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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Mema- have a safe trip!

    My sister's partner is actually a woman. They have been together 34 years.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Thank you Jazz....doesn't matter to me if the partner is same-sex or not. Will say some prayers for them both.

    BAD NEWS but had to share as I'm going nuckiingfutz. Just got a call from my onco's nurse, Cindy, they found a mass in my right breast, so they are scrambling to get me in for a mommo-mri when we get back on the 21st. No worries yet, til we get the results of the M-Mri but to ask for some prayers and positive thoughts wouldn't hurt.

    Lubs u all to pieces n thanks in advance

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Hey Mema- oh no about the mass sister. This is no way for you to have a send off to your trip.

    Please keep us posted. I am keeping you in my prayers as well. Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    (((MemaSue))). Here's hoping it's scar tissue, fat necrosis or a fibrocyst.

    The phone I used is an iPhone 6S. I think the key to its better photo performance is that its sensor is 12MP, as opposed to the 8MP on the 5S & 6. Amazingly, that pic is exactly as I shot it—unedited, uncropped.

    Kim, I thought all laptops, tablets and smartphones have built-in webcams (front-facing “selfie-cams" on the mobile devices) and mics. But if you get better results from the library's computers, go for it. Mr. DeMille, you're ready for your close-up.

    And this morning (and afternoon), success (any more detail is TMI but it is a moving story)! Based on the black color of the you-know-what, I am absorbing the iron. And next Thurs., I get a week off from it, in anticipation of “the prep."

    Had contemplated going down Sunday night to Sparta, IL, where my engineer's studio is, because it is just inside the “totality band" of the eclipse. But every room in town (including their B&B) has been full up for months. We're in the 85% band here in Chicago (closer to 90%); but for the fact I am not a morning person, I might haven drive down south a couple of hrs. to Kankakee to cross the 90% line without needing to stay overnight. As to the glasses, I can't find any. Everyone seems to be sold out, both online & here. And Amazon is recalling a highly-rated model because the filters may not be strong enough. If the weather is clear, I'll just do the "pinhole thing" out on my deck; if it's not, then I'll watch it online or on TV. Online watching ensures seeing the totality, including the corona, Bailey’s beads, and “diamond ring.” Those watching the totality phase can take off their glasses; we in the partial zone have to keep them on (or use the pinhole method) for the entire duration. There’s another one where Carbondale will again be in the totality epicenter, in 2024. If I’m still around, I might get my you-know-what together and book a room well in advance. (Because that one’s path runs NE-SW, Sparta won’t be in the totality zone, and Chicago won’t be any closer than 80%).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    News from NBC today you will be interested in:

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Interesting indeed—but probably years away from a true screening tool or even a liquid biopsy for breast cancer, as it misses some subtypes. The study tested only those already diagnosed with Stage I or later (and excluded Stage 0 patients). Might be more useful for colon cancer screenings: that cancer has fewer subtypes and along with Cologuard could allow for more widespread use of the noninvasive “virtual colonoscopy” (which requires the same burdensome prep as the standard invasive, which must then be undergone anyway if polyps are found).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Sadie is a bit confused this ayem, the look she gave me with the alarm went off was priceless. I swear she knows what day of the week it is as well as what time of day it is! Picking up an extra work day today, got a call last night, there are 7 visits on my schedule but at least two will be taken off, taking me back down to a normal day. Apparently the clinical managers are finally learning!

    Just listening to the weather, there are high surf warnings up for most of the Maine coast due to Hurricane Gertie being off the coast somewhere. Of course, today I'm not getting sent to the coast to see patients! Ah, well, I'll catch it next time. And there is always a next time.

    Goldie--I was in Walmart yesterday and didn't see the glasses, but then I forgot to look for them, too. Still time to find some, though. I'll look up Zypan, long term use of prilosec class drugs has potential problems I don't care for, but I can't do without it, either.

    Jazzy--You are always so busy!

    Mema--praying for good results of the scans. Have a good trip, too. I'm not going to find out how much wine it will take to get Sadie drunk, that can't be good for you. Probably let her have a sip or two from time to time.Oh, dear, not fun that they found a mass. Praying you get right in for the MRI and for a benign result.

    Chi--You are right, both my cell phone and my Kindle have mics and cameras that I can use. I've got to get on the site and do the tutorial and then decide how to do this audition thingy. I wish they gave a bit longer than 1 week to do this project!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Warped Thursday



    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    LDB, I think I'm going to try that injection in my tummy next time. Used to get that Nuelasta shot in my tummy and remember being shocked at how it didn't hurt. Will absolutely send up some extra prayers for you. Hoping for the same like Sandy says, scar tissue or something. Enjoy your trip.

    Sandy, glad to hear things are "moving along". Not sure how much of the eclipse we will see. I don't think much tho. Just looked, we will have about 60% coverage.

    NM, too funny about Sadie being confused with the alarm. My husband absolutely LOVES the Zypan. Good luck on getting that video done for the "audition".

    We are heading out around 11 am, be back sometime tomorrow, so you prolly won't see me tomorrow.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Hi girls, Sorry Ive been MIA again, so busy. I am going to try to test either next week or the following week so spending several hours a day studying. I barely take time to eat but mese heard Cammy calling my name so I hadda come in for a midday dwinkie.

    About the ecplise, wese supposed to see about 75-80 percent darkness around these parts. Here is a great tool where you enter your zip code and it will show what the eclipse will look like along with the exact time line.

    It looks like Sandy will have the best view of all the peeps here that I know. I could be wrong but it would be a first hehehe! I thought about driving to Myrtle Beach and hitting a hotel but time does not permit.

    I had a lovely time at my work conference, now it is time to soon start making money.

    Cam, I hate that you have to stay in your room and that you are still having trouble with walking. Did the doctors say what more can be done to help you? Is surgery an option? I think I told you that Cheryl is having surgery late next week (on the 24th). I am hopeful for her and for you too. I will keep on praying.

    And Sue, you have my prayers doll, I hope it is nothing and that you do not worry your purdy head too much over this. Sending you lots of DorkY hugs.

    Heidi, hate that you are so down, you are always in my prayers. Hope you have fun plans for the weekend. Saw you on FB with your lovely friend, you look fantastic, wish you felt as well as you look girl.

    Hi to everyone else, time to git sumting to eat. Tenders, serve up some food will ya? And rounds for all mese goils. Will try to report in over the weekend. Love you goils.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Actually, if IllinoisLady or RitaJean check in here (they’re on other threads), they’ll have near-totality (like 98%). It’ll still get pretty dang dark here at peak (88%). Dara, how close to KC are you? (Your avatar says you’re in Kansas—or is that only when Toto is with you, Dorothy)? KC is in the totality belt too, though St. Louis will be just outside it.

    I’m timing my iron+C “just so,” and I’ve been able to enjoy my wine ration the past couple of days. Last night we dined out—it was prix fixe menu night and 3-oz. wine pairings were $3. Luckily, the same wine was paired with both my app & entree. So I got a single 3-oz. glass (I think they may have poured a bit too generously, but no complaints) of Emmolo Sauvignon Blanc, from Sonoma. The winemaker is a woman, Jeanine Wagner.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! Had a nice short day yesterday at work, about 6 hours, all local visits. Home early, vegged out for the late afternoon, kept falling asleep reading so we went to bed early and slept late, and I woke up feeling so relaxed and comfortable that I didn't want to get up, until Sadie started patting my belly and making me realize that I had to pee. At that point, of course, there is no more lying in bed. Still, sleeping until 8 ayem is pretty darn good!

    I checked out the instructions for the video interview, it's done through a site called TTI, Take The Interview. I downloaded the app onto my phone and did a practice recording, and the quality of the playback was really good. So I'm going to do it from home, going to try to get the prep done today and do it this evening or tomorrow. If I move a couple of things on the wall at the head of the bed I can sit on the bed and have a nice uncluttered background. Also I can shut the door and minimize the amount of Sadie "help" I get. She so loves to "help" me with everything! Especially eating my breakfast. I bought a treat of some mini cinnamon rolls for breakfast today, left them on the counter while I waited for the coffee water to heat, and guess who got half of them???? Oh, well, I got one breakfast of the package, I guess that's good, back to healthier bagels tomorrow.

    Goldie-- Going to look for some Zypan today and try it out. Thanks for the suggestion. Have a good trip!

    Dara--thanks for the site, going to save it so I know what to expect when. Good for you for sticking with the studying, and I know you will do great on the test!

    Chi--so glad you got the timing for the iron/vit C dosing figured out. The wine pairing sounds like it was really good, and you got a good glass of wine out of it!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Total Solar Eclipse Cocktail Recipe

    Total Solar Eclipse Cocktail


    • 4 ounces Sparkling Clementine or Orange Pop
    • 1.5 ounces Dark Rum
    • Orange Slice for Garnish


    1. Pour Sparkling Clementine or Orange Pop over Ice in a cocktail glass
    2. Gently pour dark rum on top
    3. Garnish with an orange slice
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Morning ladies,

    SusyQ my prayers are with u, Sandy can so be right--there are so many other things this could be, but I know u want to find out right away. With all our pprayers and love watch this will be a stupid mass that just wanted to scare u. My sister has had a few scares long the way and it was all benign, I've just a couple and they made it sound <before any tests> scary then it was all right. So please try to think it could be just that, cuz it sure can be.<<<HUGS>>>

    Jeez I hven't even been thinking bout the eclipse, my GF is in KY and she's got her glasses and is all ready.

    Dara u've been busy Missy, but it all sounds good for u and u know whatever test u have u'll be fine. Tell cheryl I think of her often and pray this operation will do the trick for her. My Docs are going all different for now. They want to eventually lessen the codeine and add more morphine til they hope to find the exact area where ths is coming from and hopefully can take care of that surgically, but this is time consuming I guess. As long as the pain isn't what it was before I can handle this, not really happy about the not walking but I can get around with my trusty walker and rap my legs everyday and I already thought a mummy will be a great costume for me. I'm learning more of how to turn and move so it's less painful and do my exercises daily. Oh next week Jodie is having a summer party with just our family, so I really want to go my sister and cousin are going along with a bunch of cousins so I'm looking forward to it.

    Lori be safe on u'r mini trip. I never understand how far things are for u to just go to do normal things. I've always lived just blocks from places I had to go so it's hard to imagine traveling to go see a dr. or travel anywhere more than 15 mins. away.

    NM I'm sure Sadie knows exactly what's going on. Our furbabies have more sense than we do sometimes. BTW have we ever seen a pic of Sadie--my memory is not so good. Well it must have been a while ago. And u'r DOTD's are fun. See u'r more relaxed from working.

    Jazzy how many hrs. do u sleep--u fit more in one day than most people do in 2 days. Amazing. Wow ur sister has been with her partner for 34 years, this is a very difficult time for them. I'm sure ur visit was so appreciated, u bring positive vibes with u wherever u go.

    Saying hello and good feelings to anyone I missed, and somehow I seem to miss posts, which I hate to miss anything. As Dara knows I like to read word for word what is going on with everyone. <even tho I tend to forget>


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Cammy--we bumped into the pool!Meet you at the swim up bar!

    I'll work on getting an up to date pic of Miss Sadie to share.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Wacko, always good to see you pop in. I guess I thought you WERE making money. Good luck on your studies and the upcoming test.

    Sandy, lucky you with so much coverage from the eclipse.

    NM, haven't you learned yet? Sadie has complete rights to whatever is left on the counter! Oh I hope the Zypan helps you.

    Cami, NOTHING is close to me! This place where we are is 2 and ½ hours from me. I'm so glad you have a bit of relief. What is this wrapping you are doing?

    Need to shower and then we are gonna go play for a bit and then head home. Got a new dress and 3 pairs of shoes.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good morning friends- feeling more caught up from my time away and all the to dos going on in my world. I finally gave the front yard rock garden a face lift last night after most everything died in it this summer, despite the watering. Some mums and other things that will do okay now through the end of October when we usually get the hard freeze. Looks a lot better out there once again. I will probably need to rethink how I replant a lot of the perrenials out front I lost this summer with the new paradigm of hotter than normal summers.

    I was out yesterday for car service, then some errands. I stopped at Chicos (or as ChiSandy calls it, Forever 61) as they are having a big sale (40% off plus another 5% if you are a passport member). I needed to get some new pants as I have dropped a size (from a 14 into a 12) and found a couple great pair of pants, plus some tops, a belt, and a cute jacket for fall. Smokin' deals there yesterday, including that discount on some things already on sale. Mostly reduced my extra pounds from the trip except one.

    Dara- glad to hear you are working away at studying for your testing. I am taking an econ class on line with Stanford and REALLY behind.

    NM- I hope you do well on your interview. All the new things opening up to you sound so great. Amazing how when you make one change, other good things come. I always tell everybody, change just one thing in your life (diet, exercise, how you work) and other things will follow. Sometimes the things we are working towards shift with a change in thinking. May life continue to bring you rewarding work experiences!

    ChiSandy- if I remember correctly, iron can block you up in the GI tract? I have problems with that anyways since my big abdominal surgery five years ago. I hope the anemia problem gets better with the iron, and know you have your big camera test coming up this next week too. Praying there is nothing big wrong in the plumbing.

    Cami- ha ha, I am a girl on the go! Been that way my whole life. Things will get busier this fall too.

    Well, I decided today I am not doing the trip to Ireland this fall. Just not the right time with work stuff, $$, and also have been hesitant with some of the unrest in the world. Yes, I have traveled during turbulent times before (I did my first international trip to the middle east right after the Lockerbee scotland thing years ago), and traveled since but just feel like this year is not the time to do this. My sister and I may do a two week trip in another year or so to Paris then to Ireland. We have family in Paris. A two fer trip!

    Wishing everyone a good slide into the weekend. Swimming tonight......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Well, I found out today that the Ireland trip was just cancelled (did not hear about it until I inquired as I had not put down a deposit). Seems like not a good year for many, but they may try again. Feel even better now but had made my decision.

    For you game of thrones fans, places to visit!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Bummer about the Ireland trip, Jazzy. Just as we were about to book that 22-day Barcelona-St. Petersburg-Stockholm Viking cruise, we got an offer from the UW Alumni Assn.: 13 days in Japan next spring, flying out of Seattle, a little cheaper. Hmmm….. (Not afraid to go to Barcelona after yesterday’s attack: I visited Paris 2 weeks after the Bataclan massacre and London a week after the disaster on Westminster Bridge).

    Yeah, iron binds big-time. Looking forward to next Thurs., when I have to temporarily stop taking it a week before my close-up. I think I will emerge from the prep several lbs. thinner than I am today.

    Kim, I actually have sparkling clementine soda (Bai). Might experiment with that cocktail. I just had some goat milk kefir with a little mango juice, a few drops of vanilla and a short squirt of monkfruit/Splenda. (The squirt should’ve been shorter—it was way too sweet, which is why I’m no fan of alternative sweeteners). Had an apricot this afternoon, and peeled it because I don’t like eating the “fuzz” ( I peel peaches too). But enough fruit clung to the peel that I had an idea. I’m steeping it in a little water with a sprig of rosemary and a bit of zest from a Meyer lemon. Later tonight I’ll strain it and make sparkling Meyer lemonade—sweet enough on its own. ATK’s newsletter featured a recipe by one of its chefs for rosemary lemonade, calling for 4 c. of sugar in 4 c. of water to make a syrup in which to steep the rosemary. Nope. Not for me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Chi- I remember you have been to some of the places where the terrorists have been not long after. The people who tried to do the group tour said they may try again next fall. Maybe a better time all the way around. I still want to do a BC five year anniversary trip (and my five years is really next March) so now I am going to think about a new trip somewhere in the spring!

    Went swimming tonight and now drinking a new cocktail I made up. Called the Jazzy Special. I am a bit fan of flavored vodkas and this drink includes:

    1 generous shot of Ruby Red Absolute vodka
    Seltzer (flavored or plain, I am using watermelon)
    Splash of grapefruit juice

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    I have to avoid grapefruit juice (dang letrozole!) but that sounds delicious. I strained the apricot peel & rosemary infusion into the juice of a Meyer lemon, shook it with 1/2 tsp. sugar, poured it over ice and topped it up with water. Just the thing to go with the leftover Indian veg. stew I turned into a chicken curry for dinner.

    Anyone notice that Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” album is inspiring movies based on the song titles alone? First, “Baby Driver” (which has nothing to do with the song); and now “The Only Living Boy In New York,” which is set in NYC, features a young man’s coming-of-age, and uses the actual song in the trailer. Now accepting wagers for what’s next: “Cecelia?” The title song (maybe a documentary about Chris Christie’s fall from grace)? “So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright,” about a kid on vacation in Scottsdale who ditches his parents to hide out beneath the stage in the theater at Taliesin West? “Tryin’ to Keep the Customer Satisfied,” perhaps a jaunty musical adaptation of “Death of a Salesman?”

    Folks, the jokes keep writing themselves. (Apologies for also posting this to Facebook—just in case there’s any cross-pollination)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, good deal on the shopping. And it indeed has been a hotter than usual summer. Sorry Ireland was canceled, but hey, looks like it was a good call. I don't think I lost any perennials, but my veggies just make me sick.

    Sandy, Holy the Cow….4 cups of sugar to 4cups of water, YUCK! Hummingbirds don't even require that much sugar! Nice way to make use of fruit skins.

    I think I'll be returning one pair of the shoes, mostly cuz they were $90.00. Just some pumps, so I'm pretty sure I can find them elsewhere for much cheaper. I needed some closed toe shoes, the only ones I had were my tennies and my boots. The dress was only $12.00, white and very form fitting and an open back. Very cute, just not sure I will have the guts to wear it out. Leaving Thursday for Kanab for their Western Round Up, new star this year is Dawn Wells (Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island). Home on Sunday. Hoping to see a slot canyon while there. Last year the rain put the kibosh on that.

    Image result for utah slot canyons

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Yesterday was a pretty low key day. Drizzled rain all day, Sadie napped all day, I played on the computer all day. So today I MUST fill the dumpster, video my audition, and wash dishes. Unfortunately it looks gray and gloomy again today, but I've used up my lazy day for the week, so no more slothing around. Trying to bribe myself to get moving by telling myself I can go to the wine tasting at Cellar Door winery tomorrow If I get everything on the list done today. Sometimes it's hard to get started.Absolutely no Facebook this ayem, or I'll never get moving! Boy, that can be addictive, and I don't even know why, once I ketchup with friends and family I don't even really care about all the other stuff on there, but I keep going and going and going. Very weird.

    Goldie-- I keep forgetting that the counters are Sadie's territory, and she is a lab, so very food driven. I have just got to learn to either keep her out of the kitchen (not possible) or keep food where she can't reach it unless I am in the kitchen. One more habit to establish!A new dress and 3 pairs of shoes?Good for you!!

    Jazzy--New clothes and great prices, what fun! You are so right about the ripple effect of one single change. Things are just opening up for me, and I am loving it!I don't blame you for not wanting to go to Ireland this year. Things see awfully volatile and uncertain right now. OH, my, the trip was cancelled anyway! What a coincidence! I don't watch Game of Thrones, but those locations are incredible!

    Chi--ah, so Bai is a brand name! It looks a lot like Sanpellegrino, a brand of sparkling juicesin various flavors that's popular around here. That rosemary syrup sounds yummy, but 4 cups? That has got to be a bulk recipe for a bar or restaurant. A spoonful added to lemonade would taste pretty wonderful, I would think. So would a syrup of sage or thyme. Hmm. Maybe something to experiment with, but in MUCH smaller batches!

    Jazzy--wow, that sounds like a great cocktail!

    Chi--LOL! You have a great mind!And the drink sounds very tasty, too!

    Goldie--Good luck with seeing the canyon this year, and go ahead and wear the dress, it sounds fabulous! Maybe a pic to share?

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Jazzy Special

    1 generous shot of Ruby Red Absolute vodka

    Seltzer (flavored or plain, I am using watermelon)

    Splash of grapefruit juice

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Hi all, I have a lot of catching up to do here, been busy back to work after surgery and with daily radiation. I feel great though, exceeding my daily step goal and feeling totally back to normal.

    I'm hoping I can finish rads in time for what's left of summer. I'm dying to float the Frio River this year (pic of previous trip below)


    I also found this handy watermelon tap, thinking about adding some vodka to it!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    . Morning Ladies,

    boy u gals got some good deals for clothes. Jazzy u sound like u also had good time shopping. Lori 12, ??? I'm sure it looks fantastic on u WEAR IT and I used to lve buying shoes when I could wear them , I had pairs in all colors and styles--I must have gone places then.

    Sandy u have so much going on, I hope u'r feeling better. U know when I was about 16 I had anemia and was so tired, well the Dr. gave me iron stuff and my dad said no and gave me home made wine every day and when I went back to the Dr. my numbers were fine. Oh I do't mean u should even think about it, but I kind of liked that idea. But I admire the discipline u have when things come up for u to take care of.Oh all the stores are sold out of the glasses for the sun thing and I also read not to let u'r pets out during that time too.

    The weather is pretty nice here now, but jeez summer is almost over, it flew by.

    Oh Lori my lymphodema <is that the right word???> has really taken over my legs and stomach so I wrap my legs everyday in those stretchy bandages. They told me not to use those sleeves cu it's extreme and of course when I'm not doing exersizing keep my feet up, the best part of all this. I'm still doped up tho LOL

    I started this at 6am had all kinds of interruptions , so I have to go back now and read everything I missed.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good afternoon friends- well Jazzy is a bit frustrated on this Saturday. I had the second attempt today to get my large ash tree out front pruned. The tree company I usually use has been pushing me out repeatedly since I started trying to get this done in the spring to early summer. They have postponed on me twice and suggested now Sept and decided to look for someone else. So my neighbor referred me to his landscaping company. They said they would come look at it and give me an estimate (which they never did and I was away, blah blah blah). So today two guys showed up with gloves and were going to do the tree and said "is someone bringing the tree truck?" This is a very large tree that requires that and they looked at me with deer in the headlights and said all they could do was to raise up the lower canopy. Obviously no one came to look at the tree. Ugh. Anyways, they said they can find someone and said "that is fine, I have another place to call." Onward to a third tree service I used many years ago to remove a yucca that died and whom I know are good. This should not be so hard? I sent a message to the third company asking if they can give me a quote and get this done for me in August. Wish me luck.

    Anyways, the good news is I am off to the spa for my monthly massage and work on my feet!

    Cami- I am really sorry to hear about about your increased L. I know that is really tough to deal with, and it sounds like you have it in a few places. I am praying for better days for you sister. These past few months have been tough on you.

    LLL- you sound like you are doing well. Working and rads at the same time right? I had internal rads (otherwise known as tubes in the boob) and was working during that, but remote for a client. I hope you are not feeling too tired. The whole working thing treatment and recovery is hard. Keep taking good care of yourself!

    The floating on the river looks great. I used to do that on the CT River back east and also the Brazos River in TX when I lived there. So cool and refreshing. Jazzy likes anything with water. And I love watermelon juice and vodka with it would be divine, along with a sprig of mint?

    NM- I have been limiting my time on FB lately too, went off it while away and it helped me to avoiding an annoying person who was bothering me (a crazy woman from my music world who has very poor boundaries) as well as a lot of other wasteful stuff. I joined FB years ago for music and yoga stuff, nice way to keep in touch with old friends but lots of anger and other weird stuff out there. It can be a time waster. I check it morning and evening and best to keep some boundaries around it. You have many better things to do!

    Goldie- that picture is stunning. Never been there yet but on my bucket list. A dress for $12 is a smokin' deal, wear it when you have something special. I am not someone who likes form fitting, more form fitted on top and looser on the bottom to hide my lumpy body. I am sure you look dynamite in it!

    Gotta get to my treatment and thinking of Hsant, Mema, Genny, CeliaC, and everyone else here I am forgetting. Wishing you a blessed weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Goldie, until I scrolled down to the bottom of the pic I thought it looked like a snapshot of a colonoscopy! Shows you where my mind is these days.

    Cami, so sorry to hear that your lymphedema (easier to abbreviate it as “LE”) is so extensive. Guess they'd messed with nodes in all four body quadrants. Are you eligible for pumping as well as wrapping? Have they given you “night garments” too?

    Kim, turns out the Bai isn’t sparkling. But it’s only 5 calories and 0 net carbs per bottle (sweetened with erythritol—I have to cut mine with water and a few squirts of lemon to cut the sweetness). And I’ve never seen San Pellegrino sparkling juices—we only get the plain sparkling mineral water and the sugar-sweetened ones with fruit juices (or essences) added (orange, lemon, blood orange) to compete with the “Orangina” brand…sweet & bubbly sugar bombs, albeit delicious. It’s probably easy to mistake them for juice spritzers unless you do some critical label-reading.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Well, the tree pruning was a bust but the spa was a plus today! Great massage with Jerod and had him work on my back (always needs loosening up after some flying time) and a good 1/2 hour on my feet and legs. My feet were bothering me the past couple days so very welcomed! Just enjoyed a delicious green chili crab cake from Whole Foods for dinner.

    Chi- I have had that Bai drink before and they are good! I like to mix some of them with seltzer to get some sparkle in the mix.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    NM, glad you had a nice relaxing day Friday. How big is that dumpster? I know when we were doing our house and we had a dumpster, it was like the size of a semi trailer. So I couldn't imagine filling it in a day. I'm thinking you maybe have one of those like square ones, that businesses use? I'll share a pic of the dress. Heck, even if I just wear it at home, DH will appreciate it.

    Ilona, used to love to go canoeing in Michigan. I got this picture from a regatta they had in Laughlin NV. Love the watermelon spout. Yep, fill that puppy with some Wodka! The fatigue from rads in cumulative, so you may not feel it for a while.

    Cami, I absolutely LOVE shoes and boots. When I get in a nice shoe department I want to buy every pair! I am so sorry about the L. I guess there really isn't much they can do with it, right? Except maybe reduce the swelling? And so sorry you have to take all those meds.

    Wow Jazzy, what a PITA trying to find a tree removal person. Hopefully the the third one is a charm. Oh shoot, just saw it was a bust. Certainly you enjoyed your spa day! I'm, not really into form fitting either, even tho I am thin, I'm pushing 60, so there is flab. I don't like seeing panty lines and such, but may just have to suck it up! And for $12.00, like I said, even if I just wear it at home, since we don't really do anything "special". Beautiful sunset.

    Sandy, too funny about the cave making you think of the colonscopy! Never have heard of that sweetener erythritol.

    Washed and detailed my FJ yesterday. Today is get the pellet stove cleaned out and ready for winter, which will soon be upon us!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Got all my chores done yesterday and God is rewarding me with a nice sunny day today! Got the first load of laundry in the washer, hope to get two through today. Videotaping an audition/interview was an interesting experience. The biggest challenge was finding a way to secure the phone so that I could look straight ahead into the camera and not get some weird angle. It finally took a box, a paper holder and some tape, but I made it work. Thank goodness for the practice session the site allowed, gave me a chance to get it all set up so it looked reasonable. Now it's submitted, and time to wait and see what happens.

    I also bought a ticket for a day long foliage and lighthouse boat tour in October. Still need to take the kayak out, but will need another couple of basement clean out sessions to get at it and all the gear. It's amazing how much bigger the basement looks the more it gets cleaned out. Sadie was a little miffed with me, I didn't let her get loose to run around the neighborhood yesterday. I was hoping she was over that little bad habit, but I guess not. Oh, well, she loves me and is cute so I'll just work around that.

    Illi--wow, that is some floating extravaganza! Looks like a lot of fun. That watermelon tap is a wonderful bit of equipment to have! It even has feet so the melon will sit still! Add a little vodka or rum to the top and YUM!

    Cammy--There are all kinds of ways to watch the eclipse without the glasses, I'm finding on line. Going to keep Sadie inside that day just in case. You've got LE? Yuck. Keep up the exercises, wrapping and elevating, Lady!

    Jazzy--you really are having a time getting that tree taken care of! I can't imagine anyone would send out a crew without looking at the job and know what was going to be done. I hope the 3rd service works better for you. I have got to establish some better boundaries on the Fb thing. I got into to keep up with friends and family, and do use it for that, but there is so much stuff showing up from people I don't know about things I don't care about. I simply do not understand why I keep scrolling and scrolling. I've got to go through the settings and see if there is a way to limit the "friends of friends of friends" posts that show up. Or just start getting heavy handed with blocking people I don't know. Or something.

    Chi--Bai isn't sparkling? That's too bad. And has erythritol? Rules it out for me. All of the "itol" synthetic sweeteners (sorbitol, zylitol, etc) have the original medical use effect on me--gives me the runs. Big time. Very effective for fixing constipation.The ingredients listed for Clemintina flavor of SanPellegino are:

    Water, Mandarin Juice from Concentrate, Sugar, Orange Juice from Concentrate, Clementine Juice from Concentrate, Carbon Dioxide, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Black Carrot Extract (For Color)

    From <>

    At 140 calories per can and a much better taste than soda I tend to look for these when I want something fruity/sweet to drink. I particularly like the Limonata (lemon) one.

    Jazzy--nothing like a good massage! And a killer sunset.

    Goldie--I do have one of the square dumpters--it holds 2 cubic yards.The semi-sized roll off dumpsters hold 15 cubic yards.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Canoe River Special



    Pour all ingredients into a blender 3/4 filled with crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    camillegal, I hope your feeling better today.

    Jazzy, beautiful sunset

    I got bit by the cleaning bug too. Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the floor, rugs and stairs, straightened up and filled the recycle bin. Today I'm on my 3rd load of laundry (towels, bedding, etc), then I've got to bathe my dog, mop the floors and hit the store for steaks (surf n turf tonight for my friends birthday and my 1/2 birthday). I'll be enjoying some wine, of course

    I'm so thankful that I can be this productive. My stage IV diagnosis was a sucker punch, totally out of nowhere but I feel great, I always have, the only time I haven't was directly related to treatment (SE's and that damn surgical drain). Sometimes I wonder if the docs could be wrong since I feel way better than I rightfully should, lol (knock on wood)

    I soooo can't wait to get in the water, I love love love the water, I'm a Pisces, grew up at the beach and always wanted to be a mermaid. Here's my happy place, Balmoreah State Park and San Solomon Springs.

