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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    I'm here but haven't caught up on all the posts yet. Super busy at work today, getting some last minute info out to other offices about Hurricane Harvey, then off to rads. I'll be staying in all weekend, mostly relaxing but I did bring my work laptop home in case I have to work or can't get in to the office on Monday. I am well prepared and safe, so all good here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Be safe LLL. This storm sounds really bad.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Well, Heidi is not out of the dietary woods. The vet called yesterday (overruling her P.A.) saying that a 4-oz. weight loss was not enough. UA showed there are still a few crystals (which is not uncommon but not optimal), elevated protein (but the disclaimer was that might have been a function of the collection process—kinda hard to get a kitty to give a “clean catch midstream" sample), and elevated kidney enzymes—good news in that it means her kidneys are working just fine. We have to bring her back in 6 weeks for another UA and weigh-in. So she is back on the urinary-health kibble…low-cal version. And no more Friskies “cat crack" for her: low-cal urinary health wet food, too. Uh-oh. She is so finicky that she turns her nose up at eating the same flavor two days in a row, and this stuff comes in only one flavor: Yuck. We will also have to figure out how to feed them separately, as she likes to bully Happy away from his kibble and he pounces on her leftover wet food. We also have to figure out how to get her to exercise more—maybe she'll chase a laser pointer. (Happy plays like a puppy).

    My tailbone is still very sore, but my trainer is delighted with my progress. He wishes I had more dietary discipline, but oh, well. (At least I have to eat my tomatoes before they get so ripe that they rot).

    As to foot blisters, alas, they know no price point. Some of the worst ones I ever got were from Stuart Weitzmann fancy-dress pumps and even flats. I have a whole collection of Alegrias: mules, clogs, Mary Janes, and one pair of sandals—that one pair got me all through Italy last summer, and looks it (yeah, I got blisters from those too—my feet sweated). Time to change insoles—those have Forum and Tuscan vineyard grunge all over them.

    Speaking of shoes, yesterday I decided I needed a second pair of workout shoes so that they can air out every other day. It's been two years (to the day) since I bought my Hoka Conquests (fairly supportive and like walking on marshmallows, but not much motion control—my left arch was starting to roll inward and feel sore), and the store that sold them to me went out of business. I still feel self-conscious wearing my old (5 yrs!) New Balances—the only people in my gym wearing NBs are older white guys (and we and the gym are in a very diverse neighborhood). Besides, the ultra-motion-control cross-trainers I have are men's and too long (with such a projected outsole that I trip going downstairs in them) and the walkers weigh a ton. (Friends looked at the soles and wondered if I had them on the wrong feet)! So I went to the store my trainer recommended. Had to wait 40 min. to get fitted (there were two serious marathoners and a spectacularly entitled aging Russian trophy wife—LV bag, Rolex, huge diamond crucifix, sequined sneakers—constantly on her cell yakking in Russian, as was her husband), but I didn't mind—my trainer wants me to stand as much as I can.

    Was finally waited on by the most apologetic, patient woman on earth, who didn't roll her eyes when I told her I have a very wide left forefoot with both a bunion & a bunionette, and that because I have knee implants I'm a walker and not a runner. “No problem" she said, "but you might need just an orthotic." I told her sure, but I also wanted a second pair of shoes for rotation. So we went through a whole bunch in my size. Brooks Dyad seemed to fit best but since they're not motion control shoes they needed orthotics too. In which case, the edges of some hit the callus beneath my bunion and were guaranteed to turn it into a blister. Finally, she said “let's try the Superfeet Wide—they say they're for 3E on up but I might be able to bevel them to fit you without hitting that callus." Sure enough, that did the trick in the Brooks pair, but so did a pair of PowerSteps (five bucks cheaper) nearly as well. Meanwhile, I put the PowerSteps in my Hokas and they worked perfectly, but the Superfeet—which worked in the Brooks—didn't work in the Hokas. So I ended up buying the Brooks with the Superfeet, and a pair of PowerSteps for my Hokas. You might wonder why I didn't just do Zappos—but I wanted to double-check my size and have someone who knows her stuff fit me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Just a quick poop in before I head out to the Immunization Clinic, then head down to the island for the week. Wanted to remind everyone that I won't have internet or phone service most of the time, so no worries if you don't hear from me until next weekend. Sadie's going with me, so she'll be getting lots and lots of attention since she'll be substituting for my cousin's 2 doggies that have to stay home in Vegas.

    Jazzy--not sure if you end up naked after a bottle of Naked Wines, but I'll let you know!Picking up the case after the clinic today, probably take a couple of bottles with me.

    Illi--I'm glad to hear you are well prepared for Harvey. I watched some of the weather channel coverage last night, looks like a really big storm and they are saying it's going to just kind of sit there for a few days. Be safe!

    Chi--poor Heidi! Back on the special diet, doesn't sound like fun. But glad there is some progress, though. Sounds like you brought some of Italy home with you on your insoles! That is a lot to go through for a couple pair of shoes, but it sounds like it will be worth it in the long run. Love the trophy wife description!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:


    1 part(s) Rasberry Schnapps

    1 part(s) Lemonade

    Special instructions:

    Mix well over ice and enjoy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    It gets even more complicated with Heidi. She likes her lo-cal urinary kibble, but I had a most unpleasant surprise when I opened the first can of lo-cal urinary wet food for her evening feeding: it's “tasty morsels in gravy." What's wrong with that? Don't all cats love canned food that resembles people-food? Well, when it comes to canned food, my kitties prefer to “kick it old-school:" ground/loaf-style/paté (the latest industry designation for the gooshy stuff). Fifty bucks' worth of prescription food that might go to waste. Heidi sniffed at it, licked up all the gravy, and left the morsels. I had to scrape it off the plate and put it and the remainder of the can into my mini-Cuisinart to puree (or at least grind). I put the plate back on the floor, but she hesitated because Happy (already well-fed) was hovering. So I waited till Happy went to take a nap; I then added a bit less than a tsp. of his salmon Friskies to her food, and she jumped onto the center-island. I placed the dish before her, and finally she ate it down to a few little crumbs (I let Happy lick the plate clean). This morning, I repeated the mixing step, and she did finish. But tomorrow morning we have to grind up the next can. Gotta do this every day—at first, she's getting 1/3 of a small can twice a day, mixed with Friskies; once I've gotten her used to the taste of the stuff straight, she gets a can a day. But no way I'm gonna be able to get her to eat the morsels. It's not about tooth issues—they both eagerly crunch dry kibble. I'll call the vet Monday—maybe the stuff comes in a pate-style form, and if so I can exchange the other shrink-wrapped flat of “tasty morsels." The kibble does say it's “complete nutrition," so worst comes to worst if we tire of having to run the stuff through the Cuisinart, maybe Heidi will be okay with the gravy and then kibble. The vet prefers that both of them get kibble only as snacks and make wet food their main diet.

    And Gordy has no idea. The food arrived in late afternoon, in shrink-wrapped flats, and Gordy had to leave for his show and then hanging out most of the night with his pals. And he sleeps very late (he is a true night owl). So he missed both last night's and this morning's feedings—I went to bed at 4 am before he got home, and he is still asleep at 3:30 pm. My housekeeper does the morning feeding Mon-Friday, but I'm stuck on the weekends. (Don't even think of asking Bob to do any cat care—the last time he did anything was cleaning the litterboxes when I was pregnant…>33 yrs. ago. He expressed a desire to adopt a big sloppy lovable mutt dog—but when my housekeeper & I asked if he'd walk and train it, he fell silent).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Oh these voices. Enjoy.....

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    I'm not in any danger of being flooded but the constant tornado warnings get on my nerves, especially at night. A glass of wine is nice but a pack of cigarettes would really take the edge off! I won't though.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Ill- I have lots of friends in TX because I once lived there (DFW area) and know many in that area, but also in Austin. One of my Dallas friends who has lots of family in Houston posted some big flooding info on San Antonio and the Austin area. I know that storm is hanging around and dumping a lot more rain so be safe.

    Cigarettes and drinking is tempting, but you are smart to not give in to the temptation. You need your energy to finish rads and to work. Keeping taking care of yourself.

    Chi- I hope your puppy is better soon!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good evening friends- went to brunch today with a fellow cancer survivor I helped some a few years back. She is doing really well and we had great time. A friend I can talk to about cancer stuff because, well you all know you cannot do that with everyone. Got a bunch of errands done after and at home getting a few more things done before I go for a walk. Can't miss the ending of Game of Thrones!

    Really awful pictures of what is happening in Houston and other locations in south Texas. Thinking of our sisters and their families in that area today.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    I'm being pretty good. A big homemade chicken quesadilla and a bottle of Sierra Nevada :) and Game of Thrones alone this time because my friends can't get here, too flooded on the way. Not me though, I'm an island, lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies, so sorry I'm so MIA

    Lori I luuuuv those shoes, lately all I can wear are my slippers

    Sandy I had to LOL 33 yrs. since Bob changed the litter box. But u'r doing a great job taking care of them. And u'r poor feet, what a job buying shoes. I have horrendous feet now, so whatever I wear that's it.

    NMM u'r still busy as a bee but it's all good, u plan well.

    Good for u Jazzy nothing like buying clothes in a smaller size.

    Illi u sound good, know u'r busy bet remember to rest too.

    SusyQ prayers always going for u. Wow I'd never fly again.

    I didn't go to my DD's party last nite , but some of them came here after, so that was nice Oh and brought food. LOL Leslie and Marty went to WI overnite, BD and Ann. so Joey got stuck with me. And he said this is great just the 2 of us, like old he was fine then the party finished here so he had great time. Girls I'm so tired nd hurt so much, I just go on FB just to look at pics lately.. My typing is awful, I spend most of my time correcting, Yea I know it's lways been bad but now it's horrible for some reason. so good luck reding all.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    NM, I hope things go well at Aunties and you have more happiness with your cousins than sadness. Yay for the wine find.

    Jazzy, the shoes will not be worn much, trust me! Your roof top celebration sounds nice. Funny your friend won't tell her age. I pretty much only talk cancer with you guys here. A little with friends, but just try to avoid it.

    Illona, are you still ok? Hoping to see that you are as I go through the posts.

    Sandy, Hope the new shoes are a well fit for you and do the job.

    Oh Cami, what a time you are having with the pain, I hate that for you and it breaks my heart.

    Made it home, had a great time. Will post a few pics here, but all of them will be on FB. Have to do labs today and see the good doctor on Thursday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Good morning friends- I had a busy and productive weekend, breakfast with a fellow cancer survivor and then a lot of errands yesterday. Came home to get some laundry and other things done then started just not feeling well last night. I was sneezing a lot yesterday morning, but achy and tired last night. Tad of a sore throat too. Could be just a virus or could be a cold, the day will tell. I will say I have not had anything for almost a year so feel fortunate and hoping by laying low today that I can push past this. I have some work things to do this week and also a fun Labor Day weekend planned too.

    Found my blood work results on the portal today and things are looking very good on the blood sugar, Vit D front, and even HDL (good cholesterol) has improved. But my LDL, trigylercides and overall cholesterol are up again. They were better last Dec when we checked them last, and my endocrinologist said that she thought it was a result of the Victoza shot she put me on. But then we changed to Truclicity which has really improved my blood sugar. Ha, guess you can't have everything! Anyways, the numbers that are up are just over the normal line and my guess is some of those will continue to come down as I loose the remaining lbs and also come off the A1s. We can hope? I usually get a card from my PCP on this (or a call if anything is a problem which I am not seeing here) and will discuss with the endocrin when I see her in a few more weeks. I still need to find out where she is going?

    Ill- I am glad you are doing okay friend. Are you going to be able to get to work and/or rad with the problems where you live? I hear there are mostly islands in Houston right now and those who are hunkered down and okay are a bit stuck in their homes? I hope that storms moves out soon, what a disaster.

    Goldie- I look forward to your pics from the trip! Good luck with the updated labs and doc visit this week.

    Cami- I am glad you had some quality time with Joey and a bit of party time at the house. Your pain sounds bad again sister, even with the meds they are giving you. Don't worry about writing, just lurk and check out pics if you need to. We understand. Will PM you too friend.

    Got to get ready for my biz call. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Hi girls,

    Writing to you all from Myrtle Beach. We got here just in time to experience the hurricane, oh joy! Good thing we have a suite with cooking facilities. We are about to go out and pick up some groceries and plan on staying in for the next 24 hours. We have not strolled to the beach yet which is just outside our hotel. We got in at about 5 pee em yesterday and just crashed out. We did not sleep the night before as we took off about 4 aye em.

    Well I took my exam on Friday and freaking passed! I was shocked as during the test, I was sure I was going to flunk the exam. I am so freaking overjoyed that my studying is done. When I get home, I have two weeks of learning the systems which I do from home. Then it will be time to start underwriting insurance!!

    Sorry not to address everyone, my internet connection is sketchy, up and down up and down.

    Cam, sorry you are not feeling better and I am sad you missed the partay. But glad some of the partay came to you and that Joey was able to keep you company. How does JOey like school this year? And how is he making out with playing the flute? I often think about him when thinking about you dear. Sending hugs, love and lots of prayers your way.

    Sue, saying prayers for you as well, post when you can with an update. I hope and pray you are right and that what is seen is just from your implants.

    I will try to update more latah. Until then, all have a good week and stay happy, k?

    cHeErS to all!



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    I'm safe on my island but no leaving the house. I'm working from home and rads is cancelled again. Too many road closures :(


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Thank God you are safe, Illimae. Such devastation. Makes me so sad seeing all of the rescues on TV.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Ilona, been watching the flood coverage and am floored—worse than Katrina and not letting up any time soon. Hope your “island” stays dry, and that you have enough food & water.

    Cami, hope the pain abates. You have extraordinary family & friends to bring the party to you. No need to check in if you’re too tired to type—lurking is fine.

    Dara, congrats on passing the exam! What was the hurricane in Myrtle Beach? I know it’s under a tropical storm watch for “cyclone 10” or Irma.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2017

    Sandy, hurricane Harvey is hitting Myrtle Beach. Maybe not a hurricane anymore but still getting rain and the winds are going to get very high overnight.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    My husband laughs at me sometimes because I have a plan for everything. The dog has a life jacket, I am fully stocked at home and I have a small food/water supply, extra clothes, etc. in my car, just in case. I am just very thankful to have no flooding in my neighborhood.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Dara, are you sure it was Harvey's rain belt that hit Myrtle Beach? None of the maps I’ve seen show it any further east than LA and maybe southwestern MS, nor as far north as northeast GA, much less SC. No news or weather reports or online articles mention it even grazing the Carolina coast. Must’ve been an unrelated storm. I know you might get hit with Tropical Storm Irma. Not every massive storm is connected with a hurricane. We had torrential rains last night in Chicago.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    happy dancing fun cartoons yay GIFHAPPY DANCE DARA

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Oh Dara so happy u passed, except I knew u would, now the next step and u'r back. Yippee!!! How's Cheryl???

    Ill stay safe is right---I've been watching The storms on TV, it horrible,, way to much. I pray for all of you. nd I'm glad u r doin g so well tho

    SusyQ please let us know ASAP when u know <<<PRAYERS>>>

    Lori nd of course let us know ll u'r results, I'm getting all mixed up, all of us re getting tests this month. And I think this is the first year that u'r not really doing all u'r canning for the year, that I member.

    Sandy I didn't hear any rain at all last nite, I really close myself off.U'r really keeping up with all u'r exercizes, good for you. Actually I am too for once, but mine are easy, just movement for my legs and arms and I have to stop as soon as I feel any hurt at all. So I'm slowly getting some movement. And I have to stop and rest after each one--so it takes a long time LOL

    Jazzy I hope u'r feeling OK and no cold or stuff is happening, but maybe u should give u'rself a rest for a day anyway.

    NM u'll be busy with u'r Aunties things, that won't be easy, but it'll be best with u'r cousins.

    Oh Dara I have to tell you Joey is always practicing with the flute and now he tells people he plays the clarinet and started the flute too. So he loves it. He doesn't sound to bad either;

    I have some tests coming up and app't. I hate leaving my house it's so hard and a lot of trouble for me. I did find a lump under my arm pit. Oh I know it's nothing it just aggravates me. So today I'll make some calls for app'ts

    My cousin wants my sister nd me to come to her home and recoup and she'll take care of us. She lives on lake nd very relaxing. LOL She has so many physical problems after her cancer she makes us laugh--she's got a heart of gold also a bunch of stents. I would love to go just so we can spend the time together, but she doesn't cook, orders out so she won't have to do that. We'll see.

    OK I'll close for now.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Wacko, congrats on passing your test. You will be back up and running soon! How is Cheryl? She had her surgery, right?

    Ilona YES, glad you are ok. I guess that whole area of Texas is an island now. It IS so very sad.

    Cami, I think going to your cousins would be wonderful. I hope you get to go. What kind of tests do you have coming up?

    My TM's have remained the same. So I guess that is good.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Ilona & Minus, your neighborhoods still okay? I heard one of the reservoirs overflowed overnight despite yesterday's preventive releases of water.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited August 2017

    Thanks for asking Sandy. Still safe & dry here and I'm one of the fortunate people who still have power. No reason to leave my house. In honor of this thread... yesterday I finished the last of a bottle of red grapefruit juice & added vodka for lunch. Today I just finished a bottle of V-8 with vodka added.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    Hi all, still ok but it's getting a little iffy. I'm north of the reservoir that they're releasing water from (addicks) and all the neighborhoods around me are on the list to be impacted. I would be incredible if it makes it this far but if it does it better stay in the street. I may be moving the food and wine upstairs, lol.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    Stay safe (and upstairs), Ilona. I’ve been watching people taking their dogs with them when being rescued. What about people with cats? They don’t handle upheaval (or swim) like dogs do. It would break my heart to leave mine behind, even upstairs with plenty of kibble, water and litterboxes—what if I could never go back home?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Ill- keep safe sister and if you need to go, do it. I am keeping close tabs on things down there and know there was a levee that went today and they are releasing from the dams and it is causing new neighborhoods to flood. I am sorry you are having to deal with all this ON TOP OF being in cancer treatment. Just not right!

    Ugh, I can tell Pinktober is coming and people asking me to post things on my wall around breast cancer awareness. Well, I do my own campaign around that with people I know who know what I have gone through and need the encouragement to go get the mammos when afraid. I think it is fine if people want to promote anything but sending private messages to other to do things bugs me!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    MD Anderson is cancelling treatments & appointments at its Houston-area facilities till at least the end of the week. The lobby of Texas Medical Ctr. is flooded, and so are the access roads & parking lots; but the patient floors and even the cafeteria are high & dry and have power. Some doctors whose homes were flooding even slogged over there any way they could and are sleeping there. Inpatients are sheltering in place and being discharged only if recovered, have dry homes to return to, and insist on leaving.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited August 2017

    ChiSandy, you know, I don't know many people here with cats, mostly dog people, hopefully there aren't many cats in trouble.

    Currently it looks like the water from the controlled release may not hit my street after all (fingers crossed) but is expected within a few hundred yards, I'll know tomorrow but I feel lucky tonight :)