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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2017

    Hi girls, sitting out back with my hubs having a vodka and soda with lemon, about to make a second. We are going out to dinner in a little while, and stay and listen to some music, we'll see, super windy here, trees are blowing like crazy. Had today off and got a lot of nothing done, rode my bike tho and got the dogs out for a 45 minute walk. Thanks for the input about MIL, haven't talked to her since the other night so not sure where her head is at today. Tomorrow we are golfing the wine and 9, it's always a good time, I usually do great at about the 3,4 and 5th hole, then sometime around 6 or 7 I'll go from loosened me up buzz to can't hit the ball for shit buzz but it's fun. DH will be the DD and we are golfing with 2 ladies that we did another scramble with and they are a hoot. Prizes and dinner after.

    Lori, it's Propecia that grows hair but if you stop taking it your hair will fall out, not so with Rogaine. I think Mil trying Arimidex would be pointless and I say that because I've seen her reaction to taking drugs, she's already convinced herself she will have SE's so it'll never work. Most everything, even Tylenol she believes makes her "woozy".

    NM, good advice for MIL, I agree. I took her for a mammogram 3 years ago when she was 85 and the doctor said she really didn't need anymore so she stopped. Then she got this little red pea size bump by her nipple so her primary scheduled a mammogram which showed that lump to be a sebaceous cyst but found the suspicious lump much deeper. Had it not been for the cyst she most likely would never have known about the BC. Dinner for a genny not a bad deal, may come in very handy next winter, ugh I dread the thought. I think you should keep on reciting your montra... indeed, not your monkey, your cousin will figure it out soon enough. Love how Sadie helps you with your step goal, how thoughtful of her!

    OK, not finished here but time to change and go out for some food. I'll stop back in tonight or tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017
    Kim, when it comes to bailing adult relatives out I'd draw the line at parents, children or siblings (maybe a niece or nephew if the person responsible for them is absent and their plight is not of their own making). Your aunt’s granddaughter and her kids are definitely not your responsibility, whether it comes to money or taking them in. (Especially if they smoke). Sounds callous, but as we get older we need to be able to provide for ourselves and reap the benefits of the work we did all our lives.

    Stayed up late last night watching live news (wrong thread, won’t elaborate) and slept in so late I nearly missed my Apple Store appointment. My computer is a mid-2014 MacBook Pro, still under warranty till Dec.; couple days ago my cat knocked it off the table by jumping on the power cable, which was supposed to detach but didn’t (guess his paw caught a corner of the computer). Picked it up to find the display damaged. A few fine vertical & horizontal lines and an arc-shaped scratch below the surface of the screen, which are no big deal—but the left black margin is now a few mm wider and hides the Apple menu icon. I can still move the cursor and click “blind” to bring it up, but I figured I should have it looked at. Genius Bar tech said the bad news is that accidental damage is covered only under “Apple Care+” which didn’t exist when I bought the machine and Apple Care, and that a display replacement would be $475. The good news is that the computer is otherwise usable, and the tech in fact had the same thing happen to his MacBook and decided it wasn’t worth fixing. I have half the 512GB hard drive unused, and I updated to the latest OS, Sierra; the only analogous replacement would be a 2015 MacBook Pro, which is about to become obsolete itself (Apple is deleting it from its catalog). It isn’t worth spending up to $2500 to replace my computer (which can still run all the latest stuff) just to get a cooler screen and slightly faster processor—especially when that particular line is about to go bye-bye. So I’m keeping this one, warts & all, as my home machine till Christmas (when AppleCare expires and gift season approaches).

    But my little 2012 11” MacBook Air, which is my travel machine (and I wished I’d taken the time to dig up and take to Boston with me—getting online with and trying to edit on an iPad was frustrating), has less than 18GB remaining on its 128GB hard disk (once I update the OS it could be even less). Its tiny font is tough on the eyes (and changing the resolution to enlarge it makes the type less sharp, and blurry when I scroll). I almost pulled the trigger on another 13” model with 256GB; I briefly considered the newer 12” MB Pro—thinner & lighter than my current Air—or the 12” MacBook, ultrathin, ultralight, better keyboard, also available up to 512GB…but the new MacBooks and MBPros have one feature that’s a dealbreaker for me (just as the lack of a headphone jack is on the iPhone 7): there is just ONE port for both peripherals and power, called USB-C. If I want to use a printer, disk burner or a thumb drive I’d have to unplug the power cable (which isn’t the breakaway “mag safe” kind) or buy a dongle “hub” (which doesn’t work with all thumb or external drives).

    So I figured to free up space on my little travel Mac I could just delete files I didn’t need on it because I had them on my home computer &/or phone & iPad. Guess what? Because Apple keeps tweaking Photo, iTunes and even iCloud, anything I have on one Apple device is on all the others…and in the Cloud as well. If I try to delete anything from my travel Mac, it gets deleted from the Cloud and all my devices. And if I buy a new machine, everything will be transferred from iCloud on to it as well. GRRRR!!!

    Going back to the Apple Store tomorrow to have them walk me through trimming the fat on my MB Air without losing files all across the board. There has to be a way! (And anyone here using the new USB-C, aka Thunderbolt 3, and able to run regular USB peripherals while charging the computer)?
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, you mention that Prolia shot, I just realized it's the same as the one I get, Xgeva. My husband gives it to me once a month. And I say you can celebrate 5 years when you want. I based mine on when I was done with surgery, as treatment was for preventive measures (mostly). For me, I insisted on 6 month check ups until I reached that 10 years. No scans, but continued to do labs. After all, what does that hurt? My onc also told me that I shouldn't even attempt to lose weight (when I was on AI), as it probably wouldn't work. So I can see where yours was surprised at the 20 lbs.

    KB, I don't think I could do the "deed", gut or pluck. But I sure could do the eatin! What are you trying to do with the grapes? I have grapes too. Had them when I lived in Michigan, made some jelly. Oh my gosh, what a chore that was, and the fruit flies were horrible!

    Mary, love your take on the golf outing. Well if MIL is going to have trouble with the AI (mentally) then I don't think she should do a darn thing, except continue to live! I am one of those that believes/wonders if it's true that cancer can spread when exposed to air. So that would be why I would not do surgery if I were her age.

    Sandy, sorry about your puter. We just use laptops, cost just a few hundred dollars and replace them every few years. My current one I've had for 6 years.

    Gotta run, heading to Vegas and meeting some friends for dinner. They are driving up from Lake Havasu. Oh, here are a few picks of a storm off in the distance. Reminded me of the one that Jazzy shared. No rain for me out of this one though. And DOTD should be the one Jazzy had recently. Pretty blue one!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It is a lovely morning here, cool, dry, sunny with just a bit of cloud cover. Birds are happily chirping away. Had an interesting day yesterday at the Welcome Table, a once a week free meal put on by a local church, various people/groups volunteer each week. The buying club I belong to sponsors a meal from time to time. I like cooking, and it was a lot of fun, except for the church's Kitchen Lady. She made a lot of negative comments (our people won't like that (they did, lots of requests for seconds and to take leftovers home), you're making way too much (ok, we did make too much, but found a home for all of the leftovers), that knife won't sharpen (it did sharpen nicely), and didn't tell us how to use the dishwasher until 3/4 of the dishes were done by hand. Fortunately she didn't spend much time in the kitchen except to make coffee. I imagine her whole life is managing that kitchen. She was very helpful with finding things, and I was impressed with the way all the drawers and cabinets were labelled with the contents. Holly, the Buying Club Coordinator, did a great job putting together a meal with almost all locally grown foods.We made a pasta salad with pulled chicken, basil, brined feta, tomato, dressed with the brined feta oil mixed with lemon juice and salt and pepper and a green salad with mixed lettuces, tomato, carrots, and new peas. I brought somehome and had it for dinner as well. It was yummy!

    I got a message from my cousin a few minutes ago, she wanted to know if I got the genny without any problems, she had just found out the granddaughter hasn't moved out yet. Technically she has until Tuesday. I was telling my friend who was helping me about the situation and how the kids were bored without TV, phone or internet and his response was that my cousin was kind to leave the electricity on and would be entirely within her rights to turn the electricity off when she left and turn it back on when she arrives to clean out the house, instead she is leaving it on and paying for their use of it.So they have hot water, can cook and refrigerate food, have lights.Granddaughter has food stamps and has been connected with social services for housing and to help her get her driver's license and a car and for help finding a job. And she has the option of moving back in with the boyfriend and going back to the full time job she had, but she doesn't want to go back to that town due to her son being expelled from school there for beating up and threatening to kill another kid at the bus stop. The school system where she is now was sending the school bus back out to pick up just him (he can't be with any other kids until cleared by a psychologist) take him to school where he was tutored one-on-one in a separate room, then the bus took him home before going back to the school to pick up the rest of the school kids for the bus ride home. The school system he was expelled from won't do all that, they required the psychological eval be completed before he could back on the property, and requires the family to make the eval arrangements.Hmm. Writing all this out has helped me see that she has options and is tied into all the state programs that she and the kids qualify for. She needs to make her own choices and deal with the consequences, and there is nothing that I can do to make any difference in the situation. Another "Not my Circus, Not My Monkeys" situation.

    Goldie--I am going to stick to the Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys approach. It's a moot point now, anyway. I think I'm getting enough sleep, and I will try some Vit B, but I suspect that the tiredness is improving since I can do more and feel the same level of tiredness.I think I'm increasing my activityin line with energy level, so it feels the same. I also think I'm a bit afraid of getting so worn out and getting sick again that I am super sensitive to feeling tired. And then there is the emotional work of grieving Aunty Linda's death and seeing Mom's and Dick's physical decline. And some is probably frustration that the house isn't cleaning up as fast as I would like. Overall I really do feel good, and am feeling quite happy most of the time. Hope you have a nice trip!

    Jazzy--Hooray for you and all your hard work paying off so big!Weight loss on an AI is VERY HARD and you are doing it! YEAH!

    KB--if grapevines can grow in Maine, I bet they can in Ontario! I bet that's a great feeling when you put a meal on the table from your own farm and hard work.

    Genny--That sounds like a fun golf game. I bet the dinner is a lot of fun, too. Are the prizes big ones or just for fun ones? Seems the consensus is to mind my own business, and so I shall. And Sadie is soooo thoughtful, running out into the road like that! Fortunately there is not a lot of traffic and the one car that did come by actually stopped and the driver tried to catch her for me. It was even funnier when we got back to the yard and Sadie realized we were heading for the gate to the pen. She sat down and wouldn't walk any further.If I tried to get her to move she would lay down and roll over for a belly rub. We finally had to pick her up and lug her to the pen! You should have seen the dirty look she gave us!

    Chi--Thanks, I needed to hear it said straight out that they are not my responsibility, especially with the smoking aspect. The whole computer fixing/replacement thing is such a hassle. I'd really like to have a convertible tablet/laptop with touchscreen, something that works better with email and Office products than the Kindle but is small and light like the Kindle for portability. I'm going to picking up a lot of the buying club's computer work and am using the excuse that I need something like this so I can do that from anywhere as well as have easier access to my calendar and work reference sites when I'm out and about. Can't really justify the cost that I'm seeing right now.Maybe prices will get better nearer Christmas, like you say. If I'm understanding you correctly the newer computers have only 1 port that is used for both power and peripherals? As in you have to choose between being plugged in to power/recharging and using a printer or mouse or whatever? That does not seem workable to me!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:


    • 2 oz vodka
    • ~½ oz Fee Bros. Rhubarb Bitters
    • 1 oz lime juice
    • ~3 oz of strong ginger beer
    • slice/wedge of lime
    • ~soda (if desired)
    1. Mix vodka, rhubarb bitters, and lime juice in a cocktail shaker.
    2. Pour over ice into a glass or classic copper mule mug.
    3. Top with ginger beer. Add soda if a less potent cocktail is desired.
    4. Garnish with mint and a lime wedge.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Laying a bit low after the Prolia shot, but did want to share my pic of the blue margarita I had last night that Goldie was telling you about.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good afternoon friends- moving a bit slow today from a) the margaritas last night (yes there were two...) and b) the Prolia shot. I slept in until 8 a.m. though and that felt oh so good. I have not been sleeping well in July, due to the heat, follow ups going on, and other stuff but think I was finally able to relax last night. And maybe the meds in my system help me to want to stay in bed too? The aches are not too bad, but did wake me up last night and my feet hurt like hell today. So today is a slow day at home, but I might sneak out tonight to the jazz under the stars by myself to hear some music if I am up to it. Tomorrow I booked a facial at my fav local spa to "celebrate" being done with the greater follow up process this month. Whew!

    NM- I agree with ChiSandy about the distant relatives who may need help. I am someone who has ALOT of experience with people who want to move in with me, give them a job with my biz, to borrow things or money from me, etc. I would say it is not your job to take them in or on, sister. Plus I believe that once people are "in" it is very hard to get them to leave. From all you shared, they have a lot of instability in their lives that don't fit with your new chapter either. Good to sometimes observe and decide where you fit in to help (or not). .

    Goldie- good to see you got some rain. It rained her thursday and Fri nights. Waking up to moisture was good. Thanks for the good wishes too on my 5 years. I do still hope to do the Ireland trip to this fall to celebrate and my MO said "take the trip, celebrate next March too!" Those margaritas last night were a bit of a celebration, although my friends I was with don't know about my bc. As you know, privateville.

    ChiSandy- I got a new HP printer/all in one last summer for my home office, and replaced a printer cartridge for the first time and now it won't print at all and giving me an error message! Ugh. But I got the extended warranty on it so if it I cannot figure it out this weekend, will call to get some service over here and be sure this thing does not have a dud cartridge assembly. Technology is great when it works?

    That is all I have to share right now. Hope everyone is having a good last weekend of July. The summer is speeding along......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Seeing what Bob went through with his $500 VAIO laptop and Windows’ own obtrusive security quasi-firewall (as well as Mt. Sinai/Holy Cross’ actual firewall), plus all the tweaking and anti-virus crap he had to go through with Geek Squad (including leaving the machine with them overnight), I’m convinced you get what you pay for so I’m sticking with Macs. My problems with the platform have been very minor by comparison.

    Started out in ’88 with a PC AT (286) clone desktop running MS-DOS 3.0, then a terrible Acer 386 laptop (which required a strong & wide lap) and a succession of PC desktops because Gordy was a Windows user since W95 (and for the longest time, could only access his music library using Windows software till he finally burned it to disks and transferred it to his current laptop). In ’92 I went to a law school reuinion and saw one of the then-current students taking notes on an Apple PowerBook not plugged into anything, so I had to buy one—a monochrome PowerBook 145. Have been hooked ever since. My office was reluctant to switch even from DOS to Windows until the secretaries threatened to mutiny, and my boss refused to use Macs, period. We didn’t have a network for nearly a decade—we used dial-up and “sneakernet,” running floppies from office to office, till he got a router and we all had to use dongles for wi-fi and he finally gave in and installed Ethernet. He kept Word Perfect till he retired, refusing to use Word. When I brought my PowerMac “pizza box” size machine in, he marveled at the low profile and how it could run Word Perfect, but he never “bit.” (Pun intended). When WP discontinued its Mac version, I simply converted Word files to WP & vice versa.

    After a raccoon fell out of our ceiling and on to our eMac, I decided we didn’t need a Mac desktop and I didn’t need a desktop at all. Have been using Mac notebooks ever since. (I have enough stuff to start a Museum of Obsolete Computing Devices). And halfway through college, Gordy asked me for a Mac notebook and—using student discounts—I happily obliged. He moved his music by ripping his burned CD-Rs to iTunes on his first PowerBook and has kept it ever since, through every MacBook upgrade and downloading it to a succession of Samsung phones (which he breaks and loses with depressing regularity, replacing them through Sprint’s insurance program—I just ordered him a heavy-duty case and screen protector for the replacement S7 when it arrives). Can’t convince him to switch to iPhone.

    I installed Sierra on to my travel laptop, and lo & behold, half its hard drive became available (as much room as an empty 64G iPhone or Pad). Sierra actually has a disk-management applet, which Yosemite didn’t (I skipped El Capitan). Part of the extra disk space came from shipping my iTunes library to iCloud, but I never use that machine for music anyway, except for storing studio roughs & mixes, which I also have on thumb drives & Dropbox). Any songs I want to listen to on it I can re-download selectively, but I already have them on my iPhone and this laptop. And the fonts are now bigger.

    So for the first time, I’m sticking with what I’ve got till it either breaks (out of warranty) or can’t run newer essential programs. I used to go for the latest and greatest, every 3 years or so (as each AppleCare warranty expired). This time, I will do so only kicking & screaming. I might upgrade my iPhone 6S to a 7 if it’s not too pricey (I know the 8, or “X” coming out this fall will be whiz-bang amazing, but insanely expensive). I found out the 7 still uses Lightning for charging, so I don’t have to buy new cables; and I might try wireless earphones because there’s no limit to how many devices (car, watch, earbuds) can be paired with its Bluetooth at any one time—that used to be a problem in the early days of Bluetooth. (But for use with the gym’s TV monitors, I’ll still use a pair of wired buds).

    Bob’s iPhone 6 is dying, and he’s using Sprint. But his hospitals want him to switch to Verizon, so he might be able to get a sweet deal on a new 7 or 7S. (He has reception problems with Sprint, and sometimes howling feedback due to the Lifeproof case he bought for it, so I will get him a case that protects it without generating feedback). And he only has to Bluetooth it to his car and Fitbit (hasn’t set the latter up because he can’t seem to download apps with Sprint. Don’t ask.) because he has no songs on iTunes and never uses it to listen to music.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Chi- I got a Google Pixel in Feb for my new phone and love it. Just in case you want to think about something else for Bob?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Bob is used to iOS for his phones, and Android would be a tough sell for him—he has neither the time nor the inclination to learn anything new other than continuing medical ed. I used to use Android too and hated it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    DOTD: with dinner at the movie theater restaurant (we saw "Dunkirk"), Rivarose Brut, and at our seats a can(!) of Babe brand sparkling rosé.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning ladies.

    Oh I've been reading up on everyone, just can't answer all yet. Wow everything is so interesting to read too. Thanks Teka for poopin'' in, I should be home soon, fingers crossed, but feel so much better. when I get home I'll start answering with my thoughts on everything, Oy like u want to hear that, but u will.


    P.S. NM those DOTD'S look great and Jazzy that pic is awesome and the pic Lori put up looks like the long distance pic of the same thing.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Yesterday turned into my rest day, did just about nothing all day long. So today I've got to get a few things done to get ready for my work "week" of 3 days. Can't let myself get lazy! Which really means I have got to stay off Facebook and not go down the playing on the computer rabbit hole today. I can so waste and lot of time that way!Need to get some things done to earn Facebook time on non-working days from now on, I think.

    Jazzy--that is one pretty drink! I hope it tasted as good as it looks. Glad you slept well, too. And you have a celebration all set up, too, great way to take care of yourself! I'm glad to hear that you agree with ChiSandy, and I have decided to take the stand that it's not my place to try to fix the granddaughter's life. She and the kids are family and I will continue to pray for them and probably worry about them a little. I will examine any directly made requests for assistance for appropriateness to my current phase of life, current life goals, and likelihood of success. I will lend/give no money. No overnight stays at my place due to the smoking. If she can find money for ciggies she can find money for rent, clothes, etc. And I need to remember that I only met her youngest child in June, and she is 7 years old. Obviously I haven't played a role in their lives for the last 7years or more, I doubt I play a role now. (Boy, that statement just made me sit up and take notice! Really puts things in perspective.)

    Chi-- Boy, you sure have quite the saga with the computing devices! My only experience with Apple computers was when I was teaching, one satellite site used it. I couldn't find ANYTHING on those crazy machines. Or I could find the icon, but then I couldn't get it to open, just jump up and down. I gave up and started taking my own personal laptop with me when I was lecturing from that site. I suppose I should look at that again. What is Sierra? I've got Dropbox set up but don't use it much. Verizon is really working to get in with hospitals and health care in general. I could get a plan with a pretty deep discount through work with them, but the coverage around here is so bad that I just won't.

    LOL, Teka!

    Chi-- A CAN of rose?Neat!


    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    She's My Apple Pie Cocktail


    • 2 ounce Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
    • 2 ounce Apple juice
    • 1 ounce Pineapple juice
    • 1/2 ounce Monin Salted Caramel
    • 1 ounce Hard cider
    • Whipped cream, ¼ teaspoon cinnamon and favorite cinnamon cookie or graham cracker for garnish


    Step 1:

    • Shake ingredients together

    Step 2:

    • Top with hard cider

    Step 3:

    • Garnish with whipped cream, dust with cinnamon and add favorite cinnamon cookie or graham cracker

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- still working through my Prolia achiness, but think I will be on the other side of it after today. Last time, it only lasted a day, this time a bit longer (2 days), but tylenol gets me through. I slept pretty well last night, and got up early and sat on the patio to read, journal, and watch the day beginning to unfold. Now I am inside as the day warms up and going to the spa in awhile to have my gift I am giving myself post check ups to have a lovely facial! A little soaking in the hot tub there before to sooth my achy breaky bod too!

    NM- nice ephiphany you had about the people who have not been a part of your life for a long time and suddenly appear like you are their BFFs. I have had this happen a bit too often myself with people from the past. They usually come with a need and rarely interested in your life (or even what has been going on since you last talked). Nice to be able to see it for what it is and remind yourself not your job. Just keep up those boundaries sister. I am glad you had some good downtime yesterday!

    Cami- good to see you here and we miss you! Hope you are feeling better and home soon!

    ChiSandy- how was Dunkirk?

    Hi Teka- that pic is hilarious!

    Lori- our weather is drying out again, but there are more clouds around today and hopeful we could see more moisture by mid week. The monsoons seem late her and not very strong? Are you still getting rain where you are?

    Hoping everyone has a funday sunday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    "Dunkirk" was moving but very hard to follow, because much of the dialogue was incomprehensible—due to being muffled by RAF pilots' masks, heavy regional British accents with mushy elocution (authentic), and battle noises (guns, explosions, water rushing into sinking ships) or a combination thereof. It wasn't till the last half hour that I realized why it got all the accolades.

    The theater's concessions sell wine in cans (and real champagne—Moet—in little bottles) for neatness' sake. Plenty of room in the cupholders in the seats. They also let you bring your food & drinks from the restaurant into the theater so long as you have them in disposable containers & utensils.

    Kim, Sierra is the latest iteration of Mac OS X for laptops & desktops. With each new version (originally named after the big cats, and now Nat'l Parks, landmarks, etc.), the goal is integration with all Apple devices, even my watch. The reason that icon in the Dock bounced up & down was that it was taking a long time to open because there was probably a memory issue, and that doesn't happen often any more. As I said earlier, I'm fluent in both Microsoft and Apple OSes going back to Apple-DOS, MS-DOS, and Windows 3.0, and vastly prefer Mac. Every Mac interface is icon-driven but allows you to access a Console for command-lines if you need to dig deeper. OS X was based on Unix (I think 8 & 9 were too) and is very intuitive & logical. And nobody is writing malware for Macs, except to prove it's possible; and because it isn't being used in most businesses, hospitals and critical networks, there's no profitability nor espionage potential in disseminating it….yet. If you do want an antivirus program for Mac, they're free.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    This afternoon, with raw oysters, a split of Moet Brut Imperial NV. Interestingly, six bucks cheaper at the upscale restaurant than it was last night at the movie theater concession (which was why I got the cheaper rose bubbly in a can).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Two things: a) the facial was fabulous and b) it's raining. I could not be happier on this sunday afternoon.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Catherine Russelli is live on FB tonight at the Lincoln Center for Jazz in NYC. She was here a few years ago at the NM Jazz Festival and just outstanding. Here is a fun song from the 1920s.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Double yay for you, Jazzy! (Bless me, for I have sinned: it has been fifteen months since my last facial…). We’re getting rain on Wednesday. The dry spell, even though it means I must water my lawn & garden daily, is a blessing: the Fox and DesPlaines rivers flooded last week and the week before, and the waters have finally receded. Might even be able to hold the Fox Valley Folk Festival (on Island Park in the middle of the Fox River in downtown Geneva) Labor Day weekend if it doesn’t rain much in August. (Bob’s barber, who lives up in northwest Lake County, lost his entire vegetable garden in the floods).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    ChiSandy- I have a wonderful esthetician here in town who I see a few times a year at my local spa, but been spending more of my money there to have my problematic feet worked on by a very skilled reflexologist. My last facial was out in Vegas in Feb of this year, and the spa here was having a special "rose facial" with some enzyme peel and microderm abraison, and had that today for the first time. Really liked it and my skin looks great! Go get yourself a facial when you can Chi!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    There’s a spa in Evanston that uses HydroPeptide products (which I discovered at my last facial on vacation in San Antonio at the resort’s spa). Might go up there. When I was younger, before becoming a mom, I would get a facial every month. My luxury now is my biweekly mani and monthly mani-pedi. As for the problems in my feet that a pedi can’t fix, I’m probably overdue for a podiatrist visit: my old stress fracture/cuboid syndrome (orthopod thought the former, podiatrist the latter) on my L foot from back in 2010 is rearing its ugly head again—at the very least it’s a nasty bone bruise. And though my bunion looks worse than it feels, I notice the adjacent toe is beginning to “hammer.” And the third & fourth toenails on that foot (due to many toe fractures from stubbing them) point in different directions like walleyes. Hard to look at my two feet and imagine they belong to the same body! Will probably need new orthotics, at least to separate the big toe from the second. Good thing I wear only orthopedic shoes, wide-toe gym shoes and UGGs in winter.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day! Got the dumpster stuffed, got a pile of stuff started in the basement for the next filling once it's emptied. Well, got a pile of cardboard that I'm going to try to remember to put out for recycling pick up when I gethome from work this afternoon. It's a HUGE pile, even with all the boxes broken down. I did not realize how much space cardboard boxes take up! Or how much fun it can be to stomp them flat! Hey, gotta get some exercise however I can, right? And if it's fun, so much the better, right? Sadie thinks the stomping process is quite a game, she kept trying to snag the cardboard and run off it with it.

    Jazzy--Glad the Prolia achiness isn't too severe, and that you have a plan to get through it. Sometimes I wonder if it's a female thing to want to help everyone and fix everything or just a trait that I have. Admitting I can't fix something is hard. Figuring out it's not my problem to begin with is even harder."Self-care is not self-indulgent, it's an act of survival." Got to keep that one right up with"Not my circus, Not my monkeys." Boundaries are hard work!

    Chi--Talk about taking dinner and a movie to a new level! Sounds like a lot of fun, though. Do the seats recline? That's the big new thing around here. I can see the drinks being in cans/bottles to minimize spills and messes. If you don't mind my picking your brain, I've been a Windows user from the beginning, have decades of files in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint that I go back to regularly. I can remember lots of issues with Mac documents not reading on Apple systems and vice versa. I regularly am getting/sending documents, would I have to do a lot of conversion if I got a Mac or is that no longer an issue? I've got to admit that I am not a big fan of the changes in Windows every fewyears, it seems to be getting harder and harder to find things that used to be front and center and easy to get to. I appreciate your input.

    Chi--funny how prices can differ from place to place!


    Chi--foot problems, yuck. Gotta take care of them tootsies!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for bare foot drink recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Wow NM u really are working hard decluttering and sounds like u'r doing a great job, but Sadie is still so funny with her clutter. And u've got a lot of family going thru lots of stuff and of course I agree with everyone, just take care of u'rself, u don't need to take responsibility for anyone right now.

    Teka u always crack me up and still do. LOL Thought about the lift chair first, but decided not for me, been working super hard to get up and down on my own.We all know how azy I am.

    Jazzy good video as usual,, u find them all.

    Lori how r u feeling? SusyQ I'm confused as tto who is going away for a while, u or Lori. U 2 always seem to plan around the same time.

    Welcom if I missed anyone new, I read everyday, but by the time I write forget things.

    Sandy u again know so much about computers, jeez, I'm lucky I can use one at all. U do sound pretty good tho. And I really like the theater u go to, makes any movie more fun.

    Have to go for now...


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- getting ready to get to the pool for morning laps! The Prolia SEs have waned (noticed later yesterday I was feeling better) and back to the pool this am to resume my favorite exercise ritual!

    NM- I do think it is our nature to want to help others, but I also think there is an expectation that comes to single people to do more and take on for others. I have dealt with it often in life, including in my family. My sister is the worst with this in my life these days, because she is ALWAYS trying to make her partner's family's elder care my responsibility too. It came up again recently, and told her "listen, we have had this conversation and stop telling me what I have to do when I don't." I have to have strict boundaries with her because hers are poor. There are reasons I live far away from family and don't visit that often.....

    Yay on the dumpster work, you go girl. The story of Sadie taking cardboard away is so funny. She keeps you laughing. You are making good progress.

    ChiSandy- feet can be a tricky thing, yes? I get regular pedis in the summer, going in for another one and a mani (no polish) next week before I head to CA for a few days. Hydropeptide products? I need to look in to that.

    Cami- how is your pain friend? Do you have an ETA yet on your discharge from rehab?

    Gotta get going. Will poop back in later gators. Make it a good start to the week!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Teka, that is to funny. And very sweet of you to come by to give some well wishes to our Cami.

    Cami, that is great news that you are feeling better. And I do hope you get to go home soon. And there you are again…..YAY! I am going to MI on Sept 5th, and you are not lazy. You are in PAIN! BIG DIFFERENCE!

    Yeah Sandy, how was Dunkirk? Oh yikes, I see it was hard to follow. I think we are going to see Kidnapped this Friday. You have friends losing garden due to flood, and mine due to no rain!

    NM, you have me laffing about "earning" some FB time! I too get upset with my son (whom is pushing 40) when he wants money. It's like, you have money for cigs and pot! Where are there priorities??? I think Sierra is like Siri? Funny about Sadie trying to grab your boxes to play with. You are going to have so much more room when you are done. So very proud of you.

    Jazzy, I don't get any SE's from the Xgeva/Prolia injection. However, after my last injection on Thursday, not sure what DH did. But I got a nickel size knot and then a couple days later I notice this huge bruise on my arm, where he injected. As for rain, yes we have had some more. It's really green around here, which makes it so pretty, as opposed to all the brown

    Found a couple of companies with some CBD, and they were quite knowledgeable. Companies that aren't, I put a red flag on! Anyways, here's a pic of my bruise. NM? See my explanation to my post to Jazzy.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Goldie- wow, that is a big bruise. They must have hit something with the shot. My is subcutaneous so not too deep, but I do give myself a weekly Trulicity shot related to my blood sugar issues and that goes in the tummy and depending on where it goes in, I often get bruises in that spot.

    But if you are bruising more easily in general, do mention that to your docs next time. I have always bruised easily my whole life and was told I may be borderline hemopheliac?

    Teka- that looks like your Teka I think? Ha ha

    Did 70 laps and darned proud of it. On to the next adventure!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2017

    You guys! Now what happened to Cammi??? She was in the Hospital?? Damnit! Did she fall off that pole, or was that me??? Goldie, Native and you other little fun gals, tell me what is up with her !!! Maybe she just needs more to drink?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2017

    Cami....WTH happened to you...........we can't handle no info on a good pal...........speak up girfriend........are you ok..........

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Hey, Cami, hope they’ve finally gotten a handle on your pain and you can get sprung soon. Any of our Chicago sisters wanna bake a cake with a file in it?

    Kim, those seats do recline. Most movie theaters around here now have them, as well as reserved seating and not just concessions but actual bars (one downtown even has upscale appetizers and waitress service at your seat)! I don’t think they could stay in business now without that—like the airlines, they’ve discovered that there’s a pretty good profit margin on alcohol. Another difference is ticket prices—a dozen years ago standard price in the city was $15-20 and seniors $12. Now it’s $12 and $9, respectively. There’s a lot of competition for audiences’ entertainment dollars, especially with big screen TVs and subscription services like Netflix. (Same thing with concerts—the big names do okay, but at the coffeehouse level attendance is low).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    White Russian



    Traditionally served in an old-fashioned glass, this sweet cocktail features cream, cappuccino liqueur, and vodka.


    • ¾ oz. Godiva Cappuccino Liqueur
    • 1 oz. Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka
    • 2 oz. heavy cream


    1. Add Godiva Cappuccino Liqueur and Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka in ice-filled old-fashioned glass, stir, and top with cream.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Hi girls, quick pop in from my new laptop, was without one for a few weeks but needed one for work so had to blow a mint.

    Did I see our dear Cam? Yes yes yes, I DID, yay. Hoping and praying that you are sprung from the joint soon. Gosh, Cam, you have so many admiring fans eh?

    NM's DOTD yesterday reminded me to tail you girls about my latest saga in mese yard. I have an infestation of what are called cicada killer wasps, they are just gross. They burrow in the ground with the cicada's that they grab out of the trees and they feed them to their babies. I am having a hard time ridding them. They swarm all day long in the front of my home and are making lots of dirt piles all over my lawn by the sidewalks. Ugh, anyone ever heard of these? I have another huge yard nuisance that I have been spending so much time on, it is a weed called mug wort, ever heard of this? It came into my yard 8 yrs ago when I bought a 1/4 ton of what was supposed to be clean and fertile dirt which I used to fill holes and unlevel areas. I'm still feverishly working in the yard, it is like an addiction. I had to dig so many perennials out so that I could dig out the fn weeds that just keep coming back.

    Hello to all new goils and old goils alike (NOT old as in age hehe)! Love you all and miss you all a lot. Sorry I do not post often, I am in the yard all day and working on my licencing requirements at night, I am half way done in preparing for the state exam.

    Dwink up ladies and for heaven's sake, TITTIES UP, iffin you got em!


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