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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm kind of back--what a week and I wouldn't have changed anything. It was wonderful thanks to CherL and Dara <<<HUG>>> and now when I talk about <nothing personal> my BCO my cousin has a glimpse of who I'm talking about.

    Sandy sorry abut ur friend,it sucks. And now u have another owie, WFT do u o to u'rself--altho it was not u'r fault, u have to keep an eye on it. Hope u'r having fun.

    Heidi good choice of drinks and sounds like a nice time with u'r DH--Oh Oh did u know <probably did> that Bethanny got most of her money cuz she started "Skinny Girl" and sold it for a fortune. I didn't know that, now she's started another business too.

    NM I'm glad u found out what' going on--this salt thing, it seems to be a very popular thing going on lately. But it is fixable as far as I know, just takes time I guess. And U'r poor Auntie, sometimes people do just want to say leave me along and that's it. And we all have to respect it, whether we agree or not. I am glad that u have the time for u to really know how things happen. And u are doing wonderfully. ThankGod or whoever u believe in. No judgement here, even tho Catholics have a tendency to judge LOL

    Pegg for not being a gardener u sure know u'r way around, I do know it tiring and the tude about the boatman is the way it should be. And yes u must be a magnet.

    Lori u doing all right??? I know this is a busy time--between work and garden--but I also know u do pace u'rself. My sister wanted me to tell u that her numbers are always all over the place and she aches and hurts some, but she's basically doing good all these years-just needs knee replacement. She just made me promie I'd tell u about her numbers. Oh now we're going to have advice from strangers to everyone--<well not my strangers>

    Jazzy have I missed something??? I don't see u around as usual, I hope u'r just buse, but then again u usually are. U lucky duck--or another word sounds like...___

    Illi how are u feeling and Celia too, I need to know everything. Like I could have any answers for u. And Meow and our Sandy II.

    Dara ar u recouping now, I hope so lottsa car time. And u don't have to comment on my pic. I know exactly what i look like but remember ladies I'm in my 70's--no excuse just a reminder. LOL

    Mary things are going well for u. Oh and yes my DD actually cuts my hair, but lately I haven't been in any mood to bother.

    Oh a story and another reason how I feel about FF. I have a Drs. app't morree <Monday> I have to go to, have no ride everyone is working except him--he has been offered 2 jobs but got out of them, my DD is giving him til the end of summer to get a job--He's lucky she makes the money she does. Anyway, I called to ask Jodie something and he answered and I told him about tomorrow, well Jod called me back and answered what I needed to know--No they live about 20 min. from me and he never even montioned if I actually couldn't find a ride he would take me, but he did say good luck in getting me one. See my thinking is he should have offered at lease, even insincere. But it bothers his day in streaming show. FF see? Dan offered right away, but but I figured maybe I'd make it to the drs. a week for Monday--so no. LOL, plus he is extremely busy and I want him to make money, so I get paid. hahaha

    OK ladies need u'r imput, cuz u know better than Drs. What kind of Hemp do I want. I went on Amazon jeez so many and I want the one that does the pain the best, but not for 200.00 dollars. I f u can help me I'd appreciate it, cuz I don't have a clue--there are so many different ones, or is there a better site to go on??? U can't buy it in the store, but can order it. Way to much for me right now on the MMJ card.

    Check in latah


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaI know this isn't a drink recipe, in fact no recipe, but it's Vodka sauce which to me is so good when made the proper way, which isn't as easy as it looks to taste yummy. Hey there's vodka anyway. And u have to have wine with it as is shown.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Hi there everyone,

    I'm doing ok but that last chemo really wiped me out, I have some bone/joint pain and a leaky left eye. I'm pretty much a mess right now but beginning to bounce back. So far the only test result in is a chest x ray, lungs are clear but no explanation about why I'm having trouble getting a blood draw from my port lately. I am enjoying spending the day with DH, he is a tour bus driver for rock bands and tonight is a show night. This tour ends soon and I'll have him home for 1 1/2 months before he goes back out again.

    That pond party looks fun. I can't wait to get out and enjoy some summer :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Oh Illi I'm sorry this was a hard one, and I know I've had problems with my port too, I'm sure they fix it fine. Wow u'r DH sounds like he has a really fun job. I know maybe not, but it seem like it. This has to be hard on u tho., Hope this passes quickly,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! I had a great time at the wine tasting yesterday. The winery is a beautiful place, a converted barn and farm house, complete with original silo still in the place, great views, great tasty bites. Bought two bottles of wine, a Pinot Noir and a Petit Verdot. Also bought some truffles. They also sell deli sandwiches and cheese and fruit platters, and have a deck overlooking the vineyard that is a great place to eat and visit with people. They have a wine tasting every Sunday, can taste 4 wines and get one (small) glass of wine free. Sometimes they have pairings, like they did yesterday. Yesterday they were showcasing a local spice company. I did buy 2 packets of the dill dip mix, that was sooooo yummy. The vanilla sugar popcorn was really good, too. I can see this place being a regular trip for me. It's an hour's drive from home.

    Dara--what a great pic of Cammy!!!!Thanks for sharing! Ouch, you do seem to get yourself banged up! Hope you recover quickly.

    Genny--Dick is not quite bouncing back, more like rolling back, but at 80+ he's not going to recover overnight like a 20 year old. I don't blame Auntie for not getting a feeding tube, I don't think I would either, that just prolongs things. Unless I was feeling really hungry, then I might do it for the comfort. I don't know. Auntie's quality of life is pretty poor now. I wish there was some way I could make a difference. It amazes me how employers can have such stellar employees like the Activities Director and either not realize or just use them up and wear them out, then need to hire more people to do what that one person was doing. It's not like these people are making such huge salaries that it's cheaper to hire 3 people than keep paying the one! I can relate to her feeling sad about leaving the patient's behind, at least I get to see my patients still. Sadie says "Good Morning" to your pooches.

    Pontiac--wow, you managed DH's conditions really well! Amazing how many people can manage their own conditions with information and support and do better than the professionals.

    Hsant--I am relieved to see Dick doing better. It has opened my eyes to how both Dick and Mom are ageing, though. At least now I can be sure to see them regularly. I didn't take pics at the wine tasting, but the organizer posted one, I'll see if I can get that onto here. Wow, that watermelon margarita looks so good!

    Cammy--so glad you had a good time with Dara and Cheryl. The salt thing is crazy, but fixable. And I suspect that Auntie is rebelling against all the stuff her sisters and other family members are telling her she "has to" do. No one is asking her first, they are just bringing in things (a phone that she could type on, a board that would speak what she typed) and telling her she has to use them. I'd be pretty rebellious in that situation, too. I think she's more than ready to be done living alone and to be reunited with her husband who died several years ago. I don't know. Wow, that vodka sauce dish look delish! And wine! Now THAT is a meal!

    Illi--trouble drawing blood from ports isn't unusual. There are medications that can be used to clear out and open up the port if it gets totally blocked. Frequently a small clot forms at the end of the catheter that doesn't interfere with medications being put through the port into your system, but then will cover the end of the catheter when suction is applied to draw blood. It's harmless but annoying.

    Pics I found of the Cellar Door Winery:

    image alt="Image result for cellar door winery">

    The deck we sat on with our free glass of wine:

    Image result for cellar door winery

    The view from the deck:

    Image result for cellar door winery

    My favorites at the tasting:


    Image result for cellar door wine pinot verdot

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Confusion, Have to confirm what day it is. When u really don't work, it's hard. OK Monday.

    Start of another week and always hoping this week brings good stuff happening.

    I think Sandy comes home tonite, hope she had a good time.

    I don't even know who else is gone??? SusyQ are u home???

    I'm so out of pain meds, I see the Dr. later, not soon enuff. I called the cab Co. so they will be here on time, just want to get this over with. And I'm still thinking of FF and how he didn't even offer--I got to let that go--only fr my DD's sake--but it wil come out in such sarcasm SOON, but believe me he won't even know I'm insulting him, not because I'm that sharp, he's just that stupid he'll LOL. I know this.

    Catch up latah.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Sandy, sorry to hear about your friend and I hope you get to see her again. Or better yet, she makes that turn around.

    Wow NM, seems like your Aunt really went downhill fast. I'm so sorry and pray for her that she doesn't suffer. The wine tasting place sounds really nice. And GORGEOUS!

    OMG Wacko, we need to bubble wrap you!

    Cami, that is a beautiful picture of you. And I love your hair, the cut and the color. You have doctor appts. today, but no ride? And yes FF should have offered. I didn't know there were different kinds of hemp. Maybe go by the reviews there on Amazon?

    Mary, my hair was pretty much just trimmed, not sporting a new do. Laughlin just for fun and get away. Love your pond parties, they look like so much fun.

    Hsant, it's fun to try a DOTD on occasion.

    Ilona, sorry about that last chemo. You just need time for it to get out of your system. Hang in there!

    Had a good time away, went to the movies and saw Baywatch. Besides oogling over Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron, it was pretty funny.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Lori I'm so glad u had a good time and I too would enjoy just looking at those 2 men.

    Here's the thing, there are oils, pill, seed, some say extra <somethin> others say pure. WTF, but really don't explain.

    And LOL at Wacko being bubble wrapped

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka Might have a repeat here but looks good--Happy DOTD

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    OK I'm all screwed up today, blame it on Monday, or NO PAIN MEDS.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- sorry I have not been here as much, June is just going to be a super busy month for me and the weekend was super busy! I went to play music on saturday and then was out to a friend's house on Saturday night for some patio time. Yesterday, I was gone for the day up to Santa Fe with one of my besties for some museum time as well as a trip to our favorite high end consignment store! I have two classes this week, one for work related stuff and another for fun (steel drum class) and am just a woman on the go!

    Cami- I love the photo of you sister, and glad your time with Dara was good. I heard Joey is going to do the flute? As someone who has played it for years and with various types of music, I think it is a good move for him. Have him listen to some Hubert Laws on YouTube. My sister gave me his Rite of Spring album back in the 70s and loved him to this very day. The best of jazz flute!

    And I am doing fine too, just a busy bee. I have a new work opp I am considering that would be a FT gig, but excites me. It may be time for this.....

    And sorry about your pain sister. Can you ask for a referral to a pain management specialist?

    Genny- good to hear from you friend and LOVE the photo of everyone in the water. Dang, now that is pushing everyone in the pool.

    Goldie- any news on prospective buyers for the biz? Are you getting hot out in AZ yet?

    PontiacPeg- my friend from long ago and I still have a thing for each other, that is very clear to both of us. We have been reconnected for five years professionally, but now more personally. I am not rushing anything on this, nor do I sense he wants to either. Older and wiser now? I am not adverse to leaving where I live eventually, but won't leave until I am done with my five year stuff with my check ups and the AI meds. Been thinking about leaving where I live because of the dead economy here that I think is permanent as well as the crime issues. That being said, I am not moving to where he lives, been there done that and he knows that about me. But not putting the cart before the horse on this as it may not be the right direction to go anyways. Just going to enjoy the visit and not over think any of this...which is easy for me to do?

    How is the yard looking? Are you happy with the new shrubs you put in?

    ChiSandy- I am sorry someone ran over your foot in NYC. I noticed when I was there last fall everyone walks around quickly with their heads down looking at their phones and we were dodging everyone. I predict a generation of cervical spine issues! I am sorry about your friend too. How was the rest of your trip?

    I found out this weekend via the obits that a woman I worked with at my last FT job died this past week of cancer. She was only 43, and although I was not in touch with her since I left the company, I remember how much I liked working with her, and when I left the company she told me she would miss me more than I knew. So kind. This is the second time I have read about someone gone too soon from this particular company I worked for to cancer. Cancer sucks, but we know that.....

    Hsant- how are things going for you friend? Are you feeling more settled in each day? I am sure it still feels weird to be back home after so long. I hope you can get out to enjoy the summer there as time goes on. But only when you are up to it. The couch is your comfort right now.......

    NM- sounds like you are doing well and enjoying watching the hospice folks squirm with the changes of all the things they cannot force you to do anymore. Sorry! No more duties as assigned folks? I am glad you got out to the wine tasting and what lovely photos! You are enjoying your life again! When does the dumpster come too?

    Some of the places I was this weekend were doing wine tastings and ended up with MORE wine! A big bottle of rose and also something called Silk from Menage a Trois that is like a red meritage. I have company coming and some gatherings to do so it will all get consumed. I drank a bottle of the french bordeaux yesterday with a friend but it was more like a reisling to us than a dry white, which I was expecting.

    Dara- are you back home and settled and still interviewing? Glad you got to see some of the goils.....

    Gotta get to some things and will poop back in when I can! Miss you girls when I am not here as much!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Was feeling better, now seems like the cold came back on me. Ah well, this too shall pass. Been gone awhile. Can't remember when I posted last. So I'll start from yest.

    Mary, Cami, can't remember who else…but great picture, thanks for sharing. Had to LOL over your teams score…that wud be me, but I'd have fun. Love the pic of the 4 in the water.

    Cami - you always cwack me up. Souunds like u had a really good time with ur brestie visitors. Wish I could've been there.

    Cam - u r right, lots of diff marijuana strains out there. I have tried a few, n don't ask me the names, cuz I can't remember lol. Anyway I don't smoke it, haven't for about a year. Now am using Phoenix Tears or Rick Simpson oil. Around here the tears/oil come in a syringe (no needle). CAUTION, if u r new to these things, start real small amounts, like ½ of a piece of rice. Take before bed. May take up to 2 hours to affect you, so give it time. I also take a dose of CBD(hemp) tincture everynight. Comes in small bottle with (chit, cant rem what it's called) but you squeeze the bulb to fill and then squeeze out under your tongue. CBD is NOT psychoactive, used to help anticonvulsive, anti anxiety, blood sugar regulation, and some sedative properties.

    Hsant - I hope things are better for you and hubs.

    Hi Peg - I'm in need of a wet-noodle whipping for being gone so long from the thread.

    NM - someone mentioned to me recently, that my leg spasms might be low sodium. I don't do extra salt, figure the things I eat have enuf in them. The diet-tonic water has helped quite a bit. Think I'll stick to it for awhile.

    OK ladies, my cleaning crew is gone, I'm worn out, will try harder to be here more in the coming days.

    Lubslubslubs to all and those I missed. MUAH!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Your jazz song of the day. One of my favorite Brazilian artists partnered with the acapela group, Take Six

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Hi everybody,

    This is crazy, I come here read a little, then go to the phone, come back do the same and now I'm here and of course I forgot everything I read.

    Jazzy thanks our jazz piece, enjoy listening and memories too. Music has a memory of it's own, happy and sad too.

    SusyQ that infection u have is a tough one to get rid of. It's been going around here, and whoever gets it is down for a while with it-I hope u'r feeling better really soon. Are u taking the same crap they give around here??? All u can do is take and rest as much as u can. And SusyQ I knew u'd know lot of things about it. Thanks.

    Jazzy my sister wasn't in any pic. that I saw, Dara and Cheryl met my cousin Joanne <the one I'm always talking about> but I didn't see her pic tho. JUST ME per Dara, brat.

    DARA DARA, DARA get in here and tell us how things are going and how cheryl is. What's going on the job site.

    Heidi, I'm glad to see u--I thought maybe moving back, u might not be here as often and I'd miss u. But that's another things that's great here--if u feel like poopin in anytime it's great.

    Illi I hope u'r doing better, all u can do is rest it out.

    OK NM u'r way to happy, enuff is enuff--seriously never heard u so relaxed for each day. Wondeful. I'm sure this salt thing must take longer when u'r older, Marty was just down for a couple of days, then felt fine, but as they say every 10 years on our bodies takes a bigger toll, or did I just say that. U'r Auntie has to be hard to see now tho, sometimes u look into their eyes and all the memories are not there, u can see that. It's difficult.

    BTW did I tell u I think Dara phone/camera are glued to her hand--Jeez--Oh it was so cute watching them play together <their duet> I know when u play u'r foot taps, but bother were in sync and I got a kick out of it. No one was turning their music either but them hahaha. Cruel audience. Dara was so patient with Joey, altho Joey wasn't patient in meeting them, counted minutes til ETA time, then didn't want to leave them. Really.

    Finally went to the Dr's today--Still upset with FF. Ended up costing me 20.00 for the trip--that money could have been used for ME. LOL This is the first time Joey came in with me, they asked him and of course he said yes. He ratted me out like an old can. correcting my small white lies u tell a dr., I'm giving him the look and he kept on going, how I fall, smoke more than I say, do I get sad at times--Jeez it was like having a Narc with me, the only thing he said was how bad my pain really was and I don't show it in front of people even the Dr.--chit I did get my meds tho--again I thought my phone was turned off and all it did was ring, Joey didn't even know how to turn it off, it's an old phone--I was so busy when I got home --yep I got confused messages out--now I'll see if anyone is on the calendar for a job.--Oh and the first time I got an pneumonia shot, Joey insisted with the Dr. and she did it. Yea well we'll see now.

    Oh another guess who's house this is...Leslie started and stopped her job today. She didn't catch on fast enough, so they let her go--she really felt bad, but sometimes she does take longer to learn anyway that's that. She does have another job interview Thursday tho bt she was not happy. If none of this works out she might start applying at a skin Drs. office for a job, hell it might be her best bet, I don't know.

    The weather has been so nice here, beautiful breeze and not to hot.

    It's 2AM I was sleeping on and off thru the evening, not a good thing, just can't get myself together, well with my other self.

    OK for now--see u latah


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Cammy, I'm here I'm here, no need to put out a missing persons report. We've been outside all night with a big ass fire. I vacuumed the pool using a flood light.

    Will report later, still owe u girls pics.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    imagemy current view

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Hey don't get crazy about the pics, Missy one of me was bad enuff.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Bit of a longish day at work yesterday, but not bad. Not sure why I'm so tired this ayem. Dragged my EWWA out of bed this ayem.I'm blaming it on the gray and gloomy weather. Getting the dumpster delivered on Thursday. Kind of excited about that, ready to start tackling some of the bigger decluttering projects. Started one of the training videos for the Immunization Clinic, all about vaccine storage, kinda tedious but necessary info. Hoping to get home in time for the annual town meeting tonight, big doings about whether or not to remove the town from the Regional School Union.The local elementary school isn't getting much of the education budget, and a neighboring (much bigger) town is getting brand new, bigger school buildings (despite lower enrollment). Should be entertaining to say the least.

    Cammy--so not right that you run out of pain meds. DD is being a jerk. He deserves a good snarky insult, even if it goes over his head.

    Goldie--yeah, Auntie is declining pretty fast. I'm praying she doesn't suffer, too.The Baywatch movie sounds like fun.

    Cammy--Love the Fuzzier Navel drink!

    Jazzy--you sure are a woman on the go! Good for you! My Mom took steel drum lessons for a while, she really enjoyed that. It is fun watching the shenanigans going on at work.If I wrote notes like the clinical manager's I wouldn't last a week, but she's going on and on about many visits she can do in a day without doing any evening charting work. Well, it will all come out in the wash eventually. The dumpster comes on Thursday! I'm excited for that. I think you are right about a generation of cervical spine issues.The pediatric medical community has already identified Teen Texting Syndrome as a major cause of back and neck pain in teenagers. Looking at the posture of the average teen texter (I drive by several who are out waiting for the school bus on my way to work in the ayems) I'm not surprised at al. Some of them look like they are 100 years old with kyphosis. I'm surprised they can pick their heads up enough to be able to see ahead of them to drive a car!

    Mema--are you talking about a bottle with an eye dropper?

    Image result for eyedropper

    If the tonic water is working for the leg spasms you probably don't need more sodium. Low Magnesium can cause muscle spasms, too. Those of us taking meds for reflux may need to supplement the magnesium as those drugs cause us to lose them.

    Jazzy--Love Copacabana! What a smooth voice.

    Cammy--the older one gets the longer it takes to recover from anything. Just the effect of age in general. So sorry about Leslie's new job. I'm not sure how anyone can determine if someone can pick upor not in only one day. Some really great workers take a bit longer than "average" to learn something new, but are well worth the investment. Then again, if the employer expects perfection on day One, that may not be a good employer to work under.

    Dara-- I can just picture you vacuuming the pool under a flood light, with a huge bon fire burning at the same time!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Pool drink recipes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    OK now I'm figuring it out why I'm more confused--I'm blaming it on NM--I never know u'r schedule and it really throws me off. LOL And why did u work late??? Not supposed to happen, but OK once in a while. And why is the government all up in this business here bout no refills <unless specified, which are not usually> for pain meds on weekends. I know why they are but come on, I remember reading 1984 yrs. ago and thought what a silly concept. And now anyone can get anything about u in an instant and rule u'r whole life one way or another. So many wonderful advances, but then again so many crzy things because of it. OK to many why's today already. BTW I loved those pics. So calm and resting to look at.

    OK check back latah


    P.S. to Dara, make sure u put a pic. of Cheryl in here and watch out for what u put of me. Dara made me do awful things in the pics. Well I did them. hahaha

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Wow Jazzy, you are one bizzy lady, but I think you are ok with this, as it's work and pleasure. There are a few prospective buyers, one that is also interested in the house as well. Nothing to get too excited over yet, and we really don't want to sell the house. Wise choices on the relationship front.

    Sue, you have another cold? Do you take any RSO during the day, or just at night? I took a tiny tiny bit yesterday, half of a pc of rice and wowsa wuz I buzzed! I alsohave a CBD/THC tincture, but much less THC in it as opposed to the RSO. Glad the tonic water is still working. And I don't think adding more salt is a very healthy thing to do.

    Cami, I remember when I was there and Joey didn't want me to leave either. He is such a sweetie. OMG, how funny about him ratting you out the doctor. I am cracking up! So what was the visit for? Just meds? Sorry about $20.00 cab ride. I wonder if they have some sort of service in your area for seniors that takes you shopping, dr. appts., etc.? Sorry things didn't work out for Leslie. Surely something will come along.

    NM, funny the things that excite us eh, i.e. the dumbster!!! Swimming pool cocktail is almost too pretty to drink. Bottle and eyedropper for some of the MMJ is a yes.

    Nice fire there Wacko, gonna start calling you WW, Wacko the Werewolf!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    NM - I am LOLing about the eyedropper. Why I cudn't remember it, my dull brain that's why. I do take Magnesium daily. I'll chime in with the rest about how GOOD you sound. Yay on the dumpster coming today, but jes take ur time and you'll fill that thing in no time. Sorry about your auntie…I will pray that she doesn't suffer. That DOTD sounds yummy yummy.

    Dara - I recognize that pic of ur backyard. Lots of fond and funny memories for me.

    Lowee - I will occasionally take some tincture in the middle of the day, nap time. But the RSO I use only at bedtime. I take it about an hour before I go to bed and within 30-45 mins, I'm out like a light. About the sodium, I don't think it's a good idea either. Were you able to check ingredients btwn reg tonic and diet tonic? Diet has 0 of everything but sodium, 30% is all. Just noticed ur new avatar. You sooo beautiful!!!

    Cami - you looked GR8 in the pic. Don't be so hard on yourself. Our temps have been triple digits last several days, of course the wind is still blowing strong. Tell your other self to get on board the mothership, it'll make you happy…heehee.

    Sorry about Leslie an her job hunts…will b praying that something good comes along.

    OK, gotta head out to the DMV, hope its not to crowded. Been there 2x already and the place is packed.

    Hope ya'll have a great week.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Hi ladies, just left my MO's office, CT & MRI all good, stable/healing. Surgery is a go for 6/27. I have a Herceptin/Perjeta infusion soon but will be celebrating later. Been craving a daiquiri lately 😋

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Cami, what a bummer about the runaround necessary to refill pain meds! The gov't thinks these tight prescribing regs are the way to stem the tide of opioid abuse, but making legitimate use difficult will not work. They need to go after the pill mills and monitor the docs who prescribe—I will catch a lot of flak from Bob for suggesting more paperwork/EMR, but there needs to be a way to keep tabs on who prescribes how much for what types of patients. When I was an Asst. AG for IL, the IDPA & IDPH did periodic random audits of docs & facilities to make sure that they were actually rendering the services for which they billed and were reimbursed. Perhaps the prospect of recouping overpayments was the motivator for the state to be more proactive (nothing to recoup for overprescribing stuff for which the state doesn't pay), but accountability will make the bad docs think twice even if it does hassle the good ones. This business of requiring a paper Rx which must be obtained and submitted in person, and only for 1 month's work, harms legit patients and their docs far more than it inconveniences abusers!

    Glad you & Dara had a great time! Dara, hope you've healed from that spill you took, and that things are looking up on the job-search front. And glad that “big-ass fire" was an intentional and recreational one (not of the disaster variety).

    With a few minor hitches, I had a good trip. Nice hanging with Bob's (actually, since 1971, our) HS buddies, both sightseeing and at the reunion. The reunion food and drink was definitely “meh:" Reunions Unlimited seems to do the same cookie-cutter reunions all over the country: boring banquet with cheap food, DJ, no hors d'oeuvres. Good on the actual alumni organizers who personalized it. About a tenth of the class of '67 was there—besides those who'd passed away, were too ill or shy, probably the low attendance is that reunions (at the 20-35 yr. marks) are about sizing up how well or poorly one's buddies aged; by 50 yrs out, it was definitely apparent that only the most successful grads were willing to gather. Most in attendance turned out to be quite affluent (and most had either retired and moved away or are still working in lucrative careers either in the NYC area or far away). Plenty of designer purses (real, I imagine) were spotted—those not in chic semi-formal wear were (like me) dressed in Chico's. Depressingly, most of the women were quite slim. And except for one guy's wife (I know that as they say, “black don't crack" but she looked to be 20 yrs. too young to have graduated 50 yrs ago), the crowd was lily-white—even though the class president was African-American. Kind of tough to socialize with folks I didn’t know—and most married attendees came “stag” for that very reason.

    Sunday, after breakfast, was Cemetary Odyssey Day. We went to two in Pinelawn for my and Bob’s BFF Doug’s parents’ graves and two in Flushing for Bob’s and our other friend’s parents (the latter, just his dad, as his mom’s still going strong at 102). By the time we were done it was too late in the day (and weather too iffy) to venture all the way in awful traffic from Flushing to the North Fork before wineries closed for the day, so we went to a favorite Belgian restaurant. To wash down our bucket of mussels, Bob had a saison & a Trappist ale, and I a (large) glass of a dry rosé from Bedell Cellars on the North Fork. For & with our chocolate mousse dessert, we split a small bottle of Lindeman’s Kriek, a sweet cherry beer.

    Yesterday, we checked out after I worked out. Our friends didn’t want to drive out anywhere (and we were loath to drive into the city & park the car and then hassle with the Van Wyck back to LGA), so Bob & I set out for the N. Fork and resolved to tour a winery or two, have lunch, and turn back around towards LGA to return our car by 6 for our 8:55 flight. It was a lovely country drive to Riverhead, and we stopped at Paumanok Cellars (whose weekly e-mails about oyster tastings have been taunting me for years). Like most wineries now, they charge for tastings—but much more than I remember. We chose to taste their methode champenoise blanc de blancs (zero dosage, bone-dry) for $4 for a 2-oz. pour; then a flight of a lightly oaked Chardonnay, dry Riesling, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, $12 for four 2-oz. pours. We then split a full glass of the bubbly. Though we indulged in crackers to fill our tummies and cleanse our palates, it soon became clear that hitting another tasting room would not be conducive to staying alert for the 2-1/2 hr. drive back west, so we bought a bottle of the bubbly (not cheap, but worth it) to pack in our luggage and had lunch in a delightful little seafood joint in Riverhead called Buoy One. (No liquor license, so we drank Pellegrino). Bob had a warm seafood salad and I had fried whole belly clams (you can’t get them in the Midwest, at least not fresh ones). And just before turning around, we got baby-size dishes of cherry pistachio (we grew up on that in outer-borough Cantonese restaurants) ice cream from “national award-winning” Snowflake Ice Cream. (We took a pass on “Peconic Bay Sea Monster,” which sounded like everything they could possibly throw into vanilla fudge ice cream).

    The drive back took less time than we feared, but we pulled off the highway halfway along to power-nap. We got to LGA only to find out that all SW flights were delayed at least 2 hrs. for no reason in particular (unless perhaps in protest by the air traffic controllers). Fortunately, we were able to fly standby on a flight that departed an hour earlier than our original one would have. Quick cab ride home—only to find when I walked in that nobody had done ANYTHING in the way of housework (and I use the term loosely) except water the tomatoes while we were away. So before I could relax and eat anything, I had to unload the dishwasher (from the load I started just before jumping in the Lyft Thurs, morning), do dishes, wipe up kitty-puke, feed cats, clean out litter boxes, take out the trash, etc. I have to go work out now, and then visit my dying friend in the hospital. When I get home, I will pick up the wines we’d ordered 2 wks ago and have a (very) light dinner, and then have a fun evening doing laundry

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Hi friends- I am a girl on the run but wanted to report my endocrinologist apt went well today. She is super impressed with my progress with the blood sugar numbers, BP, other numbers, etc. She says my diabetes is secondary meaning it is associated with the AIs and that it could resolved when I go off, but that some med permanently put people into diabetes. But because my mother was diabetic hard to know my long term risks to have this. I see her again in September.

    NM- Eliana Elias is my favorite Brazilian singer and she was here performing a few years ago and is just fabulous. She has partnered up with Take 6 on several things and I have loved them since the 1980s. Here is another one she did with them. This woman has it all going on!

    Cami- I am going to respond to your PM next!

    More tomorrow ladies.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    I'm here again...

    Sandy I know those stupid meds--even my dr. rolled her eyes about that and she apologized cuz of all the hullibaloo. Wow u 2 packed a lot into just a few days, but it sounds like u had a good time--well except coming home to do things. That's the worst part of course--and it's so true why people don't bring their spouses. By that time it's an effort to talk to people u don't know. well for me anyway.

    Lori I remember he didn't want u to leave either, u'd think this kid could care less about meeting someone knew--but he loves it. And that sweet thing squeeled like a rat with that Dr. Just for meds and that wellness check-up they do nowadays????????

    Illi glad u have time to rest up some before u'r surgery and have that drink and enjoy it too. U deserve whatever u want.

    Jazzy sounds good with u'r Dr. visit, good news. Do u ever slow down??? Acually it's good u can do all u can, and enjoy it.

    Lori u really wouldn't sell u'r home would u??? Or is that a possibility. U have it so cute and u'r garden perfect.

    OK see u guys latah.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Well, I went to work out, and in the locker room after my training session, before deciding to do cardio, I called my friend's son to ask if she could still receive visitors to say farewell—and he told me she had just minutes before passed away on her own, without disconnecting life support. We are all still in shock. She was just about to turn 71.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited June 2017

    All the spam junk on the active board is irritating me. My tolerance is going out the window.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Sandy so sorry to hear about u'r friend and u didn't get to say goodbye. I know she's in u'r heart and that's what counts.

    Meow I don't go anywhere but here and I never noticed anything. so I'm not sure what u'r talking about. But yea I hate all this spam stuff, I do't open anything up anymore, it just ends up causing trouble. It did take me a while tho to realize not to open things and why.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! It sounds like the Facebook description of the Hospice open jobs has had an effect, there are a couple of people interested in each of the open positions according to the office scuttlebutt. Heaven knows I hope one of them works out for the position I left, those patients need a full time Case Manager in a very bad way. The 2 of us working part time are not able to keep up with all the details right now, and the Clinical Managers are getting cranky about how much case management they are having to do. And I am sitting back and giggling to myself. But I am getting worried about my coworkers who are still full time and who are really getting loaded up with work and I can see the quality of the work slipping. Still, not my circus, not my monkeys.

    Cammy--don't feel bad, if I didn't have a great calendar system I wouldn't know what I'm doing when, either! Maybe I should post my schedule for each week on Mondays? I worked a little late the other day cuz I had worked a short day before that and was evening up the time for the pay cycle. My choice, and nowhere near as late as I used to work.Late used to mean getting done after 8 pm.Late now means getting done after 5 peeyem (but before 6 peeyem).All the regulations on pain pills that the docs need to follow is to combat the narcotic addiction crisis. In Maine there is now a limit on how much narcotic medication a person can get per day, and if someone is getting more than that the docs need to be weaning them down to the allowed dose. Some people with chronic pain well managed for years are now going to be in considerable pain with no hope of relief. I'm not sure how this is stopping people who are stealing drugs and getting drugs off the streets from being addicted, but since the state can't control the behavior of those folks, it will control the behavior, and comfort and quality of life, of law abiding folks. So not right, in my book.

    Goldie--doesn't take much to excite some people, does it? Love looking at the pretty drinks.

    Mema--I have moments when I can't remember a word I want, too. It's call aging.My brain is so full of info that it takes time to sort through it and find the one little itty bitty word hiding in all the clutter! I'm curious to see how fast the dumpster will fill up.May have to pace myself on the decluttering to accommodate, but that's ok.

    Illi--Hooray for the good report! Enjoy that daiquiri!

    Chi--Bob will probably tell you that there are already ways to monitor how much opioid a doc prescribes. In Maine anyone who prescribes more than a certain amount in any monthgets investigated automatically.Some practices are no longer prescribing opioids at all due to the regulatory burden. The big problem is the state auditors determine how much medication is needed for a certain diagnosis, and if that isn't enough for an individual patient the assumption is the patient is diverting or drug seeking. No such thing as a legitimate need for more than the state allowed amount of medication for a specific diagnosis. After surgery (ANY surgery) opioids are only needed for 72 hours. Then there are the caps on each practice, exceed that cap (see more people with pain issues than the state deems "normal") and it's the doctor's fault, he/she is overprescribing. Moral of the story in Maine, if you have pain, see your doc on the first day of the month when he/she has enough left in the total opioid prescribed bank to write a prescription for a full month of medication. BUT, there is a new regulation coming down that will limit opioid scripts to 2 weeks, and require a patient be seen face-to-face before EVERY refill. Every patient getting opioids needs to sign a narcotic contract and be drug tested regularly. There is a database that has to be checked before each refill to see how many and what kinds of scripts a person has filled recently before each new script is written.And with all these "controls" in place Maine still has one of the highest rates of addiction in the country, and one of the highest overdose death rates, too. With each new regulation the addiction rate climbs. I'm not a genius, even I can figure out this approach is not working. OK, I'll get off the soapbox now.

    Love the Cemetery Odessey trip! Sounds like the rest of the trip was great, too. Sorry you came home to a mess, that's never fun. Hope the friend is comfortable and peaceful.

    Jazzy--Hooray for endocrinologist being happy! Thanks for the clip, what a wonderful voice.

    Cammy--the whole meds thing is a pain in the a$, and only makes it hard for people with legitimate need to get what they need.

    Chi--oh my goodness! Sounds like your friend decided to stay in control until the very end.Good for her. Hard for the family and friends, though.

    Meow--spam is annoying, I generally don't go to any threads with alot of spam anymore. I pretty much come here, the Not Quite a Hoarders, and a couple of others.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lime Lantern Daiquiri

    Image result for hump day daiquiri recipe


    • 1 can frozen BACARDI® Mixers Strawberry Daiquiri Mix
    • 1 cup BACARDI® Gold
    • 1½ cups cubed watermelon
    • ¼ cup fresh lime juice
    • 4 cups of ice
    • 3 limes for garnishes
    • 6 tsp BACARDI® 151


    1. Cut 3 limes in half. Use a citrus press to juice the limes. Reserve the lime shells and juice.
    2. Add all ingredients to a blender EXCEPT for the garnishes and blend on high for approximately 20 seconds or until smooth.
    3. Pour into six cocktail or martini glasses.
    4. Take the lime shells and push them inside out to create a "lime bowl".
    5. Float each shell in the center of the glass being careful to keep the lime above the cocktail.
    6. Add 1 tsp of BACARDI® 151 to the "lime bowl" and use a long-stemmed lighter to ignite the rum.
    7. Dimming the lights will help with the effect.
    8. Make sure flames have been extinguished before drinking.
    9. Enjoy!