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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good morning friends- I just came back from the farmers market. Got some of the cantaloupes that are the best I have ever had anywhere, plus some fresh corn, heirloom tomatoes and more peaches! There was so much there today, but kept with what I know I can eat up this week.

    I had a break through with my yoga last night where I was able to do a bow pose (back bend where you grab your feet) for the first time in YEARS! I was not able to do anything like that for awhile after my surgeries (especially the abdominal surgery), but also with more weight in the center. At the yoga retreats earlier this year, I could grab one foot but not both. Now I can! More healing and strength has come.


    Gotta get to making some of my first green chili stew. More in awhile!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Here are pics as promised. Got all spiffy for you goilies! 2 of my new shoes, black $90 and creme $40. The black may go back, too expensive for me! Dress $12.

    At the Texas Roadhouse



    That white strap you see going across the back of my neck is supposed to be in the front! The girl can't even dress herself!!! The dark spot on my back is from scratching my back all my life!



    Ilona, that's exactly how I feel about my stage IV diagnosis. I have even asked the doctor, "are you sure?"

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, mmmmm peaches... and lol!

    Goldie, I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling great, you certainly look great and happy. I'm hoping the good health lasts for many years :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Goldie- you look awesome girlfriend. Love the dress. And you look like you are having fun, best of all! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2017

    Just enjoying a lovely glass of rose and watching the eclipse from the comfort of our patio - we will see 91% coverage of the sun. It is a beautiful, clear blue sky day - warm, but with a slight breeze. Cheers!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    We had 87.6% coverage, but it was overcast. The sun did peek through until about 80%—Gordy & I passed his eclipse glasses back & forth, and at one point I was able to project some multiple crescents through the tree leaves onto a paper plate. (Forgot about using the spaghetti strainer).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good evening friends- happy eclipse day! Not a big thing here in NM, we were 73% occluded but also had a lot of rain and cloud cover around so not as much to see. I heard it was pretty cool in the dark path area though. I hope those of you who had a good view enjoyed it. Now what will the country have to talk about again? Nice diversion for awhile at least!

    Went to my PCP today for my annual physical, and she came in the room with a little graph trending my weight losses from 2014 to now, including the 20 lb loss the past six months. She was all smiles looking at the big drop and said "wow, look at you!" But I also made sure she knew I had been working on it, as when they see a big drop, sometimes a sign of a bigger problem. I told her the endocrinologist had made a huge difference with helping me with getting the meds balanced and was swimming more. That is when she said "oh and I am so sad she is leaving us." WHAT????

    So in fact, my endocrinologist will be leaving the medical group end of October and hoping to find out where she is going and will follow her if she is staying town and I can still access her. She is my most favorite doctor her eand really helped me more than any with some of the issues being on the AIs. Good endocrins are hard to come by here too, and know she was in her own private practice before. I have an apt with her in Sept and really need her help until I get through the last six months on the AIs and all she is managing. Funny, I always go in to my apts expecting one of my providers to say they are retiring (most are well in to their 60s), but my endocrin is younger and was not expecting to hear that today! Sigh.....

    BP was very good today, going to get my lipid profile done this week and should be done with the more major check ups for awhile. She also told me about a great yoga class on Sundays I should check out, many bc survivors there too. Going to call the teacher (I think I know her) and been looking for a new class since I left the gym.

    I celebrated the eclipse today by doing 80 laps in the pool. Crazy woman!

    More tomorrow, hoping all had a good day today and a great start to the week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, you are an inspiration!

    Sorry to hear about your endo—our family dentist has decided to close his N. Side office rather than look for new digs ahead of the (historic) building's impending demolition, and half his staff will be out of a job because his Loop office is already staffed. And he is our age (60s), so will likely retire soon. My orthopedic surgeon (who replaced both my knees) retired from surgery in 2015 and from consulting practice this past winter. The plastic/hand surgeon down in Oak Lawn who took care of my L trigger thumb in 2007, 2010 and operated on it in 2011 retired last year, which is why when I developed a R trigger thumb last year I had to find a hand/arm ortho surgeon in my hospital's system (he sees patients in Skokie but operates only up in Highland Park). I am hoping my PCP, who is our age (he was Bob's chief resident, but Bob delayed med. school until he got his PhD) doesn't retire any time soon; but the signs are there—last year he sold his practice to the health system of his hospital and has given more responsibility to his PA; half the time I see or am messaged by her.

    This early retirement/relocation stuff must be going around. If only Bob got the hint (though I wouldn’t mind relocating to the Willamette Valley, where a cardiology group is looking for a non-invasive guy—Bob gave up doing procedures at age 65 when his knees & back couldn’t take the strain of long hours standing in the cath lab, and his fingers are not as nimble as in his youth).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Chi- it is pretty well known in the healthcare industry that many older docs retiring now. I am sure Bob knows this and sees his colleagues going too. I have watched it with healthcare clients as they put in major changes like the electronic health records and other changes that doctors want no part of. They use those as their decision point to just go. Even my PCP said today it is about productivity and reimbursements, but know that working as a healthcare consultant. My sister who is about six months from retirement now says the same thing to me all the time. They have young doctors leaving their practice and others retiring too. Docs are tired of being limited with the time they can spend with patients. I saw my PCP get that panicked look today on her face when she realized she was over her time with me and scooted out of the room quickly. We were done, but still, who likes that feeling!

    My PCP is in the retirement age zone so I expect to hear it every visit with her, but don't. Family practice/GP/internal med docs are not coming up through the ranks either. Med schools cranking out specialists, but less generalists. I worry about mine too, but will try one of the ones in this group as I have been with this doc my entire 21 plus years here. The others have been more recent.

    Williamette Valley would be awesome to go to. Best pinot noir anywhere. I bet you would have visitors galore!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Hi gals! Happy eclipse day 2017! I enjoyed the show, it was neat.

    Lori, wow, a pair of solar glasses for a buck is an awesome deal. I paid $37 for five pairs but sold the remaining three pairs on ebay for $100 with a net profit of just over $50. Some people are hating opportunists such as mese around these parts. I saw the eclipse glasses going for over $200 a pair. I'm disappointed that I did not make it to Myrtle Beach to see the show, the eclipse here was nearly 80%. Love love love the photos of you girl, you look freaking fhucking tastic! You are indeed blessed with good looks and a fab body girl. Glad you feel well and also wish you (and ILL and Cammy too) were not stage iv girls.

    Chi, sorry to you and Jazzy for the loss of some of your medical experts, it sucks when the good ones leave us. Hope you are feeling better Sandy, you have been through the mill no doubt.

    Celia, I envy you, glad you too enjoyed the show and with some good wine to boot! Wooo hoooooo!

    Jazzy, love that you sailabrated today with all those laps, you crazy goil you! Congrats on the weight loss, a great accomplishment lady friend!

    Cam, sorry about the LE, hope the swelling has gone down. I passed on your kind words to Cheryl and she said thank you! Surgery for her is Thursday, she just finished up her preop stuff today. Poor girl missed the majority of the eclipse cept for what she saw out the window. And boy was she furious being stuck in the surgeon's office for nearly two hours.

    NM, glad you kept Sadie inside during the show, I did the same with Lucy. Speaking of my girl, I had her to the vet this week (total fee of $367 ouch). I wanted to make sure the vet did not want to further test her and talk to him about her two seizures. He thinks that it is not a big issue since she comes out of them fine and they are very quick. I hope he is right. She was such a good goil at the vet, had three shots, the vet pulled s stool sample outta her (she did not like that) and I picked up some flea control. Owning a dog is not cheap eh? Anyway, the vet said that her seizures also could be the result of not eating for days in a row, she still does not cooperate with eating and the only time she will eat is if I embellish her food with beef or chicken. Good job on the decluttering, proudda ya!

    Illimae, so glad you are feeling well with the rads and you go girl with working too. Praying also that you continue to feel great. Love the pics of you and the scenery is just gorgeous.

    Sue, miss you while you is away, come back to us soonliest, k?

    Me, I have been doing the same ole same ole ting, studying! I am struggling as I keep getting scores in the 60's on my practice exams. I did take the weekend off as I was feeling burnt out and my scores were going down despite studying hard. I did better today with a 68 and a 69. The practice exams have 83 questions and take several hours. I have issues with concentration and my mind starts wandering half way through. The thing that gets me is that I always feel that I am passing and keep flunking when the scores comes up. That is nerve wracking.

    Nothing else new around these parts. And Chi, I am actually in NJ, the Kansas thing is part of my alter ego aka staying anonymous. You are smart to pick up the Dorothy connection lol.

    I hope you all have a fantastic week. Dwink lots and keep that titties up, that is, if ya got em!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017


    Eclipse 2017 Moorestown NJ

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Dara, keep up the studying on the practice exam—you'll nail it. 80% eclipse coverage? You must be all the way down the Shore.

    Owning a cat is not cheap either. By the time Heidi (now 12) recovered from the kidney stone surgery she had back in Dec., we had forked over nearly four grand. Vet specialists, especially surgeons, charge almost as much as “people-docs" do, but IMHO they earn every penny due to the delicate scale on which they must operate, the years of training and the considerable overhead. Speaking of which, Heidi's "well-baby checkup" is tomorrow. We'll see how well our food-rationing is working (the vet wants us to limit each cat to 1/4 can of wet food twice a day and no more than 1/2 c. of kibble per day, doled out in dribs & drabs—I recently got Happy (now 10) to “dance" for his “treats," or maybe he's trained me). Heidi is supposed to eat Royal Canin prescription-only kidney-formula kibble, not available online or in stores. So we'll pick up a couple bags tomorrow.

    It's so funny—Heidi's pretty picky about her wet food, and is very idiosyncratic & unpredictable about what flavor she'll eat at any given meal. (You'll find a couple of open cans of Friskies Classic Paté in our fridge at any given time). Happy will scarf down anything that comes out of a 6-oz. Friskies can (provided it's in paté form—and neither of them can stand liver flavor). I've tried to feed both of them Sheba & Fancy Feast, as well as the Blue Buffalo and other grain-free “gourmet" stuff (even venison & duck). But as soon as they see the tiny little foo-foo cans they look at me as if to say “you trying to kill me?" I've bought the refrigerated Fresh Pet pellet and loaf stuff, and they sniff at it and turn tail as if I'd tried to feed them s#*t-on-a-shingle. And neither of them like people food (though Happy insists on at least being offered it).

    So when Heidi is done (leaving all or part of her wet food), Happy swoops in and cleans her plate, despite having already cleaned his own. But kibble time is a hoot. I dole out her kidney kibble, and his Purina Healthy Weight formula (he is something of an “obeast," though a little svelter than this spring—when the vet half-seriously threatened to sic the ASPCA on us for maltreating the kitties by letting them overeat.) They retreat to their respective dishes, but after a minute or so, Heidi saunters over to Happy, silently whomps him in the head with her paw and steals his kibble. So he walks over to her dish and eats her kibble. The joke is that for the past two weeks they’ve both been eating Happy’s low-cal stuff. She’s a pound lighter than he is, but because of her short legs (part Ragdoll), needs to be even lighter than that. He’s got a big round head, cobby body and long legs. The vet wants them both down to 12-13 lbs. eventually. (Last they were weighed, she was 14 and he 15 lbs.).

    Gordy showed me a video today of a “cat-clipse:” an orange tabby kitten (who looked like Happy when we adopted him at 8 weeks) was sitting on a stool while someone slowly walked past it holding a large black cat (a long tall version of Heidi). Will have to find the link and post it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Twofer Tuesday today. The eclipse was rather disappointing here. Some clouds rolled in about eclipse time, it wasn't until it was all over that I realized that the dimming of the sun wasn't just the cloud cover moving in. It was barely noticeable from my point of view. I guess lots of people on top of Cadillac Mountain had a good time watching, though. I did see a really good view of the totality on TV at one of my patient's homes. It was actually pretty exciting, they were on an aircraft carrier deck, with the eclipse in one direction and thunder and lightning in the other! Lightning during the totality was really cool.

    It got really warm here yesterday, supposed to be warmer and with more humidity today. Slept with the AC on in the bedroom last night, probably will need to tonight, too. Got a full day at work, probably won't get home in time to take Sadie swimming this peeyem, but I can hope. . . .

    Illi--I live the water, too! Those spots look wonderful!

    Jazzy--those peaches look marvelous! I hope I can find some around here soon. Hooray for progress with the Yoga! That must feel amazing. I prefer spirited and spontaneous, too!

    Goldie--WOW, that dress is FANTASTIC!I love it with the belt and black shoes. The all white look is great, too!

    Celia--sounds like you had a great spot for the eclipse. Glad you could enjoy it.

    Chi--I doubt I could make the paper plate thing work, good for you!

    Jazzy--Boo, hiss on the endo leaving the practice. It's so hard to find a really good doc in any specialty. I do hope you will be able to follow her where ever she is going.Swimming for the eclipse sounds like a good way to Save the Sun! Maybe it will become a thing?

    Chi--we are at that age where things start changing all around us, including us! It's hard to deal with all the retirements. But I can tell Bob from experience that semi-retirement is a great way to live! Enough work to feel like a productive member of society, but with time to do things for fun. He should try it! Lots of folks in health care are getting fed up with so much regulation and computer/paperwork getting in the way of actual patient care and are looking at retirement or changing careers. Someday this entire health care system will implode and die a nasty, painful death. I just worry how many innocent patients it's going to take with it when it goes.

    Dara--Poor Lucy, I would not like to have had all that done to ME! Glad the vet isn't concerned about the seizures. She sounds like quite the picky eater, though. Taking tests is hard work. I have a tendency to try to go too fast and also get distracted. I've learned to stop every 5 questions, close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths to keep myself from getting too tensed up. I look down when I do it so it looks like I'm reading. It reminds me to untense my shoulders and refocus. Keep working on it, I know you will do fine with the real thing!

    Chi--oh my goodness, your kitties eating stories are hilarious! Love the head whomping part. Too funny. Also too funny they are both eating the same thing and haven't caught on yet!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Hello Kitty recipe

    1 1/2 oz vodka

    1 1/2 oz Calpis® soda syrup

    1 1/2 oz strawberry puree

    2 oz soda water

    Fill a tall glass with ice and pour ingredients in order. Similar to a tequila sunrise; the hello kitty is layered when presented but stirred before drinking.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Had clear skies here for the eclipse. I went out to look several times, at most it just looked like a crescent moon. It was not quite as bright outside, but you wouldn't notice, I don't think, if you didn't know there was an eclipse.

    Jazzy, my onc is never in a hurry with me. Sometimes I'm like, come on let's get this show on the road, I want outtahere.

    Celia, sounds like the perfect way to watch the eclipse.

    Sandy, that is a ton of money for a cat. But you love your fur babies. Just goes to show how much you love them.

    Dara, holy cow on the sales of your glasses. Had I known that I would have bought all of them at Wal Mart. We did that with some gas masks that my DH bought at a trade show years prior to to the year 2000. He paid like $10.00 ea. and we were selling them for like $200.00 and people were ordering them with next day delivery. What is the surgery that your cousin is having. I know it is for her back. Amazing how much a pet can en up costing with medical.

    NM, the shoes are actually a nude color, not white. I wanted to see which looked better. Sorry you missed the eclipse.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words. Going to start packing for our trip to Kanab UT on Thursday, leaving in the morning, back on Sunday. I think it's about a 7 hour drive, but very pretty.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Kim, you’ll be a lot closer to the totality for 2024—Mt. Katahdin (sp?) is right along the center line. (I bet there will be some sort of mystical gathering of hardy climbers).

    Heid is still overweight, lost only half a lb. Because she has healed from the kidney stone surgery, the vet says it’s okay to feed her the same low-cal kibble as Happy. So since she only started eating that a week or so ago, she may yet lose some more weight.

    Dara, wish I’d known you’d bought those glasses. (Gordy paid only $20 online—he could have stood in line in the predawn hours at the Daley Center or Lagunitas Brewery to get them for free, but he’s even less of a “morning person” than I am).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Good evening party animals!

    I slept until 3 pee em today (went to bed at 6 aye em)! I had a dream that I went on a cruise with Cheryl and our friend Gerri. It was so fun. This evening, we booked a trip to Myrtle Beach, will be leaving on Sunday and coming home on Wednesday.

    Lori, Cheryl is having a microdiscectomy on Thursday. Enjoy your trip and be safe. I know you will have a great time. Take pics too!

    NM, thanks for sharing your tips with testing. I will do as you do and also practice with my practice tests.

    Chi, 20 is not bad for last minute eclipse glasses. And yes, I am less than an hour from the beach. Have not yet been there this summer so our trip to Myrtle Beach will have to do!

    Everyone, thanks for your encouraging words on my upcoming test. I hope to have it done before i leave but uhhh, does not look like it can happen since I only have this week. I might try for Friday. If I fail, I can retake any time.

    Hello to Jazzy, Mary, Ille, and others I missed. TO All, have a great rest of the week. Gonna sign off, we are getting nasty thunder and lightening and the power keeps flickering off then back on. Hope I don't lose power.


    Image result for cheers girls

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Coravin-ed myself an ounce of chilled La Spinetta Vermentino we bought in Tuscany last year. Almost broke the injector needle—not sure if that’s because the cork is synthetic (can’t tell w/o removing the foil, which you’re not supposed to do if using a Coravin) or because the wine (and therefore the cork) was ice cold in the fridge. Nice and crisp, with a little richness to it—went nicely with the shrimp “har gao" dumplings from Whole Foods I steamed for dinner.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Sorry MIA, I'm reading, but lately just goin on FB and copying or reacting....

    Lori u look beautiful in the dress

    Ill I gld u'r feeling so good, my sister also is stage IV and cancer wise she feels good so do I,just other thing lately have come into play. My brother is in the hospital finding electrolytes all a mess, but he's better now. My boss hd his baby this morning, so that's a good thing in our family. Work has been so so busy, he came to my house the other day and hid out a few hours, I told him I'll come back next week--iI'll try, he needs help especially now-

    NM I do all my exercises, and keep my feet up a lot, all wrapped.Joey's bck to school so I'm alone more now, which is a little scary to me sometimes, but I don't tell my nurse or OT that, they think I shouldn't be.

    Dara I'm sending prayers for Cheryl to get this over with and feel better.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! I am seriously blessing the inventor of room air conditioners after last night. So muggy here, and so warm, I'd have gotten no sleep last night without the AC. The humidity is supposed to be dropping off today, and I sure hope it does. This bit of taking a shower and then working up a sweat trying to towel off is nuts!Even Sadie is moving slower than usual, although she is getting in some runs around the yard whilst supervising the neighborhood. Speaking of Silly Sadie, she's learned a new trick. She's discovered that tipping over the bin that I keep the dog food in will make the top pop off and she can get at all the dog food. So now when I come home, if I don't immediately fill her bowl, say cuz I'm running to the bathroom cuzI haven't had a chance to pee all day, she dumps it over and stands next to it while I clean up the mess!All day she could have dumped it any time, she waits till I get home!What a nut.

    Goldie-- I never thought eclipse watching glasses and such would go for so much money!Might want to hang on to the ones you have, only 7 years to the next eclipse visible in the US!FYI, that one will be viewable here in Maine. Nude or white, the shoes and the dress look great on you! Have a good trip to UT.

    Chi--I bet there will be quite the crowd up on Katahdin in 2024. Elclipse, end of the Appalachian Trail, general craziness in the world, should be interesting. It's so hard to deprive our fur babies of food and yummies, isn't it?

    Dara--hope you didn't lose power in the thunderstorm. And I know you will do just fine with the test whenever you decide to take it. Maybe take it on Friday but tell yourself it's not the real test, just another practice test? Sort of psych yourself out of being nervous. Have fun at Myrtle Beach!

    Chi--Not supposed to take the foil off when using the Coravin? I wonder why that is, does it have anything to do with the way the machine works? Sounds like a lovely wine, and dinner.

    Cammy--being alone can be a bit scary. Do you have one of those emergency call thingys, like a Life Line or such? There are really inexpensive ones you can get at Walmart and places like that and knowing you can get help if something happens will make you feel more secure. Keep up with the exercises, you're doing great!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:


    1 oz light rum

    1/2 oz brandy

    1/2 oz apricot brandy

    1/2 oz triple sec

    1/2 oz sweet vermouth

    Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a wedge of lime.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Dara, my little wearwolf! Going to bed at 6 in the morning! Will your new job let you work during the night hours!!!! You will have fun at the beach and wishing Cheryl all the best with her surgery.

    Cami, good to see you poop in. So you are currently not working? Congrats on the new baby in the family. And I know you hate to see Joey go back to school. And then you are home alone all day long?

    NM, Sadie is too funny. Tipping over her food bin! I hear ya on trying to sleep when it's so hot and humidity on top of that. It can be pretty warm here when we go to bed, but we don't have AC and turn the cooler off at night, so as not to use up our electricity.

    I am going to return the shoes. I just can't justify spending that much on a pair of shoes. Going to get these on Amazon. I'lI also get a black, pair. Heading out in the morning, so not sure when I'll get back to the lounge.

    Going to get these in the same colors that I currently have. Nude patent leather and black. Less than $18.00. Call me frugal!

    Image result for dream pairs shoes nude pumps

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Hi mese ladies,

    What fun we had until Monday when we tried to fly home. From Bossier to DFW (Dallas) is almost a 3 hr drive, we got up at 4am left at 5, dropped car off at 8:30 am took shuttle from RAC bldg. to terminals and discovered we were at the wrong airport...were supposed to b at Dallas Love airport, another hour away. So we missed our flight. Dallas Fort Worth does not sanction SouthWest air, but Love does. We managed to book out of LOVE via SW but not til 3pm. So we had a 4 hour layover basically. Finally got to LV about 3:45, jumped in a cab to my sons ($20 with tip). My DH maintained better than I thought, ya'll probably guessed WHO will never fly again, yep, DH, took me years to get him to fly somewhere with me and this nightmare f'd everything up. DLA (dallas love) was on the ticket but hell, we didn't even know there was a 2nd a/port in Dallas so we didn't kno better. Enuf of that.

    Yesterday was my onco appt. Got my Xgeva injection and my labs done. Doc gave me copy of my results. She even sent a RX letter to the PS with instructions for them to call me for consult appt. Like hell, not going to until I kno whats what. But I am thankful that my onco's staff was able to get me into Diagnostics at 1 for mammo and ultra-sound on rt breast. Tech and I talked and agreed both breasts should be done. Tech got the approval and that's what we did. U/S was just the R breast. Anyway, twas another excrutiating (sp) day. Finally got cut loose at 3ish and made it back to Mesquite at 5, picked up our pooches (who peed themselves from excitement), all of us in our beds by 7ish. Still worn out today. The company I booked with will hear from me that's for sure. I am still totally wiped out so will keep this short.

    Want to thank all my lovely ladies for ur support and prayers. Will get final answer on Tues. 29th, I think it's the silicone that was left from a '96 breast replacement, but won't know anything until tues. Trying to keep my head out of the wabbit hole...hate this.

    Lubslubsllubs all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Mema- keeping you in my prayers for good outcomes on the work up on the breast issue.

    I have spent a lot of time flying in and out of the DFW airports through the years, as I had lived there for a time and also worked there a lot. Love Field is definately the easier way to go. DFW airport is way to gnarly for me.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Ah, Sue, wish I’d known you were flying SW—I’d have cautioned that they only use Love Field (there was a big to-do about that for years, all the way back to when they were a multi-stop “milk run” airline).

    Lori, how I wish I could wear heels like that! My E (EE for the left) forefoot and AA heel, plus L bunion & bunionette put the kibosh on that long before I developed cuboid syndrome/chronic stress fracture (podiatrist says the former, orthopod the latter—but both say to wear only wide-toe shoes with orthotics). There is a line of supposedly-bunion-friendly heels (kitten, 3” and 4”) by Janet Lopez, made in Italy. They have wider forefeet and deeper toe boxes and no seams to irritate bunions. They also cost >$225 (some $285)—cheaper than Jimmy Choos, or Finn Comfort & Mephisto orthopedics, but still… I can cram my tootsies into wide-width Hush Puppies or Clarks semi-wedge nearly-flat leather pumps, or Aravon kitten heel Mary Janes for dresswear, or glitzy Vionic or Alegria rocker-bottom sandals to set my bunions free. The fashion police can kiss my you-know-what.

    Bob brought home the leftovers from a cheese plate last night, so I poured myself a couple ounces of Barolo to go with it. If there’s no more Vermentino remaining to go with tonight’s whitefish, I’ll crack a bottle of Mumm Napa brut.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy thirsty Thursday! Boy did the weather break here yesterday, from muggy summer heat to crisp fall chill. Not only did not need the AC last night, ended up turning off the fan, pulling up the blanket AND covering up Sadie who was cuddled up next to me! I've also noticed it's getting darker earlier, and school starts next week for many places, the week after for the rest. This summer has flown by! Still got some time left, though.

    Goldie--gorgeous shoes, don't blame you for getting both colors! And great price! Have a good trip, drive safe.

    Mema--Argh, not fair that there are two airports! Your poor DH, going through all that after all the convincing you had to go through. Glad you got there safely anyway! Sounds like the appointments went well, despite making for long days. Bet the pooches were VERY glad to see you!

    Chi--them's some expensive shoes! I have bunions and know the need for wider/deeper toe boxes. Really makes finding snow boots interesting every year. Love the idea of wine and cheese in the afternoon!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Green Goblin



    Cider First, Lager then Curacao

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Yeah, those Janet Lopez shoes looked promising (though I’m still skeptical that any high heels and toe boxes not shaped like actual feet can be bunion-friendly), but at those prices? No way. I’ve spent that much or more on Finn Comforts (or Mephistos, before my left foot got to wide courtesy of the bunion and bunionette), but that’s because I spend all day on my feet in them whenever not wearing sandals or gym shoes (and even there, my options are limited by said forefoot and extreme fallen arches). For something in which I will spend a couple of hours at most? $100 is my upper limit. And they’d better not hurt. I love Alegrias, which I can get online for $70-100 on sale—they are shaped like feet, have removable orthotic footbeds & rocker soles; but I have to pad their edges with foam & moleskin because the skin on my feet is so delicate that the slightest friction or sharp edge gives me blisters.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Hi friends- sorry I have been off the radar a bit. Just been a bit more of social media this week to stay focused on more things I need to be doing.

    I went for my blood draw today and will find out next how my cholesterol and all the rest are doing. My fasting glucose, BP, etc. have all been super good. And think the scales may be moving down once again. Been stuck for a few months with my weight loss continuing on, but this does happen. We be jammin' again. Been enjoying doing some shopping for some smaller sizes too! Moving more into a 12/mediums from the 14 and XL world I have been in for awhile.

    Weather is overcast and cool today which is nice. I am off to see the new Pirates of the Carriebbean movie in a bit that features Javier Bardeem. Hubba hubba!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    LDB, I am praying super hard for you girl. Sounds like it could be good news, more so than not. So sorry about missing your flight, and now DH is done done done with flying. Glad to hear you had a good time.

    Sandy, believe me those shoes won't be long on my feet, nor will they be worn very often. Or if we are out and going to be doing lots of walking. I too have a wide foot, but can usually wear the regular width (hoping they stretch a little)!

    NM, I hope your week is going well. You have had some strange weather, for sure. I was just telling my DH, because the temps being mentioned here, 90's and into the 100's, that we have really had a hot summer this year.

    Jazzy, you are doing awesome, keep it up.

    We made it to Utah. Just walked around and then had something to eat. There will be more going on in town today and then slot canyon at 2. That is suppose to take 4 hours. Really excited about this.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF! Got to fill the dumpster today, and get packed up for a week of cleaning out at Auntie's house. Working a clinic tomorrow morning, probably head down to Aunty's in the afternoon. My cousin's flight gets in just before 5 peeyem.I'm looking forward seeing my cousin and visits with other cousins, but not looking forward to the going through stuff part. Laura's already arranged for another roll off dumpster (a big one like last time). We already know a good bit of furniture is going into it. I expect it's going to be a bit of an emotional time for everyone.Got to be done, though and we'll get through it.

    Big goal for the Labor Day weekend will be getting the kayak out and getting it in the water. I'll probably do the Field Stream avian sanctuary that I love. A bit late to see the osprey chicks but there will still be plenty of birds to see. And it's a pretty paddle.

    I found a new wine related website called Naked Wines. It's a way of financing indie winemakers. I'll be putting $40 a month into my Naked piggy bank, can spend it on any wine I want at wholesale pricing, will get a bottle a month at no charge. If I go back on the site and rate the wines I get they'll use the ratings to determine my tastes and use that info when choosing the free wine bottle and to make recommendations. I had a Groupon voucher so I got $95 worth of wine for $48. Mostly American wines, but lots of French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and others, too. I've browsed the wine listing several times, it's huge and fascinating! I'll be picking up the 6 pack tomorrow, got a mixed box: 2 Moscato, Zinfandel, Reserve Rose, Merlot, Reserve Merlot, AND a free introductory 3 pack. Won't know what those are until I see them. They only accept a certain number of new Angels at a time, there are 5646 people in front of me, 1464 behind me, according to the site. I expect to have a lot of fun with this!

    Chi--for $70 to $100 I would expect a shoe to NOT HAVE sharp edges to cause blisters! The bunions are a real challenge in the shoe choice department.

    Jazzy--buying smaller clothes, what a rush!You must feel great about that!

    Awfully quiet in the Lounge recently.Just a reminder, as of the weekend I will be at Aunty's place, and do not expect to have internet or phone access for the week, so no surprises if you don't hear from next week. I may be able to jump on family members' internet from time to time, will try to remember to poop in and let you all know I'm still around.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:




    Shake and strain into glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good morning ladies- going to post a bit more before I disappear for the weekend. I am sitting on my patio enjoying a cool morning and it is for sure feeling more like fall. The start of Sept is a week away now already. Summer went fast. how about for you?

    The Pirates of the Carribbean/Dead Men Tell No Lies was far better than expected. I think they upped their game with including Javier Bardem in the cast. I sense this is going to be the last of them, although are these franchise movies ever over? Even Alien, Jaws, etc. seem to resurrect periodically. Don't get me started on the Sharknado series either, lol! Anyways, it was a good, fun cheap time last night. I have plans for another movie next week too (I sometimes go in phases with this....)

    Today is biz stuff, a trip to the pool at noon for a swim, and then going to this fabulous new rooftop bar at a new five star restaurant here in town called The Hotel Chaco. A good friend is celebrating a birthday (and ha ha, she won't ever tell me how old she is either) and we decided to try it out. I stopped there this week as I was down in that area and checked it out and my jaw dropped. Got us a reservation while we are there and it should be a nice evening for this out (clouds and rain yesterday, more this weekend, today looks perfect).

    Goldie- glad you made it to UT and looking forward to seeing pics of that canyon. It is on my bucket list. I am a total shoe lover and have some higher heals I wear for special events. Most of my shoes are lower or low pumps for work, other things are more for those special evenings out (which are rarer these days).

    ChiSandy- I love the Allegria shoes. I have a great pair of red patent leather clogs I got there and some summer sandals that are one of my fav pairs.

    NM- I wish you the best with the clean out this weekend. It was very emotional for us when we had to clean out our mother's house 12 years ago. And she was still alive then too, but all the memories. And when someone has passed, there is also a lot of grief that can come up. I am glad you are doing it as a team, so you can support one another. Don't be surprised if people have to step away with tears sometimes too, just give each other love and support as those things happen. I wish you the best with it.

    And kayaking sister, you go girl. On your list to get back in to this year and glad to hear you are doing it. The fall will be a nice time to do some kayaking for you too.

    And I have one question about the Naked Wine, if you drink a bottle of it, do you end up naked? LOL!

    Mema- thinking of you and like Goldie, lots of love and prayers to you for good outcomes on things.

    Cami- thinking of you and hoping you are getting some time with Joey around the start of his new school year. I hope he has a good one and expect that girls will become a bigger part of the story now in his teens? Did he decide to try the flute yet?

    Dara- sending you good vibest to pass all those tests you are working on. Hoping your cousin is doing better too.

    Where is Genny and Hsant? Celia and LLL?

    Wishing everyone a good last weekend here in August
