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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    And here is your music post of the day. I have seen a phenomenal amount of music since I moved to NM as I have shared (never knew how good the music scene is here, actually). This link is of a brazilian guitarist who I met in 1997 at a free concert with Herbie Mann in the Taos Ski Valley. I was up there that July 4th weekend the summer after I moved here and the ski valley was seperating to be it's own township and happened to stumble into this concert. For those of you who don't know Herbie Mann, he was is a well known jazz flutist who lived in Sant Fe (passed on a few years back), and Ricardo was there playing with him and featured on his recent Opalescence album. Talk about a thrill. Enjoy the song!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Good morning gals. Lots of errands to run today, and I plan on unpacking a couple of boxes that were shipped from Cleveland. The key word here is plan. I've been putting this off for some reason for weeks. I unpacked the majority, but I haven't been able to bring myself to finish the rest, maybe because there have been other chores that have taken precedence.

    I'm very excited, because I have a close friend from NY who's coming to LA this weekend for a week. We talk/text every day, and FaceTime frequently, but I haven't seen her in person in over ten years. We're going to Catalina for a girls trip next Monday with another mutual friend. I also have another good friend from NY who's in Laguna beach (which is about an hour 1/2 drive from where I'm located, sitting in horrific 405 traffic) with her family for the summer. The hubs and I will visit them in a couple of weeks when her DH arrives. Same thing, we text every day, but I haven't seen her in around 14 years. I'm very much looking forward to meeting her kids who are 10 and 12.

    Native, I'm glad you had a nice time with your cousins, but I'm sorry it was under these circumstances. I have no doubt that Auntie is watching over you. It's crazy how the grieving process works. It will hit me at weird times that my dad is gone, and I'll start crying like a fool in the grocery store. I know you know this with all your experience as a hospice nurse, but I would think it's different when it's personal to you.

    My dad had to take away the keys from my mom for the same reason. Never easy. However, my dad was the opposite. He practically threw the car keys at me 5 years ago, and he was fine to drive. His doctors encouraged it at that time.

    Jazzy, yay you for swimming like the little mermaid that you are! Your weekend sounds perfect!

    Newport Beach is beautiful. I didn't realize your sis lives in OC. For some reason I thought she lived in LA.

    Goldie, you live in a little slice of heaven. I would never want to leave my house if I lived on all that property. Plus, you have your amazing garden!

    Sandy, wow! You just can't get a break! It's fantastic that you have Bob looking out for you. Hope the anemia isn't anything serious.

    LLL, cute!

    Genny, I hope you can pop in and show your pretty little face, even just briefly. Hope you're having fun with Lezlie!

    Sue and Dara, I hope you're doing well!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    hsant, have fun in Catalina, DH and I love it there, I grew up in Huntington Beach. Ugh on the 405.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Hsant- ditto on Catalina! Enjoy your company!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Will try to find the videos I like best (fewest mistakes <g>) and post the links to them. The wife of the host of the showcase I played yesterday was livestreaming—wish I'd known in advance. Maybe she posted to YouTube. I sounded good but I am so thankful that my guitar hides my midsection…

    Just got off the phone with my PCP. He sincerely doubts that there's anything wrong with my bone marrow (no aspiration necessary, whew—last thing I want is to have that trochar rammed into my hip like into a wheel of Hickory Farms cheese); but that the low-normal reticulocyte count might be because my Hgb is high enough that my bone marrow isn't alarmed enough to start cranking out more cells. My iron sats are good, but he concedes my ferritin's pretty low. He says, especially in light of the fact that I felt sort of “pre-refluxy" last evening (even though I could have wine I didn't want any) and that I'd had some nighttime episodes of “acid brash" after eating chocolate or fat too close to bedtime, it's time to look at my upper GI tract as the source of a probable slow “ooze" again. He said at my last EGD in 2013, my Hgb was 12.3 and I tested negative for antibodies to H.pylori.

    There are two ways we can go: do a blood test for H.pylori, and if positive I'd have to do either 10 days on a tetracycline—can't do penicillin or Cipro--or 7 on (ugh) Flagyl (the latter of which means at least 11 days of no alcohol, not even in toothpaste, mouthwash or toner/astringent). But to see if it worked, I'd have to have an EGD. So we are going with option 2—EGD first. He's almost certain he's going to find at least some esophageal erosion, if not also a gastric ulcer, even with a negative culture or antibody titer for H. pylori. If that's the case, we continue the PPI—maybe switching me from one bedtime Dexilant to Protonix BID—avoid oral NSAIDs & heart aspirin (the krill oil is protective enough), and not eat (or drink anything acidic) w/in 2-3 hrs. before bedtime; and also add some iron for awhile. He's sending me to the top GI guy at Evanston, who was his own Chief Resident—rather than the guy at St. Joseph's who gave me only Versed, not even propofol, for my EGD so he could have me watch the procedure and see what he would point out to me(!). Thanks, but I'll wait till I come to before finding out.

    My PCP also said to go work out, eat a nice dinner, have some wine with it (that rosé sounds good—Bob loved it), and then a Xanax at bedtime.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Interesting day at work yesterday. Spent a bunch of time getting a visit schedule set up for the week, was on my way out the door when Clinical Manager #2 says "Oh, no, we want you to do more home visits than facility visits." ( I was doing all home visits.) Then she wanted to me to do a set of visits that were all over the place, would have been more than 200 miles of driving. (I declined.) Then Clinical Manager #1 wanted me to do an admission. (I declined). I finally wound up doing1 home visit and 4 facility visits with reasonable driving (except for the summer traffic, but there's no help for that). Just bizarre. Obviously Clinical Manager #1 and #2 are not communicating well at all! I can't count all the times I reminded myself that it was not my circus, so not my monkeys yesterday.

    Goldie--I was amazed atwhat my cousin's boy gets away with. No matter what he is asked or told to do he does as he pleases. Told to was the dishes, he may or may not go into the kitchen. If he does he may wash a couple of bowls and spoons so he and his sister can get themselves breakfast the next morning. Throws dished around when pushed to do all the dishes. Splashes around and leaves puddles on the counters and floor. All his mother does is shrug and walk away. When I was taught to do dishes it meant ALL the dishes and pots and pans, and the kitchen table, all the kitchen counters and cabinet doors, sweep and if necessary wash the kitchen floor, take out the garbage. Generational changes are so big now.

    Related image

    Jazzy--nice pool! Looks like a great place for a swim. I've got to take Sadie and myself for a swim pretty soon, too. My head is still spinning from all the goings on of the last few weeks. Glad to be back home and able to stay put for a bit. Got to restart the decluttering. Still have the dumpster, nothing in it yet, plan to make that change on Thursday.

    Hsant--don't blame you for not opening up all the boxes from Cleveland. It's emotional and exhausting. My cousin is coming back in August and will be u-hauling back a bunch of tubs and boxes to deal with later. She didn't deal with anything really emotional, put those tubs aside for later. I think she was wise, it let her focus on visiting with family and some of the family drama that always accompanies a death in the family. I hope Auntie is watching over me, and I'm still waiting for the first crying jag to hit. Should be any time now that the funeral is over. I expect it will sneak up on me. I'm wondering what will trigger it the first time. I guess I'll find out. It was good to reconnect with the cousins, but kind of scary, too, realizing that my cousins kids are grown and graduating high school, some are married and having their own kids, and we are the last ones to remember certain family members.

    Chi--sounds like you are going through some reflux stuff like me. I've got Barrett's Esophagus, hiatal hernia, history of ulcers, and have been taking prilosec since the 1990's. I also tested negative for h. pylori, both breath and blood many years ago. I have to try not to eat in the few hours before bed, and certain foods and drinks will trigger reflux episodes, but at least I haven't had the oozing to deal with. Sleeping on a wedge makes a pretty big difference too.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for golden years drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, we have a Sam's Club membership too. Unfortunately, we don't have a Sam's Club! Anyways, DH has an app on his phone for Sam's Club and you scan your stuffas you go, and no need to go through check out. You go right to the door. He loves it. Not sure what kind of rain there are getting elsewhere in AZ, but it ain't me! Beautiful pool.

    Hsant, don't beat yourself up if you don't get the boxes unpacked. I'm sure it stirs up memories too. So glad you have all of these upcoming visits with friends you haven't seen in a long tme. We love where we live, it's VERY remote and not a lifestyle for most.

    Lots going on for you Sandy, hope they can find the problem.

    NM, so glad you got your voice and used it. No No No…NO! Cute Cat in the Hat. Soooo true!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2017

    Happy Monday morning all!!!

    Ist let me offer my heart felt condolences to sorry to hear about your Auntie.

    Wish I could address all of you, but came home to a mess and lots of am busy bizzy. Wanted to let all know Brain scan was fine, NED...whoot whoot. Get my PET ct end of next month and get my Xgiva shot and see my onco.

    Had a great trip...but it was tiring. My step-mom was doing very, very well....was so glad to see it. Also, it was HOT HOT HOT, even on the coast of OR. GF n her hubs (from Bainbridge,WA) met my DB and I for lunch in Gresham. It was great. No pics tho. Everytime I tried to take a pic it wouldn't let me, said my 'storage was full'. Don't kno yet how to deal with that. chit to do but will get in again soon!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is having a good start to the day. Well, I had a crazy thing happen last night, which was that I fell out of bed! On to the hardwood floor! My elbow took the hit and is a bit bruised and sore, but otherwise seems okay. Given my creaky osteopenic bones, that could have been ALOT worse. I must have been thrashing around in the heat and remember having the covers thrown on and off last night a few times (hot flashes are hard in the summer heat too). I decided to not swim this morning as the elbow was still smarting, but will go tomorrow and give my arm a rest today. I guess I must be getting old and need some rails on the bed?

    As we prepare for the new work finally, I expect August will be a contracting month (already did some pre-work on that, just need to add the scope of work, etc. to finalize my part) and a good time to squeeze in some end of the summer trips. Talked to my sis today and going to southern Cali for a long weekend and hope to catch some music at the Long Beach Jazz Festival. My sister's partner is not well as I shared with you, and think she needs a little sister time. We found a good weekend for both of us and I have enough points for a free ticket on SW. I also want to take a quick trip back east to see my nephew by the end of August. And once that contract is signed, I am booking my time to do the Ireland trip in late Oct/early Nov. Jazzy is on the move!

    Goldie- we have had some storms around the past few nights and the skies will cloud up and I can hear thunder but it does not rain at my house. I took a walk and could see the rain falling in the distance near the foothills and saw on the radar there was some rain in town. The news says

    That is good to know about Sam's Club. I need to return and exchange a couple things I bought yesterday and will try the new app!

    NM- those hospice folks are up to their old tricks, aren't they? I think your dumpster will be ready for your when you can get back to it. So much change for you these past few months iwith the health issues, then changing how you work, family challenges, etc. I just chip away at things and am working on some residual piles that need to go away (donate, storage, etc.) and going to spend some time on the garage this afternoon. I hope you and Miss Sadie can get out for some swim time soon! Summers are short in Maine, you gotta grab that water time when you can?

    ChiSandy- I hope you had a nice dinner with some wine last night. I think your PCP is going to get to the bottom of this anemia thing. I hope you get some answers soon. Are you feeling tired?

    Hsant- I am not sure if I shared this here, but I know I did on another thread on BCO. It took me YEARS to be able to go through some of the boxes from our parents house. Our mom had a medical crisis in 2004 and we had to move her closer to us and that resulted in cleaning out the house to sell it (50 plus years worth of stuff). Because my sister and I lived far away, we had to do things quickly and I took way more things that I had room for in my home which was brand new. I had a couple of moving boxes in the garage I finally went through this past winter and kept some of the dishes and let go of the rest to a thrift shop. All I can say is if you need to park em for awhile, do it until you are ready. Because stuff has a lot of emotions attached to it, especially after the passing of someone close to you.

    I am glad to hear you are getting out more sister and reconnecting with your community back in Cali and enjoying some nice vino. Continue to be kind to yourself

    Cami- where are you and why has no one brought you your phone to rehab? I miss you sister!

    Time to get back to the grind. This was on FB this morning and thought you wine loving ladies would enjoy it. From NM home state too!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    That’s the weird thing about this anemia: except for my DOMS two days after each training session (and resolving back strain), I feel fine. No fatigue. And my lips and nails (gel Franch mani, but clear) aren’t pale. I contacted the GI clinic at Evanston Hosp. for an appt. We’ll see.

    Jazzy—ouch! Bob sometimes falls off the bed, as he is a very “kinetic” sleeper. Fortunately, we have rugs at bedside, and often his falls are preceded by a pillow or two that have found their way to the floor. Me, I roll over when one sinus or the other clogs up, but am otherwise utterly inert. We keep the A/C & ceiling fan cranked up, so hot flashes haven’t been a problem lately.

    I have a sociopolitcal aversion to all things Walton Family, so we belong not to Sam’s Club but Costco. We have plenty of both in the Chicago area, but if I lived in a small town I realize Wal-Mart and its subsidiaries might be my only option.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Nice day at work yesterday, probably cuz most of the day I was out of cell phone AND wireless range! Itwas nice to be able to putter along and take my time. Even found a nice little diner and got a foot long crabmeat roll for lunch. Very yummy! Got to meet some really nice people, too. Half day at the Immunization Clinic today, then Wednesday, Women and Wine this evening. The humidity is supposed to ease off, that will be nice. Tomorrow it's back to decluttering and cleaning, with a goal of filling the dumpster. Time to start ketchuping with cousin's clean outload of 15 cubic yards. I'll be doing it 2 cubic yards at a time. Seems a bit overwhelming, but I'm going to start with the basement, work for 15 minutes, and then take a break for 15 minutes, and keep going like that. I can keep that up for most of a day. I hope. We'll see, won't we? On the good news side of things they have hired a nurse that will be taking over the case management of the area I once had. She has to work out a month's notice, then be oriented, so not expected to be up and running until sometime in the fall. The case load is currently up to 35, so I hope this new nurse will have some help, cuz that's way too many for one nurse to manage.

    Goldie--It was very different being able to say "no" to crazy assignments. But very good feeling, too!

    Mema--HOORAY for NED on the scan!!!!!!!!!!!!Welcome home, sorry it's to a mess, be waiting to hear more about the trip as you get settled and caught up.

    Jazzy--You fell out of bed? Wow, what were you dreaming about that had you roll out of bed??? Maybe you need to do what the nursing homes do, get a couple of pool noodles and put one on each side of the bed under the bottom sheet to make a bump to keep you in! Glad you didn't hurt yourself badly. Boy, you really are on the move with all those trips planned! Good for you! Sadie and I are GOING to get some swim time, tomorrow, weather permitting. The game plan is a leisurely breakfast and coffee, set Sadie up with a tie out near the dumpster so she can be with me as I start lugging stuff out of the garage, 15 minutes of work alternating with 15 minutes of rest until the dumpster is at least half full or 3 hours, whichever comes first, then to the lake for a swim. Repeat on Friday. That will get me moving, give me an idea of how long it will take me to fill up the dumpster. I'm thinking that if Thurs and Fri go as planned I will take Sunday off from decluttering and take the kayak out to my favorite paddle spot, maybe pack a lunch. I saw that clip about Florence, didn't realize she was 100, but good for her!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Dumpster Juice recipe

    1 oz vodka

    1 oz light rum

    1 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur

    1 oz Midori® melon liqueur

    1 oz cranberry juice

    1 oz orange juice

    1 oz pineapple juice

    Combine ingredients in a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Sue, I can't say how happy I is. Woot woot for NED! I so wish I could hear those words. Praying you get the same results with your scans. Glad you had such a nice time. It sure went by fast. My phone is the same, not much storage left. You have to go in and delete some stuff.

    Sorry Jazzy, but I am giggling. But iffin it makes you feel better, it wasn't too long ago and I fell out of bed as well. Oh gosh, as a kid, we had those rails on our beds. Boy, you are on the move. I forgot what you said was the issue with your sisters partner. The two of you will have some fun! I love when I get a free ticket from SW. Same here with the rain…can see it all around you and you can smell, but no rain for moi.

    Sandy ya, not much in choice for shopping where I live.

    NM, 35 patients for one nurse. NO WAY, it can't be done! Altho, I bet you could! You certainly deserve to go out and have lunch with Sadie, a little water play, etc. You go and do it! Like Jazzy said, summer is short! Love the Dumpster Juice!

    I talked to Cami yesterday morning, but not for very long, someone came in that needed her attention. She is still in a lot of pain, of course they don't know why. She gets therapy 4 times a day. And she is on "red alert"? She is not allowed to be up or get up without someone there with her. But she sounded like her usual self. When she first answered and I said it was Lori, the stinker says "Lori who"! Why I oughta…..!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- catching up with the posts here and SO glad to hear Mema had an NED result on the brain scan. Thank the good lord above! Going through those tests is one thing, waiting on results is even harder.

    My elbow has a scrape and a bruise today but otherwise okay from the tumble out of bed. Today I am feeling a bit sore around the back/ribs area, probably from when I tensed as I went down. Sort of feels like when I have been in car accidents and tensed, but not as bad. Well anyways, I think I am going to live and change up some things in the BR to avoid any more calamity. I do remember it was very hot in the BR the night before last, and I was tossing and turning, throwing covers off and on and think all that fussing lead to me doing what I did? I slept well last night and stayed put. It is hard getting old.....

    I hate reading the obits anymore as I always seem to know someone who has passed. Two younger women colleagues from a job here in town the past few years (both from cancer, sigh) but yesterday, I read of a second cousin from my dads side of the family who I got connected with here about 17 years ago. She was of my parents generation and a neat lady, and we would get together once a year and she invited me up to her cabin in the mountains one time years ago too. About six or so years ago she had a stroke, and my mother was in her decline at that time, and we lost touch for awhile. Then a Xmas card appeared a few years back and she was living in southern NM with her son. There is a memorial service in town this sunday and will go. She lived to 90 and think she had a good full life.

    Goldie- thanks for the updates on Cami. I wish they could figure out the root cause of her pain. I thought she said it might be related to her bones, but not sure. Red alert does not sound good to me either sister.

    And sorry you took a fall too, but now you are my partner in crime with all things bed fall related!

    NM- sounds like you are in the groove with work this week. With decluttering/purging/etc., I find it is best to not take on too much to start. Focus on a space/area/pile that needs to be addressed to not get overwhelmed with the process. Because when we do, we tend to just stop and say "I will do that later". I have been doing that this week with some residual piles and also started the garage this morning finally. I cleaned out and reorganized the storage space where I keep my excess holdhold supplies (TP, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc) and also an area where I store some of my yard items that are taller. Put a bunch in the dumpster too of broken things and trash comes tomorrow. I am working through the cabinets out there, but the center area is where the real work is and already eyeing things to take to donations. Purge baby purge!

    Here is your jazz song of the day. One of my fav bossa nova songs but this artist is new to me.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, hope you can heal quickly. Arnica gel helps with bruising (Arnicare, Boiron or Traumeel are all good). And there is no shame in bedrails—the low-profile kind you find in drug, baby (or even Bed, Bath & Beyond) stores, that slip between mattress & box spring. They will wake you up before you fall far enough to knock them loose. We used them for awhile when Gordy started first climbing out of his crib and then insisted on sleeping on the twin bed next to it, using the crib as a toy-storage bin. You might also invest in a body pillow or two to place on the floor parallel to the bed, for a soft landing.

    So what's my DOTD? Just knocked off a breve cappuccino. Tonight, when Bob comes home, we will open that bottle of Paumanok (N.Fork of L.I.) Extra Brut Blanc de Blancs Methode Champenoise he bought last month in NY (I asked if he wants Veuve Clicquot instead and he said no, he wants the Paumanok). He got hired by the union-benefits medical firm! One long night per week down in his SW Side office (hellish I-55 commute and all) traded for a short one in the Medical Center area on the Near West Side (closer to home, next door to his old UIC stomping grounds). Heck, if he goes in on a weekend, he can take the L (Red Line to the Blue or Pink).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday was a very nice day. Good amount of work at the Immunization Clinic, learned some neat new things, got my solo day set up then I go onto the regular rotation.Looks like I'll get one or two clinic days per month assigned, got signed up for a Saturday flu shot clinic in September, will have opportunity for more as the season rolls around. Going to start learning the travel medicine part as soon as I get all my on line education done, which is something I will need to schedule into my weekly plans and remember to keep track of the time spent as it is payable time. Came home after, had a little nap, then went to the Wednesday Women and Wine get together. This one was at one of the lady's homes, on her beautiful deck, 9 of us. Everyone brought a bottle of wine to taste.I took a bottle of wine I made back in 2010, a Strawberry Riesling that I found tucked away that had aged remarkably well, not so sweet as Rieslings tend to be, just a touch of effervescence, quite light. There was a nice Malbec, a bottle of a local wineries Blackberry wine, a bottle of something I can't remember the name of from Chile, a Claret, and a light Sangria and a dark Sangria. The local blackberry wine was the least liked, the most liked verymuch depended on personal tastes and everyone had at least 2 they couldn't decide between. A couple bottles got finished off, but most were recorked and taken home. It was a great way to try a bunch of different stuff while munching on hor d'oeuvres and gabbing away like a gaggle of garrulous girlfriends. It was a wonderfully fun evening, and it was sonice to sleep in after a late night like that.

    Of course Sadie and I wake up to rain this ayem. Steady rain. Which we need, but is making things feel a bit chilly. I'm telling myself that this will make working in the basement better since I will need to keep moving to keep warm. And it's not like getting a little wet lugging junk to the dumpster is going to hurt me any. I'm thinking the swimming thing may not happen this peeyem, will need to think of something else to do for a reward. But no, problem, I'm sure Sadie will think of something. That's her assignment for the day.

    Goldie--I actually was managing more than 30 patients at once, but I desperately needed help which was a very long time coming. It can be done, but not with as much attention to detail and individual patients and families as I think is needed. I'm seeing the other per diem nurse who works 3 days a week getting more and more frazzled as she gets more and more of the responsibility dumped on her. There is another team that has more than 30 patients, but that team has a full time RN and full time LPN and gets help from another LPN or RN at least 2 days a week. BTW, that team leader RN is retiring in December. That RN and LPN work way more than 40 hours per week, all the time, to keep up. But it's OK for them, where it's not OK for me. And that's the rub, there are enough nurses working who are OK with spending hours on the computers in the evenings to keep up that the company can keep on expecting that level of work for the current level of compensation. And it's not just this company, it's a system wide problem in health care. Have an 8 to 5 job and don't start work regularly by 7 or 7:30 ayem and leave regularly before 6 or 7 peeyem and you are seen as not pulling your weight. Is it like this in other kinds of work???Glad you checked on Cammy.The "red Alert" sounds like a fall prevention flag--she's at risk for falling so they don't want her getting up alone. Glad she sounded like her usual self.

    Jazzy--Glad there is no big damage from the nighttime excursion! If you were doing a lot of tossing and turning you may have set yourself up for rolling out of bed. Hard to manage hot weather, fans, AC, hot flashes, sheets and blankets without something getting out of whack! I'm not fond of reading obits, either. Getting so I recognize at least one name on the list most days, and not from Hospice work. And seeing the names of former classmates as surviving family members more and more often is a bit scary. But I've reached that age where that has to be expected, I guess. Good advice on the purging. I've picked a spot to start on, when that spot is done I'll pick another to start on. And keep telling myself that it doesn't matter how far I get as long as I keep at it for 15 minutes. Otherwise it is overwhelming and I don't start at all. The overall plan is to get the basement cleared out, then assign areas to certain things (a pantry area, a work supply area, gardening department, kayak and associated gear department, tire storage area/automotive department, recycling holding) and move the related stuff to that area, then organize each area. Then as I work upstairs I can chuck stuff down stairs, then go down the stairs once and put stuff away. But first the trash and junk needs to get out of the way.

    Great song!

    Chi--funny how cribs end up becoming toy boxes after a certain point! Congrats to Bob! Sounds like a really good trade for him!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Irish Trash Can

    1/2 oz gin

    1/2 oz light rum

    1/2 oz vodka

    1/2 oz peach schnapps

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

    1/2 oz triple sec

    1 can Red Bull® energy drink

    Fill glass full of ice, then add all liquors and stir. Add full can of Red Bull. It will float and slowly seep down the glass, turning the mix green, hence the name Irish Trash Can!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Hi ladies. Hope everyone is gearing up for a nice weekend. My friend is coming in town on Saturday, and I'm going with our mutual friend to pick her up at the airport and then head out to Malibu for some shopping, people watching and dinner. We leave for Catalina on Monday, and the only way to get there is by boat. Actually, you can get there via helicopter or private plane, but uh...don't quite have the funds for either. I'm a little nervous, because I tend to get sea sick. I don't want to take Dramamine, because it makes you drowsy. Plus, I want to enjoy some good, old fashioned day drinking when we get to the island. Any suggestions? I read that Sea Band wrist bands and gum work, but I'm skeptical.

    Sue, yay for NED! Glad you had a good trip and your step mom is doing well.

    Goldie, thank you for the cami update. It breaks my heart that she is in so much pain. How is your mom? Is your DD still in the Virgin Islands?

    Jazzy, ouch! I'm happy that it was only a couple of bruises. Hard wood floors can cause some serious damage. I still can't go thru my sister's pictures and things. With respect to the stuff from Cleveland, I need to unload some cookware that I'll use. No way to photos and other things of sentimental value.

    Lots of fun stuff planned for the rest of the summer! And Ireland in the fall! I'm so sorry about you sister's partner. I'm sure your sis appreciates your support.

    Native, glad work is going well, and you had fun at your wine gathering. Hold the make your ow wine???? You always amaze me with your talents!

    LLL, I think I mentioned this, my husband went to Rice and his sister and mom live near the campus.

    Sandy, love veuve. I've never heard of Paumanok

    Gotta get rolling. Wishing everyone a great day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good afternoon ladies- just a quick pop in to say hi. Been busy with a couple different things today and going to get back to the pool tonight. My aches and scrapes are better from the fall and ready to get swimming! I miss my pool when I cannot go, that tells me I have created a habit with it (a good habit, unlike others I have, lol).

    NM- having worked in other industries besides healthcare, I would say your assessment is correct about the way healthcare is structured with too long hours for everyone involved. When I worked in it the first time (around Y2K) it was like that because we were racing the clock to get the new software in, plus some process work around a few things. But since I returned to it around 2007, it is far more "sweatshop-ish" than it used to be. I have had to create some much stricter boundaries in my healthcare consulting work as a contractor through the years. They would have me working 80 hours a week if I allowed it?

    Send some of that rain over here sister! I woke up to overcast and was hopeful for rain tonight but that cleared and it is sunny and hot. Monsoons should be in full swing here, but showers are spotty at best. Tired of the heat!

    Hsant- I tend to get pretty sick on small boats and ferry's and usually just take a half dose of dramamin and get some of the ginger candy from trader joes to chew on for a natural remedy? I have done that ferry to Catalina too and know you want to get there in good shape.

    Chi- I have a body pillow that is now along that side of the bed for better protection. I also told my sister it could be that my house is haunted and a ghost threw me off the bed? We love ghost stories, so she liked that.

    Going to begin my 6 month follow up tomorrow starting with the imaging (mammo and ultrasound). Will be back sometime soon to tell you how that goes (always the most stressful part). The apts with the BS and MO go a lot easier.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    hsant, I'm sorry, I don't know of any alternates for sea sickness, as I took a Dramamine on the boat to Catalina but gum sounds good.

    Also, I drive past Rice U on my way to MDA several times per month, very nice homes in that area.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited July 2017

    hsant - try the sea band & the ginger gum. Dramamine puts me to sleep. Or ask the doc about giving you an Rx for a "scop patch". (scopalamine) That works like gang busters and you can leave it on for more than one day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Heidi, Bonine usually works better for me and is less sedating (only need it on small boats, like fishing boats).

    Kim, you make your own wine? Wow! Do you grow Riesling or buy the grapes? (I assume you macerate strawberries in the wine). I have Concord vines that came with the house, and every fall I swear I will buy Riesling budwood to graft…and every spring I forget. (Takes 3 years for new vines or graftings to bear fruit). Riesling is the only vinifera varietal that survives Chicago winters and doesn’t require dry summers.

    Jazzy, I used to live in a house that neighborhood legend says is haunted. It’s a 3-story Victorian greystone, with a carriage house out back and a porte-cochere on the side (under which were the stairs leading down to the side-entrance door to our daylight basement apt.). The reason for the porte-cochere was that not only guests but patients arrived by carriage—the patients were there to get abortions, and were upper-class women who didn’t need to go to back-alley butchers but wanted to be discreet. The ghosts were supposedly those of the doctor and the unfortunate few women who didn’t survive while in there. I never heard nor saw any ghosts.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    ChiSandy- I lived in an old farmhouse in CT during a period of time before I moved out west that was built in the 1600s, and oh it was so haunted. More stories on that down the line. I am reading a book right now called "Coast to Coast Ghosts" so it all just fits with the theme......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, sorry about the losses in your life recently, colleagues and a cousin. I'm actually surprised I don't fall more often, you should see the way I stumble around sometimes! And NO,not drunk!

    Sandy, those were the rails we had as kids. Fit between the mattress and box spring. Didn't know they still sold them. Good idea actually!

    NM, sounds like you had a wonderful time with WW (wine women) and all that shared wine, yummy! I'll bet you were the only one with HOMEMADE wine! Sorry you and Sadie didn't get to go for your swim, dang you Mother Nature! Sounds like you are doing well with your cleaning. No need to feel overwhelmed, you got this! Hopefully you and Sadie can get the lake this weekend. How's your garden doing?

    Hsant, how long will you and your friends be on Catalina, and how long is the boat ride?

    Hsant, my mom is the same. Slowly things just get worse, due to her laziness. My DD is still in the VI. I don't see her leaving, she makes good money and has some great friends. It's so nice to see you enjoying life and having some fun. Have you talked to Mary?

    Jazzy, I'm with you and being tired of the heat and no rain. We need it so bad! As well as my garden. Water from the faucet just doesn't do the same. Good luck with your appts., try not to stress too much over it.

    Ilona, I see you and MinusTwo are both in Houston.

    Sandy, what interesting story about your previous haunted house!

    Fried Day/Town Day. Also doing labs, should get results tomorrow and onc appt. next Thursday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Fried Day Friday! Today is starting out sunny, cool, bit of breeze, going to be nice working in the basement and finishing filling the dumpster. Took me about an hour to almost fill the dumpster with the boxes and bags of stuff piled up outside the garage door. Another hour today and I will have it filled and be able to call for a pick up. Discovered that hornets will make nests in piles of boxes and junk, discovered that when I went to move one of the boxes and suddenly was assaulted by a swarm of them!Poor Sadie got stung on her nose, then retreated as far as the tie out would let her and became very interested in the smells and such there.I got a couple of stings, one on each arm, they were sore and swollen for a bit, can't find the spots now. Hopefully the little flying stingers will have moved on and not be an issue today. What was really disappointing was that I moved my step tracker from one spot to another that was less irritating and it didn't pick up any steps while I was slogging garbage around and dancing with hornets! Lesson learned, midline on the body is good for sleep tracking, gotta be on one side or the other for steps. Another bonus, had to trim out some lettuce from my garden yesterday, had nice fresh crispy lettuce on my sandwiches for dinner! I'll try to remember to get some pics of the gardens today, too. And I hope the sun stays out, I need to ketchup on some laundry.

    Hsant--A couple of high school friends and I are getting together tomorrow for a picnic lunch and a stroll around one of the walking trails. It will be so much fun to ketchup with them! The trip to Catalina sounds like a lot of fun! Try eating some crystallized ginger before and during the boat trip, and drinking ginger aie.Even though it sounds counter-intuitive be sure not to sail on an empty stomach. I had horrible car sickness as a kid, and can still get pretty car sick if someone else is driving on a long trip, and I can get seasick on short sails that are moderately choppy, and I make sure to eat, take the crystalized ginger (also called candied ginger) and rarely have any trouble these days. I also need to be sure not to be in hot stuffy places, generally staying on deck where I can feel the breeze, and I try to stay forward to avoid the seeing things moving backwards effect. When I do get queasy I can throw it off pretty quickly by finding a cool place that has no motion, sitting or lying very still for a few minutes with my eyes focused on something nearby that is not moving. That seems to give my brain, eyes and inner ears a chance to stop arguing and start talking nicely to each other again. I like to do that with a can/bottle of ginger ale to sip. There is actually some research supporting the use of ginger for this, and even more research showing it to be effective for morning sickness and chemotherapy induced nausea, so there's no reason to think it shouldn't be helpful in motion sickness, too! I haven't made any wine for a few years, one of the rewards of decluttering and cleaning will be to set up a wine making area on the sun deck.It's actually a lot of fun if you don't mind the occasional failure and have the ability to tuck away bottles and forget about them for a couple of years. When I bottle my wines I fill afew beer bottles to open periodically to taste so I know when it's time to start opening the bigger bottles. Once you get the starter equipment the cost really isn't all that much.

    Jazzy--the entire health care reimbursement system needs to be nuked and remade from scratch. I don't know what the best answer is, all the models I read about have some cons that I consider pretty serious, there probably isn't a perfect solution, but the current insanity has got to stop, and will implode at some point. It's going to be a right mess when that happens, as health care is the only industry in the world where neither the provider nor consumer know how much the service costs. Good luck with the mammo and ultrasound.

    Illi--good morning!Good to see you!

    Chi----Good advice about the Bonine (meclezine). You can also take twice the dose on the package instructions to get the prescription strength. And you are giving me WAY too much credit on the wine making!I do not grow grapes.The Strawberry Riesling was from a kit that provided the juice base as well as the specific strain of yeast.I used a couple of kits to learn the process, then I moved on to doing my own thing. I buy organic juices without preservatives for the base, often add in either fresh fruit slightly mashed or water in which I have simmered an herb or her blend, experiment with types of sugars (when using honey it's actually a mead and not a wine), and experiment with types of yeast. There's a bit of chemistry involved as the yeast has to have a certain pH and temperature to really work well. I can control the sugar content and fermenting time to get specific alcohol concentrations. Then there is all kinds of things you can do in the secondary fermentation by adding oak moss or other thingsand racking at different times. Sometimes I have to help the sediment settle out so I can bottle clear wine. Often my wines aren't totally clear when bottled, but so far people don't seem to mind. I keep a log book, and make 1 gallon batches until I get a wine I really like, then I make a 5 gallon batch or two.

    Glad you never saw any ghosts in your old house!

    Goldie--I was the only one with homemade wine, but there were 2 ladies with homemade sangria, both of which I had to cut myself off from since I had to drive home!The variety of tastes is so much fun to explore. Aiming for going for a swim this afternoon, when I get done here on the computer I'm going to finish filling the dumpster, won't take long, probably less than an hour. I do get overwhelmed looking at everything needing to be done, but as long as I can do the timer thing I'll get it done eventually. I just wish I could get everything done at once and be done with it, but obviously I need to do it more gradually so I have time to create better habits and keep things caught up once the big clean out is done.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for swimming drink recipe

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Good morning ladies, and happy Friday! I'm getting my hair cut and colored today. I'm craving a big change, so I'm going to go platinum with a lavender cast.

    Minus, Hi! So nice to see you on this thread! I hope you'll continue to post. I read that the wrist band coupled with the gum achieves positive results. If my local CVS has both, I'll go with that.

    Little mermaid (aka Jazzy), I like the idea of 1/2 dose of Dramamine and ginger candy. Thanks for that tip. Wishing you the best for clean results! And yes, it's definitely unnerving waiting for results. I'm in your pocket today. If you need a glass of vino, I'll have one waiting.:) yes, a great habit with the swimming! Go Jazzy!

    Goldie, it's so hard to watch a parent get older. You have an amazing perspective and attitude.

    Also, meant to ask how your DS is doing? I remember he spent a lot of time with your mom, but (I think?) has moved to a different state in recent months. I have not spoken to Mary (Genny), but I did text her last week. She has Nora and a bunch of other relatives staying with her this weekend. It seems like she has been very busy. I miss her!

    We're going for a couple of days. My friend is only in "town" for a week.

    LLL, I highly (HIGHLY) recommend wearing a rope of garlic when you go to MDA. My MIL.......hate to use words like vampire or antichrist, but.....:)

    Sandy, I'm going to ask the pharmacist about Bonnine. Never heard of it. Just don't want the drowsiness that comes with anti nausea meds. Thank you for the recommendation.

    Native, hornets???? I would've crapped my pants! That is truly awful! Sadie, poor Sadie! But it sounds like you both recovered well. I would love to see pics of your garden. Picnic and walking trail (for me) is the perfect combo. Have fun! Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge of sea sickness. I'm getting that ginger is the key.

    My FIL made wine when the hubs was a kid in Italy. According to all that tasted, it was horrible. And he was a research scientist! So, I think you are very modest.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    NM, can't wait to make that swimming pool cocktail

    Hsant, thanks for the mil warning, lol

    Jazzy, your Brazilian guitarist post inspired me to play some Gabor szabo.

    Is Camillegal still MIA? And has Dara been quiet or did I miss something?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Sandy - how scary about the smoke alarms going off. Now it makes me wonder why mine didn't go off when I burned up the microwave. Will have to get hubs to check the detectors out. Do you have an appt for a GI scan? Sounds like you need one, as unpleasant as it is. Good luck lady!

    Hsant - the heat is unbearable. Been triple digits here for weeks now. When I was in WA and OR, even ID, it was triple digits and no one in those areas have a/c. But I survived and had a pretty good time.

    Jazz - I enjoy reading about your wine experiences, agin, I wish my innards could tolerate it.

    Have fun doing the pool laps!

    NM - OMG, you are moving right along with the decluttering. Your 'tude and motivation make me smile…so good after all you have been thru. FREAKY is right, while visiting fam n friends I thought the same thing, plus they didn't hesitate telling me how much I look and act like my mom. I took it all as compliments. Miss my mom so much. Love the look and sound of the Yellow Belly mmmm.

    Lowee - I can smell rain too, strange that ur guests said they didn't smell it. Am wanting to post more but running out of time. Have Nail n Toe appt in about an hour. I did delete about 5 pics…only have 8 on there now. I just don't get it.

    Oh and I got my ingrowns on my left foot surgically removed on my left foot. Guess my nail tech will only have 9 toes to polish. LOL

    NM - loved the Cat in the Hat post. How true!

    While at my step moms, my step-brother admitted to me that he had a horrible crush on me when we teens. He surprised me with that.

    Wish I could yak more, but have to get ready.

    Lots of lubslubslubs to all my sisters…muah!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Hi ladies- just a quick poop in to say my imaging went well today. All is good with the goils and I won't have to do any more 6 month imaging (sort of what I thought, but waiting for one of them to confirm). I see the BS next, a week from today. The hardest part is done. I celebrated by buying new bras and then taking myself to lunch!

    More soon!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Aug. 3 will be the third EGD I'll have undergone since 2011. As long as I'm not awake during the procedure it's not bad. This one'll be in midafternoon but they want me NPO after midnight the night before. Think I can stretch the definition a bit and say "bedtime," since I'm a night owl and the test is at 2:30 pm.

    Bonine is the OTC brand name for meclizine (prescription strength brand version is called Antivert, prescribed for vertigo). The key to avoiding motion sickness is to avoid sending confusing signals to the brain. If your body senses forward motion but your feet or eyes don't, it's an express train to Barftown. I don't dare read on trains for that reason. I once got violently ill in a 6-seater prop plane en route from a suburb of Vegas to the Grand Canyon, when I had to change compact flash cards in my digital camera (you can tell how long ago that was). One card fell between my seat and the wall beneath the window, and when I reached down for it, my watch got stuck on the seat-supports so I had to look down to extricate it. Ooops. The zero-G simulator NASA uses to train astronauts & pilots is completely windowless—so it's not nicknamed the "Vomit Comet" for nothing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    And hooray, Jazzy, for graduating from the 6-month-imaging club. Hope those new bras are gorgeous and the lunch was delicious. Going out tonight to a coffeehouse in DuPage County to see a New Orleans pal of mine’s band (the Malvinas) play. (And maybe talk to the club mgr. about getting a gig—been ages since I last played there solo or collectively).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, got the dumpster filled yesterday, took less than an hour and that includes the dancing around time when I found a 2 foot long snake in garden cart. I had already taken 2 loads to the dumpster, must have scooped him up when I picked up the third load of junk, and there he was!


    Didn't get to the lake, a thunder bumper blew through. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot and humid, and Mom and Dick want me to stop by and translate some medical paperwork, so Sadie and I will go swimming after. Today I'm getting together with a couple of high school friends for a picnic and gab session.

    Hsant--yup, hornets. What we called Yellow Jackets when I was growing up. The stings hurt a bit b

    ut the bugs aren't generally aggressive like Africanized Honey Bees or wasps. Yesterday when I went out they were all gone from the spot where they had been. Of course, then I got visited by Sammy Snake. . . . Fortunately Sadie recovered from her snout stings quickly, she knew to rub her snout in the grass and dirt to rub off the stingers and she was no worse for the experience. I did notice that she gave that spot a wide berth when we went out yesterday, though! I can deal with hornets and bees, wasps scare me, and I avoid them as much as possible. Not sure why the difference, been stung by all, no really bad reactions. Just something about the look of a wasp that creeps me out. I'm not being all that modest about my wines, I know I can't make something like a merlot or zinfendel or chablis and I don't try. I play around with the fruits and herbs/spices, and since no one knows what it's supposed to taste like as long as it doesn't taste like vinegar or totally horrible people give the benefit of the doubt!

    Morning, Illi!

    Mema--having a little friendly competition helps with the decluttering. I now know that if I devote one day a week I can fill up the dumpster every week and in 31 weeks I'll beat out my cousin!Let's see, 31 weeks would take me out past the end of the year. Not gonna work. Need to get some 2 pick up week going here, so will need to work on that. Need to talk to cousin about spotting me a couple cubic yards to balance my doing it by myself where I was helping her!

    Jazzy--glad the imaging went well!Hooray for no more 6 month imaging!!!

    Chi--good point about the input discrepancy and motion sickness.I still cannot read while riding, especially not a map or something with small print. Can't crochet or anything like that, either.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for snake drink recipe