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how about drinking?



  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2017

    Greetings to all! Popping in catching up on the postings. Lovely low 80 degree temps & no humidity - almost unheard of in the greater Cinci, OH area for this time in August. DH & I took a long walk in the park yesterday. Shandies for the DOTD. Will likely take another walk today - trying to get in 30 mins daily.

    Anyone preparing for the Solar Eclipse? In our area, the sun will be about 91% covered - got our eclipse glasses yesterday - just hope it is a clear day on the 21st. One of the segments on CBS Sunday Morning today featured moonshine available in the Zone of Totality in KY that will cause an eclipse to last for awhile (& definitely longer than the 2 mins 34 secs in certain parts of KY)!

    Happy Sunday to all and healing thoughts to all in need.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    HOLY cHIT, i'M SO FAR BEHIND--i'M SORRY--I kind of skimmed over everything.

    Welcome Nancy nnd for surethis is a judge fre zone for all of us--so say whatever u want or need to say

    Heidi I'm so glad u'r gettin help, sometimes we need a boost to help us thru bad times, of course u know we're always here but seeing a pro will always help.

    NM "scream" like that one and always enjoy what Sadie does. Anyone who u take care of is a very lucky person.

    Dara everything u'r doing sounds so exciting--this whole thing sounds great for u--so hppy.

    Lori things seem quiet for u and that's always a good thing, hope u feel good too.

    SusyQ u'r always on the go, whew u tire me out too.

    Jazzy great pics, I hope things go well w,hile u'r out the cu I know it's not easy.

    I'm still moaning nd groaning, but do as much workout as I can.

    they told me it will take a while, way longer than I thought--this falling business is crap, I slid right off my chair on the floor, just reachng for something, I have to get used to moving so differently now--Oh well and s tired, no doubt the morphine first then the rest, I guess

    ILL the home look beautiful and great views, very happy for u.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Kim, that bathroom TP pic really hits home—just opened a letter from my gastro containing the prep instructions for my 8/31 colonoscopy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Beautiful pics Jazzy, what city are you in?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Neport Beach but the beach photo from Laguna Beach

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Ok, I thought so. I grew up in Huntington Beach, right next door! Wonderful view and weather always.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Lll- since you grew up in Huntington Beach, I bet you may know where we ate tonight


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Monkey day again! Working an extra day this week to beef up the checking account before I take the last week of the month off. Not crazy about working 4 days this week, but at least it's my choice, and I can be sure not to accept a long day assignment. Added bonus, I'm not working in the clinic until afternoon on Wednesday, so I can have a nice sleep in and leisurely ayem and break up the hospice work.

    I made a recipe I saw on Fb last night, Chicken Caprise, that turned out pretty darned good! Nice to use tomato and basil from the garden, too. Made 2, so have one for dinner tonight. And I ate it with a glass of Blueberry Wine, and it was a wonderful pairing, to my tastes, anyway. Sadie was a big help with the clean up, she cleaned off both the cutting boards before they went into the dishwater. Apparently she really likes tomato and mozzarella. She did leave the extra basil leaves, though. Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but I'll think of something.

    Nowaldron--Welcome to the Lounge! We are definitely judgement free, we're generally too relaxed and happy to care about details like that! What kind(s) of wine do you like? Let the Tenders know and they will keep the bar stocked. Sorry to hear about your son's legal troubles, that must be hard on you. We're no strangers to family drama here. It was a beautiful day here in Maine, too, so yes, it was a good wine day!

    Jazzy--looks good!

    Illi--WOW!!!! Great pics!Lightening can be scary if it gets too close, hope setting up a lightning rod isn't too big a job and provides some security.

    Mema--fortunately vinegar doesn't go bad! I use quite a bit of it, it's a great cleaner that doesn't trigger my asthma and is cheap.

    Celia--I think Maine is only going to see about 40% coverage with the eclipse. Should make for an interesting day.

    Cammy--you know the rules, no need to play ketchup if you get behind, jump in where you are and we'll be fine! It is hard to learn to do things differently, but we need you to take care of yourself cuz we need you tokeep us in line! Keep going with the workouts, it will get better with time!

    Chi--OH, BOY!!!!! Bowel prep!!! Yeah!(not)

    Jazzy--love the bird of paradise. Can't help but wonder how many sharks are lurking under that water (been watching too many shark week shows!) Oh, YUM!!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Bids of Paradise cocktail CFS SG 2

    Bird of Paradise Cocktail


    • 40ml Kentel One Vodka
    • 20ml Chambord
    • 10ml Cointreau
    • 35ml Cranberry Juice
    • Touch of Grenadine syrup
    • Egg white from one egg
    • Edible gold powder to garnish
    • Edible flowers to garnish


    1. Add the vodka, Chambord, Cointreau, cranberry juice, Grenadine syrup and egg white into a cocktail shaker.
    2. Shake the cocktail until there is a white foam on top.
    3. Pour the shaken cocktail onto ice to keep it cool.
    4. Serve the cocktail in a goblet or balloon glass, with more ice at the bottom.
    5. Add the edible gold powder and a few edible flowers on top to garnish.
  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Jazzy, it's been many years since I've been home but I'm going to guess either Dukes (formerly Maxwell's) or Zubies. Delicous looking dinner :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Lll - it was Capt Jacks 😀

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Dara darling, I miss you when you are not here as well. How is your lil Lucy?

    Jazzy, you should be in that pool doing laps instead of feet selfies! Poyfect picture of the Bird of Paradise.

    NM, I totally feel lazy when it's grey and gloomy out.Funny about finding all the missing vinegar! LOL at the TP apocalypse! You can chop up your basil, spritz it with some olive oil and freeze in an ice cube tray. You can do that with parsley, cilantro, etc. Wanted to see you dish cooked, it looked really good.

    LDB, good to see you and glad you liked the zucc. recipe. My plants have been taken over by squash bugs. I wonder what has you so tired. Did I miss a post about you going to TX and LA? What for and with who?

    Illona, very pretty pictures and you have a gorgeous view.

    Shannon, what's up goilie!

    Nowaldron, hi and welcome. And NO, there is no judgement here!

    Hi Celia, I have my eclipse glasses, only $1.00 at WalMart, I hope they're legit. But we are not in the path, so not sure how much we can see here AZ.

    Cami, I'm sure that morphine has you floopy.

    Had a wonderful weekend. Visit from a neighbor on Saturday, grilled some burgers. Went for a ride on the quad with hubby yesterday, but just went around here, but went for a 5 hour ride.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    At the airport & heading home. Lots to share tomorrow 😀

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    Celia- good to see ya again. I have been absent a lot so may have, probably did, miss sev of ur posts. Oh how I'd love to be in KY during the eclipse. Have it on my calendar. We fly back into LV that day around noon. Will spend the nite at my son's as I have my onco routine checkup and labs, oh and my Xgeva shot on Tues the 22nd. Will try and find the eclipse glasses somewhere in TX or LA and try and catch some of it from my sons house in SE Vegas.

    Cami - sorry u slid off your chair, and I believe you will overcome this bump in the road. I am praying especially hard for you. Don't give up girl, I know u've been fighting a long time…try and eek out another year or two. Love u muchly…(((Cami))). LoL on the video of the guy falling in the store.

    Sandy - oh my another colonoscopy, well, what can I say but….happy poopin!!

    Jazz- bootYful pics of the coast and vegetation, thanks for sharing. Have a safe trip home.

    NM - mmm that chicken caprise sounds delightful. LOL bout Sadie helping with the cleanup. I agree about the ease and cost of cleaning with vinegar.

    Lowee - I am going with dh…yes dh, he is flying w/me. It is for his friend from grade school. A surprise 70th b-day party. We are flying into Dallas/Ft Worth and driving into Schreveport for the party. Not sure where we are staying, but I'm excited to be taking a Fight with my dh. Only going for 4 days/3 nights, but Harrahs said they will reimburse us for the flight and a rental car. We decided to get the car so we would have more freedom of movement. We leave Thurs for LV, sleep at my sons, then Friday morning early (flt leaves at 6:30a) to airport. Come back Monday, 21st, to LV, then another nite at my sons as I have onco appt on Tues. I am excited mostly cuz dh is taking me with him. OOOO Boy.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Amtrak is running an Eclipse Special from Union Station to Carbondale, IL. Seriously considering it. Alternatively, I could always go down to Sparta to do some recording and re-mastering, and my engineer, his wife & I could drive over to Carbondale to watch the eclipse.

    I feel so guilty. Yesterday morning I read a Pinterest article about pruning basil to make it fuller, so I went out and lopped off all the flowering spikes and the central stems almost to the junctions. Just as I was finishing, a bee flew over, joined by another. My heart sank, realizing I’d deprived them of their cherished nectar source and they looked so forlorn and confused, searching for a flower on which to alight. I hadn’t given it a thought since I hadn’t seen a bee there in over a week. I hope maybe some of the spikes regenerate.

    Here’s what I saw the other day as I walked to the gym:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Back home!

    ChiSandy- that photo of the butterfly is incredible!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    A neighbor a few doors down planted milkweed and daylilies in the parkway between the sidewalk & curb (she also has a couple of stone benches). When I saw that monarch, I grabbed my iPhone and snapped a few shots. Amazing that before the advent of smartphones I’d have needed an SLR, ring or macro lens & tripod to get that pic!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was a beautiful day for driving around yesterday. At the morning staff meeting the clinical manager actually came out and said that the Per Diem staff are supposed to work as case managers when seeing patients. You'd have been proud of me, I kept my mouth shut, did not say a word all meeting. Two other people brought up that a Per Diem nurse contacting a doctor's office for orders is problematic, as the office may not call back until the next day, that nurse may not be working, and may not be able to return the call until the next week, and many things need more immediate response. So, new process invented on the spot--Per Diem's start a process like that and then e-mail everyone who sees that patient what they've done so that anyone can pick up the call the next day. Not sure that will work well, as we leave names and the offices call back and ask for specific nurses, but we'll see. E-mailing a bunch of people is a PIA since we can't set up group e-mails on our tablets and the one person you forget is invariably the one person who gets the call. Oh well, not my circus, not my monkey. There were 2 nurses interviewing for the open position, I hope one works out, then this area will have it's own full time case manager and a lot of this stuff will go away.

    Stopped at Bar Harbor Cellars winery yesterday, picked up a bottle of blueberry and a bottle of blackberry wine, both in the fridge waiting for this evening. I caught Silly Sadie lapping up some Blueberry wine from my glass the other day, did I tell you guys? Apparently she likes blueberry wine, she was going to keep drinking until I stopped her! I wonder how much wine it takes to get a dog drunk?

    Goldie--good idea for the herbs. And I remembered that I have some trays for freezing herbs in oil and butter, too. Time to start doing some of that, the herbs are ready for harvesting. A 5 hour ride, what fun!

    Welcome home, Jazzy!

    Mema--The only clean up technique I know that is easier and cheaper than vinegar is Silly Sadie!

    Chi-trust me, the spikes will regenerate!Keeping the herbs from bolting can be a full time job, but if you don't then the season is over for that plant. Good point about the bees, though.I'll start leaving one spike until the others come up, if that doesn't end of up shutting the plant down for the summer. Beautiful pic of the flower and butterfly!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with peach.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    LDB, I got my eclipse glasses at Wal Mart for $1.00 and they are the proper ones. So happy you get DH to go on a plane. Have fun and good luck with all your tests and visit. Did you say you get your Xgeva in the tummy?

    Sandy, pretty pic of the flutterby. Will you have good views there for the eclipse? We are not in the path, but I guess we will be able to see part of it.

    NM, I think you changing your position at hospice has opened some eyes. So glad you have a life now! How funny that Sadie likes wine, LOL!

    Image result for dog drinking wine

    Jazzy, welcome home. That sure went by fast!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good afternoon friends- getting caught up here today upon my return from the west coast. Got home on time yesterday in time to unload, get some laundry going, etc. By late afternoon into the evening, we got some big storms last night with torrents of rain. I love it! I heard we had a big dumper last friday while I was gone too. Glad to see the monsoons producing, but they got started late. Will they go later into Sept? We hope.

    The overall visit went well. I am glad I went as they both needed some family support, and think I needed the break too (had not been out of dodge since March). I have a better understanding of some of my sister's partners health changes and they seem to still be struggling to find the right meds to help. I got my sister out for some fun while I was there including for some meals, to do some shopping, time at the beach, etc.

    Back to reality and was on a biz call today and few other things to do. Back to some apts and the pool too tomorrow!

    Goldie- are you getting some of the rain now too. And yes, the trip did go fast. I usually go for 4-5 days which is about the perfect window of time to visit. You step off the plane and the next thing you know you are being dropped off at the airport again!

    Cami- how are you doing friend?

    ChiSandy- how are the work outs going?

    NM- it sounds like you are doing a great job to keep up the boundaries around all the expectations of those hospice people. Funny about Sadie and the blueberry wine.

    About all I can write right now. Back again soon!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    The workouts are coming along okay. Today's challenge will be not just my back, but my GERD flares from having to take Vit.C with iron, on an empty stomach and no antacids for hours after that. When I bend over, the mechanics of the hiatal hernia kick in. So we'll see. I had to put down my Burgundy after only a few sips with my dinner; and between reflux-causing foods and those that prevent iron absorption, I hope I won't have to give up alcohol (and faux-wine & near-beer), coffee (regular & decaf), tea, chocolate, citrus, berries, pepper & bell peppers, seltzer, tomatoes, oils & fats, gluten, dairy, all whole grains…what's left? Bananas (which I detest), chicken broth, white rice & white bread (turns to sugar), dead animals & leaves (baked, broiled, grilled or steamed, no oil). If so, just shoot me now.

    Until today I took my iron & C first, then the rest of my pills except calcium citrate, then breakfast, then 2 hrs later my calcium citrate. So today I figured maybe I should reverse the process: I carefully took my iron with a full glass of water and just one chewable C, >2hrs after finishing breakfast and my morning pills, and I have to wait another hour to have anything else besides water. Wish me luck. (And don't even ask about constipation. Ugh).

    If I don't have iron & C on an empty stomach, I don't absorb it & remain increasingly anemic. If I do take iron with C, I get reflux (and medical literature warns that could lead to G-E erosion and possibly esoph. cancer. If I chase it with anything to mitigate the reflux, I don't absorb the iron. Pick my poison, I guess.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Music of the day friends, from my favorite jazz flutists. I think I told you I had the good fortune to meet Herbie Mann here years ago

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Easier time of it today—the dosage timing change was the charm. I did fine eating a tomato (half for lunch, half at dinner), a peach and an ounce of Chianti. Of course, nothing’s moving, so I also had prunes (which, fortunately, are like candy to me—their juice, not so much). We’ll see what the, uh, outcome will be.

    Bought a couple of bottles of Bai, just out of curiosity: clementine and coconut.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Morning Ladies,

    Someone is new here so welcome and plese come back.

    Jazzy u'r pics are beautiful and wow Sandy what a pic u took too. Igh a colonoscopy no fun with that junk--good luck with that.

    SusyQ u really sound excited good for u--sounds like all kinds of fun. I'm glad u'r going.

    Lori not much garden his year or have I missed something, usually u hve a great pic of u'r hrvest. MY A's are sticking.

    NM love u'r clean up style-Sadie's the best. And I always liked the idea of vinegar. u can clean with it, eat it and douche with it =good stuff. ndd it's great to plan u'r own work week.


    Heidi if u'r reading this sennding u <<<HUGS>>>

    I go to the Dr. today, all week I see people coming here but it's easy when they come here so I dread this but it's my fav Dr. and she called me lst nite, she's trying to get all my new meds straight, she's so sweet, I did warn her I'm now wrapped like a mummy and can barely walk, but no diarrhea, one perk. I hte going anywhere now Oh well


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I are enjoying a lovely leisurely ayem as I don't have to be at work at the Travel Clinic until 11 ayem. Going to get set up with the state wide immunization data base, then going to start learning about travel medicine. Going to be a fun afternoon!

    A while ago I applied to a position as a per diem NCLEX prep teacher. The NCLEX is the national test that nurses take after graduating to get their license so they can work as RNs. I'd just about given up on anything coming of that, especially after I saw the same posting again a couple of weeks ago. Surprise in the e-mail yesterday, the next round of recruiting has started, and they want to know if I'm still interested. I shot back a quick e-mail that I am still interested, today I have an e-mail describing the Audition process.Yep, they call it an Audition, not an interview. Why, you may ask? Cuz they want me to create a video where I introduce myself, say why I want to do this kind of work, and then teach how to answer 2 questions they provide. So I'm going to go to the public library and use one of their booths that is set up for video chat, and do it there since I don't have a mic or web cam. I could probably do it on my Kindle or phone, but I think the surroundings will look more professional at the library. This will be a first for me, never have gotten into the whole video thing that much. This will be really fun if it works out, this is just the kind of teaching I love to do. Going to be hard to do without a real audience, but nothing like a little challenge in life!

    Going to be an interesting day at work tomorrow, I've got 7 visits on my schedule, but all but one arewithin 10 miles of the office, and the odd one is within 10 miles of home. Should be able to pull that off in 8 hours without much difficulty. They've got me helping out one of the case managing nurses tomorrow, so no case management work, just doing the visits.

    Goldie--you found eclipse glasses at Walmart?I'm going in to pick up a fan, will have to look and see if they have them here, too. I think some eyes have really opened at the office, and for the better. Life is much nicer with the working to live rather than living to work paradigm shift. And Sadie will share almost anything I eat or drink, she is so funny sometimes.

    Jazzy--Glad you are finally getting the rain you've been waiting for! Around here we are getting very localized heavy rains with the afternoon thunderstorms, so still need to augment the gardens. It's good to be able to get more info and more understanding of what is going on medically and functionally with your sister's partner. And very good that you got her out for some breaks and changes of pace. And a good change of scene for you, too!Family support is invaluable in situations like that. It's definitely been worth keeping the boundaries solid.At Monday's staff meeting I noticed that one of the full time nurses is doing what I used to do and more routinely now, and is looking pretty tired and haggard. I'm wondering how long that will last, but that nurse is a lot younger than me, and male, so maybe it's easier for him, maybe he doesn't have to keep up everything at home, too, since he is married. Ah, well, not my circus, not my monkey. Be interesting to see what happens if he gets sick, though.

    Chi--The hiatal hernia/GERD thing and some meds and foods are a royal PIA. Sometimes oral iron simply does not do the trick, either because it isn't absorbed or because it causes too much trouble with reflux and constipation. There is a kind you can get IV, I think it's a once a month type thing, that works for some people. Getting an IV is a hassle, but if it lets you live a normal life outside of that it might be worth asking about. The reason for taking iron with Vitamin C is to promote an acidic environment in the stomach. Iron needs an acidic environment to dissolve/be absorbed. You can actually get the same result by taking the iron with a glass of wine, some apple cider vinegar in water, apple, cranberry, grapefruit, or orange juice, tomato juice. Many people do better with juice than with Vit C tablets, which are known for being hard on the stomach. I have found after living with a pretty big hiatal hernia for a few decades now that what you eat is not so much of an issue as when and how much I eat. I try not to eat within 2 to 3 hours of going to bed.I do have the head of my bed elevated a few inches. I've learned what foods are problematic and eat only one of them at a meal or in a day for the most part. Alcohol is a problem food for me, but I won't give up my wine. Max 2 glasses in the evening at home. Before going to bed I drink at least 8 ounces of water, and try to drink more than that throughout the evening if I'm having wine. When eating I can tell by the feeling in my abdomen and chest if things are not moving through well and will drink more water to help it along. I can also tell by the feeling if I need to sleep in the recliner to prevent reflux episodes on occasion. Pay attention to your body and it will tell you how to enjoy life and not have to give up everything! My biggest savior is omeprazole (Prilosec).I only need to miss one dose to make my life miserable for a couple of days. I also have Barrett Esophagus, so am already at risk for esophageal cancer. Part of the reason I am determined to live my life while I've still got it, too many possible nasty things in my future. Regarding the constipation, if the prunes don't do the trick for you try Polyethylene Glycol (Miralax) powder. You can mix in in anything, no taste, and taken daily works really, really well for medication induced constipation. Let us know about the Bai, it sounds interesting.

    Cammy--No D, Hooray!At least that is one advantage to the new treatment regimen. Glad your doc is working on keeping the medications straight. I bet it is hard to get out, though. Here's to a good appointment!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Beer Margarita recipe

    Beer Margarita



    In a large pitcher mix the Corona and limeade mixture (follow the directions on the frozen limeade except substitute one can of water with one can of vodka - cheap is fine). Serve in frosted mugs with ice.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Sandy, Eating the things that we shouldn't, like you mentioned, I agree, what's left? Glad you got your meds figured out.

    Jazzy, we have not had any rain.

    Cami, my garden is pathetic. It was just too hot for too long, and no rain. No D??? Yippee Skippee! Good luck at your appointments.

    NM, I just happened upon the eclipse glasses. I was just walking across the store and there they were, on an end cap. I mentioned before about the Omeprazole vs. Zypan. My DH swears by the Zypan, doesn't even take the Omeprazole anymore. And the Zypan is a supplement, not a drug.

    Quite the interesting cocktail there! We postponed our overnight get away until tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good morning friends- will make this a quick one as I am still getting settled in post return. Had a full day yesterday, including some biz calls, and today is focused on some exercise and a few other to dos. Tomorrow I have to take one of my cars in for service and do a lot of other errands. This week is already going fast!

    More soon!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    This will be my last post until I get back from TX&LA. I will post as soon as I can about the results of my torso PET ct.

    Yes Lowee, my Xgeva is given to me via shot to my stomach. Not at all painful, MO's nurse is the best with injections and no side affects except some fatigue the 1st few days. We'll find some eclipse glasses in TX or LA as it's supposed to be visable as we are flying into Vegas. Kinda freaks me out to fly so high when the eclipse is goin on. Hope the pilots have their glasses.

    Sandy - That is a FANTASTIC pic of the Monarch butterfly. Can't get pics on my phone like that.

    NM - good for you for keeping quite at the meeting. I too think they will catch on. Maybe the new case manager will make a diff, but u good for saying, not my monkeys, not my circus. I sometimes use plain ol rubbing alchohol in spray bottle for stains on the carpet. If it's a dog piddle, it will remove the smell and dog won't piddle there anymore. It will even remove grease in the carpet. LOL about Silly Sadie and the wine. I have no idea how much they would have to drink to get drunk, but I don't think it's a good idea to find out either.

    Jazz - oh so glad you went to the coast and was able to give some much needed support to your sister and her hubs. You're a good sister. Interesting what you posted about taking iron & C for proper absorption. I have had problems with absorption, will talk to my doc when I see her on Tues. Thanks for sharing.

    Cami - wonderful to see you, Hope things are getting better for you….(((Cami)))

    OK….got tons a to-do's today, so be back around the 23rd.
