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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    For about an hour, we had 1/4-1/2" of water in the basement--it's receded now (nearly dry enough for the cats to use the litter box again), and the flash flood warning is set to expire w/in the hour. Meanwhile, my next-door neighbor to the east (and the one to his east) took on a lot more, leaving mud behind (which we didn't get). Our check-valve & sump pump helped.

    Nonetheless, I feel it was a wise decision not to crack open that bubbly tonight. Seltzer was just fine with my leftover quiche from brunch.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    I think I'm going to take a break from FB for a while except messenger it just has gotten so political. I know freedom of speech and all that but getting to the point of people just blasting each other for what they believe. I t might as well be a torch page and I really feel all I want is some fun and seeing pics of scenery, and families growing and fun some people can make of this. Not name calling and bitching. And these are my family and friends too. at least if they were strangers but I chose them all. LOL

    I've been busy all nite with emergencies but gave me more time for my prayers for Dara so that was the good part.I'm not a religious nut just a nut that;s . on the prayer train. Yes toward the back but still on it.

    I took my Xanax a while ago and was getting all set in and my phone started, we got most of them but not all, now my meds are running out of my system so here I am GRRRRRRRRR. One of my cousins is a licensed masseuse and from what I hear she is fantastic and of course she's not licensed for cancer people so again I had to tell her I hate her tonite cuz she won't touch me.That crazy hand bitch. It just sounds so good to get one. Well I know not now but........OK enough unloading on u ladies be talking to u soon


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Goodnight Gorgeous Cat Meme Gallery -

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day!Today's my odd day of the week, going in to work at 7 peeyem for a 12 shift, last of the lot. Then 8 hours overnight on Thursday and Friday, then a 3 day weekend, then back to normal work schedule and duties, YEAH! Poor Sadie, she goes into her crate when I get dressed in the mornings (even though I don't put her there during the warmer weather like now) and then when I don't leave she just sits there looking at me like "Well?Aren't you going to work?" until she figures out that I'm not leaving yet. Then in the evening when I go to the bedroom to get dressed for work she jumps up on the bed thinking it's bedtime, then gives me the "What??? Where are you going?" look when I head out the door. Poor baby.

    Jazzy--I'm glad your neighbor has some help. So many people are afraid of change or of losing independence that they won't accept help when it's needed, not until there is no other choice left. It's sad.I think you are right, the wildlife and insect life are the big winners here! There are a couple of people at work who are not quite "Need to be right" types but what I call "One-Uppers" who need to be worse off or better off than everyone else. One of my stock responses to them is "'Wow, that's unbelievable." What I'm saying in my head is "I don't believe you." but what they year is that I acknowledge they are worse/better off than everyone else. It did feel good to see Mom, even if only for 5 minutes. Good luck finding places to take donations. That's a part of the economy that is going to be hard hit, I think.

    Cammy Cat--That poor kitteh!I, too, am glad the night shift run is nearly over. I have enjoyed the quieter time at work with less drama and tension, but really am ready to get back to the usual routine. The change has been good (not as good as a vacation, but good) and I'm glad I did it, but I'm ready for it to be over, too.

    Dara!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh my dear, what a horrible time you are having! I'm glad you are back, wish it were under better circumstances, though. I can't believe you are still suffering from the botched recon surgery after all this time and looking at yet more surgery. I am praying this round fixes that problem.Are the supervising parent for your grandson? I'm so sorry to hear he's back in the foster system. And financial problems on top of everything else, just not fair. I wish I was close enough to give you a hug.

    Beaver--love the "tarnished brass" comment from your Mom!

    Chi--I can imagine the rain is getting very old for you, what with it causing all kinds of problems for you. Just crazy. Glad you didn't get any more water or any mud in your basement.

    Cammy--I hear you about Fb getting too political and too crazy. I'm going to go through and start blocking/unfriending/whatever since I've got posts from so many people I don't know and don't even know how they get on my feed. Just want to keep in touch with family and friends, don't want to get sucked into all the negativity and incorrect info.

    Snakebite Drink Recipe | LoveToKnow>

    Snake Bite

    In a cocktail glass, chilled, or a rocks glass, with ice, build or stir:

    • 1 ½ oz. Yukon jack
    • ½ oz. Rose's lime juice
    • Garnish with a lime wedge

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Original Happy Birthday GIFs - Free Download>

    Happy Birthday, Cammy!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    Dara - oh my, your plate is beyond over flowing. Hoping he surgery goes on as planned and you can finally get some piece and releif from this nightmare. And your poor grand son - what a mess. Sending you hugs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    NM, kind of a pain in the anatomy with the shopping after work, or should I say not being able to shop after work. When you get done with this shift you are going to need 3 days for your body to recoup. Glad you got to see your mom and good for no hugs/kisses. I think it will be ok. Last 12 hour shift tonight! Poor Sadie, tryiing to figure this all out. On your days off, are you on a normal schedule, being up during the day and sleeping at night?

    Jazzy, your moth explosion reminds me of the same thing in Michigan with the fishflies, also called mayflies. My mother did not take care of her home either, or herself for that matter. And when I would go there, I always did so much cleaning and yard work. And I'm talking not about just when her health got bad, I'm talking her whole life. As for FB, it amazes me sometimes what people put out there!

    Wacko, is that you? Is it really you? I'm so happy to see you, but not so happy about what is going on, although I already knew. I am so very sorry, you have way too much on that plate of yours. I thought you had the migrain thing taken care of with the botox. And what's the issue with the ex helping to take care of Logan? I'm sorry to hear this. How is he handling it? I'm glad you are getting surgery Wednesday, but skeered for you too. Will you be in the hospital for a time or is it out patient. We shall be in your pocket or hanging around the room somewhere, and I'll make sure to put some JD or perhaps GJ in your IV. Good to see you back, but not for the reasons. You have my support and love.

    Cami, it is hot here, especially down in the Phoenix area. Where I am, we do have 4 seasons. The area you are thinking about, is it Sedona? I am not one for debate, on FB or in everyday life. I do not discuss politics or religion either. I like FB for the same reasons you do. You and those phones! Does his business say they operate 24/7?

    Beaver, tarnished brass sounds more like it!

    Sandy, sorry about the rain and flooding. Never have had to deal with those kinds of issues and of course here in AZ, they don't have basements.

    CAMI...IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY? Well, Happy Birthday my friend. I hope you get lots of attention, since that is pretty much all that's allowed!

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Happy birthday Cami. I may have shared this before but it's still fun!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Happy, happy Birthday, Cami! I hear you about FB--I am trying to post non-political stuff there. Nextdoor is devolving into partisanship as well. The truly stupid questions on Quora are good for a laugh, though.

    My housekeeper came back today! She cleaned like crazy, especially the basement. She even potted my tomato plants! Tomorrow, laundry. I offered to help, but she has a system and doesn't want me to screw it up. We both wore masks when in the same room. We also wished we could hug, but it is what it is. So except on weekends, I now need to find something to do other than laundry, cleaning, and hauling out the garbage & recycling. She asked how long it was since I took out the recycling and was amazed to hear I do it every 3 days! Between drink cans, wine bottles, cat food cans, and plastic takeout containers, our kitchen bins fill pretty fast.

    The landscaper came today--planted some rosemary (I said no to sage, as I never use it), thyme, marigolds, and caladiums. He also brought some compost-starter/accelerator, and cleaned out cans & plastic that someone (not in this household!) had thrown into the compost bin. We also now have a fully-functional rear gate that locks easily. Garage door still a no-go, so Bob had to park on the street when he came home tonight. We're supposed to get light drizzle tomorrow, so will see if the electrician shows up. Wed. & Thurs. are supposed to be bone-dry, so I hope he can finish before it rains again on Fri. (& especially Saturday).

    I thank my lucky stars that when we were looking to buy a house, we decided to buy this one rather than a smaller but newer brick Georgian in Ravenswood Manor...a block from the Chicago River. (We asked the precinct police desk sgt. in nearby Albany Park what he thought about safety--and he replied he lives here in Edgewater Glen! That did it). So glad we live several blocks uphill from the lakefront. And all in all, glad we have a basement, even if it does flood slightly once in a blue moon--if we had a ranch house on a slab, the flooding would be in the living area--furniture, carpeting, etc. We have the washer & dryer on pedestals in the basement.

    With my potluck dinner (Bob came home late, bearing leftover fried chicken from his other office), I had a couple more oz. of that La Galope rosé. (Still sipping on it). The part-time nurse who tested positive said she's already feeling fine. But she still has to quarantine till she tests negative (Bob hasn't seen her in several weeks, but his partner, who's in her second week of radiation for IDC, has). It's the nurses & techs (and the ER/ICU docs) at the hospitals who put their lives on the line, because they have to do the hands-on patient care. Bob says nurses are the true heroes. I couldn't agree more.

    This weekend is his Little Company of Mary weekend--he was off two weekends in a row because he traded with the interventional guy with whom he alternates those hospital weekends (Eid-al-Fitr is on Sat.). So he will be going in to LCM two weekends in a row. He reports that the Oak Lawn Hilton guests are almost exclusively doctors and first responders these days. Their kitchen has reopened for pickup & contactless room service, so as an Executive Gold level HHonors member he gets free dinner Sat. night and breakfast Sun. morning. The hotel had just finished remodeling its conference center, indoor pool & gym when the pandemic hit--it's losing all the events that are usually booked there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Funny cat GIF on GIFER - by Adoranin

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Thank you for my Birthday wishes, it was quiet here but that was fine. Katie, Marty's cousin came, she's been here before a very lively woman and we had Cheese raviolis, meatballs garlic bread and salad and banana cream pie.It was nice. I really ate tho and my fav thing was Joey's card <of course> he writes so beautifully how he feels and it's always so touching and loving. Katie used to hang out with Nicky a lot, that's probably why I like her so much of all of Marty's cousins. Those 2 were friends with benefits for many years and stayed good friends. So we had some fun stories to talk about. Felt good.

    Dara I'm praying for you, so don't think I ever stopped. I so want peace of mind for you also. Boy ur keeping me busy, Missy so be well all the way around.

    Well Kim we'll see about ur schedule won't we. I'm not preaching at all. Ahem but this should be ur last shifts for overnite and be back to normal for good nite sleep. I'm waiting.

    I think more rain today must be breaking records for May.

    Oh I forgot everything I read on the last page now so I can't address who I want.but u all know by now I have a goofy time with my memory so I pray everyone is doing OK. And have we heard from Illi at all, shes having such a hard time of all of this.

    Try and have a good day everyone.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Good morning- I had the busiest day in a long time yesterday. I had my cleaning company return yesterday to resume their once a month all over cleaning and so glad to have them back. I kept up while they were gone for a few months (they were here last in late Feb, and cancelled March and April). A step towards returning some routine in an otherwise routine-less world the past few months.

    I had three Zoom meetings yesterday including two for this volunteer group I am working with around the pandemic and PPE. I also had a family zoom meeting with my cousins and got my sister to join yesterday. My sister called me after and told me that she had fun and my hope is she will join again. Next Monday is Memorial Day (how did that get here so quick?) and will resume in June.

    Cami- I am glad your birthday was okay and the food sounded delish! I bet that card from Joey was special, a well written birthday card can be such a treasure.

    Chi- congrats on having your housekeeper back! I bet you were just as happy as I was to have your person return yesterday.

    NM- I saw some photos from some other people in Maine on FB. Did you get more snow? I know you are working nights so chances are we will see you later on when you are rested.

    The pest control people come back today to address the mouse situation here. They should be here in another hour or so.

    I had a good conversation with the neighbor across the street about the neighbor next to me who needs lots of help. He was asking me what was going on next door and asked what he meant? Turns out the neighbor had gone to the hospital via an ambulance with her recent fall (I must have been out when that happened as I knew nothing of that part). He wondered if she was home and doing okay? I said yes it was a slow recovering, and that I had been helping her with some watering. But then I asked if he knew anyone who was looking to do some yard work as she needs some bigger help with that? Turns out he wants to help her with some yard clean up and connected them up. I hope it works out in a positive way.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Happy Belated Birthday, Cami! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. My family will gather here on Friday to celebrate two birthdays. #2 DS turns 37 and DH has hit 70. Their birthdays are one day apart so we do one party. Usually we go out to a favorite restaurant, but no one is quite ready for indoor dining yet. Not sure if groups larger than four can even sit together. Presents and cards will be sparse as I have not been able to shop for any. I might run to Target and check for TP at the same time.

    I have been watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon. Very dry witted and quick moving with good characters. Love Tony Shaloub as the father. I would definitely recommend watching it.

    DH is doing pretty well with his phone. We added some names to his contacts once they called and we could connect the numbers. While working, he kept a Rolodex so I keep comparing it to that. DH is also thrilled that NASCAR is back. There was a race last Sunday, one tonight and one tomorrow night. I do have a book to read! And the guys are here to fix the hot tub. DH loves to sit in the hot tub with an adult beverage and watch the car races. Are you all thinking, “redneck”?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2020

    Hello mese bwest fwends! Well the clock is ticking away much too fast, I hope to be out of surgery by this time tomorrow. It is a lengthy procedure, I think the surgeon said it would take 8-10 hours, does that sound possible? I dunno, I have not been a great listener lately, my pea brain wanders all over the place when I really need to be paying close attention.

    Lori, I am going to be in the hospital for 7-10 days if all goes well. That is a long time, I think the longest. I think I was in the hospital for one week with the DIEP flap and then the two hospitalizations after the wound got infected where both a week as well. UGH, I don't wanna go. Thanks for the warm welcome and for giving me that warm and fuzzy feeling after returning to BCO...goes for all of you ladies, I greatly appreciate the support! How's things going for you? Still having those God awful s/e's? My bff here in NJ is going through similar s/e's with her cancer meds such as problems with her hands and feet. See you tomorree in the OR. Be sure to get into Dr. Bonowitz' pocket, he is the cute one of the three doctors who will be in the OR working on me!

    Cammy, thanks for motivating me (and others too who mentioned getting help with de mortgage), I did call my lender after hiding from them for the past 8 months...yes, I am that far behind and it sucks. Anyway, they are going to mail me a packet of documents to complete and will first try to get me qualified for a load modification. Since my lender is my former employer, I have been told that my lender turns down most requests for loan modifications after requesting tons of documents. I have also spoken with a realtor to get an idea of my properties value. I was in such a rut that I was willing to just abandon my house. lose all of my equity and leave everything behind and let the bank just take my house. I really hope that does not happen but I am still pretty scared of what is to come. My sisters think that I should try to get SSID but I really feel that I can and should get back to work. I dunno, I will jest get past this surgery and get healed and rebuilt before figuring out what to do for income. Chit, I can't even sell my body anymore, lol ... no one would want this mangled body anyway. How was your birthday, were you able to at least have a little party/celebration with Leslie and family? Please tell Joey I said hello, he's the best kid I know!

    Genny!! So good to see you but so sorry about the rat bastard coming back. I did not realize that you had another Granddaughter, is she Nora's sister? She sure is pretty and resembles Nora too. BTW, I loved the haircut you gave her, she looks so cute and grown up too with the bob style hair. I have missed you and hope I keep my word and keep coming back here to keep up with all mese bwesties!

    Sandy, glad you were spared with the brunt of the flooding. And congrats on your housekeepers return, I could use one of those for mesedernself. Glad Bob has been safe from "the plague" and hope you and your family continue to stay safe, goes for all of you goils!

    Jazzy, hope you are able to be rid of the mice once and for all, it is mice right? I am now doubting what I read and retained, it is the JD, nothing to do with mese being tooooped! hehe!! Good for you with volunteering, you are constantly on the go lady and I do not think you'd ever have it any other way. Thank you too for your kindness with my return here, it means a lot. I miss the ole' days when wese wuz jest widdle kids. Time has gone so fast, can't believe it has been 7 yrs since my diep flap.

    NM, some things never EVER change. You are still working your butt off. I thought you were going to be partially retired? I have a feeling that you would not be happy if you were not helping people with your awesome skills as a nurse. I assume you are still in hospice care? I've always said that it takes a special person to do what you do. A girl I went to high school with recently (in the past five years or so) graduated nursing school with an RN and has moved to hospice care. She would be the last person in the world that I would have expected to do the job. She is so pationate with her work just like you. And poor baby Sadie being all bixed up with you working nights. Give her a kiss from me and tell her that my Lucy girl says wooooof!

    Karen, hello, how nice to see you too. How are things in your world? I miss you too, I really HAVE missed getting on here and spilling mese guts (and mese dwinkys too) hehe! Cheers to you and yours, hope things are well for you.

    Mema Sue, very nice to see you too. That DH of yers is de best, insisting on being your personal driver, he is one of the good guys and takes such good care of you. How is everyone, your children and Jenngirl (I hope I remembering her name correctly), I hope everyone is well and happy. I have missed you too lady! I often think of you when I go to places that we visited when you came to take care of me after one of my surgeries, we had such a blast, love so love to have a repeat, a goil can dweam righto??!?

    Beavern and BCS (sorry if I have the names wrong, relying on memory which can be frightening), nice to meet you ladies,. Beavern, your mother really summed it up with her quote about getting old lol. And BCS (?), I see you live in Columbia SC, that is one of my very favorite historic cities in the US. I love it there, it is a beautiful and very interesting city. I often visited there during summers during childhood where my parents had a place in Myrtle Beach, another favorite of mine. My parents ended up retiring in North Myrtle Beach and stayed there until they could no longer care for themselves. I really miss SC!

    Drinks for anyone I may have missed. I really really really need to get moving, I have been moving slower that I need to today, much too much to do and little time left to get it done. Today was like a whirlwind, two dr appointments and visits from my family members before I leave for awhile. I told my family that if anyone asks where I am, to tell them I am at the Betty Ford clinic getting help for mese dwinking and weed addiction. Which btw Sandy,, I do have a medical marijuana card and have been fortunate enough to find a way to find funds to buy the stuff, it is so fun smoking de willie legally!!!

    Too all of you that will virtually be with mese tomorrow, thanks so much, keep down the noise and don't molest my hot doctor!! hehe.

    Oh, one more ting,,,, I might have already said, can't remember sincen I have written a freaking book, I got the covid results back about an hour ago and I am good. So hated the test, I was told they would swab my mouth yet they swabbed BOTH sides of mese nose, it hurt so so bad and is soooooo invasive. I nearly ran over the nurse who did it with mese car!

    CheerS ladies, be happy and stay SAFE. xoxo

    ps- I will update you all when I can.

    pss -sawry mese wrote a book here, some tings remain the same and that is my longwindedness! tata!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Dara, congrats on being CV-neg. Testing does really feel like being stabbed in the brain, but the nasopharynx is where those nasty little buggers hide out--so you know they did your test properly and can trust the result. In your (and Dr. Bonowitz') pocket for tomorrow's surgery. Yeah, 8-10 hrs sounds about right--my BFF who went for a BMX was told 7-10 hrs. but then reminded her surgeon she wanted to go flat, so it was slashed (unfortunate pun) to 2.5 hrs. Now, this is gonna sound weird, but if you drink as much as you say here you do, please be honest with the anesthesiologist. It takes more general anesthesia to maintain a proper state of unconsciousness in a heavy drinker (whose tolerance is higher) than in a light drinker or teetotaler. And make sure you get enough of the right kind of pain meds afterward, too--don't let them make you settle for Tylenol & ibuprofen, at least not for the first few days post-op. There will be time enough for weaning off. (Oy--another unfortunate pun)!

    Cami, yes indeed we have had a very rainy May! Last night's showers pushed us over the top (by 1/3") into having had the rainiest May in the Chicago area's history. #2 was 2019, #3 was 2018. See a pattern emerging? The rains raised the Chicago River's level so high that the city engineers had to re-reverse its flow so it emptied into the lake (as Nature originally intended before keeping the lake pristine became the goal in the late 19th century). My electrician didn't come today because the ground was still too wet and there was sporadic drizzle, but he swears he'll be here tomorrow & Thurs. (They're now predicting storms again Sat.-Mon., mere rain T& W, and more storms after that. Having a dry power line before the rains return is more imperative than ever). I don't even wanna think about our basement again--but I bought 2 more disposable litter boxes just in case. In fact, might bring the regular ones (stink & all) upstairs temporarily once the rain starts.

    Speaking of rain, many local TV channels with transmitters located atop the (Whatchoo-Talkin'-'Bout)*Willis (formerly Sears) Tower went down--the storms flooded the building's basement--where the transformers are--causing power to go out in the entire skyscraper. Lower Wacker Drive flooded so badly that the building was boat! The road is closed till at least Saturday.

    Not sure what the DOTD will be--because not sure what to do about dinner. Bob is working late again. I have 1/2 lb. of shrimp, but also that leftover piece of fried chicken. Will likely do the shrimp and a veg. tomorrow night.

    *if you don't get it, you young'uns here probably never watched the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes back in the day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies, just quick update for now. I’m doing ok but didn’t realize how long I was away. I’m still only making very slow progress with swallowing but making the best of it. I tried a sip of sweet red wine and a pina colada, sadly both tasted very boozy and I couldn’t really enjoy them. I got results of yesterday’s body CT scan and there’s progression but I consider it pretty minor thankfully. My original hip bone met looks a little bigger after 3.5 years of stability. MO says we can watch it or do a trial where I’d be randomized to 3 rads sessions or no treatment unless/until it gets bigger. I’m going for the trial since we’ll basically be treating it now or later anyway. Nothing new, which I’m super grateful for.

    Nice to “see” everyone here and shoutout to minus!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Welcome back, Baby Girl! One upside to losing so much of your alcohol tolerance is that you're a "cheap date," as they say. It'll get better, but it'll take time. (A famous local folkie friend of mine, Mark Dvorak, wrote a song with the refrain "it'll get better when it's better, I suppose"). Wise decision to go for the trial. This, too, shall pass (as the bride who inadvertently swallowed her engagement ring because she didn't know her fiance put it in her dessert to surprise her would say).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited May 2020

    illimae - Shouting back!!! SOOOOO glad to hear from you. It's disappointing that neither the wine nor the pina colada hit the spot. Oh well, it was only 97 today, so maybe when it gets warmer & you're lying in your pool..... Here's hoping. How frustrating that the swallowing progress is still slow. Are you managing to get enough nourishment down to keep your weight stable? Interesting about the trial. You'll have to keep us posted.

    Next time you feel like drinking, try a shot glass of Amarula. I like the original, but got a variation by mistake from an on line order. It's Amarula Vanilla spice. Very smooth going down, and a really thin liquid.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Gorgeous, Jazzy!

    I had the leftover fried chicken, so the Domaine Collin Cremant de Limoux really hit the spot. It's our last bottle--all we have left is the good stuff (the real thing and its CA offshoots).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Two more overnights then back to daytime work and the normal routine!Lots of changes going on at work, I'm meeting with the Director of Nursing this ayem to get caught up on everything that's happened and is going to be happening and get an action plan put together. And didn't Sadie and I love laying out on the deck soaking in the sun yesterday! So nice and warm, bright sunshine, it felt wonderful! Totally screwed up the sleep cycle, though, although that worked to make for agreat night's sleep last night cuddled up with Sadie. Now to get over the being lazy when I'm not sleeping and not working!

    I spent part of yesterday going through Fb and blocking ads (every second or third post was "sponsored" which is code for "advertisement", and often for the same item half a dozen times in a row), and unfollowing people I don't know and don't remember ever clicking on "follow" and putting several people I do know who are posting mostly political, negative, or just plain false info on 30 day pause.It took quite a bit of time, but my newsfeed is so much more enjoyable now! I highly recommend everyone do this once in a while, it's eye opening!

    Morning, Karen!

    Goldie--Yeah, I am pretty spoiled, either that or awfully stuck in my routines of shopping on the way home from work.My whole sleep/wake cycle is totally uncycled at this point. Generally, after working overnight I come home and putter around a little bit, then nap a bit when I finally sit down. Then I'd putter around a bit in the afternoon, and try to get a couple hours of sleep in the late peeyem, early evening before heading in to work. That's part of the reason I struggle with 12 hours shifts, the best sleep I get is the few hours in the evening that I lose when I start at 7 peeyem.I'm planning to turn on the 5:30 ayem alarm for Sunday and Monday to help get me reset for getting up at the normal time. It's a big help that the sun is starting to come up that early here, now, so I won't be getting up in the dark!

    Chi--So glad your Housekeeper is back! Sounds like you were really wise in choosing a home. I wouldn't have thought about asking the police about neighborhood safety. Are the hotels allowed to be open where you are? Here hotels cannot be open to visitors, but can be open for people need to quarantine, traveling essential workers, and victims of house fires and crimes (mainly domestic violence). I'm glad that DH's hotel kitchen has reopened, that will make things a lot easier for him.Too bad they are missing all the events, though, especially after all that renovation work.

    Cammy Cat--those kittehs are so cute! About my hours, one of the things I'm thinking will be on the agenda with the Director this ayem is me working nights for a while more. One of our night nurses is a traveling nurse, and her contract is up soon. I'm already practicing saying "no, thank you."I've already been asked to change Thursday's shift from 8 to 12 hours and said no. So park yourself inmy back pocket and poke me in the behind when (if) that comes up, OK? Your B-day food fest sounds like a huge amount of fun!

    Jazzy--no, no more snow the last few days, actually seeing temps move over the 60 degree mark! Frost and freezes, yes, but no snow. The age-old better-to-plant-the-garden-in-May-or-never-plant-before-Memorial-Day debate is raging.I usually do some planting in May, but not this spring. Lilacs are supposed to be in full bloom for Memorial Day, but the buds aren't even showing yet. The birch trees are just now budding out enough to show color, that's almost a month late. How's the mouse hunt going? Making progress? So kind of the neighbor wanting to help the other neighbor. Too many places are missing that sort of connection these days.

    Librarian--Happy Birthday to DH! Sitting in a hot tub with an adult beverage sounds like good times to me, although watching the races doesn't appeal much to me. Listening to an audio book or listening to the birds and wind would be my preference.

    Dara--by now I expect you are in surgery. Praying it goes well and you recover without complications this time around. I know it's not fun being in the hospital. I was partially retired, then stumbled into a fantastic full time job as a Staff Educator at local Nursing Home. It's been great work and I love it, except for right now while I'm working night shift for a month to help cover open positions and cut down on overtime. BUT, I am being very careful to keep my hours at 40 per week, and taking care of myself. And to keep Cammy from being mad at me! Sadie says Woof to Lucy! Poop in again as soon as you feel up to it!

    Chi--my goodness, an entire stations losing power when the basement flooded! That's just too funny.Of all the businesses that would think to have back up plans, you'd think the medial would. Evacuating by boat must have been interesting to see. Not so interesting to participate in, but to watch.

    Illi--I so wish the swallowing were progressing fasting toward normal. Glad the body CT results aren't bad. I'm glad there is a trial available to you, and I hope it helps.

    Morning, Minus!

    Beautiful, Jazzy!

    Hi, Teka!

    Happy Hour Cocktail Mouse - Gift - Cartoon - Party" Art Board ...>

    Gray Mouse

    1 oz Irish Cream Liqueur

    1/2 oz Black Sambuca

    Shake with ice, strain into a chilled glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    I wrote this last night, and thought I posted it....

    Posting now, cuz I won't have time tomorrow and maybe not Thursday either. We order containers of product over seas, and it's coming tomorrow. We have lots of orders that are waiting to ship. So will probably take 2 days to catch up with that. Plus we haven't gone for groceries in 3 weeks. Whos cleaning the house...ME!
    Who's doing the cooking...ME!
    Who's doing the gardening...ME!
    Laundry, dishes, dusting, floors, bathrooms....does it end? ME!

    Anywho, DOROTHY/WACKO/DARA/DORTY...I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. I'm hoping to hear something from you or someone, as to how things go. Praying so hard it goes well. You have dealt with so much for so long, it's time. Again, I love you.

    Cami, I had to laff at you using "friends with benefits"...laffing again! So your nephew or cousin and Marty's cousin's? You mention Joey's writing, and I'm sure you meant at what he wrote, not his penmanship, altho that may be good too. My Dh has beautiful writing, but it's print, not handwriting.

    Jazzy, I'm sure you are glad to have your cleaning crew back in. I have a "zoom" thingy tomorrow for my step grand daughter's birthday. Never done one and I'm sure the father's family will take most of the "front row". It's a bigger family. But happy to hear you got your sister involved and she liked it! And also glad to hear your neighbor is getting more help from another neighbor. I get it! I hope you get those meese's under control. And if our country ever gets things together, you and I can meet for lunch!

    My neighbor that I have been helping, her mom is here now, her sister and this sister's daughter. But none of them are worried about the virus. No masks when they go out. They came from CA, not sure if they protected when pumping gas, etc. So I will keep my distance. There's more, LOTS MORE, but not today.

    JCS, birthday wishes to your DS and DH. I'm about as anxious as you for your trip out this way.

    BabyGirl, speaking of trips. Did you ever get compensated for your Laughlin trip. And more important, how are you doing? I hope things are improving.

    OMG DOROTY, 8-10 HOURS? I hope I have a current phone number for you. OK, I'm "horning" in on Dr. B! I know you don't want to go, I don't want you to either, but I want you to be better, and I know you want to be better too. I do deal with SE's, not as bad as before, but it doesn't matter, I'm still here, right! LOL'ing at selling your body, silly goil! Praying that things fall into place for your house as well. Damn, when it rains, it's pours....hugs!! OK, I'm having a brain fart. Sue came to see you? I'm kinda remembering that, maybe!

    OH MY, I see more posts, that I will respond to on my next return. I really wanted to comment to Dorothy. And I'm all over the place!

    NM, I think you are off tomorrow, work Th, Fr and Sat and off for 3 day weekend?

    ...until I return!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    BabyGirl, sorry you couldn't enjoy your libations and about the progression. I guess that's expected tho in our conditions. I think it's good to wait on rads. Don't they do those to help with pain as well? And once it's radiated, it can't be again. So hopeully, you are not experiencing pain.

    MinusTwo, never heard of Amarula, I'll have to goole it.

    Jazzy, I have a rose that is similar and I love the ocotillo's, one of my favorite desert plants/flower.

    NM, you have to go to a meeting after working all night? I have done what you said on FB. I don't block ads anymmore, cuz other ones just show up. I think when you befriend someone, you automatically "follow" them. I could be wrong tho. Glad to hear you are using your words, especially the "no" one! Amazing to hear how late things are there with blooming of things.

    DH is getting ready to go pick up a neighbor and then meet the truck that has our product.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    AND, I forgot these......

    Cami, I found a mask for you.

    Image may contain: stripes


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2020

    Happy Wacky Wednesday!

    We are busy at work – our county web site has to be ADA compliant and we have to do our information to something called 'Common Look"- none of us know how to do it.We have 2 that has gotten the license and is learning how to do it.Planning and Zoning have a lot of pages to do because we have our ordinance and comprehensive plan online.We don't have the money in our budget to get it done.So with those 2 doing that, the rest of us pick up the work they are not doing.I am so glad that this is my last year here, I am really tired of gov't politics and have been doing this too long.

    My sister is getting a complete hysterectomy June 1st.They said the mass in her abdomen is very large, but the surgeon does not think it is cancer, but may have some cancer components so I think they are taking it out in one piece.

    I sold my husband's boat. It was too large for my daughter and I to try and take it out, my older son has his own boat and my younger son has no interest in it.I am glad that I got it sold.It was just sitting there for 1 ½ years.Gosh, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago since he passed away.Time does keep on moving.My one grandson thought the boat was his because he always went fishing with my husband.I think he was a little mad at me for selling it, but all will be good, his dad is my older son that has a boat.

    Things are opening up here some and my daughter is back working.I hope everyone remembers that they need to keep the safety procedures in place and not get to complacent.

    Happy belated birthday to you Cami!I am sorry I missed the party.It sounds like you had a nice birthday dinner with people you love.

    Jazz, - Glad you are getting rid of your pesky critters.You have really done a lot during this time.It is people like you volunteering that make it a better place to live.

    Goldie- I was thinking that you did social distance long before it was a cool thing to do.

    NM – I am glad that you got to see your mom, I bet that really made her happy too.Glad you are staying healthy.You are right there on the front lines of this stuff.I hope you get back to your Wednesday-women-wine thing soon.

    JCS- it made me smile to think of your DH sitting in the hot tub with a drink watching car races.It is so exciting for you planning your trip out west.

    ChiSandy- I hope you get your electric finally fixed this week.Your house certainly has kept you busy this year.You have had so many things fixed it should be almost like a new house.I am glad that your housekeeper is back.It will be nice for both of you to have someone to talk to.My mom used to do my floors and bathrooms once a week, I had to lay her off when my husband retired and not as much money came into the house.My sister kept her cleaning once a week until my mom was ready to stop.It was nice to come home from work to a clean house.

    Genny- your dogs and your granddaughters are gorgeous!I loved the haircut you did!

    Dara – thinking of you probably in surgery now.I hope your recovery is easy.

    Illi -….speaking of recovery—you have had a time of it.Hoping you get your swallowing back to normal.You have been patient long enough with it.

    Minus, Teka , Karen and every one else have a beautiful day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    I have not shared any music for awhile. For you James Taylor fans, he has a new American Standards CD with so many great classics of American music. Here is a nice video of him singing one of those songs with his son Henry. Moon River is one of my very fav songs, makes me think of my parents

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited May 2020

    Thanks Jazzy. sent you a PM

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2020

    Oh Jazzy, thanks for sharing the music . Love James Taylor, and that was so calming to listen to.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Thanks, Jazzy--am a huge JT fan.

    Slight change in plans. Electrician came today, and to our chagrin found that the power line to the exterior (and ultimately, garage) goes through not the upper wall between the washer & dryer, but through a little "sleeping loft" room the previous owner put in for her youngest son to "camp" with friends. And to get through that room, he would have to go into the large room where my old rock band used to rehearse but is now used for storage (aka the "snake pit"), follow the existing conduit along the wall (past a bathroom, and behind a heavy oak bookcase full of my dad's LP records I inherited when my mom moved to FL), to that sleeping loft. But he may be too hefty to squeeze into that loft! Plan B is to branch off from the circuit breaker box, drilling through the wall of the "niche" that contains the garden hose bib and electric & water meters, then snake it out through and along the exterior wall (high enough not to flood but much of it would be below the deck) and then finally down into the ground where the existing line is. I don't know whether he'd have to have the concrete below the deck broken up with a jackhammer first--which would require a crew and a lot more time. It's supposed to rain again starting Sat. through all of next week. Our housekeeper will be off (as always) for the weekend as well as Memorial Day--so I may haul the litterboxes upstairs as a precaution lest the basement flood again.

    Our cable guy is coming tomorrow to repair (or replace) the TiVO boxes so we can have them work on our network again. Having the ability to record multiple channels simultaneously is more important now than ever, as the satellite goes down during heavy rain (and when there's snow built up) and I (mostly) shelter in place and have plowed through recordings of my favorite shows that have all wrapped production till further notice. Yeah, there's always Amazon & Netflix, but...

    My housekeeper took one look at me in my size XL tee and XL jeggings and said "girl, you'd better get some new smaller clothes." I told her what if I gain weight? She replied, "I know you--you won't." Bob agrees. So I ordered 3 pair of size 10 jeggings, 2 pair of size 10 Bermudas, and a 6-pack of size M Bombas tees. All my commemorative T-shirts are at least L or XL. I have a score of plastic storage boxes brimming with clothes in Chico's size 3 & 4 and other stuff in size 20 on down to 14 (and XX down to XL). Some of them still have tags, because I never got to wear them. Have yet to be able to donate them to her church--was going to, but then the stay-home order was issued. (My smallest jeans are 12, and swim on me--though I've washed them repeatedly in hot water)! My PJs (mostly scrubs) and nighties are L, but who's gonna see 'em? I make it a point to at least put on a top & jeans or leggings (even a matched set) during the day, even if I don't go out for a walk. (Still haven't put on makeup, though).

    With shrimp & smoked fish tonight, more of that Collin cremant. (Will have to bring up more wines & bubbles from the basement, as if my housekeeper & I have to clear a path through the snake pit, access to the wine racks will be blocked).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2020

    Hello friends, after sitting in a waiting area in the hospital for nearly three hours this morning, the doctor finally came out and very regretfully informed me that my surgery had to be rescheduled due to some inconsistencies with my Covid-19 test. The doctor explained it all to me but honestly, much of it went over my head. Apparently, and as I understood him, the lab does both singleplex and multiplex reviews of the samples and in order to positively rule out that I do not have the virus, the test had to be sent to another lab for re-examination which could not be completed in time to make surgery safe for me. This type of thing can only happen to me, OMG! I am still shaking my head over all of this and having a hard time comprehending what has happened!! I had to find a ride home from the hospital and the doctor offered to find transportation for me. I ended up being able to make contact with my cousin to get a lift home. I was given a freaking food voucher so that I could go to the hospitals cafeteria and get something to eat and drink whilst I waited. we go again. And what sucks most is that I have to have the Covid-19 test repeated. I can't even begin to wrap all of this around my head. UGHHHHHHH!! Only ME!

    I am sooo tired, have been typing this post for an hour and keep dozing off at my laptop! I have yet to contact my daughter and let her know the change of plans.

    Hello to all the girls here, hope you have all had a great and not so wacky Wednesday like I have!
