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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    JCS, southern UT is beautiful, east and west sides. Some areas right now would be quite hot and in October, our weather out this way is at its best. But in the higher elevations, you would need a coat. For instance if you traveled up into mountains of The Grand Staircase, Escalante or Bryce Canyon, you also have Zion, the ones Jazzy mentioned, and soooo many more. I think you will love it if you get to go. Oh, and do you have the free pass for the National Parks?

    Part of Bryce

    Image may contain: mountain, outdoor and nature

    NM, I'm not so sure that Dick's kids just "checking on him" is enough. Sounds scary to me and not safe. But I know it's not your call. Glad you are done with the 12 hour shifts. Oops, I see you have one more. And you freaking go more snow!

    Jazzy, as much as I would love a new washer, I'm hanging on to this one until it bites the dust. All of our appliances are over 15. Interesting about everyone buying freezers!

    Karen, sounds like your birthday turned out AOK for the most part.

    Sandy, yikes on picking out plastic from the food.

    Cami, of course you are still sad with the loss of your cousin. And it breaks my heart to hear that you think Joey is sad, that makes me sad.

    I did my video conf. with my MO. We are upping my meds, labs in 4 weeks, and decide then what we will do. He is not too concerned as I have no pain. He says my numbers don't correspond with my scans, but he wants to keep on top of things of course. He said next visit would be video as well. I said to him, why can't we do this all the time. He says they won't let us. I said, well we don't have to tell them! He said that would be fraud! He thinks these video visits may become a normal thing.

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Mother Nature is having another temper tantrum. Sadie and I got up to an inch of snow, and another inch has come down in the last couple hours. And the wind is picking up. And the news people are talking about possible power outages. Sadie and I went back to bed for a couple more hours and are getting up again, and it's no better. Sigh.



    On the good news side, the Maine Gov came out with an amended reopening plan, with more businesses being able to open in the counties without community spread, and opening up the possibility of salvaging some of the tourist season. That's really good to hear, even though my county has community spread. The new plan seems to make a lot of sense.

    Jazzy-so glad you found a new washer! Being without one for a couple of weeks will be inconvenient, but not a crisis, at least. I'd avoid laundomats, too, in your shoes. A meat processing plant here in Maine has shut down due to COVID-19 cases, and that made me wonder if there would be a meat shortage at some point. I'm kind of surprised there isn't one already with so much meat being processed in China and people being so scared of anything from China right now. It still baffles me that meat is grown in the US, goes to China for processing, and then comes back for sale and consumption. You are right, the 8 hour shifts are a cake walk compared to the 12. And yes, when it's time for Mom to go visit brother, that will be totally between them, I am staying totally out of it, until Mom wants me to drive down there WITH her. Then it will be "I can't get time off work" or something. No way I am driving that far with her! More signs of spring?Not this morning!

    Karen--Wow, you had a great birthday!So happy for you! Hope you can do something really special for DH's b-day in the fall.

    Chi--sorry about the plastic lid on the take out failing. That must have been disappointing.

    Cammy Cat--you know the rule about ketchuping--not required!Yes, I knew I would cave if asked to cover nights longer, and I figured I'd be asked, but the 8 hour shifts are working MUCH better, for me and for Sadie. Why is Leslie having pain? I'm sure Nicky's death is hard on the whole family, and coming on top of the whole pandemic thing is making it even harder.

    Maker's Mark Bourbon Winter Recipes 2012-2013 | Winter food, After ...>

    Snow Cap


    • 3 parts Maker's Mark® Bourbon
    • 2 tbsp Sugar, Powdered
    • 6 tbsp Heavy Cream
    • 2 parts JDK & Sons™ O3 Premium Orange Liqueur
    • To taste Nutmeg

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies- happy Mother's Day weekend! I have been working on my second problem here at the house today, but think I have a working plan for that too. My backyard garden has a mouse infestation, which I discovered last weekend. Pest control was out today for their every other month treatment and gave them a heads up. We have a few things we are going to work on to mitigate this problem and also be sure the house has no entry points. I need to new weather striping in a few places. Always something......

    New Mexico is coming down to the end of it's stay at home order this coming friday 5/15. If our infection rate keeps dropping everywhere and reaches a certain threshold, outside of the western counties, they may begin doing some limited openings beyond expanded curbside. Late afternoon yesterday, I was watching a whole series of military helicopters flying in and more were flying in last night. I expect maybe more National Guard are here, maybe even the Reserves too. The Guard has been building extra hospital space, but have heard more help is coming in with other resources. Doctor's without Borders is now here to help the native nations and pueblos.

    Goldie- I forgot to mention about the TM labs being high. I am glad that your MO is looking at everything, including other tests, to determine how you are doing. I hope the increased meds improve things without too many SEs. That photo you shared is lovely.

    Karen- glad you had a good birthday. How is your husband doing with his recovery?

    Chi- good to know you like your Whirlpools. My first washer and dryer here were also Kenmores and have done well. I hope Bob is continuing to stay well. How are Gordie and Leslie doing?

    Cami- thinking of you friend as you are still grieving the loss of you beloved cousin.

    Teka- what is going on in North Country? Did you get snow like NM did?

    NM- I saw several posts on FB from friends around the north east about the snow. Ugh, winter go away. I see some cute paw prints in that snow. And yes, my mother used to want me to drive her all around the northeast when I was living back east, and after my sister moved away and father was in a nursing home. Other relatives had that expectation too. I would usually just do the "have to work, can't take time off right now." I hope things can stay stable during this still very critical time for you with the elder care stuff.

    I find myself in the vodka section about most every trip to the grocery store, and yesterday I came away with some ruby red flavored vodka from Smirnoff. I had my first ruby red in Austin years ago when visiting a friend and doing some flavored vodkas one night while we were out late to the SWSX music awards and other performances. I decided to try the Smirnoff and it's really good! I pulled out all my flavored vodkas and will post a pic of them. You will be impressed. Yes, I am stopping the buying now......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Beautiful pic, Goldie! Yes, we have the National Park Pass. My son drove through the area a couple of years ago and he is helping me make plans. I found a couple of great articles on Pinterest that I am making use of as well. Now the decision is how much time to devote to the trip. I love to plan these things, but will need to make reservations pretty soon to make sure we get the times we will need.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all! Oldest son and his wife will come for lunch before going to her family. Younger son will be around for dinner after a day at work. I try to do the whole distancing thing with strangers, but not all that much with family. There is no hugging and much sanitizing. Enjoy your celebration whatever it is

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Gordy & Leslie are hanging in there--she has so much work tutoring kids while their parents work from home that she's had to farm some of it out to Gordy's ex-GF, whose dog-walking business has taken a hit now that people are eager to walk their own pooches. He sent me some GORGEOUS flowers for Mother's Day--and has survived the next round of layoffs. Downside is that he is now on the normal 9-5 shift...and has not been a "morning person" in years. At least he can work in his PJs or sweats.

    My younger kitty Happy bit me in the face this afternoon--he was sitting on my chest, nuzzling and purring, when he must have gotten overstimulated--one nip and he dashed away, guiltily. I flushed the two little punctures with sterile saline (I have ampules to use as eyedrops), then soap & water, direct pressure to stop the little bit of bleeding, neosporin ointment and two little Band-Aid "spots." Bob came home from Whole Foods and said I should go to Urgent Care--but no way am I walking into a waiting room with other patients (most of whom are there for the coronavirus rapid tests). He said to call and do a tele-visit; but the receptionist said their policy is not to do that, virus or not. The "provider" was in with another patient and she wouldn't let him talk to me, insisting I come in or go to the ER. Screw that. I phoned my primary, and got the on-call doc--who told me I did exactly the right thing and prescribed a week's worth of Clindamycin (I'd already taken the 300mg. I had remaining, per Bob's advice). He said to irrigate again and change the bandages at bedtime with my next dose of abx., and to call him in the a.m. if I notice swelling or redness. So far, so good. But there will doubtless be a week's worth of yogurt and probiotics to prevent c. diff.

    Unfortunately, the on-call doc said my primary "won't be in for a while" because he is ill. (Uh-oh--he hasn't been "seeing" patients except online, so I hope it's not COVID-19). The P.A. will be in Monday. She was sick at the same time I was back in Dec., but IIRC she tested positive for influenza B.

    The restaurant did offer a refund but I wouldn't hear of it. So they're sending along a San Marzano tomato and a zucchini seedling with my brunch tomorrow.

    DOTD with Greek leftovers will be 2019 King Rabbit Rosé. (Vin de Pays d'Oc--SW France). The sauv. blanc has an odd herbal bouquet--not the usual "cat pee" nor melon aroma. As the surrealists say, not my cup of fur. (OK, I stole that from "Cheers").

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! The sun is shining, lots of glare off the partiallymelted snow that refroze over night. Can still see some of the green grass under the snow. Around here we call late snows like this "poor man's fertilizer" and if that is based on any truth at all gardens should be very productive this summer, if summer ever comes! My stimulus payment finally posted, makes the checking account look very happy.Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers of any kind or definition!

    Jazzy--Ah, the joys of home ownership, always something to work on.We are moving into an interesting time. Things are opening up here in Maine, but the number of cases increased by 34 in the last 24 hours. I haven't looked to see where that happened, probably in one of the community transmission counties, but still makes me wonder. Time will tell, I guess. Yup, those paw prints are Silly Sadie's. Gives an idea of how much snow there was on the deck. WOW, that is an impressive collection of flavored Vodkas!Very versatile, these are.

    Librarian--Human beings need a certain amount of human touch to stay healthy and sane. Gonna have to ignore the distancing thing a little bit from time to time or go crazy, right?

    Chi--Glad to hear Gordy survived the latest lay-off rounds. Sounds like Leslie is doing well, though. Boy, Happy biting you is a surprise. Sounds like you did everything right, though. Happy is an indoor kitty,yes? Less chance of him having any nasty bugs to pass on.


    1.5 oz Don Ciccio Ambrosia Aperitivo

    0.05 pz Averna

    1 oz prosecco

    Splash of soda water

    Combine all ingredients and stir. Serve in a wine glass with ice and garnish with an orange slice.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Happy Mothers Day to all the moms, pet moms, plant moms, women who are both mom and dad to a child, and so much more. You women rock!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Happy has been an indoor kitty all his life (we've had him since he was 8 weeks old). He got overstimulated from nuzzling me. He still doesn't understand why I shy away from his face now (and I doubt he ever will). Even indoor cats have a distressing amount of bacteria in their mouths, and their teeth--being much sharper than dogs'--are like little injectors. I've been washing the bite and reapplying neosporin ointment, but it is still red--keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. I dread having to go into my doctor's (actually, P.A.'s) office because the only way to get there is to drive (and have a valet park my car--which means pulling over and Lysoling it down before I can drive home) or take a rideshare or taxi--which of course now is horribly unsafe.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    NM, hopefully if your mom makes that trip, it will go smoothly and both her and Dick will be safe. Quite odd the way meat is processed, doesn't make sense. Reminds me of that salmon I got at Sam's Club. NM, I forgot which shift you are on this week.

    Jazzy, I hope you can get your critter problem under control. Of course I deal with that all the time, but I am out in the country and they were here first. I catch something everyday, and then for awhile there won't be anything and then wham, here they comne again. Nice Vodka selection, do you have a favorite? Any change in your SIL?

    JCS, hopefully you will have ample time to do all that you want, and I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

    Sandy, hope you stay infected free.

    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day, like Jazzy said, Mother's of all kinds. Typical day for us, but that's just how it is out here. Thank you to those who offered support in regards to the TM's.

    Happy Monkey Day

    Mocha Monkey

    See the source image

    • Chocolate syrup
    • 1 1/2 oz Baileys with a Hint of Coffee
    • 1 scoop Vanilla ice cream (softened)
    • 1 Banana, peeled and sliced
    • Garnish: 1 Banana slice and coffee beans
    1. Swirl the inside of a highball glass with chocolate syrup.
    2. Add the remaining ingredients to a blender and fill with ice.
    3. Blend until smooth and pour into the prepared glass.
    4. Garnish with a banana slice and 3 coffee beans.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!It never got very warm yesterday but there was enough sunshine to melt off most of the snow. Supposed to be warmer today, but cloudy and rainy in the peeyem. So tired of cold, chilly, rainy, weather. I want to go on a cruise, I want to go away somewhere! Cabin fever plus spring fever plus lock down is NOT FUN. Sadie just says "give me a tummy rub and everything will be fine." Silly doggo. Funny thing is, she's actually right!

    Chi--I hope the bite doesn't get infected, just such a hassle in the best of times, and these ain't the best of times!

    Blue Cloud Cocktail:

    Blue Cloud Cocktail Recipe

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Hello all! I had a great Mother’s Day with my kids and DH yesterday. I did think about my Mother some. She is deceased and we did not have a good relationship. She was a controlling mother when I was young and a very vindictive person as I got older. I moved away so I did not have to deal with her one on one. Somehow distance did help us at least talk without arguing constantly. I swore I would be a caring parent while not a best friend or ‘helicopter’ parent.

    We will get a few more days of nice weather before the heat moves in. My cellphone died yesterday. I spent part of the day researching for a phone that would be modern and not too pricey. We have had several things break recently so our stimulus money is close to spent already! Today is house chores and getting the phone thing worked out.

    Sandy, sorry about the cat bite. You are smart to watch closely for infection. NM, sorry about the wintry weather. It does make the cabin fever hard to deal with. Jazzy and Goldie, when I get a plan for the trip, I will run it by you both for advice. Hope everyone has a good start to the week

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2020

    Morning DahhhhlinKs,

    Just pooping in to check on my bff's. I've read a smidge and wanted to clarify...I am not doing any traveling anytime soon. Had to cancel the AZ trip with mese daughter cuz we are both 'immune compromised. Hubs and I just hung out in our house yest. Hubs went driving all over to try n find a pizza place but none were open...Damn virus!! I'm liking the new onco son far. He pays more attention than the previous doc.

    It's getting close to 100o, which I don't really mind, but when I need a smoke I have to go to garage....hubs got me a 2nd portable a/c unit so it's not all that bad.

    Also, finally get my nails and toes done will be a relief to type norml again.

    Lubs lubs lubs


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Thanks for everyone's concern about the cat bite. I decided to leave it open to air, just clean and ointment it twice a day (and put on a band-aid loosely so the friction of my pillowcase when I toss & turn doesn't irritate it). Maybe it's wishful thinking, but the redness appears to be fading.

    Bob's coming home late tonight (getting dinner at the office), so with Chinese leftovers tonight I'll have a little bit of that King Rabbit rosé.

    Our state's models predict we won't hit peak till mid-June, so I'd bet my nail salon won't reopen till after then. The NE IL region will be the only one not to go to phase 3 of the reopening May 29, because our positive-test rate is almost 25% (goal is <20%--things may change if we hit that goal by then). And I don't care enough about my nails to go to, say, Rockford or Valparaiso, IN to get a mani-pedi. My salon owner might not like this, but I'm second-guessing going back to no-chip gel polish because it has to be soaked off with acetone. I'm keeping them short and using Nailtiques to strengthen them (and I remove it with non-acetone remover every week and then start again).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep today after I got home from work. The night was uneventful, very pleasant. The sun is shining, the snow has melted. Still a bit chilly in the breeze, but I can feel the warmth of the sun when I stand out on the deck. AND--I saw a ruby throated hummingbird at the feeder, and I found the singing male cardinal againthis morning!

    Librarian--sorry about the phone dying. That stimulus check has been good for you from the sounds of things. I just got mine the other day. Relationships with mothers can be complicated things.

    Mema--I'm surprised you had trouble finding pizza--here in Maine pizza places, especially with delivery, have actually done pretty well, as have places that can do curbside delivery/take out. Restaurants didn't have to close completely if they could do take out/curbside delivery or regular delivery and work with a limited number of staff. Most places already do some form of this and were able to ramp it up. It's funny, one of the restaurants closing permanently is a Denny's in a town in a county that can open up on Friday.

    Chi--sounds like the cat bite is healing up nicely. It sounds like we are all heading into an interesting few months as places start opening up again. You know there is going to be a spike of new cases, and that will happen with every step, we just need to keep it under control. Still no word when anything will change for nursing homes, and families are getting very anxious about when they can visit in person again. Some of us are wondering if we will be wearing masks and screening visitors indefinitely, or if there will be a no visitation unless vaccinated ruling once there is a vaccine. In New York all nursing home staff must be COVID-19 tested twice a week now, which means a lot of staff are going to end up in 14 day quarantine as time goes by, and health care workers still don't have pay protection for that. Funny, though, in Maine there is ruling being put forward requiring meat packing plants to test workers and give full pay during quarantines, but nurses, CNAs, lab techs, etc have to use vacation time or go without pay if quarantined.And there is one estimate that puts hospital based health care workers on furlough as high as 50%.

    The great Sandals Hummingbird! Mix one today! | Rum drinks ...

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Bob is about to lose two nursing home patients to COVID (no, he doesn't go into the nursing homes)--one in her 80s with end-stage dementia, the other in her 60s, developmentally-disabled, whose guardians declined to have her hospitalized and intubated, so she's on hospice. He is off for a second weekend in a row, but a week from this Sat. he will have to do two weekends in a row at Little Company (traded call with his interventionist, who will be celebrating Eid al-Fitr on the 23d). He will likely see a spike in COVID cases, because the Oak Lawn Red Lobster (on the border with Evergreen Park) was crowded cheek by jowl on Mother's Day with people picking up takeout--no social distancing, no masks, no security guards.

    Today the Blue Angels flew over Chicago & the W. and SW 'burbs to honor first responders, health, & essential workers. I went out on the deck, and saw them twice--they flew north over the lake up to Evanston and then looped around to fly over the Sheridan Rd. highrises--I could hear the clapping & cheering a quarter-mile away. But they started down near Oak Lawn, and flew directly over Christ Hospital. Bob was up on the roof garden and had a fantastic view. (Neither of us thought to take video). He reports that the parking lot was jammed with local families (not distancing, of course--and some were tailgating after),

    Gordy & Leslie got a landline--I fear, like that GEICO commercial, they're turning into us. People rag us all the time for not giving up our landline--especially since it isn't even really a "land" line but rather VOIP. AT&T is no longer installing nor servicing traditional landlines.

    Dinner was the second night of Chinese leftovers, which I mixed together and re-seasoned. Bob brought home a nice unoaked Chardonnay from Costco: "ZOLO" 2019, from the Mendoza area of Argentina. Poured myself a second helping. (Don't tell my M.O.).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Sue, you need your nails did to be able to type? LOL!

    JCS, glad to hear you had a nice get together with the kids. For your trip, are you driving? How long are you thinking?

    NM, seems ironic that they want to test staff twice a week, when just recently they were saying that we didn't have test kits to test those that needed it! I like that Hummingbird cocktail. Kind of like a smoothie with a twist.

    Have to head out this morning, DH has an appt with orthopedic, hoping to schedule the surgery for his back. I finally got a few things done in the house yesterday. Bathrooms cleaned, that was a big one! They were starting to look like a J John! Kitchen floor washed and some laundry done.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day (I think)! I had forgotten about the challenges of keeping track of dates and days of the week when working overnights. That's ok, after tonite only 4 more shifts to go.The gov extended the state of civil emergency to June 30th, or maybe it's June 29th since she extended it for 30 days from the May 30th end date and there are 31 days in May. Whatever. The reopening has taken an interesting turn. There have been lots of protestors wanting all the restrictions eliminated, and people wanting hair cuts being one of the biggest groups being very vocal. Hairdressers are now reporting being afraid to open, feeling they don't have enough information or support, and point out that the COVID case number is still rising, not plateauing or falling, and feel like they are being used as experimental subjects to "see what happens".Many hair dressers are in high risk groups, or live with high risk family members.Most are very small businesses, and if one employee gets sick and sues (that being the big concern out there right now with people being afraid to go back to work but will be losing unemployment and any other assistance once their industry is allowed to open and so feel they have no choice) that will be the end of the business AND all the owner's personal assets as well. It's just getting more complicated every day.

    My cousin wrote on Fb that she wanted to make a ball pit for one of her dogs to play in, and was asking if anyone had any plastic balls, so Sadie sent a box of plastic balls to her cousin Coco via Amazon. New we're waiting for a video, will share when we get it!

    Chi--Hearing about the people picking up food on Mother's day scares me silly. I was reading last night about a couple of clusters that were traced back to one person going to a couple of family gatherings (a funeral and a party) and how many people got sick and how many died. The index case was traced back to one person who was not ill at the time of the gatherings and no one was wearing a face covering--this was early on in the whole thing before face coverings were a thing. The Mainiacs (Maine Air National Guard, the folks who do the inflight refueling) did a fly over most of Maine yesterday. I didn't see or hear any of it as I was asleep, but I've heard about from people who did, it was pretty remarkable.

    Goldie--Yup, New York is requiring twice a week testing of nursing home staff, but NY has a lot more testing ability. Although Maine's testing capacity has increased greatly recently, I don't think it will support twice weekly testing of nursing home staff. I hope Maine doesn't go down that road, or maybe I do. When nursing homes are opened up to visitors again there WILL be a surge of cases. People will lie about symptoms in order to get in to visit a family member, we see it happen all the time during flu season. Visitors will take off masks once they get into a resident's room, "Mom needs to see my face to know who I am" and there goes source control. And the jump in cases will be blamed on staff, of course. So maybe the testing will be a good thing, if a resident comes up positive but none of the staff is, it would be clear where it came from!


    Cardinal Martini


    • 90 ml (3 oz.) cognac and passion fruit beverage (like Alizé Gold)
    • 45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) vodka
    • 45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) red cranberry juice
    • Ice cubes
    • Lime slice


    In a shaker

    Combine the passion fruit and cognac beverage, vodka and cranberry juice in a shaker filled with ice.

    Shake vigorously for 8 to 10 seconds.

    Strain into a martini glass using an ice strainer.

    Garnish with a lime slice on a pick.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Kim, that Patient Zero super-spreader was a South African national visiting in Connecticut. He said he likely was exposed on a flight to JFK from Europe. When the silent carnage began, he was tested and it came back positive. By the time he returned home to S. Africa after self-isolating, he tested negative. But the damage was done.

    Here in Chicago, two weeks before the first shutdown order (even before the NBA was shut down and Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson announced they had COVID), a synagogue ("Conservative" denomination) in the West Ridge neighborhood held a massive Purim service and celebration dinner, which 700 people attended, including many Orthodox Jews whose small congregations couldn't afford such events. (Our Reform synagogue erred on the side of caution and canceled its own festivities scheduled for the following week). The Orthodox attendees then went home. One attended a large funeral. And the Orthodox families tend to be very large though relatively affluent--their homes were insufficiently spacious to allow for distancing. So they returned and spread the virus throughout their neighborhood. For at least a week, that ZIP code had the highest total of confirmed coronavirus+ residents, and the ZIP on its southern border the second highest--with the impoverished S. Side Auburn-Gresham neighborhood (a "feeder" for Little Co. of Mary Hospital) a distant third.

    Rebellious county leaders are citing a need to "strike a balance" between public safety, "Constitutional freedoms" & the economy. But the virus doesn't know or care about "balance;" and they are too shortsighted (or delusionally libertarian) to realize that the next wave of this pandemic that could happen sooner rather than later will overwhelm so many hospitals and kill so many people that the economy will be permanently ruined, with entire industries disappearing. They learned nothing from the two opposite experiences of St. Louis & Philadelphia during the 1918 flu pandemic. St. Louis continued to cancel all large gatherings, but Philadelphia went ahead with a huge parade. Guess which city kept its curve flat and which one was devastated? (BTW, both 45 and I lost our respective paternal grandfathers, who were relatively young, in the 1918 pandemic in NYC).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    With potluck (BBQ pulled pork from the freezer & various leftovers), 2017 Decoy (by Duckhorn) Sonoma County Red. Grape varietals not specified, but tastes like mostly Zin, with a bit of Cab. Sauv. & Merlot thrown in. Not bad.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Wow, quiet up in here!

    NM, how sweet of Sadie to get her cousin some balls for the ball pit. Who would have thought, a ball pit for dogs? It IS getting complicated and more scary. We had the biggest jump in cases for our 2 counties yesterday in a 24 hour period. What is your last night for this late shift? Hopefully you will be able to get back on track over the weekend, changing your sleep schedule

    I was pretty surprised at how many people were out and about without masks. We will continue to stay in, shop every 3 weeks and that's it! DH has to have another MRI and then the doctor will decide if he should do the surgery or not.

    See the source image

    In London they have a Ball Pit bar! These are their signature cocktails.

    Image result for ball pit cocktail

    Dibbie Dabberson – £10

    With loads of strawberry gin, a touch of cranberry juice and a whole heap of nostalgia, our best seller will take you straight back to your school yard days… this time with booze!

    Strawberry Gin/Sweet/Cranberry/Dip Dab

    Hubba Hubba Bubba £10

    This bubblegum margarita is super sweet but packs a powerful punch. Topped off with the sweetest little scrunchie so you can hit that '90s vibe extra hard.


    Skittle Sour – £9

    A sweet gin cocktail with a delightful tangy twist and the all-important goody bag of sweets—you've never tasted the rainbow like this.

    Pink Gin/Limoncello/Sweet & Sour/Skittles

    Vanilla Ice, Ice Baby – £11

    An adorable diner-style milkshake with a vodka and Bailey's twist. Topped off with a sweet wafer roll and pink whipped cream, we're giving you real old school summer vibes.

    Vodka/Bailey's/Whipped Cream/Sweet Wafer Roll Contains nuts

    The WTAF – £9 This sweet and sour little vodka 'tini takes a wild turn after you munch on the little Miracle Berry. Just read the instructions to find out what to do… or don't, we've always liked a little rebel 😉.

    Vodka/Strawberry/Lime/Sweet & Sour/Miracle Berry

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2020

    Good morning ladies, I'm not even going to try and make excuses for being gone so long cause I have none... well, except that I think about it and mean to and then something comes up and I forget because I seem to have the attention span of a gnat lately. I haven't been here since April 22 which is absurd but I did read and catch up and I'm glad to see everyone is for the most part safe and free from Covid. So glad to see Illemae and Susie are doing ok, good to hear from you both.

    Ill, glad the pool helped you, looks nice and relaxing, one day it may get warm here altho it seems it may never happen. Hope you notice improvements in your throat even if it's just a little each day.

    Sue, wow 100 degrees! We had snow on Mother's Day! I had just started getting acrylic nails before all this lock down chit and now they have fallen off and my nails are a mess. I bought everything to do it myself but am not good at it, can't get the lump and bumps out.

    Lori, sorry to hear about your little buddies' mom, who will care for him when she's gone? Hope your medication change goes ok for you and brings those TM's down. Mine remain normal, my MO is now doing them every month. Sorry to hear your DH is not feeling well, hope he can get the surgery soon and has good results with it.

    NM, I was reading the crazy stuff with the reporting on Covid to each and every family member in 12 hours, craziness! No sense in it at all! We have not had the snow you have but I am also so tired of this cold spring! I jumped the gun and bought some tomato plants and have grown a lot of lettuce from seed. Dying to get them in the ground but I have to keep hauling them in the house each night because of freeze warnings. As of today I think we are turning the corner, 60's and 70's in the forecast for the foreseeable future.

    Sandy, congrats on reaching your goal weight, oh what I wouldn't give to weigh 149! I moved my bathroom scale upstairs so I'm not tempted to step on it because that damn thing can depress the hell out of me. I've even told the nurse at my MO not to tell me how much I weigh. I just cannot diet during all this, plus with my DH home everyday and the things he cooks I can't stick to low carb anymore. Glad to hear the cat bite is healing up ok and no signs of infection.

    Jazzy, glad you got to see your kids on Mother's Day, my husband has a contentious relationship with his mom, all was fine till we let her leave Florida and move here, HUGE mistake! I had a great relationship with my mom, she died at 74, MIL is 92 and going strong. (sigh)...

    Jazzy, I was reading about your mouse problem, we have been inundated by chipmunks ever since my cat died. My DH had our air conditioner serviced just because he felt it was time and they found 2 dead chippies in there, they had chewed through the wires and got electrocuted. Service guy said it would've probably tripped all our breakers if we had tried to turn on the air.

    Cami, sorry to hear you are still losing weight, wish I could give you some! Woman cannot live on jello alone tho. I am so sorry to hear about yor cousin's sudden death, way too young! and I'm sorry to hear that Joey is sad, everything is so multiplied with this damn virus, especially hard for teens I think.

    I did go and watch Nora and Evelyn last Thursday, their mom is back to work so I hope to watch them most every week. I'm on my third week of the Ibrance right now and I'm finding that that's my roughest week. This is my third round and I get so fatigued, sleeping 2-3 hours in the middle of every day, I hate it! I get a rash on my stomach every month and mouth sores altho I don't have them so far this month. I have 3 more pills then I get a week off and usually rebound a bit. Then I'll get my injections and start the whole mess over again, hoping symptoms diminish as I go on. I get bone and CT scans on June 15th to see if it's all working. I cancelled babysitting today, hoping I'll feel more up to it next week, it's a 12 hour day and I just don't have it in me today. New dog, Boo is doing great, he's a gentle giant and has become best friends with Harvey. I got to golf on my league yesterday, it was a bit cold and windy but nice to see everyone again. I'm starting another league on Tuesday mornings, a more serious one where we actually keep score and can't just have do-overs whenever you want. Not sure if I'm going to like it or not. Anyway, that's about it for me, love to all!

    Misty, Karen whoever else I'm missing, hope you're all doing ok.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2020

    So, you know you have a problem when?..?! Nora drew this portrait of me while we were having a Facetime chat. I asked her what was in my hand, she said "yer wine". Notice my gray teeth!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2020

    Harvey and Boo


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2020

    And finally, me and my girls...


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2020

    OK I lied, I cut Nora's hair, sorry if I took up a whole page! Before...image

    And after



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Great Cats Be Funny BLOG: Funny Cat GIFS

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2020

    Hi there, genny. Cute pics. Nice job on Nora's hair - what a perfect bob! You should post a pic of your dogs on the topic "dogs, dogs, dogs" - they are such lovely looking beasts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin' ladies, Warning, the following post is filled with gripe andboring, just skip it, I did it for , cuz I've been a mess>myself

    Here I am, ugh I had another bout ofwithdrawal, which never happened to me with Xanax. I honestly didn't know what was going on <literally>. There was so much confusing, chills, vomiting weak, no fever tho for a couple of days then I realized why. I was out and couldn't get them til this Sat. Then membered Jodie takes them, well she had a conference call, Les and Mrty were in the hospital for some shit so my granchildren figured everything out and Cheyenne brought me some pills and Joey took care of me til they talked and had a plan. He was so F''kin good doing that, finally settle down yesterday after finally sleeping for not sleeping 3 nights, boy am I a junky it was horrible, Oh well it;s done.

    You know I don't watch all of this stuff about Covid and now it seems things r going to fast to me. It's scary how everyone wants to march for these rights. I just don't get it, I think til they really have something that works, why would u take a chance. It still amazes me all the people who HAVE to be there and they are. I think if it were me that had to work, I couldn't, the fear is just piling on with more fear.

    I love ur attitudes. Kim u never miss work, Jazzy nd Lori u take care of everything ur suposed to, LC ur planning what u can do with enthusiasm. Sandy u have everything under control <sorry about the bite> and all r doing pretty good under this cloud of crazyness and SusyQ it's so good to see you, I think of u often.

    Still no one can figure out what's going on with Les, I guess that's good in a way, I don't even know anymore.

    Boy I really let it out on you gals, but thank you, even if u don't read this <I don't blame you>My puter is a mess 1/2 the time and the phone the other 1/2. When I want my phone togo out it doesn't. My BIL called on speaker to sk me if I membered something from the early 60's...he talked for almost 1 hr anf finally I told him I wasn't interested in his life then and nothing has changed I just ssid goodbye and hung up. <oh I always do that to him> so does my sister and I love the guy.. Well if I didn't I would have hung up the first minute.Believe me I know this week could have been worse so I'm thankful for that.BTW I'm still mad at Nicky. it'll pass I know.

    OK I need a shower more than an elephant in the mud needs one. SoI have to get ready. Thank you all


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Just heard from my primary care doc's office and the news isn't good: he is, in the words of his staff, "gravely ill" with COVID19 and in the ICU (they didn't say whether he is intubated); his PA tested negative at the time he fell ill, but now she's feeling sick (has already had both types of flu) and is being re-tested today (and she has little kids at home). Pray for them both.

    Cami, here's your local update: IL's testing rate has ramped up dramatically (the difference being that there are many more sites now in Black and Latino neighborhoods, and one site where healthcare workers & first responders can get tested without having to show symptoms) and for the second day in a row the statewide positive rate is below 20% (yesterday it was 17%). But we had our deadliest day yet: 192 deaths. Chicago & Cook County are still hot spots, and there is little to no chance that we will move to the next phase of gradual reopening when (and if) the rest of the state does June 1; and the city's move to phase 3 will not reopen the lakefront. Too many stupid people insisting on gathering and exercising their "rights." IMHO, those demanding everything open back up are selfish idiots with their fingers in their ears going "la-la-la, I wanna get my hair cut, go to church, and go back out to brunch again;" and those officials who give in to the demands (including the WI S. Ct. and likely its legislature) are murderers.