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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies- just popping in to say hi. I have been out in the garden this morning pulling out the last of things that I just don't think are coming back, and finishing some new plantings. Looks good out there, and a bit more to do the back yard. I have had some real adventures in this yard lately with things in the back yard that have NEVER been there before, including a rabbit that got under the fence and two gigantic lizards/skinks that were like nothing I have ever seen. Plus we have a moth explosion here in the city too. Who is winning in the pandemic? Wildlife and insects!

    Been busy working with this volunteer collaboration with a couple prof orgs I brought together. My effort to help during this time and until I can get back to work. My mom used to build bombs in a factory during WWII so I am following in her footsteps to offer what I can to help. My parents were both very service oriented people and taught me to step up when called upon. It's been a great experience (although a lot of work too.....)

    Found out this week one of my first cousins is Covid positive. She has been in a group home living situation for awhile now (mental health issues) and we are all worried.

    Our Gov did a press conference yesterday and doing a bit more slow opening here with some non essential retail that can open at 25% occupancy as well as small amount of in person at church. No bigger things yet, this is the two week trial to ease out a bit more and they will be tracking to see if cases go up. They still will have the counties on the western border locked down into June. She is also mandating everyone wear masks now if they are outside of their house for any reason. I see more people wearing them, but many don't. My sister has sent me some, she is my "dealer."

    Goldie- you asked about my SIL recently. Still in the rehab and my sister has not been able to visit here in a few months now. I had a very vivid dream about her recently running through a meadow and was happy she was free. My sister told me today she did a Facetime with her and she looks very peaceful. I don't know what all this means, but keep in touch with my sister and know one of these days, things will change again.

    I hope you are doing well out in AZ, and that your temps are good. It's been nice here again after all the heat a few weeks ago. Gardens are flourishing.....

    Cami- oh those bad kittens. My sister told me her two young cats (under 2 years) get up in the morning, eat breakfast, want to go out but she waits because of coyote time (she has a fenced yard, but lost a couple cats to coyotes when she first moved back to CA), so they fight with each other because they can't have their way. They go back to sleep after they fight, then get up and go out when it's later. The life of a cat......

    How are you doing?

    Genny- that picture of you and those beautiful children is so lovely. Nora got a cute haircut two. I am sorry you are feeling tired from the Ibrance. I have a BCO sister friend that did a trial for Stage 3 ILC and has told me a lot about that drug. I hope it keeps the beast at bay so you have many more fun times with those cuties. I hope your DD is doing okay and staying safe at work. The pic of you with the wine glass is hilarious!

    Chi- I still have a land line, it is tied to my home alarm system and always like to have a Plan B for my phone. Lots of people have let go of their land lines and then if a phone breaks, gets lost/stolen, they are SOL. This just happened yesterday to someone I know. If my power goes down, then the cell is my only phone. We had an incident a couple years ago where all the telecom here went down, not sure what happened but suspect someone hacked all the phone companies. We too have people caveching about not opening up more broadly yet. I am in the "lets be careful here" category, especially given our hot spot to the west.

    Ill- checking in here to see how you are doing?

    Teka- what is going on in north country? Are you nice and green now with spring blooms?

    NM- I think we all have problems with what day it is anymore. I have tried to keep my days organized by getting up in the morning and figuring out what day it is and making a simple list of to dos. I have had daily calls on my volunteer work as the point of contact so that helps me with the weekdays. I opted out of it today and trying to get more people to step up by being on the call in my place. I hope your night shifts are going well and so nice for Sadie to share her toys.

    Wishing everyone a good slide in to the weekend. I have a cute rabbit photo to share with you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Our Gov. is holding the line on reopening, and with good reason. Though statewide, IL's testing rate is way up and its positive results down to 17%, that is an average of all counties--and NE IL (espec. Chi. & Cook County) is still above the 20% needed to move to phase 3 (nonessential retail open to limited indoor shopping, indoor gatherings--with precautions--up to 10 people; personal-care services like salons & barbers, etc). on June 1. And the number of new cases has to drop for two weeks in a row before any region can move to Phase 3.

    Folks, this is REAL. If my doc (who was doing only e-visits) and his P.A. can both get COVID--as can an NBC infectious disease expert who took all the right precautions but had to take a crowded flight (with mask, gloves, wipes but no face shield)--ANY of us can. People demanding the economy open back up and yammering about their "rights" to not wear masks and not social-distance are shortsighted selfish idiots--and the government officeholders who oblige them are murderers. If only they could infect just each other, but that's not the way it works. (This is not politics, Moderators--it's SCIENCE). I will not get on an airplane, or mass transit, till I can get immunity--and that may likely be never unless there is a vaccine in my lifetime (or the unlikely event I survive a bout of the disease).

    I'm certainly not risking my life for a haircut or a mani-pedi (which is probably moot, as salons will not be reopening in Chicago till at least July).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies, just me.

    Thanks Sandy for making things clearer for me. But as much as I hate ALL OF THIS, I just can't understand why people want to hurry to get out just for the sake of getting out. I can certainly empathize with people for working but it seems that most of the people just want to do protest, to do things. As much as I want to leave the house sometimes, I'm not going to go out til I think it's really safe and it doesn't sound like it to me. And now ur Dr.??? I'm sure they are always vigilant in their garb so u wonder how it happened. U must worry so much and I am sorry for that. Oh wow.

    Jazzy u r smart to have so many things under control to do. It just keeps u busy, but I do know u love the spas and just general sight seeing in all areas. It always sounds like u've adjusted well to this, in fact most of u gals have.

    Why is it so quiet in here today.

    Oh I just got back, phone call emergency of course so it's all set.

    Anyway, just thought I'd poop in to see what's happening.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Mary, I think my little buddy goes with one of his care takers if something happens to his mom. I think she will be ok tho, I was told stage III, so at least it's not terminal. Hope you are able to get your plants outside for good soon. Love the pictures of the girls and the one Nora drew with your wine, too cute. And those furbabies, OMG. I still think you should change Boo's name! I like Beau, cuz it's sounds so similar. But not my dog, just my opinion...LOL! I think Nora looks like her mom and Evelyn looks like your son. Funny that you moved the scale. I hate how some of these meds make us feel. Are your blood counts low? I hate that fatigue feeling, makes me feel like I'm lazy. Hoping that goes away after a time. So far I'm doing ok on the increased dose of mine.

    Cami, you poor druggie, going through withdrawl again. That has to be horrible for you. And you can gripe all you want here, you know that. Joey has your back, that's for sure. I hope Les and Marty are ok. This girl is staying put, not going anywhere unless I have to. Funny how you just hang up on your brother.

    Sandy, sorry to hear about your doc and pa, hoping they recover. I have a friend who is like what you call "murderer". She posted this on FB and thinks Covid 19 is all government scam! Her comment to it was "Exactly!"

    No photo description available.

    Jazzy, a moth explosion? So sorry to hear of your cousin, I hope she recovers soon. They say long term care and probably group homes too, have seen the biggest increasse in cases. Interesting dream you had about your SIL, of course that would be the way we would want it to go. Temps here are good, not quite as hot, but a tad on the windy side. Nites are wonderfully cool!

    NM, it's strange to not see you in the mornings!

    Nothing new on my end, just another day.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Good morning! Starting to warm up here. Not much planned for today. Will probably tie up some loose ends and start my weekend early.

    Goldie - My plan is to fly into Las Vegas, rent a car and drive a ‘circle’ through the various sites. I would like to spend 7-10 days on this adventure. I would like to take routes that have something to see while driving and maybe have a hike each day.

    Sandy - So sorry about your doctor. Chicago seems to be getting into the thick of the virus now. We had to go to the local Verizon store yesterday. It was packed with people. Most without masks. The employees all had masks and sanitizer on the desks. We were in the store for about 30 minutes and washed thoroughly after returning home I would love to get my ‘post chemo hair’ trimmed and styled, but will wait a while longer.

    Cami - Great to hear from you again! I miss the cat memes!

    My DH finally upgraded his 20 yr old flip-phone to a smartphone. He is technology challenged and I spent most of yesterday trying to teach him how to answer the phone! Downloading apps and closing them is the task for today. He hates passwords and never remembers them. During any instruction, he wants to know if there is an easier or shorter way to do the task. By the end of any lesson, I have a raging headache. Such fun!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    JCS, so that really just gives you 5-8 days of site seeing, since 2 days will be for traveling. Are you planing to stay in Vegas for any of this time? Def. lots to see near there and the western end of Utah. You have Bryce Canyon, Grand Staircase Escalante, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, near Vegas you have Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and of course the Hoover Dam. For the Grand Canyon I think I would recommend the North end.

    Oh I ordered my wind spinner yesterday.

    Spring Reeds Spinner

    You can see it in motion on this page.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!I woke up a little bit ago and had a total confusional episode--I could not figure out if it was morning or night! I was trying to figure out if I needed to wake up enough to go get dressed and go to work, or if I should be making breakfast! Sadie just sat and laughed at me until I figured out that I could look at the phone and the computer and saw it said 9 ayem.It's cloudy this ayem, so when I was waking up at 7:30 I was thinking it was getting light out really late in the evenings already. It is staying light longer, butnot this light this late! Total disorientation, it was not fun.Only 4 more overnight shifts, then back to normal work hours for me, yeah!Poor Sadie, she either gets fed twice a day due to my time confusion, or doesn't get fed until she knocks over the dog food bin and feeds herself. I think she'll be glad to get back to a normal routine, too.

    Chi--I would hope that we as a population would learn from past mistakes and current information and be able to find that balance. With the majority of Maine dependent on summer tourism we are at risk of bankrupting most of the businesses, then then the state itself, but we aren't in a good place to handle a huge surge of cases, either, not with half our healthcare workforce furloughed or laid off. I wish I knew what the answer is, I really do.

    Goldie--not quite the end of the night shift cycle, tonite, Monday nite, then Thursday and Friday nite, then a 3 day weekend, then back to days on Tuesday the 26th.At work we are all starting to wonder what will be required of us as other parts of the state open up. Nursing home residents will still be at high risk, letting visitors in means the virus will get in, will staff be blamed? Will staff be required to continue lock down standards? No going out for social things, just for necessities to minimize our exposure to minimize the chanced of bringing it into the facility? We're anticipating wearing masks through July, and wondering if it will become standard after that. Oh my goodness, those drinks are fantastic sounding!

    Genny--Yeah the reporting stuff was crazy, fortunately it got changed before it was finalized.The end results is that we have until 5 pm the next day after finding out about a positive test to notify, and we don't have to call every family, we can post it on a website or use a listserveto e-mail families, or have an update line family can call into for recorded messages. We've finally gotten temps to kiss 60 a time or two, but still going below freezing overnights. I'm glad you are getting some time with grandbabies. I hope the side effects do settle down and aren't so disruptiveover time. I love hearing about Boo. OH,my, the gray teeth! What a handsome couple! Nora has gotten so big!Doesn't she know she's not supposed to grow between pictures???Her hair looks great!

    Cammy Cat--drug withdrawal is not pretty. I'm glad your family could get together and figure something out for you. It's people like us who NEED the meds who are hurt by the regulations put in place to deal with people who misuse the drugs, and they always have more than one source just to avoid withdrawal!So not fair. Some days it just feels like everything is a mess and totally chaotic. Some days it's not worth adulting anymore!

    Good morning, Celia!

    Chi--prayers for your doc and PA and all the other office staff and everyone's family members. I'm with you, all those people insisting on their rights had better be ready to exercise their responsibilities that go with the rights and be paying for the care, lost wages, funerals, and taking care of the families of every person they infect.

    Jazzy--thanks for your stepping up and helping where you can! Praying for your cousin. May she be in the majority who have mild illness. About your SIL, the dream and her looking more peaceful makes me think that she has come to terms with things and ready for whatever is next, which may mean time is short now. When her time comes I hope she's one of the 30% of heart patients who die suddenly and quietly, often in their sleep, and not in a long, drawn out hospital stay with procedures and strangers.

    Chi--Maine's Gov has caved in a little, she's allowing hotels/motels to accept reservations for June 1st and after for Maine residents and out-of-state visitors who have completed the 14 day quarantine. Of course, the 14 day quarantine must be conducted in a private residence, not a public accommodation. People with camps can quarantine in their camps. But people with a private residence to go to (camp, camper in a campground) don't usually book hotel rooms! And there is no way to verify if a visitor has quarantined, so I just do not see this working out well at all.

    Cammy Cat--it is nutso times, isn't it?Or maybe I'm just having a not-coping-so-well day. Maybe I should go back to bed for a while and deal with the world later!

    Goldie--well, if the person cannot tolerate wearing a mask, he/she has a serious respiratory problem and if infected with COVID will probably end up in ICU on vent (and believe me, intubation is WAY worse than a mask!) and eventually dying. Darwin wins again, but only after the idiot has infected how many other people and cost how much in medical care that I bet they don't have insurance to cover!

    Librarian--oh my, you have your hands full teaching your DH how to use a phone!


    Sea of Confusion


    • 1 oz Hamilton Jamaican pot-still gold rum

    • 1/2 oz Clear Creek pear brandy

    • 1/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse

    • 1/4 oz Cappelletti amaro sfumato rabarbaro

    • 3/4 oz Passion fruit syrup

    • 1/2 oz Fresh lemon juice

    • 6 dashes Angostura bitters

    • Lemon Hart 151 rum, to top

    • Garnish: Mint sprigs


    1. Add the first six ingredients to a footed pilsner glass over pebble ice and swizzle.

    2. Add the bitters and Lemon Hart 151 rum to top.

    3. Garnish with 2 mint sprigs.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    NM- I am hoping too that my SIL will quietly go in her sleep. With all the things that have been done to keep her going, it is the best way for it to happen without my sister trying to do anything else. We are all amazed she has lasted this long. Seven months on a respirator? It will be hard for my sister if it happens during the pandemic given there won't be a chance to have services etc.

    Thanks to everyone about my cousin. As far as I know, she was not symptomatic (just tested because of the infection in her place) as of Monday. I will do a call again next week with my cousins and find out more. I sent her a really cool card she can color today, and hope she likes it. She is an artist and thought having something like that would be something she would enjoy.

    Cami- hi!

    Working on the mice situation here today.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Goldie - This is a link to an itinerary from Las Vegas. Let me know what you think. Hopefully the link will work. Loopy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Praying for your cousin, Jazzy. Many asymptomatic people who test positive remain asymptomatic and eventually clear the virus from the body. Hope she's one of them.

    My housekeeper's DH re-tested negative for the second time, so their quarantine is over! He now has to go back to the V.A. for his dialysis, as the facility to which he's been going the past 3+ weeks is strictly for COVID+ patients. She is coming back to work on Mon., albeit with both of us masked and gloved while she's here. The kitties will be doing the happy-dance, because they miss her so!

    No news on my PCP, but out of an abundance of caution (and a throwback to my childhood as a Girl Scout) I have requested PCP (FP, GP, internist or geriatrician) referrals from my GYN, who is in the N.Shore system where I get my cancer, orthopedic, weight mgmt. and G.I. care. My PCP and his P.A. are part of the Amita system. If he survives, I can't imagine he'd be well enough (or inclined, at his age) to go back to practice; and I don't want a P.A. as a primary unless she is working under an M.D. or D.O. I fully trust. The two health systems share records under the Epic system, and I can access one system's patient portal through the other.

    IL's positivity rate over the past 24 hr. was 9%. I only hope the Covidiots who poured over the state line last night into Kenosha & Walworth Counties' bars (it's always the bars, not restaurants) to exercise their "freedoms" to infect us don't give us a spike in cases. Our Gov. has now ordered that all health care workers, essential workers, and high-risk individuals be given access to testing regardless of symptoms (or no symptoms). So Bob will likely get tested. My PCP, before he fell ill, deemed me "medium-risk." (But AFAIK, he had no more risk factors than I, except he's male).

    DOTD last night, with grilled salmon (me) and meatloaf (Bob) was 2018 LaGalope rosé, from Gascony (FR). And today's DOTD thus far is seltzer from my new Sodastream. (Bob broke our 7-yr-old one when he fell Tues. night after losing his balance and falling when he came downstairs for a wee-hrs. snack and couldn't reach a dish on a high shelf).

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2020

    ChiSandy - I agree with your sentiments about "Covidiots." Here in N KY, my neighbors across the street are currently hosting a grad party with at least 20 currently in attendance & others coming & going - no masks, no social distancing. Probably underage drinking as well. What is wrong with people?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2020

    Just a quick poop-in to let ya'll know, I did get my nails done, she had to remove the old ones and do over-all. But it has helped a lot.

    My hubs getting very bossy, is hesitant to let me drive myself. My nail tech is less than a mile from my house, but hubs insisted on taking me and picking me up. startin to get to me.

    Anyway, jes wanted to say hi to all and I'm still saying prayers for everyone....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Working Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow the last few days I've been in a midnite zone. Finally feeling better and we had such a terrible storm with so much rain between midnite and 3am my phone didn't stop ringing, all sump pumps with flooding, I stayed up all nite...It's hard for me to get it together after.

    Oh JC I had to LOL bout the phone, Jeez I'm still learning how to use mine and no one seems to have aland phone anymore so u can't bail out. Be patient it's so so easy for everyone. But u have ur plans going for you, so that's good.

    Kim isn't that a horrible feeling waking up to u don't know what's going on. I'm glad ur going back to days soon tho does that mean 12hr. shifts. But Sadie's there for you, probably just as confused. Just take care of urself.

    Hi Jazzy seems like ur doing good.

    SusyQ glad u got ur nails done u know to be cautious but I didn't know these were open yet, I have to catch up.

    Mary are u doing any better. What a time this has too be for you.

    Lori this is actually a good time that u live out of the way of so many people and u enjoy gardening and all it keeps u busy if nothing else. But u really enjoy ur rewards.

    Sandy u have some things going on with you. But ur HK can come back soon. that's some good news for you. Is ur DH doing all right now.

    I know it's frustrating for so many people having to stay in, but to rush out before it's time is foolish <to me>. I don't look at it as the heavy hand of the law, I think it's an inconvenience for sure, but its one that is doable and why take a chance to spread it around all over again. It's bad enough. I know this sounds crazy but consider the source. I was thinking do our pets contact this from any of the people who test positive, maybe they have the answer there. OK quiet down the LOL I told u my mind wanders alot

    I pray for safety and courage for all.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Good morning ladies- I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. The cool thing that is happening is that I had not one but two opportunities come up through this volunteer work I am doing. Not right away but things that are related to tech and other things I can do. I am excited about this as I want to do something that helps, and makes a difference.

    Pest control back yesterday and have a plan approved to mitigatet the mouse issue. They have gotten braver and are running around my back yard now, on the patio and seen one heading towards the house. The pest control people are back on Tuesday to help me deal with this. I have made the decision to not seed feed the outdoor birds anymore. I have had several different problems with this the past five years and just feel done with it. The outdoor hummers will still continue to get feed through the feeders.

    Enjoy the sunshine if you have some today!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2020

    Jazzy, our neighbor took down his seed feeder when snakes started coming after the mice that gathered to eat the seeds on the ground! Get those pest control folks in there!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Beaver- that is my bigger concern, the attraction of snakes. I live across the street from a canyon where there are rattlers and although I have never seen any down here in the development, I know things will find there way in. The feeder in the back came down months ago. I have had it in this spot for a few years with no issues, but something changed.

    I asked my pest control guy a bit about what he thought was happening, and he said "I expect the mice moved in from another location as they tend to do." What I think is the root cause of this is from next door. My neighbor to the south of me is an older woman who has not really been able to take care of her home and property for awhile now. I have watched the decline with both her and her property for a good five years now. She is recovering from a recent fall and asked my help to do a bit of watering in her back yard, which I agreed to. When I went back there, I saw years of neglect and starting things this is where the mice may have moved in from. There were issues years ago with pigeons that were nesting under the eaves of her house. Sick pigeons ended up in my yard from that too. I did talk to her about it (and also anonymously called the City about it) and when they had damaged her roof, she finally did something about it. She was a good neighbor for years but the past five years have not been good.

    Anyways, I can take away the food source here and we will have bait boxes to deal with the infestation. Beyond that, my hope is that she will find her way to a better living situation where she has the care she needs. Her family has told me she refuses to move or make any changes, and I was there once to with our mom. My mother was like this too and dug in her heels and then put a lot of demands on others to keep her going at home until she had something happen and could not go home. I hate to say it, but it will probably go down the same way next door.

    That is my mouse theory and I am sticking to it!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Cami- Good to read you are doing better. I have missed your cat memes and jokes!

    Jazzy - Once when my sister was visiting and was in the guest room upstairs, a mouse ran through the room. We did get the mouse in a trap and have seen no others since. My sister hasn’t been back either!

    Goldie - I love the windspinner. The movement is really pretty.

    Sandy - I have never had a housekeeper. I have tried several, but never found that person that cleaned like me and didn’t move things around.

    It has definitely warmed up here. Will sip on some Rose later today. Have a great weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    My housekeeper started as Gordy's second baby-nurse when her MIL got an assignment doing eldercare and I got PPD six weeks after he was born. She eventually became his nanny, our housekeeper and my personal assistant. She is family--as close as one can be w/o being genetically related. That's why we've been paying her full salary & insurance all along.

    Bob learned today that a temporary part-time nurse at his Archer office tested positive and is now quarantined. (They all wear masks & gowns, and she didn't get w/in 6 ft. of him or his partner--who's in the midst of radiation for IDC). He & his partner immediately closed the office and called in a hazmat cleaning team. Meanwhile, they consulted Christ Hospital's I.D. (infectious diseases) Dept., which said they're doing exactly the right thing. From now on, nobody--patients or staff--enters unless they have no symptoms AND their temp., measured by forehead scan, is normal. They needn't get tested unless they want to. (The only place that tests asymptomatic health workers, in the Sox Park parking lot, hasn't opened yet--or at least I can't find it on any test center map, much less its days & hours).

    Yes, Cami--though it's quite rare, pets can get coronavirus from close contact with infected people--but they don't get COVID, and they clear the virus from their systems very quickly. It would be interesting to study what about feline and canine immune systems allows this, and maybe harness it for humans.

    Bob brought home asst'd. Japanese food after going to the Hickory Hills office, so we'll likely have some more of that La Galope rosé tonight. Tomorrow, with brunch, we'll crack our last bottle of Collin Cremant de Limoux.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Chi- I hope Bob stays well. Enjoy your brunch tomorrow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    NM, that's still another week of the night shift, saying it's 4 more nights makes it sound like not much longer! Not know if it's day or night, I don't think it's ever happened to me, but it did to my husband just a week or so ago. We had only been in bed like an hour. He got up and grabbed his clothes. I said what are you doing. He says I got work to do. Then he says wait, what time is it. I said it's time to go to bed, we've only been in bed an hour. The friend post I shared is actually quite healty and no lung issues, but that doesn't keep someone else safe. I can't say anything to her, as she will turn it into a debate and she is ALWAYS right. Her own DD can't deal with her and has blocked her on FB.

    Jazzy, your SIL all that time on a resperator, wow. Doesn't seem like it's been that long already, and we didn't expect her to live long at all. That girl's a fighter, but not living such a great life, no quality there.....sad.

    JCS, I think the itinerary sounds great. I even see a few places there that I would like to check out, I'll book mark it. I have to say, of the places I have been, Bryce was the most breath taking. If you can get to any slot canyons, do so, they are quite awesome. I too have never had a housekeeper, not even to try, but I think it would be the same for me, that they wouldn't clean the same way I do.

    Oh Celia, that is horrible about your neighbors and hosting that party, it's things/people like that that are going to make this happen a second time and be even worse.

    Sue, I think your DH is just trying to protect you. Perhaps he is seeing something that you don't? Like when you fall, what causes that? Are you tripping, are you dizzy, having a black out? I mean if you get dizzy, that is good reason for him to not want you to drive. Or just ask him why he doesn't want you to drive and tell him your feelings on it. But glad you got your nails done. Lubs you Doity Butt.

    Cami, I am glad to be living where I do, and I feel very safe. Is Joey able to go out and hang with his friends, staying outside, keeping that 6' distance or even more and wearing a mask?

    Jazzy, I rememeber you talking about helping your nieghbor, I'm pretty sure this is the same one. Sorry she won't budge and won't do anything. Those critters can really multiply and fast too. I'm always dealing with them, but I live out in the country, so they will always be here. I hesitate to use the bait things (poison) as you don't know where they are going to end up dying. So for me, I prefer the traps, but I can feed them to the ravens, you don't have that option. Another thing that helps is to put a bucket of water they can get in to, but not out. They want the water, cuz they are thirsty and when they get to water, not knowing, they just drown. But then you still have a carcus to dispose of.

    Had a wonderful relaxing day yesterday, something we don't normally do. Relaxed, did some chores outside and a great dinner.

    DOTD: The Wind Spinner
    It has Red Stag Honey Tea, Cruzan Orange rum, pineapple and cranberry juice.

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie and I had a totally lazy day yesterday, never even got dressed, even though I intended to go grocery shopping after getting a nap in. So I'll do the grocery shopping today instead. I did not think I would miss being able to go grocery shopping on the way home from work as much as I do. I get off work at 7, stores don't open until 8, and I don't want to sit in a parking lot waiting for the store to open up. Crazy, huh? I guess I have a self-centered streak after all!Only 3 more night shifts to go, and I am excited to see the end of them. The work is nice, quieter and calmer, but the sleep disruption is hard on the body, is making me lazy, and I've gained a couple of pounds. Time to get back to a real normal schedule for this ol' body!Now I've got to 'fess up, I kinda broke quarantine yesterday ayem and met my Mom in the parking lot when I got off work. She had a couple ofmasks she had made for me, and I sat in her car and we visited for a few minutes. Yup, less than 6 feet, both of us playing with our bottle of hand sanitizer, no hugs or kisses. At least I got to actually see her and she looks good.

    Jazzy--It will be hard on your sister if her partner dies during the quarantine time. I'm praying your cousin and everyone in the home does not get ill or only gets mild illness. Hope you get the mice under control!

    Librarian--that looks like a great trip!

    Chi--Good news for your housekeeper's DH!And for you. Having to look for a new primary care provider right now must be hard. I think you are wise to get a jump on the process. It's going to be interesting to follow the testing results as places open up and people start moving around again. More available testing is a good thing, no matter what, though, at least IMHO. Hope Bob is ok from the fall!

    Celia--I hope you could keep a distance from the neighbors, and will continue to keep your distance for the next 14 days AT LEAST!

    Mema--Hooray for your nails!I can imagine DH getting bossy is getting old. At least you got out of the house for a bit!

    Cammy Cat--I hear you about hard to adjust after an all nighter! I am looking forward to getting back to days and my normal routines. Only 1 12 hour shift left to get through, and that's on Monday night. I am taking care of myself, and you better take care of yourself, too!The word has been that pets don't catch this virus, but lately there have been some reports of animals testing positive, so who knows. And the multi-system inflammatory condition that's hitting children is a bit worrisome, too. Who knows where this thing is going? Some prudent precautions are the way to go, to my way of thinking.

    Jazzy--Nice to have opportunities bubbling up, shows there is a silver lining in almost everything. Feeding the birds can be fun, but it does create issues, doesn't it?

    Beaverntc---Welcome to the HTL!SNAKES?Yikes, I would definitely get rid of the bird feeders to keep the snakes away and we don't even have any dangerous snakes in Maine!

    Jazzy-- it's sad to see people and homes in decline. You are probably right that the mice are coming from next door. Best you can do is make your place less attractive and hope they move in another direction.

    Good morning, Librarian!

    Chi--just when you thought DH was safer at work this happens!

    Goldie--it is so draining to try to talk to someone who turns things into debates.When I first started working as a nurse I worked the night shift for many years and it would happen a couple times a month that I would wake up and not be able to figure out if it was morning or nighttime. Used to turn on the TV and see what was showing.Game shows, morning. News or dramas/comedies, night time. It's a lot easier now with smart watches and computers and clocks with am/pm showing. That wind Spinner looks very yummy!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Good morning friends- we have a moth explosion here right now. It started the past week but as I went out both the front and back doors, there were a plethora of them that went flying and some tried to get in the house. Eeek. It happens about every tend years and seems to follow a wet cycle, which we are out of now. Well, I keep my limited wool things bagged up, as I have had them get in and destroy nice things, but oiy! Moths, mice, etc.- wildlife and insects are winning. I won't be sitting outdoors today, or will wait until later when the moths disappear until overnight.

    Goldie- yes, this is the same neighbor and she has been there the whole time. Her only child lives with his family out of state and although she goes to see them, they never come here. She has other relatives that try to help her, but one of them has told me she won't change anything. I think one of these days, she will just have to leave and live elsewhere when living at home won't be an option anymore. I have thought it might happen before now as this all really got started about five years ago and just contines to get worse. I saw her helper friend is back over doing things for her and glad for that. I help where I can, but not getting pulled in.

    I have several people I know with that toxic "need to be right" thing. Some people are always looking for a debate or argument, FB is a classic place for that. My sister does that to me sometimes too, but I have learned to just say to her that I am not interested to argue and done having the conversation. It's a bullying tactic, and I have no time for that nonsense.

    Glad you had a day of rest, always refreshing!

    NM- glad you are getting through those night shifts. I won't tell anyone about your breaking quaurtine, and think seeing your mom in person probably went a long way for both of you.

    JCS- my mother had mice in her house in the later years of living there. I tried to get her to put out those indoor sticky traps or get pest control in, but she fought me on most suggestions. We sold her house "as is" back in 2005 and knew there were things that were a problem there, but being out of state, no way to deal with all that long distance. I never heard what the inspection report came up with, but I can only guess......

    I heard that there were long lines everywhere yesterday with the 25% opening of additional retail. Some of my fav shops are opening by appt only, which is smart. I have an apt at a place on Friday.

    I am also seeking places to take donations. My favorite place to donate responded to an e-mail to say they won't be opening for awhile as all their volunteers are over 60. They will start taking donations first but can't say when. I am going to check to see if the Big Brothers/Sisters truck that is over near my home and who I also donate has their truck back to accept donations. Wish me luck!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Body Armor | Funny Cat GIFs on Make a GIF

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2020

    Hi goils, my bwest friends and drinking buddies! It's me Dara, where the hell do I start here? I had to poop in tonight to whine and complain and vent. Gosh I sound so fun Ha?

    I have been suffering so, both physically and emotionally. I am poor. I have daily migraines with accompanying tooth pain, palate pain, hair pain and sinus pain. I have a hole in the belly (again) from a botched diep flap 7 years ago, stabbing pain under my foob, my right hand is numb and shrinking away from atrophy and now preparing to go to the hospital for surgery this coming Wednesday for part I of 2, to bix me belly! They are going to first get out the infected mesh then once it heals, rebuild my abdominal wall. I get Covid test tomorree. I am in New Jersey where the numbers are mind numbing! I have so many emotions over everything going on and frankly, I am very scared of what's to come. Oh I failed to mention that I have to sell my home or lose it to foreclosure. BRB need another Jack ~hiccup!

    And oh again...make it OHMG, my grandson is back in the foster system and I am the supervising parent in charge of a five year old and don't know what I'll do if my EXDH1 won't supervise whilst mese in de hospital for up to ten freaking days. OMG OMG OMG how will mese git through all this chit?? The answer is....wait for it...

    JACK DANIELS Mese bff indeedy! HicCUP~~

    Well I will certainly have a lot of free time on my hands after Wednesday and hope to continue to update everyone. The main reason we all come here is for support for ourselves. Then we find that the connection makes us feel less alone which is why I have returned; I jest lubs my drinking friends and I'm glad I found my way back here.. Some of you already know my story but in a nutshell I've had implants and expanders in and out multiple times and I've had a diep flap and a lat flap with nothing but trouble with infections and with the left foob flopping (3 attempts and still a fail for a total of 17 breast/belly surgeries from 2010-2013) not to mention 2 ulnar nerve repair surgeries and both hands surgically corrected for carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm TIRED OF IT! But I still might show up on Wednesday to the OR to have infected mesh taken out of my stomach and I may have to have some of my intestines removed too since the infection seems to have traveled to my intestinal track, oh mese oh mise. Thanks Dr P Rick! I'll poop back when I'm not so furious. I really should sue that horrible doctor who is the Chief of Staff at the Univ of PA hospital, said to be the best, WTF!!!!!! I am pissed, beyond pissed at that ass, i want to hurt him soooo much like he has hurt me. Tenders take me away!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Kim I'm glad this nite thing is almost over for u, it could be a little rough even if it's an "easier" time screwing u andd Sadie all up. Hey I was very nice about it this time. But don't expect me to be all the time u change all ur things.

    Jazzy snakes would be my limit for sure. those things can go anywhere, get a gun and shoot them dead, u might need some practice. The onslaught of moths is awful get a fan at ur door with a lite in it <don't watch> unless u want to. To many critters for me.

    Welcome Beaver come on back.

    Sandy I'm sure ur happy about ur HK, but then u have more worry about Bob. All of these people are so careful how do they get it??? I mean if they were careless but they all know not to be. This is so strange, all of this.

    JC Ur really itching to get back out I know, please take ur time, but I do know ur very careful.

    Lori ur dinner looked great last nite and I'm glad u had a chance to completely relax for a change, u need to.I've said before how I lived in AZ for just a month years ago the only thing that I remember that so impressed me was that area where there were all colored mountains <I can't even member the name> but I can still picture it. Just beautiful. My one brother used to build houses near Phoenix at the time they were so plush to me. Just way to hot.

    In general----I hate all these debates on FB I stay clear but every so often my sister gets involved, but not much. I like FB to catch up or be amused but not who's right and who's wrong especially since OUR history of this does not extend across time to judge. Everybody is judging what we don't have a clue about and everyone is adamantly right so why bother. It's funny tho from any of the gals that I have friended from BCO no one really judges. Puts up beautiful pics, shares grandchildren pics or stories or some fun pics. I respect everyones personal beliefs but I don't want to debate, to me that's a person to person thing <interesting maybe> but just not for me. Ever since my brother got into politics <which I worked> and then I worked for the state <politics> I have a hard time debating cuz I know what I faced and saw and would never have believed it before. .And I know some of u have to play along with ur jobs in one way or another so FB should just be for nice stuff. Especially now, ok I'm judging now.

    Another thing about falling <SusyQ> I don't know about what happens to you but I know when I fall I don't even have to be walking, I just go down. I don't get dizzy in my head or trip it's like my body just goes and I can't keep it up and since I always fear falling I think that adds to it. I've been lucky so far but balance is not a strong point. I member my mom telling me that and didn't get it then.

    OK off my soapbox, hope I don't fall stairs are frightening hahaha

    Celia stay safe.

    Everyone stay safe and healthy as can be.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2020

    Cami, interesting how much of what our mothers told us didn't make sense then but does now! My mother often said she thought the golden years were really tarnished brass...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Dara- it is good to hear from you, but I am sorry for all your troubles. I am glad you came back to have support here, and wishing you a good procedure this week to get the recon troubles addressed. Pandemics make everything that much harder, especially with accessing healthcare for other needs. I hope that your Covid test comes back negative and you can proceed to get your medical problems addressed. I am sorry about your grandson too, I know he is a real joy for you.

    I don't know what the banks are doing right now about mortgage payments, but did hear that several lenders are letting people not pay mortgages for 3 months and just adding those months on to the end of their loan period.

    Will be in your pocket this week and let us know how you are doing. We still have many of the old gang here, lots of newbees too

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    D A R A ur back Thank God we're all here for u like crazy.

    We've all missed you, but I'm so terribly sorry for what u have been going thru and any one of us would be a nervous wreck. U've always been a pillar here and u will be again. Extra prayers for you for sure. And now u have to keep us abreast <oops poor choice of words> with everything that's going on so u have to come back, I just wish it was with much better news. U should sue the pants and underwear off him, u have been thru so much with this HOLE of yours and the picture is still in my head, it's never left.

    There are some newbies here and u'll lubs them and they'll feel the same way towards you I know. Who wouldn't???

    Big <<<HUGS>>> coming ur way and I want to know everything word for word <well u know that>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Dara, welcome back, but bummer in the extreme over what you're going through. I'd definitely seek some temp. relief from your lender--if they foreclose, who'd buy a house while all this is going on. Hope you can find a solution for your DGS, and that your COVID test is negative so you can finally get the surgical help you need. As to suing your surgeon, I have no idea what the statute of limitations on medical malpractice is in NJ or PA--I retired from law practice and have never been licensed in either of those states. But know that most medical malpractice lawyers are not only operating remotely, but also take their cases on a contingency-fee basis (you don't pay unless you get an award or settlement from which they take a settlement).

    Drink up (or toke if you have an MMJ ID card)--you need it.

    After a nice sunny day yesterday, the torrents have resumed and we are under a flash flood warning (my phone and Apple Watch went apesh*t with the alert). My housekeeper reports her alley is already flooded, so it's a crapshoot whether she can get her DH to dialysis tomorrow, much less get here. One more day as a cat waitress, laundress and all-around household drudge. And it's almost a certainty that there won't be power to the garage by the time Bob has to leave for work tomorrow--and neither of us is strong enough to manually lift the garage door, and I'm certainly neither strong nor tall enough to hold it up high enough for him to back his car out. (No way am I letting him call a rideshare or taxi).The electrician was supposed to start Tues., but now they're forecasting occasional showers through Tues. evening. This is getting old. The satellite keeps going down with storm fade; and my TiVO won't connect to my home network (though my computer and VoIP phone are connected). A tech is supposed to come Thurs.--we shall see. May have to watch TV through an antenna. (I have an DVD-R that pre-dates the switch to digital--wonder if I can connect it to the TV's signal output to record shows? I have a stack of blank discs).

    Bob's part-time nurse thinks she caught the virus from a family member who had to leave the house and came back (reason unknown).

    I had a brief FB Messenger convo with my PCP's former partner (Bob suggested I contact her, since they all trained together at the U of I back in the day. She'll call me tomorrow to discuss her availability. Her office is down in the loop, but at least there's a nearby self-park garage so I needn't take my chances with an infected valet, rideshare driver or (heaven forbid) public transit. And for now all visits would be telemedicine anyway,