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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi- I agree about Donald being the one known for that band. I saw Steely Dan here in concert two summers ago, first time ever given they were always a "studio band" and did not tour back in the day but have been the past 15 or so years. They were here sometime around 2000 for the first time but remember the tickets were super expensive and could not swing it at the time. But I did the last time (and tickets were not as bad for some reason).

    In the concert, Walter did a lot of talking about their work and he was so cool and funny and made me really know more of what he was about. I am glad I got to see them in concert finally, all things considered. Some of the aging musicians are either not going to be performing much longer for one reason or another.

    I have a very bottle of that same sparkling in my fridge! I think it is going to get consumed soon!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Hi Ladies

    Weather here is cold this morning and a/c on now--whatever that means. Oh Ill I've been watching all the news for it, but one thing was amazing EVERYONE ws helping EVERYONE. that was good to see, but sad to watch. It's all so hard for all those people.

    SusyQ I hope u;r feeling better and news comes quickly and everything is fine

    Boy Kim once u start cleaning u really don't stop, u hve to be so tired, u were supposed to rest this weekend. nd I don't blame Sadie. LOL

    Sandy glad that's over for you, that;s why I don't get put out for my colonoscopies, I dont like that muggy feeling after and as soon as it's over u get up and leave so I prefer to be awake, but we all know I'm quircky. And good thing things looked good too. Now u'r done with that for while.

    Lori did u buy thecorn??? Did u take the kernels off or keep everything together. I knew u'd find something to get ready for winter.

    And Jazzy u'r another one that just doesn't stop....good for you.

    But Ill I'm so sorry to her about Lita, this is so chitty., she'll be in my prayers too

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, definitely too hot for us to do much in the summer and then those winds in the spring. Fall is our best weather.

    Cami, yes we bought the corn and yes we take the kernels off the cob.

    Well quiet up in here! Leaving later today for Phoenix. My DD is right in the eye of Irma, as it is right now. Has me just sick to my stomach.

    That is a large canning pot. Not sure of the quart size, but it's big!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Labor Day! So nice to have another leisurely morning to enjoy. The remnants of Harvey came through yesterday evening/overnight. I got 0.41 inches of rain and lots of wind, my cousin Dawna on the coast got a lot more wind but not as much rain, although it did come down hard a few times there. I started working on a corner of the living room, one that's behind my rocker/recliner, where I'm going to set up a small "office" space where I can keep my work tablet and create a charging station for all my electronics. I've got one of those rolling 3 drawer storage thingys, that is now white again. Amazing how much dust collected there. Even more embarrassing was finding an old mouse nest, complete with dead mouse in the corner under the baseboard. No wonder there were funny smells in the house all last winter! Went out to the dollar store and got a whole bunch of little baskets for organizing the drawers (and others later on). And yes, Sadie went with me, so she got a ride. I'm thinking I'll pop out for the Farmer's Market that I used to go to regularly.They used to be open on Mondays and Thursdays, and I went almost every Thursday, but they stopped doing the Thursday market this summer. So this will be only the second time I've gotten to it this season. It seems to be getting harder and harder to get to the Farmer's Markets lately, not sure why.

    Goldie--No, nothing being said to Nicole, mostly because no one has an address or phone number for her. She had a cell phone that one of the family gave her and was paying for, one of the pre-paid, month to month plans, and the family member let it lapse. Long story short, we've put out to people who know her that she has money coming to her (she sold the car her grandmother gave her) as soon as the proper paperwork is processed, hoping she will be in contact with someone and get the message and send contact info. If not, the money will go to one of her brothers to hold for her until she gets in touch again. She did leave a lot of stuff in storage at her other grandparent's place, so maybe she plans to come back someday. We just don't know. We didn't know she was planning to leave the area until she asked for a ride to the bus station. But she's a woman grown, and responsible for her own monkeys, and it's not my circus. Yeah, I guess it was a dirty trick to pull on Sadie. But I gave her a good ride later in the day to make up for it. You put up a lot of corn!Good for you!

    Jazzy--oh, yoga on the patio, that must have been so nice. I really need to start doing more yoga if only for the stretching and decreasing the stiffness from the cleaning and lugging I've been doing. Biking must be beautiful where you are. The entitlement attitude seems to be more and more pervasive as time goes by. I never noticed when that change started. I have talked with people who honestly believe that they should not have to work to get a home or to buy things, that they should "qualify" for all sorts of things (food, housing, cable TV, cell phones, ATVs, snowmobiles, medical care, prescriptions, special equipment) because of coming from a one parent home, for not being 100% Caucasian, because their parent or family was discriminated against in some situation or generations ago, because of depression, stress, or a learning disorder. I honestly do not understand that mind set, but I suspect it is because I was brought up to have a strong work ethic, be self-reliant and responsible for myself. I had to earn things like good grades, and money for things like bikes and other special toys. I guess it's a different world now than the one I grew up in. I don't feel bad about not getting the kayak in the water this summer, I have accomplished so much and am still getting so much doneand am enjoying so many other things that this summer has been a really positive one for me. I can prioritize the kayaking next summer after all the cleaning out and decluttering is done. I can see that will run into the winter, but with inside projects, so it's ok. I heard about Walter Becker's death yesterday. So many of the bands from myyouth are showing up in the news when a member dies. Guess we're in that generation now.

    Cammy--I did rest on Friday, did nothing but nap and lounge around. Some if this inside mess is really starting to bother me, so I get motivated to do something. I work on things for a while and then stop when I get tired or frustrated. I'm not going too hard, and make sure I take one day a week completely off from decluttering. Most of what I am doing I am doing sitting down. I sort stuff into garbage, keep and give away. The last give away boxes I put on the side of the road are still there, so I'll probably stop doing that and just throw stuff. Hard to throw stuff that is really still good to use, but if I don't have a use for it, it has to go. It is good to see everyone helping everyone in Texas, isn't it?

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Chocolate Hurricane



    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Just before going to change into my gym clothes for a noon workout, my lower back muscles (probably glutes) spasmed up on me. Had to cancel the workout, start using heat (my trainer says not ice), take a couple of Aleve & a Baclofen. Am stiff as a board and I can actually feel the tender spot & knot. All I can do is pace around the house to keep it from getting even worse (or keep it worsening more slowly). I just had x-rays in June so I know there are no fractures or mets. Doc just took me off my PPI so I can absorb my iron—which means along with the Aleve (which I can't take at bedtime) I will have massive GERD tonight (he says switch to Zantac, but I dunno if that'll work).

    Here's the kicker, though: Bob has a cardiology review course at a posh downtown hotel tomorrow through Friday, and he wants me to join him there. Even before my back went out, I had no idea what I would do all day—drive home and then come back? Not gonna shop or go out to eat, not gonna get spa treatments—all too expensive. Tomorrow I have a voice lesson via Skype, and Thurs. both a service call for my fridge (they’re supposed to call here first) and another workout (assuming my back is better, which is doubtful, since these things usually take at least 2 weeks to heal for me). And what am I supposed to do in a hotel with a bad back??? I am in no shape to pack, either. My housekeeper is supposed to be back tomorrow, but I doubt it—she’s always a day late coming back from vacations, especially ones involving long drives.

    Wish I could drink. Bob wants to eat at the Palm (the restaurant in the hotel) tonight after checking in, but I hurt too much to even get dressed, much less drive. (Original plan was for me to drive so we’d have only one car there—and he’d go back to work Fri. aft.). Besides, he brought home leftover rigatoni alla Barese on Sat. night (of which I ate only half) and deep dish pizza (which I don’t really like) last night. Gordy won’t be home till late tonight. And I have to bend over to feed the cats. Owwww…..

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's a blowy and breezy Twofer Tuesday here today. At least it's a bit warmer than the last few days! I'm not sure if my first alarm never went off or if I slept through it, thank goodness the second alarm did wake me up. I seem to have gotten into the habit of sleeping late and staying up late, will need to work on changing that. Poor Sadie doesn't know when I need to get up on any particular day anymore, and just rolls with the flow. She does nudge me when the alarm goes off, though. Should be interesting at work today (Hospice), there are postings for another full time RN, a part time office worker, and apart time social worker. The office has grown beyond recognition in the past few years. Who have thunk this little office would grow to the point of having more patients on service than all the other agencies in the area combined? All the more good reason to be out of the full time craziness!

    Teka--Now THAT is a coffee pot!

    Chi--You poor thing! Back pain is so debilitating. What do you do at a hotel all day if you are not in the meetings or shopping or spa-ing? I could happily spend a day poolside if it's warm enough and I havesomething to read. Not being able to drink is just rubbing salt into the owie.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Comforting Coffee



    Pour the coffee into an Irish coffee glass or cup. Add the Southern Comfort, bourbon whiskey, and creme de cacao, and stir well. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon on top of the drink so that it floats, and serve.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    Good morning girls!

    I hope everyone is well and happy. I am waiting for Logan, I am babysitting while Jessica goes to the dentist then they will both hang out with us for the rest of the day.

    Thanks ladies for the congrats and well wishes for my employment. I am currently awaiting my license then have to go get fingerprinted next week.

    Sandy, so sorry your back went out. And your hubby is nutty thinking you may want to go with him and hang in the hotel, especially with all of the obligations you have AND the pain. I hope you feel better.

    NM, I can't get over how rude that girl is acting then to just nessapear? Dafok is wrong with her ( a rhetorical question). Congrats on all you have accomplished this summer. I can't get over how different you sound without all of that stress of the full time job. You go girl and keep up the awesome work! \

    OOps, gotta fly, DD is here with baby boy. I want to give her the little souveniers I picked up in Myrtle Beach for her before she leaves!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good afternoon friends- hoping everyone had a good holiday weekend. I went up to SF yesterday to meet my friend for the planned outing. The other mutual friend here in town begged off as she was under the weather. We spent time walking on a lovely trail from my friends house into the city, had some tasty lunch and then walked in to the square to see the arts and crafts show. Some hanging out at the house after too.

    Here are some photos I posted on the gardening thread from our walk yesterday

    Chi- I am so sorry about your back going out on you. Never good timing. Do what feels best to you to take care of this. I know you will be disappointed if you cannot join Bob in Chicago. Feel better friend.

    Dara- enjoy time with your little guy, work stuff coming together, etc.

    NM- I think it is nice you can sometimes sleep in. I bet you are wondering if they are realizing that the hospice folks have been understaffed all this time or if they are just adding staff to deal with their poor management? Sometimes orgs just need better operational improvement help, seen it many times before in healthcare org. Glad this is just work now vs. your career. Nice to be paid for what you do and less worry about the "other duties as assigned BS."

    Goldie and I are on FB together and her DD is in the path of hurricane Irma in the Carribean. She is worried and hoping everyone over on that side survives this next one that sounds like it is going to be bad. For anyone on the east coast, batten down the hatches or get out.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Well, I'm typing this on my MBAir from my side of the bed in our hotel room. Gordy assured me he will feed the kitties at night. Got nothing scheduled tomorrow at home. I can be miserable & in pain anywhere. I can always have Housekeeping send up a heating pad and an ice bag if I need them tomorrow. I had a voice lesson today, and instead of Thursday I will do another in the room. (Skype is Skype anywhere). Then I will get a massage & facial, and maybe the concierge can find a salon to do my hair & repair two of my nails. (Lately, my "no chip" gel manicures haven't lasted even a week before the tips on my R index & middle fingers chip, and I get a split in the middle nail no matter how short I get them filed). Might have to go to my regular nail salon in Lincoln Park (have to take Uber or Lyft anyway--cheaper than paying for parking) or keep patching them myself (I brought French manicure no-light gel polishes with me).

    Thursday I will ride home to ride herd on the freezer repairman and (hopefully be able to) pick up my gym bag and walk to my workout--which will be more like physical therapy. Then back here, checking out Fri. morning (Bob will have office hrs. Fri night and come back here from home Sat. morning--parking for a few hrs. that day). Poor Bob--not a morning person, he has class sessions today through Sat. morning--starting 7:45 a.m., an hour for lunch, then till 5 pm. So I'm cutting him some slack (and making sure he gets to bed early enough).

    DOTD was Duckhorn 2014 Chardonnay (Napa) downstairs in the Palm with lobster. Gory details about the latter in the "dinner" thread. (Kim, was about to PM you during dinner but the kitchen got it all straightened out).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Boy did it get wild and woolly here last night. Lots of lightning and thunder, a pile of tires set on fire by a lightning strike about 10 miles away, I'm pretty sure there was a lightning strike not far from the house, too. Saw lots of cloud to cloud lightning, too. Went on for a couple of hours, with 2 or 3 waves of storms coming through. It brought in some very warm and muggy air, too. Currently 64 degrees, 100% humidity with lovely thick fog, dew point of 63 degrees. Got 1.13 inches of rain. Poor Sadie was a wreck after a while, just plastered herself to my side, even climbed up into my lapat one point. She used to really freak out about thunderstorms and had gotten a lot more laid back about them over the years. But last night's storm made me a little nervous at times, so I don't blame her for getting a little worked up!At least we didn't lose power in this storm. But it does remind me to get the genny cleaned up and the battery charged up and get it working for winter.

    I'm a bit nervous about the video interview later this morning. I really would like to teach this review class, and I really miss teaching in general. But, it will be what it will be, I'll do my best and let God handle the rest.

    Dara--I amuses me how many hoops we have to jump through to get a job--fingerprinting, background checks, licensing, drug testing--and how people getting Assistance (what we used to call Welfare) make such a fuss about being drug tested or being required to at least look for a job to get benefits. So glad you are so close to starting your new job! That must take a lot of stress off of your shoulders. Thanks for the works of encouragement. Life is MUCH better since moving to semi-retired status. Hope DD and Logan liked the trinkets, and enjoy your Logan time!

    I saw a Fb posting recently, little baby aNorable is starting pre-school! Where did the time go?

    Jazzy--Those plant photos are beautiful, and even more interesting that you know what all the flowers are! It is nice to sleep in, looking forward to doing that on Friday. Left to my own devices I seem to like to stay up later and sleep later. Never realized I was a night owl. The new positions posted at Hospice are not, strictly, due to understaffing, but due to increase in the census. We are now around 160 patients pretty steadily and that is the company's census point for adding a PT office worker and PT social worker and FT RN. This will also trigger some other changes, like dividing the patients into 3 teams instead of two and restructuring the management responsibilities, with each of the 3 Clinical Managers doing all the CM work for one team and backing each other up for days off. Currently the 3 Clinical Mangers have divided up the work flow, one does most of the scheduling, one does most of the computer workflow, and one is still half in the field and half learning the CM role. Personally, I think one CM per team will probably work better given how the communication among them is, shall we say, spotty and often problematic. But it means each CM doing things she doesn't like to do all the time, so it will be interesting to see this play out. Much more fun being on the outside watching developments than being in the middle of it and wondering what it's going to do to my life. The "other duties as assigned" thing truly is BS, and I am so glad to be out of it!

    Chi--Good point about Skype being everywhere, and I bet the massage will help a lot with the back pain. Wow, classes starting at 7:45? That is early! And going till 5? That does make for a long day. Is lunch provided or does Bob have to go find it for himself? Now my interest is piqued, I'm going to have to find you on the dinner thread!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Red Lobster



    Shake with ice, and strain into a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile a lot has been going on. We moved into a new house which I love and I have been sick this last year with Chronic Pancreatitis. I had to have a GJ tube placed in July to rest my pancreas because I couldn't tolerate any food and had lost about 40 lbs. Not that I didn't need to loose weight but I wasn't getting the nutrition I needed. I had to have feedings go about a month and a half and started eating again about a month ago. I'm doing great now so the tube is coming out next week. I still have to take Enzymes when I eat anything but it's doable. Jackson started K this year and Samarah is in first grade. My daughter finally got married and my son is still engaged hoping to get married next year or year after.

    I'm still racing dragonboats but haven't raced this year due to my Pancreatitis. Our last race is next week in NJ then we are going to NY for two days. I'm going to cheer them on so looking forward to that. We just celebrated the teams 10 year anniversary which is huge for a dragonboat team. Next July we go to Florence Italy for our BC Olympics. I can't wait for that.

    My niece was in Huston doing her student teaching internship during Harvey. Her school got flooded and she's still waiting to hear if they are going to start school or not. She's home for now. Lori I'm praying all goes well for your daughter and everyone else in Irmas way.

    Dorothy so glad things are going so well for you.

    How is everyone else

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Ncolette- really great to see you back here! Sorry to hear about your health issues, but good to hear that you are feeling better. I seem to remember you were in the process of changing homes last time we heard from you and hope you are enjoying your new space. Photos are great!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Nancy, looking' good! And Florence next summer? Oooh!

    Kim, Bob got lunch yesterday but not today or Friday--so he got a $50 gift card to cover it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies- well I lost my post here I had been writing so I will do this again, but shorter! Went to a prof org luncheon today that was very good on health care exchanges and met a few new people that are good to know.

    Hurricane Irma is working her way her way through the islands and heading to FL next and up the Carolinas. There are two other active hurricanes in the Carribean too, Jose and something like Katiya? Irma is really looking very serious and watching Goldie's post on FB as she is worried about her DD in the VI but hopefully she is riding out the storm okay. I think of Juliette who was in FL too with her family? She has not been here for awhile.

    Chi- I hope your back is better soon and glad you decided to go with Bob.

    NM- hope you have better weather and that those storms stay away.

    NCollette- I had missed the Florence part in your message, one of my favorite cities! You will have a wonderful time!

    Gotta run but be safe my people who are near the fires or battling the storms in the tropics!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy it's good to be back. I think of everyone often. I am very excited about Italy. We will be traveling around Italy somewhat while we are there.

    Lori I keep watching the weather channel and am praying for your DD and everyone else in this storms path.

    Julie please let us know how you are when you can.

    Memaw hope your doing well. Miss you

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    At Tru tonight: Michel Arnould Extra Brut NV (Champagne); Pierre Labet Clos du Dessus des Marconnets 2014 (Beaune, aka southern Burgundy, 100% Pinot Noir). I treated myself to a whole 5-oz. flute of the Champagne, and had a 3-oz. "tasting" size pour of the Burgundy. But with the cheese course, the sommelier gave us both an extra splash.

    Bob had the wine pairings, and I took a sip of each glass. From the Savoie region of France (mts. bordering Italy, Mont Blanc area) a 2014 "Schiste" (you could actually taste the mineral stoniness) Vin des Allobroges from the Domaine des Ardoisières (unusual local varietals, mainly "Clairette"); 2015 Robert Weil "Kiedrich Turmberg" Riesling trocken (very dry, Rheingau region of Germany); 2012 Ch. Simone "Palette" (Provence area, made from ugni blanc, the grape used for Cognac--dry, had a hint of Cognac in the nose). Those were the whites. Next came the aforementioned Burgundy, and finally a sweet fizzy red 2015 Birbet from Negro Angelo e Figli (looked & tasted like a cherry Lambic beer, which is to say perfect with a chocolate-cherry dessert).

    Yeah, I just took both a Zantac and a TUMS. The reflux was worth it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    Hi girls,

    Wanted to let you know of an update from Lori. Her DD is SAFE (thank you God)! She said that the house and island are not good but hell, material things can be replaced, life can not. I wanted to let you all know since she may not post here while away.

    Nancy, great to see you girl, keep on coming back into the lounge, lady friend, missed you terribly here.

    Gotta get mese arse into bed, have to babysit in the aye em.

    CheeRs girLs!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday and my Friday for this week. Getting a late start this ayem, did not sleep well last night at all, had some tummy troubles from eating too many chocolate covered blueberries. Love them, but they do not love me! Getting more steady rain, another 0.60 inches overnight. Great for the gardens and lawns! Not so great for driving, but hey, better than snow. And that will be coming soon enough. Sadie is disgusted with the rain, except for last night when she could go outside and get damp and wet-dog-smelly right before going to bed. Gotta love the look on her face when I started petting her and squealed cuz she was so wet, though. Glad I can provide some entertainment for her! Had my virtual interview yesterday before I went to work for Hospice, and I think it went really well. I'll get a request for referencesby e-mail, once they check them the team willmeet and review candidates and make a decision. The pay structure is a new one on me, $9/hour for prep time, $15/hour for direct student contact time outside of classroom time, the hourly for classroom teaching time starts at more per hour than I'm making for Hospice, AND goes up a step if the teaching location is more than 15 miles from my home, which would apply to both the locations where they current run classes. Classroom time is 22 to 23 hours per week (20 hours class time with a little before and and after class time for prep and clean up). I so hope I get this one, it sounds like a blast, and I'd love to be back in front of a class again.

    Collett--So good to see you!Chronic pancreatitis, what a miserable condition to have. So glad you are doing better and will be getting the tube out soon. Taking enzymes is better than managing the tube, I imagine. Glad you can still be involved in the Dragon Boats, too.I've seen pics of Samarah and Jackson on FB, they are getting so big, so fast. Just amazing. Praying your niece's situation gets sorted out quickly.GREAT pics!

    Chi--$50 to cover lunch? Wow! Last time I traveled for work I got $45 a day for meals! Of course, that was 5 years ago, and the company doesn't send nurses anywhere anymore. I hope he got something good for lunch with that.

    Jazzy--I spoke with Juliette on Fb last night, she will be working when Irma is expected to hit her area, so she will be in a hospital. Probably about as safe as anywhere without evacuating, at least she'll be with people and in a high priority location for help afterwards if needed. Not sure exactly where she is in Florida. Part of me hopes the hurricanes stay away from Maine, part of me would like to experience one first hand. Will have to wait and see what happens.

    Chi--That tasting list sounds like it was most worth both Zantac and TUMS!

    Dara--thanks for updating on Lori's DD. Have fun with the baby!

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:

    Hurricane 2



    Mix alcohols together in glass. fill rest of glass with equal parts oj and pineapple juice. add a dash of grenadine.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Mornin' Ladies,

    Nancy we've all missed u here and knowing u had a bad year hoping u'd come back, but also knowing how busy u've been. U'r pics are beautiful and u really look good.

    So very glad Lori's heard from her DD. She seems safe now and this should be over hopefully very soon. What nature is doing is horrendous. My SIL showed me all the rest on the map with flooding and fires too. All these poor people caught up in all of this, i's scary and sad--the only thing that stands out tho is how everyone is helping everyone--no fighting in the streets just helping.

    Everyone here is so busy doing things, but sounds good for the most part. Somehow I'm missing posts, my puter passes them up. I came in 2x yesterday but ended up not posting, my phones, Holy chit I thing I strated to early.

    Well Leslie has to go for and ultra sound <3D???> her mammo found a lump and some kind of mass, she's acting fine and of course they did say it could be no big deal or cancer, of course I'm praying for no big deal, but this whole family has goofy things with cancer--so some prayers please. I'm so glad Marty's home this week cuz he's taking her and they always help each other feel better. Oh he has this week off, his boss told him the property never looked so good and he's such agood worker and they really like him so take this week off with pay just because and works out to help Leslie go thru all this crap, tho he didn't tell anyone there about this. I feel tho that whatever this is she will be fine, so I pray I'm right.

    Dan came over last nite and got me n ear plug for the phone much easier for me. And he paid me for all the time off, he is so good to me, I didn't expect that. And he'll pray for Les--BTW he's very religious that's a good feeling for me.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Cami- prayers for Leslie there is nothing of concern. We will be here to hear anything you need to share on that front.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Cami, prayers for Leslie. Kim, that $50 lunch allowance is for a course attended by doctors paying big bucks in tuition (tax-deductible or expense account, of course). When Bob’s working, he eats in the hospital cafeteria or whatever sandwiches or pizza the drug reps bring to his office—or at one of the Polish diners in the neighborhood (no, definitely not heart-healthy).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Beautiful sunny ayem shaping up here. The weather guessers are predicting 80+ degrees for Tuesday/Wednesday next week. I was thinking about taking the kayak out, but the garage door is broken, so need to get that fixed before that boat gets out of anywhere! Always something going on with a home. The garage doors are original with the house, one cable broke some years ago so I just stopped using that side, now I guess I'll have to make arrangements to get both of them fixed. Then when the junk in front of the second door is cleared out I'll actually be able to use it, what a concept! Looks like this week's dumpster fill will be from the upstairs living area, with junk tossed out the porch window and then put into the dumpster! Which is a good thing, cuz the living room and kitchen have been bothering me, and getting them cleaned out willmake it more comfortable to have someone come in to fix the garage and maybe even the dishwasher, which will be a big help. I miss my dishwasher. And I need to find whatever it is that is smelling up the fridge and get it out. Boy, lots to do!No wonder Sadie tried to get me up earlier today than I wanted to!

    Cammy--it is scary all the stuff that is going on with the weather and fires and earthquakes.Maybe the world is coming to an end? Poor Leslie, I am praying for a B9 finding, too. And so good of Marty's work to give him paid time off, and the timing is perfect! I bet the earphone is easier for you, it was always easier for me, too. Not sure why I stopped using the earphone, I'm sure it's still around here somewhere, when it turns up I'll have to charge it up and get it going again!

    Jazzy--I figured the $50 lunch was because it was for docs. Us peon nurses don't rate that level of attention from employers. The drug and equipment reps do bring good lunch stuff when they come to the office for inservices.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Friday Cocktail



    Prepare mango fruit with rum and syrup in a blender with crushed ice. Strain into a large highball glass, and fill with crushed ice. Squeeze in a lime wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    I am reading to keep up but won't be posting much. Too worried about my DD. She is safe but no word since yesterday morning. And now Jose!

    NM, good luck with the outcome of the interview and you sure got lots going on. You go girl.

    Nancy, awesome to see you back. I hope you stay . I miss some of the gals that have left.

    Cami, PLEASE let us know when you know something. You must be as worried as I am. I love you and praying hard for Les.

    Love you all and miss you all. Sorry not to address everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Brooks Pinot Noir last night, at Lawry's The Prime Rib. Gonna lay off the alcohol for awhile, till my stomach gets used to making acid again and my esophagus calms down.

    I have five cousins in SE FL: my first cousin & his wife, octogenarians in an active-seniors bldg. in Aventura; their daughters in Hollywood & Delray Beach (one of them is a travel planner and managed to get to Seattle ahead of Irma); and their son, a cop in Daytona Beach (who is staying put as he may have to be a first responder). I FB-messaged them that if they can get outta Dodge, they're welcome to stay with us.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2017

    Cami prayers for Leslie. I really hope all is well. I thought I had a basal cell carcinoma on my nose a month ago and it was ok.

    Native Maine I hope Jose leaves everyone alone. Has Maine ever been affected by hurricanes?

    Lori still praying for your DD.

    I have family in Ft Myers and friends in Jacksonville and Clearwater. And of course Juliet. Hope everyone is safe. Also Lynn in Atlanta. They are saying they will have bad storms and wind as well. We should be feeling some of it on Wed. Mostly rain and wind

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    I think José will skirt the Virgin & Leeward Islands before turning due north and pooping out over cold waters.

    Tonight, a little 2011 Brouilly, with coho salmon and leftover prime rib.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Sandy u'r up lat, I just woke up to go to the bathroom, now I'm up for a while. So nice of u to offer u'r home to u''r friends hop everyone is safe. I have a few in FL too--and they already got out. Leslie's GF had to stay cu she's a nurse, but her DH took their cats and went to another state <Jazzy u know who he is the piano guy> And Julie is stuck there too. I pray for all.

    Lori Marty said so many people around where u'r DD lives have gotten to safety <we talked about her> but they can't get thru to a lot. And I'm so glad u did hear from her before, but of course special prayers for her, not knowing is awful and they are always our babies.

    Things sound good for you Dara, of course I can't member when Cheryl gets her oper. My sister goes next Wednesday Ugh she's been so busy getting everything together>>> she always acts like it's no big deal, she amazes me. we talked about Leslie today and she makes u feel better--I read her paperwork today and it sounds like it's probably cancer, but we'll see. I wish I was, I thought by now I would be feeling better to help her with all this, insted I think I scare her with all this aftermath crap

    OK my eyes are crossing again--I'm really not used to working and being organized right now;;h well tlk u u latah


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday may not have been productive decluttering wise, but I did get a lot taken care of. Spent most of the morning on the phone (I hate being on the phone with people I don't know) and have set up appointments to have the dishwasher fixed, the garage doors fixed, and satellite internet installed. All on Wednesday! So today and tomorrow I've got to get the living room and kitchen, what I call the public rooms, decluttered and cleaned up enough to not be totally embarrassing when people come into the house. I was surprised how little it costs to get dishwasher and garage door repairs done. Somehow I always thought that was incredibly expensive, probably because my Mom always said so. But Mom thinking any service charge more than $5 is "highway robbery"! So after next Wednesday I will call the telephone company and get the bundled home phone, internet and cable turned off, and, poof, there goes $204 a month in one bill.Internet will be $60 a month, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video comes to $25 a month. I did buy an HDTV antenna to get the free over the airbroadcasts with ($20, one-time cost) so I can get my favorite news and the local channels for free. On top of all that, while I was shopping for the HDTV antenna I stumbled across a 2-in-1 laptop for that does everything I need/want for $200. So I bought that, too. Now I'm just waiting to hear from the oil company about on demand water heating installation. I've got to decide between electric and propane. Propane will cost more overall, as I will need propane installation, but since I want to eventually change the oven and anything else I can over to propane now may be the time to take that step. That will be a decision to make after I get more info.I feel like I've gotten a huge amount accomplished. Poor Sadie won't know what to think next Wednesday, there will be so many people coming in and out. I'll probably park her in the bedroom so no one has to worry about her getting loose or being "helpful".

    Goldie--I'm sureyou are very worried about DD, you have good reason to be. I'm still praying for her safety, and that of everyone with her. Communication is problematic after big storms, but you already know that. Thanks for the positive vote on the interviews, I'm trying not to be too hopeful so I won't be terribly disappointed if there is someone else in the area that is more qualified, but it really didn't sound like there was anyone else from Maine, the interviewer sounded really excited to have a Mainer apply. Well, time will tell.

    Chi--My wine last night was the last of the Akiyoshi 2016 Moscato from California. It was soooo nice to just sip and enjoy. It's one of the bottles I got through Naked Wines. Ordered another case of different wines to try, too. I am having so much fun with them.I hope all your family is able to get outta Dodge before Irma hits. Sounds like a beast of a storm.

    Collett--Maine is affected by hurricanes, but usually they are either declined to tropical storms by the time they get here or it's more the high surf/high winds issues on the water if a hurricane is off the coast. The last hurricane to reach Maine still rated as a hurricane was in 1990 or 1991, and it was downgraded almost as soon as it crossed the border from New Hampshire. Most hurricanes coming up the east coast lose power passing over Cape Cod or make landfall and lose power before reaching the Gulf of Maine. The warm Gulf Stream also turns away from the coast around the Carolinas, so the water tends to be cooler and that saps storm strength as it comes up along Pennsylvania/New York area. The combo of cooler waters and the curve of the land drains the oomph from most storms long before they get to Maine. The last hurricane to make landfall in Maine and have any significant strength at the timewas when I was 2 or 3 years old. I don't remember any of it. In all honesty, hurricanes mostly affect the fishing industry, especially the deep water fishing where they can be facing pretty stiff winds and very high seas when the remnants of a storm blow through.

    Cammy--I saw on TV that many people in the VI are ok but unable to communicate. I'm praying that Lori's DD is in that position but will be able to get another message out soon. Sometimes I think that is the hardest thing about a disaster like this, the loss of communication. We are all so used to be able reach anyone anytime that not being able to get through is even more scary than it used to be. I know Ham Radio Operators often get together and create communication links and send messages to families but I don't know how popular ham radio use is in the VI. I'm praying for Leslie, too, that all will be well with the surgery. I can imagine how scared and nervous you all are about this.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for hurricane drink recipe3

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2017

    I have been staring at three unoppened bottles of Coppola. If I don't touch during Irma, I will have a big glass after rads completion!!!