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how about drinking?



  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    Sandy - Deepest sympathies on the loss of your good friend. Tough choices, indeed. Go with where your heart is leading you, and be at peace with your choice.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Last night I grilled some grass-fed hanger steaks, Vidalia onion slices and asparagus last night, and baked a sweet potato. Rather than finish the Grenache I had Coravin'ed (little more than a glass remaining, and I'm sure Bob would want more), we opened a 2014 Cabernet from the Maipo Valley of Chile. I had about 4 oz., and it was perfect—it lasted as long as my steak.

    One of the reasons my former band broke up was that partner's attitude, poisoned by the fact that she had a miserable childhood and detested all her relatives except her dad (and she only warmed to him years after her folks divorced and he came back into her life). She could not take any constructive criticism nor even any opinions (on any subject) that contradicted hers—she viewed both as reiterations of her mother's telling her she was not good or pretty enough. And she prided herself on being an “instinctive right-brained" musician, even though she was so musically illiterate that she refused to learn and memorize harmonies (insisting she had to intuit them at every performance), count me off or let me count her off (She insisted on starting to play without any cue and I would have to jump in with her). And despite priding herself on being a percussionist, she couldn't syncopate, and could play only on every beat. And any attempt, however gentle, to help her was viewed as criticism that she wasn't good enough.

    She wanted to present the illusion to audiences & venues that we were full-time touring professionals, so our other member & I would have to meet her down in the Loop after work and hit the road, driving late into the night, so she could be back at work Monday without a clue to her co-workers. Often she would book us two gigs hundreds of miles apart in a single day, reveling in the stress of the logistics. She broke her ankle at the after-party of a folk festival one Labor Day, and after being seen at the ER insisted on going to work the next day rather than see an orthopedist, because she was afraid she'd be docked for the entire holiday weekend and more importantly, the "jig would be up" that she was having difficulty juggling careers. So she went to work in a wheelchair—tripling an hourlong commute. Of course she didn't get docked—her boss tried to send her home and urged her to rest up but she refused—she rented a knee scooter and insisted not only on working every day but not canceling or even modifying any gigs. It wasn't her music that propelled her: it was her reputation as a “trouper" on both work fronts. Our other member (who still sings with her & her husband and another former bandmate of hers only as a seasonal Christmas band) got fed up with not being able to fulfill her duties at her own day job & managing an annual festival, and with traveling hundreds of miles to play shows for next to nothing (her own former band was paid very well).

    Another irony? Said former bandmate had been very good friends (and a bandmate in another quartet) with my current singing partner's now-wife, but was dead-set against the concept of marriage because her own first one was a disaster—she viewed marriage as only for people who were not emotionally “together" enough to be able to live alone. I asked her what if her long-time boyfriend proposed to her, and she replied “he knows me too well to ask.” She admitted to me that not just the upcoming conflicting gig, but the wedding itself, was the reason she criticized me for attending. And as a result, my current singing partner's wife wouldn't even speak to her for nearly a decade. She eventually married her long-time boyfriend only when they were ready to retire from their day jobs and realized it would be easier to pool resources, file jointly, and collect each other’s survivor benefits.

    As to my current singing partner, he would not be happy if I canceled--and truth to tell, I fear tomorrow's gig not just because of what I will need to tell him, but that I'm not ready (and we're unrehearsed); and I dread getting up at 5 am, the two-hour+ drive to Milwaukee to be ready to set up by 8 am, and the difficulty of finding parking, the schlepping of instruments (guitar, dulcimers, stands, chair, mics, etc.) between house & car & stage and back again; and most of all, the brutal 90-degree heat predicted for tomorrow (last year I "near-fainted" immediately afterward as soon as the canopy was dismantled and it was 10 degrees cooler). But in a way, I think he might to some degree be relieved, not just because he needs the money of which he'd be able to keep 100% (and he has been day-temping and playing multiple nursing-home shows to keep him and his wife—a fine-artist on disability—afloat), but because he would be able to call the shots musically, stylistically, business-wise without any compromises, be they on repertoire, meals or lodging. He is a couple of years younger than me but he too is beginning to “wear out" physically (and he still smokes despite numerous struggles to quit). More importantly, he too is a long-time friend (we’ve been singing together on & off since 1981, became a partnership in 2001 and played together even when we had side projects including my former band), from a large and loving family--and so he understands the importance of one's people over one's career.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    ChiSandy- one life lesson for me about people is that although I have often befriended people who sometimes appear to be without any family connections or any friends, I have found out in the process these people are just self absorbed by nature and completely lack empathy and sooner or later, become a problem for me. They have turned out to be bad for me in business, or in my social, or love life connections. You never get to have a problem, whether it is happening to you or around you and their needs always matter more. I have cut a lot of those people loose from my life and learn to spot them faster and don't engage now. Selfish people suck!

    Anyways, I can see going to the services is the right thing to do all the way around and hope it all goes okay for you. Again, I am sorry for your loss friend.

    I finished my class today and will do the test this weekend, and then have another certification under my belt!

    It is upper 90s here suddenly and the AC at the hotel where the training was went OUT today and it made for a hot day. I am in the coolness of my AC house and here I will stay for the evening!

    More to come this weekend. Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Happy Friday ladies! Since my taste buds are beginning to return post chemo, my cravings are in overdrive. Tonight, I had to have a perfectly built salad and 2 glasses of red wine with the spare dinner calories. Both were delicious!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    LLL- yay for tastebud recovery. Tasty dinner and good wine. So happy for you! It's the little things......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi ladies,nd

    Happy frieday, hoping everyone is well and happy.

    Sandy, so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you will make the service of your dear friend. Your prior band mate sounds like a complete ass. Like you and Jazzy, I haven't time for narcissistic "friends".

    NM, love reading your latest posts. Good job in remembering not your monkey. How sweet of you to help in Dick's garden. Hope he is feeling better. And so sorry about the decline of your dear Aunt. Sending prayers for her.

    Lori, praying for good news from you dear. Love you!l

    Illimae, great news from you, horray for taste buds and enjoying your vino. You deserve it. Enjoy your weekend girl, hugs!!

    Cammy, happy birthday to Joey (tomorrow). I hope his day is all he thought it will be. Kudos on a successful yard sale. Give Joey a birthday hug from me. I can't wait for him to receive my gift, know he will just love it and enjoy having the flute for more than just one overnight.

    As some of you know, my cousin had a Trigger Point injection today while under anesthesia. We had high hopes that the pain would cease but it has gotten worse. Her doctor said that it may get worse before it gets better. She has been sleeping since we got home. I watched Logan for a few hours while Jessica went to a court hearing for child support. The fn sperm donor failed to show and Jess thinks there will be a warrant issued for his arrest. She was very uptight over facing the ass again. She was visibly relieved once she got her. Logan was just so cute, talking up a storm. He is putting words together and he just amazes me. Jess said that he went pee on the potty today for the first time! I could not be more proud!

    Here's hoping all my gals have a great weekend! It is warm here and a heat wave is expected, going well into the 90's, should be great pool weather!

    chEErS !!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Spoke tonight to my singing partner about tomorrow’s logistics (if you’re in Milwaukee, we’re playing in Cathedral Sq. Park from 10:30-1pm), and the subject of Maryjane’s memorial service came up (we found out one of his best friends —and who wrote the punch line of one of our funniest songs--has been moved to hospice in Seattle and isn’t expected to last the week). I said if it’s the 21st or even 22nd, then I can drive like a bat out of hell and make the gig. If the 23rd, I can’t w/o extrordinary measures, and if the 24th, no way. He paused and reminded me we are under contractual obligation. (Oh, shit). They wanted us and they expect us (and can sue us if we don’t show or only one does). Bob is saying that if I can’t figure out a way up there by plane to Wausau and then a 'copter (or if the service is the same day) he & Gordy can go in my stead and people will understand. No, they won’t, nor should they have to. I hope that nobody lets my dilemma slip to them and put them on the spot to pick a different date. A memorial service is for the bereaved—they should not have to be concerned about the attendees’ convenience, nor about entertaining them. In Judaism (okay, Maryjane was Catholic) when people pay their respects at a “shiva house” (the bereaved’s home), the bereaved aren’t even allowed to lift a finger—the guests are obligated to provide food, comfort the bereaved and do whatever work that entails. My singing partner says let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. (I have a pal with her own Cessna, and if she can get me to the closest airport to the festival hotel, I can either get a taxi or my partner will pick me up—and I can ride back to Madison with him afterward and then catch a flight to O’Hare). We go on at 10 am, so conceivably if the funeral is on Sunday the 25th, if I leave Hayward and drive down to Chicago just in time. If the service is the 21st, no problem; if the 22nd, I can drive all night, take a rest somewhere past the Dells, and make the festival hotel late on the night of the 23d.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Wow new tastebuds, grandbabies, shots, heat and all kinds of stuff going on. Just in one day.

    Sandy I'm sure u didn't think about the contractual obligations of u'r engagement. I do hope it works out for u with ease. And that crazy lady , is just to much to deal with. Oh I agree with Jazzy, when most people are really on their own with no one close to them, it's for a reason and u find that out and know why they are so alone. They are just miserably unhappy and want everyone to be unhappy. U really can't change them, u have to leave them, alone where they started.

    Illimae so glad u'r started to really feel better, when wine tastes good u really know u feel better.

    Dara, it's best SD is out of the picture completely. Even tho we know it's 100% right to give money for Logan, sometimes that starts other problems that no one wants to deal with. I know kids need 2 parents, but do they really all the time. U can enjoy Logan and give him all the love u want and it's so much fun. U can spoil him like crazy and it's all good. And u know I send HUGS got Cheryl, hope this shot is helping her.

    Tomoree is going to be 7,000 degrees outside and these goofy kids are going to end up being stuck in this house. Everyone is making up trivia questions for teams for a trivia-like game for them--asking me those stupid questions--about movies and TV--They figure if I can answer them they're not hard enough--I'm so abused here. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Related image Sounds good--DOTD for today--just relax Kim.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Yesterday was an interesting day. Rained steadily when it was supposed to be just showers, so I couldn't rototill Mom's garden beds for her. No swimming, either, just a bit too chilly for that. Dick is doing better, but slowly, much to his disgust. Mom got a break with some of her lady friends, and they sent a slice of birthday cake back to me and Dick. Sadie got lots and lots of petting and ear scratches. And I came home with 5 pounds of fresh caught and filleted haddock which is now residing in my freezer in individual serving size packages.

    Cammy--no, the dumpster isn't positioned right under a window, couldn't figure out how to do that without blocking the garage. But I can toss stuff out the sunporch windows, then go down and pick it up and toss it in the dumpster. So only one trip up and down the stairs per session. The bungee cord goes over plastic lid to help keep critters out. There are bears in the general area, although I've never seen them right around the house. Have seen deer, moose, fox, so I'm sure there are racoons, too. Not sure the bungee cords will work for the racoons, but we'll see. I thought the DOTD name was pretty cool, too!

    Chi--oh, my, that partner has some real issues that she is never going to deal with adequately. The "I'm a trouper" attitude makes a person terribly rigid after a while, and leaves no way to change directions without being "wrong" and most "trouper" types cannot deal with that. To push her feelings about weddings and family connectedness on everyone around her is awfully egotistical, but most "troupers" are very self-centered. I can imagine how hard the Milwaukee gig will be, and the conversation with your partner, but maybe, if he is feeling the effects of time, too, he will have some ideas about ways to keep performing with less stress. Or he may like the idea of being solo. But at least he understands the importance of people over career.

    Jazzy--I have found that people without connections generally are that way for a reason, often of their own devising. WOW!! Love the weather graphic! I'm glad it's getting warmer here, but just as glad it isn't getting THAT hot!Eighty's here until Wed, then it drops back to the 60's for a few days.

    Illi--so glad your taste is coming back, and your appetite!Hooray!Love the way you spent your calories!

    Dara--thanks for the prayers for Auntie. Praying that cousin's injection works and quickly. Funny how sperm donor isn't interested in child support but didn't want DD to have custody, either. I wonder if he knew he'd be hounded by DHS if Logan had stayed in foster care. He is such a jerk. Not showing up for the hearing was a dumb move on his part, but good for Jessica. Logan must be hoot to be with now.

    Chi--Yikes, I never thought about a contract being involved. Do you have access to the document? I would think there would be something in there about situations like this. But it sounds like you guys have things worked out for just about any contingency. I can't see a reputable festival runner suing over something like this, really. Just deciding not to show up, or doing a different gig instead, yeah, I could see it then, but over a conflict with a funeral? Not really. Hope you will have time to recover afterwards, no matter how it works out.

    Cammy--LOL, you have a unique form of abuse going on there!

    GREAT DOTD, thanks, Cammy!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- watching the end of a really great movie this morning after waking up too early, but wanted to share the recommendation for your Netflix list. It is the best movie with Liv Tyler I have ever seen, and not earth shaking but set in Italy and who does not love that. I read it is a great summer flick so here you go:

    Whew, what a week and not done yet! The class the last two days was really good, and now I have to take a test which I will do later today or by tomorrow to get the actual certification for this work. Not has hard as other certs, but this will give me a credential for something that many orgs are moving towards. I met the owner of this training company last fall and they were doing the training in November, but with my end of the year deadlines, no way I could swing it. I sat a table with a group from Sandia National Laboratories and we designed out a software app (my idea) that someone actually said I should bring to market. Hmm.......

    My steel drum class also started this week and is way fun and the group includes many that have done it before like me. Only downside is being in this non-AC space at a Montesorri school which I discovered this week, has no bathroom access. The drums are there though, and need to be prepared to deal with this the next few weeks as we do the class through end of June (hottest month of the summer, oiy).

    Today I have some errands and an apt to do, then off to see Jeff Bridges and T-Bone Burnett at the film event here. I might go do the summer music at the museum but also may just choose to stay in and stay cool. I need to get to da pool this weekend too.

    Cami- it sounds like it is hot where you are and saw the midwest was forecasted to be hot this weekend like here. I wonder if you work on the weekends and if you will be on the phone. Who has the pool in the family? And when is Joey done with school?

    Dara- I hope you are feeling better friend. And that the shot is something that helps your cousin. Took me years to see the whole narcissist thing because I grew up in a family of them so the behavior was "familiar". My last experience was going on a vacation with one I had no idea was so horrible, only to have the crap beat out of me the whole time about it being 'her vacation." Bye bye now!

    Who has a new grandchild? I am so far behind.....

    NM- yay that the dumpster is here and suggestion that you take before and after pics so you can see your progress as you go along. It is super fun to do and know you will enjoy getting the junk out. Glad Dick is doing better and that Miss Sadie will get a swim.

    Must go see my boyfriend Jeff Bridges now. Talked to my other boyfriend on the phone this morning about his visit here soon. Boyfriends everywhere......Cami likes this.....

    Be back later....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Looks like it may all work out—the service is tentatively set for the 22nd, so Bob will drive up with me afterwards to break up the drive and split the responsibility. (Already have a room for the 23d, in the closest town with a hotel). We play on the 24th from 10-1pm, so we can hit the road home after.

    Today worked out well (almost to the end). Construction confounded my GPS. The heat held off for awhile but the wind was brutal. Halfway through, someone laid a bouquet at my feet. We kept our instruments flat on the grass instead of storing them on stands—and at 12:50 the wind was so bad it blew the canopy off the stage. The mgr. of the market said it was okay to knock off early, so we played our closing song and began packing up. But it heated up pretty quickly thereafter and by the time I made three trips to the car, my heart was pounding and my water bottle was hot. I sat with the windows closed and the A/C cranked before heading back. Had some traffic coming into the suburbs, but was able to get my stuff into the house and have a snack—gotta go train now.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Best picture today from the event. Jeff and T-Bone doing a little skit together. Outstanding conversations and both were so relaxed, cool and real. They both love NM


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    JJazzy, to be able to see two geniuses of Rock & Americana music (one of whom is also a fantastic actor) must have been a dream come true!

    Not sure of today's DOTD for me. Right now, kicking back with a blood orange seltzer—might treat myself to a ginger beer after all that playing outdoors on my feet, schlepping equipment, and a good training/cardio session. Maybe dilute it to reduce the sugar. If I make salmon again, might kill off the Grenache, or chill a good rosé. (Certainly hot enough out there for it—Kim, did you know that Vegas is cooler than Maine today)?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, congrats on the new certification. Been hot here too. We don't have AC, just a swamp cooler, but it works just fine. No new grand baby, Dara was talking about her grandson, I think he is about 2 now. And Cami's other daughter has the pewl. LOL @ boyfriends everywhere! Great picture of Jeff B.

    Ilona, glad your taste buds are back and you got to have some wine.

    Wacko, sorry the SD was a no show and not paying support, just happy that your DD is NOT with him. Sounds like you had fun with that little darling. And your poor cousin, hoping that injection helps in time.

    Sandy, sounds like you might be losing yet another friend. I am so sorry. Kind of scary that canopy blowing off the stage. We get some brutal winds here this time of the year. All of that back and forth to your car in the heat, one would think you could skip your work out!

    NM, I wouldn't think you should have too much trouble with the critters and the dumpster, since you aren't putting food in there. Glad mom got a little break and Dick is improving.

    We left here early yesterday morning, DH wanted to take the new truck into town so we could wash it. Came back and I did some cleaning in the toy hauler. Doctor visit was fine, like I said, a BS session. We are going to stay on the FU pills for now. If my TM's go up again then I have to switch over to Ibrance, with labs every 2 weeks. Not looking forward to that! Doc said this is MY ship, I am the captain!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I took my fun day yesterday, did next to nothing all day. Doing better this ayem, have a cake in the oven for the pot-luck tomorrow night, Got some herb butter whipped up, now trying to think of something to make to go with that to take to the big Tuesday morning meeting on, you guessed it, Tuesday. Got coffee going, thinking of cooking up some eggs for breakfast. My little mini food processer has died; I've only had it since before I bought the house in 1993, use it constantly, so I imagine I've gotten my money's worth out of it. So I will give it an honorable burial and replace it.

    Jazzy--Wow, you are having a great week! And getting lots and lots accomplished! Good for you!Oh, before and after pics, what a great idea! I never thought of that, but am definitely going to do it now. If it gets as warm as predicted I may take Sadie to the local pond for a swim. There are warnings up for this weekend, the temp is jumping up, people are heading to the water but the water temp is still cold (40's most places) meaning hypothermia is possible in 20 minutes or so. I think that is talking about ocean temps, but I'm going to double check before jumping into the local lake anyway.

    Chi--Glad the things are working out ok schedule-wise. Got to be careful in the heat. Glad you had AC in the car to rest in.I did not know that Vegas was cooler than Maine, that is too funny! Not what I expect, anyway.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for vegas martini>

    Vegas Martini


    Mixing Instructions

    Shake vodka and Kahlua in shaker and pour into cocktail glass. Add espresso.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- just cleaned out my smelly fridge and note to self again is I throw out too much food, so going to think better ahead about my week and schedule so I am not overbuying food I cannot eat before it is not good. I really don't eat that much these days as some of the meds I take cause me to get fuller faster (especially the Trulicity shots I do weekly), so I think part of me still thinks I can eat more than I do. I certainly know it when I go out to eat, have to take home half or more of my meal but true of most people these days. I was going to go to the farmers market today but am going away to a yoga retreat next weekend and so I really only need a bit of food for the next four days. Will go when I am back!

    NM- I love hearing you are able to slow down some on the weekends, baking things for the potluck, decluttering, etc. Now you are living friend, keep it going! It is amazing how when you change one thing in life, everything else changes around you. How you work is one of them. There will always be sweat shop employers, clients, etc. Our job is to recognize them and move away or restructure the way we work with them. Summers are so awesome in Maine and just in time for the best weather months! Wish I were there to share some lobsta with you!

    Goldie- thanks for helping me know I did not miss a baby birth! I do know about Dara's GS (Cami's too) and was wondering if someone else had another one come on the scene? Like little Anorable got a brother or sis? Many here have swamp coolers, but more have central AC these days. I have central AC but only need it to cool down the house, fans work well the rest of the time.

    Got a test to do and a pool to get in to today. Wishing everyone a good Funday Sunday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Mornin Ladies <still> by the time I'm done it won't be.

    Jazzy u really think of everything, about even taking pics of NM dumpster thing, I never thought of it. And love, love, love that pic. How exciting to be with those 2 icons--and Congrats on the new Certificate. U are really going girl especially with all those MEN around u, an soon in person Yahoo.

    Sandy glad u'r DH is planning on going with u, I'm sure it will make things easier for u all the way around. And thru all this u can still be at the memorial, which will make u feel good about that.

    Lori OK just praying nothing gets worse for u with u'r numbers. This is so BS for u all the time and so far to go too.

    NM just let Sadie take u'r chopper thingy to her cubby hole, she probably wants that anyway. And yes u did get u'r money's worth. Baking in this weather??? U'r a brave woman Miss Kim.

    Nothing really new here, Joey's party was great for him, everyone seemed to have a good time, but now it's over--Good. They went to my sisters this morning to pick up an occasional chair to put in the living room, I feel to rotten to go, I can't even get in the car, it's just to hard. Well it's really hot here too, Ugh to hot as far as I'm concerned, even the kids stayed inside last nite. And no one is out today--That's hot. Joey made my coffee this morning, damn he makes it better than I do. How does this happen so quickly???

    See u Latah Ladies,


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Cami, I believe Bethanny sold Skinny Girl alcohol products to Jim Beam for 100 million $. personally, I find the drink vile. Anyway, she had her own spin off show, and it showed the process she went thru with her now ex husband. I always liked Bethanny pre Skinny Girl. I liked her pre Skinny Girl success, but now i think she's beyond a bitch. But.....great TV!
    I'm glad Joey was with you at the doc's. He has your back. I'm so happy you got your pain meds.
    Vodka sauce is my absolute fave. That pasta looks so good!

    Happy Birthday to Joey!

    I'm so glad Dara posted the beautiful pics of you!

    Native, beautiful pics of the winery. It sounds like it was boat loads of fun!

    Lounging on your deck sounds dee-vine. Wait....hold you make your own laundry detergent? How? From what?

    Dara, Love your pics! But it looks like you took one nasty spill. I hope you're feeling ok from this. I am so sorry about Cheryl. How is she feeling?

    Jessica is your daughter? Her ex sounds like a vile person. Boo him.

    Love, love, love your outdoor fire pit. I'm jonesing for an out door fireplace or pit. Jessica is your daughter? Her ex sounds like a vile person. Boo to him! Logan is a little cutie! Such a handsome little man!

    Jazzy. I love the red blend from Ménage a trois. It's a subsidiary of Folie a deux, which We had the pleasure of visiting when we were in Napa. I have not had or heard of Silk, but I will definitely look into it.

    Goldie, I hope the doc appt. went well. Eight hours??!! Oy. I'm bowing my head in shame when I think an hour drive is long. Your home/land is beautiful. I would never want to leave.

    I'm sorry about your MIL's boyfriend. How long were they together?

    Sue, I hope you're feeling better. It sucks being sick!

    Ilona, glad your taste buds are coming back. This was a huge problem for my mom and sister when they went thru chemo. Cheers to you!

    Sandy, condolences to you. I'm so sorry about your friend.

    I'm having a pretty nice weekend so far. We met friends at a local winery (Malibu/Calabasis) for wine tasting. There are a few wineries/tasting rooms in the area. We had a lovely dinner in Malibu on the water.

    I'm meeting a friend for brunch, while Paolo (the hubs) is cycling. We're going to a great little wine bar/restaurant, where there's only outdoor seating (bottomless mimosas!) in my neighborhood. I love Cleveland, but one of things I missed about home is that I can walk to numerous restaurants, shops, Whole Foods, etc.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Hi Cami- thank you for the kind words. Sometimes I feel more sense of accomplishment of doing something when I take pictures. Like "OMG, look at this room before and then now?" We sometimes forget as time goes on and can go back and look later. I plan to work on reorging shelves in the garage this week and will share pics. Ha ha, BORING.....

    Happy birthday Joey. You da man with the coffee making too!

    Hsant- the Silk was surprisingly nice. I was reluctant to buy it with all the reds around here, but did decide it was a nice cocktail wine. I decided today to bring my big bottle of Charles and Charles rose I got last weekend to the yoga retreat next weekend. LOL, yoga and wine! Some places here do yoga AT the wineries. Sort of works against the principles of it, but we have some nice dinners where the wine fits. I brought some last time and no one else did so we all got a bit, taking more this time.

    Things sound better your way friend. Sounds like you are getting out a bit more, doing things you enjoy like winery time, lunch with friends, etc. Good to hear and it just comes back when you are ready. May you continue to return to the things that bring you joy with time friend.

    Goldie- I forgot to say I am glad you had a good doc visit and that you are the captain of your own ship! I like partnering with my providers vs. being bossed around. My cancer docs are all great, but my BS is bossy. We have done better through time.

    I had a garbage disposal crisis in the kitchen but not before I had to bail water and then knocked over a container on the floor with sink water and junk in it. Good news is, despite the war, I won but dealing with mess. Never ending adventure of home ownership. Always fighting with something around here (the drip system and I have a real relationship issue at the moment too.....)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Cami, this is for you


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Lori, my singing partner (and his wife) and I are fine. We worked out a solution by which I can fulfill both my moral and contractual obligations, and he was a perfect gentleman yesterday helping me schlep stuff back to my car. We’re on for rehearsal next weekend, only question being here or in Madison. (Pleasant drive for me, practically autopilot).

    Heidi, I always found the concept of Skinnygirl alcoholic products to be ridiculous & superfluous. Wanna have alcohol & still stay low-carb? Drink dry wine or “ultra-lite" beer (which has almost as much taste as seltzer) or don’t add sugary crap to hard spirits. “Skinny?" Bullshit. Alcohol still has calories no matter what. I find that if I want a low-carb mojito, I can always add seltzer & lime juice (or a little bit of diet 7-Up) plus fresh mint leaves to my rum—and it’ll taste better and have fewer processed garbage than anything that comes out of a Bethany-bottle. (Plus, I’m not boosting the bank account of someone already rich & spoiled who is famous for being rich & spoiled—do you think Jane Doe from Iowa could have gotten financing, manufacturing & distro for a line of fake cocktail mixes)? And does anyone here really believe that the Real Housewives got & remain slim by drinking booze mixed with artificial sweeteners & other chemical crap?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies, watching "Our Miss Brooks" on TV--I remember it first run. hahaha

    OK Heidi I really never heard of Skinny girl til my DD told me about her having the Co. Wow and I didn't know how much she made either, my DD told me loads, well I guess that's loads. And Sandy u'r so right, these women always eat out and drink and so thin. LOL And none of them can really be friends in the real world, they argue all the time--But that's the fun of these shows. Heidi it sounds so good that u'r getting out more now and enjoying u'rself. U deserve to, but don't get to busy that we can't talk about our shows, they're so much fun.

    Sandy I'm glad everything is all set for you, but I did think u were driving with u'r DH, I don't know why I thought that. Who knows why I think anything.

    Jazzy I lubs the melting cat and that's what it looks like. It's so funny to see furbabies in all kinds of positions they they can have. And u do take the most beautiful scenic pics. So enjoyable. U know Joey was just telling me tonite he was saving for a Polaroid camera. I didn't know they still made those things. He has it on his phone, but he wants pics. he can save. He's also saving to get private lessons for music, so we'll see. Or Leslie is, someone is anyway. LOL

    Oh Leslie got another job starting Tuesday again we'll see.

    Dan came over today <my boss> and we talked and watched TV for a couple of hours. Oh I really love him, he's calling around to get me some hemp hopefully I'll have it in a day or 2. And then he asked me if it would help my pain if my legs were rubbed , again he's my older Joey. But no way would I let him rub them, oh so awful like balloons. Anyway he always tries to make me feel better and he actually takes my advice about business promotions. Like Joey he thinks I'm smart. So easy to fool a male. LOL

    Happy Monday, I think.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! We broke temp records here yesterday, topped out in the 90's. Was 98 on my back deck at one point. The humidity has been really high, too, and will be for at least another day or two. I can deal with the heat, but the humidity drains me. Got all the fans in the house going, thought about turning on the AC in the bedroom last night but fell asleep before I made up my mind one way or the other. Poor Sadie panted her way through the day, but wouldn't stop running around and supervising the neighborhood. She slept some hard last night, though, sprawled out on the floor directly under the ceiling fan!

    Jazzy--Ah, Farmer's Market season! It's getting into full gear here. I love going through them, they offer so much more now than a few years ago. Used to be just produce, occasionally seedlings in the spring, now, depending on where I go, I can get breads, meats, cheeses, milks, eggs, candies, preserves, pastries, cookies and other sweets, it's amazing. I love living like this, able to do things when I want rather than just thinking about them and wondering if I can shoehorn that activity in somewhere. The ripples are still making themselves known, and those are great, too! Hope you had fun in the pool and aced the test.

    Cammy--I never thought about giving the mini processor to Sadie, but if she wants it she'll get it out of the trash bag it's in. Had to do something with the raspberries I thawed out, needed something for the pot luck tonight, glad I did that first thing in the ayem, though, before it started getting really hot here. Amazing how fast kids grow up, isn't it? Glad Joey's party went well for him. Make sure you drink enough fluids!

    Hsant--Yes, I make my own laundry detergent. It's easy. I usually castile soap (Dr. Kirk's is one brand, but I can usually find off brand bars at the grocery store or online). I grind up one bar of soap very finely, mix that with 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup Borax, add in whatever essential oils I feel like at the moment.This just about fills a pint container I use (wide mouth for easy access). I put about 1 tablespoon in the bottom of the washer, turn on the water, wait till the powder is gone (only takes a couple of seconds) then fill 'er up. The pint lasts me a month or so, depending on how many loads I do with two tablespoons (good for really smelly clothes, Sadie's crate blanket, or work clothes when I've been exposed to nasty stuff). I usually use Castile soap (I buy in bulk, about $1.75 per bar) but I also use glycerinbar soap (about $1.00 per bar) or fels naptha (about $1.50 per bar and Iuse half a bar per batch cuz I don't care for the smell). I buy unscented soaps, but you can use the scented if you prefer.I've been using the same boxes of Washing soda and Borax for year.I calculated that it comes to about $2.00 a batch, not including the essential oils, and a batch lasts me as long as a bottle of detergent used to. I have used all kinds of soaps, but find the castile works best in my hard water. Many people leave out the Borax out of environmental concerns but I like the antimicrobial boost it gives due to the kind of work that I do. There is a way to use the same ingredients to make a liquid laundry detergent, but it's a lot of work and can be touchy, tending to come out lumpy, so I don't bother with that anymore. Sounds like you are having a great weekend, good for you!

    Jazzy--please do share the pics of the garage work, it will be inspiring for me! The before and after pics thing is a great idea, especially for people like me who need to see progress, need immediate gratification to keep going with a project sometimes. Ah, the joys of home ownership!

    LOL at melted cat!

    Chi--So glad things worked out with singing partner and wife.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Blue Bird


    How to mix

    Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    OMG all u Ladies amaze making u'r own soap-OK what is "washing soda" and how do u "grind" a bar of soap??? Oh u ladies are just to much for my feeble mind. LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    NM, yeah for having a day of doing nothing! I hear ya on the humidity, glad it's dry out here…at least until the monsoons arrive.

    Jazzy, I usually buy too much food too. It's easy to do when you are only buying for one. And I don't believe we have any new babies. Since we are on solar, an AC would use up a lot of our power

    Cami, it's quite toasty here too. Sorry you weren't feeling well enough to go to Jodi's. Why is it sometimes the pain pills and shots help, and othertimes it doesn't. Crappola! Glad that Leslie will start a new job. And I think it's awesome that Dan comes and just hangs out with you. You are so loved!

    Hsant, you are sounding a bit better to me, I hope so. Glad you got to go to lunch with a friend. I drive down to Phoenix to my oncs office, as I don't trust the doctors out here in these little po dunk towns I live in and near.

    Jazzy, is there anything I could possibly help you with on your drip system? After all, that's my business!

    Sandy, you have me cracking up over your comment about the Housewives (although I do not watch it) And does anyone here really believe that the Real Housewives got & remain slim by drinking booze mixed with artificial sweeteners & other chemical crap?

    It's Monday, I'll be swamped!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning ladies- I am sitting out on the patio this morning getting ready for a busy day. Waiting to hear from my sister too, whose partners was in the ER this weekend with some problems. My sister did not call me back yesterday so I am a bit worried.

    I took and passed my certification testing yesterday. Whoot whoot. The test was not huge, 35 questions but not easy either and figured I would fail it the first time but made it through. Yay! Added the new credentials to my Linked In profile and will update my resume today too!

    Cami- I love that your boss Dan does so many good things for you. I hope he can get you the hemp for the pain relief you need. This whole thing with opiod addiction with big pharma and the docs pushing it, now we have all these problems and why don't they just legalize cannabis and hemp everywhere? It is what the people want? Well it is happening state by state which is where the change seems to be coming from these days. I hope you can get it soon. I want you pain free and happy sister?

    Goldie- the problem with drip system seems minor, some dysfunctional tubing and went to Home Depot last week to get some new tubing and going to work in it this week. Just no time so far, but need the drip going again because it is hot and need to be running the drip to keep things wetter. The plants are starting to look withered and know that come with the June heat. Thank you for asking and if this does not work, will let you know? I have a drip system company I like but usually only call them when I want more stations put in?

    ChiSandy- love that you are in Madison and things are coming together. I was there long ago, but the big software E H R company I do work with is based out of that area. I remember going to the House of Cheese long ago. It is a great college town. I hope your gig goes well and everything else too. You love your music friend, just like me!

    NM- wow, it got hot there fast! I love that you make your own soap too! The farmers market I go to has breads, sometimes goat cheese too but have not seen that as much the past few years. This is the way they shop in the EU, with fresh everything! And daily too! I plan to go the weekend and nailed down the menu with my BCO friend who is coming for dinner. I will be happy to share photos from the garage reorg work!

    Got to get to Walgreens this morning for a script, some other supplies, etc. and later today to the credit union, PO and grocery store. Time to get supplies all the way around. Until we meet again.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I don’t live in Madison, my singing partner does. I can drive up & back solo for rehearsal, but the gig itself is way up north in Hayward (closer to Eau Claire or Duluth than to Madison) and Bob will share driving with me if I can’t split the trip halfway.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies <early>

    Sandy I think I got confused again. Ok now I get the whole thing.

    NM i still can't get over how different u sound, u have such a happy lilt to u'r posts.

    Lori isn't this weather hard for u'r garden??? It got so hot so fast for the whole country, but the sun there really is THERE. I can just imagine how busy u are tho, hope u'r doing good. And yes Hsant and I are the only 2 that really watch these crazy housewives, I never watched this stuff then one day I did and found it funny--Jeez I thought I was dramatic. But I'd be more dramatic if I knew I was getting paid for it.

    Jazzy u are always busy, but u have some fin stuff coming up in a few weeks--u will really be busy then.

    This heat has been super busy for business. Never got off the phone from 6am til almost 8pm all A/C's of course and everyone wanted TODAY--These guys were out all day and we talked a lot to organize, personally I don't know how they did it. I didn't move from one spot for all those hours and my pain was horrible--somehow I got thru it--didn't get my hemp yet. But the Pain Dr. called and will give me a shot tomorrow and my other dr. called and gave me a script for some steroids to start today. I'm no martyr so I stopped phone calls myself and told Dan. I honestly don't know how I didn't scream today at people--did drugs tho. LOL I did spell horribly tho <as usual> but went back into records and corrected things later. I actually learned a few things today about A/C's that I could care less about so it'll leave my head right away.

    OK I'll close for now---hopefully see u latah.