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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    Hi gals!

    Just wanted to pop in for a quick hello. I have been busy enjoying my grandson. He stayed over night last night, only the second time ever. My DD does not like to part with him in the aye em. She ran into a friend yesterday while shopping (I watched him for a few hours just to give her a break). They ended up meeting up for drinks and talking until after 2 aye em! I really enjoy Logan, he is sooooo fun.

    Cam, hope it is nothing for Leslie, she is in my prayers. Cheryl had her surgery last week and is doing excellent. She is able to stand up straight for the first time in many months and is feeling marvelous. I can't get over the change. She has restrictions and can't go in the pool right now or take her beloved long bath in the hot tubbie but otherwise doing excellent. I will tell her you were asking about her.

    Lori, glad you heard from your daughter (saw that on FB). Kudos to her for helping others but it must be scary as hell looking for survivors, I'd be too afraid that I would find deceased persons, I could not take that. But good for her. Many blessing to her Lori. Praying that the next set of hurricanes spare the US VI.

    Welcome Reba M. Are you in Florida? I say have those dwinkies, they are good for you (sez mese)!!!!

    Kim, keep up the great work, I could not be more proud of ya. Isn't it cool how relaxing weekends can be when you do not have a boatload of work to do with the hospice job? Good luck with the transformation of phone, internet and TV services, WTG saving so much. CHING CHING CHING, in your pocket the money goes, YEAH!

    Hello to eberybody else, again sorry for being short here. Miss you all and love you so much. Will try to post an update to all soonliest. Oh, missing Genny here, come in Mary please!!! I saw Anorable on FB, so grown up and pretty as eber!

    cheeRs my loves!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! For me it's going to be declutter the kitchen day. I am really pleased with the junk I've gotten out of the living room, and all the dirt and dust I've gotten cleaned up. Everything is in boxes but the boxes all have themes--electronics, crocheting, office supply stuff, Scentsy stuff, DoTerra stuff, batteries. I have a supply of storage boxes and baskets that I can label, then the boxes will go to appropriate places like the closet or the stand beside my recliner. All the office supply stuff will be gathered together from other parts of the house, too, and will go into a rolling 3 drawer cart. What does not fit in the cart goes away. I've got so much duplicate office supply stuff cuz I can never find the stuff I have when I want it, so I end up getting more. I'm really going to have a hard time throwing away excess office supply stuff, need to find someplace to take it to donate. BUT, I can designate a box for the donated stuff, seal it and take it somewhere. Had to toss the bagged junk out the porch window cuz the garage door is broken. Was tired at the end of the day, dreaded going out and moving the bags to the dumpster. Then it only took 5 minutes and the dumpster is half full again! Why do I always think things are going to take so much longer to get done than they really do? Sadie kept trying to help me, everything I sat down on the floor to sort through a pile of stuff she would walk all around me scattering things as she did! I don't know how many dustpans full of dirt, dust and junk she got in the face cuz she'd stick it in the trash bag just as I went to dump the pan! I found things I've been missing for months. Found my living room clock that shows the room temperature, got the batteries replaced and got it hung up again. So nice to be able to lay hands on batteries when I want them! Opened a bottle of Zinfandel to go with my pizza, it was good but not fantastic, I'm beginning to think I like Old World reds better than California ones, but will keep tasting and exploring.

    Reba-are you in Florida?Please stay safe! Let us know how you are when you can.

    Dara--Ah, what fun you must have had with Logan. I saw the pics on Fb. Not so much Baby Logan, anymore! I am so happy that Cheryl is doing better after surgery! She must have been totally miserable before. The restrictions must be trying but they will be temporary and it's worth it to be sure nothing gets infected or healing gets disrupted. It is amazing how much better I feel now that the house is really showing signs of the work it's taking to declutter it. I feel accomplished and don't feel like a total slob any more. It actually is a more relaxed feeling. And I am much more relaxed at work, knowing that when the day is over it is OVER, and that I will still be able to do things socially and for fun. Part of the decluttering of the living room yesterday was unplugging and throwing away the house phone. It had been ringing so incessantly with robocalls that I turned the answering machine off and then turned the ringer off weeks ago. No need to supply electricity to that puppy if I'm not using it!

    Everyone near Irma or any of the other storms and hurricanes, please stay safe!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    No DOTD for me last night or tonight: PCP pulled me off Dexilant Tuesday (so I could absorb iron) and my GERD has been brutal. He said to use Zantac 150 BID, Pepcid 40 TID for “severe esophagitis,” but they haven’t made a dent. Been gobbling TUMS too, and woke up several times during the night (had to sleep sitting up, ugh—hurts my neck). Bob said screw it, go back to the Dexilant (supplementing with the other stuff) till I get the acid control I used to get (at least a week or two)—then taper slowly, not quit cold turkey. I went back to it last night, but it didn’t kick in (hence the several nocturnal reflux episodes). It has such a short half-life that within 24 hrs my esophagus felt like I’d never been on it. The anemia can wait. He says his elderly patients with anemia get iron infusions—they work pretty quickly and last a long time. I would love to get my hiatal hernia fixed (that’s where the heartburn is—sort of at the bottom of my throat) but I have to get my BMI down below 35 to be eligible. (And anything that helps me lose weight either aggravates the GERD, interferes with the iron, or both).

    So to stave off the caffeine withdrawal symptoms, instead of a whole cup of coffee, I had a short shot of espresso. No coffee (even decaf), wine (or any alcohol), citrus, berries, flavored seltzer, chocolate, sauces, dressings or even my beloved homegrown tomatoes. Just shoot me.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies! Life for me has been rough, but I think of all of you, well...all the time.

    I apologize, but I'm not caught up with all things good and maybe not so good with you beautiful women.

    I spoke to Genny/Mary a couple of times over the past few weeks, and as always, it was wonderful to catch up with her. Love her!

    I've been in couples therapy with the hubs for the past few weeks. It's been quite the roller coaster ride! Ha! I really like this therapist. I was in individual therapy with someone who specializes in grieving, but I didn't quite connect with that person. Anyway, I hope this finds everyone well.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday! I've got 2 days of Travel Medicine education starting today that I'm really looking forward to. When I get home I need to clean off the kitchen counter and wash some dishes. Tomorrow after class is floor washing and picking up the sun porch. Wednesday is getting things fixed/installed day! Then one day of work for Hospice. Should be a nice week. I'm not as stiff and sore in my arms and back as I expected to be this morning, which is nice too. Maybe all this cleaning and decluttering is resulting in a little bit of reconditioning for the ol' bod, too!

    Chi--oh my dear, I am so sorry you are going through that. I have a hiatal hernia and severe GERD too, and can remember the nights of not sleeping at all cuz of the burning and pain. Praying the Dexilant kicks in ASAP and weaning off while taking the Zantac and Pepcid works better for you. The dietary restrictions are horrendous, and I find they generally don't make any difference anyway, just add to the suffering. Just so NOT FAIR.

    Heidi--good to see you! Sounds like you are having a time adjusting to all the changes you've been through. Glad you are getting some help. No need to apologize for not keeping up, life is crazy enough, just drop in when you can.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Class Act



    Pour all ingredients into a shaker of ice, shake, then strain into a rocks glass full of ice. Drinker will have to constantly mix the drink in his glass as the Advocaat will settle.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2017

    Morning DahhhLinKs

    I am back. Back to a messy kitchen, ton of laundry, and multiple phone calls. I read the last 2 pages, am sooo glad none of you were hurt or displaced during hurricanes. Been watching a little news, it depresses me to no end. We need to hear from Julie T and someone else, can't remember. Hope they are OK. Sending prayers and donations.

    Chi - I used to take Nexium, but now rely mostly on Zantac and tums. Hope something works for you and soon.

    Have to just say HELLO, prayers out to all plus lots of


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Heidi, so sorry to hear you and DH are going through a rough patch; hope couples therapy helps.

    Back on the Dexilant until & unless my PCP reads me the riot act after my next CBC & ferritin test. Being off it didn’t help me absorb the iron anyway, since I had to switch to Feosol complete—the gentlest formulation, which is half heme-iron (supposed to be more bioavailable). But judging from the color of the, uh, “evidence” (normal) I didn’t seem to be absorbing it. Yet until I had to stop all iron a week before the colonoscopy, when I was taking both Dexilant and ferrous gluconate, the “evidence” was black (and effortful to eliminate)—so I had been absorbing the iron. So this morning, I took a Feosol before breakfast (directions say it’s ok to take it with any type of food), and in about an hour will take a ferrous gluconate and a chewable C tab. I had no breakthrough last night, and I was able to have a cup of coffee this morning without incident.

    What gave me an epiphany was that Dexilant is supposed to interfere with absorption of B12, folate, calcium and D3—but my levels of all of those were dead-bang normal. Meanwhile, I read that low ferritin can interfere with thyroid function (even if lab tests of thyroid hormones appear normal) and lead to—you guessed it—weight gain. So part of my weight gain might also be attributed to that, not just letrozole. Wonder if an iron infusion might make it easier for diet & exercise to make a difference while still on letrozole.

    Last evening I drank water. Just water.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    NM, how can you say you haven't been productive. MY GOSH GIRL, you have done a ton! Good for you. And good for getting rid of some unneeded bills.

    RebaMac, welcome and enjoy that wine. Please come back and visit. Where are you that Irma is a threat?

    Wacko, such good news about Cheryl. And I KNOW you are enjoying that handsome little man of yours.

    LDB, Julie and Cydie are ok.

    Cami, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your DD.

    Communication is off and on with my DD. She is back at her own home, still no electricity. Hot and humid there, with only battery fans. She went to some of the villas that she cleans and got some supplies, I think like TP, paper towels, things that won't be needed right now in the villas. Could be 6 months until she gets power restored. So having to keep ice for refrigerated items. She is in good spirts, unless it's a front to hide from mom. Window in her car got blown out, but she was sitting in there last night to cool off and charge her phone and ipad. I think they are opening the airports this week. However, I don't think she will leave. She might, but I doubt it. And not likely I will get to see her, even if she does. That's ok, she is alive and as safe as can be. Not likely that I will be able to hook up with Mary, need to to text her. Love you all and cheers to everyone. Glad I was able to check in with y'all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Lori, glad to hear your DD is safe, albeit uncomfortable and intermittently incommunicado.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The first day of Travel Medicine Education was absolutely fascinating and eye opening. Can't wait for today's session to get started. I love learning new stuff. Sadie was not happy not to go with me, but she could not sit in the car in the 70 degree, sunny weather all day.

    Mema--Glad you are safe and home, even if there is a boatload of work to do! The pictures of the damage are very sad.

    Chi--Sounds to me like you really need the Dexilant to be comfortable that way, and if that is going to interfere with iron absorption, then an alternative route like the infusion may be the way to go. It is so not fair to be bothered with all this crap on top of bc.

    Goldie--I am looking forward to tomorrow and getting all kinds of things taken care of. I really have done a lot this week, haven't I?So glad you have had contact with your DD. I suspect it will be a while before the owners of the villas are back for a visit. Power may be out for 6 months? Boy are we spoiled around here. A power outage is considered long if it lasts more than a day or two! Sorry the car window got blown out, but it sounds like the car works, and that's helpful. Thanks for the update!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:



    3/4 ounce light rum

    3/4 ounce triple sec

    3/4 ounce vodka

    3/4 ounce gin

    3/4 ounce tequila

    3/4 ounce grenadine

    1 1/2 ounces cranberry juice

    1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice

    1 1/2 ounces sweet and sour mix

    3 cherries (garnish)


    1. Put a handful of ice in a shaker and add all of the ingredients. Shake well and pour into a 16 ounce glass.

    2. Garnish with a lime wedge.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- been out of pocket for a few days with friends in town visiting in Santa Fe and playing tourist guide. They left today and I am back at it again. Took them to places I love, and discovered a few new favorites along the way too. Getting back in to the groove today and business call coming up!

    Goldie- glad your DD is safe. Wow, six months w/o power, that won't be easy but island people adapt. Tropical storms teach people how to survive and cope. I heard FL has millions without power now too. Hope your DD continues to do well where ever she goes or if she stays.

    Hsant- no doubt you are having some adjustments after being seperated from your DH for so long with care giving your dad. I am a big fan of counseling to help you through the tough times in life, it has been a life saver for me after major changes in my life with family losses, elder care, my own stuff, etc. I hope the support helps you and that you continue to take super good care of yourself sister.

    LLL- how are things in Houston? Are you back on track with your rads treatment?

    Mema- glad you are home and hoping you are getting through re-entry.

    NM- I think travel medicine would be a very interesting area to work in. I always visit travel clinics before going to places like Central or So America for all the groovy things you need to get shots for, have prophilatic pills for, etc. I hope that work expands into more for you and that with time, the hospice folks will be more of a memory than an income producer. Always good to start with what you need and get to what you want with time!

    Need to get ready for my call, more later! Sept is going to be a busy month this way!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2017

    Good afternoon everyone. Not much going on today. Just windy and chilly here in Indy.

    LOri so glad your DD is ok. I'm sure it's very hard to watch the news and not be with her. I hope they get relief and help soon.

    Hi Memaw

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, I am doing well, Houston is getting cleaned/dried up and rads have resumed. I actually only missed two sessions, made one up on the weekend and the other is added to the end. I've been trying to read the various posts to keep up but not posting much, still so busy at work. Everything should be settled down in the next couple of weeks, can't wait!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Today is the day I get all sorts of stuff done around the house. So excited to get the dishwasher and garage door back in working order! I'm hoping the laptop I bought will be delivered today so I can get that set up after the new internet is installed. Sadie is very happy with the basketful of toys that have turned up during the recent cleaning/decluttering session, she is stopping me for a game of fetch or tug every few minutes. I even found a well loved toy tucked under the pillows on the bed last night!Day 2 of the travel medicine education was just as fascinating as Day 1. I have a ton of notes and a whole list of web sites and other resources to check out. When I think of all the cruises I've taken with ports of call in Mexico and the Caribbean and the things I should have known but didn't, I wonder how I never got sick or hurt or worse!

    Jazzy--it's fun playing tourist guide, isn't it? And great way to find new places, too. The Travel Medicine work will expand a bit when I get through orientation for that piece, but that pays $10/hr less than Hospice. I am hoping to get the Kaplan teaching position, that would bring in better money than Hospice, and could potentially replace Hospice work during the testing/test prep season. But I have already been able to scale back the number of days I work for Hospice. Hope your call went well, and you got lots done around the house!

    Morning, Nancy!

    Illi--glad rads are back on track.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Helluva Hurricane



    Pour dark rum, light rum, juices, and grenadine over ice into a pilsner/parfait glass. Add a half spoon of sugar, stir slightly, and top with high octane 151 rum and cherries/pineapple. Add an optional sugar cube, ignite and drink with a straw.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Morning Ladies,,

    Wow MIA way to long. Lori I did red u knew u'r DD was OK and I was so so happy/. That is awful not knowing and having to watch the news, maybe communication is off for now but u have to feel better. But u'r poor DD not having Elect. can't even fathom that.

    Ill u'r rads returned quickly which is good around u'r area. But what a mess the news shows OMG.

    Everyone I know is doing OK nd safe so I'm thankful.

    SusyQ glad u'r back and I hope u'r feeling well.

    Reba I hope u come back and tell us about u'rself, whatever u feel good about sharing.

    Heidi so very glad to hear from you and if u like this therapist that makes a world of difference. This has been so difficult for you and I truly hope u find peace and take care of u'rself.

    NM U have never been so busy, but u sound so happy. U have to be exhausted at the end of every day but doing so much when it's over u'll really be able to relax more with Sadie.

    Jazzy it's great to go to places u enjoy with friends and new places, now it's time to get down too everyday work for u and u'r routine.

    Sandy u'r having a hell of a time trying to control some meds, but u have iron mixed i with that. I just went back to Zantac and tums after whatever they put me on and it seems to work best, but I only drink water and sleep sitting up so that makes a difference for me. I hope u get settled with that, it's so very annoying.

    Oh Dr I'm so glad to hear about Cheryl please give her an extra hug from me. And being with u'r GS is the funnest and happiest time for u. But I'm still confused about u'r job.

    My nephew got operated on yesterday for his ankle??? He's got now bunch of nails in it and can't use his foot for 6 weeks, Ugh. My sister gets operated on this morning, I talked to her last nite and she's done loads tomake sure things are good for when she comes home, she never ever seems nervous going thru any medical procedure, We all had brunch Sunday and it was a buffet <crowded> but when I came in they put us in a new set up table nice n d close to the food. LOL Joanne <cousin> totally helped me with everything and we had such a good time, but as soon as I got home and changed I slept for 8 hrs without getting up.and I was exhausted Mondy so it was hard for me to work. Getting dressed and going out takes so much out of me but I love to go anyway. And Joey gets my clothes together and it's always my nice clothes so he was a big help getting me ready.

    We haven't told him anything about Leslie yet but she got her biopsy yesterday and hoping to hear soon, but she said she thinks it's cancer, I didn't tell her I did too, I hope we're both wrong. So now we wait.

    Nancy and Mary I hope u get a chance to come in more we miss u.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- on the go again today and a very cool work opp came up this week I am chasing. Speaking with the next level this afternoon. Wish me luck!

    Cami- lots of surgeries for your family. I am praying nothing serious for Leslie, but know you are worried. I would be too. Remember that with your family having had experience with this, you will be able to support her if this does not go the way everyone is hoping. Having those who have been through cancer treatment or have supported others through it means everything. Keep us posted and keep taking good care of yourself too.

    Chi- I am behind on this thread but see you are struggling through some iron stuff still. So much trial and error around these problems we have. I am hoping you are doing okay. I love your updates on the drinks you enjoy. I had something this past weekend called a "super Tuscan" red that was delicous but cannot remember much more about it than that.

    NM- I wish you luck to get the Kaplan teaching job! I know you need to make enough so the travel clinic work is a good supplement. I like the variety of things you are doing in your new world! I hope you continue to enjoy your new work routine and love that Sadie is diggin' your new scene too!

    Ill- so glad to hear you are back with your treatment routine. Finishing up with what we need to do is important. We know you are busy with work and this and don't worry about writing, just glad to know you are doing okay!

    I have a couple doc apts this week, one done on monday and Friday to see my endocrinologist. I think I shared with you all that the endocrin. is leaving the healthcare group per my PCP so I need to find out where she is going? I am starting to loose weight again after being plateued since June and dropped 3 more pounds since late August. I have dropped 10 since I saw her in June. Wish me luck again on this one!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    A ”super Tuscan” is any excellent upscale red made in Tuscany from a grape that isn’t authorized as “native” to the area—for instance, Chianti can be made only from Sangiovese. The super-Tuscans include some Cabernet Sauvignons like Sassicaia that cost an arm & a leg and blow even the finest aged Chiantis out of the water.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good afternoon ladies- well I had my computer guy over here yesterday and found out my newer all in one printer needs to be replaced already. Likely a dud but did get the extended warranty for it so I will put in for the replacement cost and got something new at Sam's Club this morning that should be a good replacement and will have the tech back over on Monday to install it. Then I will be back in business.

    I had a good call with the new firm that is intereted to work with me. We are much in alignment about the way we work and our philosophy on work life balance. Part of the reason I work for myself is to choose my project and not get pulled into those long road stints. Some travel, but not the 100% girl or for months on end. Not set up for it and not good for your health either. Anyways, they have some things coming up and think this will be a good partnering relationship.

    Chi- I think the particular super Tuscan I had included some sangiovese grapes. I looked on the web site but it was a special they were doing this month and not listed. The super tuscan was delicious. I also had some of my DRNK pinot noir that I was given earlier in the year for my birthday.

    Goldie- I am reading more about the state of things in the VI and how everyone is coming to help. Barbudo seems uninhabitable now after taking the worst of the hit. Where will those people go? I love reading the stories about how people are helping where ever they can and in ways they are uniquely suited to do so.

    We have a cooler day here today and some lite rain going on. It has been hot here in Sept, temps up in the low 90s which is withering my mums. But supposedly a cold front is coming. Fall begins in another 8 days or so. Bring it on I say!

    May not be here as much the next few days with busy weekend ahead. Everyone be safe and enjoy your weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Brought home some rib tips, chicken and red beans & rice en route from last night’s BC support group meeting. I had cherry-lime seltzer with it, but seeing as how Bob opened a magnum of La Spinetta Casanova Chianti, I think I’ll pour myself a couple of ounces with dinner. First wine I’ll have had in nearly a week.

    Had my Prolia shot this morning, and my MO drew not just the usual chem panel but a CBC to see if the iron is working. (Maybe ferritin too, but they took only two tubes. And the phlebotomist hit the vein on the first try—gonna ask for him if I ever need an iron infusion).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi- sounds like some delicious treats at your bc group. I have never done an in person group, just this site for privacy reasons. Does your in person group help? I always think it is good to have as much community around this stuff as possible.

    I hope your Prolia shot goes easily and you are not too achey from it. Hoping the blood work results show progress on the iron front too. You are taking good care of yourself!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    LOL, Jazzy—nothing but water during the support group meetings. The Chicken Shack in Evanston had all that yummy stuff and it was on my way home.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi- that sounds about more like what I would expect!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Guess who I am going to see this weekend? He is playing at our state fair this year! I have seen him several times before, been about 12 years since the last concert and can't wait!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Way cool, Jazzy! Tues. we’re planning to see Suzzy Roche and her daughter Lucy Wainwright at City Winery; and Oct. 8 we’re going to House of Blues to see Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul. (You may know him as the founder and chief DJ on Little Steven’s Underground Garage on Sirius/XM, Steve Van Zandt of Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, or as Silivio Dante on The Sopranos, or on the Netflix series Lillyhammer). He recently released his first album in 18 years, “Soulfire,” and it’s terrific. (On it he “covers” songs he wrote for other artists).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Had to run into town early yesterday ayem to get blood work done before my yearly physical in a couple of weeks. Hospice day turned into a very long, very difficult one. Need to finish up some computer work for that this ayem. Will be back later for a full ketchup and update.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, almost Afternoon, Loungettes!Finally got yesterday's super long Hospice work done, NOT happy about o the day turned out when I told them the day was getting to be too long given that I was going to be (1) discharging a patient, (2) following up on a patient with a significant change in condition and (3) following up on a patient in the local Emergency Room after a fall in addition to 4 routine visits. Add in an early start to get the mandatory education stuff done and yesterday was a 13.05 hour day, plus 3.50 hours today to finish the computer work. Yup, 16.5 hours for ONE day of work, and what I was given was a typical assignment for a full time case manager. The only thing that kept me sane was telling myself that I could sleep in this ayem and would NOT be finally ketchuping late Friday night. When I mentioned how the day was going to one of the Clinical Managers said that it was a good thing that I was in the area to take care of all the crisis work, it was "meant to be" that I was available to take care of the situation. Blah. It's good I'm able to be available for all this crap, but no one thought to tell me about the big BBQ held earlier this week to celebrate beating all admission goals and such this last quarter. And, no, I am not going to start checking the work e-mails when I am not working.

    Anyway, that is just a blip on an otherwise very nice week. Wednesday the guy from Sears came, figured out the dishwasher issue, will be back the 22nd to fix it. The new internet was set up without any problems, able to get the Kindle on, need to get an adapter to make the desktop wireless.The new laptop came yesterday, got it up and running and on the new internet, so will be calling the current company today and stopping the home phone, internet and dish network. Bye-bye $204/month bill!The guy coming to fix the garage door left a message that he had a couple of repairs go "horribly wrong" and he had to reschedule.He'll be coming sometime today. Next project to work on will be the on-demand water heater.

    The second day of the Travel Medicine seminar was just as fascinating as the first day. There is so much stuff I want to look up and dig deeper into, as well as improving my geographical knowledge.

    Ok, the garage door guy just came by, has to order some stuff, should come in next Thursday, got a tentative appointment for next Friday if it all gets here. Disappointed to not get that fixed today, butthat will let me get into town to take care of some things like filling out my Travel Clinic time card and picking up another case of wine I ordered.

    Cammy--I am tired at the end of the day, but happily tired, and love the ritual of cuddling up to Sadie and giving her a massage and tummy tickles at bed time.

    Jazzy--Good luck with the work opp! I'm still waiting to hear from Kaplan. Didn't really expect to hear this last week but you know how hope goes. Good luck following the endo doc, hope she goes where you can still see her.

    Chi--neat info about Super Tuscan wine!

    Jazzy--ugh about the printer. So not fun. Sounds like the new work opp may turn out to be a good one for all involved.

    Chi--nice when the phlebotomist gets the vein on the first try! So great you hand a nice time out with the family at a nice buffet. I'm sure it tires you out. Sounds like Joey is a big help. Praying for Leslie.

    Well, time to run into town, cloudy and cool enough to take Sadie, so she'll be happy.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Gremlin Fixer



    Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Wow, almost 24 hours and NO posts? Did I offend EVERYONE?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017


    Cami, I can't tell you how much I am thinking of you and your family at this time.

    NM, of course they loaded you down, they are used to doing that. I didn't know you had an on demand water heater. If I did, I forgot! We have one too. The only thing I don't like about it is the amount of time it takes for the hot to reach the tap!

    Just going to jump in. But I have read everything. Too much going on for me to meet up with Mary, didn't even. call or text bad on that.

    My DD is still not able to fly out, hoping for the 20th. She is busting her a$$ off helping on the island. I can't even imagine what she went through and what she is currently going thru. My HS friend that came to visit me left $200 for her. I plan on sending $1000, but no way for her to get it, as the bank is dry! If you can't prove your residency, you are not allowed on the ferry from SST to STJ.

    Heading out for groceries and time to start getting ready to head out camping to Moab. Leaving Sept. 27th.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- busy week and got a busy weekend under way. Went to see my endocrinologist yesterday. She has not decided about what she is going to do next, may go back out in to private practice. She cannot handle the "corporatization" of healthcare going on and feels she cannot give good patient care. She knows I work in healthcare IT consulting so we had good talk about things. The healthcare group has a CNP who she said can help me with my medication management so I will see her in December, then by next spring, she may be ready to take me back on. Fingers crossed she stays here, but I am not convinced she will be able to.

    She gave me a bit of an adjustment to my metformin/farziga drug that my help me with my remaining weight loss goals. She says my numbers are great and I am continuing to make good progress with my blood sugar and other numbers. There is a possibility I may remain on a low dose of metformin for the long term due to the benefits of cancer reoccurrence. I just want to reduce some of these other drugs I have ended up on due to the AIs. The visit was a good one.

    NM- we love you sister, no offense as far as I am concerned. I think many on the run here and dealing with some family challenges too. Goldie and her daughter in the VI, concerned for Leslie's results too for Cami. Been reading your posts and love all the things you are doing! Hope you are enjoying some early fall weather in Maine this weekend? Been hot here but starting to cool down.

    Goldie- I have been seeing all the photos and articles on FB about the devestation in the VI. It is heart breaking, spent a lot of time on those islands through the years and know the amount of devestation is huge. So nice your friend stopped by with money for your DD, what a nice surprise? I hope she continues to recover along with all the others that have been trashed by these two huge storms. I hear Jose is out in the Atlantic churning and may hit the NE next (oiy).

    Going to the state fair later today and also concern night with Kenny Loggins! Have a good Saturday one & all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Sorry for my absence these past two days--was stuck in digital-purchase-and-setup limbo. Bob wanted me to order him an iPhone 8 online: he decided I should get the 8 Plus because my purses have more room than his pockets, and he didn't want to have to wait till Nov. for the X--he also felt a bit nervous at what he perceived to be a "delicate" phone. Of course, all three new ones are glass front & back; it's just that the edge-to-edge screen of the X might make it look more "fragile." Nevertheless, his Sprint contract was up and he wants to buy the phone outright. (I'm on AT&T's monthly plan, sort of like leasing a car).

    So midnight on the 15th, I went to the Apple site and clicked "buy." The "Apple Store" was down for "refurbishing" for nearly an hour. Clicked through to buy him his phone till I got to the "are you switching carriers?" question. Whereupon I learned Apple & Verizon would need his Sprint password and account number--and since his office handles all that he didn't have it. I was able to buy my 8 Plus (switching to the annual-upgrade path) but because of that, AT&T requires I wipe and return my current order 6S once my new phone has been set up. I also ordered a pair of wireless AirPods, a more powerful "wall-wart," induction charging mat and a couple of cable adapters. The AirPods were listed as "available today for pickup" at my local brick & mortar Apple Store; the phone will be available for pickup next Friday; everything else is to be shipped to me for delivery this Wed. By the time I finished purchasing, it was 2:30 am and it was time for bed.

    Fri. morning I woke to find an 3:25 am e-mail from Apple saying "we're processing your order..." So after I got all my other chores done, I decided that I would go to the Apple Store to look at a new laptop and pick up the AirPods. After a 10-mile slog through rush hour traffic, I arrived at the store at 6pm--only to find my order wasn't in the system and might not be until closing time! After wading through a couple of web pages, I found that it "has been received and is awaiting processing." Why the e-mail, then? Was handed off to a succession of store clerks, until one suggested I call Apple. I was on hold for awhile, so we looked at various 13" MacBooks--to replace my old overloaded 11" MBAir I was using for travel and the heavy broken-screen increasingly erratic 2014 15" MacBook Pro. Just as we were beginning to winnow down the finalists, I got a live human being on the line who admitted that because of the new-product rollout Apple's online ordering servers were "swamped" and he couldn't honestly tell me when my order would be processed. Hung up and asked if I could just buy a pair of in-stock Air Pods and cancel the ones I'd ordered--but since it was part of a larger order that had not yet processed it couldn't be edited or canceled. (If this is beginning to sound circular, you're not alone). Decided to buy the AirPods and cancel the already-ordered ones when I come to pick up my new phone.

    Chose the 13" MacBook Pro, 512GB, 8 GB RAM, with integrated "touch bar" and fingerprint sensor. Had dinner & dessert first. Took me all night (till past 6 am) to set it up and transfer data from Time Machine. Didn't get up till 12:30 pm!

    Last night I had an ounce or so of the LaSpinetta Casanova Chianti from the magnum Bob had opened a couple nights earlier. Starting to get thin and acidic. (He didn't pump air out, just put the cork back in). So tonight I Coravin-ed a couple of ounces of the same winery's Super Tuscan. Rich, almost chewy--lots of Cabernet Sauvignon in the blend. Still had a lot more application setup to do (my wi-fi-enabled printer still shows up as "online" when unplugged, even after it confirmed it found the network & vice versa). Four USB-C ports, and I have to kick it old-school and plug in the printer if I want to print. Same as was happening for months before this. At least the printer was cheap.

    Still getting used to this machine. About the same size as the Air, but the keys are bigger, more responsive and backlit. Unfortunately, the Siri button is adjacent to the fingerprint sensor and Delete key, so poor Siri keeps asking what I'd like her to do. Sigh--always.a bridesmaid, never a bride. One of these days she'll throw her hands up in disgust and sit back ignoring me when I actually want her to do something.