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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Hi there ladies, I too had a bit of rain overnight, lol. This was my morning commute!


    Monday was my first day back to work, all went well but I lost two employees to other jobs while I was out for surgery, oh well, it happens. Now, I just have to get my sleep schedule back on track so I can be productive at work since it's the end of our fiscal year and I manage the budget, need to stay sharp. Also, I start radiation tomorrow, so I want to be well rested for that too.

    I have no trips or fun things going on but I am excited for lunch tomorrow. We have a small group of foodies at work and once a month we go somewhere new and yummy, tomorrow is Hughies Vietnamese, I'll have the shaking beef please! 🍜

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Bob came home from his office last night with a gift from a patient: a zucchini nearly the size & shape of (you’ll love this, Jazzy) an alto sax! About 15” long. Have no idea what the heck to make out of it—I don’t do zucchini bread (don’t even like it). The bottom end is about 4-5” across, the top about the size of a bigger supermarket zucchini. I’m thinking that maybe I should slice the fat part and grill the planks, and spiralize the top part. So it looks like zoodles marinara for dinner tonight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    ChiSandy- get a picture of that squash before you cut it up! I love vegetables in the shape of things (esp. a sax!)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Ohhh, nooo…..I already lopped a 4” hunk off the slimmer end and spiralized it. Besides, it did lack a reed & ligature anyway. Had a 2009 La Spinetta Cab-Sangiovese with it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Today will be my first day as the only nurse in the Immunization Clinic, looking forward to it but wondering what new and exciting things I'll learn today. The Administrative Assistant is a wickedly well versed and experienced woman and will keep me straight, and the director is in the building if I run into anything that needs an experienced nurse's input. Then the Women, Wednesday and Wine club meeting this evening, Going to be a nice day today. I'd ask Sadie what she wants to do in between work and wine, but she's gone back to the bedroom and made a nest in the pillows and gone back to sleep!

    Yesterday I stopped at Bar Harbor Cellars winery in (surprise, surprise) Bar Harbor and picked up a couple bottles of Blueberry wine, and had a lovely glass after work. If any of you are ever in Maine and like fruit wines you should really try it, the best blueberry wine I've ever tasted. It really tastes like blueberries, not like generic berry like many blueberry wines, is not as sweet as most blueberry wines, and retains the tiny bit of tartness that real wild blueberries have.The aroma puts me right back to my childhood picking, and later raking, blueberries on the blueberry field, and eating so many blueberries off the bushes that I pooped blue for days! I am actually going to stock up on this wine, it is so good.

    Goldie--yup, on the cruise the first night I ordered Crème Brulee, got a drink when I was expecting the dessert, the waiter overheard me saying it wasn't what I expected and ran out to another dining room to get me one! They also brought crème brulees out to us from the other dining room our last night! It was a fun time.

    Jazzy--that's interesting about FSH. And shows how complex our bodies are. I've never seen a sugar free crème brulee, either, not sure that's even possible since the crunchy top is flame caramelized sugar. I don't know if sugar substitutes will caramelize and crystallize like real sugar does. And I really like the Dances with Hornets name, it makes me laugh at myself when I think of it and the hornets I disturbed in my cleaning frenzy that day. Have a good trip!

    Oh, I hadn't heard that Glen Campbell passed on. Last time I heard and update I remember thinking that the Alzheimer's had progressed to the late, late stage and he wouldn't be with us long. I hope it was peaceful and painless for him. Prayers to the family.

    Illi--WOW, talk about a BIT rain! You lost two employees while you were out? Ouch, that must make things tight. What kind of business are you in? Having a good sleep routine does help things go better. Many women get through radiation with minimal side effects, I pray you are one of them. And the monthly foodie outing sounds like a blast, hope you enjoy it greatly!

    Chi--WOW, what a zucchini that sounds like!

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:



    Zucchini Water:

    • 1 large zucchini
    • Kosher salt


    • 2 tablespoons simple syrup, recipe follows
    • 2 tablespoons zucchini water
    • 1/2 cup unfiltered sake, cold
    • 1/4 cup ounces gin
    • 2 thin slices zucchini, for garnish

    Simple Syrup:

    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup water



    To make the zucchini water: Grate the zucchini on the large holes of a box grater and put it in a fine mesh sieve over a bowl; sprinkle with a pinch of salt and let stand for 15 minutes. Press the zucchini to extract as much water as possible.

    To make the cocktail: Put the simple syrup, zucchini water, sake, and gin in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into 2 chilled martini glasses. Float a zucchini slice in each drink and serve immediately.

    Simple Syrup:

    Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat; stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Cool and transfer to an airtight container. Syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, safe travels and just check in when you can.

    Wow Illona, that's a lot of water. I think I would be a bit leery driving in that. Radiation will cause you fatigue and it's cumulative. I usually got it more towards the end of the week, and then sort of recouped over the weekend. I highly suggest sleeping when you are really feeling that fatigue, take that nap. Or you will just get more tired. Interesting cocktail there with the zucchini water. Have you had that one?

    Sandy, I would have made a zucchini boat with that monster. You can put whatever you want in it. I like some ground sausage, onions, cheese and mushrooms included in mine.


    NM, ahhhhh the life of a dog! It sounds funny to call your wine gathering a "meeting". I'm sure Sadie will come up with something she wants to do. I'm sure you will do just fine at work.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    NM, I work for the State in the transportation industry and lead my local contracting section, it is a loss for sure. I have replacements in mind but it takes so long to get good at this stuff. I've got about a year before I leave and move to my mountain, so I'm trying my best to train and prepare everyone.

    Goldie, it was a lot of water but wasn't too deep. I am a staunch advocate of "turn around don't drown", so I am cautious and drove DH 4x4 that day.

    This is the cabin DH built, future full time home.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    If I were to make a zucchini boat, it would have to be an aircraft carrier.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies! Just a quick check in. I haven't checked in on this thread for a few weeks, because I'mgoing thru a bit of a depression. And when I say bit, I mean it's been hard for me to get out of bed and get shit done. I (finally) scheduled an appointment with a therapist who specializes in bereavement/grief. We shall see how that goes. I hope to come out of my fog and catch up with all you amazing women soon.

    Hope everyone is healthy and happy! Love you all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Getting a bit of a late start checking in here, got caught up doing budget stuff and lost track of time. Had a lovely evening out with the Women, Wed and Wine group, went to a place I had not been too before. Nice enough place, great view, right on the river, but the service was a bit slow to my thinking. And we didn't know that they didn't bring checks until you asked for them, which I thought was a bit odd but what the hey, now I know and won't be waiting 45 minutes for the check next time! This spot is actually a beer brewery with alimited food menu and even more limited wine selection, but I did get a nice pinot gris from a Maine winery that I enjoyed. Turns out that I'm the only one in the group really into fruit wines like blueberry but they decided to let me stay in the group anyway! The group leader gets a lot of teasing about her fondness for the malbec and merlot from one local winery, too. My first Immunization Clinic as the only RN went really well, didn't mess anything up too badly, did get some really dirty looks from one baby and got a blood curdling scream out of one 4 year old. Poor mite got 3 shots, so I don't really blame her. And I was yelling, too. That's my deal with the kiddos, I tell them it will hurt a little, and they can scream as loud as loud as they want, I'll tell them when and scream with them, and ask them to hold as still as they can. The novelty of being told TO scream rather than not to is usually enough distraction to make the process go pretty well, but expecting even that to last for 3 shots is a bit much. She was fine as soon as I gave her a band-aid to put on the stuffed tiger she had, though.Sadie decided that being left home alone all day and into the evening meant that I deserved some punishment, so she dumped over every trash can in the house. Most are just paper and no big deal, but somehow she managed to get the cover off the kitchen bin when she tipped that one over, so coffee grounds all over the floor. Sigh. But she's so happy to see me when I get home that I can't get mad at her!

    Goldie--I'm looking for some local zucchini to make boats with. Ran across a similar recipe for the first time last fall, made it and loved it. And it is so versatile, I made it with ground lamb, breadcrumbs, herbs and some rice. Never thought about walnuts, or any kind of nuts, that sounds like a great variation.

    Illi--Wow, that sounds like complicated work. I bet it does take a while to get good at it. The cabin in the mountains looks wonderful! Just look at that view!

    LOL, Chi!!

    Hsant--I can imagine you are going through some hard times. Life has really changed for you recently. I'm glad you are getting out to see someone. We're here whenever you want to talk, ornot talk and just visit, or just drink with us.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Mountain Air

    Image result for mountain air drink recipe


    How to mix

    Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lime and mint leaf.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    (((heidi))). Grief is natural. Don't fight it. But good to see a therapist, who can help you distinguish it from clinical depression.

    Kim, good tactic with giving shots to little kids. (We once took a neighbor’s toddler to a White Sox game, and you should have seen the look on his face when the “Fan-O-Meter” came up on the Jumbotron and we told him he HAD to make as much noise as he could)! When I was little and had to get my shots, my pediatrician distracted me by saying, “and how are you, little boy?” While I yelled indignantly “I’m a GIRL!” in & out went the needle. (Wonder if he ever ran across a kid with gender dysphoria)?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Made it to CA last nite



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Cue “Under the Boardwalk.” Have fun!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Sadie and I were not terribly productive yesterday, unless you count naps as productive activity. Got to get my butt moving today and start filling the dumpster again. I did actually cook a meal at dinner time, ground lamb burgers, farmer's market green beans sautéed in homemade herb butter, tomato/cucumber salad in a dill dressing. Not sure what kind of wine one is SUPPOSED to drink with such a meal, but I drank some of my favorite blueberry wine and enjoyed it all immensely! I think I'll cook up some more of the beans with a ribeye tonight, if Sadie will let me have my skillet back. She nipped it off the stove this ayem and tried to run off with it, that will teach me not to wash up after dinner!

    Going to pick up a 3rd day of work at Hospice this coming week cuz I'm going to take the last week of August off to help my cousin finish cleaning out Aunty's house. With cable, internet and phone turned off there and undependable cell phone reception on my phone I may be out of touch that week except for visits to family members who have wifi that I can jump on when I visit. Got at oil bill in the mail the other day, a reminder that I have this big bill that comes in periodically in the cold weather. I have really got to get enough house cleaning done to be able to have someone come over and put in a heat pump to help with the oil bill.

    Chi--It's amazing the tactics different providers use when giving kids shots. I really don't like it whenpeople say it won't hurt, lying to a kid like that will just set up a situation where they don't trust healthcare providers.

    Jazzy--Yeah! Pacific Ocean!

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:

    Under The Boardwalk


    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz strawberry mix

    1 oz wildberry mix

    2/3 lemonade mix

    1/3 orange juice


    ice (shake)


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Illona, where is your oh so cute cabin? I didn't know there were mountains in TX.

    Heidi, glad you checked in to let us know. I'm so sorry dear friend, wish there were something we could do or say to help you. Just know that we are all here for you and care. Praying the therapist can help you.

    NM, sounds like all went well at the clinic. How sweet of you to tell the kids to go ahead and scream and that you scream with them. Also glad that you're allowed to stay in the wine group. And that naughty Sadie. The zucchini boats are def. versatile and so yummy. Make sure you don't get taken advantage of at work next week with hospice.

    Too funny Sandy "you're a boy"!

    Jazzy, glad you made it. Beach looks so inviting.

    Nothing going on here, heading to town this morning.

    Where is everyone?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Good morning from sunny and warm Raleigh. I get a bit of a break today, I do not have to be at the convention center until 1pee em. They are having a directors meeting this morning. Raleigh is a beautiful city. What struck me is that you can go around the block, all of the blocks downtown where the Capital is and such. I am close to Philly and it is all one way streets. Getting around a block is hellish as it takes driving about 15 blocks to get around a block. I guess it is because it is an old city and no room to expand the road ways. The convention has been great, I have met a number of new friends with my new bff being a lady named Elana, her hubby Greg and another guy Ron. They have given me so much asked for advise in running my business. I am psyched to get started. Today will be long, sessions from 1-7 then a dinner from 7 until whenever, bar included. I did have a strong JD at the meet and greet on Wed night and waited until my sessions were over yesterday to dwink.

    Lori, to anser your query of where is everyone....they are dwunk. dat is where. tehehe! And girl, I know you are always around here. Just saying that I miss YOU when I am not here. You and Kim have been a daily presence hre in de lounge sincen mese was just a baby survivor.

    NM, thanks for reporting your pending absensia from de bar. I hate when peoples/goilies go MIA WITHOUT reason. It worries me. And goil, doing sleep IS being productive as if you is tiered, yer body needs sleep, right? oh hail yes. lol of course Sadie curled up and got comfy. Reminds me that ai miss mese Lucy Lou so so much, I get a tear tinking of her.

    Jazzy, glad you made it to Cali. Bootiful pic of the boardwalk too.

    Il, I tink you said you were moving out of state when you go but I too foyget were. Glad back to work was not horrible. I always hated going back to work after my surgeries. Too bad about the staff shortaage, nice that you is fixing to find replacements for all before ye leave. and btw, fixing to is a Southern phrase I jest learned meaning about to~ ah, mese learned sumting new if nutting else. Glad you know to turn around in high waters. I thought you were a smart goil and mese was right.

    Hsant, sending love and prayers your way. I know it is hard losing someone so close and you deserve to grieve. Best to you in getting help and may the therapy make you feel good again. My heart breaks for you. Huggles to ya (as Lori would say).

    Sandy, my idea of an awesome zucchini is one shaped like a large penis. Jest saying hehehehehe. I could not resist. Hoping you are feeling better and finding answers.

    Hello all all of omy goils I did not address. and tinking of Cam. I am worried about her and tried to reach out to her yesterday without success. Sending love and prayers to you girlfriend. And love to Joey.

    GOtta gets mese EWWA in de shower now. Love me goils so~

    chEErs !!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie and I got lazy yesterday, didn't get things done. Today I have a list of 4 things:wash the hospice work clothes, sweep the living room floor, sweep the kitchen floor, and fill the dumpster. Got enough stuff in the basement to fill the dumpster without difficulty, just need to get off my butt (and off the computer) and DO it.Not sure where this lazy is coming from all of a sudden. I do have the clothes in the washer, so I have started, but it's almost noon and I really could be DONE if I'd just gotten moving. I suppose I can blame it on the grey, gloomy, rainy, thundery weather. Sadie did her part and got me out of bed at 7, just like I asked her to. Of course, she went back to bed for an hour while I read e-mails and finished getting the home owner's and car insurance switched to another company with better rates. Gotta love credit union connections! I've got a year of auto insurance for just a bit more than I've been paying for 6 months of coverage. I was expecting the homeowner's insurance to be ungodly expensive, but it was only $360 for a year. I did choose pretty high deductibles ($2.5k) but since I don't see the point of filing a claim for anything less than a couple thousand dollars it seemed logical. And boy did it drop the rate compared to a $1k deductible! So I guess I haven't been totally unproductive today.

    Goldie--I will be very sure I am not taken advantage of at work this coming week, but I do need to get a little extra into the checking account to offset taking the last week of August off to help my cousin clean out Aunty's house.

    Dara--Sounds like the convention is going well. So glad you met some new, helpful people. 1 to 7 does sound like a long day, but at least there is a meal and a bar at the end of it. I imagine you do miss little Lucy, it's hard to lose our furry friends. Keep on having funin Raleigh and get yourself nice and edumacated!

    Jazzy--Ahh, relaxing by the pool, with a friend!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for pool drink recipes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Meanwhile in southern California


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    It’s raining TP!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    HELLO mese Ladies,

    Boy has my time schedule been screwed up. I am more tired than usual and I kno part of it is not getting enuf exercise. But hell, I jes don't feel like it. Am not feeling as well everyday like I used to either. I get up most of time by 7 or 7:30 and am back in the bed by noon. I rarely fall asleep but at least I rest for an hour or so.

    Ohh MY…all this talk about zuccs is a bad thing for a gal like me, no sex in 6 years….ugh. However, I do like zuccs and Lowee your recipe sounds marvy. I printed it as I know dh would love it too. And Lowee, glad you got those helmets with the masks and Bluetooth…that is the way to bike, plus ya don't get full by all the bugs that flew in your mouth.

    NM - wonderful news about your work. I wudn't have thought to tell the kid he/she can scream and you do it with them. Veddy Clevar my dear. My pooches will dig in the trash when they are upset too. Bella likes to scrunch her head in blankets or pillows, I don't mind except she gets mats on her ears and I gotta be the bad guy to get them out. Then she knows she gets a treat and all is forgiven…til the next time.

    Illi - The cabin is looking very good. Where is it? You will get the training done and be able to run off to your mountain heaven. We all have faith that you can do it.

    Heidi - Am thrilled you are considering a therapist, it should help. Losing someone isn't easy and asking for help is A-OK. (((Heidi)))

    Jazz - OMG I love the ocean, good pics and sounds like you had a good time. I did listen to 'under the boardwalk' always liked that song and also Glen Campbell, he put out some good tunes too.

    Dara - Am so proud of you….u keep on going on. I really LOL and ROTF about ur zucc comment. Funny, it's jes the way I felt…LOL.

    Cami - I think some of the other gals have wagged a 'no-no' finger at ya. Hope you are doing all you can do to get better. (((Cami)))

    OK….dh be home soon, so I'm gonna scoot.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, I grew up in Southern California, that TP'd house is a familiar and entertaining sight, lol.

    Memasue56, the cabin is in west Texas near the McDonald observatory, it has a California type climate at 7,000 ft and the night sky is amazing. Here's a pic from the observatory and one of my cabin view :)



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    bought a bottle of this wine out here in CA. Really good


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Nothing like a young white Bordeaux (especially an Entre Deux Mers) in summer

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited August 2017

    Hello girls, I was told I had b-day wishes from some of you. However I wasn't told who said what. So I'm going to just say thank you very much. CHEERS!Related image Anyone want to grab that bottle?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Gray and gloomy yesterday, but the sun is coming out this ayem. Nice breeze blowing, should have waited and filled the dumpster today! Did do it yesterday, and boy can I sweat when working in the humidity at 80 something percent. Getting to the point in the basement where I can start to reach the shelves and such, will need to come up with a strategy for organizing as I'm also coming up to things that I am going to keep (winter coat, rain coat, groceries for the pantry, stuff that I need to get upstairs and put away). I am finding a few things that I thought I had gotten but then couldn't find later, mostly jugs of white vinegar. I usually grab a jug every other shopping trip or so cuz I use so much of it in cleaning and such. With the 3 or 4 jugs I have found I can now have one open in the laundry room, and one in the kitchen, and even one in the bathroom and still have a couple for the pantry. Obviously, I need to arrange for homes for this stuff.Bonus find:a bottle of Limoncello!Sadie has a grand time nosing around and tangling me up in her tie out. She keeps reminding me to stop and take a short break by parking her bod in front of my feet and demanding ear scratches. Certainly slows me down, but then I need to slow down, I tend to go as fast as I can and get totally worn out too fast. Sadie takes such good care of me!

    Image result for white vinegar meme

    Jazzy--What's with the TP? It's not Halloween, not yet, even if the Halloween candy and stuff is already out in the stores.

    Related image

    Mema--It's really not fair how you need energy to exercise so you can get more energy! I'm the same way, much rather sit and read a book that go for a walk or something, but really need to be doing that. The immunization clinic work is really a lot of fun most of the time. I like working with kids, they don't mess around and say it like it is. Embarrasses the parents to no end, sometimes, though.

    Related image

    Illi--oh, wow, look at those views!If the ground didn't get in the way you'd have a complete rainbow there! It must be amazing to watch storms roll in through there.

    Image result for storm watching meme

    Jazzy--looks interesting! I wonder if I can get that around here.

    image alt="Image result for wine meme">

    Undie--Somebody is a bit overheated!

    Image result for overheated meme

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD

    Walking With Jesus


    1 oz. Bacardi Rum

    1 oz. DeKuyper Pucker Raspberry Schnapps

    1 oz. DeKuyper Mad Melon Watermelon Schnapps

    1 oz. Absolut Vodka

    1 oz. Blue Curacao



    Shake with ice and strain over ice in a tall glass. Top with Sprite.

  • nowaldron
    nowaldron Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2017

    Hi Everyone, 

    I was so happy to find this post! I, also, enjoy an occasional cocktail or LARGE glass of wine. In addition to dealing with MBC I have also dealt with a lot of other tragedies over the past 18 months. Now just to add to my misery, my 36 year old son is in some legal trouble and expects me to foot the bill for the lawyer. He doesn't seem to understand that I need to save as much as I can in case I cannot work down the line! Oh well, it is a beautiful day here in Massachusetts so I think it calls for a nice chilled glass of wine or two. Be well and hugs and cheers! (At least this appears to be a judgement free zone :-)


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    bought a bottle of this wine out here in CA. Really good


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    undercoverebel, whoa! That's some pic! :)

    Jazzy, I didn't realize it was a bottle of white, I just thought you drank it all already, lol.

    NM, yes, the storms are very interesting. Here's a pic of a winter storm frosting its way up the mountain and a back lit summer storm. We're going to have to install a lightning rod up there though, it can get a little scary.



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    We got high winds yest and some rain. Not much tho.

    Illi - The cabin sounds like it is in the perfect spot. I mean, look at those pics, jes gorgeous. NO snow at 7,000 ft? If so, I'm surprised. But if not, woohoo, I've lived in snow country and not fond of it. You'll be quite happy there on your mountain, mese tinks.

    Undi - Hope u had a pleasant B-day. Send the Hunk with the Absolute to me quickly, I am in need!! Good to see ya post again, we miss you.

    NM - that is a lot of vinegar. I use it to clean too but not very often. Sounds like you are moving right along…so happy happy for you. And good for Ms Sadie to try and slow you down some. LOL about the kids embarrassing the moms n dads. I can imagine how fun it would be to watch. Love the posts.

    Nancy - welcome to the bar and pool. And we are kidders but not judges. Meet ya at the poolbar for a libation…ChEErs!

    Off to do my Sunday/funday grocery shopping - NOT. But gotta do it. I will be in Dallas then Schreveport by this weekend. So excited. However last time I was in Eastern TX it was sooo humid I got sickly, hope it is not that way this time.

    Lubslubslubslubs all ya'll.