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how about drinking?



  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2020

    Sandy, how funny that the power going out and coming back on rebooted your fridge. Well that saved you some $$. Sorry to hear about your doctor.

    JCS, I take it you are not a NASCAR fan???? Me either, but I'm also not a sports fan of any sorts. Glad you are post poning the mountain trip.

    Lucy, your DD has come and gone already? How do you like her BF? Sorry about the unemployment, that sucks. May of this year made it a year since I have seen my DD. I see her in Sept, hopefully. My DH is fine, thank you.

    Stella, very proud of you for being good and taking care of Dorty.

    NM, glad you will be out of the drama issues, good grief! I guess it's pretty much everywhere at some point. And good that the water issue isn't too bad, but I know you will be glad to have it fixed. Ahhhh, part time from here out. Now Cami can't hound not hound you about it. That tropical storm looks yummy. Have the bean suppah's started back up?

    Well, we now have Covid in our little town and the one next to us. I will continue to wear a mask, I will also continue to wear gloves when pumping gas, that isn't an in convenience at all. The mask is just annoying! Being stage IV I figure I can't be too safe. Been hot here and super windy. My onions should be ready to pull in about 2 weeks. We have to stop watering them for that time, then pull and let them dry. My nieghbor called me last night, the DIL of the lady that just passeed and said that "mom" had hid $15,000.00 worth of gold coins and no one knows where! Woke up this morning with a text from her that she found it! Wacko is home and doing pretty good all considering. She shared before and after pics with me of her tummy. OH MY GOODNESS! She has sure had a time with all the surgeries she had.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Well, #4 in the "annoyance-a-thon" is the rats-in-the-garage issue. My plumber told me yesterday that it's happening in every neighborhood that has a lot of restaurants that are closed and no longer producing edible garbage in their dumpsters. Rodents are gnawers--if they don't constantly gnaw, their teeth keep growing and will grow into the opposing jaws, suffocating & killing them. They will gnaw through nearly anything, even concrete. (The source of summer potholes, BTW). And they get their sustenance from anything they gnaw that provides calories--wood, even the soy-based insulation of car-wiring systems. They didn't cause the short in the power line to the garage, which is encased in metal pipe (the one thing their teeth can't penetrate)--the conduit kinked when the construction crew that replaced my deck in 2014 was setting the footings, and eventually water got into the breach and a partly-frayed wire. The exterminator is coming tomorrow to inspect, clean up the pellets, and place baits & traps. This will be a weekly thing until there is no more evidence, at which time we will close up the space caused by the dent in that rear garage wall, probably with both wood and sheet metal. Meanwhile, we''re keeping the garage light on and peeking in a few times a day (and periodically driving)--the exterminator says rats are shy and deterred by signs of human activity. Of course, we won't mention the problem to our electrician, who would almost certainly refuse to complete the job. (He's flaky enough as it is--we've learned over our three decades as homeowners that repair contractors seem to be living in a parallel universe).

    MIld-ish dry sunny weather is producing the sounds of lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and construction equipment all around me.

    Going out to brunch outdoors in a bit over an hour (Bob is still sleeping)--if I can get Happy off my lap where he too is sleeping. My computer is all the way forward on my knees so his paws don't touch the trackpad. It's playing havoc with my typing accuracy, causing my nails to keep brushing the "Siri" part of the touch bar. Siri "hears" what's on the TV and weighs in, sometimes with bizarrely amusing results.

    And now to lint-roller the fur off my scrubs, shower and dress--and then wake Bob up so we don't miss our reservation, which we made yesterday afternoon and snagged the last available table. Gordy took Leslie there Fri. night for her 30th birthday--which was supposed to have been celebrated in Barcelona.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020

    Hello Dears.....Yes, can do what you are your own woman..take good care of Dorty.

    Storms have calmed now....late night tornado watch..I slept through it. Not much goings on here...Maybe a shower today and laundry..who knows.

    Have a good Sundey Fundey.


  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2020

    Sandy, I am now afraid to go into the garage of our little rented house because of your most informative post. We are on a quiet, typically suburban street about 20 walking minutes from uptown with the few restaurants there.I don’t even say the names of those creatures, just call them “ R’s.” Gil, ever the scientist, actually likes them. When I met him in 2000, I was both a psychotherapist and in therapy. He thought I was going because of my fear of R’s. When I told my therapist she really laughed and said she had jumped up on her kitchen table the week before because she saw an “m.” Will take the precautions your exterminator suggested and have told them to my son who is also(genetically?) phobic about “R”s. His last exterminator said to him he loved his job, because “ you have to think like an R and he was really good at that.”God, can you imagine marrying him?”

    We still haven’t ventured to outdoor dining, though may soon visit our favorite Greek restaurant in Winnetka. Peeked in, their ceiling opens, so it’s classified as outdoor, and there is a table against a wall for 2, that looks good for distancing. They have rearranged all the tables so they seem far enough apart.

    Trust you totally enjoyed your brunch.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Sandy, how funny that the power going out and coming back on rebooted your fridge. Well that saved you some $$. Sorry to hear about your doctor.

    JCS, I take it you are not a NASCAR fan???? Me either, but I'm also not a sports fan of any sorts. Glad you are post poning the mountain trip.

    Lucy, your DD has come and gone already? How do you like her BF? Sorry about the unemployment, that sucks. May of this year made it a year since I have seen my DD. I see her in Sept, hopefully. My DH is fine, thank you.

    Stella, very proud of you for being good and taking care of Dorty.

    NM, glad you will be out of the drama issues, good grief! I guess it's pretty much everywhere at some point. And good that the water issue isn't too bad, but I know you will be glad to have it fixed. Ahhhh, part time from here out. Now Cami can't hound not hound you about it. That tropical storm looks yummy. Have the bean suppah's started back up?

    Well, we now have Covid in our little town and the one next to us. I will continue to wear a mask, I will also continue to wear gloves when pumping gas, that isn't an in convenience at all. The mask is just annoying! Being stage IV I figure I can't be too safe. Been hot here and super windy. My onions should be ready to pull in about 2 weeks. We have to stop watering them for that time, then pull and let them dry. My nieghbor called me last night, the DIL of the lady that just passeed and said that "mom" had hid $15,000.00 worth of gold coins and no one knows where! Woke up this morning with a text from her that she found it! Wacko is home and doing pretty good all considering. She shared before and after pics with me of her tummy. OH MY GOODNESS! She has sure had a time with all the surgeries she had.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Judy, I guess this is not the best time to tell you that my favorite full-cast number in 2018's Bar Show was "Jellicle Rats" (parody of the theme from Cats). We all--65 of us--dressed in gray sweats with mouse ears--it was a struggle to do the choreography (well, synchronized arm & head motions since we were on risers except for the actual dancers), complex harmony (though a mezzo, I was assigned to be a soprano in order to have enough people singing the high A), enunciate, and not go into giggle fits.

    Anyway, the chances of your finding anything but cars in your garage are pretty well zero up in your "neck of the woods (uh, Hubbard?"--Chicagoland bad pun). Far likelier to find deer grazing in the backyard or rabbits munching on lettuce you might be growing in your garden. We had a lovely brunch today--Cellars added three more tables on the B'way side, besides the six on Rosedale. We were in the shade, but it was a tad chilly due to the lake breeze. (Fortunately, this time I wore jeans and long sleeves). There were some tense moments: across the street is the huge Armory (now run by the Park District), currently used as a socially-distanced shelter. Even though there were plenty of civilians going in and out, I saw police cruisers pull up in front of it--at one point, there were four. (These days when I see police cars--full of all-white cops--in a diverse neighborhood such as mine I get a sinking feeling that things could devolve pretty quickly). I asked a guy (who'd emerged from it) what was going on, and he said that two young women had decided to pick a fight with some much larger men. It took 8 cops to peacefully defuse the situation, and eventually the squad cars all departed with nobody in custody.

    We might go back for burgers tonight to Moody's Pub next door to it, which has had a huge beer garden for over 50 yrs. 9pm curfew has been lifted! Of course, this time I will swap my sandals for sneakers and throw on a jacket--going down into the low 60s.

    DOTD was Prosecco. Tonight, likely iced tea. Beer is too carby (even the non-alc), and I don't want to have 2 servings of any kind of alcohol in a single day, even if the rest of the week is "dry."

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2020

    Hi ladies! Well it's after 1 aye em here as I start this message. I feel better than I have since before surgery on Wednesday and by tomorrow I have a feeling I will feel better than before surgery because my pain level was so high. I was so relieved when the good doctor told me that my intestines were not affected and did not need to be removed. So far I am healing beautifully and behaving myself well for the most part 😁

    So where to start? I'll start from the beginning and tell it all, especially using voice instead of typing and I can talk fast, feel free to breeze pass the many details I am going to share. So on Wednesday I was supposed to be to the hospital at 5:30 AM. At 4:10 AM I had dye in my hair and was in the yard planting the rest of the flowers Cheryl bought for me to cheer me up. (for those of you who do not know, Cheryl is my cousin and my roommate. We've been friends since birth and corny as it sounds, we went to high school together and college too...she was "happily" married for 35 years when she up and left her husband. And me, I had recently became an empty nester, it was perfect for both of us) I rushed into the shower and got out of the shower at 5:15 and didn't leave here until 535 and it was a 20 minute ride so needless to say I ended up late. That did not seem to be a problem because when I got there I just sat in a registration area for over a half hour until somebody looked at me and said Diana? I said no Dorothy and she said no you're Diana and I said no I'm sure I'm Dorothy. As it turned out they had another person going in for surgery with the same last name as me. That seemed to all be straightened up and before I knew it I was being rushed down to the operating area. I changed my clothes and all that fun stuff and the last thing I remember is telling the doctor not to talk about me because I will hear everything, then I was out cold. I never woke up until I was already out of recovery and being wheeled into my room. I fell back to sleep and the next time i woke up, I knew where I was and I was checking out the room and I spotted a TV! Wala, I can put on TV. I attempted to turn on the TV but could not figure the darn thing out. So I waited until a nurse came to see me and asked her to put on the TV and on at the time was the memorial service for George Flynn. As I lay there weeping I realized I was crying for the man's family and not because I was in such pain. They kept me pretty hopped up on pain meds but thankfully spared me the morphine this time around which as you all might remember, got me into so much trouble with BCO during my 2013 diep flap surgery. I was very out of it most of the day but from what I remember it was around dinner time that I went to my room and the night was loaded with nurses in and out. Checking my vital signs, checking my wound, checking my bladder using an ultrasound thing etc. Which by the way they put this cool contraption in my vagigi which was supposed to aid in me going pee. I was supposed to just let it out and the sponge thing was going to absorb it and send it directly to the sewer system. I still can't wrap my head around that one but it did not work anyway because my bladder was too sleepy to wake up for the first 24 hours which concerned the staff. The next day was a blur but what I did remember is that none of my belongings had made it up to my room! The next day was a blur but what I did remember is that none of my belongings had made it up to my room on the sixth floor. I wanted my stuff because I was very much missing my glasses and my cell phone. I had not had any communication with family but was told that someone had reached out to my emergency contact which was my daughter. I later found out that no one had contacted my daughter or anyone and my daughter tried to get information when she called but they would not share my info?? That was sad because she deserved to know what was happening as well as the rest of my family. Anyway, Thursday night I had finally peed but they were waiting for me to poop before I could be discharged they said. I was like WTF I'm being discharged this soon? I was not ready or at least did not think I was ready. So early on Friday morning, I again asked the nurse about my belongings and she started to search the little drawers and found a hospital bag filled with the belongings of a Diana Klein! So I was immediately thinking that Diana had my belongings which was not good. I brought some Willy with me which was an insane thought.I don't know wtf I was tinking! And I did not touch it nor could I because it made me cough and coughing hurts very badly. But I sure tried once I got home. Anyway the doctor came in and informed me that I would be discharged that morning. I told the doctor that I had not yet pooped but he said that's alright you've passed some gas. I felt like saying dude it was two little farts that snuck out while I was finally peeing but he did not seem to care. Which btw, I still have not pooped and Im getting a widdle worried!

    I also just found out that my house had a power failure beginning on Wednesday and the power was still out as of Friday morning. It was a very hot day into the 90s and I was stuck there at the hospital with no ride home and no air-conditioning at my home when I arrived! I called my daughter and she agreed to pick me up. We stopped at two stores looking for ice to no avail. (Found out later that severe storms had come through on Wednesday night knocking power out in many communities in the area so no ice anywhere locally). So my daughter finally brought me home and I insisted that I was going to go to sleep and did not need any help from her because I wanted her to leave because truth be told, I really wanted to try to smoke some Willy! I really had a one track mind at that time and it was ridiculous on my part. As soon as Jessica left with Logan, I got out my pipe and attempted to smoke but coughed my brains out which hurt my wound very very bad. I had forgotten how bad it hurts to cough or sneeze after a surgery. Oh I also forgot how freaking annoying it was with damn drains. It had been seven years since I had them but it does not seem that long at all. The worst part is that the door handles in my home are not a standard knob but a type of handle thing which seems to catch the drain with every exit and entrance into and out of a room. I have to be so careful not to hook myself into the door knobs and get stuck which I have already done it once so far. Boy that freaking hurts like hell. Anyway, after my failed attempt at getting high, I was extremely uncomfortable and only had the bottle of Pepsi that we picked up on the way home which got very warm and I was dying for a cold glass of something to drink. I was craving a nice cold water at the time and there was nothing cold nearby! It was very hot in my house, at 80° and it was so very uncomfortable. So I broke down and called my daughter and ask her if she would bring me all of the ice from her freezer as she has an automatic ice maker that pumps out a lot of ice that she rarely uses. So she showed up with the ice and quickly left as she left Logan in her jeep. I also had realized that we never stopped to pick up my pain pills and by the time I thought of it, the pharmacy was closed. I also never got a text stating they were ready. It might be an issue because I go to pain management. Have to check on the RX tomorrow which might be the day I don't really need them, only want them lol. Anyway, I was a lot happier once I had something cold to put in my throat. I laid in my bed and dozed off for about an hour then woke up and I was sitting on my bed staring into space when I realized my alarm clock was blinking. Could it really be true!? The power had finally come on around 6 PM. I was thrilled. All the while I was stressing over all of the food in the freezer and the fridge that would be bad and underneath of my fridge was soaked, I guess from all of the ice melting inside of the freezer and leaking out. I reminded myself that I couldn't do anything about it and laid down and fell back to sleep until Cheryl got home around seven. I was so happy to see my buddy again and get some help which I desperately needed. It was finally comfy and Cheryl was also over the moon over the electric being back on. Oh the little things we take for granted!! Oh, I could not open a water bottle because of my numb right hand and my overall weakness. So I resorted to tap water before Cheryl got home. I still felt very crappy and ended up going to bed very early. I woke up the next morning to the hell that I remembered oh so long ago starting post mastectomy. I had to rely on gravity to get myself out of my bed. I remembered how to throw my feet over and let gravity pull the rest of me up and out of bed, that hurt very bad. As the day went on I started feeling better and before I knew it it was bedtime again. Since then I have had to refrain from doing so many things that I wanted to get done around the house but I have tried my best to be a good girl. I've not drank which is a little tough after so long. I've been eating a lot of protein and resting up a lot too. Today I babysat Logan while my daughter had her grad school course at home (online) then she came back to my house and we had dinner together. Today was a very nice day and there were periods while I was fully medicated that I had zero pain. My incisions are huge, I am cut past hip to hip and again from the center and up to the new naval. But I am super excited knowing that as the surgical pain goes away, all of the pain I have endured for nearly 3 years will be finally be effing gone! And when I finally looked at my wound , I was thrilled to realize that the doctor fixed my pointy hips along with the horrific flaps of fat and skin left above the diep flap scar. And he made me a (fake) new belly button too. Miine was mutilated from the failed diep surgery. I am very happy and surprised at the results. I had not really realized that the good doctor was going to also alter the appearance of my abdomen for the better. What a difference this surgery has made. I already feel better in my clothes without the two large bulging hips sticking out, they were horrendous! So in a nutshell that's it LOL, that's my story!

    My girl Stella has been hanging around and annoying the hell outta me. She means well but she is pain in the ass to say the least! But I love the lil shit I do. Does anyone here want her? If so, message me and arrangements will be expedited fo shoa! She is currently in the bathroom gargling with my JD, had to take it away from her, that chit is too expensive for use as a gargle I tailed her. hehe!! She is a clown indeed that one!

    I have read everything written and would love to comment but it has taken me nearly an hour writing this (although I spoke most of it with some editing). My dumb hand makes life so difficult. I have to get the ultrasound or CT of my neck. get those two bixed up, but have to get to the next step in diagnosing that issue. The doctors did not even want to deal with me with the numbness/weakness issue in my hand(s); ( my left hand is also affected but not as severely as my right hand) until this past surgery was done and I was healed ughhh. I'd really prefer to be done with doctors for awhile. Anyway, I have to git my arse to bed soonliest so gonna sign off and try to talk to you all soonliest!! Love you goils and I thank you all for listening if ya did!! sORRY SUCH A RANT!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! And Happy back to New Normal day for me! Not sure what to expect when I get to work this ayem, but it will all work out. I just need to figure out where I'm at in the grand scheme of things and how the Director of Nurses wants the 3 day a week thing to work. I did get a message from the plumber yesterday, he will fix my water pump this week, so there's a light at the end of that tunnel. Got to call the electrician that a friend told me about today and get that project underway. Progress is being made!Sadie says Woof to everyone and recommends basking in the sun then sitting in the pool as a stress relieving strategy.

    Chi--Boy this virus thing has had some really awful ripple effects--the rats being a big one! Sounds like you've got a plan to get it under control, though, and that's good. I can picture Siri's contributions to your post, probably funny as all get out. Maybe next time you should leave a few in for our amusement!

    CynCyn--the whole idea of tornadoes terrrifies me! How do you sleep through a tornado watch? I'd be a wreck!

    Keywestfan--Welcome to the HTL!My goodness, loving a job because of thinking like an R? Glad it takes all kinds to make the world go around, even if I don'tunderstand some of them!

    Goldie--no bean suppahs yet. Churches are just getting opened to inside services and the group gathering limit has just gone up to 50. Social distancing will be a challenge for most churches who use those long tables that seat 6 to 8 people and have a dozen or more people working in the kitchens. I'm sure they'll figure out something soon, though. And yes, I will be glad to have running water again! I keep turning on the tap and wondering why there is no water until I remember. Just little things, like watering plants, filling the water kettle. Thanks for the Wacko update.

    Chi--ah, must be nice to have the curfew lifted, but scary to be so close to possible situations that could escalate. Kudos to the police who diffused the situation peacefully!

    Dara!So glad to hear your intestines weren't involved. That must be a huge relief.And I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better. How do you like the voice to text thing? The name and belongings mix up must have been stressful. And no one giving info to your family, just not right! You had quite the adventure getting back home what with the power failure and all. Sounds like it's all be pretty well sorted out, though, and that's good to hear. I'm sure Stella and Cheryl are taking very good care of you. Praying things are all smooth sailing and fast recovery from here!


    15ml Chambord
    50ml Vanilla Vodka
    50ml Cranberry Juice

    Take all the ingredients.
    Shake with ice.
    Strain into a cold martini glass.
    Raspberry arrives.
    And voila, it is done.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    NM, let us know how it went for your first day back. I also hope there is no drama. You had enough of that at hospice. I didn't think you would be having bean suppahs yet, but thought I would ask anyways. Well, I'm sure Sadie will be one happy pup having her mom home so much!

    Wacko, it's good they only got your "things" mixed up and not the surgeries. Could you imagine if they performed your surgery on her, and hers on you. OH MY! I do hope today is a better day and tomorrow even better. When getting out of bed, do a long exhale while getting to a standing position. And what a time to be out of power! It amazes me at how soon they send people home from the hospital. Do you have any laxatives to "move" things along? That Stella, gargling with JD???

    BabyGirl, how are you doing? Have you had anymore tacos? And did you ever get your money back from the Laughlin trip?

    Another windy here today and temps going down to 37 tonight. How crazy is that! Red Flag warning is up for us today, meaning high for fires, due to low humidity and the the wind. 30 mph and gusting to 45. My wind spinner really gets to spinnin!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited June 2020

    Dorothy - glad to hear that your surgery went well. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Dorothy, congrats on getting home and surgery being such an improvement! As to the drains, tie two oven mitts together with 4-6' of string or ribbons (through the mitts' hanging loops) and drape them around your neck & shoulders. Put a drain in each mitt, to keep them from pulling. In the shower, use two washcloth mitts tied with a length of grosgrain ribbon. Did you ever get your belongings back?

    Last night, went to Moody's Pub--which has not one but three outdoor beer gardens, and at 8pm was about 2/3 full. They ran out of beef burgers (only veggie was left), so we ordered steak sandwiches. Meh. The fresh-cut fries were great--against my better judgment I ate about 10 of them; the sauteed onions atop the steak were delish too. But the steak was tough. DOTD, dinner version, was seltzer with lime because I already had wine (bubbly) with brunch. No wine tonight with my leftover steak and a salad I'll throw together--will save the leftover fries to crisp up in the SmartOvenAir should Bob want to snack on them tonight when he gets home.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! First day back at 'normal' work went well. Got a boatload of work done and a pretty good idea of what has to be done going forward. Still need to come up with an attack plan based on a shorter work week, but that'll happen. Best part of the day was after I got home and the plumbers got done replacing the water pump and electrical wiring in the well!Running water again!YEAH!Being able to flush the toilet after every visit is a luxury I have seriously taken for granted for a very long time.Now the ketchuping of laundry and dishes begins.Sadie is definitely losing her hearing, she didn't react to the plumbers being here for over an hour, they said. Then she came out and supervised, noisily, for the rest of the time they were here. She was a tired puppy by bedtime!

    Goldie--first day back was drama-free!I'm going to be working Mon, Tues, Wed, with changes as needs come up. Sadie will be happy to have me home, she gets more treats when I'm home. Actually, I think she really does like me at least a little, she keeps nudging me for pets and belly rubs and keeps track of where I am most of the time. The weather has been crazy everywhere this spring. Hard to believe the first day of summer is almost here.

    Morning, Karen!

    Chi--three outdoor beer gardens? That must be a fun place to visit. Sorry the steak was tough. That does diminish the enjoyment.

    Maple Old Fashioned | Gimme Some Oven

    Old Fashioned Cocktail Ingredients:

    • Whiskey: Bourbon or rye are typically for this cocktail. We usually use either Bulleit or Buffalo Trace bourbon.
    • Bitters: We usually use Angostura Aromatic Bitters.
    • Maple syrup: To lightly sweeten the cocktail.
    • Fresh orange: Plus a vegetable peeler or knife, to slice off some of the peel.
    • (Optional) Maraschino cherries: We occasionally like to add Luxardo cherries to our old fashioned cocktails too, which are definitely a bit of a splurge. But trust me, they are a million times better than the cheap, red-dyed, artificially-flavored maraschino cherries in the fruit aisle at the grocery store. They come in a pretty thick syrup, which we tend to tap off so as not to overly sweeten the cocktail.
    • Ice: Any ice will do! We love making ours in these cubed trays.

    How To Make An Old Fashioned Cocktail:

    To make this maple-sweetened old fashioned cocktail, simply:

    1. Prep your orange peel. Use a vegetable peeler or knife to carefully cut a 2- to 3-inch-long piece of orange peel. Run the pulp-side of the peel around the rim of the cocktail glass. Then set aside.
    2. Add bourbon, bitters, and maple syrup. And use a spoon to briefly stir to combine.
    3. Add in the ice. And stir with the spoon again to mix and chill the drink.
    4. Garnish and serve. Give the orange peel a good twist to release its oils, then tuck it into the drink. Add a maraschino cherry (if using) and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Glad the first day back at work for days and 3 day weeks went well. And so happy you got your water. Now for the electrician. Sorry to hear that Sadie is not hearing well.

    Super windy yesterday and this morning temps are at freezing. I sure hope it doesn't kill my tomatoes! That would be devastating. I have some that are between baseball and golf ball size.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020

    Hello..Happy Tewzzdey

    Glad to hear your surgery went well Dorty..been thinking about you and your recovery..I would hide the JD from Stella...she be sneaky.

    Burrrrr Lowie Lou....More thunderstorms on tap for later today..I love the rain if I dont have to drive in it. DD only stayed a few days and I love her BF....very sweet guy and they are smitten..cute to watch. They made me Mojito's every night and cooked me love love.

    Finally had success with Un employment...FL is so jacked up but I got a small check in the mail yesterday and was able to claim my weeks. I also called them and spoke to an actual person who verified my claims look good and I should start to see the money by the beginning of next week.

    Have to start cleaning as Donese arrives on Sunday.

    Enjoy your day ladies


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Whoa, Lori--I never thought "AZ in June" and "freezing temps" were not mutually exclusive.

    We've had rather active weather today--the electrician was working between the isolated storms (rode 'em out inside the garage or in his car). He hopes to finish tomorrow once it's clear, and then the landscaper can finally fill the trench back in and lay sod. Meanwhile, I have my mani-pedi tomorrow. Masks are mandatory for everyone, gloves are mandatory for staff, stations & chairs are disinfected between clients, stainless steel foot bowls are sterilized with boiling water, reusable tools are autoclaved and all other tools are single-use and discarded. Plastic barriers too. No more refreshments, no waiting in the waiting room for one's appointment or ride home (so I will drive, park where I can and walk). I'm a bit nervous, but Bob thinks I'll be fine. I figure that we are in for an accelerated second wave of the pandemic, so best to get this done while I can. Then Thurs, is Happy's vet appt.

    No wine tonight. Just lime seltzer and a decaf breve cappuccino.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day, and welcome to my Friday! I finally figured out why I wasn't hearing my alarm going off in the ayems--I had the alarms turned off! DUH! Thank goodness for early sunrise waking me up these last few ayems. Of course, now I have to reset the alarms so they don't go off EVERY morning. Ah, the difficulties of changing work hours. Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--I've suspected that Sadie's hearing has been going for a while. She is 11 years old, so she's entitled to a little decline, I suppose. She still seems pretty happy, so that's a good thing. Electrician is next, now that I know my work schedule. Hope your tomatoes are surviving.

    CynCyn--oh my, company that comes and cooks and mixes drinks, what a luxury! And getting through to unemployment, that's a major victory these days! Youmust be looking forward to Donese's arrival. Say Hi to her for us.

    Chi--It must feel good to be able to get out and do things like a mani-pedi again.


    Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco


    • 3 cups prosecco, chilled
    • 1 cup limoncello liqueur, chilled
    • 1 cup frozen raspberries
    • 6 sprigs fresh mint


    1. In a large pitcher, whisk together prosecco and limoncello.
    2. Serve over raspberries, garnished with mint, if desired.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Beautiful white kitten with blue eyes and black jelly bean toes ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    I'm so screwed up with my days nd nites lately. These oofy phones are ll over the place and we're so so busy. I sleep mostly during the day an the phones re going during the nite One of my boyfriends fixed my GF's electric yesterday and he didn't charge her so she wants new toilets and told her to pcik them out , he'll pick them up and told her not to worry about it. He tol me he'd take care of her for me. That was so sweet, I was glad she was happy with him.

    OK Kim not saying a word but mum is my word for you. Poor Sadie not hearing well, so see she needs u more. Give her a great big belly rub from me.

    Lori ur weather is crazier than mine. I hope nothing gets frozen out, u work so hard or ur garden an then to have some cray nites to screw it up.

    Cyn I'm sure ur waiting for this weekend an with good reason. I'm telling you Stella is going to make trouble for you. After all we know who introduced her in here, the troublemaker herself. speaking of

    Dara I thought u were staying in the hospital longer but I'm glad ur not but please take it easy. Ur another one that doesn't listen to Drs. sometimes. But u have to listen.

    Sandy u got to get out finally for dinner. There are quite a few outdoor places here, I'm sure they'll be crowded. Today is Joey's BD <16> so she's looking around for someplace to go that;s safe.So we'll see what happens.Jodi's coming Sat. morning to bring breakfast and coffee for Joe's BD and he had a BD parade Saturday so he's having this spread out for a week.Brat

    My phone's been going so I'll go for now, have a nice day everyone.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Gosh, it's quiet in here. Well, my son is back in rehab. My DD called and asked me if I would do some of the leg work to take some of it off of her dad, so I did. I spent a morning gathering up information for homeless shelters, called the rehab. place and got my son set to be admitted again. I called his dad last night to talk about how the things/discussion went between the two of them. It was a decent talk. Well, about 15 minutes later he calls me back and asks if he can say some things that he's wanted to say for 20 years. I won't go into all of, but basically I'm a whore and an unnurturing mother. Then said if I didn't ever want to talk to him again, that was fine with him! Oh gee Don, I would love to talk to you! He said lots more, but it would take forever to type it all up, but you get the gist of it. My dilemma now is, how do I explain to the kids that we are not talking again? Or do I let him do it. My husband says to me after I hung up, he knew it wasn't good cuz I just sat there with my mouth open!

    Lucy, how cute to be able to watch the two youngins in love. Is this her first real love? And good that you like and approve. You and Donese sure know how to make a long distance relationship work! How long will she be there for? Glad you finally got unemployment taken care of.

    NM, I had to look at the calendar in my email after you mentioned it being your Friday. I'm straight now, it's really Wednesday! Summer cocktails always look so refreshing. So do you have anything planned for your first 4 day weekend?

    Sandy, enjoy that mani/pedi. My nails are so jacked up from meds, I would be too embarrassed to go for one.

    cami, I kind of thought I would be bumping in to you. I saw Joey's thank you on FB, so sweet...just like him! And how nice of your "boyfriend" to help out your GF. You have a wonderful family. I do hope Joey can find something/somewhere fun to go or do.

    Oh, my garden survived! It got down to 28 degrees.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Good morning, all! What a busy day yesterday. I met friends (3) for lunch. We had fun catching up with each other. The wait staff all had masks and the menus were disposable. Then I went to vote in our statewide primary. Lines were long in other areas, but I waited only 30 minutes. Masks were required and they gave you a swab to use with the voting machine. It will be interesting in November! Then I went to get my hair cut. The salon was very clean and everyone had masks on. My hair had grown out with a “mullet” look that the stylist was able to cut off. LOL! But the more she cut, the more my hair curled. My desire for a short, straight pixie cut did not happen. Instead I look more like my mother with the short, permed hair of the 40’s. Oh well, it will grow.

    I have marked the calendar in case I am sickly two weeks from now. I was around more people yesterday than I have been since March. I also went to the hospital on Monday for a bone scan. More strangers! I will go to my MO for a CT and chat this coming Monday. Hope there is no cancer and no Covid19. Yikes

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    It was liberating to get that mani-pedi today, but I was still worried. Everyone was wearing masks (I wear glasses so I didn't need the face shield), mani & pedi stations were 8 ft. apart, everything was constantly being Lysol-ed. The salon owner (my tech) wore gloves for the pedi but said she couldn't do a proper mani with them on. So we both washed our hands after EACH step. There was bottled water, but I didn't want to have to use the loo for anything other than hand washing.

    Abt's repairman came yesterday and replaced the compressor in the fridge anyway--he says it's a vastly-improved model, and he also updated the firmware. He did everything from the back of the fridge. The electrician had to work on & off between the storms, taking shelter in the garage & in his own car. He should finish tomorrow (after this afternoon, it will be clear into Sat. morning). We will test the new line, and if it works the landscaper will fill in the trench and sod it over.

    DOTD thus far is almondmilk breve cappuccino. Tonight, if I can grill the steak I'm defrosting, it'll be a Sonoma area pinot noir in memory of my PCP, who loved pinot noir and grew up in Santa Rosa (where his nonagenarian parents still live).

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2020

    Hi Dahlinks,
    Just a note to say I'm doing pretty good.
    Dealing with some mega-hot weather and the winds, oh my. But I'm ok with it for now.
    Been trying to get some hair to grow. Been doing the 'comb over' LOL. Got some growth but still see the bald spots. Been using Keranique, is working better than the Rogaine I was using. I've been working on the re-growth for 5+ years. UGH!
    I had a brain MRI last Thurs, haven't got results yet, but as they say 'no news can be good news'. Have been having incredible headaches for over a month now, so am glad I got the MRI.
    Anyway, that's what's happening on my end …wishing you all happy days. Still praying for everyone, morning and night. Take care ya'all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Thanks for checking in, MemaSue! I think as we're getting older (and more estrogen-deficient, especially via meds), we're devising more and more clever ways to disguise our ever-thinning tresses! In your pocket for MRI results and that no news is indeed good news.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Goodnight Gorgeous Cat Meme Gallery -

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Hey Guys,

    Oh Lori I'm so sorry. I know when u go to rehab u can leave anytime u want, but personally I don't think it's long enough to start with. This is a tough disease and leaving rehab is just the start of a long day by day struggle.and unless u come out and start over leaving everything and most people behind you it's worse. And I hope ur ex said what u can brush off is what happened. Sometimes my ex would call me so many vile names that when he'd call me a whore I said thank you for ur kind words. Sometimes he would tell me he still loved me so I knew that's why he caled me a whore. So really that's the reason. But should u tell your kids, I'd say no for your son right now, and ur DD .well she is an adult but u know her best., I don't think it would shock her cuz it's been years. All in all if they don't have to know then why say anything. This is really all about ur son and if u can keep it that way the better off the whole situation would be. Please don't take this seriously ur ex had to feel better in the moment and thinking it would hurt you what better thing could he do. Andd let's face it u really can't help ur son but to let him know how much u love him, he has all the hard work to do. <PRAYERS> Lori

    JC leave it to you to start ur time going slowly to being exposed by just diving into a pool of every kind of germ there is out there. And after 2 weeks u'll be like super woman. But even reading it I could hear the excitement in your voice. It's very hard for u to stay in and seeing ur friends had to make u feel so good. Oh and the hair thing we are all up that creek <ok some of us> It's just plain sad.

    SusyQ I'm glad ur doing OK, please let us know how the scan goes. But ur right no news is good news.. So that's a good sign.

    Cyn I hope u take some pics for us so the newbies know exactly what we're talking about. I've always enjoyed the things u do. The last time I felt sand under my feet was in the 80's, and u all make it look so relaxing and fun. Are they all people that u know for years an new ones just keep on coming in, cuz there are always so many.

    Hey Kim how are things going, and u'd better give Sadie the extra rubs from me.

    Hey Teka!!!

    Oh the latest house news. Marty broke 2 ribs falling at work. Of course I LOL can't help it. He's running out of any good body parts to hurt.

    Everyone have a good day and let the papers go where the wind blows, meaning nothing.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! And the first day of my 4 day weekend! When I turned on the alarms yesterday I forgot to edit them, so on this ayem when Sadie and I can sleep in, the alarms go off!Got that fixed now. Looks like we'll get some rain this ayem, which is badly needed by the gardens. At least if it doesn't rain enough I can now water the gardens. Sadie has been enjoying her pool during the warmer times of day, I can tells cuz she's wet when I get home from work. Nothing like the smell of wet doggo!But it makes her happy, so I don't mind so much. Until she's still wet at bed time and wants to get into bed with me, then we have a toweling off session, which is entertaining cuz she always keeps rolling over to get her belly rubbed, even when I want to get her back or sides.Did you know a 65# dog turns into 1,000# when she doesn't want to be rolled over?!

    Cammy Cat--wow, your boyfriends take good care of you and yours!Do you have to cross of the days on a calendar like I do? That's the only way I can keep things straight any more. Sadie says "thank you" for the big belly rub that just got put into her bank for tonite. Say Happy Birthday to Joey for me! The big 16, he's really growing up.

    Goldie--Good heavens, what a family drama! After youhelping him out he has the balls to say things like thatto you? I wish I knew something to say to make the situation better for you or how to explain it to the kids. At least your son is getting help. You've help accomplish that much. My plans for my first 4 day weekend are modest. 2 or 3 small housekeeping projects a day, treating myself to a shopping trip for gardening stuff and then playing in the dirt. I'm hoping the porch rocker I ordered comes this weekend so I can put it together and be able to enjoy the deck more. Maybe check out the local pond and see about water temp and maybe swimming, if it gets as warm as predicted. Glad your garden survived the cold snap!

    Librarian--Good idea to mark your calendar with your outside activities. If you do get sick you will be in a much better place to determine where you came in contact with it.Most medical places are pretty safe with all the precautions they are taking. If people in the hospital/scan center aren't wearing masks remember that you have the right to ask them to put one on while around you. That's turning out to be the best protection going, having both parties faces covered.

    Chi--Sounds like the salon is being run really well with mitigation practices. Good for them! Glad the fridge is updated. It should work without trouble for quite some time now, I would think.I bet you are more than ready for the electrical work to be finished.

    Mema--praying for good MRI results, sorry to hear about the headaches. Glad to hear the hair is growing, too! I hope the mega-hot temps are being too much of a bother for you.

    Cammy Cat--good advice for Goldie.Ouch, poor Marty!I hear that broken ribs really hurt. I hope he recovers without complications.

    High Drama | Recipe | Cocktails, Cocktails for beginners, Drinks

    High Drama Cocktail


    1 oz aquafaba

    .5 oz rose water

    1 oz Charcoal Simple Syrup

    2.5 oz gin

    rose petals, for garnish


    • Add all ingredients except the garnish to a shaker.
    • Add ice and shake.
    • Strain into a rocks glass with one large ice cube, and garnish with a rose petal.
    You've never seen a rose cocktail like this before. Even though it's pitch black (thanks to activated charcoal), this striking cocktail is unexpectedly floral. Created at the Portland, Oregon, outpost of Virtuous Pie, a mini-chain of "plant-based" pizza restaurants, the cocktail reflects the restaurant's vegan values by using aquafaba (chickpea water) in place of egg whites to give the drink a gorgeous, foamy head and creamy texture. Rose flower water gives it a rich scent and mild sweetness, while locally made Aviation Gin adds notes of crisp juniper. The charcoal simple syrup brings everything together and gives the drink its shocking ebony hue. It also might have some health benefits. "Activated charcoal works as a health aid, teeth whitener and prevents hangovers," says general manager Chelsea Boyer. So go ahead, have another.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    LDB, glad you gots a little bit of hair growing, but I'm sure you will always have that issue from the rads. I'm just happy that 5 yrs later you are still with us! I'm so sorry about the headaches and praying it's not the RB. I hope you get results soon. Waiting is the worst.

    Cami, I won't say anything to the kids. If it comes up, I will be brief. My DD is a daddy's girl, so saying anything about her dad, she will defend him or make excuses for him. So I would most likely say that he said some very nasty things to me and leave it at that. Been quite some time since my toes have been in the sand too.

    NM, you and Sadie are gonna have a great 4 days. Visiting a pond, playing in the dirt, a little housekeeping, maybe some swimming. And you have 4 days to do it all! We have rocking lawn chairs, but what I would really like is a swing. I had one when I lived in Michigan, loved it. Interesting Drama cocktail, I had to look up the aquafaba, altho now I see it says what it is in the recipe!

    Temps here are heating up! Heading back up into the 90's...UGH! I think things in the biz are starting their downward slope. I've been fighting between my specialty pharmacy and my MO's office to get one of my meds. It's an monthly injection for which I will be 2 weeks late as of tomorrow. I'm starting to get a tad peeved over it.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020

    Hello my dears

    Working on that stamina to clean before the big day when Donese gets here. Give me strength.

    Drummed last night in a un disclosed location. There were prolly 15 of us. Was nice to see some that have been MIA for months. Cammy Cat...most of us are old timers but a new faces show up all the time and become part of the "Tribe". No beach for drumming until further notice since we attract so many spectators. Luckily Stella is caring for our Dear Dara right now.

    Nice to see you Mema......miss your face. Praying for good news once you get it. You are one very strong woman. xox. Stay cool.

    Lowie is DH?

    NM....are you working normal hours now?

    Enjoy your Thirsty Thursday gals.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Cyndielou, I've never joined a drum circle but I have played percussion in the studio and onstage. But I so miss singing: solo, with my duo, and my choirs (temple and the chorus of the Bar Show, which is probably extinct after 98 years),

    My middle name is Louise: my late dear cousin, a lifelong Floridian, used to call me "Sandylou." (She passed away of CHF & complications of T2DM last fall at 88--and I flew down to FL for the day for her memorial service. I miss her, and her magnificent soprano voice).

    Took Happy to the vet today for his exam, shots, & "mani-pedi." He behaved on the ride--didn't start meowing till we put him (in his carrier) into the car, and didn't pant or yowl "NOOOO! HOOOOME! I WUV YOOO!" like he usually does when he realizes where we're taking him. The vet tech met us at the car, brought him inside, and the vet phoned me to tell me how the visit went. Strange days indeed.

    Electrician flaked out today--wasted some beautiful mild dry weather. Said "today got away from me." Promises he'll try to finish up tomorrow so the landscaper can finally fill in the trench. After that, I want sod; Bob wants a kiddie pool for cooling off (IMHO, a mosquito farm). Not that he'd use it--he won't even wear shorts, and it's a major achievement for me to convince him to wear jeans and a polo or T-shirt on his days off.

    DOTD with a grill-based dinner was 2011 Signorello Estate Cab. Sauv.

    Anyone see the new recs yesterday from the American Cancer Society that NO amount of alcohol is safe? I have two words for them, and they're not "Merry Christmas." (They begin with "bite" and end with "me").

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem. Got some stuff done on the list yesterday, only carried over 1 item, hopefully will get to that one today. With the gloomy weather and rain yesterday I just got lazy. So, less lazy today, I hope. Sadie doesn't care if I'm lazy or busy, as long as she gets her pets and belly rubs, and those make for great breaks when I'm not lazy!

    Goldie--I didn't know what aquafaba was until I saw that in the recipe, either. Amazing what you can use for foods and drinks. I do have a swing on the deck, but it's not as comfortable as the type I had before and I prefer rockers anyway. I decided now is as good a time as any to upgrade to a good porch rocker. Temps here still seesawing a bit, should be quite warm and humid through the weekend, I think I heard. I would be upset at a 2 week medication delay, too.

    CynCyn--Does FL have a max number of people who can gather? Is that why the drubbing was in an undisclosed location? In Maine we still have a limit of 10 people, it's making scheduling some mandatory educationwe have to do this month. I am now working normal hours again, 8 ayem to 4 peeyem.The body is still adjusting. I slept well last night, but didn't go to bed until 11 peeyem, usual bedtime is 9! I need to pay more attention to that over the rest of the weekend until I get readjusted.

    Chi--sorry to hear the electrician flaked out. Not very professional, IMO. I take it Happy got a good vet report? No amount of alcohol is safe? OK. Fine. I'm an adult and I'll decide what is important to my quality of life, and to heck with them. Show me where people who never drink never get cancer and maybe, just maybe, I'll listen. Show me the absolute cause of EVERY cancer, and then I'll start listening to the "advice" that transfers the responsibility for getting cancer to the victims.




    Kitty Highball


    • 2 ounces red wine
    • 3/4 ounce ginger syrup (see note)
    • 1/2 ounce lime juice
    • Soda water
    • Glass: COLLINS
    • Garnish: CANDIED GINGER


    1. Combine the wine, ginger syrup, and lime juice in a cocktail shaker. Add a small piece of cracked ice and shake until chilled. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice, top with soda water, and garnish with the candied ginger.

    To make the ginger syrup:

    Combine 2 cups sugar and 1 cup fresh ginger juice in a small pot over very low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat and let cool completely. Transfer to a plastic or glass container and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

    From <>