, Finally relief, it's about time---so bery bery bery happy for you. Oh it took so long. Now u can go on with u'r life. And u and Jazzy have quite a reputation with men, for sure. Well I still have one up on u 2--Mine all died. Well sooner or late.

    Sandy Happy sounds like a pretty easy going cat. Mine would not allow me to ever touch her with a glove and smelled her food for any trickeries. Marty would have to give her anything by mouth, he could do it--she'd just stair me down.She was never ever mean, just stubborn and knew she had me,but Marty no.

    OMG Marty has gone on so many interviews, that's his job now. This is bad, and so many test and computer work. He's going to have to take anything that comes along. GRRRR

    Dr. today had my test and a shot of cortisone <Iguess> it was combined with the contrast. Bad few days. Ad he has lots and lots of plans, don't like any, but... UGH--get for two more shots in the next couple of months. He coulnd't understand that if I had all of the symptoms except one. That it didn't sound right to him, I should have had this one. It was the first ??? an I forgot it of course, so he showed it to me--Now he said U weren't being achy, I looked and then I said Oh I thought it said A-ch-ee and I didn't know that word. What a visit after that. My insanity and stupidness came out in bundles---but when he did the procedure he was so nice and we were LOLing, so I ended up liking him,but not his plans...Oh well.

    OOOHHH I'll be back later


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Hoping for a better estimate after today's walk through, will have to wait and see.Then it will be clean out the car, take it in and get it inspected, get the studded tires off and the summer tires on, my reward will be to get plants to redo the fish tank terrarium that's been neglected. Going to be busy!

    Jazzy--I'll look into places that take donations, not sure I have a lot of donatable stuff but maybe.I hadn't thought about animal shelters for old linens and towels, that would be a good place to purge that stuff to.There are some consignment stores around here, but mostly for clothing.Still, something to look into. What little shredding I need to do I can do with a little shredder that fits over a trash can, then it goes into recycling.I definitely need a dumpster given the amount of sheer junk I have to get rid of.And I've got piles of cardboard that needs to be put out for recycling, they only come twice a month for that and I keep missing it, need to program a reminder into my calendar for that.It's harder cuz I can't put any recycling in bags, it has to be in a blue bin (I bought a big one) or a cardboard box so it piles up in the basement.Really need to get on top of this stuff!But I will have time to do that going forward, so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.

    Chi--I hadn't thought of Angie's list, will check that out.The company coming out this morning also does routine cleaning, I'm hoping to get an estimate on both a one-time clean out and regular cleaning (having someonecoming in will keep me accountable and prevent a lot of the I'll-take-care-of-that-later syndrome).I've got bunions, too, but they don't hurt as long as I have shoes that are wide enough.Easy enough to do so far as they aren't too bad.I've been on a PPI for so many years I'm at risk for bone thinning and should get a bone density test every few years.The pulmo talked about silent reflux, the PPI change the stomach pH, so the refluxed stuff is neutral and not acid and doesn't do damage to the esophagus but it can still be trigging asthma.I'm not sure the pulmo really understood that my asthma is not an issue most of the time, this last go-round was unusual and that's why I was referred.However, I'll follow the recommendations and see what happens.More info doesn't hurt.Great idea to take some meals to your assistant while she recovers!She sounds indispensable!

    Dara--HOORAY for no headache!!!!!!!I was really surprised at the cost, too.Didn't think my house was all THAT big!Hopefully this third time will be the charm.Sadie will have a tough time adjusting when I go back to work.I will take her with me as much as I can, I like to do that this time of year. She loves to ride in the car.Pretty soon I'll be able to leave the kitchen door open so she has the run of the yard while I'm gone, she's ok with that cuz she can supervise the entire neighborhood during the day. I can imagine that gaining weight is not what you want, but if the headaches are gone, maybe that can be managed gradually?Do you drink Pepsi for the caffeine or for the taste?If it's for the caffeine, there are other options.If it's for the taste, that's a harder issue.

    Cammy--The $11K estimate was from a company that specializes in decluttering. They assign a case manager and a 2 person cleaning team.I think they are cashing in on the hoarding phenomenon and my place isn't THAT bad.I'm leaning more and more towards renting a dumpster and doing it myself. I can always pitch bags out the window and then do the stairs once to go down and move the bags from the drive to the dumpster!It's scary when the doctor has lots and lots of plans!

    Happy BelatedBirthday, HSANT!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for birthday drink recipes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- seeing a few more friends here as the week goes by. Today I am going to be home and focused on both some work stuff and also getting some de-cluttering done myself. Want to finish closet stuff, I have some things to finish to bring to consignment for spring/summer and some bags for donations. Tried to drop some things off yesterday to the helter, but they were full up on the items I had. So I have another place in mind for them.

    My pool is down so no swimming this week, but took a break and went to the natural history and science museum to see a couple exhibits yesterday and also saw a great Dynamax show on the Gallopagos. My sister is going on a trip there in three weeks with National Geographic (ooh la la) and is very excited. Now I will be able to talk to her more about things when she is back. She asked me a long time ago if I wanted to do this, but it is way more money than I would spend on a single trip. And as you know, I have my sights on Ireland this fall.....

    Cami- I am glad to hear from my romantic adviser! I have things to tell you!

    I hope your cortisone shot is helping. LOLing with the doc is a nice thing! And good that Marty is getting interviews, something will happen with all that. When you get let go, sometimes you have to take what you can for cash flow, and then get something better later, or as one of my friend says "get what you need now, get what you want later."

    So the meeting this past Tuesday was the one I was asked to fly out for, but said I would do by phone. The other consulting firm said they would pay for me, but we have no agreement in place for such a thing and don't trust verbals. Smart like that. In the end, I was glad I was not there in person as the top dogs were not even in the room, mostly IT people. Two top docs were supposed to be there, one did not make the meeting and the other called in. I will go when we have the work and I need to meet with those senior leaders. Supposed to be hearing from the consulting group today on a few things for the assessment cost. But have something else I am chasing locally right now too.

    NM- definitely get your bones check every few years. Do you see an MO anymore or past the point where they are monitoring you? I get them every couple years, on Prolia to counteract the AI bone loss. My last one was Dec 2015 which confirmed the Prolia was working, my MO has me doing one end of the year. I expect I will continue to have them as I went in to bc slightly osteopenic. My PCP says bone health is one of the biggest issues for women as they age, which I think we all know. My mother had osteoporosis later in life even on hormone replacement after a hysterectomy in her early 50s. I know where this stuff goes.

    Fingers crossed on the final bid! I also think the first company probably specializes more in the hoarder situations. I have a friend here whose father was one and she told me what her parents house was like. When he became ill and could no longer force this situation, they brought in a company to clear things out. Hoarders have things floor to ceiling. Big difference between clutter and too much stuff, vs. hoarding.

    Dara- I hope you are making progress on finding new work. With the headaches gone, you will be in a much better place to feel well for the interviews. Thank god this is finally better, so long with this and no real answers. Keep moving forward friend.

    Hsant, Pontiac, Kimburke, Genny, Mema, Chi, and all the rest, make it a great day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    I DEFINITELY need a drink right now, but will have to wait for tonight's wine tasting. Let me explain:

    I have been using a certain landscaper for several years now. They started this year's services today, and their new crew mowed away ALL my herbs and berry canes (against my requests on the contract) but left all the dead leaf material and debris they were supposed to have removed (again, violating my requests). They didn't leaf-blow my deck. They didn't even bother to discard a disintegrated campaign sign that had been buried beneath the leaves they did blow away from my front yard. My backyard looks like a bad haircut.

    AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN ASK US FIRST BEFORE DESTROYING OUR YARD. We were home, and didn't even knock on the door, just came through like a tornado.

    I'd paid them already in advance—water under the bridge—and have demanded they make things right. Meanwhile, I posted on my neighborhood blog (w/o naming names, to avoid litigation) and asked for recommendations for a garden/landscape/lawn service whose crews know their a—es from their elbows (and one plant from another) and can plant some berry and herb plants in the meantime.

    I am so stressed right now that I could eat a donut or half a pint of ice cream—and brunch was only 3 hrs ago and dinner 3 hrs. from now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon, Loungettes! Got the third estimate this afternoon, this one for $7K.So, I am going to do it myself, and rent a dumpster. That should be under $1K, and will take a bit longer, however, I keep reminding myself that I will have the time and energy to do that now that I am going to cut back from full time work. Cleaned 3 bags of trash out of the car today, but didn't take it in to be inspected.Had to get it registered first, did that online.Have an appointment to change out the tires tomorrow ayem, will get the other stuff taken care of as well.Then I will get some plants for the terrarium and have a fun project for the afternoon.

    Jazzy--your sister is going on a National Geographic trip?WOW! Sounds like a lot of fun.So does a trip to Ireland.I don't see an MO anymore.Just the PCP and now the pulmo.My PCP can arrange for bone density testing.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    Good evening, ladies! Thank you for the kind birthday wishes. It was hard with out my pops, but I had a nice dinner out with my uncle and cousins.

    I'm heading home on 5/17. This gives me plenty of time to dot the i's and cross the T's before I leave.

    Goldie, eighty acres??!! How nice! The photos that you've posted of your property are so beautiful. Do you utilize the entire 80 acres?

    How is your mom?

    Jazzy, ok, what's going on with the two gents? I agree with Cami, keep all your options open. Something to look forward to with respect to your old flame coming to your 'hood this summer, but I'm intrigued with your work colleague. I'm picturing all kinds of sexual tension in the work place when you're in a meeting. But keep in mind. I am a dork. So, do you anticipate a date in the future with MR. Work????

    Your networking event sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a huge fan of the "taste of's". I went to the first taste of LA around 25 years ago.

    Thank you for your kind words and advice. Grieving is a process.

    Dara, you crack me up with those pics! Thank you! I look like that dude in the bikini when I'm behind on waxing.:):):). Thank you for your kind words!

    I'm so happy to hear that you are head ache free! Big yay! However, I am sad to hear that Lucy is still grieving, and not eating. I know it's a huge loss for her. Have you spoken to her vet?

    As far as the Pepsi is concerned, maybe try drinking bubbly flavored water like Perrier? or Dasani now makes calorie free flavored water in cans. I was a huge Diet Coke addict many years back, but gave it up, because of the chemicals. I realized what I loved about soda was the carbonation, so I started drinking lime Perrier, Crystal Geyser, etc. Anyway, just a thought.

    Native, I'm so glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself, and that you're feeling better. Almost 12K? Yikes! I think the dumpster idea sounds great, as long as you have the time, and it won't affect your health. Love the birthday cake shot!

    Cami, I'm sorry that Marty is having hard time finding work that's a good fit for him, but it will happen. It's very hard (at least for me) to be patient when I'm not working, but I find that everything works out the way it's supposed to.

    I watched all 3 Parts of the BH Reunion. The Bunny, Kim and Rinna???? That was so ridiculous.

    I will be very surprised if Dorit is invited back next season. Are you watching NY? I'm loving it already. Those "ladies" know how to bring the drama!! Lol!

    Sue, my uncle will take pics of the plaque when it's set. I'm sure it was comforting to visit your mom with the people who are close to you. My dad and I would put flowers on my sister and mom's grave, and I always felt at peace. I hope your enjoying your time with your DS!

    The other woman in the pics is a friend of Mary's. She's boat loads of fun.

    Sandy, are you still working out with your trainer?

    Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- that is awful. I would be going for the pint of ice creme with a spoon right now. They sound like a total wrecking crew. I hope you can get things resolved, did you pay with a credit card by any chance? Maybe put the charges on hold? I have done that to get attention around things.

    NM- who knew these things were so pricey? Well, now you know what you need to do. Here is the link to the decluttering thread. Lots of people doing this work and great ideas out there to help you through:

    Hsant- so I work for myself and would never date anyone at a client site. No "fishing off the client pier" so to speak. I have never dated at any work, because I know only too well if it does not work out, we women always pay the price. I watched some of my friends who started working before me do that and learned that lesson from them. As a consultant, you are not there for anything but the work to be done. If someone at a client site tries to get something going with me, I tell them I don't date at client locations. And quite frankly, nobody I would go with anyways.....

    The work related fellow in town is a colleague from a job where we USED TO work. But also given the smallness of this place and the tight professional networks, I would be super careful if we decided to date. I saw him a few weeks back and not sure when our paths will cross again. Despite knowing each other for a long time, he is super shy around me, so he will have to get more comfortable. I think I am scary.....

    The other person is someone from 30 years ago I reconnected with awhile back and have been in touch with professionally. We are talking all the time on social media, e-mail, etc. Old friends but more to this story I won't put here about why he wants to see me. We are going to have a chat on the phone this weekend. He lives in a neighboring state and have no interest in a long distance relationship. Been there done that?

    You sound like you fared okay with the birthday and will be heading home in a few weeks. I hope the outstanding items are settled easily. Maybe plan a weekend spa trip with DH to relax and have some you time when you get back?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Nope, sadly, we paid with a debit card. (It was that or send them a check, and I almost never mail anything any more). But at least we picked the “bill me monthly” option so if we get another, competent service, we don’t have to double-pay.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- I found my AC that was supposed to be repaired with the auto work a few weeks ago is no longer blowing cold air. That means the $400 test and repair they did, did not find the problem (or all of it). I worked for awhile, but noticed last Friday that it was coolish vs. colder and then was blowing hot. I know that means the freon is gone again. That stuff is like the price of gold too.

    Anyways, I got a service request follow up right about the time I found this and called them but sooner or later, end back with the same people who helped me the first time. The response was we cannot get you in for two weeks. I said "wow, really, is that right? You cannot fit me in to look at a repair you did for me that is not resolved for two weeks. Seems like a bit of a long time, wouldn't you say?" He told me to bring it in on Monday. I plan to talk to the manager and let them know I have put the payment for that on hold (also includes the tune up). About the only way sometimes to get things done, unfortunately.

    NM - I forgot to share my sister is doing the trip but she said it is something like $10K for 10 days, including airfare, etc. She may retire in the next year and knows once that happens, doing a trip like won't be something she will spend that kind of money on then. I think she will have an amazing time.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Tonight's tastings had some pretty interesting wines from Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and…California (but Spanish varietals). Some nice inexpensive “guzzlers" (Chilean Sauv. Blanc for $9, “Viejo del Valle" Pinot Noir for $8), intermediate-and-higher priced Verdelho (from Chile, normally a Portuguese varietal), couple of California (Edna Valley, Napa) Albariños, a very austere Chilean riesling (too acidic, no bouquet, didn't work with anything); some Malbecs from Argentina and a Chilean Cabernet Franc, a California Tempranillo (not at all like a Rioja, much lighter and less complex), a Tannat from Uruguay (very tannic) and a Pais (Spanish mission grape) from Chile; interesting Malbec-Syrah-Carmenere blend from Chile's Elquis Valley; and (the most popular pour by far) one wine distributor showing off Chilean Pisco brandy (80 proof) by making Pisco Sour shots, complete with egg whites. I was tempted to buy one of the latter because you don't see Pisco brandy coming & going (at least not for 18 bucks), but what was I gonna do with it? Ended up buying four of the eight-buck Pinots (satisfying Bob's request for “guzzling wine") and two of the Elquis blend—definitely the best wine of the bunch, ok at first sip but five minutes later opening up wonderfully, especially with the food. And a steal at $15 per. Will be able to pick them up Tues. evening.

    But the best part was making new friends. There was one woman there who runs a wine & delicacies shop in Rogers Park and invited me to a free tasting tomorrow evening. Good thing it's right by a CTA station—not gonna drink & drive (I walked to & from Cellars as I usually do except when I have to pick up wines I ordered), and good luck finding a place for your car in “Rogers NoPark."

    For the buffet, see the “What's For Dinner?" thread.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- new friends are great to make, but ones that invite you to wine events? Priceless......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    I stumbled across this old video this week by the Fifth Dimension. I have not heard this song in a long time, but think it is perfect for the drinking thread. Enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Ah, a Laura Nyro classic—her original versions may not be as polished, evenly metrical and impeccably performed as, say, Peter, Paul & Mary’s, Blood, Sweat & Tears’, the Fifth Dimension’s or Three Dog Night’s covers; but they have a raw and passionate intensity that displays a sense of urgency that her time on this earth would be short.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Heidi I'm glad u'r nicely wrapping this up so u can go home, it's time for u and u'r DH to now have u'r time. Oh I did start watching NY, yeow drama galore I do enjoy that, for sure.

    Sandy OMG when I read about u'r herbs I reacted big time. Those are somewhat the prize of gardens now a days. My DD takes pics. of herbs, well that what she tells me they are--cuz she's very proud of them and her tomatoes. Ur evening sounds like fun and then meeting someone like that sounds funner. Good for u. U do have a lot of places to go Downtown and u can really enjoy all of it.

    Jazzy I haven't heard that song in forever., OK I see u r giving some reasons to not see these man flesh people. Now what is the other side to seeing the,.. my take on what u wrote.

    OK, I'm going to try to get some sleep, I did say try..

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Cami, I’m nowhere near downtown: I’m up in Edgewater, two miles south of the Chicago-Evanston city line, four blocks west of the lake. All this stuff is in my neighborhood, just a few blocks from me.

    If I want to go downtown (the Loop), it’s a 40-min. CTA ride or a 15-min. drive down Lake Shore Drive and then look for a parking garage. If the “downtown” I want to visit is Streeterville (i.e., Water Tower area), River North or the W. Side “restaurant row” on Randolph, I drive if I’m not gonna drink or take a cab or Uber if I am.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Fried Day Friday!Counting down days until I go back to work on Monday.Going to give a 2 week notice. I can work full time for 2 weeks, but not for 4, so I'll give them 2 weeks.I should give 4, but I'm not going to do that to myself. Better to make the break and get it done, so I can get on with my life.They've been working without me for a month, at least they will have me part time going forward, so they are still ahead of the game.

    Hsant--all the firsts after a loved one dies are hard. I think it's harder when that first comes shortly after the death. Glad you had family to take you out to dinner. Andyou're heading home in a couple of weeks, that time will fly by. Not only will I now have the time to do the cleaning out, I won't be exhausted all the time. I've actually started and gotten the bathroom under control and have a good start on the bedroom, it probably won't take as long as I'm thinking it will to get the rest done.

    Jazzy--thanks for the link, I'll check it out. $10K for 10 days sounds like a lot, but depending where she is going and what she may get to see/do it may be worth it!Good for her!

    Chi--Brandy at a wine tasting?Wouldn't have thought of that, but sounds like a lot of fun! And a new friend, and a new tasting opportunity, wow!

    Great song, never heard that one before!

    Cammy--hope you got some sleep.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    FineLifestyles Regina Summer 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Sandy I really don't get any geography right if it]s outside of Lombard or Villa Park. Ilived in Chicago when I was young and remember walking Downtown, then We moved to Villa Park, I moved to Lombard. I worked Downton for a few years and I got in a carpool, never had to drive, so l knew a couple of restaurants then, and always went there with someone else, all walking distance, When I was 15 I worked for my Brother's law firm on ??? I didn't know it then but when someone had me pick up lunch they would send me about an hour early cuz it would take me that long, cuz I ended up always getting lost and having to stop and call to get me back. I think they all thought it was funny, cuz one time they just sent me in the lobby and I left the building roaming around.. Of course when my mom found out she actually called my brother, he was married by then, and told him to stop LOLing at me and doing that. And told me to woman up and learn everything I could. And I do remember saying why??? I'm getting paid for nothing. See I was always lazy. She got so upset with me. That's why I never forgot that story. And I remember my brother telling her I can't find my way out of the garage and thought it was funny. Well his stories were going around the family. My actual point is I don't know where anything is, not even around here now, cuz I never drive. This is how boring I am. So to me u'r downtown and I never heard of those nicknames--Wow I didn't even know there were those names.LOL

    OK everyone u can wake up now, I just kept on typing.Jeez.

    NM I meant to say....U really are doing well-Damn u've got ur energy back for sure.That TV show really got prices soaring I'm sure. But as Sandy said I hope u tried Angie's List and everyone I talk to --when answering the phone--I always ask where they heard about us--and 95% are Yelp. So maybe u can find someone reasonable to take the bigger stuff out at least. Even if u throw out of a window there has to be things that are to hard to do that. We all want u to stay healthy and strong, not to do anything that would jeopardize ur'self . Well u don't need counselling so all u need is 2 able bodied people to throw it away. And they're insured.

    I'm watching the old Bob Newhart Show and even then they made fun of politicians. I bet the word actually came from Latin--Poli=repeating talking bird, ticians= non knowing. OK don't everyone get mad at me, I'm fragile right now.Does anyone remember when Drs. used Latin for scripts, I guess we were not allowed to know what they wrote, like u can actually read their writing now. Again I'm sorry. Oh I'm going to be in one of those moods today, chit.

    We're supposed to get loads of rain the next few days, I heard for the weekend, I hope it doesn't STORM tho, getting all the rain since it's April, and May flowers are on their way. We have some lilac bushes so they should be bloomin' soon. I wondered where fresh lilacs in our house came from, now I know.

    Hoping everyone has a great day.


    Oh oh, Does anyone really know what's happening with Nancy, I think she can't do boating this year, but can't figure out why. She loves that so much too.???


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for men who are naked

    NM here's one to help u.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, all the free food samples at your event sounds awesome. And whata nice surprise! We only got a little bit of rain, but lots of wind!

    NM, some great ideas for helping you with your decluttering. And ya know, if you do go to part time, you will have time to do it yourself. I think getting the dumpster is a great idea.

    Sandy, sorry you have to lose your house keeper for a bit. Does she live with you? Nevermind, I see that she does not.

    Wacko, that dude in the pink bikini….my eyes are really ruined now! Wooo hooooo, no headaches? What do you think is doing it???? So relieved for you.

    Cami, I always love hearing your stories. You were sure taken advantage of for your brothers kicks! I had a bunch of lilac bushes and honey suckles in my yard in Michigan, OMG my yard smelled heavenly!

    Another early day into town, so we can get back and do up any orders that come across whilst we're gone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning- running today but wanted to say hi and will check in later.

    ChiSandy- glad you loved that video, I did not realize that the original was with Laura Nyro, have to YouTube it.

    I remember you said you were a Nathan East fan and he released his second solo CD in January and just got it via Amazon this week. I think I told you I got to meet him when he was here for the music and film fest last year. The new music is just some of the best I have heard, and wanted to share a clip with you. A lot on YouTube with this album too.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Hello mese bresties!! It's TGIF, hope all have nice plans for the weekend.

    NM - I jes can't say it enuf. I feel all the positive energy from you and so glad u are gaining ground. We just dropped off our 2 30gal trash bags to our local thrift store. It feels good to be rid of so much. It takes time too, so don't feel rushed. I too like the idea of a dumpster. So much faster I wud tink.

    Jazz - not working on verbals is a good thing, cuz u jes never kno. Good luck to what you're chasing locally now.

    Sandy - time to find another landscaper…that's jes chit what they Didn't do. Hope they come back, and finish up, seeing as you paid them already. Jeees…some times ????

    Heidi - glad to hear u had a nice bday evening out with unc n cuz'ns. I kno I shud give up the diet drinks and fake sugars, but I won't, been using them far too long. Jes like my cigs n booze, not giving it up. But that's who I am and the fact I'm 6 yrs out from my 1st dx…I'll jes keep on keeping on. Do want to get to working out again tho…o well.

    Cami - LOL…u always getting lost. I do too, even in tis little town. I get sooo frustrated with meseself. Love the hunk-pic…ooolala! I haven't seen or heard from Nancy in a long time either. Hope she is doing OK.

    Lowee - we got a smattering of rain, but the wind has been a real biotch. Had 1 day in the 90's now back in the 80's. With the wind it always feels cooler, which I like, but not the wind!!!

    Jazz - I have never heard of Nathan East, but I played the video u posted…I like it.

    All was good with the MO on Tues. Still NED. Will be seeing MO every 2 mos now instead of every 6 wks. Got my xgeva belly shot on Tues too, next 1 in 2 mos. Been drinking tonic water last several days, 2 nurses at mese cuzn's house told me it has Quinine in it and will help with my leg crabs. It works...I am sooo thrilled. Gotta call my mmj doc to set appt for my card renewal. It's good til mid July, but the renewal takes forever. Hope all have a terrific weekend.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Sue, I sure hope you meant leg “cramps,” because “leg crabs” are just so….eeeuuww!

    My landscape service got back to me today with a major mea culpa e-mail. Seems the supervisor, who knows my property like the back of his hand, was suddenly hospitalized early this week, and didn’t get a chance to fill in his crews on what to do at which addresses. Moreover, this was the first weekly maintenance session—they couldn’t do the spring cleanup first because of the weather, so that’s why all the schmutz & debris is still there. Tuesday is the tentative date to rake, blow, re-seed, aerate, etc. And they will definitely re-plant any of my berry canes and herb plants that don’t grow back. (I noticed today they also mowed down my rhubarb to mere stubble. Do the stalks still grow without the leaves)?

    DOTD was a 2014 Maryhill (WA) Riesling, because I made spicy Asian scallops. The acidity & slight sweetness worked beautifully. In fact, I might have a little of that “Gorgeous” rosé still in the fridge. Jazzy, I noticed today that WF has both the “French Blue” Bordeaux and Mulderbosch Cabernet rosés. But we have to be pretty sparing in what we buy till I can reorganize what we currently have into “drink freely,” “drink with the right meal,” “special occasion” and “not in our lifetime” wines. The “drink freely” wines are those which are okay to finish in one night (what Bob jokingly calls “guzzling wines” and which I can put in his overnight bag to avoid room service & minibar charges when he has to stay down at the Oak Lawn Hilton the night before an echo-reading morning at Advocate Christ). Some of those, though, are Signorello Cabernets which—while not cheap—we’ve accumulated more than a case because we’d belonged to their monthly wine club when it included a quarterly Snake River Farms Wagyu beef shipment. I am not a big straight-Cabernet Sauvignon fan—I like it in Bordeaux and in Meritage blends, but I am not fond of tannins. (Neither is Bob, but when push comes to shove he won’t let them stand in his way if that’s the only red around).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    LDB, so glad to hear you are still dancing with NED. Interesting about the tonic water, for your leg CRABS…LMAO! How much do you drink, and is it during the day or at bedtime? 6 years, AH-MAAAAZING! I hate that darned wind too. Cold here this morning, below freezing! My card expires May 1st, gonna see if I can get it online at

    Sandy, what a bummer about your landscape issues. I think the rhubarb will be ok, just keep an eye on it.

    My ohmy, where is everyone lately?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, girls and happy Saturday! I went on a six mile walk yesterday, which was very nice. I didn't go to the Metroparks location close to the house, because the association with my dad is too strong. I'm planning on finishing up all the little things I need to do this weekend, but we'll see.

    Jazzy, when the dust settles, the hubs and I are planning on going up to Central CA with friends for a little (meaning a lot) wine tasting and R and R. I love Paso Robles.

    My dad's brother is a probate attorney, which has come in really handy since my dad went into hospice. There really isn't that much to do at this point. My dad sold his house a couple of years after my mom passed away, and moved in with his brother. This was almost 9 years ago, so I've already "been there, done that" with moving, packing, house sale, etc.

    I hope things get resolved with your AC in a speedy and cheap manner. I think you mentioned once that you drive a Subaru? I had a similar situation with my dad's Suburu last spring. Short version, the AC crapped out. It was fixed for around $400. It crapped out again after 2 weeks, and as it turns out it needed a part replaced to the tune of $1,500 in order for it to be fixed. So, almost two grand to fix the AC. I hope this isn't the case for you!

    Cami, I think what I love about NY is that those hags are genuinely Wacko, and have no problem laying out their neurosis for all the world to witness, unlike some of the obvious manufactured drama of BH. Anyway, makes for great TV.

    Your house must smell divine with all those lilacs!

    Sue, congrats on NED!! Woo hoo!!!

    (IMO) there is nothing better than a smoky treat and a cocktail. Proof that there is a God and she is a woman.:) I quit cigarettes eight years ago (kind of...I've smoked a couple of nights since my dad passed away), but I chew nicotine gum.

    Glad to hear that the Tonic water has helped with your leg cramps, which can be so painful!

    Native, It does my heart good to know that you are taking care of yourself. You were running yourself ragged before. So, you're going to give 2 weeks notice for full time work, but then you'll work part time for the same hospice facility? I'm sure Sadie loves having you around more frequently. She must be in doggie heaven.

    Goldie, Are you going out of town? When and where? How is your mom?

    Welp, time to get my thass (an ass that merges with the thighs) in gear. I need to run errands and do some cleaning. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!