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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017

    Hi girls, how the heck are you all? I'm not going to try and make excuses and obviously I can't catch up but .... HI! Miss you all! Been so long there are some here I don't know but I used to be here in the lounge most every day. Things with me really haven't changed much, just working and occasionally golfing and walking the pooches, oh and playing Candy Crush, I'm a little it of an addict. Nora is 3 1/2 now (my granddaughter) for those of you that don't know me. Health is good, knees are pieces of chit but no BC. MIL just got dx with BC tho, very early and small only 8mm, she goes to talk to the surgeon on Wed and will get the full path report, hopefully low grade and super slow growing. She's 89 in Oct so I'm not sure what if anything they will do about it. She had it at 72 but in the opposite boob and had a lumpectomy and chemo cause of 1 positive node. All we know so far is that it's ductal which is same as last time. She's taking it pretty well, as a lot of you know she's been the boy who cries wolf, always trying to have something wrong so now that there is I think she feels a bit validated. I'm watching American Ninja Warrior, I'm in such awe of those athletes. OK, now to try and do a bit of catching up.

    Lori, I just found you post to my FB, I missed it somehow. How are you? Are you still on the FU pills or did you switch to Ibrance and how are your TM's? Tickets to Mich, would love to try and meet up again if you can fit it in. How's your mom? Is she still in her home? I'm going to try and check in with everybody and then I'll go back and read a bit and I may get some answers but when I try and do it the other way around I never seem to get to the typing. I have been hearing about the temps out your way, yikes, and I think it's been hot here! How are your tomatoes and beans doing? Oh, I see Cami says your TM's are good so that's so good.

    Cami, sounds like you've had a rough time of it lately, so sorry to hear that, sometime a person just needs to scream. Oh, I hope you make it home soon, I'm glad they're getting your pain meds adjusted. And glad to hear your job will be waiting when you get home. Are you still having the D? I should think the morphine might help with that?

    NM, so sorry to hear about your auntie, she gave it quite a long hard fight tho didn't she. Aren't you just doing the hospice job part now? How's the new job? Is your mom ok? And Sadie still loving the belly scratches I'm sure. I hear ya about the energy thing, I get twice as tired doing half as much now, I hate it but such is life I guess.

    Dara, OK, those are some really gross looking feet! E-gads and I do pedicures on 90 year old and those pics even gagged me!Who in their right mind would buy sandals from her? They aren't even fit to go to Goodwill! You sound so good! Work conference, what is your job! I'm so happy to hear you have turned the corner on all the shit, headaches gone and feeling happy, yay!!! And Cheryl got a surgery date, what are they going to do? My friend Jeni has a couple of really messed up discs and she has to have back surgery and then be in a brace for 2 or more months. She's waiting for the ok from the insurance company. Is Cheryl still so bent over? When skimming around I saw some really cute pics of Logan and your daughter and boy does she look like you!

    Chi, sorry to hear about the ouchy oblique, always somtin, isn't it? Oh and not allowed to drink did I read? That sounds pretty painful too!

    Jazzy, shelving the garage, sounds very ambitious! Ireland trip sounds amazing and so does hitting the 5 year mark! Hope your work is going well and you've got some good projects going. Morphine is not my friend, I've had it twice and it makes me want to crawl out of my skin, had it with my mastectomies in the hospital and had a terrible reaction, now it's in my records not to give it to me.

    Ilona, so glad to hear you are through with surgery, drains out now I hope? I had a drain for 3 weeks also, ugh I remember being so bummed when I thought it was going to come out and doc said not till next week. And chemo over and able to eat cheeseburgers and drink beer.... ahhh, hopefully the worst is over. You don't have to have rads do you?Anyway, better times ahead, I promise...

    hsant, fun and shopping and food with your girlfriends, sounds great. 8 mile walks, very ambitious, my ankles and knees are shit but I have been riding my bike, I've been going 10 miles but I'd like to work my way to 15 and be a bit more consistent. I can handle snakes but a tarantula, no f-ing way, I can't even look at the fake Halloween spiders w/o getting creeped out. How's things going with your hubs, getting back to your old life yet? Your haircut looks cute, Lezlie came and did mine last week and we went out to lunch, hadn't seen her in months so it was nice to catch up.

    Celiac, pretty hair color. a fellow Ohioan, I'm close to Cleveland. Sounds like you've done quite lot of traveling, welcome back from vacation!

    SusieQ, hope all is well.

    KB, nice to meet you!

    OK, hi to anybody I might have missed, gonna post a pic of Nora from last weekend from my phone, still can't get my puter and phone to talk to each other. She's getting so big!

    Love to all, I've missed you all so much, good to finally get back! Sweet dreams!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017

    imageMoose and Louie, buddies at last

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Genny- sorry about your MIL. Sounds like she has been down this road before though. Hopefully they can just remove it and have that be that. I know the don't like to do chemo and rads for older patients. I was in my breast surgeon's office last week reading some things she had in her exam room about that very thing. I have known of one woman (a family member of a client I worked for) who had it in her 80s and they did lumpectomy and that was it. I hope your MIL gets great care!

    More tomorrow!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Mary, I would be very surprised if they insisted on doing anything but a lumpectomy on your MIL. 89? Why should they put her through pain and suffering for something that would almost surely never recur if merely removed? I did get my wine back—my hemoglobin and ferritin didn't get better while I was teetotaling, so my doc said go ahead and enjoy myself w/in reason. They're doing an EGD later next week—actually hoping they find some irritation rather than nothing. If everything is negative we (ugh) keep testing. Meanwhile, that lat (or as my trainer thinks, a thoracic paraspinal muscle) is bugging me so much that Bob says screw it, go ahead and at least use Voltaren gel or a patch if I need to—maybe even an Aleve during the day. We are doing exercises that keep the muscle moving and gently stretching—the worst thing I can do for it is rest. So whatever it takes to keep me gently moving is fine by me. How much more damage can an occasional NSAID do to my gut over the next week?

    Anorable is still adorable. And your furbabies? Awwww...

    Bob says his feet are better. My step count yesterday was nearly 11,000. Today I made it to 8000. Had a little Harpoon wheat beer (a few sips) with my breakfast lobster roll at the airport. And Southwest now has some halfway decent brut sparkler (St. Roc). Sipping some Barefoot Bubbly brut right now (we never did open it in the room, so I padded it with bags and PJs and it survived the trip in the suitcase. Not bad, actually—better than prosecco, about as good as an inexpensive cava.

    Cami, welcome back, girl! Oh, the morphine hallucination stories we could all tell each other! Hope you can get sprung soon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday turned into an interesting day at work. Saw a patient that was in the hospital (patient asked to be hospitalized due to being in pain and family not giving pain pills as often as allowed), wanted to have a religious marriage ceremony (is legally married by civil ceremony), and whose condition is deteriorating rather quickly. The Hospice Chaplain was visiting, is also a priest in the same faith as the patient and spouse. So, long story short, some phone calls get made, patient's son and wife came in to the hospital, I scooted out and found a cake and some flowers that I could make a boutonniere and small bouquet from, arranged for the social worker to come as second witness, and 2 1/2 hours later we had a marriage ceremony. Then I finished up my day at a local nursing home. Did the old getting home at 9 peeyem thing. Today will NOT be as long, yesterday was my choice and for a good cause, so no complaints. And I treated myself to a really nice dinner on the way home.

    CAMMY!!!!So good to hear from you!!Been worried about you.Glad the pain is getting under control, so sorry about the night you were so uncomfortable. Having to learn to do things differently is not fun, but sometimes necessary. Keep listening and doing what they say so you can get home soon!! You will be able to think clearly again, it takes a little time for the body and mind to get used to a change in medication. Love you!!

    Goldie--Yup, Dumpster #2 going out this week, Yay! One Note does automatic corrections, too, which I like a lot. Getting caught up on sleep sure takes longer after you've seen 21 a time or two! Love the DOTD!

    Jazzy--I notice I look at things differently on different days. I suppose that's the effect of time. I 'm beginning to think that this decluttering/cleaning out process is an ongoing process, not a one time thing.But that's ok, it's a better habit to get into than some I have. The Ireland trip sounds like a wonderful gift to yourself.I am blessed that there is lots of family, both on Mom's side and Dick's, that are willing to help out with things. And that Mom and Dick are (finally) accepting help with things. I need to make some connections with Dick's son, it will make things easier down the road if we at least recognize each other and have spoken a time or two before there is a crisis and we are suddenly having to pull together to deal. I am so grateful to be working part time during all this. But I am learning that I have to pace myself, and allow more recovery time than I used to need. Boy, lots of life lessons going on!

    Genny--So good to see you! I love seeing the pics of Nora on Fb, she is such a cutie pie! So sorry to hear about your MIL. Hopefully she won't need much in the way of hard treatment. Now I call myself semi-retired, I work for hospice 2 days a week and for an Immunization/Travel Health clinic one day a week, and actually getting to live life for a change! Mom is ok, grieving her sister and stressed over Dick's declining mental status, but otherwise well. Sadie still loves belly scratches, and still tries to help me type once in a while. Sadie woofs HI to the kitty and doggy!

    Chi--I was going to say it's nice to know that the wine isn't the cause of the anemia, but since the anemia still exists I'm not sure that's the correct sentiment. A breakfast lobster roll, what decadance!

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:

    Image result for old lady drink recipes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- I am getting ready to get to the pool for my morning laps but wanted to check in before I go.

    I had a productive day yesterday and put in for an advisory position here (PT) that may take awhile, but also a three month gig I found out about last week. Turns out it is with my big client here, but a different area than I normally work in. I had to wrap my head around that, but can do something for three months anywhere and told my partnering firm here I would sub through on this one, that 3 months bridges me to this other work I don't think will happen until later this fall, and that I won't stay longer. They struggle with this client too, but we agreed on a do-able rate and will see if they want to talk to me. It could have me working soon, and then I can commit to my trip I want to do! Cash flow and vacations........

    ChiSandy- I wish you good luck with your upcoming test and hope that your medical team starts getting some answers about your anemia. Hope you are getting settled back in after your get away weekend.

    Genny- I wanted to say the pics are so great! Anorable is getting big, hair is growing too. What a lovely child. Love the photo of the pets too, they look like buds?

    NM- how interesting that you found yourself helping with a wedding. I think certain things will make people want to tie the knot unexpected (may also be so it will be easier to pass along assets). I have seen it happen to my BFF when her husband had a bad motorcycle accident (they got married six months later), and also a woman who was on line dating when the man she started having a relationship with got diagnosed with terminal cancer (she ended up taking care of him end of life and he married her to pass along his home and other assets to her). You did a good job finding the supporting items for the ceremony. Sometimes we find ourselves doing things to help we never expect, but that are ultimately a good thing?

    And yes, decluttering should be an ongoing process. I have gone through iterations of it, but will say my big push came when I had to move things out of the house to do the painting and flooring upgrades in 2014-2015. Been doing some since, and this year is getting a bigger pass. Once you know where you tend to clutter/accumulate, you can set up a plan to keep those areas clean year to year. Paperwork, closets, stuff in the garage for me. You just have to keep those "problem areas" on your radar and make a plan for it. So once you are done with the "big purge", make notes of where things have accumulated so you can create a plan for those year to year. I have a small home with no attic or basement which sort of forces me to do it regularly (not enough space to keep too much.....)

    Time to get over to do laps. Wishing everyone a tantalizing Tuesday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Mary, I'm so glad to see you back. I've missed you, and yes, we will get together. I can't, at the moment, think of any reason why I couldn't. My mom is the same. I'm still on the FU pills. Garden is crap! I'm usually canning maters by now. I hardly have any small green ones. Have only gotten a few cukes and one zucchini. Just been too hot I guess. I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. I too doubt they will do much for treatment. OMG, Nora is getting so big! And just as aNORAble as ever!

    Sandy, hoping they DO find something that is causing your issues.

    NM, what an angel you are, to do that for that family. Good idea to get with and create some sort of relationship with Dick's son.

    Jazzy, I saw your laps and time. You go girl!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Well, I got my laps in as Goldie says, did okay today, except a bit of congestion starting out and my left knee was talking to me at the end.

    Came home to meet the tree people but they called and have some issues today and had to reschedule. Ugh, another two weeks out. I started this whole process in April with trying to get a consult on the pruning of the one tree (took months to get that), then another month to schedule, now two week delay. I am having it done the day after I get back from Cali. I could not even get her to pin down the time. I told myself today this may be one of those sinking businesses here, been there before with companies that are good and then cannot deliver. I will get the tree done then look for someone else for next year. It is what it is!

    Back to my business stuff and the garage!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Boy have I been away for a long time. My bad!

    Been super busy, from the ingrown toe-nail surgery, DH had 1 of his done too…so we're jes gimping along. LOL. Then his truck battery went dead, I had to take my car down there and we tried to jump start it but no worky. DH got it taken care of today.

    Last night (around 2ayem) I was awaken from a great sleep to the screeching sound of the flood and hi winds notice. Got enuf rain that dh had to pull out the pump for the patio. Guess the pump took up and died too. Oh too much more to talk about, but then I'd hog the whole page, mayb 2...LOL.

    I have been trying to read every day and from what I glean is some new gals are having a few dwinks…woohoo….welcome ya'll. Here is what I found on-line about the benefits of Biotin.

    What are the benefits of biotin? They are numerous, from proper health function to illness prevention.

    It is essential for metabolizing fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is also essential for insulin release and the synthesis of fatty acids.

    It maintains DNA repair and stability. Not having enough biotin can increase cancer risk due to DNA damage.

    As one of the B-complex vitamins, biotin is beneficial for building and maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails. Biotin helps produce keratin, collagen and elastin.

    The benefits of taking biotin include avoiding a deficiency. Signs of a biotin deficiency range from depression, loss of appetite, increased bacterial and fungal infections to hair loss, impaired heart function impairment, vision problems and hallucinations.

    Funny coincedence, my Stepmom told me about Biotin when I was there visiting two weeks ago. I haven't checked any the stores around here, so not sure it's OTC.

    Sandy - I watched DH's doc perform the EGD and he was wide awake. Made me want to wretch right then and there. Glad to know you can ask to be put under. I'll have to check into that, cuz I kno I need the test.

    NM - read about the snakes and wasps. I am allergic to bee/wasp venom, always carry benedryl. Yea, 31 weeks seems like too long, hope cousin can help you out. Only fair in my mind.

    Lowee - we lost some house plants and outside bogies. Couldn't believe how high the temps got. But cooler out today, and wet, wet, wet. Congrats on the drop in ur tm's. It's not much but it's gotta help. R u still taking RSO or Phoenix Tears? Feel bad that u gotta take for FU pills. (((Lowee))) Ref Sha na na's bday, I get reminders from American Greetings. I don't have everyone listed but working on it.

    Jazz - wonderful u r done with 6 mo imaging. I asked my MO if I needed one, she said the PET/CT would catch anything that was there. Cardio thinks my implants may be hiding something that can only be picked up by mammo.


    Illi - The bbq sounds like it was pretty terrific, and I am glad you got a widdle toasted.

    CC - you are beautimus in that sailing pic. My hair is totally silver now. The regrowth after radiation on my brain has left several bald spots and is slow to grow back. Have been using Rogaine (generic) for almost 2 years and have some new hair…I am thrilled.

    KB - Hello and welcome to the HTL. I'll be waiting for you at the pool-bar. Jump in and join me. Whoot whoot, bottoms up!

    OMG - so sorry to read the tidbit on Cami, will have to pray harder for her.

    Hsant - love the pic of u on the water. Thanks for keeping Dara and I in your thoughts. I am very grateful.

    Dara - Sooo good to see u in the lounge. I've made sure there is GJ on hand at the pewl-bar…so come join in when u can. Muah!!

    CAMI - there u are, yahoo But sad for you that u have to stay there a while longer. U r always in my thoughts and prayers….hang in there my friend.

    Genny - WOW so good to see you poopin in. Can't believe Anorable is going on 4. They just grow tooo fast. Love the pic…jes so adorable. Sorry to hear about you MIL, sounds beatable, but at her age…anyway I will send prayers her way.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Kim, so wonderful to have a life-affirming ceremony in a medical-care setting, and that you made it happen!

    With all this talk about my anemia, I should point out it's been giving me no symptoms. Not even more pallor (though I always look like a ghost w/o some lipstick). We shall see. Meanwhile, found one of my tomato plants--the one with the blossom-end rot fruit--had been knocked over: housekeeper heard a crash and ran out to the deck to find it, large pot and all, horizontal. No storms, so she thinks one of the rabbits who have been using our lawn as their salad bar tried to climb the cage or stakes and tipped it over. Squirrels couldn't do that, and possums & raccoons are nocturnal. Our back lawn looks awful--the gardeners would need to re-sod to make it look decent again. Our block is chock full of bunnies, because they reproduce like...well, you know...

    Last month we got a notice with our block party schedule for Aug. 5. This morning, signs went up telling everyone to move their cars off the street by 8 am THIS Sat., July 29 for the block party. WTF.?.No Phone # posted to call.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017

    Hi again girls, watching America's Got Talent and popping in for a quicky. Work today, that's about it. MIL going to BS tomorrow, I'll let you all know, pretty sure it will be lumpectomy and that's it. She has ongoing a-fib from a leaky valve, on coumadin and 89 so I'm sure nothing aggressive.

    NM, So good to hear you so happy, 9 pyem is easier to take when it's part-time. Oh, I just LOVE your story about the couple getting married, how fabulous that you got to help them out and be part of it all!! I'm sure your mom is having a bit of a tough time, all the changes we have to make as we age and then letting go of those you love, so difficult. Sadie still helping with your decluttering? Louie is a tennis ball junkie, he loves to collect them, kick them under the furniture all around the house then bark and bitch when he can't get to them. The best time to do this is when we try to sit down after a long day...gotta love our furbabies.

    Lori, sounds like you won't have to kill yourself with canning this year, I guess thats one good thing. I've got loads of green tomatoes, my plants are doing well but we've had loads of rain here. I'm getting enough cukes and tomatoes for us to eat each day. Oh, great, so looking forward to getting together in Sept. Glad to hear your FU pills are still keeping things at bay and your mom is hanging in there.

    Jazzy, ahhh, decluttering, an ongoing thing for me, never quite seem to get ahead of it try as I may. Hope the 3month gig and the PT advisory position pan out!

    Sandy, yay on getting your wine back! I like the way your doctor thinks! Exercise and injury, I-yi-yi, and endless cycle... Move, sit, work-out, hurt, repeat..

    Sue, Hi, so good to see you! DH takes biotin, maybe I should start on it, will check it out but I'm so sick of all these damn pills. Anorable is getting big, such a little person and no longer a baby. Ingrown toenails, dead battery, high winds and floods, yikes!

    Time to sign off, love to all and sweet dreams!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Yeah, my trainer and my PCP both say the most important thing to do is sit up and stand up straight, keeping my shoulder blades back as much as possible. Ouch. Sort of like a pigeon puffing out its chest. I try to do that when stuck in traffic—as I should have last Thurs. night, when it took me 90 min. each way to & from Oakbrook (the trip back is usually half that time, but IDOT—the small “i” is missing—picked that night to fire up the construction machinery and close the left and the right two lanes of I-90, beginning at its merge with I-294/190, and consequently up ahead there was a 3-car pileup).

    Sipping a little Barefoot Brut right now. When my duck, carrots & broccolini are done, switching to a 2014 Regnard Bourgogne Rouge.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! This is turning into a pretty full week for me. Working at the Immunization Clinic this morning, a friend is helping me move a generator from Aunty Linda's to my place, Friday I'm helping at a local Welcome Table (free meal for anyone in the community). Took a look at the rest of the week's schedule this morning and put a note on Sunday for a rest day and to not plan anything. I'm really depending a lot more on my calendar to keep myself on track and out of trouble these days. Finally, a GOOD habit is developing!

    Jazzy--ah, cash flow and vacations. I've been looking at flight costs and vacation sites/costs just for informational reasons right now. I'd like to know how many hours of work I would need to pay for a particular kind of trip for planning purposes. Glad you found some options to get your cash flow coming in soon and to bridge while waiting for "the big one." And yes, I do find myself doing unexpected things, but it's usually abit of fun and certainly a change from the ordinary day when it happens. And rewarding to be able to make someone feel special. I am seeing that the decluttering will be an ongoing process. As I run across places/problem spots I'm making note of them by room.When I get all the big stuff out and the house presentable then I will devise a strategy for attacking those spots. Not sure what that strategy will be, but letting the thought simmer on the back burner of my brain, by the time I get to that point I'll have a plan.At that point I'm really going to use the FlyLady plan to establish some better habits and keep things going with minimal fuss. Hope the lap swimming felt as good as it sounds!

    Goldie--my garden is behind, too, but so is every other garden in Maine. I think the spring weather really created havock with that everywhere.

    Jazzy--it's sad when businesses can't keep up, or live out their life span and dwindle away. Hope you find a good company for next year.

    Mema--oh, my, what a rude awakening to that kind of alert! And for the pump to die, on top of the truck battery dying. Biotin seems to be the next big supplement to hit the market. Seems to cure everything, just like Vitamin D. I believe it is available OTC. I'm fortunate not to be allergic to insect stings, but I keep Benadryl in various forms in the house for occasional irritations and itchinesses. It's good stuff, and helps me sleep, too!

    Chi--I'm glad the anemia is not givingyou any symptoms. It's amazing how much damage a bunch of furry little critters can do, isn't it? Hope you get the block party date thing figured out!

    Genny--Sadie is helping with the decluttering, she is gradually moving all her partially destroyed toys out to the back yard! Every so often she brings in a wet, muddy toy to play fetch or tug with. I'm going to get a small laundry basket for her toys, need to find a place to put it and see if I can teach her to put her toys in the basket at the end of the day. It will be an interesting challenge. Mom is having a bit of a time, but then so are all the rest of us in the family. Not so crazy about this part of getting older.

    Chi--road destruction always happens at the worst possible time, doesn't it?

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Related image

    And a second one for the beer and chili lovers in the Lounge:

    Related image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    LDB, sorry about that pesky ingrown toe nail. Do they just remove the nail? Biotin is OTC. I take it. Yes, I'm still on the MMJ, RSO and Hemp. I didn't know you used Rogain. You know if you stop using it, all that new hair will fall out? Meant to ask your about your phones storage. Just 8 pictures shouldn't cause that. Do you have lots of apps or games on the phone?

    Sandy, sorry about mater plant. Block party sounds fun.

    Mary, I'm so glad you're back. I just hate it when girls drop from our thread.

    KB, new chickies, how fun. One of my neighbors has chickens...and goats, and cows, and a horse and the house pets, a cat and a dog!

    NM, I think you are doing fabulous with everything. And Sunday, after all, IS supposed to be a day of rest.

    Image result for sunday day of rest

    Image result for sunday day of rest

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Tasted the tomato from which I had to cut off the bottom—tastes unripe but still tomato-ey (like the supermarket ‘maters we had growing up in Brooklyn). One half-ripe one and five green ones fell off the plant when it tipped over. The first should be ripe by Sat. (when I presume it will be part of the insalata Caprese I bring to the block party brunch).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Tonight is two glasses of red while I enjoy a night alone with my first love....TV. DH is 9 hours away doing a little work on our cabin before going back out on tour. I also made an awesome salad containing 5 types of lettuce, red and green cabbage, celery, radishes, red and green onions and cucumbers with small amounts of grilled chicken, grated cheddar, bacon bits, crunchy chow mein noodles and ranch dressing eaten straight from the mixing bowl!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Came home from my workout (BMI is down by 1, weight down by 7lbs) deciding I really didn’t want to heat up the kitchen or defrost anything to grill. And it’s too hot out for alcohol. So cherry-lime LaCroix seltzer it is, with the panino I made: ciabatta roll with peppers (poblano, green banana and red), red onion, thinly sliced coppa, jamon Serrano, bresaola, my first homegrown tomato of the season, a single thin slice of provolone and herbs (basil, holy basil, and rosemary) from my garden, with a little drizzle of olive oil on the inside surfaces of the roll. 10 minutes in the panini press was all it took. Yum.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017

    Good morning girls, couldn't get here yesterday, worked and then went to my golf league, had a scramble and then our 3rd potluck of the season. My team hosted it and I made the main course, 120 wings, cooked em all on Monday, luckily they turned out pretty good and I only had about 15 left over. Took a bunch of dessert samples and some apple salad and rest of the wings to MIL on the way home. Lit her face right up, I suspect the desserts were gone before I got home. She went to the BS yesterday. Path report shows IDC, 95% estrogen positive, grade 1, 8mm and contained at this point. Choices are to remove it and/or go on estrogen blocker (Arimidex). She has decided no surgery, DH and her daughters want her to take the drug. She is going to go see MO and get another opinion. When I was there last night she says she read up in her Mayo Clinic book (no Computer) and then she called the pharmacist and got the low down. Like I said before she needs to know all side efeects so she can figure out ahead of time which ones to have before taking any drug...( but this time I agree with her). Anywho, she takes Coumadin and is super diligent with it, she likes her INR tho stay the same at all times, she even has her "green days" written on her calendar when she will allow herself a few sprigs of broccoli or some lettuce leaves since people on it need to limit their intake of green vegetables. Well she told me she doesn't want to take the Arimidex and told me not to tell my DH yet. I told her this is a very personal decision and it was her choice and she needs to do what she feels comfortable with. Personally, there is no way I would take this chit if I were 89 years old, she is still driving and moving without difficulty, no walker or cane and I know the drug will really mess with her head even if not her joints. So she wants to do nothing, hope she doesn't have to battle too much with her kids, both daughters are nurses so it could go either way. I'm thinking with a grade 1, slowest growing that it may never cause her a problem. We'll see what the MO says. Thoughts ladies? SO I have to get ready for work, off tomorrow so I'll catch up with you all then. Have a good day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Lovely gentle rain coming down today, going to make my gardens very happy, I think. A friend is going to help me get the generator at Aunty's house and bring it here. Then I'm going to have to figure out how to use it! I did get the info and downloaded the user manual, discovered that it can be key started if a motorcycle battery is attached. I've got to look and see if Auntie did that or not. I just cannot make things that require pulling a cord start. Aunty supposedly had it set up to start automatically when the power went out, so I'm thinking there must be some kind of battery involved.Got to read further in the manual. I don't think I'll set it up to run automatically, I get a lot of short power outages of an hour or so and really just want to be able to run the furnace in the winter if a power outage lasts more than a few hours or if it's bitterly cold and having the heat off for even a short time will be problematic. And maybe the water pump so I can flush the toilet. It will be a nice visit with an old friend, too.

    I'm still waiting for dumpster pick up #2, they come my way on Tuesdays, and I didn't call until Wednesday. But I did set up for a once a week empty for now. So now I have a deadline of end of the day Monday to fill the dumpster each week.Shouldn't be too hard!

    KB--how many chicks do you have? Any pics?

    Goldie--I am definitely going to use Sunday as a day of rest and NOT rest of this week!


    Illi--salad straight from the mixing bowl, WTG!!! Looks wonderful!

    Chi-what a fantastic sounding sandwich!

    Genny--Not to be crude, but at 89 years old your MIL's chances of living another 5 years are pretty small without accounting for bc, so why decrease the quality of that time with a drug that probably won't make any difference to her life span anyway? At 8 mm the biopsy probably got most of it anyway. I think she's on the right track not doing anything. How was it discovered? Was she still getting mammograms? They usually stop doing them around age 70 or 75 just because the few bc's they find at that point generally aren't going to cause death or any problems and there is more risk from the treatment than from the cancer. Probably a good idea for her to talk to the MO and get that opinion. Hope her family will understand and support her decision.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for decisions drink recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- well I am THRILLED to report we are waking up to rain here today! I saw the clouds building last night and saw a few drops around while I was doing some deep watering, but nada before bedtime. The news told me this morning there was a lot of rain around the state and looked out to see my patio soaked and it's still happening! Whoot whoot! I hope it goes all day!

    Busy day yesterday connecting up with people and a trip to the wed afternoon farmers market where I got some tomatoes, peaches, cukes, eggplant, string beans and cipolini onions. Got some yummy things to get making later today!

    ChiSandy- congrats on the 7 pound loss and drop in BMI. You go girl!

    Genny- I could see where your MIL would not want to get into the whole AI thing. Given the side effects with bone density, joint stiffness, etc., it could really work against an older person. I have known many women here who have chosen not to do them for any number of reasons, and do think whatever treatment people choose for themselves they have to live with. A lumpectomy would have less longer term impacts than taking the drug. I think I mentioned the only 80 year old I knew who had something had that and that was all (and she is still doing fine). I hope your MIL continues to recover well and enjoy a good quality of life.

    LLL- that salad looks DELISH!

    Goldie- are you getting any rain? I saw the Phoenix area got some soaking rain and flooding this week but know you are furthr north (just go there for med apts).

    NM- I had a long talk with my friend yesterday afternoon about the importance of self care. She is married to a high powered surgeon (retired doc herself) and has a new grandson, etc. and said she has been told she is putting everyone else first by a therapist and needs to stop that. Well, I have been told that in the past two and even if you don't have a spouse, children under foot, etc., there is always a need out there with someone or something. For me, it can be my family, or friends, or clients. I think we all need to create boundaries for ourselves around how we spend our time, and to make sure we are getting our own needs met?

    Time to get in the car to the pool for my morning swim! Will be in touch after my MO apt tomorrow morning to let you know how that goes.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Sandy, hopefully your maters will ripen so you can use them. Mine look pathetic. Also having a time with the horn worms. Congrats on the 7 lbs.

    Illimae, you salad looks quite yummy.

    Wow Mary, that's a lot of wings! I think your MIL's decision should be hers, and no one elses. She could try the Arimedex and if it causes her joint pain, then she could stop it.

    Kim, maybe your friend can help you figure out the generator. We have one, but it comes on automatically if our batteries are drained of power, which will happen IF we get a few days of clouds. And it comes on every Sunday around noon for 15 minutes, just to keep it in check, since it has a battery. We have had lots of batteries die cuz it never came on.

    Yay for rain Jazzy! Funny how we get excited and those in the East are sick and tired of the rain. We did get some rain, but it came down pretty hard and really messed up our roads. Enjoy your swim!

    We are leaving for Vegas on Saturday, back Monday or Tuesday. Did I already tell this? Trade show.

    Pink Panties looks yummy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    This was on FB and a shot taken in Phoenix this week. Never seen anything like this!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, that storm looks straight out of a doomsday movie, wow, just wow!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    KB- those chicks are tres adorbs. Many of my friends here have chickens. So cute!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Got my Pandora Motown playing in the background. I jes love it…don't know why it took so long for me to figure it out. Temps have been cooler and we had lots of rain, we need it. It's only 94o out there now, just got home from the dog park…it is cooler but high humidity. I need a shower…ick.

    NM - had to LOL over Sadie getting into the decluttering. Such a sweetie. I too love your story, you have such a big heart.

    KB - chicks? Oh they must be so cute.

    Lowee - they cut out both sides of the nail beyond the quick. They numb it up pretty good. Only the 1st 2 or 3 sticks I could feel, nothing after it took effect. Now is infected so on oral anti b's. Doc says to now remove the bandage and let it breathe for awhile every day. And NO, ur hair does not fall out after using it. DD's hair is proof enuf for me, LOL. I don't have many apps on my phn, but a few that my grandkids liked when they were younger, I can delete. I hope it helps. Thanks for the tip. Lubslubs the pics u posted. Got my giggle for the day.

    Sandy - am so sad bout ur maters. Sounds like the block party is going to be fun. I too wud question the signs on no parking so far ahead of the event. Congrats of losing poundage and bmi. I just can't seem to get going back to the gym. Oh well, I like me jes as I am.

    Illi - WOW that salad looks and sounds delish especially right out of the mixing bowl. U go girl.

    Mary - HolyMolley u made 120 wings. Your so kind to take left-overs to you MIL. Am relieved that she has decide NO on the surgery. Can't blame her dh and kids tho, they just want her around longer. But we all kno how tricky treatment is for someone of her age. Prayers for you both.

    NM - good advice for Mary. Oooo that Pink Silk Panties is so pretty and sounds really good too.

    Lowee - LV this weekend, cool. Wish I could come visit with ya. Maybe next time.

    Jazz - OMG that pic from Phoenix looks very ominous. All the years I lived there, never saw anything like it.

    Well, got to get moving, Hope all have a good day, and upcoming weekend.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Grade 1, 8mm (assuming post-op path stays the same), 95% ER+ and 89 years old? Why on earth take Arimidex—which would make her feel worse and she'd have to take till she's 94??? (If she makes it to 94). I say lumpectomy and that's that.

    Jazzy, is that a storm or a “habboub” (dust storm)? Either way, looks apocalyptic. (Given the heat in Phoenix, not surprised to see “thermal instability” causing t-storms & twisters out of a clear blue sky—happens at least once or twice a summer here on hot, humid days that were cloudless in the morning).

    I am my own worst enemy—my weight & BMI numbers would be much better if I stuck to my diet. I am usually pretty good at breakfast—eggs and either a little wholegrain low-carb or sourdough (low-GI if with butter) toast. OK during the day too, and protein & veggies for dinner (except that panino last night—such a lovely ciabatta roll). But then I get the sugar cravings—fruit or yogurt doesn’t satisfy, and that first scoop of gelato or sorbet leads to pudding (the sugar-free stuff tastes medicinal), then bran matzo with cheese, and maybe even a cookie. I have been able to resist my old bedtime bugaboos of cereal and chocolate egg creams (the combo of melatonin, blue-light-blocking glasses at night, half a Xanax and Baclofen for my muscle strains has pretty much put insomnia on the back burner). But if I were able to stick to pure “dead animals & leaves” I could probably have dropped another 10 lbs. and maybe another point in my BMI. I do have better endurance, maxVO2, and a lower heart rate—it takes a LOT to get me up to 112+. But I’m gonna have to live with some degree of DOMS each time. Doing a standing “cat stretch” against the wall several times a day does help—and eventually, maybe my knees can handle doing it on my padded storage bench (tried it on my bed, but the memory-foam mattress surface was too unstable).

    The block party is indeed Aug. 5—enough neighbors freaked out yesterday that a phone tree corrected the misconception. So I might have some more ripe-enough homegrowns for my Caprese. (The blossom-end-rot spots are pretty small, so there’s less to have to trim). I do have a number of yellowing leaves on two plants, which is concerning. I didn’t prune “suckers” because the community-garden service said it’s optional. Might need pruning & a little Miracle-Gro. We’re supposed to have scattered showers today (didn’t rain up north last night) and then dry weather all through late next week (maybe time to get my porch stained in time to dry before the block party).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF! (She clicks on the calendar to make sure it is Friday before going on). Had a lively visit with an old friend and got the genny moved to the house. It needs a bit of TLC after being stored outside when it shouldn't have been, but should work just fine after that. I was thinking it was going to be some big huge thing, but it isn't, it even has wheels and a handle to move it with! Of course, one of the wheels is flat, but that's fixable. It does have a battery on it, which is dead, of course, but again, I have a battery charger and can fix that easily enough. Read through the manual, looks like you just get it running, let it run for a bit, then plug stuff into it. Not sure how to plug the furnace into it, but I have a little electric space heater that will warm up the bathroom or bedroom quite nicely, and I can use it in the basement to keep pipes from freezing if it comes to that. Now all I need is an electric tea kettle to heat water for coffee and I can be survive a long power outage without much discomfort at all!I will need to get into some kind of routine of checking it to make sure the battery is charged and it will start when needed, since I won't be able to charge the battery once the power is out.And it wasn't set up to go on automatically, it's not designed for that. Someone must have misunderstood that part, but that's no issue for me. No matter how it works, I've gotten a genny for the price of a restaurant meal and a half a tank of gas.

    Picking up the genny was a good thing, but it uncovered a disaster in the making. Aunty's granddaughter and 2 children are supposed to be out of the house by the 1st of August. She was going to move in with her paternal grandparents, but she said the VA (Veteran's Administration) said it would be too much for her grandfather to have the kids in the house, so that plan is out. (Not sure when the VA ever got involved in something like that, so I'm thinking there was a disagreement or condition that wasn't acceptable) So she is scrambling to find someplace to go. The kids are bored stiff with no phone, no internet and no TV. I just stepped inside the front door to speak to Aunty's granddaughter and almost gagged on the cigarette smoke.I'm pretty sure all the insurances on the house and property are cancelled as of the 1st. My cousin is keeping the electric on until she is done cleaning out the house, so at least they have electricity. And I am getting lots of practice chanting "Not my circus, not my monkeys." I'm struggling with if I should tell my cousin what's going on or not. One part of me is saying "Not my circus, not my monkey" and one part says granddaughter is an adult and should be getting in touch with her Aunt and such and taking care of her family, and one part says I am family, too and should be helping somehow, butI can't afford to finance a second household and don't have a house or bunch of money to give her. I think that I will keep quiet unless directly asked. Thoughts, Loungettes?

    Jazzy--Ah, words of wisdom to your friend and to me. I need to take care of myself first. Which means I can't fix anyone else's problems. And I don't need to feel guilty about that. I've scheduled myself for a much lighter week working next week to offset the something going on every day tiredness of this week. Funny, I am feeling better physically, and moving more physically according to my step counter, but feeling tired is still a daily event. Oh, well, that will improve eventually, too. I'm really missing my Thursday afternoon Farmer's Market. It was near my house and easy to get to, but they cut that day out and are only open on Monday afternoons now. For some reason I'm having trouble finding others. Seems like I used to see them everywhere, all summer long. Of course I'm not driving around anywhere near as much now. I probably should go online and look up some and see what I might be able to get to in place of that one.

    Goldie-- my friend did help me out with the genny, but it's also a lot easier than I thought it would be. Now that you mention it coming on every week I think I will need to get into the habit of pulling it out and running it for a bit once a week to keep the battery charged. Probably also ought to find/get some flashlights or lanterns or such that I can keep with it since I most likely will be needing to start it up in the dark.Time to add a set of chores to the putting the property to bed for the winter list.Have fun at the trade show!

    Jazzy--WOW!That pic stopped me cold! Someone is getting wet in there!

    KB--Aww, those chickies are cute!So are all the other animals. I have this mental picture of you covered in mud, dripping wet, lugging chickens and chicks around, being chased by a bull. . . .

    Mema--Sadie is a huge help. I sometimes say that with sarcasm, but she really is. Yesterday she made sure I got to my step goal by running off down the road for the first time in ages. I had let her out of the pen to visit with my friend, he's the one who was with me when she picked me out for adoption and helped me chase her down that very first day home when she got loose.

    Chi--Glad the party date got straightened out. I hear you about sticking to a diet. Hard, hard, hard.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Related image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, I'm surprised that storm picture wasn't on the news. At least I didn't see it. Wowsa!

    KB, do you do the dirty deed on the chickens? I eat so much chicken, I'm surprised I don't cluck!

    Gosh Sue, I think it was a past hair dresser that told me the hair falls out if you quit using it. GLAD to hear that's not true! As for your phone, you could always take it in and have someone look at it, to see if they can tell what's taking up so much storage. An infection you DO NOT need! I hope it clears up quickliest. We are only going to be there one day, not even staying in Vegas. Rooms are outrageous for some reason. Weston, where you picked me up, $800 a night!!! We are gonna just stay in Kingman. Even Laughlin was booked.

    NM, before we put ours on to come on every week, when the unit was left for a long time, you couldn't even recharge it. Had to buy a new one. I think I would just keep saying "not my monkeys, not my circus". I wonder if some Vit B would help with the tiredness? Are you getting enough sleep? Glad to hear that you are at least feeling better physically.

    Town today and heading out tomorrow. Not staying in Vegas, as mentioned above. Really only going as they have companies there that deal with MMJ.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- back from my visit to the cancer center to get my blood work done, visit with the MO, and Prolia shot. Here are the updates from today (all good!)

    My MO said that I am doing really well and said that my official "five year" mark will be next March when we stop the AIs. I had gotten conflicting info about that from the imaging center and BS office that it was this Nov (surgery date), but thought it might next spring. He said if I was not taking the AIs, it would be November.

    We also talked about the 5 year mark and what that meant for my particular pathology. He said that my type of cancer (luminal 1A) does have a risk of coming back 10-15 years down the road, which is why they will monitor me yearly starting next summer for another 10 years. Although I understand the beast is always around and being watched for, perhaps understand the risks to my particular cancer longer term.

    I also got my Prolia shot today (going to lay low this weekend as I often am a bit achey, at least for a day or so). We are getting another bone density test at the end of the year and he said that if the results are good from the dexa scan, then we may do any more shots. I have had three years of shots (every six months) and he said many times that the max benefit comes with around 3 years.

    We also talked about my weight loss via the work I have been doing with the endocrinologist and my fitness program, and the goals before I see him next time. I am still holding with the 20 pounds off this year (25 total since last summer), but see I am starting to move off my plateau which usually happens for a month after each 10 pounds I use. Been stuck at the 20 since end of June, but scales are moving a bit more again. We talked too about my eating, exercise changes, etc. He really appreciated the feedback as he said this helps him to know what works so he can do more referrals to her to help others cancer patients struggling with the same weight issues on the AI drugs. He said loosing 20 lbs in six months on the AIs is truly phenomenal.

    Whew, I was there for 2 1/2 hours today so I am pooped! More to do and will be back to talk to a few of you on your updates here again later today!