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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Chi- I heard many of the hospitals are out of supplies/medicines and hard time getting stuff in so some are being evacuated. Fortunately, Texas has many good hospitals, including up in the DFW area but how awful for people who may be sick and then this. And to your point about the people at MD Anderson in Houston. I have connections to that facility indirectly through my consulting work (not a client but they helped us with some things around some things on my last big project and also a collaborating partner works closely with them). I heard they flew the NICU babies out of the hospitals there last week in advance of the storm. Hospitals are super good at stuff at crisis management, but a lot of other stuff isn't.

    ILL- keeping you in my prayers. I have seen all kinds of animal rescues on FB from horses, to heads of cattle, people going back to folks homes to get cats and dogs they could not take, etc. The human spirit is amazing and people are so brave and doing what is needed to do to help their fellow citizen, the pets, and more!

    Minus 2- thanks for letting us know how you are doing too.

    I heard people are evacuating in LA because they know it is coming there next.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    NOLA is bracing for >10” of rain. Not Houston-level, but still a deluge. At least they won’t have a storm surge to deal with.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Oh my Lord all the news and FB too. It's so scary, Ill and Two I'm so glad u'r OK but this has to be nerve wracking just thinking about it. But it something to actually seeing everyone work together instead of fighting on the streets. Everyone has pulled themselves to help each other and all families, such a shame it has to come to this for people to care for one another. And people re all praying for everyone to end up being safe. And now LA are expecting crap too? Jeez. My cousin put some pics of FL on FB and winds and stuff looked terrible there. Our wether here is fine for now and praying it all keeps that way. It's all so crazy.

    Lori I saw u'r beautiful pics and u look wonderful <s usual> hoping u feel that way. Oh I need some bone tests, heart, blood <I', glad my lungs are done> and some lumps have to be checked, but I know they're just that lumps.

    Oooo I start working today, Dan will be coming sometime this morning with the NEW PHONE I do n't like change and they are so so busy, I was working when all the busy started so I know what it entails, but there will be some chnges. I told him before to get someone new but he didn't, so I guess he thinks I can still do this. I hope I can--I'm not the same at all. My meds kind of keep me low key and I have to have time a few times a day to work out), thenthat knocks me out, but I still do it anyway. My legs have to stay up as much as possible so I have to figure out how to be on the puter (it's a big one> he did get me another desk so mybe I can figure it out. I know I'm acting like a baby, but I can't take that pain I had before and I'm doing everything I can to do the right thing. Yea even me doing the right thing for a change. I know this sounds funny but like I told u I don't remember the first 2 weeks I was there, but when I'm falling asleep I remember the screaming I did and I was soaking wet and I wake up scared again. I just member that. and I shake, haha then the Xanax comes.....

    NM by the time I finish my post u will already be done, I've really gotten even slower. But I need to get pushed in the pewl so the tenders can help me out. Everyone of them.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    OOOHHHH Jazzy I also lubs the pics. u put u, so beautiful.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    Minus Two, good choice for your V8 and grapefruit juice! Glad you are ok.

    Ilona, glad to know you will be taking your wine with you! Hoping that water doesn't reach you.

    Cami, I do feel fine. Back to work eh? And did you get all your appts. made? I don't like change either. My phone acts up once in awhile and my DH wants to get me a new one. I said no, this one is just fine. You poor thing, having those horrible moments. Praying your pain is tolerable. If you find you really aren't up to working, you need to tell Dan that.

    NM, I hope you are able to enjoy time with your cousins and all is going well at Auntie's.

    Onc appt. for me tomorrow so not sure I will be here. A few pics from our trip.

    This is the slot canyon. Peek a Boo is the name.


    Me with Darby Hinton. Little boy in the old show "Daniel Boone", he was Israel.


    I just think he is so cute!


    78 year old Dawn Wells, Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island.


    This is called the White Wave.


    Double arch that we came upon out exploring.


    Wild buffalo, just outside of the entrance to the Grand Canyon, north rim


    And the Grand Canyon.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2017

    I don't look so good, but it was so hot! Did lots of sweating!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    I'm back. But bitchin n moaning. Took a tumble about 4 days ago. Think I cracked a rib. The pain is horrific, Onco ordered an xray, we declined as we know there is nothing they can do. DH went out and bought me 2 nice wraps, which I've used every day but yest. Today am about 60% better, still hurts like hell but area of pain seems to have ebbed some.

    Dara dahlin…so so so happy for you. Of course we all knew you'd pass it. Now what is in the horizon for ya?

    Cami - good for you for doing ur exercise and please do take ur time, after a while of being consistent with the exercise and u'll notice a big diff. (((Cami)))

    Wanted to say thanks A TON for all you're thoughts and prayers.

    I have all of you in my prayers regarding this crazy Harvey or whatever the name is. So sad about all the homeless now and I too wonder about all the pets. I'm also impressed about how the community got out to help with rescues and such. Makes me feel like all humanity has not gone to hell.

    Lowee - good luck on ur up coming tests. Love love the pics, you are a beautiful woman and mese lubs ya.

    I had my mammo and u/sound last week, got the results yest. They see this mass but can't ID it, so now scheduled for a breast MRI and will do a biopsy then if needed. That is scheduled for 9-13, ooo boy, am I looking forward to that!!

    I want to welcome the new gals, u are both added to my prayers.

    Have to close now, so apologize for not addressing everyone. I lubslubslubslubslubs you all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Just a poop in.

    SusyQ the 13th, why do they let anyone wait, but in one way it seems good cu they didn't recognize it, they usually can so maybe it is just a glob that's why they scheduled u for a later date.I'm counting on u being fine really. But the RIB??? Hope it's wrapped good and really starts to feel better. I know before they never did much about that, but I thought they did more now, I guess not. <<<BIG PRAYERS>>> But my feeling is u'll be fine.

    LORI SWEATING??? NO NO NO GLISTENING cuz that's what u do.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2017

    You're gonna need bigger pockets, Sue! (We'll be there with ya). OUCH for that cracked rib!! No laughing—really. Years ago, Bob had cracked one and a couple of days later I made a joke about something else, and he hurt himself even worse laughing.

    Cami, so sorry for that pain. Do your exercises (sounds like what the home-visit PT made me do after my knee replacement surgeries) but not so hard that you hurt worse. I found that a bed wedge cushion, with a stack of pillows beneath my thighs & knees, kept me “toes above nose" during recovery. Can you rent a hospital tray-table to put your 'puter at the right height while you're reclining?

    Lori, great pix. You must have had a blast meeting your old TV icons. I should look as good at 66 as Dawn Wells does at 71. You ain't exactly chopped liver yourself!

    On to drinking—only clear liquids today. Black coffee & maple water as breakfast, bone broth, green tea with honey till 5. Then the DOTD will be a pint of Suprep with a quart of water as a chaser. Blecchh!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies- busy and on the run with what feels like a sinus headache tonight. My return to the pool may need to wait until tomorrow now (sigh).

    Mema- I am sorry to hear about your fall and the broken rib. I hope the MRI just indicates that it is scar tissue and nothing else. Wishing you better days sister.

    Cami- I hope your day back to work went well. Your boss Dan is keeping you busy! Hope your feet stayed up and you are okay with pain.

    Dara- congrats on passing your exam. I hope that you are weathering that storm over there.

    Going to watch the depressing evening news and rest my achy head. More tomorrow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    So quiet here, did I miss something???

    Oh Sandy the yuk stuff tonite--my mind it confused lately. Just take a couple of good mags and relax, that's a rotten thing to give people. I remember when they had the pills, that was much better.Oh my boss got me a regular puter small desk on rollers so it's right at my level. But I still haven't started work yet,, should be any time now. Yea I would think most of these workouts are the same for legs and arms with weights. Just for strength. <I just lost a whole paragraph> Jeez Oh well

    Jazzy can't u take something stronger from the drugstore and then really rest....I picture u resting thinking of all the things u have to do....STOP IT, just watch mind numbing TV


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Teka glad u'r back, ur son knows how to drink. Yummy.

    I start work today with one of those new phones, which I'm not comfortable with yet. Dan was here a couple of hours, it seemed easy enough so we watched a movie, but then I was forgetting right away. I hope it's not to busy so I can manage. Leslie will be working all day and Joey at school so I'm on my own and I'll hve to keep awake., exercise nd keep my feet up. This should be interesting. Nothing has changed for me in the computer so that part is good, just the phone.--oh I had a princess phone in rehab, now that worked great for me. Everyone on the whole floor was happy, of course everyone was also over 70 too. and 72. OK just keeping u ll up to date.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Sadie and I very happy to be back home, and especially to sleep in our own bed again. The last week has been a bit difficult, but the clean out job is done. When we got to Aunty's house on Sunday we found the place trashed. Aunty's granddaughter and her 2 kids had gotten on a bus several days before and went to somewhere in Michigan. No forwarding address, no phone number, no way to contact them. The TV was gone, all the quarters taken out of the state quarter collection folders. The little writing desk my cousin was going to take home was broken. The cats had torn up all the window shades and several places in the carpet. The dish was full of dirty dishes, the fridge full of rotting food. The propane tank was empty, so they hadn't had any hot water for a while and just stopped doing dishes and laundry. There was a pile of dirty clothes next to the laundry room from floor to ceiling. There was another pile just as big in the added on room. The cats had used the clothes as a litter box. Flies and bugs everywhere. The whole place reeked of cigarette smoke. One bathroom still had all their toothbrushes in a zip lock bag, and a toilet full of poop. Knick-knacks that were our grandmothers were broken.Papers that had been piled up so Laura could lay hands on the were scattered all over the floor. Most of the windows were left open, the doors unlocked. The items Laura had hidden away to have this last week (toilet paper, garbage bags, bottled water) were all gone. The garage was full of garbage bags and crawling (literally) with maggots and flies. The screen in the screen door was clawed up and pulled out and then held in place with masking tape.We found out that one of her brothers gave her money for bus tickets, one of my cousins gave her money for bus tickets, the local church gave her money for school clothes for the kids and money for bus tickets.She had housing in an apartment complex she said she wanted to live in, all she needed to do was take copies of the kid's birth certificates to the office, 3 people offered her a ride to do that and she declined. She had a job waiting for her at a local convenience store. She kept saying she wanted to stay here so her son go keep going to the local school system, but one of the special ed teachers stopped by looking for them because the kids were not enrolled in school for this year (classes start Tuesday). It took 6 of us half a day to lug all the clothes, toys, soiled bedding, rotten food, dirty dishes and junk out of the house and into a dumpster. We filled a 10 cubic yard dumpster and have almost filled a second 15 cubic yard dumpster. Laura packed up a dozen boxes of just pictures (photos, CDs, VHS, even found 1 home movie reel).Even more than that of boxes and storage totes were filled with Aunty's doll collection.Laura asked her to leave one set of towels to use this last week, all of them were gone. Not just in a pile of dirty stuff, they were all gone. She obviously stopped washing clothes when the propane ran out (the dryer is gas) even though there is a clothesline and she could have taken wet clothes to Aunt Libby's, Holly's or Wendy's place (all within walking distance) and used a dryer. They would even have come and driven her and her laundry to their places so she wouldn't have to carry it. There was so much dust and stink that I couldn't sleep in the house for the first few nights, and slept at Aunty Libby's next door until the place could get aired out.And thank the good Lord for Aunty Libby. We were in and out of her house all the time, taking showers, using her wifi/internet, getting fed dinner, getting water to use for coffee, toilet paper, using her house phone so Laura could talk to the bank and other people. We took 4 or 5 loads to the local resale shop. We did get a good start on loading the truck, too. Laura's hubby got in yesterday peeyem, they plan to finish loading the truck and then driving as far as Bangor and spend the night and then get an early start tomorrow to beat the Labor Day traffic. They should be home in Vegas in about 5 days.

    Needless to say I am a very tired and stiff and sore gal today. But, I have been meeting my step goal most days!I've got a new tracker, a wrist band one that monitors heart rate as well as steps and sleep. It is logging way more steps than the FitBit or the Jawbone. My current step goal is 4000 steps per day!

    Now to ketchup, as I don't plan to do anything strenuous today. Need to rest and recover some.

    Chi--OH, my, sounds like a lot of effort to get Heidi to eat. The things we do for our furbabies!

    Illi--tornado warnings would have me a quivering mass of nerves, wine or no wine!

    Jazzy--it is true, cannot talk about the cancer stuff with just anybody! I have an uncle living in the San Antonio area, we haven't heard anything but can't get a call through just now. He should be ok, but would like to hear for sure.

    Cammy--good to see you back on the boards! Nice of the gang to bring the party to you. And I bet Joey loved having one on one time with you!

    Goldie--we did come across some funny things, and shared a lot of happy memories but it was a hard and exhausting time. Glad it's done, but have very mixed feelings about it all.

    Jazzy--Sounds like the numbers are better overall, which is good! It's such a balancing game with the numbers and meds and diet and exercise thing. Hopefully the rest will come in line with time and getting off the AI.

    Dara--Congrats on passing the test!I knew you would do it! Getting to Myrtle Beach in time for the hurricane must be interesting. Talk about a unique vacation.

    Illi--are all the red dots closed roads?WOW!

    Cammy--Sounds like going to your cousin's would be a great time. Areyou and your sister considering going?

    Goldie--TMs the same? Better than going up but not the really good news I was hoping for.

    Minus--Vodka improves EVERYTHING!

    Illi--praying you stay dry!

    Jazzy--oh. Lord, Pinktober IS coming. Yuck.

    Cammy--there are ways to set up a computer or lap top so that you can keep your feet up. There are lap desks for lap tops so you can sit with your feet up or even in bed. I'm sure you and Dan will figure out something. New phone, huh? That will be fun to learn! Here's to a dip in the pewl!

    Goldie--those are GREAT pics!

    Mema--oh, dear, broken ribs are NOT fun from what I have observed in people who have suffered that. Glad you are feeling better. Praying for B9 results on the mass follow up testing.

    Teka--Yours looks like a new name to me, Welcome! That 'rita looks yummy!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD

    Mexican Outhouse



    Combine tequila, prune juice and ice cubes in shaker. Shake until thouroughly chilled. Pour into Mason jar and add Tabasco. Garnish the rim of the jar with the red stripe from Aqua-Fresh toothpaste, if desired. Serve with a bucket.

    Best served in a Mason Jar.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Teka- hi and happy Sept and Labor Day to you. That drink looks awesome!

    NM- your experience with cleaning out that house sounded pretty horrific. I guess you really don't always know sometimes what people have going on until you do something like that. Glad you got through it and am sure it must be good to be home and taking care of your own life again. I hope you and Miss Sadie have a pleasant and relaxing Labor Day weekend!

    Cami- what kind of phone did you get?

    I have had crazy things going on here with the tree pruning stuff. More on that later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    .OMG Kim--I was getting sick just reading what u went thru. It sounded like what I've seen on hoarders, oh good thing U had u'r other aunt to stay at her home. How disrespectful those people were, that is so sad to me. U r such a kind soul, but now u really need to just rest and enjoy some unconfused time with Sadie--feet up and relax.

    Jazzy Joey said the phone was the newest smart phone and it outsmarted me all day--it was a disaster, then Joey came home and showed me again what to do---so easy all I needed to do was swipe the bottom, I was fooling around all dy with it--one of the guys is backing me up for a couple of days tho, cuz everyone knows me and I'm getting an ear piece tomorrow so all I have to do is talk into that <I hope> Dan showed me how to use it but differently and Joey <smart ass> said that was the way Dan answered it so it was easy for him, but Joey showed me a simpler way, he knows me best I guess. Oh well, I'll get it sooner or later.

    Now I have to put mese feet up

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    NativeMaine, I love the play by play of your post. Yes, the red dots were closed roads, about 1/2 have reopened. All good here but what a week! Time for a Sierra Nevada to go with BBQ :)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Kim, what a dispiriting experience! Sounds like a little lock-changing might be in order.

    Ilona, time for a 6-pack of Sierra Nevada after the nerve-wracking week you’ve had!

    Cami, aren’t those new-device learning-curves a bee-yotch? Just when you get used to one, there’s a whole new layout and sometimes even OS to learn. I think that’s why Bob’s dragging his feet on upgrading from his iPhone 6 and switching from Sprint (spotty coverage) to Verizon (which Advocate Health Systems wants all its physicians to use). He was going to get a 7 or even 7S (might not be as pocket-friendly, but there are always belt-clip cases; and a bigger onscreen keypad for his larger fingers to use accurately); but now he wants to see what Apple will reveal about the 8. (Cost’s not a problem, as his practice pays for it and it’s tax-deductible anyway).

    Since I was still full of propofol last night, no alcohol. But I had a nice cold can of Steaz “lightly sweetened” green tea with lemonade (aka Arnold Palmer). It went perfectly with the food I ordered out from Big Jones (Carolina low-country): gumbo, shrimp & grits, greens, fried chicken. We’re walking to Cellars later tonight (now that I am no longer producing post-procedure “noxious emissions”), so will probably start with cava and take it from there.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi- how did the procedure go? Anything of concern you have heard yet? Get that anesthesia out of you! Lots of water for awhile.

    Teka- I had a beer tonight at one of the local breweries (like one on every corner like Starbucks), but swimming tomorrow so watching my imbibbing so I have a good work out tomorrow.

    Cami- I got a Google Pixel in Feb from Verizon and still learning it but really like it now!

    Ill- I know Houston is going to be recovering for awhile. Lots of folks continuing to find ways to help.

    Good night!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    The colonoscopy was uneventful, and findings unremarkable (small hemorrhoid and a couple of minor diverticuli in the sigmoid & ascending colon). Nothing that could cause anemia. So the game plan is to supplement iron till ferritin & Hb are normal (ferritin should improve w/in a week, Hb w/in 6 wks, and iron stores repleted w/in 6 mos.) and if they dip again after stopping supplementation then they’ll do a capsule endoscopy to look for a small intestine AVM (or much less likely, inflammation; even less likely, neoplasm). I might get an Igb blood test to check for celiac disease—but in light of my rather robust figure, again highly unlikely. Celiac patients tend to be underweight.

    DOTD was a flute of cava at dinner.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    LDB, you fell? How the heck did you manage that? I know, it's easy…right? Can't blame you for not doing the x-ray since they can't do anything about it. Hoping you are feeling much better and I hope they are able to determine what that mass is with the MRI. Such a long wait. Don't they know what that does to us? I didn't have any tests done, just visit with the good doc.

    Cami, yes yes, I was "glistening". How you are feeling love?

    Sandy, Dawn Wells is 78! And thank you for saying I don't look like chopped liver! So sweet how Joey helps you with so much. I don't think most kids would have the want or patience to do that. When do you get results from your scan? Ahhhh, unremarkable. I guess that is the good news. Bad news, still no answer to the problem, darn.

    Teka, last call for summer. How can it be?

    NM, I am flabbergasted at what was done to your Aunty's house. OMG!!!

    Picked up 6 dozen ears of corn on my way home from the doctors. So putting up corn today. Keeping an eye on hurricane Irma, hoping it stays out of path of my daughter and that it doesn't impact her flight to Michigan on Thursday. And she has a layover in Atlanta. That girl ALWAYS has something go wrong when she flies.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Fall has arrived here with a vengeance, there were frost warnings in some places for last night. Just unreal. Had to put on a robe this ayem due to the chill. Wore long sleeves yesterday. Need to do some more work in the basement today and that will warm me up, I'm sure. And it was windy enough yesterday to talk about wind chill, even though the temp was in the 60's. Blowing so hard the power went off for a couple of hours. And the first day of Autumn isn't for another 3 weeks!Sadie even came under the covers last night. She's currently curled up in a ball with her nose under her tail in a patch of sun, snoring. And she even has her own fur coat!

    Jazzy--The clean out was pretty horrific, but it's over and done with. I could not believe that Nicole would take all that stuff and then just run off like she did. I know she was upset that she wasn't given the house and I'm sure she doesn't understand that it won't pass any kind of inspection to get insured, and I know she doesn't think about how she will be able to afford to insure it and pay the taxes on it and maintain it, she's used to subsidized housing where she hasn't had to deal with upkeep, taxes, insurance, etc. I hope she finds whatever it is she is looking for in Michigan. We think she is going to stay with her son's father and paternal grandmother (the father lives with his mother), but that relationship didn't work out before when they were living there, don't see why it would now, but not my circus, not my monkey. I worry about the kids, though. Sounds like you finally found someone to prune the trees?

    Cammy--It was incredibly disrespectful, and not something I would have believed Nicole would do if I didn't see it for myself. But, it has renewed my commitment to getting my place cleaned up and maintained!I'm actually looking forward to getting into the basement, this session will get it mostly cleaned out and ready to start really organizing so the rest of the clean out will go easier. I'm so glad you have Joey to show you the easy way to use the new phone. Many of them are really easy once you know how. Good for you for putting your feet up!

    Illi--glad to hear the roads are reopening. That must have been some scary time! And must still be, somewhat.

    Chi--Lock changing was discussed, and my cousin did change the locks on the garage. She did not change the locks on the house as it's cleaned out now and what is left will be demolished and hauled offas trash. All the doors have "No Trespassing" signs, the doors and windows are locked so if anyone gets hurt breaking in the family has no liability. No propane, no electricity after this weekend, no phone, no internet, no heating oil.Very little of valueleft, just a washer (electric), dryer (gas), fridge (electric), all have seen better days. Next door Aunty is going to check with the church and see if there is anyone who needs any of those who is willing to clean them up and move them out. Glad to hear the post-procedure emissions have finished! I've got a red wine blend that I opened last night that is very good that I hope to get again in my next case.With the Naked Wines thing I need to order 6 bottles at a time, but can put bottles on the list over time, so I can reorder the ones I really like as I drink them. Only 3641 people ahead of me on the Wine Angel list!

    Teka--ok, now I recognize you! Don't mind me, I'm remeberably challenged at the best of times. Just so you know, this horror clean out was my Aunt's place, not mine. Mine is bad but better than that!And getting better every week!

    Goldie--hard to believe Dawn Wells is 78. She looks great! Traveling, especially by air, is always an adventure!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Candle in the Window



    Pour the rum, bourbon whiskey, creme de cacao, cherry brandy and coffee into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon so that it floats on top, and serve.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- welcome to the holiday weekend! To answer NM's question, I did get the tree pruning done yesterday but a bit unexpectedly. The original company that kept cancelling on me showed up unexpectedly and ready to do the work. I happened to be outside watering when they came and was thinking it was the OTHER company that I had the apt with for an estimate, but they were due a couple hours later. As the guy got closer, I realized it was the FIRST company and said I had no idea they had rescheduled me, never any other communication on it? He asked if I still wanted them to do the work, and said ideally yes, they were there and ready to go but needed to call the other company. Fortunately few hours lead time to call off that visit for the estimate. But WTF? Glad to have this done, but what a cluster eff. Pics below on the before and after and glad to have the branches away from the house and roof!

    NM- Nicole sounds like she has an entitlement attitude and was never grateful for any of the help she was given. Resentful what she has is over and no one is handing her a free ride. Well, she is going and will be someone elses problem. I have some people in my life that are like this too and always wonder why the world is not doing more for them and look to everyone else to solve their problems? It is too bad about the kids, they unfortunately may come to see the world the same way. I think it is good for you they are leaving the state so they don't come your way looking for anything. Back to your own decluttering and enjoyment of life. Are you kayaking this weekend?

    And wow, early frost! I am hearing that from a few places back east! I also hear there is a hurricane heading towards the east coast. Like the US needs that?

    Chi- well glad there are no serious issues in the colon. I think your docs have a solid plan for addressing the anemia. It soundsl like you are getting recovered from the procedure and hope you and Bob can have a nice weekend!

    Lori- I was amazed how great Dawn Wells looks. The last that remains from that show, correct? It is fun to meet celebrities.

    I was in the pool the other day and there was a woman in a lane near me that was a dead ringer for Ali McGraw. Now Ali lives in Santa Fe, long time resident and it is possible to run in to her here but was perplexed why she would be swimming in ABQ? Anyways, I told myself if she came into the front locker room area (there are two), I would check it out further and maybe approach her to say hello if it was, but never saw her again. Was it her? I will never know but now will be on the look out going forward. #celebritystalker

    Dara- hoping your time away was good and you are busy with getting your work going!

    Mema- hoping you are feeling better from the fall. How are you doing?

    Ill- how are things in your hood? I hear everything is still very flooded. I hope you can get back to doing your rads treatment. I heard about some pretty heroic efforts at MD Anderson during everything to help keep things going for the patients there dealing with the more complex stuff.

    I am working with a friend here who has a consignment store that is closing to find people who are taking stuff to TX. Several years back, there was a bad tornado in OK and there are people who rent U-hauls and drive donations over to the affected area. I heard about a truck that left today with supplies, and trying to find out about others going soon. As the roads dry out, and people can get in, more help with come. My friend wants to take any of the remaining items people want to donate vs. take back from the closing of her store (including my stuff) to bag up and donate. As they are preparing to close, I am doing the ground work to find some orgs doing this so we have a place to take things in the next week or so. Everyone is pitching in everywhere to help Texas!

    CeliaC- how are you doing?

    Genny- are you around?

    Hsant- thinking of you and know it is a long road back after taking care of your dad and all that has been. I hope you are doing okay and sending you much love.

    Cami- are their Labor Day events at your house this weekend? I love that Joey is playing the flute.

    Here are the tree pics and another funny story to tell you later about flashing a hot air balloon this morning by accident.



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    Sorry all, I haven't had time to catch up. I'm doing well and can get to work and radiation but Monday will be tricky as I must cross Buffalo Bayou (a major point of the flooding) on my way to MD Anderson for H&P treatment. The street I take there is elevated and appears to be open but I'll head out early, just in case I need to detour.

    Tonight is 1 glass of red for Lita (from other threads and just dxd w/numerous brain mets) and another for me, just because

    I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Teka- well the story is this, I was up this morning and in my underwear in the kitchen (sport bra and panties) and heard a loud "hiss" and knew there was a hot air balloon close by. You can always tell by that hissing sound which is the burner in the basket firing to keep the envelop on the balloon inflated. So I peaked out my back door and there was a balloon literally about 20 feet above the patio. The basket was in clear view to my door so as I opened it, there was a basket full of people who all waved to me. LOL! And there I am in my skivvy's. Because my back door is covered by a porch, there was little chance they would see me but OMG! I think we were all stunned to see one another. I waved and closed the door fast. LMFAO all day long about this.

    I have been outside in my backrobe when they have come cruising through and maybe once or twice saw one this low, but talk about timing! Note to self that I must be sure to get my robe on first thing and not be flashing the neighborhood again.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    This is a photo of a balloon that came over later and was much higher up, but you can still get the detail of the basket underneath and the burner to get a sense of what I am talking about. There were about 4 that came by this morning, I expect this to continue as we are a month from balloon fiesta now.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Waking up to another gray day, buta bit warmer than Friday was. Got the dumpster filled up again yesterday. One more fill the dumpster day will pretty much have the junk out of the basement and it will be ready for getting organized. Got several storage tubs (some even with covers!) that I can use. Found some things I've been looking for, and some things I forgot I even had. It is so nice to see real space down there, and be able to move around! Fortunately it warmed up quite a bit yesterday and I was able to lounge on the back deck in the afternoon. I found some podcasts about wine--Wine for Normal People--and listened to a few of those. It was really interesting, talked about some terminology in one, gadgets in another, how to talk to a Sommelier, and I've got several more downloaded to listen to.

    Sadie gave me one seriously dirty look yesterday when I took her downstairs and put her in the car and then only moved it out of the basement. She loves to ride, and just moving the car does NOT count as a ride!

    Jazzy--you went through a lot of trouble to get that pruning done! I'm surprised they came without notice like that, I take it someone in the office must have goofed and not made a call or sent out a letter? Whatever, at least it's done, and the estimate from the other company could be canceled. Many people have mentioned that Nicole thinks the world owes her, so yes, she does have an entitlement attitude. Her son has Asperger's Syndrome and is already handicapped by a bad temper and being expelled from at least on one school for beating up another student and threatening to kill him. I don't think her kids have ever known any real stability. But, not my circus, no my monkeys, I can't fix that but I can keep praying for all of them. Hurricane Irma is being watched, but it looks like it will affect the more Southern states. The last time a hurricane made landfall in Maine still as a hurricane was Gloria in 1985 and it was a Category 1 by the time it got here. I remember being a bit disappointed, we get thunderstorms with more wind gusting that Gloria brought to central Maine! I have decided not to go kayaking this weekend, it's too cold. I'm holding out for a nice Indian Summer week and will try to go out then. If not, I'm ok with not getting the kayak out this summer, cuz I know I will have the time to get it out next summer. And yup, there was some frost in frost prone places over the last couple of nights. It's crazy. Wow, that tree really did need to be cut back a bit from the house! Beautiful tree, though.

    Teka--Snow in the mountains, summer is over! Sigh.

    Illi--good luck with the getting to MD Anderson, and stay safe. Prayers for Lita.

    Jazzy--LOL! Maybe you should keep a robe by the patio door for unexpected balloon visitors! Frankly, most undies cover more than a typical bathing suit, so I'm sure you weren't too inappropriately undressed!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Gold Velvet



    Half-fill a beer pilsner with lager. Add pineapple juice, and gently top with champagne.

    Best served in a Pilsner Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    OMG, you ladies got frost? It's still pretty toasty here, but cool at night, in the 50's.

    NM, what a horrible thing for your cousin to do, to leave that house in such a mess. Was anything said to her? SOOOOO disrespectable, unreal. Yay for you getting all of your cleaning done (well not all). And that was a dirty trick you pulled on Sadie!!!

    Jazzy, glad you finally got the tree trimmed, but not very nice of them to not call you and just show up without any kind of notice. I'm not sure who all "remains" from that show. With all the working out you have been doing, I'll bet you looked great in your skivvies! At least you were covered.Can't tell you how often I run around in just panties, cuz it's so hot.

    Teka, snow???

    Ilona, I was sorry to hear about Lita. She was on Xeloda thread with me.And don't worry about catching up.

    I'm watching Irma very closely and it heads towards my daughter. Heading out to Phoenix tomorrow and then to MI on Tuesday. My daughter is supposed to arrive Thursday evening. Put corn up yesterday, 5 dozen!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- I was up earlier today and out to meditate and do a lovely yoga practice on the patio. Got a bunch of yard work done in the front and back and happier with the way things are looking since the rains came. Been dry for the past week though, and monsoons can tend to dry out in late August into early Sept, although I have seen them go here into October if they start late (as they did this year). Balloons were up today, but further away and I was sure I was dressed! LOL.

    Went for a lovely bike ride last night and going to try to get out riding more on the new bike I bought this spring. I rode a bunch earlier this year, but then spring can be iffy with the winds here, summer was TOO HOT and think fall will be perfect. I love the new bike, more stability for my core which is well, never quite been the same since the big abdominal surgery in 2012. It is a lot better though from the swimming and yoga that I do!

    I ran in to some neighbors on Thursday night, whom I have not seen in awhile and they told me they were starting their move back to FL soon. They mentioned they were going to have an impromtu gathering today but never heard anything more and figured they must have changed their minds (or forgot me....) I could never pull a party together last minute myself, too much work! I am focusing on some more at home things today, but also heading to the pool shortly for a swim. Tomorrow I am off to Santa Fe with friends for a Labor Day outing!

    NM- the whole attitude of entitlement vs. gratitude is sort of a newer realization to me, after watching a number of situations in my life with others who seem to expect much of the world and others. Regardless of financial situation, I just notice there are people who just see the other world as "here for them" vs. just being accountable to themselves and their decisions and working to meet their own needs. The world owes you nothing, the help you get is to be appreciated only. I understand if someone tells you they are going to do something and don't, that is one thing. At some point, entitled usually wear out their support sytems. I feel for the special needs child in that family situation.

    Oh Sadie is mad at you now, you little trickster! Fortunately, dogs don't hold grudges. And I think it is good to give yourself permission to park the kayaking idea until next year. This year has been one of many things for you, from being sick, to then changing your work, and the family things going on too. I had to park my biking stuff for awhile because of core issues and needing a better bike and that came back to me this year after five years. Things have their own place and time sister!

    Ill- I think I know Lita from other threads and sorry to hear of her brain mets. Never good news to hear something has progressed for any of our sisters, especially to that local. Sending out love to Lita today.

    Today's song is from Steely Dan with the news about Walter Becker (one of the founders) passing yesterday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, I love Steely Dan and am saddened to hear Walter Becker passed. Seems Donald Fagen kept getting all the glory.

    Yesterday’s DOTD when Bob arrived home late was Mumm Napa Brut Rosé Reserve.