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how about drinking?



  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2020

    NativeMainer- Well, I never drink, have always been thin, vegetarian for 45 years, exercised for 50 years every day, and I got it. Twice- Cervical, misdiagnosed and spread in 1969, IDC, last year. I do feel- and I think this is grandiosity and my usual guilt, that I caused it by high estrogen birth control in 1965-1969 and HRT for some many years after my ovaries were removed in 1969 at 35. The other side of it, which I try to tell myself, is that bones are good- well we’ll see what Arimidex does- cognition is good, heart is good, skin, and I look younger. I doubt it’s that simple that a few drinks a day will cause it. More likely, if not genetics, then randomness, chance, bad luck, not vermouth

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Lucy, glad you got out to go drumming, I know how much my hippie friend loves that. DH is doing ok.

    NM, why is it that gray gloomy days make us lazy??? Hopefully you will be all adjusted come Monday. Did your rocker come? This is the swing I had. I absolutely loved it!

    See the source image

    They had something on the news here about alcohol and cancer, like 4% and 6%. I call BS!! You talk about those that don't drink but still get cancer, what about alcoholics who drink constantly but DON'T get it! Still no medicine, I told the PA that I will be calling him every day. He sent another message to the whole dept that handles this type of thing with "high Priority". I told him I was really getting angry, as they are messing with MY LIFE. Oh, I did look at my labs, big jump again. Not going to let it get to me, it is what is. DH finally got a date for his back surgery, July 14. So we are gonna head north and go camping prior.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited June 2020

    Sandy - oh yes I saw the Cancer Society recommendations about no alcohol. I promptly poured a second glass of wine. And then I had a bedtime toddy of Amarula cream liquor. Yes, NM - quality of life matters!!!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2020

    In total agreement re "no alcohol"!!! There must be a balance that includes quality of life. My preference is generally wine and even that not daily. We brought about 30 cases of California wine with us when we moved to Texas in fall 2011(we volunteered at a winery and were "paid" in wine). Some of the reds are just now aging out nicely. We just finished a Ken Volk '09 pino noir, for example. We also still belong to a couple of wine clubs, so product must be enjoyed!🍇🍇🍇🍸🍺🍷🍹

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020


    Rainy days are lazy days NM for Sure...I bet Sadie just lives for those pets and belly rubs. We do have max for people in groups here. I believe its 50 but not sure. We have chosen not to put ourselves in a position that will encourage large groups mostly because of the spectators who dont usually obey normal laws. Not trusting them to social distance and we dont want to be shut down permanently by the county.

    Love that swing Lori....wish I had room for one....some day.

    Donese will be here in 2 days...cant wait....that reminds me...gotta go do more tiding up around here..have enough dog hair to build another dog.


  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    About alcohol and cancer - They will have to pry my wine glass or my spiked coffee out of my cold dead hands.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2020

    OMG! LOFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAME Celia

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Judy, you look fantastic! You are the second thin, teetotling, nonsmoking athletic vegetarian I know who still got breast cancer (wife of an online guitar buddy--she's a vegan triathlete). We have amassed quite a bit of wine (not "collectors," just "accumulators") that it's unlikely we'll finish in our lifetimes. Tonight's DOTD, however, was seltzer. We were going to have some French (VDP d'Oc) rosé brut with dinner, but Bob wanted to eat while I attended online temple. (Service was conducted by our cantor, who gave an AMAZING sermon based on an extremely pertinent Torah portion--she may put the text online).

    Bob's ex-partner fell and hit his head in his assisted living apt. and was taken to the ER for observation. (So much for the "assisted" part). Fingers crossed he'll be okay. I put him on the "Mi Sheberach" healing prayer list.

    My PCP's (Dr. M's) daughter Dr. H, who was his PA/NP, did not get the virus after all. She wrote me today that she plans to return to the office soon (as will the nurses) under the (nominal) supervision of the doctor who covers for them. I'm sort of torn at this point--she is great; but our friend from Bob's residency days (Dr. P, my PCP's ex-partner) has agreed to take me on (virtually, for now); and the PCP (Dr. F) I had before Dr. M for almost a decade.--whom I had to drop when she stopped taking my insurance--is still taking patients. I don't really trust the safety of Dr. H's professional bldg. Dr. F's office is in the same building as my podiatrist, which though attached to St. Francis Hosp. is safe.

    Out of curiosity, I Googled the name of the first PCP I had in Chicago (Dr. L), back in 1978 when we had a closed-panel HMO (Anchor) wholly-owned by the Rush health system. She was utterly amazing. I had to switch to Dr. F (who at the time was still with Anchor) when Dr. L retired with her husband to rural NC in 1988. Her obit stated she died in the NC hospital she founded (coming out of retirement the moment she got to NC) in 1998. Until I read it I had no idea just how amazing she was: she founded the Mile Square clinic in an African-American neighborhood on the W. Side; and was twice arrested at Greenpeace protests. She was the first doctor I had who told me to "eat like a cavewoman" and "avoid white stuff except for whole dairy, fish & cauliflower." Only took me 41 years to start following that advice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Grumpy Cat Good Morning Gif - Grumpy Cat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies.. nice to see u again Beaver and Celia you too.

    Key I dont think I met u before so welcome, personally I don't drink at all, just lubs the ladies. U' be surprised how much more we do than drink. Of course that's on the top of the list.

    Lori how is ur son doing??? My prayers have been with him.

    OK Kim back on the regular times now, so u get home like a normal person. And sadie must like this better, right.

    Boy Cyn that's a lot of people u can have at a gathering <if I'm membering right> but u can have loads of fun with that many, but yea keep it on the quiet side if u can.Ur pics remind me of a time were yea people protested but a lot nicer and just preached happiness and looked so free and happy. And now all the people look even happier and calm and filled with enjoyment and thats you. So I enjoy them so much. Am I saying it right, sometimes I get things so mixed up lately. It doesn't make sense.

    Jee I miss Jazzy. See how I jumped right in there, some type of Fraudein slip.

    I'll give it another week then I'll start making my app't for my tests. good thing they're written down cuz all I remember is blood tests. Only cuz that's the simplest to remember, they never turn out very good but not so bad that I have to worry. BTW u gals know I want a glass od wine every so often and still haven't had one but the other nite it was warm an I had such a taste of a beer, yea a beer again I didn't have one. I think it's the morphine that stops me yet I believe it really wouldn't hurt anything. I've known people who've done that in excess and nothing happens so why does it bother me so. Stupid.

    JC how's it going, u've made so many plans u have to share, pics and all. Won't take anything less. Miss traveling pants.

    I think today is Saturday so have a good day, I have to work hope it's not busy I get so lazy.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! It's going to be a lovely day here today. Sunny, low humidity, warm, bit of a breeze to keep the bugs down. Sadie and I got most of the To Do list done yesterday, but didn't get the reward part. Went to the store to get gardening stuff, there was a long line waiting to get in. So I skipped that, Imay try again today. This is only the second time I've encountered a line to get into a store, the first time was after work Wed when I went to pick up prescription refills.I've never really had to plan on shopping times before, just went when it was convenient. Funny, this bothers me more than a lot of other restrictions that have come down. On the up side, though, the Wednesday, Women and Wine group is getting together again next Wednesday! We're meeting at a member's home, going to enjoy the back yard fire pit along with wine and appetizers. And lots of gabbing. I am so looking forward to this! Sadie has been happily supervising the neighborhood and all my movements. She says Hi to everyone!

    Soapbox Warning:


    KeyWest--You prove my point. There is lots and lots of info out there about drinking and lack, of exercise and poor diet causing cancer, yet avoiding those things doesn't protect people, according to research. The JAMA reported on a study on diet and breast cancer recurrence a number of years back and found that the recurrence rate was no different for women who followed the recommended vegetable based (good) diet and the typical (bad) American diet. Nobody ever talks about THAT study.

    "Conclusion Among survivors of early stage breast cancer, adoption of a diet that was very high in vegetables, fruit, and fiber and low in fat did not reduce additional breast cancer events or mortality during a 7.3-year follow-up period."2007

    From <>

    Or about the one reported in theNew England Journal of Medicine:


    We found no evidence of a positive association between total dietary fat intake and the risk of breast cancer. There was no reduction in risk even among women whose energy intake from fat was less than 20 percent of total energy intake. In the context of the Western lifestyle, lowering the total intake of fat in midlife is unlikely to reduce the risk of breast cancer substantially. "1996

    From <>

    OK, getting off the soapbox now.

    Goldie--I don't know why gloomy days make us lazy, but they sure do! My rocker hasn't come yet, it should be coming any day now. Your porch swing is gorgeous! I've currently got one of these:

    Costway: Costway C Hanging Hammock Stand Cotton Macrame Swing ...

    Sorry to hear about the ongoing trouble with the meds. Just not right. Enjoy the camping trip before DH's surgery, and prayers for a good outcome and fast recovery.

    Minus--Good for You!Amarula cream is a new one onme, what's it like?Sounds intriguing.

    Beraver--Hello! I'm a wine gal myself, but I prefer whites and roses. Getting paid in wine must have been fun, and what a nice way to build a wine cellar!Here's to Quality of Life!

    CynCyn--gathering limit went from 10 to 50 on June 1st here in Maine, but I am with you and avoiding that large a group, and for the same reason. I was surprised how much it bothered me to see people without masks and not following the traffic flow arrows in the grocery store yesterday. I'm actually getting to be afraid to go grocery shopping! Time to start checking out curbside delivery for the stuff I can't get anywhere else, I guess. You could surprise Donese with a second doggo made from the dog hair, wouldn't that be fun?

    Celia--YES!!!!!!!!! AMEN SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amen Sister>

    Chi--Glad to hear the Dr, M's daughter didn't get the virus. So many things to think about when choosing a PCP these days. Dr. L sounds like she was quite the remarkable woman and doctor.

    Cammy Cat--I'm with you, I liked it better when protesting didn't involve violence. Having an occasional glass of beer or wine while taking morphine isn't a problem, particularly for someone who has been taking morphine regularly. Morphine and alcohol increase the effect of each other, so when someone first starts taking morphine or is going to be taking it for a short time they are advised not to drink with it. Just be aware that your alcohol tolerance will not be what it used to be while you are taking morphine, so go easy and go slow. But having a cold beer on a hot day won't kill you just because you are taking morphine.

    Sunshine Cocktail #1 Recipe>

    Sunshine Cocktail


    2 oz. white rum

    1/2 oz. French vermouth

    1 oz. pineapple juice

    1 dash grenadine


    Shake ingredients well with cracked ice, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Cami, I haven't heard from my son. I'm not concerned about him right now while he's in rehab. My concern is when he gets out! I kind of thought the same thing about having a drink with your meds, one wouldn't hurt.

    NM, that's a cute swing that you have. You encountered a line at a garden center? We have not had to wait in line to get in a store, except when getting there before they open.

    Not sure what I'm doing this weekend, probably just stuff around the house. Too darned hot to do much outside.

    Minus, Amarula sounds interesting. I tried to find what it tastes like and only found fruity basically.

    Have a great Saturday ladies!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited June 2020

    Amarula is my new favorite sipping drink. A friend on the Washington Penninsula introduced me to it with coffee on the side. I just pour a shot or two in a small glass & sip after dinner or before bedtime. It's not as 'thick' as Baileys. There is also an Amarula Vanilla Spice that I got by mistake last time. Both are very smooth & mellow. It's interesting to read about the elephants who walk miles to get the fruit when the trees are producing. Cost around $20-$25 per bottle. Below are some comments from the www. Note the health benefits!!!!

    Amarula is a cream liqueur from South Africa. It is made with sugar, cream and the fruit of the African marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea) which is also locally called the Elephant tree or the Marriage Tree. It has an alcohol content of 17% by volume.

    This creamy and citrusy liquor tastes great on the rocks or mixed in a cocktail drink. Some of the most popular drinks include Amarula with coffee, coconut or fruit cocktails, and an Amarula milkshake.

    Marula fruit is also rich in oleic acids and other antioxidants, the latter of which plays a role in the prevention of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. There are also multiple other benefits for the bones, skin and muscles that the fruit provides.

    image alt="Amarula Fruit Cream | Total Wine & More">

    the picture may or may not work.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2020

    Hi Cami - lurking today & saw you missed me. Love ya sister ❤️

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Nice to see you check in here, Cami & Jazzy!

    The electrical work is finally done, and done well. Now for the landscaper to come back and fill the trench!

    Happy's blood tests came back and his liver enzymes are still elevated. Vet says there are several ways to go forward, none of which are ideal. First would be a medication to boost liver function but would have to be taken on an empty stomach. But when his stomach is empty, that's when he gets hunger pangs and throws up clear fluid--so it's not likely he'd keep the medicine down. Second option is a combo of an ultrasound and liver biopsy. But the latter must be done under general anesthesia, which is a no-no with elevated liver enzymes (the reason he can't get dental work). Third option is to simply watch and monitor him, feed him smaller amounts more often so he is less likely to scarf down Heidi's kibble. That seems to be working--except he's sleeping a lot (quite often, preferring my lap). But his appetite is still robust, so much so that he runs into the kitchen when he senses I will be dishing out his & Heidi's food--and even climbs the cabinet meowing for me to feed him. And now he has conjunctivitis in one eye.

    Meanwhile, I've been having an ever-stiffening upper back and right side. Bob thinks (because I have no other symptoms or fever and my pulse ox is normal) that I either strained something in my sleep, while getting dressed, during my many trips bending dwon to the cat food dishes in the kitchen, or Happy pinning me in my recliner for an hour at a time. (Or the new high-waisted skinny jeans I broke in today). What has me worried, though, is that when I got my hair done 9 days ago, my stylist said his rib hurt and he thinks it was from straining on the toilet. He said his back was beginning to hurt too. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but....ladies, please stay shaggy awhile longer. Wish I had.

    DOTD with leftover salmon Caesar was Bon Ami brut rosé (Vin de Pays d'Oc--SW France). A WF deal of the day Bob picked up.

    Been extremely cold here for June--barely made it up to 60 today and not much warmer tomorrow. (Hence the skinny jeans instead of shorts).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    100+ Beautiful Good Morning Gifs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Lori ur swing is perfect for your garden. It's like ole' western. That looks like a great place to relax. And I think u need some of that. BTW ur pics on FB look great I especially like the one with ur DH.

    Wow Minus u should sell that drink. It sounds so good I don't know why I never heard of it. The alcohol content is low, I think I'm right and I enjoy Bailey's and it has the sound of that so I think I would enjoy that in my coffee.

    OK Kim u need a new swing, one that u and sadie can share with her comfort in mind. So put that on ur list. The only thing I would do tho is have a cushion on it for my comfort.

    Well Dara is coming along, but I think in a lot of pain, which I hate for her. But each day gets better. Well that's what she says.

    Sandy it's easier to worry about things happening to us as we get older, but I'm sure Bob has ur interests well taken care of. For years nothing bothered me even cancer, but now I have more fear. My girls were here yesterday and I asked them for their opinion <which I never do> about a couple of lumps I was feeling, well after they both felt them they started LOL at me. Here I was wondering and they both said those are ur bones, I never felt them before I guess, but again things bother me differently now, even my bones.Being married to a Dr. u have a huge advantage. Now unless u think ur in an Alfred Hitchcock movie just talk with him, u'll feel better.When I was younger I always wanted a Dr. in our family, instead we were loaded with lawyers. Now if I was a criminal that would help, but at least I never paid for a divorce.

    Well Sunday morning see I got this day straight for once in a while and I wish a good day for everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday was a very nice, if slightly cool day. Got some mowing done, got some inside stuff done, got some lounging around done, got some laundry done, overall, a very well balanced day. I've got an experiment going, making rhubarb cordial. Currently in the soaking cut up rhubarb in vodka stage, shaking the bottle up a few times a day to get the sugar dissolved, now will be shaking it up once or twice a day until the rhubarb turns white and the vodka turns rosy peachy pink or for 1 month, whichever comes first, then taste, add simple syrup if needed, and bottle.Sadie was quite happy, got to supervise me doing stuff and got to plop in the pool to cool off when she wanted to. For a little bit she alternated between sitting in the pool and basking in the sun. Probably more of the same for today, then back to work tomorrow. I have slept better the last few nights, so I think my body is adjusting back to day time working hours.

    Goldie--the I ran into was at the local Walmart, which has the mulch and inexpensive hosta that I want in their garden center. This was only the second time I've encountered a line to get into a store, and I guess it surprised me. For some reason that bothers me more than just about anything else going on, not sure why. Maybe it's the timing. I am getting so tire of all this COVID stuff and yet have to stay really vigilant. It wears on a person after a while.

    Minus--Amarula sounds wonderful!I'm going to have to look for that.Probably will have to order it online. Where do you get yours?

    Jazzy--enjoying your tech holiday?

    Chi--I'm glad to hear that Happy is still acting like a Happy Cat. The liver thing is worrying, though. Could the sleeping more just be age related? Sadie sleeps quite a bit more than she did as a younger doggo. It sounds like there is a lot of reasons for some muscle stiffening other than COVID, I'm praying it's from something mundane like one of the items you listed.

    Cammy Cat--Sadie may not be able to get into that swing with me, but she can sure push me around while I'm in it! That swing isn't terribly comfortable, and is very hard to get into and out of, so that was part of my reason for finally ordering the porch rocker that I have wanted for a long time. I will be getting or making cushions for the rocker.The next item on the list for the deck is a lounger so I can join Sadie in basking in the sun, and I'm sure Sadie will make that her spot, especially after I get cushions for that one! This is the rocker I have coming:


    Sittin' on the Porch Cocktail



    • Fill a glass with ice, add the ingredients & stir to mix, drop the squeezed lime wedge in to serve.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Sandy, hopefully you are just being paranoid. I would love to get my hair done, but I can manage for now. Not taking any chances!

    Cami, you are probably feeling all those bones due to your weight loss! LOL at not paying for any divorces!

    NM, rhubarb cordial, how interesting. Your body should be about back to normal, not sure I could have done that, but you are done. When we went to see DH ortho, we were gonna run into Wal Mart in that city, but they were lined up outside, and it was in the middle of the day, we just kept going. We have adirondak furniture in the Shady Lady. Sometimes a little hard to get out of!

    Just to set things straight, that is NOT my swing. I wish it were! I had one like that when I lived in Michigan. And it's not that green here in AZ! Well, if I can get my meds this week, we are gonna head to Moab for some camping enjoyment. We want to get out there before DH has his surgery.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    Not getting my hair trimmed anytime soon. Will keep letting it grow and self-trim bangs as needed. It is approaching the length shown in the picture below, which was approx. 40 years ago (Hotel California, La Rive Gauche, Paris).


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Celia, "such a lovely place, such a lovely face!" Was that bottle of wine on the table "pink Champagne on ice?"

    Cami, I had a mouthful of coffee when I read your quip that at least you never had to pay for a divorce! Barely managed to swallow it rather than do a Danny Thomas spit-take all over my keyboard.

    Happy has been a "perma-kitten" for so long that it's hard for me to acknowledge that at nearly 13 (in a couple of weeks) he is a "senior" cat. Especially since his older "sister" is 15 and still feisty. But when he awakes and senses there's "food around the corner," he streaks down the stairs and into the kitchen. I will talk to the vet tomorrow and see if she can give me some antibiotic ointment to put in his eye (I've been trying to get him to hold still while I give him his lubricating eyedrops--"iDrop," formulated for cats). Still haven't been able to get a stool sample from him during hours when the vet is open.

    My back hasn't gotten any worse, thank goodness. But I still sent my stylist an e-mail innocently asking how he's doing. (He saw a chiro last Sat. who told him he probably had a rib fracture, and as of Tues. he said he was feeling a bit better).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited June 2020

    NM - I get my Amarula at Total Wine but Specs here also carries it. In WA, I think my friends went to BevMo.

    Cami - I have too many lawyers in the family too!!! I had to laugh that you were feeling bones.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to work for my new short week. Listening to the news saying May was the warmest month on record world wide, and wondering where all that warm was!WE had a few really warm days here, but still needing sweaters/long sleeves most days. It is supposed to get into the 90's later this week here. Seems we either have very hot and humid moments or chilly, damp moments and not much in between. Ah well, it will come, right? Sadie says Woof to everyone.

    Goldie--yes, the adirondak chairs can be hard to get out of, but they are sooooo comfortable while in them and that makes the difference!

    Celia--what a pretty pic!

    Chi--love the idea of a "perma-kitten"! And glad your back isn't any worse.

    Minus--thanks for the leads, will look for websites for those places.

    Monday Cocktail


    1 1/2 oz whiskey

    1/2 oz brandy

    1/2 oz blueberry brandy

    1/2 oz lemon juice

    1 tsp sugar


    Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning GIFs. 140 Beautiful Animated Pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    This time thing has me so mixed up. I didn't realize the kids would have been out of school by now and Jodie still hasn't gone back to work. She said they are not even giving an estimate for when it will be, but she feels like she's working harder at home with her job. She's working her regular hrs. I don't know how it all happens. They're a big firm downtown Chicago an loads of people that work there. They had to come and set so many things up from her home, it's crazy.

    Kim I never had a chair like that but it doesn't look comfortable to me, but most people say it is. But u know so I'm sure ur looking forward to it.

    And Lori I thought that was ur swing, cuz it looks perfect for ur garden.

    Jeez it has been quiet around here tho, even the neighborhood. Usually they have something going on but it was nothing. Except for my phone, especially now.

    I guess my job is calling me away, I'll check back latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Me again,

    Celia that picture is absolutely beautiful.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited June 2020

    NM - google shows that Maine Spirits carries Amarula. As does Bow Street Beverage.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Had scans today. All good! No new disease and no progression. Three more months of no chemo for my good results. I had some minor scan anxiety, but will take care of that tonight with some chilled Pinot Grigio. Thanks for everyone being supportive while I have gone through this.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    JCS, hooray for stable scans! I'll see your Pinot Grigio and raise you a brut rosé. (Or maybe lime seltzer in a champagne flute). DOTD thus far is an almondmilk breve latte.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited June 2020

    Congrats 🎉Librarian!