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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Good morning NM and everyone!

    Scary to find the snake where you've been working, I had a small pet snake (Bruno) as a teen and loved to sneak up on my aunt with it, lol.

    I'm having a leisurely breakfast of leftover homemade blueberry banana pancakes and coffee before DH and I head across town to a friends kids b-day party (I can hear the 11 yr old girls screaming already). It's an outdoor party with grilled burgers and dogs, I'm thinking I might enjoy a beer or two.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Wow NM, filled (almost) the whole dumpster. Girl, you are on a roll. Sorry about the hornets though. As for the snake, he looks pretty harmless and small. Not sure if or what kind of poisonous snakes you have out there though. And I knew it was you that brought the homemade wine, As I remember you making wine. I'll bet you really impressed them with that. Did they empty the bottle? . And it sounds like you have a nice day planned for today. We have a blue/orange wasp here, and they get huge! They are called a tarantula hawk.

    Image result for Tarantula Hawk

    Hsant, my son lived with my mom, they got into it and he left. Moved to NC.

    LDB, my guest said they couldn't smell the rain in Taiwan or Cali, but they did smell it here.

    Jazzy, woot woot on the clear mammo.

    Sandy oh my….."The vomit comet"! Good luck on getting that gig.

    I'm so disappointed with my garden. In the past, I was canning by this time of the season. I barely have any small green tomatoes. It's , just been so dang hot! Normally we would get a week or so of really hot temps in June and then July cools down and the monsoons move in. Not this year! The whole month of June was practically triple digits, and the same so far with July, and NO MONSOONS.

    Labs came back and tad lower than the last time. Mainly from 150's to 125ishes! So I am happy with that. Guess I'll go ahead and order more FU pills. Oh I can't wait!!!!!!NOT

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Wow NM, filled (almost) the whole dumpster. Girl, you are on a roll. Sorry about the hornets though. As for the snake, he looks pretty harmless and small. Not sure if or what kind of poisonous snakes you have out there though. And I knew it was you that brought the homemade wine, As I remember you making wine. I'll bet you really impressed them with that. Did they empty the bottle? . And it sounds like you have a nice day planned for today. We have a blue/orange wasp here, and they get huge! They are called a tarantula hawk.

    Image result for Tarantula Hawk

    Hsant, my son lived with my mom, they got into it and he left. Moved to NC.

    LDB, my guest said they couldn't smell the rain in Taiwan or Cali, but they did smell it here.

    Jazzy, woot woot on the clear mammo.

    Sandy oh my….."The vomit comet"! Good luck on getting that gig.

    I'm so disappointed with my garden. In the past, I was canning by this time of the season. I barely have any small green tomatoes. It's , just been so dang hot! Normally we would get a week or so of really hot temps in June and then July cools down and the monsoons move in. Not this year! The whole month of June was practically triple digits, and the same so far with July, and NO MONSOONS.

    Labs came back and tad lower than the last time. Mainly from 150's to 125ishes! So I am happy with that. Guess I'll go ahead and order more FU pills. Oh I can't wait!!!!!!NOT

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning ladies- oh the pictures of the creepy crawlies! First of all, I love snakes, they serve such an important role in keeping some of the smaller rodent-ish populations down. That tarantula though, eek! We have those here too and seen them sometimes crossing the road not far from my house. Well, all god's creatures have their place, right?

    I cannot tell you what a relief it is to be through the six month imaging. Now I know ladies that cancer can always come back even after five years, no denial here about that, but going for the mammo and ultrasounds is the worst part. The radiologist who was there yesterday was one of the ones who helped me during the dx period and she remembered me. She also suggested it may be good to do an MRI at some point (my DCIS on the right side was found that way) and will talk to my BS about that for next summer. She said the MRIs don't have as much value after initial lumpectomy due to theinflammation & scar material, which I know has calmed down. My BS made a comment about that viewing my films the last few years. My actual five year cancerversay will be 11/14.

    The mammo tech told me something interesting as we were talking about my history. She commended me for keeping up with my follow ups through the years, and told me they have many women who don't do their follow ups after cancer care and come back as much as decade later. Wow! I told her that because of the screening, mine was found super early and as a result, got on top of it quickly so I had less treatment (no chemo) and have a good prognosis. I have done everything the docs have told me to do (even though not always easy). But I am not afraid of questioning things either so I understand the pros and cons of all of this stuff?

    NM- that looks like a good old fashion garter snake to me. We used to have them in our yard back east when I was growing up, very common in New England. But eek, you picked him up with the stuff! Hope you can find a way to set him/her free from the dumpster. My mother was horribly afraid of snakes and remember when I would see them as a child in the yard, I would go in to tell her and she would start screaming. I learned NOT to tell her about them anymore after that. So glad you are working on your decluttering! Purge baby purge!

    BTW, you new indian names is either Dances with Hornets or Dances with Snakes. Preference?

    Goldie- I spent some time deep watering both the front and back yards this week. The front rock garden is trashed and only a few things remain, but some are long time perrenials that may come back. Back yard is doing better but many things have brown/burnt leaves. That week of 100 plus temps really trashed things around here. They news people are calling it "spot-soons" instead of monsoons as the storms are spotty around the state so far this month. Northern NM got rain yesterday. We have been told there is an increasing chance for rain here by next week, & fingers crossed.

    And congrats on better labs sister! That is some good news to share! You should celebrate!

    LLL- nothing like things on the grill and a few brewskies to go with. You enjoy sister. How are you feeling in general post surgery?

    Chi- thank you for the good wishes! The undergarments (bras and new panties too) are just perfect. Since I have lost weight, wearing smaller size with the panties too, bras just fit better now but still the same size. I picked up a few other things to and have some "kohl's cash" to burn this next week. There is a lounge chair that matches some patio chairs I bought there last year I have my eye on....

    How was the coffee house?

    So we have had some good results shared by Mema, Goldie and myself, now we need to know about Cami? Oh where art though friend?

    Got some swimming to get in today and music later this evening. Make it a good day ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Didn’t go to the coffee house—tired & sore from Thurs. workout and just not up to the 35-mile drive through traffic. (And I can book a gig by e-mailing the manager). I’m getting more curmudgeonly about that these days—if it isn’t for a gig, treatment, vacation, wedding or funeral, I’m not gonna do the freeway/tollway slog. Too exhausting. When I was in my 30s & 40s, I would even schlep up to Lake County for my favorite colorist. Screw it—I now have a just as good (or better) one one neighborhood south of me (and he does cuts, treatments & styling too). I don’t even spend those monthly Thurs. nights down in Oak Lawn with Bob anymore (when he has early-morning echos to read at Advocate Christ), because even if I could rearrange my voice lessons & training sessions, the drive down there—through that awful I-55 ramp mess—is an ordeal; the only time it isn’t “rush hour” is late at night or Sundays. It takes me less time to get to Milwaukee or even Madison, WI. My friend’s band is on WFMT’s “Folkstage” tonight at 8 pm ( so I will tune in. (I am not a large enough station donor to get in to watch at the studio). She’s also playing the Woodstock Folk Festival tomorrow—60 miles away, with numerous detours due to the flooding over the past few days. Nope. I’ve attended when my prior band played, but not now.

    I will, however, be doing Fox Valley Folk Festival again Labor Day weekend, because nobody else wants the thankless task of rounding up (and sometimes rejecting) performers from the ranks of our Chi. Songwriters’ Collective group. I usually make a weekend of it, staying in a local motel (or a B&B). As songwriter-wrangler, I also get to emcee both days and perform (albeit for only the free food in the green room) on one of them. But my current duo is booked (for a tidy sum) at the Grove Folk Festival in nearby (three towns over from me) Glenview the first Sun. in Oct. They also provide the sound system, so nothing to schlep but my instruments and CDs to sell. (Only we baby-boomers seem to prefer buying music we can hold in our hands these days).

    Gonna make steak tonight, so a good red is in order. And an aperitif of that Paumanok brut, assuming it hasn’t gone flat.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2017

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON (UNDE). Several hours early but wanted to send this to you. How are things going with you? I'll share a dwink wifya tomorrow to sailabrate. Whoot Whooot...CheeRs and bottoms UP!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    The red was 2011 Maryhill Zin (WA). Sipping the bubbly as we speak.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I met up with a couple of friends yesterday, had a picnic lunch, then took a walk on the local Bog Walk. It's a constructed path through a bog, with informational signs and such, a mile long. We saw pitcher plants, bog rosemary, all kinds of plants, a couple of birds. Jill and Jeanne hadn't visited face to face since high school graduation, 40 years ago. I've run into each of them from time to time over the last couple of years but not long enough for a real visit. We chattered like magpies the entire time! Not bad for 3 old ladies with bad knees, arthritis and extra poundage. We're going to try to do this again next month at another easy walk Jill knows about. I know I am feeling it today, in my back and legs, but I figured if I walked 282% of my average steps I would likely feel it today. Got to admit it's kinda cool to see the tracker saying I've walked 241% of my step goal for the day.

    Illi--Good morning! Yup, the snake scared me, butthink he was just as scared. Anyway, haven't seen him since, and I tipped him out of the wagon next to the dumpster, which is next to a field that I do not mow or cut, not far from some bushes, so he's found a new home by now. Don't want him to go away completely, he's helping keep the rodent and bug population down. The outdoor party sounds like fun. I might pick up some ear plugs on the way, 11 year old girls' screams can get pretty loud and pretty high pitched. But it's fun to see them having fun.

    Goldie--the hornets were gone by the next morning. They've found a newhome somewhere, I just hope it's not in another pile of boxes or junk in my yard that I'm going to be picking up! The snake I'm pretty sure is a Common Garter snake, the most common in Maine. No native Maine snakes are venomous, and most native snakes don't even break skin when they bite, which is rare. I'm probably in more danger from the wasp nest up under the eaves on the back of the house, and we've lived together peacefully for years. My wine wasn't one of the bottles that was emptied, but that's not a surprise, since most of us in the club prefer reds over whites generally. Holy Moly what is that thing you have a picture of?????? I'm thinking there's a BIG spider, and is that the tarantula hawk wasp next to it? HUGE!!! I'm glad the numbers are down, wish you could do something other than the FU tablets to keep them that way.

    Jazzy--I appreciate snakes. And hornets, and wasps, spiders and bats and all God's critters, I just wish they wouldn't surprise me, sting me, or get into my house! As to Mr. Garter Snake, I must have picked him up in a pile of papers/junk/etc. He was never IN the dumpster, he was in the garden wagon I was using, so I just tipped it up and let him slither out. He did hide UNDER the dumpster, but I expect he's moved on by now. I wouldn't have left him IN the dumpster, I'd've found a way to get him out, just not going to touch him. Hmm, Dances with Hornets is probably best, I did some real dance moves getting way from those guys the other day, I only shrieked and jumped back when I saw Mr. Snake!

    Chi--I don't blame you for not wanting to bother with highway traffic. Nothing as boring as bumper to bumper traffic moving at about 3 miles per hour while driving a standard. I'd rather drive a longer route and avoid that nonsense allthogether. Sounds like you are doing well in the musicworld! Good for you!I've got a local blueberry wine in the fridge for tonight, not sure what I'm going to make to go with it, may get a pizza and call it good, we'll see.

    Happy Birthday, Undie!!!!!!!

    Dances with Hornet's DOTD:

    Hornet Cocktail Recipe

    - 1 oz sloe gin

    - 1/2 oz mint schnapps

    - 1/2 oz cola (pepsi, coca cola...)

    Combine gin and peppermint schnapps over ice, add cola, and top with a lime slice.

    Serve in "Highball Glass"

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- whew, I slept well last night with a cool down that came towards dusk. I was over at the local monument across the street to see some friends play jazz at the little amphitheater there. Great spot, five min ride (yes I could walk but there are rattlers around that area and prefer to avoid...) Beautiful soft sunset to watch while we heard some great music for an hour. A lovely breeze came around the time we were leaving and so I opened the windows in the house and got things cooler here (AC works to a point, cool breezes help to move air through).

    I am heading to the farmers market in my convertible this morning and then will be going to my cousin's memorial service this afternoon.

    NM- okay so Mr. Snake was in the barrel, easier to help him be free. Will call you Dances with Hornets now. BTW, I got badly stung in the face by white faced hornets years ago so do be mindful of them. They will chase you and hurt you if their hive is disturbed.

    Your time with old friends sounded lovely. And you got all those steps in, you go girl. Sounds like you picked up with the folks from the past and look forward to having more good times! I so love that you are getting to enjoy life more these days!

    Will check in later my people. Wishing everyone a Sunday Funday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, when I first moved out here I would kill the tarantulas and snakes. Only 1 tarantula, but I felt bad afterwards. He wasn't bothering anyone or anything. Just moseying along his way, minding his own business. I have not killed another since. Rattle snakes, they die! And any squirrel, mouse, rat or chipmunk that gets in my garden. Got a squirrel yesterday, they can do a ton of damage in ones garden. I had insisted to my onc that I wanted to stay on for 10 years with 6 month check ups. Good thing as I don't know how much longer the cancer would have spread in me, as I had no symptoms. Love the new nicknames for NM.


    Sandy, sure seems like you live a busy life!

    NM, you mentioned about your friends not seeing each other since school, 40 years. And I'm thinking, that's a long time. Then I started counting……uh huh, 40 years since I graduated HS. Oh mese oh mizo!!! Yes on the spider and moth. Those moths get pretty darned big. If I can ever get a pic of one in the garden, I will. I'm ok with the FU pills, I can deal with the SE's. Just afraid of what SE's I would get when my treatment has to change. Fun get together and hike with your friends. I hope you can do it more too.

    LDB, how did you know it was Sha na na's b-day?


    Nuttin new around here, just work and cleaning. Tomorrow is DH b-day. I got him a drone with a camera in it. Can't wait to play with it!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Loot from the farmers market this morning



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    So the girls mostly played indoors, while we hung out by the grill, which was nice. The cheeseburger was awesome after not having one for months (didn't taste good during chemo) and the beers went down too well, DH and I are paying for it a little today.

    Post surgery recovery is good but it's almost 3 week's with the axillary drain, still too much fluid. Can't wait to drop the drain, wear the cute summer clothes i've been collecting and get back to work. I'm annoyed but trying to let my body tell me when it's time.

    The mini HS reunion sounds fun and that is a nice haul from the farmers market :)

    Ready for Gamecof Thrones tonight!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    LLL- the body has it's own agenda with recovery from things. Sorry your recovery is taking longer than expected, but glad you got out to enjoy the day yesterday. Be patient with yourself. And thanks for the reminder about Game of Thrones tonight!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Lol, I've got a box of Franzia Chillable Red on tap in the fridge now. I like it sweet like juice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day! Curious to see what's going to be happening at work this morning, and loving the "eh, it's only 2 days" feeling I've got. So much better than it used to be. Had a lovely visit with Mom and Dick. Dick is feeling better and starting to do things again, which is driving Mom nuts for fear he will fall or get overtired or get hurt. He is certainly moving more slowly than he used to, but then, so am I. Did go swimming, the neighbor kids were playing with the jet skis and running up to the shore so fast that I was afraid Sadie and I wouldn't be seen and would get run over, especially since most of the kids were on paddleboards or kayaks so no one was thinking about looking for people swimming. That was a bit disappointing, but there's always the boat launch on the local pond, maybe this afternoon depending on what time I get home. I'm surprised that I'm not more stiff and sore from the Bog Walk the other day, which is encouraging. If I get sent to one of the facilities with walking trails I'm going to try to time it so I can take my lunch break and take a walk.

    Jazzy--I would ride to avoid rattlers, too! I can just picture the wonderful sunset, beautiful music and refreshing breeze coming up! I will stay mindful of the hornets, I check the area they were in every time I go by to be sure it's quiet. And I know that too many stings of anything can cause trouble, and facial stings are particularly problematic, even when people aren't allergic. The local yellow jackets aren't terribly aggressive, don't chase very far. But I treat them with respect, anyway.

    Goldie--The rodents can do a job on a garden, or a house, that's for sure. I've been lucky, no real problems with squirrels, rats, chipmunks, ongoing battle with mousies in the housie, but the big garden raiders are rabbits and deer. So far this year, though, no visitors. Glad you can deal with the FU pills, and I hope they stay effective forever.

    Jazzy--WOW!!!!!Farmer's markets here are just getting up and going good, the entire growing season is about 3 weeks behind due to the cold rainy spell we had that was the month of May. My favorite Farmer's Market used to be open Mondays and Thursdays, now is only open on Mondays, which is a hard day for me to get there (unless I choose to work a different day of the week for hospice). So I'm going to keeping an eye out for them as I drive around for work, I've got a great recipe for a cucumber and tomato salad with a dill dressing that I want to make.

    Illi--I know how irritating the drain can be. After recon the last one stayed in for 2 months, was draining just a bit more than the allowed amount. Finally the stitch came out and I was getting skin breakdown from the tape to keep the tube from sliding out so the doc gave up and let it come out. It drained for about a week after that before it healed up. I am praying that your body will be ready to let it go very soon.

    Jazzy--LOVE the Info Poster!!!I'm going to enlarge and print that out and take it to my next Women, Wed and Wine meeting!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Rattler recipe

    1 1/2 oz gold tequila

    3 oz grapefruit juice

    1 splash triple sec

    1/4 - 1/2 ozfresh lime juice

    Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Love the Glads Jazzy, especially the yellow ones. Sooooo pretty!

    Ilona, that drain will come out eventually. Glad you had a nice time and enjoyed some brewskis.

    NM, with the cedar fence around the yard, the rabbits and deer can't get in. They are the reason for the fence. I didn't have a veggie garden when we put the fence up, but the deer and rabbits had my flowers almost all eaten. Even the ones that are supposed to be rabbit and deer proof!

    Shannon, iffin yer out there….Happy Birthday goilie!

    Got a good down pour here yesterday afternoon. A little too hard at times, but we need it so bad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning ladies- got the cleaning company coming in an hour or so so finishing up the "cleaning before the cleaning" or clearing of surfaces to be ready. Got some business related things to do today, swimming later.

    I went to my cousin's memorial service yesterday and found myself feeling very sad and remorseful that we had lost touch over the last few years. We had been seeing one another maybe until around the 2010 time frame, but lost touch with one another as some things began to unravel for both of us. I was doing the "you should haves" in my head about needing to keep in better touch after she moved down south to live with her son. But it was also during my time of treatment and recovery, and don't need to tell any of you how long the later one takes to feel better. I did really isolate a lot the first few years after, just trying to muddle through.

    Anyways, something good happened during the service, which was a powerpoint presentation of her life in pictures. Up came a photo of the two of us taken up north at her cabin years ago when she invited me up one weekend, around 2002 I think. It just warmed my heart to see us together in that pic. Later, I met her two sons and some of the other family and they said "oh you are the one in that picture." Since none of them lived here in town, we had never met. It was a younger me (early 40s) with different color hair, etc. but replied yes, that is me! They told me how thrilled she was to have the relationship with me, and then I realized, it was not that we lost our connection because either of us stop caring, it was situational to our lives the past few years as we were both struggling through major health issues. I will tell you ladies, I was SO glad I went, they were very grateful I came and to meet me and will keep in touch with my new found cousins!

    All this being said, it was a reminder to me that sometimes we think we have time to reach out, have a call, visit, etc. and then suddenly the opportunity is gone forever. So I encourage any of you, if there is someone you are missing, get to it my ladies. Take the time to reach out and say hello. It also made me glad I am going to take some time to spend with my family in August, including some people I really do miss so very much. My trip to CA is booked and my sister is excited for the visit. Second trip back east will be finalized soon!

    Okay, enough for all the deep talk, got to get going to my day and wishing you all a good start to the week. I head to the BS surgeon on Friday for part 2 of my follow up process.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Yesterday’s DOTD: Revolution Brewing (local) Anti-Hero IPA. Amber, bitter, hoppy. My first real beer in a year, and the first that had both alcohol and a normal amount of carbs in over two years. Beer isn’t usually my drink of choice, but we went to the White Sox game yesterday. Wonderful seats (behind the plate only about 10 rows up) to watch a wonderful game…up till they blew a 5-run lead*. It was cool-ish and breezy at game time, and we were taking the train, so I wore long sleeves (and sunscreen everywhere else). But around the time the wheels fell off, the clouds burned away and that beer was quite welcome.

    *Chicago sports reporters are able to read from a prepared script: “The Sox jumped out to an early (insert number)-run lead and held on to it for (insert number) innings. But then…"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy twofer Tuesday! The humidity had gotten so high here the air is visible! Dense fog all over the place, sticky, icky feeling. Probably will need to turn the AC on in the bedroom tonight. This humidity really drains me. Really hoping to get home early enough this peeyem to take Sadie to the lake for swim.

    Goldie--Ah, a fence does make for good neighbors and more productive gardens! Sometimes the deer and rabbits forget to read the small print where it says not to eat certain flowers.

    Jazzy--I think a lot of us tend to isolate and withdraw a bit during and just after treatment. It is sad to fall out of touch with people, but it does happen. How wonderful that picture was included and that the family recognized you! You are right, we lose touch due to life circumstances, but we never really lose the connection. It is also important to remember to reach out from time to time to those we are connected to but not in touch with.

    Chi--LOL a the gave reporter's script!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for fog drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, sounds like you were warmly welcomed to your cousin's memorial. And made some new connections with family.

    Sandy, just gots to have a brewski at a baseball game! And a hot dog!

    NM, I feel ya with that humidity. I don't know what is worse, triple digits or that humidity!

    I can't believe how quiet is in here anymore. They're gonna shut us down! Traveling to Flagstaff today, DH finally got an appt. with an RA doc. Flagstaff is about 2.5 hours away. Then we head to Phoenix on Thursday for my appt. and staying until Saturday. Hubby's b-day was yesterday, I got him a drone with a camera. So he wants a friends hubby to help him with it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- back my morning swim and getting some food in to me after my am laps. I sort of fell off a bit with my swimming routine last week after the fall, then the one night I did go, we got kicked out due to thunder & lightening (never any rain though, sigh). I realize morning swims need to be the target now in monsoon season, which seems to be starting here finally. The east side of town got a big soaker last night but nothing here in my neck of the woods. Sigh again. Anyways, I did my 70 lengths/1 mile and feel great! Will go again on Thurs am and to the outdoor pool for a shorter swim this weekend.

    I had the cleaning company in yesterday and going in to the week with a tidy house! Got some work to do in the garage today on those shelves and going to get to that this morning. Also signed up for a FREE class with Stanford on economics, which I have never taken before. I did a cert program there a number of years back and think they must have offered this to some of their alumni. Sounds like it is a new e-learning initiative they are trying out. I need to buy/download a book, but plan to start today.

    I also talked to my collaboration partner yesterday as we approach what we think is the final approval for the project we have been developing with them for a good seven months now. But eek, the partner I spoke to said it could take three months to contract and said "oh no, we cannot let it take that long." We will loose the opportunity to get this going this year (and no I won't stick around waiting either). I called the other partner who I have not talked to in awhile, and want to see if we can come up with an approach to help them get the part through we need to start with. Still working on some other things too. Enjoyed some downtime to get organized and fit, but time to get some cash rolling again. Feast or famine in the consulting world sometimes.....

    NM- I so love you have adopted your new name with gusto! There is someone I have been thinking about I need to reach out to and ask out for coffee and going to do that today.

    I hope you and Miss Sadie get a swim in later today. Is your wine tasting group this weekend? I have two different parties this weekend, a small dinner party on Fri and a larger party on sat and thinking about what wines I will bring. Probably a rose to both. I like how rose on that chart is wanting to be under 21 or looking like it at least? LOL!

    Goldie- I notice all the threads slow way down in the summer months, watched it before. Same on some of the few others I am on regularly. Things will pick up in August when folks are back from vacations (at least out here in the west) and then more so in Sept when the east coasters and their families are back to school. Our schools start here on 8/13 (will be away to Cali that weekend).

    I hope your trip to Flagstaff goes well and hope the doctor's apt thurs goes well. Are you having a office visit or any tests? I hope everything is still okay there girlfriend. You said your recent numbers were better?

    Dara- how goes the tests? Have you actually started working yet? How do you like the work from home thing (I am a big fan, keeps me more productive and out of client/workplace drama).

    I am going to reach out to Cami's DD today via FB, and see if I cannot get an address for where she is to send her a card.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    Greetings to all. Have been MIA for awhile due to vacation, busy at work and weekend trips - just trying to catch up.

    Great news on results, etc. for Mema, Goldie and Jazzy.

    Jazzy - your Farmers Market goodies are spurring me to visit one in my area this weekend.

    Hot & humid here in Greater Cincinnati. Refreshing DOTD is a Shandy - Made with beer (lager) and lemonade (popular in Britain). DH is my mix master & prefers Miller Lite with sparkling lemonade or San Pellegrino Limonata - beer to lemonade ratio is up to the drinker - we like about a 50/50 mix.

    hsant - Please post a pic of your new hair. My hair is silver white naturally now. Hope you managed the Catalina trip without seasickness.

    Here's a pic of me sailing on Long Island Sound during vacation. Cheers to all!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    CeliaC- good to hear from you and you sound good sister. I love the photo on the sound during your vacation. Where did you sail from ?

    Markets are flush with produce just about everywhere now (except may in Maine where NM lives, short season there too). That market I got on Sunday has one on wed now too that they start in July and going again next week. Been enjoying the peaches, tomatoes, and kale so far. Going to steam the green beans tonight. I have to learn to not overbuy because I sometimes cannot eat everything soon enough

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    We were going to fly to Toronto for a long weekend this weekend…but then we saw the fares on (usually-reasonable) Porter Air. GAAHHH!! $1600 for the two of us(!). And for some reason, they're charging more in USD than CAD even though the buck is worth 1.23 loonies. Kayak was little help—almost every other fare involved flying one airline out of ORD into Pearson and then Porter from Billy Bishop into MDW. Since Bob has office hours Mon. evening on the S. Side, for us it's MDW or no-fly.

    Plan B: back to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, where we went 20 yrs. ago, courtesy of a course sponsored by Merck. Bob always speaks fondly of it. But...6-hr drive plus ferry. Bob said, "hey, we can fly to the island—how do you think the event speakers got there?" So I checked: cheapest fare is by jet air taxi…$1900 each (!!) And cheapest weekend packages at the Grand start at $1000/night (!!!). Even the priciest resort in Lausanne was much cheaper than that. We checked the "usual suspects" of charming seaside Michigan towns—e.g., Traverse City started at $370/night (for the same places my former singing partner & I used to stay for $100 when we sang there in early spring and late fall). Factor in the price and the fact that due to drive time we would have had to either cut our weekend by a day or arrive dinnertime Fri. and then get up with the chickens and drive home like maniacs Mon. morning. Ditto Door County. The Dells? Meh. Nope. Not gonna happen.

    Not enough lead time to book timeshare nights at HGV in NYC, and besides, LaGuardia is the Seventh Circle of Hell. DC? Though we'd love to visit my sis, I was just there in Dec., and DC in July is like…well, get into your bathroom, shut the door and turn the shower on hot at full blast while watching “House of Cards." Cleveland? Nah, will wait till our niece starts back at Case this fall and visit her then. Staycation? Yawn.

    So that left Boston. Amazingly, we found well-timed flights out of MDW on Southwest for less than half the Porter fare (and free bags), and a Hilton near Faneuil Hall for which we were able to combine money and HHonors points. And the weather will be no worse than here. Been 21 years since last we visited, so it'll be new all over again (plus my knees are in better shape for all that walking, sans cane this time). Pennsygal PM'ed me with some great restaurant suggestions that aren't tourist traps.

    Gotta have at least one lobster or lobster roll!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Chi-Beantown is a great place to go in the summer. Lots of great museums, good food, etc. I will ask my friend who lives there if there is anything special going on right now you may want to check out. Locals always have a scoop on things like no other.

    I love what you said about LaGuardia too. Having gone through there last fall for the first time in decades, I agree about your description!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy - Sailed out of Greenwich Yacht Club, 2 hours on 3-masted schooner SoundWaters at a free event called Experience the Sound @ Greenwich Point Park on 6/25. They also had other activities and freshly caught & shucked clams & oysters.

    Sandy - Glad you got things sorted out for Boston. I love Boston. Have a great time!

    Agree about LaGuardia - had to use LGA for my recent vacay - that airport never seems to improve, but cashed in Delta miles & flew RT for $11.20, so had to muddle through.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Celia, the only part of LGA I like is the Delta Shuttle terminal for flights between New York and either Chicago or DC. But the main terminals? Just shoot me. But glad you got to experience L.I. Sound—I’ve never done so from the Westchester/CT shore, and never by boat--just across the bridges and along the shore of the N. Fork of L.I. , from Aquebogue to Greenport. (And oh, those vineyards, duck, oysters & clams)!

    I recall flying into & out of Logan to have been rather pleasant—the water-taxi shuttle and either short cheap taxi rides or even walking distance to downtown. The only bummer was the Big Dig, which I understand is finally finished.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Some nice music for you from Melody Gardot.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    Sandy - So much fun to take the water taxi from Logan & then short taxi ride to hotel - also found it faster/easier/cheaper. Went all over on public transit. DD even ventured out on her own & went to Salem. We also took a whale watching trip & were lucky to see two that kept breaching over and over, like they were playing a game. Wishing you good eats and good times!