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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The heat and humidity are starting to wear me down, will need to turn on the AC in the bedroom tonight and get a really good night's sleep. Dragging a bit this ayem. But that's ok, I had a great time at the buying club meeting/pot luck last night, met some new friends, found a new local farm store/café, had some good food.

    Cammy--washing soda (soda ash, sodium carbonate) is found in the laundry detergent area, it's used to boost the effectiveness of laundry detergent and to soften hard water. I have very hard water, so I use it regularly. I grind up a bar of soap in my blender, cut the bar into chunks and then press "grind" until it's as fine as baby powder.

    Image result for washing soda

    Goldie--hope you weren't too swamped yesterday!

    Jazzy--Hooray for new creds! Praying your sister's partner is ok. Farmer's market shopping is so much fun and has really expanded here in Maine over the last few years. I am continually amazed at the variety of foods that can be made and bought locally.

    Cammy--I like this semi-retired life. I feel like I'm really living, finally! It has gotten hot fast here, but that's the way Maine does weather, fast and furious and often variable. I can image you guys are very busy with AC stuff right now. Sorry for the pain, glad you called it quits and are getting meds soon.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Crocodile Cooler recipe

    Crocodile Cooler Ingredients


    Pour over ice and mix well. Garnish with a lime wheel and a straw.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, sorry to hear about your sisters partner, praying that all is ok. Hemp is available Nation Wide, it's not illegal anywhere, as there is no THC in it. Hopefully your drip system will be an easy fix. I hear ya on not having time and the June heat. Heating up here this week…..oiy vey! The BCO friend you are meeting, have you met her before? Congrats on passing the test, but we knew you would!

    Cami, YES the heat is hard on the garden, but it always seems to be ok. I can run my micro sprayers and it will cool things off. But, we are expecting high winds, so can't put them on during that! You would make a GREAT housewife for the show!!!! As for the phone, after hours I may or may not answer it. Altho I try to, as it could be a sale.

    NM, sounds like you had a fun day yesterday. What is your work schedule this week? As for being swamped, it really wasn't that bad. After this month, things will start to slow down, as most have their gardens in by now.

    So many girls missing, hate that! L

    Well yesterday, I came in the house around 11 or 12 pee em, was very tired. So I laid down and realized at some point how cold I was. Decided to take my temp and it was 101. Pretty much slept from then until 4 this ay em. I did watch a little tv last night, curled up in a fetal position in my chair. Also had a dry tickly cough. I hope it's not lung mets. Of course that's right where your mind goes, right?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Lori, with a fever I doubt it's anything but an infection--bronchitis & colds happen all year long. If you've been exposed to rodents, or gotten a skeeter bite, call your doc just in case it's a more serious virus.

    Jazzy, sorry about sis' partner.

    Cami, hope you can get some pain relief. Any MMJ dispensaries in your neck of DuPage? I could look it up--might have to come out & take you to Andersonville, since it has two!

    Fun times yesterday--dead sparrow in backyard overnight, on path to garage, crawling with, well, you can guess. Bob called Streets & San and their dead animal removal team came out this morning before the neighbors could organize a pitchforks & torches party to ride us out of town on a rail (did you know it's illegal to dispose of an outdoor dead animal any other way)?

    Plumber coming this morning--yay! Bob has agreed to smoke and drink on front porch, where the screen door latches by itself. No dead skeeters overnight after I swept the kitchen.

    Dentist in a couple hours--have to walk as parking is impossible, and I'd look like an idiot calling a rides hare or taxi for only a half-hour walk. At least we have a lake breeze keeping temps down in the 80s.

    Last night was sparkling rose and the last of the Grenache with an awesome steak I grilled.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Good thing we called the plumber. He couldn’t budge the pop-up sink stopper from above or below either. Had to take off the trap—where he found the bottom part of the stopper that engages with the mechanism had cracked off (Turns out it wasn’t metal but plated plastic). He told me that the faucet assembly mfr. isn’t making that particular pop-up stopper any more, and the replacements in hardware store wouldn’t fit. Moreover, installing a whole new pop-up faucet set would have been twice the cost of today’s service call. So I popped in an inverted hotel shampoo bottle as a makeshift stopper, and eventually found an old-school rubber stopper at the hardware store around the corner.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, the weather broke, didn't need the AC last night, slept really well in the drier and slightly cooler air. Sadie even slept on the bed most of the night! The humidity is supposed to stay away for a few days now. I got some guilt-tripping from one of the nurses I work with this week. She was going on about being the only one of us working on Thursdays and Fridays and how she is having to cover the whole case load plus the extra stuff the Clinical Managers load on to her. I had to remind myself that it's not my problem, that she has been dictating where she goes and how many visits she does for a long time, that I was picking up the slack for her regularly when I was working full time, and that I chose not to work Thursdays and Fridays for very important reasons. So I am done with Hospice for this week, but have a very full day today. Working at the Immunization Clinic in the ayem, appointment with the pulmonologist this peeyem, Wednesday, Women and Wine this evening. Should be fun!

    Goldie--I can see where the work load will slow down now that most gardens are in. Hope you feel better soon, sounds like you've caught the respiratory virus that's circulating (along with the actual flu insome places). I'm pretty sure mets don't trigger fevers. But I understand that's where the mind goes!

    Chi--seriously, you have to call someone to dispose of a dead animal? That must be a city thing. Around here anyone calling to get anything smaller than a deer removed from a public roadway would be laughed off the phone, after being told to get a shovel and toss it into the woods! Aren't those old-school rubber stoppers great? I find them way more dependable than the newfangled gizmos.

    Where is everyone today????

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Roadkill Cocktail

    Ingredients :

    - 1 shot tequila

    - 1 shot beer (lager)

    - 1 shot whisky (whiskey,bourbon...)

    Use a "In glass" for Roadkill drink recipe

    Pour ingredients into a highball glass, and serve.

    Serve in "Highball Glass"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies--or whoever is around LOL,

    Oh I didn't hve much to catch up on for sure.

    Sandy we actually have a dispensary opened in DuPage not long ago and I have someone trying to take care of this for me, but not fast enough. The Dr. did move my app't to this week instead of next week and gave me steroids which help me quite a bit, have a hard time walking my legs are elephant legs but I can now put them up for some relief. Thank you.

    Lori I'm glad u slept well u must have needed it <as they say> u have to be busy. Please don't let u'r mind go there---when u get overtired u'r body can react many ways. All right I know this is not a clinical thing maybe but it just always seems when u are over tired or just stressed from work u can get sick easier, especially when u body has a disease. It's always easier to catch any kind of bug then. Please if it really bothers u go to the DOCTOR.

    NM we're all liking u'r life and choices too. It is nice to work but not always. U've done u'r share now it's time to relax a bit. And what u are doing is great. So u and Sadie enjoy it. And u'r weather has gotten better already??? Holy Chit ours is still playing around with us and super busy at work, I think that why I've been in so much pain--for 2 days I've barely stopped and typing and talking all day and it's caught up to me.

    Oh Sandy u and Jazzy must be familiar with these names--My DD and her DH are going to a concert this Aug. Richard Elliot and Ron Reinhardt are coming to town. Well my DD went to school and is still very good friends with his wife Laura and he's comped them tickets for this. They stayed at Laura and Ron's house in FL went they went there and they hung out with Ron quite abit for the week and that's who played piano for my GS's Joeys' tape. They did a jam session with the 2 of them, he really gave Joey the lead and no pressure and told him just 'to play what u want and I'll follow.' Leslie and Joey just went Marty had to work but they both said he was so very nice all the time, well if u know who I'm talking about u'd appreciate this, otherwise it's just another of my blabbering posts. One more thing, when Joey played with Ron, he never told Joey the people he had and has played with or Joey would have been a nervous wreck, cuz he does know of some of them LOL. Now Joey has said OMG I've played with him??? It's just been 2 mos. ago. OK done with my tidbit.

    I'll be back later maybe.

    LUBS U ALL and everyone get back here!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Just to let u know I haven't just been MIA here I had to resign in at my email, and nowdelete so much--I've been not up to date anywhere except work.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Sandy, no skeeter bites, but for the rodents, I live with them! Living out in the country that is. Illegal to remove dead animals….WHAAAAAAT??? Good for you in walking to the dentist, although I think had there been parking you would have drove!

    NM, I think your fellow work peeps are figuring out how much you actually did. Again, not your monkey's girl! I'm with you on the dead critters, just toss them somewhere, they will eventually disappear! Thank you for the positive issue on a fever not triggering mets.

    Cami, I will go the doctor if it continues. So far this morning…NO FEVER! How sweet that Joey is so impressed with who he got to play with, he will remember that forever.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- I woke up too early but getting my day going and going to make 2 pans of veggie/turkey lasagna this morning before it gets HOT. Yesterday we had a reprieve from the heat yesterday with highs in the 80s and beautiful and cool this morning. Wearing a little wrap to stay cool even! Got some things to do in the garage today, packing for the yoga retreat, etc.

    We had an other good call with the client in CA yesterday and think we may have our final funding approvals in the next 30 days and can begin contracting. I had a good call with the arm of the collaboration team I like working with, the other one was not on the call but suspect he is off doing some of his own prospecting anyways. Fine with me, move towards the ones that value you. Got other irons in the fire too.

    My sister's partner is having more visits and tests today. I am booked solid through the end of the month but may try to get out to visit her sometime by early to mid July. I think she needs some support, but will only get on a plane fast if anything is an emergency which this is not from all I can tell. But I am very concerned. Will keep you posted.

    Cami- you should copy and past the FB link here of Joey and Ron playing. Cami and I were talking about this off line and as she talked about Ron, I told her I think I met him back in 2012 on the Smooth Jazz Cruise! Indeed it is one and the same and he is a great musician and super nice guy and think Joey is one lucky young man to have had the chance to play with Ron. Small world!

    NM- I love the story about the woman complaining about all the work she has to do now without you being available to be their wage slave. Blame and shame game, as I call it. When people do that with me, my eyes quickly "glaze over" and usually just say something like "I hope things get worked out". Not my circus, not my monkeys. Well, this is the difficult part of staying on with a poorly managed group but you are doing it all right and will be done with them today. I think with time, you will cut them loose too but it is good to have this starting out. I like the visuals of Sadie sleeping on the bed too!

    Chi- eek about the plumbing problem and glad you got on top of that quickly. That could have been a lot more work and money for you.

    Goldie- how is the cough today? Do you still have a fever?

    I realized yesterday I am half way with my ultimate weight loss goal from my highest weight in 2012. I lost 40 pounds with all the health issues in 2012-2013 but gained a good 30 or more back through time, especially on the AIs. With the help of the endocrinologist, I am down 15 pounds since last year since I started working with her last Sept. So I took a photo today and compared it to a photo taken in Mar 2012 with some friends that to me represents the highest point. Photos are a great way to capture progress, with decluttering or anything else. I plan to get down another 25 per my discussion with my endocrinologist. I seem to be back to loosing a pound a week now.

    Will check in later to see if any of our other ladies are around. Thinking of Genny, Mema Sue, Hsant, Celia, and many others here.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Glad I walked—the hygienist told me to ditch my 15-yr-old Oral B (doesn't even have a timer) and buy a Sonicare. Also had bought the wrong sunscreen the day before because it was strong (100) and cheap (store brand version of Neutrogena, on twofer), so I needed to exchange it for the LaRoche-Posay Anthelios 60 which Consumer Reports top-rated. Pricey, but works against UVA, UVB and actually does provide SPF 60 protection. I had previously been using mineral-only sunscreens because of EWG's belief that chemical sunscreens are endocrine disruptors, but CR found the “natural" and “mineral" ones to be ineffective. I have always had good luck with LaRoche-Posay products ever since I would get free samples in French drugstores. I figure that considering how much oftener (and how much more of it) you need to apply the cheaper stuff, you get what you pay for. The LaRoche stuff was also buy one, get 50% off the other. So I stopped in at CVS on the walk home, and also at the corner hardware store to buy the rubber stopper. I managed to avoid going into Lickety Split for frozen custard.

    Unfortunately, because my Apple Watch hadn't charged properly overnight (the little charging disk doesn't always keep it flat on the desk so it slips off), I have no idea how many steps I took yesterday—gotta look at the Health app on my phone. So I drove up to Old Orchard in Skokie and got a combo Apple Watch and iPhone/Pad charger for my nightstand—I needn't switch to my old Timex overnight, just tap the watch on the charging stand to see what time it is. No need for that clock radio—maybe put it in the guest room. Also got some new Nespresso capsules designed for iced coffee, which I'm about to make with almond milk. Last night's drink was more Mumm Napa Rose, in partial celebration (Bob got a new side gig as a doc for a prepaid union health plan—the office is at his old UIC Hospital stomping ground, where he did his residency & fellowship, on the near W. Side near Restaurant Row, much closer to home. He gets to keep the $, and his partner the internist will cover the ERs in Oak Lawn & Evergreen Park, where she lives, and keep that $. This will ease the transition into retirement (or at least phasing out of owning a practice into being employed with decent hours, shorter commute, and lower overhead). But because it was takeout twofer Tuesday at Buffalo Wild Wings, I drank that rose with wings & celery sticks.

    Support group meeting tonight, so will go for a swim, then the meeting, and then come home and nuke the halibut in parchment.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Sandy- I love all the good ways you take care of yourself sister. Enjoy that swim today. I am heading to the pool in a few more hours when they open for evening lap hours!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Good Afternoon DahhhLinKs!

    Been laying around lately, specially the last 3 days. Took a fall Sunday, landed hard and square on my tailbone. Talk about PAIN!! Hurts to move, to sit, to roll-over in bed etc. If pain doesn't subside in next few days then I will go to ER. Oyvey!!!

    Cami - I drink AND take my RSO(thc) and Tincture (hemp). I have 2-3 drinks everyday. Call me an alkie, as I think I am, but it hasn't stopped me from using my mmj. I have appt coming up with doc in my PCP's office that will sign off on the mmj paperwork. But he was booked until July 17 and my card expires July 24. I'll jes go get enuf RSO to last me the 6 weeks or so it will take to process my paperwork with the state.

    Jazz - Whoop Whoop for passing your certification. We had no doubt. Will say some prayers for your sista's partner.

    Sandy - Hope Bob will go with and help with the drive. Sounds like fun. Illegal to put a dead (small) animal in the trash….WOW, never heard of that. We do have laws about NOT reporting if we'd hit a cow or a deer tho. Our sink plunger went kaput too. But we have several rubber stoppers around, so I use them. Can't seem to get my earrings in unless in front of sink/mirror….so worried about dropping them and watch them go right down the drain, hence the stopper.

    NM - u are so special in how u deal w/peeps. I don't think I could've kept my mouth shut while listening to that nurse whine. And you grind and press your detergent…I am impressed or shud I say, compressed…LOL.

    Lowee - a fever…no no no. I had this horrible cold, then it ebbed and then a few days later was back again, no fever tho. Feeling better cept for my hips/tailbone area. Oh, I see no fever today….yippee!

    From Sunday 6-25 until July 10th I will be out of town. Flying to Portland, gf will pick me up, then to her place in Grisham, WA. Then 7-1 roadtrip to Otis, OR (my bro's place w/the treehouse), then up around Seattle to see 3 gf's. Then hitch a ride back to Grisham. GF will take me to Portland a/port. Then I'm off to Boise to see my step mom (Nyssa,OR), then around the 9th, from boise back to LV. I really have to be careful in packing for those 2+ weeks.

    OK…have to get my rear back on the heatpad. Sorry if I missed anyone….but kno I


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    OHHH, and I would love to see Joey's video, but am not a FB member.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited June 2017

    Oh Loungettes, I'm so far behind :(

    Jazzy, I'm glad you're going slow on your romance. Lots of hard decisions ahead for you. My yard is looking really good.

    Mema, I have a big stock pile of wet noodles. Glad to share ;)

    Sandy, I'm sorry about your friend.

    Have a young gal weeding my front flower beds. Seems to be doing well. And tomorrow, Spokane Indians baseball season starts and I get to go to nearly all the games. A fun time with me and lots of good times with my son - his wife doesn't always go. And his MIL is coming tomorrow and Sunday - that'll be fun. Can't wait.

    Take care dear friends!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, still have the cough and low grade fever. Thanks for the video, I will watch in the morning with my coffee.

    Sandy, good for you for walking. We have a Sonicare toothbrush. Our dental hygienist says the ones that are round and spin are the better ones, than the vibrating toothbrush ones. We have the vibrating toothbrush one. But I DO LOVE IT. My teeth feel so much cleaner than using just a toothbrush. Funny about the digital clocks, ours won't keep time, they jump ahead all the time, even if I buy a new one. Not sure why, because we are solar? No clue! Good deal on the hubs and his new gig.

    Oh Sue, hurting the tailbone is one of the most excruciating pains. DH broke his several years ago, nothing they can do. BUUUUUUUUT, we went to the water park in Vegas (when it was still there) going down the lazy river part was a definite WE SHOULDN'T HAVE! Or at least HE shouldn't have! The guy that renewed my MMJ card put it as some sort of a rush. I think I got it within a week. Well, no fever when I posted this morning, it's been low grade all day. Are you flying with your MMJ?

    Hey Peg, good to see you poop in!

    Well, other than of course a cancer scare, I think it could possibly be a black mold infection. Over the weekend I was cleaning the toy hauler. Well when we were done camping with my DD, we didn't leave the fridge open, so there was quite a bit of mold in there. Not a ton, but I wouldn't put any food in it at the condition it was. Soooooo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    DH has BCBS, let me tell you how full of BS they really are. He has to get approval for EVERYTHING. Finally got approved to have the cancer on his head froze, but they won't pay for his arthritis medicine. People on Govt. assist. get free food, for free or low cost housing and medical. We work our asses off for nothing. It just so grinds my goat. Sorry for the rant. In one county in AZ, not ours, they only have 2 providers, BCBS and Healthnet. Healthnet is thinking of pulling out.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Interesting how different hygienists have different recommendations. My Oral B is basically from the “year One.” It works better than those little vibrating travel toothbrushes but doesn’t use ultrasound the way the Sonicare does (and the latter has three intensity settings and shuts off after two minutes, signaling I’ve brushed long enough).

    Bob is going to the orthopedist tomorrow—all the way out southwest in Orland Park. (The ortho's daughter is a castmate of mine in the Bar Show, and an award-winning classical soprano). We both suspect it's a “march" fracture (the kind of stress fractures that soldiers sustained on long marches while carrying heavy loads), and if it's anything like mine was 7 yrs. ago, he will almost certainly need an MRI because X-rays aren't always conclusive in foot stress fractures. (My orthopod said “fracture," my podiatrist said “cuboid syndrome" and I ended up getting the MRI which showed bone inflammation, so into “the boot" I went). It's his left foot, though, so he should be able to drive (as was I).

    Speaking of feet in cast-boots, my housekeeper called to say she will be coming in to work next week (except for her followup appt. Wed. and Maryjane's memorial service Thurs). She is bored out of her gourd, and driving her husband nuts (he is used to being home alone to enjoy his retirement). Though it's her right foot, she was cleared to drive yesterday and has taken short jaunts with no difficulty. Next Wed. she will probably get the go-ahead to swap the cast boot for a gym shoe. Just having her here to guide me through housework will be a Godsend.

    But I am going to have to make the drive up to Hayward alone next week. (I was wrong when I said it was near Eau Claire—it's actually near Duluth). I will be staying in Rice Lake (an hour south) because the hotel rooms in Hayward were booked solid. Apparently “Musky Fest" is so big a deal that fishermen come from all around the Midwest and southern Ontario & Manitoba to celebrate a fish—the muskellunge--that is practically inedible but which is huge and fights like hell; it's strictly catch, photograph, weigh & release. Maryjane's memorial is from 11-2 Thurs.; there is also a winemaker dinner that night. If I skip the dinner I can leave late aft. and split the drive up somewhere between Madison and the Dells; or I can pack, attend the dinner, turn in early (would be crazy to drive home from the restaurant, much less head up north, at night after all that wine), and leave Fri. morning to reach my hotel room in Rice Lake around dinner time. (No, I won't be eating musky). Up with the chickens Sat. morning, get there 9 or 9:30 to set up the P.A., and play from 10-1pm. (We will follow the same format as we did in Milwaukee—instead of two or three sets with breaks between, we will keep the music going, interspersing duo sets with short solo ones for comfort breaks). Then it's pack up and get the hell outta Dodge. Not gonna try to make it back to Chicago the same day. If by some miracle Bob can accompany me, we might overnight at a resort at the Dells, where we hadn't stayed since the summer of '79. When I was younger (in my early 50s) I was able to make the drive between Chicago & Minneapolis, with one other driver, in a single day. But I'm not in my 50s.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Damn phone just woke me up--I didn't answer tho--I know I know, I'm bad, but believe me no one would go out now--so why bother, I return it later. OK Sandy putting people like us out of business with u'r drain thingy LOL--Oh I'm sure I'll be replaced soon--his bus. is really picked up more than ever--and now it's getting hard for me not to say shut the F*** up and just give me u'r info--I don't need any explanation, cuz I don't understand it anyway-Chit. Oh well-

    SusyQ that is soooo painful, from what I understand, I don't remember what u can do for it tho. How can u do all this traveling with this??? OMG u can barely sit or move. Jeez u'r amazing I remember when a girl on my volleyball team broke her tail bone--Wow--it hurt her so bad--she couldn't play for a while then she would come to watch with a pillow to sit on, then she quit cuz she realized we were so bad and we weren't worth braking even a finger for, so that was that. We were nice to her to, helping her--oh well. We did have the mayor of our town on our team, but she was just as bad as the rest but loads of fun. We still can't believe we were actually on a league for all those years. hahaha Good fun memories.

    Pegg Good to see u. Sounds like u'r having a good time--so glad u live there now and so are u.

    Lori tell us how u'r feeling this morning. Could any of this be from Sinus problem??? Just asking. I hope u listen to Joey tape, now knowing he played with who he played with. But remember he also played with our Dara and it was great listening to Dara play. I still remember their feet tapping at the exact time playing, tapping all the way thru. They were so adorable together. Dara and Cheryl were so much fun.

    Sandy this trip does sound like fun... but I'm sure u wish u'r DH could go along also. I just hope u don't overdo all u have to do, but sounds like u have it all under control. And now u'r housekeeper is back so that's a great thing for u. BTW I give u credit for walking anywhere in this heat. Just going to the hospital today was HOT Marty comes home and imm. takes a shower, then makes dinner. Yea my DD is spoiled that way. LOL

    OK I have to go---pee, What a treck I have.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Sandy, that's the toothbrush we have, 3 settings and shuts off after 2 minutes.

    Cami, not sure if it's sinuses or not. Now this morning, I am having quite a bit of drainage in my throat. I wish we had a video of Wacko and Joey playing.

    I still feel like crap. Keep getting these little pains, both kidneys (I think), headache in different places. But nothing lasts more than a few minutes at most. I hate being sick, cuz I'm hardly EVER sick.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a really great day yesterday. Working in the Immunization Clinic in the morning, found my mailbox, got my first paycheck from there. Got to do most of the work done in the clinic, could manage on my own now if I had to (don't have to just yet, but looking forward to that. Lots of little things still to pick up, and I've gotten a good start on the online education bits I need. I did not realize how serious Yellow Fever could be, and how dangerous the vaccine could be. Can't wait to get into other stuff. Saw the pulmonologist, who said just what I expected he would say, much of my asthma issues are related to gastric reflux disease (GERD) and to keep doing the stuff I'm doing (not eating too close to bedtime, elevating the head of the bed, avoiding certain foods--including coffee and alcohol, like that's going to happen--losing weight) and just learning to live with what's left. I go back in 1 year. He still does not get the impact of the infection I picked up this last time, but I do and am not going to let myself get so tired again that a virus can knock me on my a$ for a month.Then, went out to dinner with the Wednesday Women and Wine ladies, had a big meal late in the day, 2 glasses of wine (a red from Spain that was good but not something I'd order again and a zinfandel that was yummy and smooth), came home and played with Sadie for a bit before going to bed, and up twice with heartburn/coughing, just like I figured would happen. I have added ranitidine to my shopping list for next time, taking one before bed after eating a late meal/drinking too much in the evening puts a stop to the heart burn, if not the coughing spells. Added bonus, the restaurant we met at was right next door to one of my favorite shops, the Bangor Wine and Cheese shop. Got a couple of bottles of wine, both from Maine wineries, both rose, and a bit of herbed Chevre, also from a local dairy, but one I haven't tried before. All in all, a very nice day!Going to be a mostly stay at home day today, unless the buying club order comes in, then I'll go out and pick that up and make a store run for the stuff I need to finish up my gardens for this summer. Going to start picking up the junk outside and start feeding the dumpster today, too. Oh, and I had a note from the young man who mows my lawn. I had him add trim work this year which increased the price $20 per mow, but now he's reducing what he is charging me for being a long time customer (this is only the 3rd or 4th year) and for being flexible with the scheduling (like it matters to me what day he comes on a given week, or if he comes early ayem or later peeyem, or if he can't mow due to rain on a given week). Such a nice young man!

    Cammy--I have done my share in the work world, and am still doing my share, to my way of thinking. Justdifferently. And loving it! A couple of days of hard work and long hours really can do a job on the ol' body when the ol' bod has seen 21 years a couple of times. Glad you can get your feet up and get some relief that way, and that the doc got you in sooner. Joey must love the idea of having played with someone who has played with famous people! I bet he loved it. Hard to get through busy times at work and keep up with everything else, isn't it?

    Goldie--Glad the fever broke, hope that means that your immune system has really knocked down the virus or whatever you caught. And yes, some of my co-workers are realizing how much I've been doing and how long it takes to do all that stuff, cuz they're getting assigned to do those things! Those things need to be done, need to be done on certain days and I am often not working those days, and am not going to do them on my off time like I used to. Management is actually thinking of replacing me with 2 full time positions, not just one, cuz they've had a few people interview and then withdraw application cuz of the size of the territory and the driving time to cover the entire county plus a facility in another county more than 60 miles from the office. Not my circus, not my monkeys!Giggle, giggle!

    Jazzy--So glad you had a good call and the project is moving forward! You sound ready for that project to start up. Still praying for your sister's partner that nothing is seriously wrong and no emergencies in the near future. "Blame and shame" game is a great name for what's going on. That's exactly what I was starting to feel, especially when the other per diem nurse started talking about changing her working days to help. I did say to the two of them that it's not our responsibility to cover, it's the Clinical Managers' job to do that. Then I reminded myself that the full time nurse is paid hourly, so if she really is working all these "extra" hours (which I find hard to believe given how often she has to get off early to pick up her kids or got to their games and functions or whatever) she is getting paid time and a half. I think you are right that I will eventually away from working for Hospice on a regular basis at some point. Right now the nursing schools are starting to advertise for adjunct/part time faculty and I think I'll send out applications and see what happens. Can't hurt to find out the particulars of the positions. I did just find out that the Hospice agency will still be putting money into the 401k account, thought that was pretty good. WAHOO on hitting the halfway mark to your weight goal!Congrats and keep up the GREAT work!

    Chi--Sounds like Bob is finding his own way through semi-retirement! It really is a nice feeling to not have as much responsibility, have decent hours and other benes. I bet the halibut was good. I had trout steamed in parchment for dinner last night. Very yummy, especially with the herb butter!

    Mema--OUCH!Landing on the tail bone is a true pain in the A$! Making laundry detergent isn't any harder than blending up a smoothie, really! Just different ingredients. And I love playing around with the essential oils part. I make small batches so I can play with the scents more often. Wow, that's quite a trip you have set up, hope you have a grand time and are able to check in once in a while! Are you going to sleep in the treehouse at your brother's?

    Peggy--don't worry about being behind, jump in where you are. Keeping up can be too much, and we are all so forgetful that everything will cycle around again soon, anyway!

    Goldie--BCBS is getting a reputation for being a pain in the butt to deal with, and not covering things, and other issues. I know the health insurance I got off the Marketplace covers a lot more, especially medications, with pretty much the same deductible and out of pocket max, even if it does cost more permonth. All of Maine is supposedly in a crisis cuz so many insurance companies have pulled out. I think Anthem BCBS and Harvard Pilgrim are about the only ones left here.

    Chi--Funny how those long drives seem to get longer the older we get. I can remember a time when a trip to Portland (ME) with its 3 hours/100 mile drive one way would be a day trip to go shopping. Now it's an overnight trip, if at all possible! I'm glad to hear your housekeeper is coming back to work. And I hope Bob can go with you and you get some resort time. Nothing like a little pampering.

    Cammy--who was calling early this morning??? Don't people know better?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bone Bender recipe

    1 shot brandy

    1 shot apricot brandy

    3/4 shot Rose's® lime juice

    Use any low 7-8 oz. glass with several ice cubes.

    Add ingredients and stir.

    Leroux Apricot Brandy is best, but sometimes hard to find.

    When mixing batches use multiples of 4 oz. Brandy, 4 oz. Apricot Brandy and 3 oz. Rose's Lime Juice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Goldie--what you are describing sounds like a sinus infection. Miserable condition. Lots of fluids and lots of rest!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Hayward is a 6-7 hr. drive (Rice Lake, where the hotel is, is 5-6). As recently as 2 yrs ago, I could drive down to Sparta (where my engineer lives), a 7-hr drive, in one day. (Haven't tried it lately, bec. I haven't had occasion to go down there since Bob's 2015 surgical emergency, which put the kibosh on the trip I'd planned for a gig & recording, and then of course my bc a couple months later. Longest solo drives I've done since then were between here & Iowa City, abt. 4-1/2 hrs).

    Frustrated—for two days in a row my voice teacher keeps moving back my Skype lesson (“important phone calls," internet problems) and I've blown entire days waiting. I don't even get dressed when I get up in the morning—gotta feed the cats, clean up all the mess my guys made overnight (they both sleep-eat), unclog the icemakers, deal with urgent correspondence (billing snafus, dr's appts..etc.), make breakfast for myself & Gordy, etc.. So I do what I need to do, then shower off the sweat and get dressed and wait…and then he messages me that he's running late or needs to move it to the next day. Haven't trained since Sat. (trainer is on vacation), and I have errands to run before various stores close. I can't take my lessons in person, because his trendy neighborhood has impossible parking (used to be less trendy with decent parking); and were I to take public transit it'd be 1/4 mi. walk, Red Line train downtown and then ping-pong back up to the Blue Line, and walk nearly a mile to his house. 90 min (at least) ea. way. Ain't gonna happen—especially if I head down there and he texts me he has to postpone. I've studied with him for 15 yrs, and he's very good, but he's losing students left & right—probably bec. they're experiencing the same thing. Hate to drop him—he & his wife (who at least is employed) are living paycheck to paycheck and he has to ferry their son between school, soccer & Little League, and various film shoot locations. (At least the kid will have a decent college fund because of IL's child-actor trust fund laws). But I can't put my life on hold intermittently to fit his erratic schedule.

    And true to form, my teacher texted me again, to say he needed to do tomorrow instead because he'd double-booked a new student who was bringing a check. Guess he's already gone through my monthly prepaid tuition debit transfer. This cannot continue. He is a very good voice teacher…when he teaches.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Bob just called from the orthopedist—he has a fracture all right, but not “stress” and not of his foot. It’s a hairline avulsion fracture of the distal (outer) side of his left fibula where the anterior talofibular ligament (the one I’ve sprained a gazillion times) pulled off a tiny bit of the fibula as it partially tore. (He admits he did probably sprain it after all because he’d been walking very fast to & from a convenience store in the wee hours in a dicey part of Rogers Park, the neighborhood to our north, due to the closer store having been closed. I was not about to get out of bed, get dressed and drive him to buy cigarettes. I refuse to enable his smoking). The good news is that he needs only an ankle brace & physical therapy—he can wear his normal shoes. But no very long drives, so I will be doing the Hayward drive solo. Tonight I will drive us to Cellars and carry the wine upstairs myself—consider that my strength training for today. I did enough housework to constitute cardio.

    Oh, and no halibut—too tired to cook after my support group meeting (driving thru storms), so I ate leftover wings & celery, and put the halibut into the freezer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Whew another long day and I'm beginning to really not like people, but so far I haven't showed it.

    NM u sound wonderful, everything u do has turned into excitement for you--even decluttering--which I thought can never sound good. U know u'r just happy, finally not overworked and just being able to enjoy u'r day, even when u'r working. U've actually decluttered u'r brain too, which will so help u all the time. Can't u take something else for u'r Gerd in the morning--I do and it really works well, I've had this before they called it this, it was called Aggita anyone remember???LOL Or just Italians.

    Lori it kinda does sound like a sinus thing, those are terrible infections--well they can be--but u'r whole body feels it. List to NM cuz she knows all this stuff, I just know how to complain. Can u take over the cout stuff??? maybe that will help some. IDK, just hope u'r doing better.

    Sandy I do wish u'r DH was better for him to go with u for the drive, but u know what it's like so really have a safe trip. Wow u'r teacher must be awfully busy with a lot of things. But u did say how good he was and how long u've been with him, again IDK anything about this but any really good teacher for anything is hard to find so maybe u can talk things over with him first. He sounds to good to lose. I had to LOL when u described u'r exercise from cleaning, it's all true tho.

    My GF from FL has just gotten in so we're making plans on going to lunch probably next week. She stays with her DD. My sister talked to her and she said she's getting worried about her memory loss. But so far if she writes things down it helps and she has never gotten lost driving. Well of course we LOLed cuz when we have lunch she'll really see what memory loss is. I told u last lunch my cousin and I got lost coming to my home--we started about 10 mins from here and took us forever getting home even with the GPS. so we'll cheer her up just by talking.

    The weather is HOT still but think it's breaking up soon, even mid 80's sounds good now, better 70;s but maybe....

    OK gonna take some stuff to sleep---h NM that crazy call came from a customer who's A/C was not working--I maneuvered all over to get him in in the early mornin THEN he called me about 7am and cancelled cuz he got someone else to come right away...I wished him luck, but I think I was a little snarly. U think???


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017


    hi girls, jest a quick pop in to say hello!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Got a nice haul out shopping yesterday, a couple of mini watermelons, a pound of gingerroot, 10# skinless, boneless chicken breasts, a pound of rhubarb, flowers for the last pot on the deck, lupine for the circle garden, basil and green pepper and lettuce for the square foot garden, soil and mulch, some colorful foliage plants for the indoor terrarium, mint to start a new patch with, and found a local farm source for chicken. And got a load of laundry done. Didn't feed the dumpster, but that will happen today. Not going anywhere today. Gonna get out this ayem before the rain starts and get the gardening stuff done and let God do the watering. Then if I'm stuck indoors this peeyem I can work on the educational stuff for the Immunization Clinic. And there are still 2 more days I can putter around the house before going back to work for the week!

    Chi--oh, boy, sounds like the voice teacher is having organizational problems. Maybe you need to change to a debit transfer at the end of each lesson. At least that way if he's not available you're not losing money. OUCH, poor Bob! At least he won't need a boot or cast. I like the idea of counting housework as exercise, too! Too bad you are stuck driving by yourself, though.

    Cammy--I never heard the term Agita before, but you are right, it is Italian:

    "Agita: Heartburn, acid indigestion, an upset stomach or, by extension, a general feeling of upset. The word is Italian-American slang derived from the Italian "agitare" meaning "to agitate."(From <> ) I do take omeprazole in the morning, but will still have heartburn if I over eat or eat too late in the day. When I've done that I can stop the heartburn from happening by taking ranitadine. Don't need it every night, but once in a while. The lunch plans sound like fun, if anyone remembers the arrangements! Hope you are sleeping well.

    Dara--Hey, Lady!Glad you pooped in!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Rainbow Julep Ingredients


    Muddle one of the mint sprigs with apricot brandy in the bottom of a mixing glass. Add bourbon and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Swirl with a barspoon until the outer glass frosts. Garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Feeling just a tad better, fever (if you want to call it that) has just been going to just a little above 99. But still feel like crap. Had to take 2 nite time pain relievers, not for pain but for sleep and had a vodka and cran to go with it. Finally got to sleep. Today is town day, but I think I should pass. It will be cray cray anyways with all the campers that come to the mountain on the weekends, and the fact that temps in parts of AZ are going to be hitting temps at 120+. I think if I feel better by Sunday we can go then. DH came just came in and I ran that by him. He said his reason to go was so we could get more MMJ, and they are not open on Sunday, so may go tomorrow. Well, lets now add some "D" to the mix. MAN, for someone that hardly EVER gets sick, when I do, I do it good! However it's causing me to miss some doses of my FU pills. Sunday is suppose to be my last day, so maybe I'll just stop and extend my FU vacation. And of course my immune system is low because of those pills.

    Another heartburn med. My DH has it bad and was on Omeprazole, then started on Zypan, it's a supplement. Works great, he no longer takes the Omeprazole. I don't like pills but think a supplement is better than a drug.

    Cami, I hope you have a great time with your friend. Is this the one that Joey likes so much and collects rocks/gems?

    NM, I smile everytime I think of you and your work changes. Please share pics of your garden when it gets going. I'll do the same when I'm feeling better. We can't grow cold weather crops here in the summer, such as lettuce as it's just too hot and it bolts quite quickly. But, I can grow it in the winter, so that is good.

    Jazzy, I see your yoga has been canceled due to wild fires. It's really bad right now and these high temps aren't helping.

    Dorothy, glad to see you pooping in at wee hours of the morning!

    Not feeling too good to write much. Huggles to everyone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- well the news from New Mexico this morning is less than ideal. My yoga retreat was cancelled as there is a BIG wildfire up in the mountains where we would be and it is out of control and moving fast. It started yesterday and was 100 acres by the afternoon, up to 700 this morning. Fortunately, there are no high winds here right now but very hot and too dry. This fire is in the Los Alamos area and they had a disasterous wildfire there in 2001 that burned down 100 houses and scorched a lot of land. The fires seem to start at the top and burn down the canyons which can be a fire trap with only one road through them.

    Between the safety issues and the smoke with my asthma, I am glad the decision has been made to not do it, and pray for the safety of the people up there. I have a summer solstice event here in town next week with the same person and will carry on here. There was smoke down here in the valley yesterday from this very same fire (100 miles to the NW). I can also smell a bit of it this am, and supposed to be heading down here. Very bad for a girl like me.....

    NM- when I was changing careers in the 1990s into IT work, a friend told me some good advice that has been helpful through the years. Get what you need first (income that helps with your new world from hospice) and get what you want later (maybe a teaching gig so you can do the immunization work and teach). It is not that hospice is not an outstanding concept, but know they can vary place to place. And also because I have traveled to place with Yellow Fever and gone to travel clinics, I know how bad that can be.

    I will say that I have had a bit of GERD in the past and with some weight loss, that seems to have gone away. I think with your new lifestyle and coming back in to balance on a few fronts, that may happen organically for you.

    Chi- I really get bugged by people who waste my time with making apt and then constantly cancellling them. A person who is self employed should have their personal life sorted out to be able to have dependable hours for their clients. I never make my personal problems my clients and only change things when there are emergencies. You may need to find someone new to sing with, seems more of a hassle than a benefit anymore......

    Cami- it is only now you are starting to not like people? Man, that happened for me decades ago? Hoping your friday is not too crazy and glad you are making plans with your friend that is visiting.

    Darawoman- what are you up to sister?

    Okay, need to get to a few things and hope everyone has a good slide in to the weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Hey Jazzy, was nice swimming with you, but you blew me out of the water on laps!!!!

    Oh my, now we can add muscle atrophy to meese list. Got up to make an omelet for hubby and I. All of a sudden my legs are feeling kind of weak, then the pain starts, right below my THASS (love that Heidi, thank you). Eventually it starts to really burn. Guess I better get up off my thass and move a bit throughout the day. I just don't have the energy!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Lori, praying that you feel. better!

    Same for all of you with ailments feel better (including DH's)

    I'm at the pharmacy, just got hair dyed, cut n styled, more errands, lots more, big wedding tomorrow and we are going out if turn and getting a room for the night.

    See you all later!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017


    Back to 101 fever.

    More watery D (don't dare to try and pass gas, had a shart this morning. I know, TMI!)

    I did have a bit of an omelet, roast beef, onion and cheese with one pc of toast and some milk and took 2 FU pills.

    So tired and trying to just rest and do work in my lazy chair, hence the muscle atrophy. I can't keep up with my customer emails and phone calls and just keep getting further behind. Oiy Vey!

    I thought I was about 10% better yesterday and 20% better today. Feeling now like I'm back to square one. Gonna go lay down with my water.