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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Let's see, if I've kept up on marking the days off correctly, then today is Monday and June first.We had a couple days of heat and humidity that were totally draining to work in, even though I found out we did not need to wear the face shield unless we are working in the Admission/Isolation Unit, so that was a benefit. And then we went from 80's with as much humidity back to frost warnings overnight, highs in the 50s, so very chilly (52 degrees)in the house this ayem. AND, no water. Had water yesterday ayem, did some laundry, none in the peeyem when I got up to fix something to eat. So,need to find a plumber today, and try to get some sleep before going into work tonight. I'm thinking it's probably the water pump and I expect it will cost a small fortune. Thank goodness I keep some water on standby all year round, so I can still get my coffee!And the follow up on the Maine CDC and MEMA folks who called in sick--none tested positive for COVID-19! Just goes to show there are still other illnesses out there circulating. I've been seeing lots of restaurants setting up outside eating areas recently, but I'm wondering how that is supposed to work with the latest "Stay safe at Home" order from the Governor--this one does not have an end date, it says "until rescinded". So some restaurants can open, but it's not OK to go to them? Wondering where this is going to end up. Sadie says "Woof" to everyone!

    Cammy Cat--Good morning! Don't you know it's bad luck to say the "q" word (quiet) at work? It makes bad things happen.

    Goldie--I did have a very good day that day, and enjoyed every minute of it! So did Sadie. Love the garden pics.

    Jazzy--Boom or bust life, I guess! Still, it must feel good to have work getting lined up. I do still have the dumpster, filling it about once a month. The kayak is not out yet, I'm waiting for the pond water to be at least 55 degrees. I paddle alone and even with a life jacket on going into water that cold is deadly when paddling alone. Mom's doing OK, getting anxious for the lock down to end so she can start looking for an apartment.

    Celia--ah, Chambord, I do love Chambord! I bet your feet feel very happy now!

    Librarian--sounds like a fun trip you are planning! I bet DS will be surprised by the cross stitch.

    Illi--So good to hear things are better! That taco must have been delicious.

    Dara--So sorry to hear about your roommate's Dad. Sending her, and you, my sympathy and prayers.

    Chi--Love the "Poppy" brand name!

    Stella--have a good time in Norway, and post your adventures often! I live vicariously through other's travels!

    Cammy Cat--Don't feel bad, my body is so confused it can't decide when to be sleepy, when to be tired, when to be awake and when to be hungry. So it does hungry all the time, sleepy whenever I'm not at work, and thank the Lord for computers and phone with AM/PM on the clocks! I so cannot wait until this coming week is DONE. Back to day shift and PART TIME will be such a relief.

    Love the C BLOCK!

    CynCyn--Sadie seems to love the pool.The day I set it up was hot, she kept plunking down in it to cool off. The next few days have been much cooler and she drinks the water but doesn't get in. She'd rather bask in the sunshine on the deck on chilly days. Can't say as I blame her!

    Chi--wish I could hear a recording of the Dem Deer song!

    Cammy Cat--assuming that Sunday prices are higher than weekday prices, at least when the people get the bill it would be less than quoted, and nobody gets upset with paying less than expected!

    Whoo-Hoo, what a fancy DOTD!I love things with cherries.

    Goldie--I'd be upset at the staff not wearing masks, too, and don't blame you for filing a complaint. I should hope something will come of it. For some reason wearing a face cover in public places is becoming a real sticking point for a lot of people. It saddens me how many people have so little concern for others around them. This is probably going to blow up into some kind of major crisis at some point. The thought scares me.

    Jazzy--WOW!!! Your garden really has come along!Love the cactus corner.I'm sure you enjoy it immensely.Have a great June and see you on the other side.

    CynCyn--why were you trying to fix the toilet seat in the middle of the night???

    Chi--it must be terrifying to live so close to the rioting and looting. I can understand the protesting, but I do not understand what people think rioting and looting will do to help change any situation. Add in another wave of COVID-19, this time with no one having any patience for or following any mitigation practices, and I can see things becoming pretty horrendous very quickly. Scary times.

    Morning Mule Cocktail


    Crushed ice

    2 shots vodka, divided

    1 cup orange juice, divided

    1 cup ginger beer, divided

    Lime wedges, for garnish

    Orange slices, for garnish


    Fill a cocktail glass with crushed ice. Add one shot of vodka into the cocktail glass. Next, pour in 1/2 cup orange juice followed by 1/2 cup ginger beer. Stir to combine. Garnish with lime wedges and orange slices. Repeat process for remaining cocktail.

    From <>

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2020

    Morning Darlinks

    morning my dahhhliKs,

    Lowee, hubs moved freezer in cus he is convinced this pandemic will last a lot longer than people think and thus...thieves raiding frig and freezer in garage. So now at least our frozen food is safer.

    Hubs jes got home from ball playing...he b hungry and wants his breakfast.

    So will try and get on later.

    LUBS ALL!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    I don't think those who riot or loot (as opposed to peaceful protesters and at the other extreme, anarchists) are thinking about accomplishing anything--they are lashing out from rage, grief, frustration, over the endless loop of having their lives devalued. Of course, they also aren't looking ahead: those who had "essential" jobs at the now-ruined stores no longer have them; looted grocery stores don't get re-stocked, so there will be nowhere to get food (unless they keep looting in an ever-widening circle till nothing is left). And the out-of-state white anarchists don't care about why people are demonstrating, nor do they care about the black lives stolen--these "accelerators" are goading the police & military into escalating brutality and causing people to react ever more violently....hoping to destroy "the system" without a thought to what's next after the scorched earth stops smoldering...except that they "win."

    My own neighborhood is quiet, but I expect it may become one of those "soft spots" that the Mayor warned might be targets of opportunity as stores elsewhere get picked clean. The Whole Foods around the corner boarded up all its windows and was letting shoppers in this morning & early afternoon, but closed at 3pm. Broadway (the commercial street it's on) is chock-full of restaurants, small shops, pharmacies, grocery stores large & small, all vulnerable. Yesterday afternoon, a couple miles north of me in Evanston, there was a march from downtown to the campus of the high school, and it ended peacefully. I went down into Andersonville (a mile south, where I used to live)--an increasingly upscale & trendy neighborhood but with no chain boutiques--to pick up a prescription this afternoon at the little pharmacy/kosher deli that has the lowest price on my letrozole. So far, so good along Clark St., but it's still daylight.

    All Targets and Home Depots in the metro area are closed till further notice. I have no idea what contractors are supposed to do--or even business owners who need plywood for boarding-up.

    I foresee a huge spike in COVID cases within the next 2 weeks. I'll be very surprised if all the appointments I'd planned will be able to go on as scheduled.

    Have no idea what my DOTD will be, except that I will likely need it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    50 Of The Best I Don't Own A Cat" Moments That Have Ever Happened ...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Jazzy, I like your before and after gardens. They both look nice. And that Cow's Tongue cactus, my oh my! Thanks for sharing. I hope your yucca makes it as well.

    Lucy, I was not in the hospital with my husband, so I could not question them about not wearing masks. Yeah, why are you trying to fix your toilet in the middle of the night?

    Cami/Sandy, this looting and starting fires is crazy scary. Hoping everyone stays safe.

    NM, sorry about the water problems and hoping it won't be as pricey as you are thinking. Part time working coming up soon! The lack of protection scares me too.

    LDB, never thought of people looting the fridges/freezers people might have in their garages, but good point and also very sad.

    My friend had all 7 of her grandkids visit yesterday and today. I call them my adopted grands. They are all so sweet and loving. They call me Nana Lori. They are going back home later today, so I will try and get back down there later today for a visit before they leave. DH has to go in tomorrow to have more cancer removed from his noggin, then Thursday moring the ortho will call to discuss whether or not surgery is in order.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Dan called me last nite to see if I wanted him to come over, I had to say no, which broke my heart, I miss him so much He's exposed to so much even tho he wears all his stuff, But he's constantly exposed, we've been so he'll just leave my pay on the garage door. But I really enjoy talking to him he balances out my thinking, Joey actually does a good job but not like dan.

    Sandy I have to say I agree with you. These aren;t the average protesters they want to have problems They are professionals and really good at it. It's never been so close like this.

    I can't figure out this weather first it;s going to be hot, then cool, its like a quick test, looks like rain right now, test everyday,

    Well I'll check back latah,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    My neighborhood stayed safe overnight--the marchers stopped at Wilson, sat down, and then marched back to Lake Shore Drive. At one point, the march passed a block from Gordy's house, and he watched from his front porch; he reports all they did was walk & chant, with police escorts flanking them. I watched on WGN's livestream and saw they were even (for the most part) social-distancing from each other. There were a couple of stores in Uptown between Wilson & Lawrence (City Sports, part of a sneaker chain, and T-Mobile) that were vandalized after the marchers left. Couple of stupids set off fireworks (sounded like a cherry bomb in a dumpster) up here but nobody took the bait. There was looting in Naperville--but four days after the first protests began, it was not an expression of anguish by a grieving, angry community; it was opportunism by outsiders looking for free stuff and fun, and out-of-staters bent on destruction and then blaming Black people. (The out-of-staters thought they were being smart by removing their license plates, but too stupid to cover up the ad badges, license plate frames and placards that mentioned the out-of-state car dealerships--and cops could still easily look up VINs on the dashboards).

    Bob was crestfallen to learn this morning he is antibody-negative. Tried to tell him he was wasting his money on magical thinking.

    I drank only water. Alvarinho tonight.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020


    Heya Mema Sue.....sounds like DH is being smart. After all, you can always move it back out if/when things get back to normal..whatever that is.

    My toilet broke a couple of weeks ago and had the new seat sitting in the hallway since...I had a few dwinkies and decided 1am was the perfect time to tackle it....It was not.

    All of that looting and setting things on fire is very scary. I dont think of those people are doing this in protest. They , IMHO, savages who found an excuse to act like that.

    Had lunch with my Mom and brother today. Nice to see them.

    My DD and her BF are coming here tomorrow for a few days.

    Good luck to your DH Lori...Must be a stressful time even without Covid.

    Everyone have a good night.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    I truly believe that the looters that first night were mostly acting out of anguish and frustration--but afterwards, the outside-the-neighborhood and out-of state agitators/"accelerators" took over. The outside-the-neighborhood looters (especially targeting suburbs) are out there for the free stuff--but who can afford to buy anything they try to re-sell? But the out-of-staters are fueled by hatred--trying to foment unrest (in hopes of sowing further division between white people and the black community, and blaming the left wing). It is heartbreaking to see seniors who have nowhere now to get their prescriptions--our Mayor is trying to work something out with Walgreen's & CVS corporate offices to get their drugs mailed to them without shipping charges.

    DOTD tonight will be a chilled Portuguese Alvarinho (same varietal as Spanish & American "Albariño"). We set a record today for heat: 95F (not much cooler here by the lake). And my icemaker suddenly got sluggish.

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2020

    Well, chit, poop, D, and all dat nasty stuff. Norway wouldn't let me in. See if I eber go there again. Well, guess I needed to be back to be of support to Dorky. Mest tinks she habing surgery tommoree. When she gits home, I will stay wif her for a bit. But after that, I dunno. Anyone wanna host da Stella??? I needs to moob around and get in trouble....I mean hab some fun! ANYONE?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Top 30 Kawaii Kitten GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Stella don't take this personal but stay away from me. OK take it personal just stay and take care of Dara. IT'S TODAY I hope Cheryl let's us know what's happening. cuz this is a long one. Cyn make sure u send her to the right place.

    Sandy I agree, these arent't protesters they are the trouble makers that seem to gather to make everyone look bad and they find pleasure doing it. They have something in them that looks forward to these things and makes the most of it. U'd think they would have some common sense to help rather than to make it look like the animal zoo. I think cuz it's been close to our home has really gotten to me tis time. I was not going to talk about this again , but when u can see the smoke it's surreal and so mean.Everyone is helpless actually all don't want to be in a video.

    On a happier note my GF in CA made meals every Monday for people in need, so she ended that this week, Her, her BF and another GF made thousands of meals over 13 weeks <from donations too> and she's a fantastic cook so I'm really proud of her for doing this. She's so kindhearted.

    Well I had 2 calls during this write along, oh people if I just understood them, it would help.So

    try to have a good day.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Well, my icemaker died, and my fridge appears to be dying too--that bottle of wine was sweating when I retrieved it for dinner. The water coming out the dispenser is cool-ish but not cold. We're keeping the whole shebang shut, hoping the full freezer will act like an ice chest. We took what was essential out of the fridge last night and brought it down to the auxiliary 25-yr-old basic top-freezer fridge in the basement, and found a couple of silicone ice cube trays (those big "cocktail" cubes, 6 to a tray). Once the dozen freeze, we'll put them in a Ziploc bag and start over. At least Bob will have what to put in his drink when he gets home. We have some water bottles in the basement fridge.

    Fortunately, the kitchen fridge is under extended warranty--it's only 2 years old, Consumer Reports top-rated LG. The repairman is coming tomorrow, so there goes the hair appt. (unless he comes early enough and my HK can hold down the fort till I return). At least I got my podiatry (ingrown toenail "barbs" removed, toenails and pesky toe-tip callus trimmed) done today. Should be able to put polish on them next week, but I'm going to specify the lightest possible shade. The red that had been on them since early March was so hard to get off I needed to use acetone--the color had leached into the nail surface. Even though I was wearing gloves, the fresh polish on my R hand got so soft I needed to remove it and start over.

    Hoping all the fridge will need is a reset of the electronics--I hear the motor running, so fingers crossed it's not the compressor, which would require either a second service call or pro-rated replacement fridge.

    If Bob doesn't get home early enough to dine outdoors at Cellars (or if it rains), I will probably nuke pouches of vegetarian Indian food or order out for pizza. Was gonna make shakshuka...but the sauce is in the kitchen fridge. Hoping Bob brings home a cold white wine if he killed off the Alvarinho (Joao Ramos 2018) before turning in for the night.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    We dined outdoors at Cellars--2 flutes of Domaine Collin Cremant de Bourgogne. Then at home, a half-caff almondmilk breve (and promptly brought the cream & almondmilk downstairs while it was still cold--ish. Reset the freezer to -4F and fridge back down to 36F, but it isn't helping. At least everything in the freezer drawer (except the ersatz ice cream) is still frozen solid,

    Tougher than I expected to extract the big ice cubes--they were filled too full, and I nearly got frostbite fishing them out (with BBQ tongs to help pry them). Second batch is about halfway there, but not filled up too high.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy whatever day this is! Hmm, I think it's Thursday? I'll figure it out eventually. I hope it's Thursday, that would mean tonite and tomorrow nite and then no more overnites! I am so ready to be done with the overnight stuff. The newest change to come down is that the overnight staffing mix is going to change from 2 nursesto 1 nurse from 7 peeyem to 7 ayem, and going from 3 CNAs from 11 peeyem to 7 ayem to 4 CNAs. (CNAs still work 8 hour shifts). Some of the overnight duties are being shifted to day shift, so the overnight workload is doable, on paper. I can hear the screaming and crying about how hard and unfair and bad the change will be starting already. I do know that change brings up all kinds of feelings and reactions, and adjusting to change is hard work. I just wish people would wait until they had real info before flying off into emotional reactions. Or maybe it's better to get the emotional reaction over with and then move on to coping and adapting. Or maybe we are all just getting adapted and coping with'ed out. So much change so fast recently,it leaves the head spinning sometimes.

    Speaking of coping, the water pump in the well has died, so no running water in the house. A local plumber stopped by and worked out the problem, he'll be back to fix it as soon as I can get some trees cleared out so he can get the truck close enough to the well. And I've got a lead on an electrician (still waiting to hear back from the original guy I called). I've just been too tired during the day to make a bunch of phone calls and get all that stuff sorted out. Hope to make a start on that this ayem.

    Sadie says Hello to everyone and invites everyone to join her in basking in the sun on the deck.

    Mema--at least the frozen food will be safer from rioters and looters! Is there a lot of that kind of thing going on where you are?

    Chi--I, too, think there will be a big spike in COVID cases in a few weeks. Not sure what the answer is, but I do know that rioting and looting aren't helping.

    Cammy Cat--I'm glad you got to talk to Dan, even if you couldn't have a real visit. Hopefully that will change sometime fairly soon.

    Goldie--the water pump fix will be less than $2,000, so I 'm not too concerned. I have that much extra in the checking account from the shift differentials I've been getting while working overnights. Sounds like a great visit with the friend and 7 grandkids!Wishing good things for DH ortho appointment.

    Chi--glad your neighborhood is still safe. Sorry to hear Bob didn't get the antibody test result he wanted.

    CynCyn--aha, so there was alcohol involved in the 1 ayem toilet fixing decision! That explains much! Glad you have company coming.

    Chi--Locally there was a protest outside the police department that was described as "noisily respectful" with protesters doing some chanting and sign waving, and somepolice lined up outside the building while others were walking around IN the crowd and talking with individual protestors. Police and protesters on the same side of the George Floyd issue.After the initial protestors left a new group of trouble-makes moved in and tried to storm the building, were asked and then told to stay off the property, so they moved to the bank property next door. There were just a few people who were trying to stir up trouble, I could hear their voices on the news video, the same 3 people saying hollering out things like "are you going to kill me?" to the police who were standing there watching and not responding to the taunts.It struck me as amusing that the second group of "protestors" pretty much disappeared about the time the bar around the corner opened for business!

    Stella!Sorry to hear your Norway trip didn't work out. Take good care of Dorky for us! Then we'll see about setting you up with a little vacation trip.

    Cammy Cat--Your GF did a wonderful thing, all that cooking!

    Chi--Yikers,now is not a good time to be having fridge troubles! Hopefully it will be something simple, and good it's still under warranty.Dining outdoors must have been so nice.

    image alt="troubles cocktail recipe from" style="width: 283px; height: 159.758px;">

    Trouble in Paradise


    • 2 tablespoons honey
    • 2 fresh basil sprigs
    • 1 ounces bourbon
    • 1 ounces Campari
    • ¾ ounces fresh grapefruit juice
    • ¾ ounces fresh lemon juice
    • 2 grinds black pepper

    Recipe Preparation

    • Shake honey and 1 Tbsp. warm water in a small jar until honey is dissolved. Combine 1 basil sprig, bourbon, Campari, grapefruit juice, lemon juice, ½ oz. honey syrup, and pepper in a cocktail shaker. Fill shaker with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty. Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with remaining basil sprig.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Good morning Loungettes!

    Cami, I had to LOL at you not wanting a visit from Stella! She can be trouble, that's for sure. But pretty harmless for the most of it! I hope the kids are able to find a home soon.

    NM, missing you. But I know things are cray cray for you. But getting back to some normalcy next week when you hit part time. I'm sure Miss Sadie will love that! How's the water issue going?

    Sandy, sorry about the fridge but glad you have other options.

    Wacko, I hope and pray you were able to get the surgery and all went well and you are doing good and will heal quickly! Love and huggles to you.

    DH had is surgery for the skin cancer on his head, which will always be popping up. I've lost count of how many he's actually had removed, be it by surgery or by freezing. But not one employee in the doctors office was wearing a mask, not even the doctor. I went over to Wally World to grab a few things and I think about 50% were wearing masks. I also had to go and do labs, staff there was wearing masks, but one of the gals at the desk did not have her nose covered and I commented to her about how surprised I was how many people were NOT wearing masks. She then informed me that she doesn't outside of work! Getting gas, I wear gloves and make my DH do the same. I saw not one person using any kind of protection whilst pumping gas. This is not going to end well! Been super hot here, I have a neighbor coming this morning, she wants to see my garden, she's never been here before.

    Been pretty quiet in here, I hope everyone is doing well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Wally World is probably the last place I'd want to be right about now--those in the Chicago area that haven't been looted are closed & boarded up as a precaution. (I'm a Costco & Target devotee anyway).

    So the bad news is that the fridge will need a new compressor, and a software update. (Yup--you read the latter correctly. If anyone told me 10 years ago I'd have to "update the software" on my fridge, I'd have had them committed). The repairman says that Abt will call me tomorrow (when, he doesn't know) and may be able to come tomorrow--Sat. at the latest. We shoved as much as we could into the downstairs fridge and freezer. Whatever is still in the kitchen freezer is still solid and acting like ice packs in a cooler, but we did bring the steaks and fish downstairs. It is a PITA to have to keep running up & downstairs (one hand on a banister) for food & drink, but in Colonial days that's what most people had to do--the kitchen was in the basement because the cooler temps kept food fresher longer. And on the plantations & large estates, the kitchens were a separate outbuilding, so if there were a stove or hearth fire it wouldn't take out the house. Imagine having to carry platters of food up stairs or outside in the rain & snow! So, First World problems--and I'm getting my steps in.

    Got my hair de-rooted, straightened, and trimmed (by over 2"). It actually swings when I shake my head. Meanwhile, while I was inside the hair salon getting my 'do rejuvenated, there was a brief but very intense downpour; when I got home, I found the garage door wouldn't respond to the remote. I parked across the street (had to shoehorn the car between a Mercedes behind and a GMC Yukon in front--getting as close as I could without employing the traditional Chicago technique of "parking by Braille"). So did Bob, but his little Fusion was easier to park than my Outback. The power line dried out (the trench for the new conduit was deepened today), but we're keeping our cars on the street till all rain danger has passed. Electrician can't get here till at least Sat., but promises to be done by Mon. night. to keep ahead of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cristobal.

    Speaking of storms, where's our duckyb? The suburbs of Philly took a hard hit last night from a "derecho" (powerful storm arc moving extremely quickly--hurricane-force winds, but straight-line with no rotation). Hope she's ok!

    Gonna have my leftover salmon Caesar with either Pinot Noir or some of that Alvarinho (which is in the downstairs fridge). We can't get to the "wine cellar" section of our basement because of all the stuff my HK & I had to move to make room for the electrician. And I fetched cream & almond milk in a little frothing pitcher from the basement to make a breve latte late this aft.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    The Kitty Cat Dance. - YouTube

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Good super early morning. I haven't heard from Dorothy or Cheryl yet I just pray everything is going OK. I do understand cuz all these days are all mixed up for all of us. Especially Kim, but I'm not saying a word about Kim's reason, not one word. Not even a syllable or a letter. Zip my lip here, being respectful. I will not remind Kim this has been her choice, see I'm keeping my word. I'm saying nooothing.

    Lori I know places are "opening" up but all of those places. Jeez oh this doesn't sound good to me or maybe I'm just being way to cautious. There are so many people in these places tho. I think I would stay masked for a little longer.

    Well Kim this night stuff will be over soon and u'll start knowing ur days of the week again and I'm sure Sadie will like it, she'll get used to that really fast.

    My GF in FL called and told me some horrible stories about the protesters, of course all scary. And of course I'm sure I helped her telling her this is all her fault relocating to FL If she stayed here we could live together and I would protect her. BTW nothing turned out the way she had planned. She divorced her first husband, then he killed himself, her second husband just left her and now the third husband has no one in his whole family that likes her. And in my cheer-leading way I sang to her I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO. That cheered her up like I always do.Hey she keeps on calling so I know I'm doing my job right.

    San dy those stairs have to be miserable. Do u take them facing the banister one at a time so u'd go facing sideways. Much easier than going straight down. At least u have an option so ur food stays good.

    OK it's bedtime for me tonite or morning.. Hope everyone is doing well.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    NM, thanks for the swim. One thing nice about that, the water is always perfect! No running water, how do manage with the commode or showering? Do you have water you can get outside from a faucet? Or is that on the same pump (I would imagine). Well, I hope it doesn't take long. One more night, you got this!

    Sandy, due to where I live, Target and Costco are not an option. It's Wal Mart or Wal Mart! Who/what is DuckyB?

    Cami, I think you could cheer anyone up! As far as staying masked, I plan on it! And I'm so glad you aren't nagging on NM. But she has one more night to go, then days and part time. I sent Dorothy a text, but no response. Does your friend come to visit on occasion? How is Joey doing with this staying in? I think I would let the kids get together, supervised, outside with distancing. Maybe with masks too.

    DH has to have the surgery on his back. With this Covid tho, they can't do it until the end of this month or beginning of July. He will have to stay in for a few days, meaning I have to stay in a hotel for a couple of days. Not looking forward to that. Ortho said the discs were worse than he thought and with all the scraping he has to do, he will probably have to fuse them as well. It's been so hot here, close to 100. I can only manage to be outside for about 10 minutes! My son has been drinking and asked his dad to take him to the hospital, he was afraid he would have a siezure. So don't know what is going to happen now. But his dad makes it too easy for him.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Chatted with Wacko for a brief period this morning. She had her surgery, they tell her she is doing good, the didn't have to remove any intestines and might get to go home today....if she

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Ah, yes, the "gold(en brown) standard" for post-op discharge. Sometimes they're satisfied if you just fart 💨, which was the benchmark for releasing me two days after gallbladder surgery in '94. Dorothy, if you're reading this, have them hand you those ruby slippers, put them on, and click your heels together while chanting "there's no place like home." (And then either 💨 or 💩).

    Lori, DuckyB is one of our senior (I think she's 83 or 84 by now) BCO sisters who claims to be the oldest member of the Mile High Club. She has a brace of kids, grandkids (all overachievers and maddeningly gorgeous), great-grands and even a few great-great grands. She lives in a suburb of Philadelphia (on the Main Line, I think).

    Cami, I can still take the stairs facing forward, alternating feet, as long as I have a banister to hold on to while descending. Such are the benefits of artificial knees and weight loss.

    Kim, I just read an article about small-town BLM protests--all small, social-distanced, peaceful, and multi-racial. The lead was a photo of one in Lewiston, ME. I hope this is a sign of the tide turning towards ending racial inequality. Do you have your running water back yet?

    So when it rains, it pours (figuratively as well): just as I was getting ready to sleep at 2am, the power suddenly went out. (Surprised because it wasn't hot out and we were running just one window A/C). Used my Apple Watch to find a flashlight so I could locate (and unplug) my cell and call ComEd: the outage was area-wide (affecting 3100 households), no idea why, and the estimated restore time was 4am. It came back on a bit after 3.

    But when I got up this morning, and came downstairs, my HK declared "It's a miracle!" The fridge was cold again, the icemaker had dropped several loads of cubes, and the only stuff that spoiled was past pull date to begin with. Apparently, the outage and restoration "power-cycled" and re-booted the fridge, re-setting its software. The compressor won't be in till Tues., so I'll wait till Mon. to see if the fridge holds up before cancelling the return service appt. At least now I know what to try first the next time this happens: head downstairs and re-set the dedicated circuit breaker.

    So I'm chilling a bottle of Contratto zero-dosage Tuscan brut as DOTD--both to celebrate the resurrection of the fridge and to drink to the memories of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery, et al.--that their legacies be honored and made a difference.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Well, I spoke too soon (wanna make God laugh? Make plans).

    First, my HK mentioned she saw rat droppings in the garage (detached, thank goodness). The garage was empty overnight because the power line to it had shorted out, so we parked on the street. Wet ground+dark empty garage=rat haven. Called the exterminator, who said to keep one car in there with the light on till he can come Monday to lay poison bait & traps.


    During online Sabbath services, first my primary care doc's name was read on the "healing prayers" list. But then came Yahrtzeit (death anniversary) and Kaddish (memorial prayer) section, and the rabbi called for additional names. It was then that a former nurse of his typed in "Just recently..." and it was my doctor. I felt like a combination of all the air being knocked out of me and the bottom dropping out. After the service, the nurse & I chatted. A colleague had told her, and a friend from long ago who was a resident with Bob at UIC Hospital back in the day and was in practice with my doc till 1999. I messaged his NP/PA to find out more (and ask how she is), but then I Googled his obit (which didn't appear as recently as yesterday). He died on Wed. of COVID--never came off the ventilator. Turns out his NP/PA is his daughter. So obviously I don't expect a response--and I immediately messaged her with my condolences. No bubbly tonight, obviously.

    As they say on the infomercials, "but wait, there's more:"

    With no appetite but not having eaten since noon, I barely choked down a very small and late dinner, and to make room in the fridge for leftovers (Bob always orders way too much food) I found a couple of containers of rock-hard days-old rice. Rather than dump the containers into the garbage, I figured it was wiser to put it down the disposal. It seemed to go down okay. About half an hour later I went to put the dishes in the sink...and the side with the garbage disposal was full of opaque gray-beige water, with the stopper/pusher floating in it. Turned on the disposal, and more water bubbled up. I hope the problem is just a rice-plugged trap on that side (the other side has a separate drainpipe)--but if it's the entire kitchen waste stack, we're screwed again. And obviously, we can't use the dishwasher, since it runs through the disposal and its trap. I tried the plunger, but no luck. I tried Coke, but it wouldn't cut through the yucky (and now contaminated-from-the-plunger) water. I'm waiting for the plumber to call me back. (Another all-nighter, I fear). I will pay through the nose for an emergency call, but I'm sure he has his hands full with flooded basements. I've been a customer for over 30 years, and have spent enough to put his kids through college.

    I always knew rice could constipate people (and it caused Bob's bowel obstruction a couple of years ago), but who knew it could constipate sinks?

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Sandy - You are going through a terrible time. So sorry about your doctor. The virus just keeps on killing and there seems to be nothing we can do. I had planned to go out to lunch with a friend next week. Cases are going up here, so I will rethink that plan. I do have an appointment to get my hair cut. I will wear a mask and sanitize as much as possible. It is a small salon, but is very busy right now. My friends and I started planning a mountain trip, but NC’s numbers are going up also. So hard to know what to do.

    I am still working on the cross stitch project. Could that make your shoulder ache? It is hot and humid here. We may get some rain from Cristobal, but nothing else.

    I hope all are well and planning a great weekend. NASCAR is back, so I will be cross stitching and reading!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Librarian, if embroidering makes you hold one arm in a position you hadn't before, the repeated act of moving your stitching hand could be making your shoulder ache--perhaps a prelude to repetitive stress injury (RSI) if you don't take frequent breaks to hold your arms naturally and go slowly and gently through range of motion. Your sleeping posture (even your pillow) can contribute to your shoulder ache. We're expected to get Cristobal's tail end Tues. night through Wed. NASCAR and the Indy 500 make me think of my dear friend Mary, who covered both of them for NPR for years and succumbed to metastatic laryngeal cancer in 1999.

    The plumber came this morning--and the rice in the the trap was indeed the culprit. (I saw the blob of it--ugh). But my 12-yr-old In-Sink-Erator was also failing, as was the piping to which it and the dishwasher were connected. So I have a new disposer and U-pipe.

    Bob tried to go to Holy Cross to read stress tests--but protests closed all the highways to it (I am secretly relieved he can't go to work). Fortunately, he was able to log in from home and read the tests on his laptop. He walked to WholeFoods to bring home brunch, and several bottles of wine (a NZ Sauv. Blanc, SW France brut rosé, and a Columbia Valley, WA red blend). DOTD thus far has been coffee and ice water. He also brought home a box of sangria, which I have chilling in the fridge and will punch out the perforations and pull out the spout so he can dispense it straight into the glass.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020

    Hello Goils

    Its been raining here for days . May get better by the end of next week...Had a terrifying trip back to the airport to drop the kids off. The rain was just coming down in sheets from the rain bands from Christobal.

    Had an amazing visit in spite of the torrential downpours.

    Glad to hear Dorkey's surgery went well and she will be going home.

    We have had very peaceful protests here. No violence at all. I would have attended one last night if I didnt have company. I heard it was very emotional but not in the least bit violent.

    Goldie is DH?

    Having a horrible time trying to get Unemployment...Florida sucks!

    Who wants Stella? PM me and she will be on the next plane out. :)

    Have a happy Saturday


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Seeing as how I'm 69 and have Type A blood (now recognized as a greater risk factor than well-controlled asthma), I am not going to participate in any protests (except perhaps watching and holding a sign on my corner if a march goes by on the main arterial). Instead, I donated to a BLM-recommended bail fund.

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2020

    Cyndielou, you can not SEND me anywhere. I'm at Dorty's taking care of her. I come and go as I there!

    Dorty is doing beery well. I tried to gib her a dwinkie, but she said NOOOOOOO. Hers a lil sore, but doing goob all consbering.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Stella, you are a good caretaker. Loopy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Here I am on my first ayem of back to "normal" schedule time! Was planning on getting up at 5:30, like I will need to tomorrow ayem, but Sadie convinced me to cuddle for a while first, since this is the first night in a while I've actually slept in the bed instead of the recliner. Of course, I obliged her. Should be able to get back into routine fairly quickly now. But boy was that last overnite filled with drama! Feel free to skip the next part if you are in drama avoidance mode!

    The other nite nurse was going to be working without a second nurse from 7 peeyem when the day nurse went off and 11 peeyem when I came on. There were 2 new people in the admissions unit, one that arrived at 6 peeyem, so the day nurse hadn't done much of the paperwork (how much can she do in 1 hour after getting the person settled and all the other physical stuff that has to be done?) so nite nursey was freaking out cuz several of the people with dementia who wander around were still up and wandering around, and she couldn't be out on that area supervising them while in the admission unit doing admission stuff. So the Assistant Director of Nursing (currently working 3-11 for COVID information dissemination purposes) came over to the Admit Unit and did the critical paperwork that has to be done in the first couple of hours after admit.So I come in to work, Nite Nursey catches me at the door, and starts going on and on about how horrible it's been for the last 4 hours and how stressed out she is and how far behind she is (another nurse had been called in to help with treatments and such but wasn't doing Nite Nursey's treatments and such, was doing the other unit's treatments and such) and how Nite Nursey wasn't able to keep up with everything and was so far behind. She still had 8 hours to work but you'd have thought she was 8 hours overtime. OK, fine, well, I'm here, let me get clocked in and you can give me report and I'll take over this half of the building and you and concentrate on your unit and get caught up. Figured she'd take a breath and settle down.Nope.All nite long she was running back and forth from her unit to where ever I was on my 2 units to tell me what I should be doing and how I should be doing it and telling me that a call light was on and the C.N.A. working with me should be answering it (the C.N.A. had, this resident was turning the call light back on before we even left the room after answering it, he was having one if his "pissy fit" nights where he just wanted to see people jumping at his command, happens periodically, we answer his light in between every other light and task we do so we're in the roomabout every 20 minutes, and live with the light on in between.) I counted her taking 5 breaks between 11 peeyam and 7 ayem.And at least 6 times she came to where ever I was to tell me about how horrible the evening was and how horrible the night was being for her and how dangerous she thought everything we were doing is, and how she turned in her 2 week notice that evening, interrupting me while I was doing the stuff I needed to do. The real killer was when the night time medication delivery came. I told her that I would inventory and separate the medications by unit since she was so busy. She said she wanted to do it anyway. Why, I don't know.Well, she did, and put some critical medications in the wrong place, and that didn't get sorted out until I had been on the phone with the pharmacy for 20 minutes!Yup, I had to do all the apologizing for HER screwup. What kills me about this whole thing is that she knows that the staffing is going to change soon and there will be only 1 RN or LPN on from 7 peeyem to 7 ayem every night, so she'd be working "alone" (there will be 4 C.N.A.s, all of which are damn good at their jobs) for 12 hours.I hope she was serious about turning in her notice, she really would be better offworking somewhere that is much more structured and has much less change.And I am SOOOO glad that I am done with nights and that drama queen won't be such a big part of my work life!

    Phew. I feel better now that I've let all that out. Thanks for listening!

    Goldie--The water issue is progressing.A friend came over and cut down the saplings that were in the way, I'll be calling the plumber later today to let him know and he will schedule me in, hopefully this week. Otherwise, inconvenient. My Mom has had a whole bunch of skin cancers taken off her face and head, too, most by freezing. I've got to admit that I have stopped using gloves for getting gas and just make sure to sanitize afterwards. The ongoing research is showing more and more that picking up the virus off surfaces is not really a concern. Yes, under ideal circumstances, the virus can live on certain surfaces a long time, but so can flu viruses and many bacteria. The world in general does not match the ideal conditions with no temperature changes, no humidity changes, no air movement. In reality, most viruses do not live long on surfaces, and if that surface is cleaned once or twice a day with an appropriate (meaning almost any kind of) cleaner, it won't live more than a few minutes. And there aren't really enough viruses picked up that way to make it a major mode of transmission. Droplets, on the other hand, are a different matter. A droplet can have millions of the little buggers, you can breathe in enough in one droplet to get sick on. So I do choose a gas pump as far away from any other in use as I can. BUT, people need to do what makes them feel comfortable, and it certainly doesn't hurt to wear gloves, if done properly. But health care workers not wearing masks, that bothers me a lot. So against the recommendations currently in place. I'm with you, things are going to get very interesting at some point, either a second wave of COVID or a really nasty Flu/Covid season this coming fall and winter. Hope your friend and you have a great visit. I'm sure she'll love the garden.

    Chi--All the adaptations we have to make really are eye opening when we think this is how it used to be! No wonder people didn't need to go to gyms or count steps back then! Sorry to hear about the fridge. And the fridge needing new software, that truly would have sounded totally crazy or Sci Fi 10 years ago. I bet the hair treatment felt wonderful! I'm still waiting for hair salons to open here. Hope the electrical work does get done ahead of the storm. I guess we are officially into hurricane season, aren't we?

    Cammy Cat--Ok, Ok, I get the message!And night shifts are DONE!And I know what day it is cuz I asked Siri and she told me! Now I will be working 3 days a week. And it is going to be some time before I pick up any more night shifts!Which won't be much of an issue cuz I don't work 12 hour shifts, so I'm not going to be much help in that department anymore. Good heavens what you GF has been through! Maybe she should give the whole marriage thing a break? I bet you do cheer her up, after all she keeps calling, right?

    Goldie--How am I managing without running water? Buckets of water from Sadie's pool flush the toilet. Washing up at the sink instead of showering. I can also get a shower at work or at the neighbor's. And if it stays as warm as it has been, will be going to the lake. I keep drinking and cooking water stocked all the time since the power goes off so often in the summer. I do kind of wish the HTL pool was real and not virtual right about now, though! I should be fixed in a few days now, though. Like Chi says, people have lived this way for generations and did just fine, so I can, too! Sorry to hear DH needs surgery. That is going to be a hard time for you. And sorry to hear DS has been drinking again, but at least he asked for help this time. People with substance use disorders are having a really hard time right now from what I've heard, with all the COVID related restrictions and limitations. Thanks for the Dorty Update!

    Chi--Wow, Lewiston made the national news?That's pretty cool!Most of the protesting has been peaceful here in Maine, with police and protesters mingling and talking.And my goodness, who'd ever thunk we'd be using the "shut the power off and reboot" trouble shooting approach on our major appliances!Glad it worked and hope it holds for you. The Breanna Taylor incident really bothers me. So frightening that could happen. Good heavens, what sad news about your PCP. And his NP/PA is his daughter, even more sadness. And the rice constipating the disposal trap?? So, electrical thingy, fridge thingy, and now disposal thingy, does that complete your bad-things-come-in-threes cycle?

    Librarian--What kind of cross stitch project are you working on?

    CynCyn--Glad to hear you had a good visit, despite the storm. It sounds like unemployment is a nightmare all over the country. To many people trying to call/sign in, not enough support for the phones or websites. So crazy.

    Stella--keep taking good care of Dorty!And keep sending updates. We appreciate them!Have you decided where you want to go for a vacay when Dorty is all better?

    Tropical Storm - Tipsy Bartender

    Tropical Storm


    1 oz. Vodka

    1 oz. Blue Curaçao

    1 1/2 oz. Pineapple Juice

    1 oz. (30ml) Passion Fruit Rum

    Garnish: Cherry, Cocktail Umbrella


    1. In a shaker with ice, combine passion fruit rum and pineapple juice. Shake well.
    2. Strain mix into a glass over ice.
    3. In a separate shaker with ice, combine vodka and blue curaçao. Shake well and strain over yellow layer.
    4. Garnish with a cherry and a cocktail umbrella.

    From <>