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how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2020

    Well, its Sunday Funday ...or is it? Annnnd its a long weekend...or is it?

    I give all of you green thumb girls credit for working in your yards and at least getting that excercize. If I had a yard I would have you girls come and take care of it. Loopy

    NM, Overnights are throws everything off. I love hearing about Silly Sadie...Reese also is showing his age but he's still spunky enough to make me crazy at times.

    Ok Stella, we will go for a ride for wine later.

    Jazzy....I believe you stumbled into the lounge just about the time I stopped coming in regularly. I remember youzze.

    Guess I'll go try to find something to do with myself.

    Latah Ladies xoxo

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Kim, I had three completely different post-ortho-surgery in-patient rehab experiences. When a car bumper shattered my tibial plateau in Dec. '96, Rush-Pres. wanted to kick me out after four days--but since I was going to be non-weightbearing for the next 10 weeks, needed daily PT, and I have 8 stairs from the sidewalk up to my front door, there was no way I could rehab at home. So I was admitted to the hospital's Johnston Bowman rehab wing--which had post-op, pediatric and independent senior living floors. (It was Christmas season, so I had my guitar brought in so I could entertain the kids and seniors as part of my OT). I was in there for 10 days, and then on my own at home in a wheelchair and a non-wheeled walker for the next 8 weeks. Had to hire a medi-car service to take me to followup appts. with my surgeon. I was in a hinged cast-brace, so until it was taken off and I could "touchdown" weight-bear, my only PT at home was to do ROM exercises (I had a piece of Masonite board so I could do heel-slides on my daybed).

    In 2012, knowing that post-op I would be expected to bear weight the same day as my R knee replacement, I figured I could rehab at home (even though they'd warned me at "joint replacement boot camp" I would be in pain). When they announced I would be discharged after only 2 nights at Northwestern Memorial, but expected to do twice daily PT and daily OT even though I was still in agony, the surgeon, social worker & I had to do some fancy negotiating to find a rehab center that both had a bed and for which my insurance would pay. It was awful: though in a nice part of Lincoln Park near DePaul U., it was a combo of post-op (general and ortho), long-term SNF, hospice, and memory-care...all on the same floors. One old guy kept coming into my room and excoriating me for being such a bad daughter because I never called him. (Found out he was not just demented but terminally-ill for kidney cancer). The food was disgusting, much of it stuff I wasn't allowed to eat because I was on a blood thinner. Starch, starch, and more starch--all of it tasteless. Artificial sweeteners too--my glucose was high due to post-op stress. The only coffee was watery decaf. I was told regular was "for staff only," so I actually had to pay into the nurses' coffee pool. There was one nurse (RN or LPN) on duty per shift for the entire facility. The rehab gym was a joke. I was not allowed to eat in the dining room because only patients who could carry a tray were eligible, and I was using crutches and then a cane. I was in there 10 days, and couldn't wait to be discharged. (The LPN who was supposed to remove my staples--a prerequisite for discharge--was about to go home for the day, and was royally p**sed that he had to deign to take out the staples--and he left one in, I suspect not entirely inadvertently). The only bright spot was that I got to give a concert July 4 with a folkie colleague who had a gig there. That, and the rooftop atrium gave me a 360-degree view of all the city's fireworks displays. When I got home, the outpatient rehab clinic provided van transport.

    By the time of my L knee replacement a year later, I'd learned my lesson. I checked with my insurance and asked my surgeon for recommendations, and he suggested two Skokie centers that did ONLY orthopedic rehab, one of them solely for joint-replacement patients. (Both part of the same chain). I toured both and made reservations at both of them--first choice was the joint-replacement one. But the evening after my surgery at Skokie Hosp., they called and apologized that my first choice was unavailable because both patients in the room had to hold over. My second choice was great: it was on a bus line so Gordy could visit me and it had valet parking and Frank Lloyd Wright-style decor. It had a huge PT and smaller OT gym--the therapist was relentless, but I warmed to her eventually. I was actually assigned a table in the dining room--which had waitress service and a delicious menu. (I wasn't offered wine, though, because of the blood thinners), I was even allowed to book two guest meals during my stay, so my BFFs dined with me the first night and Bob & Gordy a few nights later. (I had breakfast in bed, because my morning PT was super-early). There was an ice cream parlor and espresso bar, a full-service beauty salon, mani-pedi days, and movies three times a week (with popcorn). I wasn't in long enough for field trips, though my therapist & I did take walks around the block towards the end. Even allowed one furlough dinner out (we went to McCormick & Schmick's for seafood). And I gave two concerts while I was there. I was in for two weeks. And because it was my L knee this time, as soon as I was off opioids I was allowed to drive myself to the rehab clinic.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Anyway, a quiet weekend for Bob--no COVID+ patients, at least none of which he knew. The electrician finished up as much as he could w/o the landscaper digging out the trench containing the current conduit so that the new one could be laid parallel to it. Storms have held off. It hit 90F out at O'Hare, but here by the lake it's been in the mid-70s--no A/C necessary, just the bedroom ceiling fan. I actually wore bike shorts, tee & sandals for the first time this year.

    With brunch leftovers for dinner, the last of the LaGalope rosé. Tomorrow, if the storms hold off, we'll grill a ribeye--Bob & I are ready for some red meat. Bob has tomorrow off, so he can help with kitty-wrangling.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Attack of the box cat - Meow Gifs

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Many thanks to those who fought and died for my freedom.Sadie and I got a good bit done with the mowing and puttering around, and had some time to bask in the sun on the deck.Planning for more of the same today. Is anyone else having really bizarre, unhappy dreams?I dream a lot, but my dreams are usually very bizarre but entertaining, or very mundane reruns of things that have happened during the day. Lately they've gotten bizarre, intense, and sometimes downright frightening. I'm not sure if I should be blaming changing the body clock or the stress from the virus stuff that seems to have become never ending, or the disaster and horror movies I've been watching.

    Goldie--I'll be getting a garden in this week, the seedlings I ordered will be delivered this week. I just hope they won't get killed off by a late, late frost. I'm not sure exactly how much sleep I got, I remember partially waking up several times to hear Sadie barking, and a couple times to loud helicopters overhead (there was a wildfire not too far from here, they would have been the forest service firefighting helicopters), and once when the neighbor's little ones were outside and laughing and shrieking about something (sounded like they were have a great deal of fun, made me smile even half asleep). I slept pretty well through the night, though, except for getting up once to pee and again to find a blanket cuz it had gotten very chilly.Miss Beatrice is a hoot, and that poor pastor!

    Jazzy--Ah, the joys of being an adult! One thing on top of another, creating hassles. Glad you finally got the washer in.Enjoy your social media break!

    CynCyn--Yes, this is a long weekend! I had to ask at work if it would be, all vacations and time off was cancelled back in March when Maine went on Civil Emergency status. Not sure when we will be able to reschedule vacations again. Glad to hear Reese is still doing well.

    Chi--Wow, what a variety of experiences you had with rehab! It sounds like the last one was decent, at least. Glad the electrical work is going well.

    Cammy Cat--cute kitty!

    Fresh Strawberry Tom Collins Cocktail Recipe - Cookin' Canuck

    Fresh Strawberry Tom Collins


    • 10 ounces strawberries hulled & quartered
    • 1 tablespoon agave nectar
    • ice cubes
    • 3 ounces gin divided
    • 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice divided
    • club soda
    • lime wedges for garnish


    • Place the strawberries and agave nectar in a blender, and puree until smooth.
    • Using two collins glasses, place a few ice cubes in each glass.
    • Divide the gin, lime juice and strawberry puree between the two glasses. Stir with a long spoon.
    • Fill the glasses to the top with club soda. Stir again and garnish with lime wedges. Serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    S T E L L A. OMG is back, let's face it she's a little sneaky and always up to something and we never know.

    Cyn thanks for clearing that up, of course I'm sad about ur dad but I was confused. Cyn I so enjoy ur pics on FB, they all remind me of such happy times but I feel sad cuz u and Donese aren;;t together enough, I know it will happen but not soon enough.

    Jazzy I always respect ur time away for ur own reasons. BUT I also always miss you, it feels like somethings missing, yep you.

    Oh Dara this is too much <all of it> for you. I'm so glad ur not alone now. Cheryl is a prize sent to you. OK now listen don't fall for Kim's reasoning for why she's working nights and keeps on saying yes to them.Altho this is a judge free zone u have to know she keeps caving. So just stay on my side no matter what she says.

    JC u pick the prettiest places to hike, somethin g u enjoy and share with ur DH.And of course I luv the pics. I'm sure ju are but make sure u two take care of urselves.

    Hey Teka.

    Wow Lori u did a lot in a short time, u have to be tired from that After all these yrs. Wacko gets me everytime.

    See Kim I'm staying out of ur business <almost> well not exactly, OK I'm not, but just get used to it.

    Sandy the last place u stayed sounded really good. Mine was OK but way to long 7-8 weeks but my favorite part was when the aides and nurses would take their break in my room and we gossiped LOL.

    A lot of my family called to catch up this week, on what I don't know samo samo but we did talk anyway.

    Yesterday was horrible with work. Every one is turning on the AC's and they are not working. So my phone was blowing up. We did take a couple of jobs but not all. They guys have been working all hours now and are all tired and again I had the pleasure of not understanding anyone, oh what a mess. I really felt sorry for these people but there was nothing I could do. Bob told me no jobs, but I did talk him into a few with less money. Now today is the Holiday so we'll see what happens cuz I have the phones again.

    Lori I haven't worn a mask yet, but I've never left my home. My kids do. They've been tested a couple of times cuz they need things done at the hospital so that's good

    OK STELLA let's get this party Holiday started, everyone has off <the usual> so think of something with some good drinks at least.

    Hello to anyone I missed, Celia,Misty, Beaver, I know theres more but my brain isn't too good. Well everyone keep safe, it'll get better.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Jazzy, glad you got your new washer, I have plenty of that that I need to do today. And getting the meeses taken care of. Sorry about the dead battery on convertible. Taking a month off/away, we will miss you, but certainly understand.

    Lucy, I had a good chuckle at your comment "Guess I'll go try to find something to do with myself."

    Sandy, how nice you played your guitar whilst in the hospital.

    NM, sorry about the dreams, that is one thing I don't do. Well, if I do, I don't remember cuz they say everyone dreams. Seedlings, actual plants? What did you get?

    Cami, lol at you trying to pitch Wacko against NM. God I love you! My phone has been ringing too, but I don't answer on the weekends. Les and Marty have been tested a couple of times for Covid. The one Wacko had, with the swab going way up your nose and out the eyeballs?

    Well, I did not make it outside yesterday, too much inside to do and of course I'm not done. I have a few plants I HAVE to get in the dirt. Made a nice dinner and was just totally exhausted come 7 pee em. I did was my quilt. It almost doesn't fit in my washer. To dry it, I take it outside and lay it out on a sheet. I swear it weighed 50lbs when wet.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Lori, I also played my dulcimer (was rehearsing on it anyway for an upcoming festival). There was a famous Chicago folksinger (well, famous if you're a folk fan) named Bob Gibson. One of my fellow patients had been his fiancee.

    Kim, until last week my dreams were the usual: rehashes of the day's events, travel (usually involving frantically trying to pack and almost missing my flight); suddenly finding out I had a final exam the next day for a class for which I'd forgotten I'd registered; being in public and suddenly realizing I was either topless or naked. But last week, I had a dream that I was out in public, going into a store, and suddenly realizing I'd forgotten my face mask. I then pulled my t-shirt up over my nose & mouth.

    DOTD: cappuccino out on the deck, as it was sunny and in the 70s again. Will grill tonight, probably crack a bottle of chianti or rioja. Meanwhile, our mint is doing well enough to harvest some of it for mojitos ("faux-jito" for me).

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2020

    Strangest thing....I posted earlier was there all day and now POOF! Gone....I put up a photo of Stella on our drive yesterday and her ID when asked by Walgreens cashier. Wonder what happened with thhat. Well, you get them without the story behind but maybe you get the Jist.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Getting up to a warm and muggy ayem. Seems summer has finally decided to move in. Going in to work my "normal" day shift and do some of my education job today and tomorrow, then back to nights Friday and Saturday. Then 4 more night shifts, then I start part time day shift. Big changes coming up! I've got to admit I'm looking forward to going part time again. Sadie has been in seventh heaven with things to supervise the neighborhood and people walking by on the road.

    Cammy Cat--ok, you and Dara don't need to gang up on me! Yes, I caved in and agreed to 2 more weeks of night shift, BUT only 8 hour shifts, not the 12 hours asked for, and only 4 per week, not the 5 asked for, so there!I can imagine there were lots of calls about AC not working with the weather changing.

    Goldie--the seedlings I have coming are some tomatoes and herbs. I've forgotten exactly what I've ordered, but it's a smaller order than I usually put in. I read somewhere about planting cucumbers with sunflowers and letting the cucumbers use the sunflower stalks as supports that I want to try. Quilts do weight a ton when wet! Drying it in the sun is great, the sunshine is a wonderful natural germ killer!

    Chi--Your dream about forgetting a mask made me giggle! At least you had a T shirt you could pull up! I got to enjoy my deck the last couple of days, too and it was wonderful!

    CynCyn--sounds like the post-eating gremlin picked onyou!

    Good Morning, Stella!

    recipe active photo

    Sunflower Cocktail

    • 2 (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers gin (such as Aviation® or Hendrick's®)
    • 2 (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers orange-flavored liqueur (such as Cointreau®)
    • 2 (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers elderflower liqueur (such as St. Germain®)
    • 2 (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers lemon juice
    • crushed ice

    Combine gin, orange-flavored liqueur, elderflower liqueur, and lemon juice with some crushed ice in a cocktail shaker. Cover and shake until the outside of shaker has frosted. Strain into 2 glasses.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Lucy, that was sooper sweet of you to take Stella out. You'll have to take her to one of your drum circles! But I would only take her if she promises to behave.

    NM, my goodness. Night shift, day shift, night shift. How the heck does your body juggle the sleep for that! Not remember what all you ordered for your garden will be like Christmas when they arrive. I ordered live plants one time, I was surprised you could actually do that. I'll have to take a few picks of my garden.

    Wacko, are you on for surgery tomorree?

    My neighbor passed away last night, relatively healthy, but she was like 88 years old. We think blood clot or heart attack. Some of the family was expected to arrive around midnight last night, so my friend had extra work to do cleaning for them. I thought that was pretty disrespectable. Why couldn't they just wait and come today??? I have one pan of my homemade lasagna in the freezer, I took that out last night to make today and take down there so they have something for family and themselves during this difficult time. I'll see if she want me to make a breakfast casserole as well. I happen to have all the stuff needed, except for the eggs. But she has chickens, so not a problem!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. Yesterday was work in the garden, house cleaning, 4 loads of wash and packing orders. I actually got more done than what I had planned on, which doesn't usually happen!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Goodness! The rain here will not quit. One thing that has quit is the sump pump in the basement. The system worked great for 20 years. DH worked for a few hours to empty the container around the pump to see if we could fix the problem. Nope! A plumber replaced the pump yesterday and things seemed to work. This morning there is water everywhere. The pump again seems to work, but too slowly to keep up with the water coming in. The plumber is coming back this morning with hopefully a fix to the problem. Fingers crossed this is the third thing (after the AC and hot tub repairs) and we can stop bleeding money.

    I did head to the grocery store yesterday and noticed I had forgotten my mask. Good girl that I am, I turned around and picked it up! My DH always dreams he is back in high school trying to complete an assignment he does not understand. Some deep rooted problems there! LOL! NM-I have never been able to stay awake all night. Good luck with only two more weeks of it. Wish I could plant a garden like others have done. I have tried tomatoes in a pot, but had no luck with getting fruit. It’s the farmer’s market for me!

    I do love that elderflower liqueur! Might have to try this one. Take care!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    What do cats think about? - Quora

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    We've had brief hard rains, but mostly sunny & warm. Next chance for electrician to bring his digging crew (our landscaper seems to have flaked out on that) is Fri. & Sat, which are expected to be dry & cooler. Today I sat out on my front porch, talking to neighbors walking by, and noodling on my dulcimer. I watched a big fat beautiful bumblebee pollinating my hostas' flowers. Finally turned on the A/C when I got back inside.

    Last night, with the steak, I Coravin-ed a bottle of 2011 Signorello Cabernet Sauvignon. Didn't make the mojitos, but I might tonight if Bob wants one. We're having hot wings, salad and leftover steak, so we'll see what we want to drink. I might just have some seltzer with lime.

    DOTD thus far is an iced vanilla-almond cappuccino--used the Nespresso & Aeroccino so as not to heat up the kitchen with my big espresso machine.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi friends- past the holiday weekend and in to the week again. Can't believe it's already the end of May, seems like it was just the start of March. What the heck happened? Oh yes, pandemic time warp.

    New washer is great, got caught up on all my stockpiled laundry, also was able to get my convertible back that had a dead battery yesterday (yes they were open on the holiday). Stopped by my fav nursery that is open some and was busy but most wearing masks and social distancing. I discovered yesterday I have the cutest family of quail living in the yard now (far better than the mice).

    I heard on the news they are doing a "soft opening" here starting tomorrow for restaurants with outdoor seating. Tables six feet apart, no more than six to a table, etc. No indoor dining. We may hear more updates as the week goes by as our next trial period ends this weekend.

    Hope everyone is staying safe and don't forget to wear your mask!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day!Sadie and I are getting up to a lot of thick fog this ayem. Temps got up to 80 yesterday, so nice, finally!Going to be warm the rest of the week, too. Summer has finally arrived, and all at once. On the way home from work yesterday I stopped and bought a wading pool for Sadie to play in. Planning to set it up after work today, after doing some more mowing.

    Goldie--my body is not juggling the sleep thing very well, which is why there will be no more overnights after next week for at least 2 months. I've been ordering seedlings from Burpee foryears now, they have a special in the middle of winter and ship when it's the right time to transplant. This way I can get exactly what I want and have it exactly when I, and the ground, are ready to play in the dirt. I would prefer to buy locally, but by the time I'm ready and have time to shop there isn't much choice left and the quality is poor. It does make it kind of fun if I don't write down what I am planning when I buy cuz I don't remember the plan by the time planting time comes! Sorry to hear about your neighbor's passing. I hope it was peaceful and painless. And you got more done than planned on, whoohoo!

    Librarian--I hope the sump pump is the final in this set of three! It's always disappointing to have something recently worked on or replaced not work well. Good for you for picking up your mask. I'm seeing more stores posting "Mask required" signs. The store I stopped into yesterday has such a sign, but I noticed one staffer was not wearing a mask or face covering. I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that there is some reason she can't wear one, but she looked like a healthy older teen/young adult. Staying awake at night isn't too bad as long as there is something to do or someone to talk to.When I talk about my gardens, I am talking about two raised beds in the yard and a collection of pots and containers on my deck. Nothing like Goldie or some of the other do!

    Good morning, Cammy Cat!

    Jazzy--beautiful bloom. Is that in your garden?Quail in your yard? How fun!

    image alt="London Fog Cocktail Recipe - Instructions How To Make London Fog">

    London Fog

    • 2 oz de gin
    • 1/4 oz de licorice liqueur (ricard,pernod,pastis...)
    • 1/4 oz d'ice
    1. Use a "Shaker" for "London Fog" drink recipe.
    2. Shake gin and pernod with cracked ice. Strain into a red wine glass packed with shaved ice.
    3. Serve in "Red Wine Glass".
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin ladies, my kitty kat pic. is up there, that was yesterday then slept most of the day andd back to these crazy phones. UGH

    Jeez JC u have the triple thing going on. That's a lot at one time, did u get a back-up for your sump pump??? Everything has come at once. And never forget ur mask. Someone might recognize you.

    See Kim night an day <somehow u just turned into a song> how confusing for all of us. But remember I'm never judging just nagging. That will be fun gardening, being surprised with what u plant.

    Lori so nice of you to make food for your neighbor.Sorry for her passing.But u always try to make things easier for people. Such a kind soul.

    Dara what's going on???

    Well Cyn I see u really tried to get our little missing friend. Oh Cyn I hope u get to have ur summer beach things this year. It's so fun to watch a video U could even bury Stella in the sand, well keep her head out. When I watch I always want to be there. So much fun.

    OK so far phone has rung a little. But when people have trouble, and ur guys suit all up, it amazes me more people don't ask about that, in fact no one does, I know I have. When our cable guy came he was all covered, the plumber no, our landlord no and when our landlady came to yell at me it was my fault, no mask. I was outside tho sitting with the nice cable guy who she was yelling at too, I took Joe's hand and inched our way back from her.Oh well.

    I talked to my BIL about midnite last nite for an hour, that's when we talk no interruptions.

    Stay well.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    JCS, sorry about the water in the basement. Did it ruin anything?

    NM, I wouldn't think your body would be too happy with you. Glad things are warming up finally. And lucky Sadie getting a pool. Will she be coming in the house all wet? And a garden is a garden is a garden, no matter how big or small.

    Jazzy, good thing to know that the peeps at the nursery were wearing masks. When I went shopping last week, I was really surprised the amount of people NOT wearing a mask. What did you get?

    Wacko, thinking of you today, I think you are having your surgery.

    Cami, why was the landlady yelling at you? I guess the house hunting is on hold for Marty and Les?

    I did make the lasagna, and when I returned with the breakfast casserole, Jim (the son of the lady that passed) was scraping the last little bits of it out of the pan! I guess it was good. There were a total of 8 people that it fed. The breakfast casserole is in a 9x13 and I suspect it will be all gone as well. Then when I got home, I noticed my neighbors gate was open. She does not live up here. So texted her mom to see if someone was over there. Mom lives up here, but was down in Phoenix. She said she must have left it open when she went there to check on things. So I had to go down there to close and lock her gate. I was out 4 times yesterday, never even ate.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning

    Everyone seems so busy...There is so much I could do to keep myself busy but I have no ambition to do anything. I got up before 2pee em Yay me! Meeting some friends at the beach for lunch. I was told to bring a plate, napkins and a lobster cracker and butter if I like butter...Im thinking LOBSTAH for lunch!?!

    Cammi Cat.....We all want to be back on the beach and its saddens me to think that it wont be happening for some time due to the large crowds we attract.

    Dara dear..havent heard from you in a while..hope all is well as far as your surgery goes. Reach out when you can to let eberyone you are okey dokey dorkey.

    Goldie...always remember to eat. I should listen to my words sometime.

    Suppose a shower is in order if Im going to be in the presence of others.

    TTFN xoxo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    NM- yes, the bloom was in my yard. My yellow prickly pears out back and front are blooming. My pink one just finished, going to take a pad of that and make a new one out front too. My cows tongue is loaded with blooms right now and about to do it's thing. I have cactus in my gardens that bloom from April into June. My yard is lush with blooms right now which is what May is all about here.

    I have thought about buying one of those kitty pools for myself to lay in and read, lol. Without being able to go to any of the pools or hot springs, it seems like a fun idea. I bet Sadie will love it, water dog that she is. I hope you get to kayak this summer too!

    Goldie- I already had done a lot of buying and planting in the past few months through curbside and/or Lowes visits. I just a few smaller flowers to put in the remaining pots. I also got some purple basal for my little victory garden. The only other herb I have there is some mint and used some of that for some ice tea and also a fresh fruit salad I made over the weekend.

    And I do go some places where don't see people wearing masks.

    Our Gov decided yesterday to do a "soft opening" of restaurants for patio dining only. I may do that at some point, but will let others go out and be the testers first. That soft opening starts today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Cholla cactus bloom


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Illinois restaurants will be "soft opening" for outdoor (including rooftop) dining this Friday...except in Chicago. The rest of the state has met all the prescribed metrics, including two weeks of <20% positivity rate--down in the single digits. But Chicago's is still 20.8%, due to population density--especially in poorer neighborhoods of color (African-American & Latinx) where housing units (houses & apartments) have far more people than rooms, making social distancing at home impossible. Most of these people who are still employed hold essential jobs, and usually must take public transit--two factors increasing their exposure away from home. During the 1918 flu pandemic, the city had a neighborhood-by-neighborhood rolling reopening plan; but given that the people from the hardest-hit neighborhoods work all over the city, it would be much less feasible nowadays (and lead to even more racial-ethnic tensions, already high because social-distance violation enforcement seems to be concentrated in African-American neighborhoods despite the fact that there is "congregating" in majority-white neighborhoods too). We live close enough to Evanston, Lincolnwood and Skokie (I went to Skokie today to get my car serviced and grocery-shopped in Lincolnwood & Evanston en route home) that we could patio-dine there, but I don't feel comfy doing that just yet. Bob will be back at Little Co. of Mary this weekend--Evergreen Park & Oak Lawn will reopen to outdoor dining; but he suspects the restaurants doing that will be jammed.

    Today I learned that one of my Bar Show castmates--in fact, an extremely talented (at both performing and lawyering) woman who is also even more supportive and compassionate--underwent a bilateral mastectomy yesterday (she's in her mid-50s, and further details about her breast cancer haven't been mentioned). It's our turn now to offer her our shoulders on which to lean (and cry), but it's especially cruelly ironic that we can do so only virtually. There will be no show this year of course, so she won't be missing rehearsals or performances. But we'll all miss each other.

    From all the hidebound libertarians on Nextdoor, you'd think that social-distancing and mask-wearing in Chicago are by no means universal. But today (except for one idiot customer at the Subaru dealership who didn't know that his mask should also cover his nose), just about everyone I encountered was being a good citizen: wearing their masks, distancing, being polite. (Okay, many--maybe half--ignored the one-way-aisle directional arrows on the floor, but being told how & where to walk is an alien concept in a metro area where everyone jaywalks).

    DOTD, with BBQ ribs, was more of that 2011 Signorello Est. Cab. Sauv. (Signorello was a winery on the side of Howell Mt. that burned to the ground in the Napa-Sonoma fires a couple of years ago, but we have more than a case of it and only now is it becoming truly drinkable).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    03/30/19 • Cat GIF Website

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Lori I bet they finished everything u brought over it sounds good just reading about it. And don't forget to eat, u need it.

    Jazzy what a beautiful flower, even the color is perfect.

    Sandy so sorry about ur friend, especially now. Hope her recovery goes well.

    Woke up about 3am, when I finally opened my puter I saw I was in the middle of putting in a phone call, of course no one else could see it, I fell asleep during it. I finished it and now it looks like I took it in around 4am. Oh Jeez and I get paid for this.But this screws me up with my pills. Should I skip and wait or just rearrange the time. Since I hadd some pain stirring up I took it. Oh well we'll see.

    For the most part Leslie said most people are adhering to things that are going on.I remember the beginning and people were acting like animals shopping <according to videos> But now I see videos of partial openings and they are all acting goofy again. This opening is quirky to me, but that's just me.

    Everyone is keeping so busy, I don't know how u do it. Well right now I've been busy, but I don't like it, not this busy for me. I talk so much all these people are actually calling me Sir. I asked the guys if I sound like a man, they say no but they're used to me.

    Well I wish u all a well day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Instagram Story Cocktail Recipe for @heartofsunswim designed by ...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I got a lot of stuff caught up at work over the last couple of days, thank goodness. Yesterday brought the start of a new phase at work; we now have to wear face shields as well as masks while in the resident areas. Our new isolation unit is now open with 1 person, a resident who was sent to the hospital for treatment and has returned, and so is in quarantine for 14 days. All people being admitted to the nursing home will go to this unit for the first 14 days. So now that we may have people with the virus in the building, we need to wear the face shields as well as the masks.Talk about hot, though. Just as the heat and humidity are picking up, we need to add a layer in front of our faces, not going to be comfortable! And talk about hard to hear/understand people. This is so not fun. I am so glad to be going to part time soon!Sadie says Woof to everyone this ayem!

    Cammy Cat--The seedlings were delivered yesterday, so I get to play in the dirt today! I will let you all know what I got when I open the box and find out. I don't think I've ever been a song before! Only 6 more overnight shifts. It is a bit of a toss up who is and isn't wearing masks and other stuff.One town here has made up a set of signs that businesses can print and post to show people what service they can get if wearing a mask and what they can get if not wearing a mask. I'm betting that will make things a lot easier for everyone. Was your Landlady wearing a mask?

    Goldie--No, the body is not too happy right now, but I'll treat it nicely and gently for the next week and a half, then give it the treat of adjusting to semi-retirement again. Sadie will be coming into the house all wet from time to time, but she generally plays in the pool they lays out in the sun and dries off before coming in. She's also pretty good at going into the crate to lie down until she dries off when I'm home. She will get on the ottoman or in the recliner when I'm not home, so I will need to remember to cover those when I leave the house.Wow, you were busy keeping the neighborhood safe yesterday! The world needs more neighbors like you. But you have to remember to eat and take care of yourself, too!

    CynCyn--that does sound like lobstah for lunch! Some of the beaches here in Maine are open again, but for walking only, no sitting, no sunbathing, can go swimming/surfing but the water is still so cold that it's advised against due to risk of hypothermia. I'm kind of hoping for a thunderstorm later today for excitement.

    Jazzy--you must have some garden, to have blooms all spring! Sadie had a pool a few summers ago and loved it, so I know she'll be happy once the water warms up a bit. But that won't take long in that shallow pool!And I may join her there from time to time. I plan to use some of the semi-retirement time to get the kayak out this summer. It's the perfect social distancing activity! The gov here has decided to allow restaurants here in my county to open with outside dining now due to the low number of new cases per day, even though it's a community transmission county. It's also a county with a primarily tourism based economy and I wonder how much that had to do with the decision. One of the requirements is that one person from each group must leave a name and phone number for case tracing purposes if a problem pops up. That requirement is generating a lot of grumbling by restaurant owners and the general public; invasion of privacy, don't ya know. Personally, I think people are being crazy about that, cuz unless they pay cash, they are leaving more than just name and phone number, but address and banking info when they use a card!And they don't mind leaving a name and phone number when making a reservation. Still, if it bothers someone, they can hold off on eating out for now. I wouldn't mind going to eat at a place with outside seating. I'm getting starved for social, non-medical contact. Many towns here are setting up plans to close off downtown streets to auto traffic and let restaurants and stores use the space for outside business. I'm actually looking forward to that happening!

    Chi--I expect the outdoor dining venues will be full when they open. Are the restaurants there required to space the tables to maintain 6 foot distancing like they are here? What's the group size limit? Ours is still 10, but will go to 50 for outdoor gatherings June 1st. So sorry to hear about your cast mate, I know you will be a strong support for her.

    Cammy Cat--LOL at the kittehs in the store!Some people are acting like animals, but I think most are trying to be civilized.

    Ooh, my that Love Pill Sangria sounds MARVELOUS!!!!!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Hi ladies- well the restaurants open up the patios yesterday and saw some people on FB I know on them and grumbling about how it is "about time" and all the rest. Most of my network of real friends are in the 60 plus category, so we are all hanging back and waiting. I expect we may hear about more loosening of requirements for openings by 6/1 today.

    ABQ and Santa Fe are big tourist spots that are hurting with the lack of visitors since March. Many come here for spring break and the last of ski season, and summer into fall is a huge time for visitors here. I am already seeing out of state license plates here so I know people are starting to come. A lot of states around us that opened earlier are starting to come for visits, I see more out of state plates here again. A friend of mine who lives in Denver who has been wanting me to come visit said "it would be great if you can come visit me now." No can do, we have a 14 day quaruntine if you go out of state and that may not go away for awhile. I have told my friends and family who want to connect this year that I am not letting anyone stay here this year nor am I planning to visit anyone. I do tell myself now that things are opening, people will have to decide how much they want to do to either dine out, get on planes, etc.

    NM- I have kept photos of my yard since I planted my back yard border gardens when I first moved in and love to go back and look to see how things have changed. I have many flowering shrubs and they all seem to do their thing in the spring. I have some things that bloom all summer, others that come in during the fall like the mums and seedums. It has been a trial and error here through time to figure out what works. We have been terribly dry again, but the news says we have some early monsoonal moisture setting up. Good luck with those seeds.

    Chi- I agree that the restaurants will be packed with patio spaces opening. I have a great patio in my back yard and plan to invite people over, one or two at a time for visits. We can order some take out too if we want to help the restaurant industry. The last of our summer music events (my fav) has been cancelled, but knew it would be. No way to socially distance at these types of events. I am thankful for my patio and gardens.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2020

    Good evening.....Not much to write home about today. Slept until 2pee em again. This is exhausting. I miss the days of get up and log into 8 hours and know..normal stuff.

    NM...It was Lobstah for lunch..would have liked some fiddle heads to go along with and some Steamahs would have been nice...but my buddy did well with the 2 1/2 poundahs and it was delish. My bud Bob him so...such a big burley biker kind of persona. Such a kind soul. He told me a secret at lunch yesterday that we have been asked to do a private drum circle for a celeb who wants the "experience" . Shortly Arlo Guthrie will be pulling into town for us to play for...exciting. I think Bob knows everyone.

    Today was not exciting...went to the pewl and read a book.

    Has anyone heard from dear Dara?

    Brought Stella out last night to hang with some friends near the beach...she behaved...I think she is bored. The beaches here are open here with restrictions and everyone seems to be doing what they should be doing with social distancing.

    Hope you all have a pleasant eve...going to try and find something interesting on TV. I feel I have exhausted most options.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Hi ya all,

    LOL Kim EXCITEMENT!!! U have a job that puts u in a rare and special place, u now have to wear a uniform like Star wars, working all crazy hours, have Sadie that's a crack up and u want EXCITEMENT.

    Cyn Dara gets operated on this Wednesday with the Covid test this Sunday, which she's dreading. So she just wants this over with. Ur getting celebrities to come. Now that;s exciting do a video if u can.

    Jazzy Imho having over night guests or going any place for that is pushing it a little to much right now. I am curious to see how it goes with all these openings cuz we all figure it's going to be crowded.

    Oh Lori the landlady was yelling at me first ,Joey and I were the only ones home and he stayed right next to me, cuz I don't yell at people but our sump pump broke and started to flood the crawlspace and damaged the furnace and blamed it on us cuz we're stupid people that should know this. Her husband fixed the sump pump about 6 months ago, well I guess he didn't, She called us stupid all the while she didn't wear a mask. That's why Joe was pulling me away little by little and we're stupid. I don't think that word is properly used all the time.