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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm up now---

    NM don't get u'rself sucked into feeling sorry for anyone now. I know that sounds so very un-nice-but u've worried long enough for everyone but u'rself for so long and it really got u sick. Just close u'r ears and eyes to all of that. I think it's hard for u, cuz u'r such a kind person, but decisions have been made and now it's u'r time. Oh I like the description of u have a lot of things stuffed in u'r mind--but getting old??? Sorry u'r not in that catagory yet, u silly. It's funny too as much as the Government tries to control meds, the simplicity of getting things on the street raises, it's so silly, could mean more crimes too. It's actually easy to get all kinds of Willie here, even delivered all kinds and good stuff. So why do they make it so expensive for people who can really need it. It's like prohibition, u can always find a way--just a circle of chit.

    These beautiful summer drinks all look so good--everyday I want one hahaha.

    I want to try to go to Walgreens today to just get a couple of things, I hope this afternoon I can go just a short time--LOL getting all ready to go to the drugstore, how exciting. But unless I have to I can't stand to wear any kind of pants, cu they anoy my skin so much, so I go with my dusters, patio dresses--whatever they're called nowadays-hahaha my DD hates that--but she doesn't say anything anymore cuz she knows how it is now--it never bothers Joey at all. And I was talking to him about how he has really only known me with having problems and never really known me doing anything with him, like taking him places for just a fun day--I never thought how that would effect him--and he said he really didn't notice cuz I was always great with him--made me feel good but how could this kid not notice??? Haha I'm still his favorite anyway. I know I'm bad.

    Very busy with work, lots of calls back and forth with the guys and then cust. But everyone has been so nice even tho they want someone right away--I'm trying to help get people taken care of, and right now it's been difficult--he's trying to hire someone too, but these young men don't know a thing anymore. Which kind of surprises me, he's willing to train but they are really inept in working. or even getting up early. And he is very patient with people. Oh well.

    OK see u latah


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for hump day meme

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Sue, I didn't even notice that you couldn't think of eye dropper. My brain works like yours….it doesn't! My RSO takes a couple hours before it kicks in.

    Ilona, we will make sure that your IV bag is full with daiquiris!

    Wow Sandy, sounds like you had an awesome time away. Sorry about the no cleaning when you got home. Who was suppose to do it? Sorry about the passing of your friend. Sounds like she went peacefully.

    Jazzy, great that your appt. went well. Praying you never get diabetes.

    Cami, NO we do NOT want to sell our home, buuuuuuuuuuut if someone wanted the whole shebang, we would do it. (I think) Just not sure where we would go. We would not get anything more for our money than what we have. It's just that we built this together, we have our little Old West Town. A garden can be made pretty much anywhere, not worried about that. Of course you are Joey's favorite! Love the giraffe and zebra cartoon.

    Meow, sounds like you need a drink! I don't go to the "active boards" very often. Are you referring to posts that are spam?

    NM aka Giggles, I know it's probably eating you up that things aren't going like they should in regards to your patients, but thata girl, not your monkeys. I find it amazing how all of us can see a difference in you just from what you type!

    Nothing new to report on me. Doctor appt. tomorrow, so I won't be here. Have that long arse 8 hour drive!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- time to catch up with you before I go off the radar for the next few days again. This is my busiest week here in June, but they are all pretty packed with things going on with music, professional training, film events, etc. Today I am going to be at home focused on things here, got some work to do on the drip system, new plants for the garden, laundry to do, etc. Tonight I am going to an evening jam session and in professional class the next few days. Saturday I am going to a film event where I will be seeing and hopefully meeting Jeff Bridges. Whoot whoot! The dude.....

    Cami- ha ha, do I ever slow down? I would say April was a slow month for me, but been ramping up again since. June will be my busiest month by far so far this year. Life is good sister!

    ChiSandy- your trip sounded like a success. I am very sorry about the loss of your friend.

    NM- I think it would be fun to be the "observer" now watching your hospice gig trying to work people to death. I have worked for people like this too as I have mentioned to you and always just am amazed when they say "we want someone who will work five days a week, weekends, blah blah blah." Even as a contractor, I wonder why they think anyone who works by the hour wants this arrangement? They are trying to get everything for nothing and until they realistically evaluate the work to be done against their staffing, nothing will change. Many managers are poor at this in my experience.

    Meow- I have not seen much spam on the threads, but reduced the number I am on to just a few. Curious to hear what kinds of things you are seeing? Speaking of spam, I got a post card in the mail from someone locally who says he wants to buy my house. Stalker.

    Okay, I need to post this and go back a page to read more......

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Illi - Yay Happy Dance for your test results.

    Cami - WTF can't believe the chit u going thru to get your meds. (((Cami)))

    Sandy - I'm amazed at your intelligence, you've learned a ton in your life. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us. Sounds like the reunion wasn't such a happy outing for you. I have sev AfAm friends, they don't age like us. Eww, 2 hr delay…I'd hate that, but glad u found an earlier flight and are safely home. So sorry to hear about your friends mother. ((sandy))

    Jazz - Ohh I am sooo proud of you getting your numbers down. Hope after Als it WILL be resolved.

    Meow - that junk irritates me too, thank goodness for the 'delete' key!

    NM - I'm giggling with you and yes, please remember 'not ur circus, not ur monkeys'. I can imagine how worried you r about the pts, but gotta let go and let God, handle things now. And yes, do pace yourself on decluttering. That DOTD sounds interesting and it looks good too.

    Lowee - be safe in your travels and I'm praying you get nothing but good news.

    FYI - I waited at DMV yest for 90 mins, but did finally get my Disabled placard. 2 in fact, one for each vehicle.

    Gotta put some food on mese tummy. Be back latah.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi girls,

    Well I slept from early afternoon yesterday until about 10 aye em today, ahhhhh. My hand is so sore from the fall making it a little hard to type. Funny since I just figured out what is happening with my crazy typing. I was talking to a friend and explained how my

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi girls,

    Well I slept from early afternoon yesterday l about 10 aye em today, ahhhhh. My hand is so sore from the fall making it a little hard to type. Funny since I just figured out what is happening with my crazy typing. I was talking to a friend and explained how my cursor was jumping all over the place and he said that I was likely hitting two keys at the same time. I have since been holding my wrist up higher while typing and it has nearly stopped the cursor from jumping all over.

    NM, so proud of you for standing your ground with the job. I too can see an amazing change in your attitude. And I can't imagine how happy Sadie is with having you around so much more. Well said about getting meds for those of us that need them.

    Sandy, sorry about your friend. Glad it was a peaceful passing. And sorry that I could not see you while I was in Chi town.

    Jazzy, I processed four mortgages for Jeff Bridges. I only spoke with him once, most communication was through his financial adviser. Loved him as The Dude in The Big Lebowski. You sure do keep busy lady. No news on the interview, should h ear by the end of this week, thinking I could have failed that dumb test, ugh.

    Lori, hope all good news with the appointment tomorrow. And I can see why you do not want to sell your property. I love your little town you and DH built.

    Cam, sorry you had to jump hoops to get your meds. We both miss you and have talked quite a bit about our visit. It seems like I blinked and it was over :(

    Sue, is the cold getting better? Glad you got the handicap cards through the DMV but sorry it took so long. I too remember well our time together in my yard and wish we could do it again. Seeing each other sure is special and the visits are always in my heart. Still think often about being together again.

    IIona, doing the happy dance for you. I will join you in drinking some daiquiri's. Love them. We dwink plenty of them when it is hot out, have the mix and the blender ready to go for the weekend, will post photos!

    Gonna post this before I lose it. Also want to post a few of my pics from our visit.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Another post before I go read my paper I need to do before the class tomorrow.

    ChiSandy- all those skinny white people at the reunion! I never find those things fun, only did one high school reunion back in my early thirties. My highschool now has combination reunions for several years of classes. They are always at Thanksgiving time, and back east and just don't work for me to go. No college reunions happen, but every 10 years or so I have a group of girlfriends from grad school days who get together and rumor has it, it may happen again in the next few years. I hope you are home and settled from your travels!

    Goldie- glad to hear you have some initial offers on the biz. And your home too? You may have seen someone sent me a postcard wanting to buy my home. ABQ has a shortage suddenly of homes for sale and an increased demand (which does not fit with the bad economy here) and think there are people trying to buy up and flip homes again. I hope you get the right offer for your biz and can stay in the house. Hoping your apt went well today?

    DARA, DARA, DARA- I know I am yelling again, but Cami says this is the way we are to speak to you. I hope you get some good news on the job front. A friend of mine who is also a freelancer like me and I were lamenting that summer is just NOT a good time to find work with many hiring managers on vaca and others covering for them. We are both getting contacted though, and know we will be going soon. Meanwhile, enjoy life as as I know you are!

    Hsant- that watermelon drink looks yummo. I hope you are feeling a bit more settled every day.

    LLL- sorry to hear you were feeling punk with the last of the chemo treatments. I hope you are doing better and know you have some check ups going on. Surgery in a few more weeks and we will be ready to help you prepare for that and be there on the other side.

    Genny, Mema, hoping you are having a good day today!

    I talked to my friend (old BF) who will be visiting in July, and found out he is not that big in to wine, but think he will drink it. Ha ha, I should have asked first before I stocked up? LOL. We are also going to check out the microbreweries while he is here too. Beer was our drink of choice back in the day when we were both in school together. Anyways, the more we talk, the better it feels and it like the thirty years has just evaporated. But in person will tell alot too. We are trying to make the visit light and fun and see how it all goes. We are trying to figure out a good hotel for him to stay at for his visit, and narrowed down some recommendations for him today.

    I will be in class for the next few days but will pop in later this weekend! Until then......


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017





    Here we are, sorry so late!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Such great photos. You all look great. Cami is a movie star!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Such great photos—you ladies (and I include Dara’s sis) are lovely!

    Still waiting to hear back from my friend’s son & DH—son said yesterday that he’d call back in a couple of hours but never did. They are doubtless overwhelmed with everything that happens in the days following a family member’s death, and I’m sure they need a little space. I may text in order to get an idea if they’re (the son, since her DH is not a voluble person) ready to talk.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    and my boo-boo's

    You can see the yellowing in this one, this is today





  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Ugh those pics---that was my cousin with the 3 of us, Joanne I speak of often here, She's the tallest--

    Jazzy miss busy bee, I really luv that u are--u enjoy as hard as u work--good balance--Oh the Big Lobowski I just watched it again--so fun--strange but fun. I hope u get to meet him.

    Sandy I'm sure when u'r friends family digests all of this happening u'r be able to contact them. It's very difficult. I know u know that.

    SusyQ u'd better be better, u r aren't u???

    Lori come back with all good news--so far to go.

    OK just poopin in got some phone calls to do oy vey to much going on and I don't get any of it. People think I know all about all this stuff, hey I'm lucky I know how to use this phone. Jeez

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- hopefull you will hear from the friend's family once they have some things figured out. Time of being very overwhelmed, no doubt.

    Dara- good lord sister, you really got hurt! That is a serious bruise and the rest does not look good either. Did you see a doctor?

    And you handled Jeff Bridges mortgages. You rock sister! Too bad you never got to meet him.

    Cami- they are doing another segment with Jeff Bridges with the Big Lebowski film on Sat evening. I am going to the panel discussion related to the importance of music in film. T Bone Burnett will be there too, but know less about him. Going to be fun!

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited June 2017

    ouch, I bruise pretty easily.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    ow ow ow ow….

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, our woman on the go! It's ok to go missing as long as you let us know! Good report from the doc. Hmmmm, sounds like things could move in the right direction with this ole buddy!

    Sue (LDB) I won't know anything today at my appt., never do. It's just a BS session. Those placards are nice to have.

    Wacko, I thought the cursor jumping was due to hitting the mouse pad. But I suppose it could be hitting 2 keys at the same time as well. By the time I notice it, I've already hit 2 or 3 more keys, so have to back space to erase those and then go back to where I'm supposed to be. You hand is not broken, is it? OMG, you are one hot mess girl!

    Finally got a little rain yesterday afternoon, and temps reaching 100. I guess my DH is going to go with me today and we will spend the night. They just opened a Gino's Pizza in Phoenix and he is dying to go. My MIL's boyfriend passed away yesterday, I guess from complications from pneumonia. He was pushing 90 I believe. But I know she will be lonely.

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE PICTURES! Except the owie ones!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Gorgeous day yesterday, and even better one shaping up today. Got done with the week's work schedule at lunch time yesterday, did a quick shopping trip on the way home (if id didn't get dog food I was going to BE dog food!) Lounged in the sun under the bright blue sky, have lovely tan color on my legs and arms, whilst sipping wine cooler. Dumpster will be delivered today, catching up on laundry while I wait for that call.

    Cammy--I'm being careful not to fall into the feeling sorry for the others trap. Not my circus, not my monkeys. They are adults and can do what they need do, and most are 20 or even 30 years younger than me with different expectations in life.I've been there, done my time there, paid my dues, now I get to reap the rewards. One of which was spending the first truly beautiful afternoon in a long time lounging in the sun on my own back deck, reading and playing fetch with Sadie. Until the skeeters drove me in!Need to make a new batch of bug repellent. And don't tell me I'm not old, I want to keep getting these "old age" discounts (AARP, over 55, etc, etc). Love getting those! Hope the trip to the drugstore went well. It is amazing how little young adults know these days about being an adult, like getting up and getting to work on time, working during work time, and the world does not revolved around their feelings. Patience only goes so far with some of that.

    LOL at the pic!

    Goldie--Letting go of taking responsibility for the quality of care patients are getting is being a bit of a challenge. I am managing, but it's hard when patients or families say how much they miss me being there all the time. I keep reminding myself that when they have a full time case manager things will go right back to the way people are used things being. I can't do that full time anymore. That is a fact. I will do my best for everyone on the days that I work, but when I'm off, I'm off. And I am amazed how different I feel about myself and life in general. Praying for a good report at the doc's appointment.

    Jazzy--Wow, you do have a full week coming up! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! And get pics to share when you get back!

    Mema--Ah, yes, Let go and Let God!Must remember that, right beside Not my circus, not my monkeys. Ah, getting the placards was worth the wait in the time and difficulty it will save you later. Good for you!

    Dara--Wow, amazing how one little tip can make such a difference in the typing problem! Maybe you need a wrist rest to put in front of your keyboard? I think Sadie is as happy and I am with my work schedule change. At least she seems to like having me around. She keeps dropping toys in my lap to play tug or fetch with. Takes me a lot longer to get stuff done around the house with her "help", but I'm still getting more done in a week than I used to get done in months!

    Jazzy--Good luck with the old BF visit, I think you are wise to keep things light and fun to start with. And in person is always more informative than phone calls and texts/emails/etc. Enjoy your classes, and I will keep up the drinking wine on the patio (ok, deck for me) until the weekend!

    Chi--no doubt you are right that the family is overwhelmed right now. So much to process and take care of, emotionally and physically and financially and every other way imaginable.

    Dara--LOVE the pics! Holy Moly, what a bruise!Now wonder you are sore! And a skinned knee, and a beat up hand and finger. It's a wonder you can type at all!

    Image result for bruise cocktail



    Garnish: No Garnish


    Pour orange vodka, raspberry liqueur and blue curacao into a glass with ice. Fill it with pineapple juice. Add the splash of lemon-lime soda.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Dara I just saw u'r pics. Oh Lord, u can't very well go to interviews looking like that, u poor thing, u didn't just fall, U FELL badly---I hope it fades quickly.

    It's going to be HoT the next few days, I mean really hot--I'm already getting upset about this--where did spring go??? We had the furnace on a couple of days ago. We are having a garage sale today with the people next door, Joey really cleaned out his stuff and Leslie has all kinds of stuff too--hoping to make a little on this stuff. I was going to go thru my jewelry, but didn't--I have about 6 big boxes filled with so much nd now never wear anything but maybe rings. Nothing was cheap, but can sell cheap for sure. She forgot she has a job interview today, but Joey's been doing this for a couple of years now--so he's very capable of keeping things going.

    We're having a party here Sat. evening for Joey's BD and already put money away for that, but they were planning on having a bonfire, but it will be way to hot so since they are older now they can just sit around and talk or watch movies--no one does much more at this age now. Pizza and soda--cake and icecream is about it now. A couple yrs. ago everyone had them at fun restaurants, but now that's over. Thank goodness.

    Jodie called last nite (my oldest DD) my GD is getting her license today hopefully, and Jod did tell me she doesn't not like her BF hahaha--I told her Karma sweetheart--Ain't easy for sure. Asked Joey and me to go there this weekend, she forgot about the party but she's trying to figure out how I can get into her pool, she's got those steel like steps u and down--They can all just throw me in--this is my family, my legs won't move up stairs even hahaha--I hope I can do this tho, cuz I love the water. Of course I don't swim LOL just float around and move my legs, cuz it's easy in the water.

    It's Thursday, thought it was Friday, couldn't get to Walgreens yesterday, but Leslie took care of things for me. I just wanted to go and get out.

    I'm still riding high from Dara's visit, so it makes me feel good. Really not long enuff. but they're troopers for driving all this way. Now if they ever come again, we should stay by my other DD's house, she has the pool and it's a people going in and out at all hours and she does have 5 bedrooms and they stay up a lot--but FF comes with that whole scenario. Jodie's house is different, here they go to sleep early, not there. Damn if it was warmer I really should have thought of that all along. I just don't think quick enough. Jodie is much more of a party person, Leslie is more rigid with that stuff, unless she's at Jodie's house LOL

    OK Lori is away today, hoping it all goes well.

    I hope everyone checks in to tell us how they're doing too.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Well got pushed into the pewl again, by Lori and NM--I'm soaking wet, but enjoyed the posts and DOTD--looks good.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    May have to make a momentous, likely career-ending, choice soon. The memorial service for my friend Maryjane is tentatively set for June 21st or 22nd (maybe even over the weekend of the 23-25th). My singing partner & I have a well-paying (for us) festival gig way up north in Hayward, WI on the morning of the 24th—so far north that even he, who lives in Madison, will have to drive up on the 23d. For me, it could be a 7-8-hr drive, which would mean I might have to take two days to get up there.

    Here’s the rub. She was one of my three closest friends (closer than my singing partner) in Chicago. I can’t not go to her memorial, nor do I even want to skip it. But this would be the second time in a row (third, if you count Bob’s emergency back in May 2015) that a high-profile or well-paying gig was short-circuited by personal reasons on my part (in Dec. I threw my back out and had to drop out of a Christmas concert—the venue had to cancel it anyway due to ice storms). I’m sure my singing partner wouldn’t mind keeping all of the money, and he doubtless has enough material to play the entire gig himself. But the festival hired us.

    I don’t want to create (or by now, perpetuate) the impression that I am insufficiently professional & dedicated. (In a supreme irony, said reputation was set in motion by my canceling a gig with a former band—6 months in advance—to attend my current singing partner’s wedding)! But friendship & respect runs deeper. My old bandmate (who has no living relatives and never liked them when they were alive) thought I was unprofessional for canceling that former gig to attend the wedding (and for warning her I would fly to FL to care for my mother should her health decline, which it eventually did). I asked what her now-husband would do if his brother died and he had to miss the funeral to play a gig, and she said his family would understand his professional obligations took priority. (She expressed admiration for a folk musician for playing a local festival the day after his mother died—instead of attending her funeral or even briefly sitting Shiva—it is Jewish custom to refrain from working from a week, for Reform Jews three days, after the funeral of a parent, child, sibling or spouse).

    Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy performing and enriching others’ days if only for an hour or two. But the logistics have been getting tougher and tougher, and friends are becoming fewer and further between—not to mention more precious--as we age. But I get the feeling that my farmer’s market gig in Milwaukee this Saturday may be my last.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Oh Sandy, I know how much u love u'r music, but I guess we know what u really have to do. Remember the 'SHOW MUST GO ON' thing, well again we know it can't be like that all the time. But don't count the ice storm cancelling as a time u pulled out, after all no one could go. An no doubt u'r friend would understand, but it would forever bother u if u didn't pay u'r respects for her dear memory. U'r heart will lead u all the way and knowing u really came thru for your friend will be the best feeling u will have.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    There comes a time when the show is no longer as important as the most precious people in one's life—both present and departed. And it’s not like it’s a solo gig—it can go on quite well without me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    ChiSandy- do what your heart tells you is the right thing to do. If your friend is the one you knew and you won't know others in the family, maybe you can go vist another time. I understand those feelings of having to go, but usually do so when there are other people there I will need to see. Shared friends, family members you had relationships with and want to connect with around her life. I hope you come to a good decision you are at peace with sister.

    My condolences to you on the loss of your friend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I’ve known Maryjane and her family for 25 years. Her only living relatives are her husband (Bob’s colleague) and son (Gordy’s classmate from the summer before 1st grade through high school graduation). We share many of the same friends, and met many more of her friends at parties she threw (she threw amazing parties). Our families celebrate holidays and special occasions together and have traveled together. I would know everyone at the memorial service (except perhaps for colleagues she had at jobs she worked before she married and had her son). If I were to pick playing the concert over attending the service, it would be shocking and shameful not just to her family but to all our mutual friends, and rightly so (and the guilt and regret would haunt me till the end of my days). My heart tells me that there are more important things in life than my music. I may be talented—but I am more than my talents and so is my life.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Sandy u'r a good friend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    WOW I just heard a huge boom of thunder, didn't see any lightening, thought it was a plane, but around here u never hear a plane. U never hear anything, no traffic nothing--sometimes tho u do hear the paramedics sirens cuz we're close to the hospital--that's it.

    We had our garage sale today, Leslie had to leave for a job interview so Joey took over, I went out for a few minutes and a few of his friends were there, but he had total control over them and the sale--he greeted everyone and when they left told the to have a nice day and just ignored the kids and did tell them he was working hahaha--Well he didn't need me so I came in. He made about 50.00 and we made about 50.00 and still have stuff left for tomorrow--hoping to sell more--he got to keep the money for anything he bought himself which seemed fair. And Leslie got the job and starts Tuesday. So we'll see about this one. Her jobs are always based on %'s which she never knew going to school for this, so we'll see.

    Whoa I got some pain tonite, waking me and not wanting to leave either, All these SE are chit, had them so long, Of course an old body doesn't help I guess. I did PT for a while, but I don't think it really helped everything got worse while I was doing PT, now it's beyond that UGH I know I'm complaining again, it's just an everyday thing and I get tired of this. Joey made my dinner tonite and took care of me some. He never seems to mind, but I can't help thinking all I am is a PITA to him--what memories he'll have. And yet I'm still his favorite. Just think what his other Grandma is like LOL U know these kids now have not just pizza and cake--they have appetizers WTF they're 13, not 23--different dips and salsa and different chippy things. My kids had hot dogs chips and cake--not even ice cream haha Of course that was 40 yrs ago--Jeez my kids that long ago. Mine were both summer BD's and no AC so ice cream would melt by the time u scooped it out. Now too presents are really more money than u'd think and mostly gift cards.

    I know I'm blabbering away, cuz I need to right now--so just ignore all this minutia of thoughts.

    I found some summer clothes, but the rest are in the attic in some box, I haven't seen them since we moved here. I have plenty of things if I go somewhere, yea like I'm always partying, but not enough for just hangin' around the house--those are in the attic.

    OK OK I'm going now --be back


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! The dumpster came yesterday, got it positioned, paid the deposit. The guy making the delivery reminded me that there are lots of critters in the area and pointed out the placed to attach a rope or bungie cord to help keep them out. Dug a couple of bungies out of the bunch I keep in the car, got that taken care of. Haven't put anything in it yet, it was HOT here (hit 90 degrees on my deck) (finally) and I spent most of the day lounging on the deck. Did get dishes done, got some sunscreen/bug repellant mixed up, made a batch of laundry detergent, got a couple loads of laundry done. So not a lost day, just a low volume day. Spending the ayem with Dick, going to take my little electric rototiller and break up Mom's garden beds while she goes to meet the boat and get fresh haddock. I'm getting half a box, will need to process those for the freezer as soon as I get home. Going to throw the bathing suit into a bag and take, it's cloudy this ayem and supposed to shower off and on but it might be warm enough for at least a quick swim before I leave the lake. Yes, Silly Sadie is going, and will probably swim even if I don't. Hmm, better remember to put a towel in the bag for her, too.

    It's a pool party!Splashing Goldie and Cammy!

    Cammy--I'm with you, the furnace was on a few days ago, now I've needed to get out the fans and stock the freezer with Italian ices and have to think about keeping hydrated! Rather be complaining about the heat, though, than the cold, at least for a while. Sounds like Joey to the rescue again, hope Leslie's interview went well. The party Saturday sounds like fun, I like that kind of thing more than going to a restaurant these days, easier to move around and get to talk to everyone. Trying to think of a way to get you into and out of the pool gracefully, or at least safely. There must be a way. Floating in the water is so therapeutic, not to mention relaxing! And a granddaughter is getting her driver's license? Wow. Times do move on, don't they?

    Chi--it's a sad commentary on American culture that you should even have to be thinking about damage to your work reputation because of health, family and life events. The more I age the more I am running into similar situations, and the more I am realizing the importance of going to funerals, memorials, reunions, weddings, graduations and to see new babies and the more I understand when others are in that situation. Pardon me for being judgmental but your singing partner sounds self-centered and disconnected from any personal connections. I wonder if her now-husband's family truly would "understand" him missing his brother's funeral for a music gig. Or if the now-husband truly would. I think it says more about someone when they don't attend a funeral/memorial/ritual than when they cancel. If Gary Sinise can cancel out of the national Memorial Day concert to be home for the birth of his first grandchild, you can cancel to attend a friend's memorial service. I understand that the festival hired the 2 of you, but life happens. This memorial will happen once, the festival is ongoing (I'm assuming). If this does end the partnership with your singing partner does that mean your singing career has to end? Are there other options? Or are you feeling it's time to be thinking of retirement? When you write "My heart tells me that there are more important things in life than my music. I may be talented—but I am more than my talents and so is my life." you hit the nail right on the head.

    Cammy--Sounds like the garage sale was successful so far! And congrats to Leslie on the new job, praying this one works out better for her. Sorry the pain is back, hope it eases ASAP. About the time you and Joey spend together, he may be helping you but you and he are talking and making memories that he will carry forever. I remember my maternal grandmother's family history stories from the times I was helping her or staying with her so she wouldn't be alone. Sure, I was "helping" but I was getting more than I gave. I bet Joey feels the same way. And I bet he's be delighted to run up to the attic and find that box of summer clothes for you!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Garage Sale Cocktail

    1/2 oz of Irish cream

    1/4 oz of Frangelico hazelnut liqueur

    1/2 oz of Grand Marnier (or orange liqueur)

    1/4 oz of Tia Maria (or coffee liqueur)

    5 oz of coffee

    Combine and serve in large mug topped with whipped cream.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Mornin' again Ladies,

    Just poopin in, won't bore the hell out of u.

    NM the bungee cord for tying up the dumpster at nite??? Is the dumpster situated where a window is so u can just throw things out of the window. Oh Jeez here my laziness come out

    again--OK just a thought.

    Question anyone, if u take hemp or pot can u still take pain meds?????

    OK see ya latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    OH NM like the name of the DOTD LOL