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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    NM, the other funny thing about the ME customer, was that he said he would just buy locally. Well, what he bought from me, you can't buy anywhere else! We do have deer and rabbits, but they can't get into my garden. The cedar fence goes all the way around. Deer won't jump it cuz they can't see what is on the other side. Rabbits can't dig under it cuz we ran chicken wire down the fence (just near the bottom) and then out about a foot, covered with gravel. So a rabbit will dig right at the fence, and he will hit the chicken wire. Make sense? So what are your hours for the 8 hour shift. I don't know how you do 12 hours! Maybe with the 8 hour shift it will be a bit easier to juggle the other things, shopping and things around the house.

    Cami, even with the death of a loved one, still find a way to joke. "Nicky trying to take ya's with himn".

    I'm just trying to stay out of the rabbit hole and all I have to do is think of you BabyGirl, and then I feel guilty for being depressed. Here you are so young and have gone through SO MUCH, and here I am, almost 62, stage IV for almost 6 years and no pain. I just have to get over this bump and I'll be ok. Running out of options for treatment and I don't think I'll do IV chemo.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Hello from S.C.! Weather here is warming up. Humidity is not too bad yet. I worked with ‘Terminator Sue’ trimming shrubs yesterday. She trims and DH and I drag the trimmings to the street. That way she puts in fewer hours and we pay less. She likes it and we like it. Although today I can hardly walk. DH does not fully understand that most shrubbery benefits from an annual trim. Sue was able to shame him into allowing her to cut some out of control redtips between our yard and the neighbors. They had grown about a foot into the driveway and were way too tall. DH wants them big for privacy. I agree, but want them to look nice while doing it. They really need to be trimmed every three or four months. We still need to put out pinestraw so things look finished. Gotta get that done soon as once it gets hot here I am mainly an indoor girl.
    Installed my new windspinner this morning. It was an Internet impulse buy, but doesn’t look too bad. I can see it through several windows and enjoy the movement. Plus, it does not need trimming or water!!!!


    Our governor is lifting the Stay at Home order on Monday. Restaurants can open only outdoor seating and retail stores are supposed to limit customers. Pretty sure I will continue to use precautions when going out. Doubt I will do too much retail shopping until I have to think about Christmas. Maybe by then the second surge will be over.

    The fun never ends! Take care.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi everyone- happy Sunday afternoon. Keeping tabs on things here and everyone sounds mostly okay. It's really pretty here right now and lots of color with blooms in the gardens. We have had a heat wave going on with temps in the low 90s which is hot for this time of the year (more like June-July weather). No rain in sight either, which we could get a good soaking day of rain. Our last moisture was in mid April with a rain turned to snow storm. I am working to keep up with the watering.

    We seem to be past our peak here in the state, and cases are still there, but not rising as fast. Still a big problem out to the west and they have the roads in and out of Gallup near the Navaho nation closed off and trying to get them the help they need. A friend who works for one of the big hospitals here says they are bringing more patients in to the city for care.

    New Mexico is slowly opening up a few businesses with expanded curbside pick up for non-essential businesses. That started on Friday. I am still going out mostly for food and scripts, although I did go do a quick drive by to say goodbye to a friend yesterday who is leaving town permanently. My chance to say goodbye before she moved back east with her family. I went by Whole Foods but the line was absurd. I see half the people with masks, the others not.

    Cami- I think a sudden loss is the hardest, and when someone is young-ish, even harder. Feel free to talk about him all you want and your sweet memories together. Tears are very healing too, we need to cry for and about many things these days. Sending you much love friend.

    JCS- I love your wind spinner. I have looked at those before and may go for one one of these days if I can figure out where it would be best to locate. Nice to enjoy without any maintenance. I prune my trees, shrubs, etc. every year as they need it. They also stay health that way.

    Goldie- I hope your little buddy's mom can make it through and/or that they have thought about who he can be with otherwise. Always a hard thing with adult children that need care. I hope you are staying cool and enjoy the spring.

    NM- I am glad your shifts are shorter with the night work. Those long shifts which are so common right now in this time are exhausting. I am hoping you are having some good time at home this weekend and Miss Sadie is keeping you entertained.

    How is the weather? No more snow? How is your mom doing too? Did your brother delay his move or are they gone now?

    Celia C, ChiSandy, Karen, Ill, Mistyeyes, Yoga, who else am I missing?

    Hope everyone has had a decent weekend and staying well.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2020

    Hi Dahlinks,

    Was good to reach out to my 'ladies'. Am still trying to get on every day, so far no luck with that.

    Thanks for everyone's responses…u are the bestest!

    My Sofia is walking now, still not real steady, but she doesn't give up and my son is still sending pics and videos.

    I really don't like this lock-down but I understand it all. We are ordering stuff from our grocery store and then go pick it up. If we have to go inside we both wear masks. We've also done a lot of on-line ordering, so that's good. Most places are waiving the postage, so that helps.

    Our temps have been in the high 80's. Gonna be hot hot hot soon. Hubs bought me another portable a/c unit, so that with the window unit, I should be ok.

    I have to close now as my fingers r starting to cramp.

    Lubs lubs lubs to all!!! SillyHeart

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited May 2020

    You’re sweet Goldie and I appreciate the sympathy but there’s no need to feel guilty. I’m just trying to get over my bump too and the fact that my current situation is the worst thing I’ve ever been through is a testament to what a nice and easy life I’ve had so far. I may never get old but I’ll always be awesome, lol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    Illi -Love your attitude and your saying - yes you are!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    JCS, love the spinner. Do you mind me asking what you paid for it and where you got it. The ones I have seen were quite pricey, like $500 and up, but they are pretty big. What is the diameter of yours, about 2'?

    Jazzy, it is sad to see how bad it is on the reservations. Most don't have adequate water even and I've seen the road closures. We travel through the reservation when we go to Moab, up 191. Certainly that would not be closed? Beautuful spring blooms here too.

    Hey there Lil Doity Butt, glad to see you poop in. Can you send ma a picture of Sophia, would love to see her. Glad you are staying put.

    Babygirl, you ARE awesome! I love that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    DOTD: Tropical Strawberry-Hibiscus Rum Smash.

    Probably one of the prettiest cocktails I have seen!

    See the source image

    2 tablespoons dried hibiscus flowers
    1 teaspoon honey
    8 fresh mint leaves
    1/2 a lime, quartered
    1/4 cup mango, pineapple, or passion fruit juice
    1/4 cup coconut water
    2 ounces rum
    sparkling water, for topping
    2 strawberries, sliced

    1. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil in a medium size pot. Remove from the heat, add the hibiscus flowers and 1-2 teaspoons honey. Cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain into a pitcher and discard the hibiscus flowers.
    2. In a tall glass, muddle the lime and mint leaves. Add a handful of crushed ice, the mango juice, coconut water and the rum, gently mix to combine. Pour sparkling water over top to about 3/4 the way up the glass. Add the sliced strawberries and top with hibiscus tea. DRINK.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Goldie- I think what roads are closed depends on each state and their governor. Here in NM, any of the roads into Grants are closed and expect the exits off I-40 would be. I would check AZ and UT maps apps to see what is open before you go. I think anything around the Navaho reservation may be closed for the foreseeble future.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Beautiful day again yesterday, so I went for a walk around the 'hood, planning to end up at Whole Foods for stuff I didn't get on Sat. Fewer than half the people were wearing masks/face covers--and every one of the ones who weren't made ME have to veer aside (into the gangways, street, dog-poop-laden grassy parkways) to social-distance. Worse yet, one of a couple of teenage boys actually SPAT on the sidewalk, twice! People were hanging out on their porches with neighbors (closer than 6' apart). Kids were sitting on the sidewalk while their parents chatted. Now, mind you, our sidewalks are less than 4 feet across. I got to Whole Foods, only to find the line stretching nearly an entire block. (I don't understand why, because there was no wait at all on Sat., which was warmer and sunnier, nearly 80F).

    Turned sharply colder after sunset--so much so that I brought the basil seedlings in. Going down into the high 30s tonight (already only 41), but the tomato plants will be okay--they haven't set buds yet. But Thurs. night, more (ugh) "wintry mix." Chicago is supposed to have mid-March weather through the first half of May. Oh, well--makes staying indoors less of a punishment.

    Bob got home late last night, having already changed his clothes and showered (the surgeons at Little Company are finally letting all the doctors use their shower). He had fewer COVID patients, and didn't need to examine them--just their charts, telemetry monitors, and talk through the intercom to those who were conscious and able to speak. But what took forever was the slowness of the Epic computer system (great for outpatient online communication portals, a PITA for docs & nurses in the hospitals. Protocols for records, logging into & out of the pharmacy for each patient, notes, insurance codes, yada yada).

    He wolfed down the bagel, lox & trimmings I ordered for him from Cellars (I had my quiche & salad earlier, for the first time eating brunch without bubbly--just coffee & water). DODT was a DIY Bloody Mary (the "kit" from Cellars included a bottle each of vodka, Bloody Mary mix, Tabasco, and several lemon wedges, celery sticks, and stuffed-olive skewers) for him. I think I will have a "Virgin Mary" tonight. But now, another cappuccino.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I almost said Happy Hump day!I've had to go back to crossing off days on the calendar to keep track of where I am. The last two night shifts were very nice, very low key, no drama, helpful and interesting people to work with. It's going to spoil me for next couple that will no doubt be full of drama and angst, considering who is working with me. Oh, well, such is the life of a working girl, right? I was able to get some of my day job work done, too, which was really good. And now that it has finally warmed up enough to turn the heat off and leave the kitchen door open, Sadie is less mad at me for working the long shifts. I rather suspect she sleeps through the night anyway, but she does have a reputation to maintain and far be it for me cast aspersions! I've got to get out and check the bulb garden today, I think I saw some foliage peeking through the dirt the other morning. And the daffodils next to the house have blossomed. Spring has sprung!Hmm, I'm drinking coffee with ashot of Kahlua at 9:00 ayem, what does that say about me???

    Cammy Cat--ok, so I agreed to work nights longer cuz of the need, but I did negotiate for the 8 hours instead of 12 cuz that's what I need!The social isolation is getting hard on everybody. I have such mixed feelings myself, I want to be able to go out and do things, I want to keep my family and residents safe, and I want to be able to hug! I swear, when things open up some more and someone hugs me for the first time in weeks and weeks I will probably dissolve into tears and totally fall apart! I cannot imagine what I would be like without Sadie to cuddle.

    Chi--Congrats on beating the weight goal! Glad you found some basil plants, too. I love the smell of basil when it's being watered.

    Goldie--The fencing and chicken wire at the bottom sounds pretty effective to me! As to buying local, I try to buy local as much as possible, but some things just aren't realistic to buy locally due to price or availability or, face it, convenience. The 8 hour shift is the traditional 11 peeyem to 7 ayem, meaning start work at 10:30 peeyem to get report and do the narc count.It will be easier cuz I won't be on my feet for as many hours, I can manage sleep better with a nap right before going it to work, and it's easier for not starting work right at supper time with all the business that comes with meal times. And it gives me more time to do things like shopping during the day. Staying out of the rabbit hole is important and oh, so hard at times.

    Librarian--great way to get in exercise, doing something that also saves money! Windspinners are wonderful things to have in the yard, I can watch them for hours. Those plus wind chimes, my idea of peaceful and entertaining at the same time! Some places are being allowed to open up with restrictions as of last Friday, and many are doing so. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing for a bit to see what happens.Maine's confirmed cases count jumped from just over 1000 to 1200 in just one day, so I'm not so sure if things are slowing down or just getting to the peak. With all the protesting going on and still not having truly adequate testing practices (I'm not sure it's supply related so much any more as docs just not ordering tests like the guidelines suggest) I'm worried what is going to happen here. I do think we need more local decisions than state-wide, though. In my own county there are areas that are pretty much free from the virus and places like the town I work in that are practically hot spots, and I think different levels of restriction are appropriate.But I'm not in the decision making seat for this one, and I am glad I'm not. Way too many unknowns.

    Jazzy--Sadie is keeping me entertained. And only 2 more 12 hour shifts before dropping to 8 hours. Well, there is one 12 hour shift on the 18th, that was a compromise, but only that one in the 2 week run. Then I'll be back on days just in time for the next phase of reopening the economy, which probably won't have any effect on the nursing home. Or management may choose to extend current measures if they are lightened up.New newest hot spot is a homeless shelter only 1/4 mile from our building. The weather has warmed up enough to turn off the heat most of the time and so I can leave the kitchen door open for Sadie to go in and out when I'm not home, which makes me feel less guilty for working 12 hour shifts. No snow predicted locally, but there could be snow in the next weather front coming through this weekin the northern part of the state and in the mountains. Mom is doing ok, Dick is doing about the same. My brother and his wife did move just as all of this was beginning. They are staying with people he knows from work, have found a house to buy and are working around the travel restrictions to try to close on the trailer they left behind so they can close on the new house. Then they plan to put in a pool. They've been swimming in the pool where they are staying already, and I am so jealous! I'm not sure how they will handle the heat and humidity of summer, but we'll see. I'm looking forward to going to visit them.Mom says she's going to drive down to visit them, but last time she went to visit them she got lost and that was still in Maine, so we're trying to talk her out of driving. But she wants to have her own car so she can come and go as she pleases (where is she going to go? "I don't know, but I might want to go somewhere").If she does try to drive I am going to find a way to get a GPS tracker on her car or on her phone or something so we can keep track of where she is cuz if she gets into trouble she will have no idea where she is, I can guarantee.

    Mema!Oh, my goodness, Sofia is walking! You must love those pics and videos.I know the lock-down stuff is crazy and hard. I'll be glad when it's over and I'm scared what will happen when it ends, too. Life will never be the same, I think.

    Illi--you are awesome, indeed!

    Morning, Karen!

    Godlie--WOW, beautiful and very yummy sounding!

    Chi--Glad DH had fewer COVID contacts this time around. I've heard about the Epic electronic medical record system, its universally hated by clinicians and adored by billing departments.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2020

    I was way behind and had to read a couple pages to catch up.I have been busy at work, I thought all this virus stuff would slow us down, but guess not.I guess that's good, because I work at planning and zoning and that means someone has money and is building.I still have a time keeping up on the work inside and outside.I sure do miss my husband, he did so much of the outside work.My youngest son still lives with me and does ok, but not as good.I don't do as good with it either.We painted the back porch and need to do the front porch, maybe this weekend.I have a tulip poplar tree that we planted years and years ago, this year it has flowers on it for the first time.I was so excited when I saw it.All of us has been going to the store for my mom and dad when they need something.I think my mom is getting a little depressed not being able to meet with her bible study group and her music group.My younger sister has a large mass in her abdomen and apparently it is crushing her ovary.She is to have a complete hysterectomy and find out if it is cancer or not then.She has been really anxious, actually we all have been for her.

    I cut my bangs, and gave my son Christopher a haircut.He said that his hair isn't even, I told him it's the new hairstyle, everybody has it, it's the Corona-cut.He is lucky he has hair left, I couldn't get the clippers to work, so he got a scissor cut.

    Goldie- saying prayers for you

    Illimae- Your pool is nice and I love the little fishing pole.

    I hope everyone is well and NM I hope you get warmer weather soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    My housekeeper called: her DH has tested negative. He needs to test negative again next week before he can stop isolating. She is truly going stir-crazy, but I will only allow her to come and get her paycheck...through the door...until it's safe for her.

    Last night, with the fried chicken Bob brought home, I cracked a bottle of Mumm Napa Brut Reserve. Tonight I roasted a heritage pork tenderloin, and had some more of that bubbly. But for Stinko de Mayo, DOTD was (duh) Margaritas.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! It is a beautiful sunny ayem here, if a bit chilly. Still, the sun is warm and the breeze is light, so the chilly isn't too bad. Sadie and I went out for a walk yesterday and managed to walk an entire mile and a bit! I was aiming for a half mile. Paltry, I know, but baby steps, I have to start with baby steps. Sadie did well, too, but wasn't as fast moving as she used to be, nor did she pull at all. She did stop to smell the "roses" several times and seemed to enjoy that, but she didn't seem to hear a dog barking at us as we walked by a house. I think her hearing is declining quite a bit.2 more 12 hour shifts, tonite and tomorrow nite, and then 3 days off and then I go to 8 hour shifts, then back to the days the last week of the month. Hmm, that last Monday is Memorial Day, I wonder if it will be treated as a holiday or as a regular day since no vacation time offis allowed during the state of emergency. I'll have to ask. Then it will be June and Stage 2 of reopening should be going into effect. What worries me is that we started Stage 1 without a two week decline in cases, which are still going up by 20 or so a day. Right now the big jump is from an outbreak in a meat processing plant and the associated universal testing there. That little bit of news makes me glad I've been getting my meats from local farms for a few years now. I pay more per pound, but the quality and taste is better, and the peace of mind of knowing exactly where it comes from and where it's processed is priceless.

    Misty--It's good to hear that there are some normal things still going on! My Mom said much the same thing about the outside work after Dad died. That was his thing and nobody does as well as he did. I can imagine it's getting hard on your Mom, she sounds like a very social person. I'll be praying for your sister, that sounds so scary. I love the "Corona-cut" hair style!I bet lots and lots of people have that by now!

    Chi--Good to hear the Housekeeper's DH tested negative!

    baby steps

    Baby Steps Cocktail

    1 oz. gin

    1 oz. Aperol

    1 oz. sweet vermouth

    Tools: mixing glass, barspoon, strainer

    Glass: cocktail

    Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass and stir with ice to chill. Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a lemon peel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Jazzy, we aren't going anywhere, I was just wondering because of the reservation land we go through when traveling up that way. Going through Chinle, Mexican Hat, Klagatoh, Many Farms. I also heard that Gallup is pretty much shut down.

    NM, it's good that you can catch a nap going into work. And I'm sure Sadie enjoyed her walk and good for you for going twice as far as you intended. I wish we had more "local" places to shop. It's just too rural out here. I'll be glad when you get to those 8 hour shifts! Does your mom have an iPhone and do you? I think mine has something on like "find my phone" and I think it works like a GPS, not sure, never messed with it. Can she rent a car? And will Dick go with one of his kids while she is away?

    Misty, I'm sorry you are missing your husband and all the things he did. Also praying for your sister. Perhaps the blooming tulip tree is a sign from your late husband? Love the phrase Corona-Cut.

    Sandy, good news from your HK, now to keep you and your DH safe.

    Nuttin going on here, just busy with the business. It should start slowing down by the end of the month. DH has Dermatologist appt. tomorrow, I have to go for my Xgeva injection and then Friday my 8 hour drive to and from MO.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Our Tattie Tenders are making sure we stay safe!

    No photo description available.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2020

    Thanks for the lovely view, Goldie.

    Sad tale to tell. DH and I took a 2.5+ mile walk this afternoon to purchase more Ryan's Irish Cream. When I went to place my bottle on the counter, accidentally bumped the counter, bottle broke, spilling all over. Store clerk was very nice about cleaning up. However, I did have to pay for 2 bottles instead of 1. WAAAAH!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Celia, where was your straw??? SillyHeart

    My accomplishment today was stripping the bed & changing the sheet & duvet cover. (This new one has ties for the comforter's corner loops). Took me only 20 min. this time to put the new cover on. Then Bob came home and we decided to order from Chez Simo (which has lost 80% of its revenue and started a GoFundMe). The owner, his wife, and daughter are holding down the fort and can't do delivery, so rather than use GrubHub (which takes a fat commission) Bob & I decided to drive over to pick up the food and leave a tip the size of what GrubHub would have charged between us & the owner.

    So with the soup, appetizer & salad, we had Mumm Napa Brut Reserve; with the duck & fixin's, Roche-Audran 2015 Côtes du Rhone.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Goldie - Great pic! Inventive use of masks.

    We have been having great weather here. Rain during the late evening, pleasant temps during the day and low humidity. I am enjoying it while it lasts. DH and I are going on a hike today to a local-ish place. Hopefully it won’t be crowded as people have started going back to work. Restaurants opened for outside dining. Then had to close the same day due to crowds. Mostly young folks, but the restaurants did not want to be fined for overcrowding.

    DH will turn 70 later this month. I had been planning a trip, but that seems ill advised at this time. He still uses an ancient flip phone and has been talking about wanting an I-phone. Might have to arrange a birthday parade or a social distancing party in the backyard. Gotta get something going.

    Hope everyone continues to have good health and good times

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi folks- just a late in the week check in. Been a few challenges this way, but working through them. On Tuesday afternoon, my washer broke. Not that I am surprised, it was pretty due and not that I am surprised it picked NOW to go. This washer went in with the build of the new house in 2004. Sixteen years with this little front loader from Sears did me good and it has not been spinning quietly for some time, but now it won't drain. After talking to my appliance person and weighing the options to have them come out to assess and fix or buy a new one, I am going for a new one. Lowes has some good ones on sale and there is some nice financing available too. I got a couple choices picked out and will be going tomorrow to see if I can get what I want. Looks like they are delivering and my washer and dryer are in a little alcove right as you come in from the garage, so less concerns with people coming in and tracking stuff through the house.

    I did have a little melt down over this on Tuesday evening, but like everyone else, I am just exhausted by the challenges that go with this time. Now that I have regrouped as well as have a plan, I am better......

    But then I woke up yesterday with a splitting headache and thought I better check my BP. I tend to get a very specific type of headache in the front of my head when my BP is up. It was pretty high so I took a bit more of my BP med and did a yoga pose called "the waterfall pose" where you put your legs up the wall or at an angle and it is good for lowering BP. Also good to do at the end of the day to let the old blood in your lower limbs drain back in to the center of the body to get re-circulated. My BP was better as the day went on and back to normal last night. I just took it easy yesterday and rested and watched movies on HBO.

    Today things are better all the way around!

    CeliaC- bummer on the bottle breaking. I bet you were ready for a drink when you got home!

    JCS- birthdays during pandemic are tough. I hope you can create something fun and safe for DH.

    ChiSandy- I heard some stories about GrubHub scouring up some of the profits with delivery. I have only done curbside or drive through, but think after everything I have heard, I won't ever patronize GrubHub.

    Goldie- I wondered why I could not find any masks at the store, they went to the beach! I was not sure if or when you might travel up to Moab again, but know it's getting to be the hot time of the year to visit.

    NM- I think you should be able to ask what the plan is for Memorial Day given it's May? You can always say you were hoping to check in on your elderly family members and was trying to plan to go see/help them that weekend. I say this too because with your brother gone, it falls to you now for visits. I agree your mom should not be driving anywhere anymore, especially by herself. Maybe in the future you and your brother can drive down for a visit (assuming you want to do that....)

    Misty- I am sorry to hear about your sister's health. I know with things like this, they need to go in to figure it out (been there myself on this) and hope they can get her scheduled soon. I know many people who needs surgeries and everything postponed, but they are starting to talk here about beginning to reschedule some procedures. I hope she can get in soon. Sending you love on this and missing your DH and all the rest.

    cami, Cami, CAMI- where art though?

    Ill- that pool keeping you cool this week? I am thinking of getting one of those kids pools to sit in on my patio this summer since I can't swim and miss the water. Whatever helps.....

    Be back again soon and everyone take care of themselves. Been a hard week for many I know, maybe some of you too.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    4 of the 5 of us have birthdays during the pandemic -youngest DD is in March, DD#1, me and DS in May - DH is in October - sure hope things are better by then -

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Oh Celia, the loss of the Irish Cream, what a bummer. I was hoping the store was going to let you slide on it, gheesh!

    Sandy, I lol'd at your comment "where was your straw"!

    JCS, nice that you are nice weather, it's just HOT here, we had no spring at all. I haven't ordered my spinner yet, but def. getting one. I'm just not sure which one I want! I'm sure whatever you plan for your DH he will be appreciative.

    Jazzy, I would love to get a new washer, mine is probably 15 yrs old (at least), but it styill works. My next one will be one that doesn't have the tall aggravater, I mean agitator in it. I hate it when the laundry gets all twisted up. Glad you were able to get rid of that headache. I would love to go to Moab right now, we have places we can camp in higher elevations up in the mountains where the weather is beautiful. Like 8000'-9000'. However, we are too busy right now to go anywhere.

    Karen, bummer about the birthday snafu's.

    NM, one more 12 hour shift or are you done as it's only 4 days?

    Well, they found another spot on top of DH's head, biopsied it and waiting on results. Got my Xgeva shot, picked up a few groceries and some plants. This morning I have my phone conf. with MO. I'm pretty sure he will want me to do scans and then decide after that what treatment should be next. I assume Ibrance. Pretty bummed as this Verzenio has been really easy for me.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    The big plan for DH birthday was to take a road/hiking trip through the national parks in southern Utah. That got shelved due to the pandemic. We still may go in October if things get better. The hike yesterday was fun. There were people on the trails. No large groups, but not families. Groups of teens just hanging out. It it a little difficult to step off the trail and give people space, but I would do it to make a point. Today I will catch up on things around the house. Might be a little lazy!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Home from a very pleasant overnight shift. 8 hours is MUCH better than 12! I've been working with some very nice staffers, too. Made dealing with the day shifters' attitudes a bit of a disappointment. Funny how younever notice some things about people until you see them from another angle. Sadie seems ok with the 8 hour shifts, she wakes up and walks me out when I leave, then I suspect she goes right back to sleep, only in the recliner instead of the ottoman, and wakes up when I get home. And we got out for a walk two days in a row, walked a mile each day. Going to try for another walk this afternoon, after a nap.

    Goldie--I think Mom's phone is an iPhone, I'll have to check. Her car has GPS and directions, too, but she takes her hearing aids out or turns them off when she's driving so she doesn't hear the directions. And when she does hear the directions she argues and goes her own way anyway. When Mom is away Dick's kids check on him every day. They don't stay with him or have him stay with them, he wouldn't go to one of their homes anyway. I'll look into the "find my phone" thing.Oh my, those Tattie Tendersare so cheeky!

    Celia--oh my, to have that bottle break, so sad, indeed! Worth crying over!

    Chi--It's nice to be able to support a local business, isn't it?One of the local eateries, the Chinah Dinah, not too far from me and well known in the area, has just announced they are not reopening. Such a shame, it's a popular destination for weekend day trips, I'm going to miss them.

    Librarian--I'm afraid a lot of restaurants will open up and then shut down again due to overcrowding here. People are so anxious to be able to eat out again. Happy Birthday to DH!

    Jazzy--sorry to hear the washing machine bit the dust. After 16 years of service it's probably a better deal to go with a new one. And the whole situation is worth a meltdown. Sounds like you have a great way to manage your blood pressure. All the stuff going on is enough to give anyone high blood pressure. I agree that Mom probably should not be driving anymore, but there is no way she is going to stop right now. Driving is independence and control for her. I won't drive/ride with her for anything beyond local distances due to her backseat driving when someone else is behind the wheel, and her tendency to go 45 mph no matter what the speed limit is (not so bad when the speed limit is 45 or higher, but worrisome when it's 25 or 30). Shehonestly believes that she NEVER drives faster than the speed limit, ALWAYS 5 mph UNDER, except at 25 or 30. I am going to ask about Memorial Day.

    Karen--Happy Birthday month! I do hope things are better by October.

    Goldie--The last 2 shifts I thought were 12 hours were actually 8 hours. Four shift next week, one 12 hour and 2 eight hour shifts the week after, then back to days for me! Sad to hear the Verzenio that agrees with you hasn't been as effective as desired.

    Absolute Stress Cocktail Recipe from

    Absolute Stress Cocktail


    1 ounce Malibu rum

    1 ounce Absolut vodka

    1/2 ounce peach schnapps

    2 ounces cranberry juice

    1 ounce pineapple juice

    1/2 cup ice


    Combine all the ingredients in a shaker and shake well to mix. Strain into a cocktail glass and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies- well I was out to Lowe's this morning to find myself a new washer and suceeded. I had picked out four of the type (front loader) in my price range and picked my first choice to go in with. They had three of the four in my store, and the Whirlpool I wanted was there and also available. They will have that for me in five days, but then could not get a delivery date until 5/23. But that is okay too. They will come and take the old one away, hook up the new one and I will be back in business in a few weeks. I am going to avoid going to a laundromat and will just store things for a few weeks and then have a "laundry fest" to check out the new washer. Whew!

    The sales guy shared some interesting stories today as we talking and he was checking to see if they had what I wanted in stock. He said a lot of the US manufacturing places (including the factories that make Whirlpool) are closed right now with the pandemic. I sort of expected as much, but then he shared people were buying out and ordering freezers with the meat shortage warnings on the news. I guess many are ordering freezers and it will be mid to late summer before they can get anything but he also said anything out of stock will have a long lead time if you order. Anyways, just sharing in case any of you find yourself in a time of unexpected replacement on a home appliance.

    Goldie- I am good about preventive maintenance on things, but usually replace the bigger stuff when it stops working. My appliance person told me a few years back the older things have a longer life expectancy than the newer energy efficient models and good to keep those as long as I can. I replaced my fridge at 14 years, now the washer at 16. You keep that washer going as long as you can. I read the average expectancy of a washer is 11 years, so you are doing good!

    JCS- a trip to the Utah parks in October would be a nice thing to do for your DH's birthday. The fall is really the best time to visit out in the southwest, nice weather, no wind, less crowded in general with kids back in school. Things may be better by then, let's hope. The area Goldie talks about (Moab) has some of my favorites, including Arches and Canyonlands. Monument Vallley which is on the drive up from AZ is one of the most breathtaking places I have ever been. Canyon de Chelly in AZ is one of my fav national monuments too (cool little hotel you can stay at right in the park). So many lovely places to see out in this area. I hope you get to go, keep the faith!

    Karen- pandemic birthdays are a drag. I postponed everything I had planned in March and for this year to celebrate, but keeping it out there to do more at a later time. You and your family do the same. And hopefully by October, we will be doing better. I would like to wish you and DH a good birthday this month!

    NM- I bet those 8 hour shifts are a dream compared to the 1 hour shifts. I understand too about your mom and the driving thing. My mother used to come out and visit once a year and caused me almost to get in an accident one time. I also was the one who had to tell our father he could not drive anymore with his dementia. If your mother wants to go see your brother, let them figure out the plan, right. I hope you are seeing more signs of spring where you live?

    Okay, time to get to a few things that need my attention. Happy Mother's Day to all and always say we women are mothers to many things in this world (children, pets, plants, others who we help, etc.)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    Its been a good birthday day!! GH got me beautiful roses - red, white and pink and 2 pairs of Chaco sandals - 1 pair I bought on sale awhile back and said they would be for my birthday - put the package in the garage. He surprised me with another pair. I live in my Chacos in the summer. I have several pairs, but some are 4 - 5 years old and worn out as I walk so much. The kids got me 2 beautiful hanging baskets for the front of the house (a tradition) and youngest daughter sent her dad a nice picture collage for him to print on photo paper for me. And most importantly, I got to talk to all 3 of my kids.

    DH turns 65 in October (yes we are babies) and I would like to do something special especially in light of his open heart surgery in March. We are still staying home (except me to the grocery store with a mask and hand sanitizer/wipes) as we are both considered at high risk beyond our age. Coronary artery disease is number 2 or 3 on the list and CKD is #6 or #7.

    Have a great week-end.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Karen, happy birthday!

    Jazzy, my front loader & dryer are Whirlpools--knock wood, they're going strong. (They replaced a Kenmore top loader & dryer that lasted about a decade). We're lucky here in Chicago in that Abt Appliances does same-day delivery.

    Ordered out from Cellars, including a bottle of Margarett's Vineyard (Ukiah, CA) Sauv. Blanc. Yummy! Not so yummy was that the center "disc" of the thin plastic cover of one of the takeout containers fell out, as if punched out with a cookie-cutter. Bob kept picking slivers of plastic out of his food, so we're tossing the leftovers (I e-mailed the restaurant, suggesting maybe that for very hot dishes they use the foil-backed cardboard lids instead). In the meantime, I've decided that I will not use Lysol wipes on the tops of food containers, just on the aluminum parts. Will use an alcohol wipe on the tops instead--or just remove the tops and discard them, then wash my hands and proceed as usual. I hope they don't think I'm looking to be comped, though--I will refuse any credit to my account. Not their fault.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    kitty cat LOL funny cute quote text quotes funny gif cats kitten ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Been MIA for a couple of days. No puter or TV...It was horrible. Trying to catch up, everyone seems about the same. I think that's OK.

    OK Miss -8-12 hr. shift, I knew u'd cave, and u know who u are. U are just to nice and just take care of urself, like u take care of others and of course Sadie.

    Oh Lori I don't like hearing ur numbers are all goofy and more tests.

    Misty I'm sorry for ur sadness, I'm sure this time is very difficult for you, haircut was funny tho.

    JC Oct. is a good month for out door stuff so start looking forward for that.

    Jazzy I don't blame u for having a meltdown, it's all bad enough with this crap going on but when u start having problems around the house I think everything gets magnified cu that's where u stay ALL the time. This has to be over soon we all pray.

    Broke a bottle, kind of funny and Sandy got right to the answer. They really had to charge u for it tho, they have to make money they are essential businesses after all, we all agree on that.

    Sandy it got cold here tonite, breaking freezing temps. BTW putting a duvet on is not so simple as it seems it should be. U made good time.

    I'm forgetting everything I read, I hate that cuz I always want to talk to everyone especially when u've been here. My older brain just doesn't work like it used to, not that it ever was to useful but it was usable for me. I'm not saying everyone could use it, but for me it was good enough.

    Leslie had 3 tests done this week so for 3 days she had to go to the hospital but she did get tested so that was good. But they can't figure why she has the pain she has, of course my sister and I have figured it out but they haven't yet, so more tests for her. Joey keeps busy somehow but I see his eyes and he's sad. Nicky's death made it worse for all of us, still can't believe it. I'm so mad at Nick I haven't even spoken to him, he left us way to early.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Happy Birthday GIF by Hallmark eCards - Find & Share on GIPHYKaren, I'm a day late but all those May BD's are not exactly the way we thought it would be.