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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Looking forward to my half day of work at the Immunization Clinic, wondering what I'll learn today. Today I will definitely be home in time to go swimming with Sadie or at least take a walk and see if I can get in at least a quarter mile. Which depends on the weather when I get back home. Or maybe even both! But the walking depends on the humidity level. The dumpster has been emptied, so tomorrow is refill the dumpster day. The hospice work giggle for the day yesterday was getting 2 requests, one from Clinical Manager 1 and one from Clinical Manager 3 to specifically, individually inform the Clinical Manager of my work schedule each week.You'd be proud of me, I simply smiled and said, "Sure!" and plan to continue to use the group e-mail to notify CMs 1, 2 and 3, the office Director, the 2 schedulers and the office manager. The CM's won't even notice that it's a group e-mail.

    Goldie--the humidity just drains me, but is a good excuse for going swimming! It does seem to get quiet here in the Lounge sometimes. I'm worried about Cammy, being in the hospital this long is not a good sign. A drone with a camera sounds like it could be fun!

    Jazzy--Hooray for you for getting in your 1 mile swim! Glad the rain is finally getting close to your area. I got 3/4 of an inch in rain yesterday, probably a thunderstorm, and I wasn't home to enjoy it!Hope the consulting thing gets worked out soon. The Wed, Women and Wine group will meet again next month. There are a couple of wineries with tastings going on this weekend, I'm going to look at getting to one of them. One has free pairings on Sunday afternoons. If you get contact info for Cammy could you PM me with it? I'd like to send a card, too.

    Celia!Good to see ya!Sounds like you have been busy living life, good for you!

    Chi--sounds like in season pricing is in full swing! Glad you found a good deal to Bean Town. Those were some impressive prices!

    KB870--make sure hubby drinks some water, too! That is hot work.

    Dances With Hornets' DOTD

    Slide 4

    Ruby Rose Cocktail, $40,000

    The White Barn Inn, Kennebunk, Maine

    This month, the luxurious White Barn Inn will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. And what better way to observe the occasion than by serving a $40,000 cocktail? The drink itself, the Ruby Rose, is a mixture of Hanger One Vodka, St-Germain, fresh grapefruit juice, pomegranate and a spoonful of rosewater. While it normally costs a comparatively reasonable $18, the addition of a four-carat ruby garnish adds a bit more value to the drink. The restaurant is offering the Ruby Rose through the end of the year.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, got a little more rain. We are just in a spot that the rain goes around us 90% of the time. At least it's cooling down a little bit. Speaking of schools getting back into session. They are gearing up here too. When I was a kid, we never went back until after labor day. Yes, just an office visit, no tests. I call it a BS session. And yes, my numbers were down some.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    For all the cleaning going on!

    What a pretty cocktail recipe this is! It's called a Cinderella Glass Slipper cocktail. I assume if you have too many of them, you might just lose your shoe, like Cinderella did!


    • 4 oz. Grapefruit juice
    • 4 oz. Pineapple juice
    • 1 oz. Coconut Syrup
    • 1 oz. Grenadine Syrup
    • 2 oz vodka
    • 2 0z. cream

    Image result for cinderella cocktail

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone is doing well today. Got some work things, and a garage to focus on today. I plan to start my day with some yoga, which I have not been keeping up with as much since I left the gym and had regular access to classes. I love doing yoga on my patio in the better weather months, but will need to find a weekly class starting this fall to ensure I keep up. There are yoga studios everywhere here now, like having one on every corner like a Starbucks.

    NM- yay for emptying the dumpster, good job on round one and onward to round #2. The fun thing about working on contrat/hourly/etc. is being able to be detached to all the BS and just do the work we have agreed to. That is the way all work should be in my opinion, but the politics and drama in some orgs seem to really take over. I hope you get out for a swim today too!

    I heard from Cami's DD and have most of the info on her location, just waiting on one more thing and will PM you (and anyone else who wants it). Goldie has info too. Her DD said she will be there at least three more weeks.

    ChiSandy- I have not heard back from my friend yet (she has some family things going on), but had heard from several east coast friends that the tall ships were in this July. Looks like they could still be there if you are interested? The best clam chowder I have ever had was in Boston, but cannot remember the name of the place....

    Lori- you and I both have BS sessions this week. I have my breast surgeon check in on friday where we do an exam and look at films. I wish you a good apt and grateful you are doing okay. I take nothing for granted these days on the health front

    Celia- I am originally from CT and so I was curious to know if you were going out of there or LI. How cool you saw whales. Never saw any on the east coast watches, only in HI a number of years ago before the humpbacks began their migration north. Sounds like a fab time! Yay for summer vacations.

    Time to get on the mat and wishing everyone a good wonky wednesday!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Your jazz tune du jour. I got to see these two on the Smooth Jazz Cruise in 2012, such a wonderful collaboration pair. If you don't know Lalah, she is Donny Hathaway's daughter. She was not scheduled to be on that cruise, but showed up as a surprise guest and Joe Sample was performing too. I got to meet him coming back on the boat after one of the excursions, and was able to chat with him a bit. Lovely man. He passed a few years ago, but his music lives on.....

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy - Whale sightings occurred about 8 years ago, while at a conference in Boston - we (sister, daughter, self) were in Stellwagen Bank, on a New England Aquarium Whale Watch trip - it was magnificent!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Boy, talk about humidity here. Came home from work, put away a few groceries, made a sandwich, sat down in front of the big fan, ate the sandwich and then just melted into the recliner. Had no energy to do ANYTHING.Really was going to go swimming despite the thunderhead rolling in but just could not make myself move. Today's plan is for 1 hour of dumpster filling, at a slow pace given the heat and humidity are about the same as yesterday, to be done before noon. Option of a short nap after lunch, out the door at 2 peeyem to drop a couple of returns in the mail and then to the town boat landing for a swim for both of us. Right now the temp is 75, dew point 66, relative humidity 81%, UV index 5 (Mod) peaking at 7 (Hi) midday. Any time the relative humidity gets close to the dew point I get sticky and icky and drained right out. Add to that it was a busy day at the immunization clinic, and my not drinking much other than coffee yesterday, and it's no wonder I got wiped out! My pee is still very dark yellow, almost orange, so after this first cup of coffee it's 8 ounces of water, then my second cup of coffee, then 8 ounces of water every hour until I get rehydrated again.

    Goldie--must be annoying to have the rain going around you all the time!Gorgeous glass slipper cocktail!I want one!But I have to wait until I've had 64 ounces of water.Being a responsible adult isn't all it's cracked up to be.

    Jazzy--Sadie and I are doing well as long as we don't move too fast. You are so right, being able to detach from the work drama is a wonderful thing. I'm beginning to think the drama was draining me as much as the physical work and traveling. Whatever, not my problem until next week. Love the idea of keeping a bottle of wine in the fridge for special occasions.Like Wednesdays. Perfect occasion in my book, as is any day ending in "y", or that the sun shines, or that the clouds roll in. . . . .

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:

    Blue Whale Cocktail Recipe \\

    Blue Whale Cocktail

    Give yourself a tropical get away with this bright and vibrant cocktail. Simple with only three ingredients, but the perfect flavor for summer.


    • 2 oz blue curacao
    • 4 oz rum
    • pineapple juice
    • ice


    Combine the blue curacao, rum and pineapple juice in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to combine and strain over a chilled glass with ice. Serve with a pineapple wedge and enjoy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning ladies- I was up and out early this morning and did my mile swim and did it in record time (under 60 min). Whoot whoot. The senior olympics here are underway and going to go tomorrow after my BS apt to see some of the swimming competition so I can see if this is something I can realistically consider for next year. A super athelete friend of mine told me if I want to participate in the "nationals" that will be here in 2019, I would have to metal this year or next to be considered. Metal? EEEK. I just want to compete? Anyways, I did not feel ready to do it this year (need more time to train, learn how to do flip turns, get more speed, etc.) but will go check things out to see what I might be getting myself in to in 2018. The pool has inspired me to do things I had never considered before?

    NM- my sister and her partner are back east this week and speak of the intense heat and humidity. It is wiping them out so definately pace yourself. Please don't get dehydrated, keep a large bottle of water with you at all times and keep drinking. We learn to do that in the desert as with the dryness, you don't know how much you are loosing (less sweaty) and can get in to trouble quickly. I want to hear your pee is light yellow soon (TMI?)

    I have the majority of the info for Cami to send her a card and will ping you with that today.

    Celia- that is so cool you saw whales off the east coast. I heard there were some sightings this year too! Love me some whales. I saw tons of humpbacks and their babies in Hilo when I did a whale watch there in March of 2007. Love my whales!

    Going to hear some jazz tonight by an artist by the name of Jane Bunnett and her is a clip of her music. BTW, I play the soprano sax, hence my interest!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep last night, I gave in and turned on the AC in the bedroom. The humidity is down, all the way to 73%, fat lot of help that is. Only 72 degrees, though, which does help. I sweat like a stuck pig (wonder where that expression comes from?) while working on the dumpster fill. Only worked half an hour but got the dumpster 3/4 full. Hoping the last 1/4 will only take 30 minutes, too. Sadie parked in the shade and supervised. Parked on the deck for 32 ounces of fluid (TRUE Lemon peach lemonade, 10 calories, no funky chemicals) and a short nap. Woke up when the sun came around and really started heating up the deck. Sadie and I went swimming, and oh that felt nice. I could have stayed and floated and chillaxed, but Sadie got cooled off and re-energized and wanted to start wandering, so had to come home before she wandered into "NO Trespassing" territory. Got to remember to take a tennis ball or toy today.Then we hung out on the deck drying off until a severe thunderstorm warning came across, but the storm missed us entirely, except for seeing a bit of lightning and hearing some rumbles. No hail, no 60 mph gusts, no torrential rain. It worked pretty well giving myself deadlines to get things done yesterday, think I'll do it again today.

    Jazzy--WooHoo, record time swim, good for you! Talk about being inspired.I can picture you competing and winning next year. I am pacing myself, and keeping track of the fluid in and out, still slightly on the dry side but getting better. Should be some humidity relief coming over the weekend. I remember vacationing in Las Vegas and wondering what was up since I generally sweat sooo much in the heat and wasn't sweating (or so I thought) until I realized that I was drinking fairly steadily (my cousin insists everyone drinks a full glass of water without ice at every meal and every 2 hours between meals) but not peeing! TMI, I know. Turns out I needed TWO glasses of water at every meal, including breakfast.

    Great clip!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Bubbly Strawberry Mojitos - perfect for brunch! ~

    Bubbly Strawberry Rosé Mojitos


    ∙ Serves 8


    • 6 Limes, wedges
    • 1 1/2 cups Mint, packed leaves
    • 1 Mint, leaves
    • 12 Strawberries


    • 1 1/8 cup Simple syrup

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 2 cups Rum, light
    • 1 (750 ml) bottle Sparkling rose wine
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, my onc visits are BS only. There isn't even an exam. Wow, good for you wanting to compete. I bet you would do fine this year, but totally get the reason for waiting, being as you just got back into it.

    NM, my DD likes to say "this adulting stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be". What a perfect day you had yesterday. A little bit of work, some swimming, a nap. Poyfect!

    Onc was happy with my numbers, wanted to know what I did different. He's still ok with me adjusting my FU pills. There is another option to take 1 pill, 3 times a day, but no break. I hate taking pills, so not sure if I will do this or not. Plus I really enjoy my weeks off! Had a nice dinner yesterday with some friends, went to Texas Roadhouse. And went helmet shopping. Helmets for riding the quads. More so for if it's raining, or chilly and to help with eating someone else's dust.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Going incommunicado for awhile because I couldn't find my travel computer and am taking only an iPad to Boston. Tough to type, tougher to correct. Last night's DOTD was Piper Sonoma Brut

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good afternoon friends- back from the BS and had a good visit today. It turns out I am a total of 25 pounds down since my visit to her last year (down 20 this year, but thought it could have been more). She told me I looked great, we talked about how I felt, how this was all happening, etc. She says the girls are good. Two apts down, one more to go next Friday with the MO!

    The music last night with Jane Bunnett and her all female cuban group (Maqueque) was unbelievable. Boy am I glad that I made sure I saw them. I have been following Jane for years as she plays two of my instruments (flute and soprano sax), but the band she has put together of these young women from Cuba is just WOW! They are playing again tonight and if I did not have a dinner party I accepted tonight, I would go a second time.

    Goldie- good that you got good feedback from the MO. What you did different? Well, they are curious to know if we change things for better results with all we do I guess. It sounds like you had an awesome time out with some good food and friends. This is what makes the world go round.

    Chi- sounds like you are on your way to Boston and hope you have a great time. I heard the east coast is a tad humid and stormy and hope you can avoid some of the weather over there!

    NM- you swim and deep sleep sounded delightful. Simple pleasures are the best, yes? Thank you for the good wishes on the competing this year. I did not get to the swimming today as hoped because I was not paying attention to the time and they started at 8 a.m. and knew it would be over by the time I could get down there at 11 a.m. Just hard to squeeze in extras right now with all the doc apts. Glad the humidity may be easing!

    Got some things to do before I head to a dinner party with friends later this afternoon. Wishing you all a good start to the weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Thenks, Jazzy. Humid beats deluge every time.

    DOTD was Perrier-Jouet brut, with our snack at the hotel bar.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Happy Weekend, girls! I hope everyone had a great week. I had a lovely time with my girlfriend. Shopping, food and fun. Catalina was fun with my two friends, but I probably wouldn't go back. It's extremely over priced, and a little tacky and touristy in my opinion. And I'm pretty sure every restaurant waters down their booze, but it was nice to get away. Oh, Dramamine now makes a natural pill that doesn't contain any of the stuff that makes you drowsy. It's mainly ginger. Worked like a dream.

    No plans for the weekend except a lot of walking. My goal is 8 miles. Jazzy is my inspiration!

    Jazzy, congrats on clean results! I need to schedule my appointment with the BS, and MO for next month when I'm due to get my TMs checked. Woo hoo to your 25 lb weight loss! You have worked very hard for this. I know you want to stay anonymous, and I completely respect that, but is there a way to post before and after pics with out showing your face? You must feel so proud of yourself! Kohls is the best! Unfortunately, my $10 kohls cash expired, and I need some stuff (ear buds for my IPad). However, I still have a 20% off coupon.

    Goldie, congrats on lower TMs! Yay! I would flip the F word out if I saw a tarantula. My dad was a flight surgeon in the Air Force before I was born, and was stationed at Luke's Air Force Base in Phoenix. My mom said the bugs were so enormous, it was like they were prehistoric creatures. I do not do well with critters.

    Native, same with snakes for me. A garden snake somehow made its way into my uncle's house a few years ago, and I was the one who discovered it. Not a pretty picture. I covered it with a garbage can, called the local critter control, only to discover the can had a hole in it, and the snake escaped. Oy Vey! I couldn't sleep for days!

    It's always fun to catch up with old friends. I'm so happy I did this before I left Cleveland.

    It sounds like you are making major progress with the dumpster. You are working so hard!

    Ilona, 3 weeks with the drains is most definitely rough! Such a pain in the behind! Mine were in for four days after my first surgery (had 3), and I did end up getting Seroma, but it wasn't a big deal. The bs just drained it, and it was fairly painless.

    Sandy, I went to Boston University, so many great memories. Boston is a great foodie town. I spent four years eating my way thru that city.

    Celia, that's your natural hair color? Wow! Beautiful! That is exactly what I'm going for, and I plan on getting a toner the exact color of your shirt once all the gold is out of my hair. The pic I'm posting is a little odd, but I thought shows where I'm at right now. My hairdresser says it's a work in progress. It's going to take a another session or two to look like you.

    Those freshly caught oysters and clams sound deevine! My kinda food.

    KB, welcome! Wine and cheese....yum!

    Any Cami updates? Cami, you are in my prayers.

    Sue and Dara, you are also in my thoughts.image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- just a quick hi today. My dinner party was cancelled last night but a-okay with me since I was out Thursday night and have another party tonight.

    Hsant- sounds like you had a great time in Catalina. I have not been, but have tried to get out there several times in the past to the jazz festival there in Oct. Always expensive and complicated so it has not happened yet. Good to hear dramamine has a new and better alternative.

    Thanks for the kind words on my weight loss. I sent you a PM with some pics so you can see my progress through time.

    I did talk to Cami's Leslie on FB PM this week and she said Cami would be in rehab for three more weeks. Does not sound like she is able to post here still (they may tell them to keep devices out of there for security reasons- sticky fingers!)

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Mazel tov on the clean bill of health and the weight loss, Jazzy! You are an inspiration. Heidi, I always wondered if Catalina was worth a day trip.

    Tonight, went to Jasper White's Summer Shack. Started with Veuve Clicquot. Then with our raw oysters & clams, chowder & lobster we had a lovely Sancerre. When we went to Walgreen's this afternoon to fill a script Bob got at MGH for abx for his wounded feet, we picked up some inexpensive Dark Horserose and Cupcake brut for the room. Figured that at those prices, if we had to leave some behind it wouldn't be tragic. Too tired and about to go to sleep, so not going to chance drinking so close to bedtime. And Bob fell asleep already. Champagne and leftovers for breakfast, I guess

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Today is get back to routine and pick up where I left off day.Friday night, about 10 peeyem I got a call that Mom was going to the ER cuz she may have had a TIA. Of course Dick would not call 911, so a friend/neighbor drove them to the hospital. By the time the friend got to the house the whole thing was over with, but she went anyway. By the time I got the call she was fine, and she was the one to talk to me on the phone. She wanted me to come in so the neighbor could go home as she was expecting company. So I did. Got to the ER, asked for her, told she was in the waiting room. She's not in the waiting room. Not in the hallway which was lined with chairs and wheelchairs and people waiting. Saw Dick through an open door, so found her that way. She was in a holding room. She'd had an EKG, and was waiting. The only other ER in the area (the one in the big medical center and the ER that is a Trauma Center) was on diversion--not accepting any ambulances due to not having enough staff on duty.So little local hospital ER is getting EVERYONE and EVERYTHING on a Friday night. So here we are at this little ER with one doctor on duty, the place is packed, hear 2 Code Blues called (cardiac arrest, ties up the doc and almost everyone else for at least half an hour, longer if the person lives), a steady stream of ambulance drop offs, and so on. Around 11 we convinced Dick to go home with the neighbor (he was visibly exhausted and getting cranky/upset and his memory loss/early Alzheimer's was really showing). So Mom and I hang out, and hang out, and hang out. Around 1:30 they came and took blood and collected pee and moved her from holding to a room with a heart monitor. Around 2 ayem the doctor comes in, asks a bunch of questions, looks at the lab work and such, decides it was probably a near-fainting episode related to stress, orders an MRI of her head just because she is taking coumadin, that gets done a few minutes later, doc comes in 20 minutes later says all is fine and she can go home. About 3 ayem we are out the door, and by 4 am have her home and I am pulling out the little sofa bed and making it up and we all sleep until about 8 am. They wanted me to stay for breakfast, which in their house takes quite a while to put together, I left for home around noon time. Got home and made up to Sadie for leaving her home alone (didn't want to take her not knowing how long she'd end up sitting in the car, and she was quite comfortable at home with the door open and lots of food and water). Put a load of towels in to wash, sat down in the recliner and closed my eyes for a minute, and the next thing I knew Sadie was waking me up, it was almost 6 peeyem, and I was HUNGRY! So more Sadie loving time, fixed a sandwich, then lounged around and watched TV until 11 peeyem. My poor body doesn't know when it is supposed to sleep and when it's supposed to be in motion!So, resetting my time line for this week, going to finish filling the dumpster today so I can call for a pickup tomorrow. Give the bathroom a good cleaning up while the towels are drying, keep the dishes caught up, and see if I can get a walk in with Sadie. It's much more comfortable, Humidity down to 65%, Dew Point down to 45 degrees, temp down to 66 degrees, just a touch of breeze, and absolutely beautiful today.

    Goldie--I'm with your DD, some days do not want to adult any more! Glad your numbers are still good, and keep up whateveryou are doing!

    Chi--Have a good time in Boston!

    Jazzy--Nice weight loss there, girl! I bet you do look great. The female band sounds wonderful. Too bad you can't see them a second time, but I'm sure they'll be back eventually? And it can be hard working everything into a crowded scheduled, and I can envision my scheduled getting more crowded as Mom and Dick's health decline.

    Hsant--so glad the dramamine/ginger pill worked! And that you had a good time. The company is more important than the place, I think. If I found a snake in the house I would freak out, too. I think I could manage to get it out of the house as long as I didn't have to touch it, silly, I know, but there it is. I have no problem killing spiders (Mom is pathologically terrified of them, Dad taught us kids as children how to quietly and efficiently kill and remove them without adding to Mom's dramatics, or even letting her know that's what we were doing).Still need the tissue or paper towel or newspaper or something, though, not gonna touch.

    Jazzy--thanks for the Cammy update.


    Chi--champagne and leftovers for breakfast, what a world!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD

    Image result for hospital drink recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning ladies- I had a GREAT time at my friend's gathering last night, so much good food, some tasty wines and some delicious strawberry mojitos. Saw one of my buddies I have not seen in a few months and met some new people too. Great food, drink, conversation and it rained a bit while we sat out on the patio under the covered area. I call the night a success!

    No evidence of rain when I got back to the house last night but the National Weather Service here in town is posting that we have better than average chance of good rain between today into Tuesday. Bring it on I say!

    NM- oh what a story about your mom, Dick, the ER and all the rest. I am glad everything is okay and you got home okay and to your own bed last night. Time to get back to that dumpster today. This will be the second round of emptying, yes?

    KB- sounds like you are into swimming too! I am totally in to it and now creating a habit with it to get to the pool 3X a week.

    ChiSandy- sounds like you are enjoying your weekend get away to Boston. The food sounds YUM!

    Here is your music link for today. Probably many of you know Brian McKnight and this song but thought the jazz piano on this was really nice. Enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for the brunch music, Jazzy. I slept so late that we checked in for tomorrow's flight and just barely made it in to the A boarding group. Bob got up ahead of time to wrestle once again with the hi-speed wi-fi and its help desk, then read echoes. He went next door to Dunkin' Donuts (it's the law in Boston) to get us iced coffees. He reports that it's cool and gorgeous out and that he's up for walking the Freedom Trail.

    So we're drinking some of that rose (not bad) with the leftover breads & cheeses, and will save the lobster legs for a midnight snack. Still waiting for housekeeping to bring us a bath mat (they didn't replace the soiled one, just took it away) and a hotel guide manual (which was supposed to come with the hotel--so we don't know fitness center hours, business hours, checkout procedures, layout, etc.). We've asked four times in three days: concierge, housekeeping, manager, the latter saying ten minutes ago "Mary's on her way up right now." How---rappelling up the side like Spider-Man? Do the elevators not work? As Platinum Hilton Honors we deserve better. Guess who's getting a shitty Travel Advisor review?

    Ok, Mary finally made it. They will get a semi shitty review. Pouring more wine before I take my shower.

    Kim, so sorry the hospital put you through the wringer with your mom, but glad she's ok and you can rest up. If I could send some of my wine up to Maine I would.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Anyone else having editing problems when using a mobile device rather than a computer on this site only? Driving me crazy, especially when what I proofread before hitting "submit" shows up uncorrected, or missing spaces and punctuation that clearly appeared on the edit screen.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Chi- ugh about Hilton, I am a Honors member too. TripAdvisor is a great way to get their attention, and also mention it when you check out tomorrow. I find I usually get something free as a result?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Taking a break from cleaning the garage (ugh). More music for you. Kurt Elling is probably my favorite jazz crooner and has performed a couple times here in town in the past. Nothing better.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    hi girls, just checking in to advise I am alive and well. Still going nuts transitioning my yard to what we call H2o...happy outdiir oasis. I have stamens and energy unlike during the past 6 yes, I am egging back since all of my numerous surgeries. The 21st was the 7 yr mark subce Bmx. I feel so effing great.

    Getting excited, going to the Raleigh convention center on 8/11 for a work conference. Had to get a formal gown for the last night and found the prettiest dress. My sis is akrrring it so visited her today and also had a kick sss breakfast there.

    Cheryl is set for surgery in 8/24. She finally will get relief, God willing!!

    Thanks for yidate in Camille, Jazzy. I skimmed posts but can't be in long as we are having wicked storms and I fried one computer a few weeks ago from lightening...

    Love and miss all you gala and will try not to be so distant!

    Welcome KB! Yes drubj one rigrrher, cheers (all)!!!

    And huggles to Lori, great news on TMs!! Wooo hooo Chica!

    Tata and tittys up if u got em ‼️‼️‼️

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Ferrari brut and Morellino Chianti (2013) at Mamma Maria's tonight. Walked the Freedom Trail and got 9400 steps (I notice that Fitbit over-counted steps relative to my new Apple Watch). Would have walked it the rest of the way back to the hotel, but when we found the taxi stand by Quincy Market, Bob declared that we needed to get back to the room in time for "Game of Thrones." Wasn't about to argue, since he's the one with the damaged feet. We walked from our hotel to Copp's Hill Burial Ground before turning around and going back through the North End.

    Didn't mention earlier that last Monday I strained my L oblique, and am in as much or more pain as the first time. This pull is much closer to the surface, as it's tender to a firm touch (but responds better to Flector and lidocaine patches). But my vocabulary gets very colorful whenever I have to get into a taxi and downright vivid when trying to get into bed. Gotta lay down the law to my trainer tomorrow night that we need to increase weights and resistance by no more than 5-10-lb. intervals. Both injuries came when we ramped it up a bit too abruptly.

    Jazzy, Kurt Ellington is a local hero in Chicago--before he was famous he used to sing at the Green Mill

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Lovely morning, here. Cool, dry, (52 degrees, Dew Point 52, 92% humidity) with rain coming in. Slept really well last night, no trouble getting up with the alarm this ayem, feel much less wiped out. The humidity was really wiping me out (not to mention the all-nighter in the ER with Mom) but it seems I've gotten caught up with myself again. I was beginning to get worried about my lack of energy, guess I'm not the only one who doesn't bounce back from things as fast as I did when I was 21! Even Sadie seems a bit more energetic this ayem!

    Jazzy--Sounds like the gathering was a great success! It's sonice to have a good time with good people, good food and good conversation. I hear you about the rain, hope you get some gentle but soaking rain and make all the gardens and gardeners happy. And yes, this will be empty #2 on the dumpster, so I'm still on track. Thanks for the music clip!

    Chi--Wow, sounds like the hotel you are staying at needs to step up it's game a bit. I hope the Travel Advisor review helps them make some changes. Thanks for the offer of wine, and I'm glad Mom is ok, too. I feel like I've caught up on my rest now, and am happy for that. I write my posts in One Note, using a split screen, and then copy and paste and routinely find things get changed. Two spaces after a period will get changed to no spaces, for instance. When I edit using the edit feature sometimes the changes stick and sometimes they don't. It's been that way ever since I joined, so I don't think it's a mobile device issue.

    Dara--I am so glad you are finally feeling the comeback from years of bodily abuse by the medical community!

    Chi--I haven't walked the Freedom Trail inyears, need to do that again. Ouch on the oblique strain, not fun!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for freedom drink recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I still have to catch up so I'm way way behind. But Kim I'm so sorry about u'r Auntie, didn't expect that now, may all of u'r family fnd peace within themselves know she's at peace.

    And Lori I skimmed to see that u'r TM's look Okay right I prayed for that so I hope that's making u feel better.

    Dar so so glad Cheryl will get relief, this back stuff is chit.

    Weather here is hot and stormy, so I'm told, so I'm not missing much. I'm just a few blocks from my home, but I have no sense of where I am, as usual. They think they have my meds figured out and of course my excercises 2x a day of what I need. but no one can improve my typing. This is way to long be be here, it so depressing and I'm not better for sure about depressing people. One nite there was a lady screaming for a couple of hours and I asked the nurse if I was dreaming or did I really hear that She said I wasnt dreaming whoa, so I asked her how the lady was now. and she said U tell me, WhAT??? it was me--holy chit I've barely shown my face out of this room but did apologize to the floor for bothering them.. my meds so far are 2 morphine in AM (time release) then codeine 3-4x's a day, then morphine again at nite. works best so far and hving to learn how to do things differently--I'm listening and doing everything, I want to go home. I might have to use a walker forever, but maybe not who knows. I'm getting new stuff for my bedroom to make things easier for me AND I still have my job, but I do have to learn how to thinkclearly, never happen. OK I'll close for now, really miss u gals. Really


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, I don't know what made the TM's drop. I was out of my MMJ and Hemp oil for a couple of weeks, that is the only thing different I can think of. I've also tried to be more diligent in taking my supplements. I hate taking pills. Good for you on the weight loss girl. Sounds like you had a fun Friday.

    Hsant, most of the critters don't bother me, like I said, I just don't like to be startled. On the ear buds, did you buy any yet? I must have at least half a dozen buds here that we don't use. They have never been used. Happy to you some. Love the picture of you and the hair color. Sounds like you had a nice time on Catalina Island. Never been and not much into those "touristy" things.

    Sandy, I hate when it's bedtime, you are practically falling asleep watching tv, go to bed….only to NOT be able to fall asleep. You should have complained to management, you might have gotten a free nights stay out of it. Like Jazzy says too.

    NM, so sorry to hear about your mom, but glad she is ok and you were able to talk Dick into going home. The sleep in the chair was obviously needed. I use Microsoft Word to type my messages, never an issue and it does corrections too. Glad you got caught up on your sleep and Sadie too. Dumpster 2, good for you girl!

    Well, look what the cat drug. Our Ms Wacko! Good to see you love, you are missed. Glad the yard is coming along and you feel so great. Pics on the formal gown Chica! Praying for Cheryl, what are they going to do?

    Oh Cami, so good to see you. It was YOU doing all that screaming???? You are so funny, I'm sorry to laff, you know I love you! Wow on all the drugs you are taking, the morphine and codeine! I'm surprised you can function at all! Are they going to do any surgery?

    Nuttin new here, neve is! Got my tickets for Michigan, Sept 5-15.

    Adding another DOTD, Cami shouldn't be the only one happy on drugs (I know, you don't really like it.)

    Image result for morphine drip cocktail

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- despite the humidity and clouds that move in each afternoon, still no rain here at my house. The news says a better than average chance of rain for the area between yesterday to tomorrow, but think I will believe it when I see it? I hear other parts of the country are getting a soaking and think the midwest has flooding too. Droughts & floods.....

    I got in to the shelving in the garage yesterday as part of the summer reorg out there. Got rid of some things out there earlier this year as residual from my mothers house clean out years ago, but now doing another pass. I find each time I am out there, I look at things with a different eye. Got some things in my trash dumpsters, into the recycling dumpster and filled up the back of my car with some donations I will drop off midweek to my fav thrift store. I also have a couple items that need to be fixed, including some vintage lamps and a fun clock and going to get out later today to get those in for repair. I have more to do there today and tomorrow and want to be done with this by wed so I can have all the residuals gone between donations to trash pick up. Will share the photos from my efforts (before and after pics) when I am done!

    I also decided I am just going to do the one trip in August to CA to see my sister and skip the trip back east for now, as my nephew won't have the time and also it is going to cost too much. I can do the CA trip cost effectively with my FF ticket, and having a place to stay and my sister schelpping me around during her time off, but the trip back east will likely cost me a couple grand between flight, hotel, and car rental. And I plan to make the decision soon to do the Ireland trip in Oct and want the money to go there. The Ireland trip is my gift to myself when I make it to the actual five year mark around that same time. Whoot whoot!

    Cami- so good to hear from you friend and morphine is my favorite drug for sure when it comes to pain, but oiy sister, you heard screaming and it was you? That can be from that drug, it does things to people. Definately do what they say so you can get better and get out of there. It is a long time to be anywhere as you say? We have missed you and share everything and anything here with us you wish too sister!

    NM- well, I have really learned on more than a couple occasions that I don't bounce back quickly anymore. I will just say from my own experience with elder care, the needs there can far exceed our ability to help in all the ways that are needed. I was listening to my sister talk about her week back east trying to help her partners elders with some of their needs and by midweek she was trashed. She told me on Fridy she was so ready to go home. They flew back yesterday. Just be sure to take care of yourself along the way with your mom, Dick, etc. Been a lot going on for your family. Thank god you changed your work schedule so you are not stressed out by that now. You are doing great sister.

    ChiSandy- sounds like a great get away to Boston. I watched GOT last night too and so far, the episodes are tame but loved the scene with the wolves. Hope you and Bob have a safe trip home today.

    I knew you would know who Kurt Elling is too!

    Dara- you sound busy with the new work, the yard and a conference too! The dress sounds lovely! Good to hear you are doing well.

    Gotta get to my day girlfriends. Lots of to dos this week and my final follow up on Friday with the MO. Wishing everyone a good last week of July. The summer is going quickly now?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Your music for the day. I know Nelson Rangell more for his sax playing, but found this today and was blown away. A very difficult technical peice on the flute.

    Dara, for you and also for Cami's Joey who is thinking about the flute too.....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Goldie- I think I bumped in to you in the pewl. I will take one of those shots. Love morphine (but only when I really need it). Don't want you thinking I am a druggie over here!