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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! My butt is dragging a bit this ayem, was up during the night with a headache, still have some remnants even after a dose of tylenol and sleeping the rest of the night in the recliner where I could finally find a comfortable position. Not sure what brought this on, haven't been doing any more computer work than usual, no more stress than usual, no unusual physical activity. Maybe I'm a bit dehydrated, I'll work on that today and see if that helps. I must have been tossing and turning a lot early on last night, when I got up to move to the recliner she was asleep in the closet. She had tipped over the basked of dirty clothes and made a bed out of them. She looked pretty comfortable!

    Cammy Cat--It is hard to keep track of things nowadays, isn't it? Thank goodness for calendars and being able to cross of days, or I wouldn't be able to keep track.Working from home must be hard for some people. My cousin has been working from home since March, and won't be going back to the office until at least October. Her employer sent stuff and helped her set up a home office in her spare bedroom. Adirondak style chairs do not look comfortable, it's true, but they are surprisingly comfy, if a bit hard to get out of. I'm still waiting for my rocker to be delivered.

    Minus--thanks, I'll check them out!


    "Congratulations" Cocktail


    1 1/2 oz. Vodka

    1 1/2 oz. Rum

    1 1/2 oz. Tequila

    1 1/2 oz. Gin

    1 1/2 oz. Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz. Melon Liqueur

    18 oz. Lemonade

    Bud Light Tall Can

    Lime Slices

    Lemon Slices

    Melon Balls

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Celia, what a beautiful young lady you were. Now how about a recent picture?

    NM, hopefully your body has recovered from the crazy shifts you were working. Oh, bummer on the headache! I do hope it goes away. Will be miserable to have to work with a headache. And Sadie made her own bed to sleep in!

    Cami, thank you for the update on our Wacko. I'm sure she is in lots of pain. I mean she was cut from hip to hip. What does Jodie do? I wish I still had a swing like that!

    JCS, great news on your scans. Of course you had scanxiety, who doesn't???? And may you have the same results next time.

    Hi BabyGirl, how you doing?

    It was a busy day yesterday, so busy that we didn't even get all the orders out! We are leaving Friday to go camping. We will be in an area that has no phone or internet service. We will be gone for 7/8 days.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    Hello, ladies. Thanks for the kind comments in re: Paris photo. The photo shows my natural reddish hair color, now a natural silvery white. Sandy - Wish it had been pink champagne on ice, but just an ordinary vin rouge. Goldie - Needless to say, not as photogenic today as then. Someday, will get a decent recent photo that I am not embarrassed to post.

    JCS - Cheers to you for good scans.

    Minus - Thanks for the tip on the Amarula - sounds like something I would like. It is available here, $23.99 a bottle. Will pick up next time I replenish other liquers/wines.

    illimae - Hope you are still on the mend. Healing thoughts coming your way.

    OK, it's 5 o'clock here, so you know what that means!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Celia, no pink champagne on ice, but were there mirrors on the ceiling? (LOL). Bob brought home a Costco chicken and a bottle of pre-mixed margaritas. We have some regular and brut bubbly rosé in the fridge, so those'll be DOTD. (Think I'll stick with the wine, though).

    My hairdresser's rib still hurts a lot--he says it came on 2-1/2 weeks ago. I called him today, and he says he doesn't have fever and he's not short of breath but does have a "smoker's cough," which he claims he's had for a few years. He also says there's a lump on his back. I told him to see a doctor but he has neither insurance nor a car. (He should apply for Medicaid until his income returns to previous levels). I told Bob, and he says that a cracked rib--even a spontaneous fracture (e.g, from the stress of straining or coughing, especially in someone with osteoporosis)--can take up to 2 months to heal. But Bob is also concerned that the lump might be lung cancer.

    Our state's A.G. tested positive after having "mild" symptoms. He is isolating. Unfortunately, our Gov. has to go back into isolation too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!I am so looking forward to the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together this evening. I so need some socialization and something other than work and COVID to think about. It's going to be a wonderful day for an outside get together. The weather guesser is actually talking about the possibility of a heat wave over the weekend. Hmm, maybe time to check out the local pond and see what the water temp is this weekend. Sadie will like that even if I don't go swimming just yet!

    Goldie--I think the body has recovered pretty well. The headache went away completely by mid-morning, I think it may have been a caffeine withdrawal headache, the last vestiges disappeared after a mid-morning treat of a soda with caffeine, either that or it was a low blood sugar headacheand the sugar fixed it. Sadie did the same thing, making her own bed in the closet last night, but during the night she came and climbed in bed with me, so she missed the cuddles, too! Have a good camping trip!

    Celia--I wish my hair would go silvery white. Or just plain white. The dirty blonde/gray is just not as striking as silvery or white.

    Minus--I just looked up Maine Spirits, there's a place that carries Amarula not too far from where I live, I may have to do a road trip soon!

    Chi--rib fractures do take a long time to heal, and hurt the entire time from what I've observed. The hairdresser's lump is worrisome, though. I'm having a hard time feeling bad for the Gov who has to go back into isolation, I'm still living that way and have been since March, to protect my facility residents. At least he got a break! I am so tired of having to plan out every trip outside of the drive from work to home to minimize my exposure, and especially now that things are starting to open up and so few people are wearing face coverings. Something I need to learn to get over, I guess.

    Silver Breeze

    Silver Breeze


    1.5 oz

    Patrón Silver

    1 oz

    Grapefruit juice

    1 oz

    Cranberry juice

    1 oz



    Lemon wedge for garnish


    1. Combine Patrón Silver, grapefruit juice, cranberry juice and lemonade in an ice-filled rocks glass.
    2. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Good morning handsome ❤️❤️❤️❤️ | Cute cats, Cute cat gif ...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Celia, you must have a good picture of yourself somewhere! But I hear ya, I won't post a picture of me unless it's near perfect!

    NM, I'm happy you are able to have your wine/woman get together. I'm looking forward to camping. A little anxious, but we will still be careful. I hope you and Sadie make it to the pond. I'm sure she will go swimming regardless if you go or not.

    My maternal grandmother had white hair, by on my moms side its a dark gray, which I think is probably what I have. I keep my hair colored to about what it was naturally. DH gets the stitches out of his noggin today, you can't even see them! So I'm afraid they will have to do some digging! I finally got my medicine sent, so I need to go for those injections. Time for groceries as well, besides there are things we need to take camping.

    ChEeRZ mA DEaRz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    CONGRATULATIONS LC on ur scans, that's always great news. And waiting is crap, so now ur done with that. So what's next on ur agenda. It's gotta be something.

    Illi I see u pooped in, but didn't say how ur doing. Hope things are looking up for u, finally.

    Kim glad that headache didn't get the best of you. U very seldom have them. Maybe it was just getting urself back to normal. I see Sadie took care of herself on ur clothes, what a crack up she is.And I always enjoy how u name the DOTD's, ur min is always going. With what u do it's no wonder it's taking a toll on u with watching urself so closely. That's tiring in itself just to plan when u can go to the store, let alone everything else.

    Lori u'll be gone 7, 8 days that's a long time for me if u can't have a puter. But I know u enjoy urself so I'm glad ur going. Oh Jodie is a legal assistant to a partner in a firm downtown She started with her boss about 20 yrs ago at a different smaller firm, but when he was offered this he wanted to take her with, now he's a partner and she just stayed with him.She does have more to do like event planning for instance where partners go with, BUT FF never goes, she'd rather not have him there. I don't blame her but that's got to tell u something right there.She does real estate, sounds boring to me, but not to her.

    BTW Celia ur pic. looks like something that is hanging in a museum, it has such charm.And ur hair looks beautiful. OK maybe it's not the same now, but I'm sure all ur charm is still there.

    Marty's been working with his 2 broken ribs, he is tough but I can tell he's hurting by the end of the day and yep his dr. did say anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Poor guy. I sure miss Nicky, he would have been here mask and all making us all LOL with Marty's bones.Oh we're still LOL but not as much as we would with Nick.

    OK for now I'll check back later. He Jazzy, Teka our lurkers.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    With leftover roast chicken I'll chill some more rosé--or maybe crack a Pinot Noir. I have all the fixings for that Silver Breeze cocktail, so I'll make it for Bob when he gets home. (Not even as a mocktail for me, as grapefruit juice is a no-no with both letrozole and olmesartan).

    My little escape today was to the state emissions-test station in Skokie (passed), where I then bought my license plate tab and put it on my car--street-legal again. So now that's one less thing to worry about.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2020

    Kicked over the traces tonight and had a second glass of wine--2010 Cass winery Cabernet Sauvignon. Opened to have with a layered enchilada casserole, enjoyed with dark chocolate and decided to have it with some more chocolate for dessert!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Cami, you laugh when I say Wacko, I laugh when you say FF. Gosh, does anyone in your family know you call him that???

    Leaving early tomorrow morning. I have tons to do today. Anxious to get away but it also seems a tad scary!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had such a great time last evening with the Wednesday, Women and Wine gals. We didn't got to a restaurant or bar like we usually do, we met at one of the member's house, sat and visited in the back yard around the fire pit. 7 of us ladies and 3 dogs. It was sooooo nice to see people with real faces, to talk about stuff other than COVID (although there was some talk about that, too, of course, it's been a major impact on all of our lives), to sit outside and bask in the sun until it went down (the temp was just perfect), and gab and gossip. Apparently I haven't been drinking as much lately, my first glass of wine went straight to my head! Not to worry, we met at 5:30, I had 3 glasses between then and about 7, and didn't leave for home until around 9.I cannot believe how much better I feel emotionally this morning, and how well I slept last night. We've got next month's get together set up at another member's home, we'll be visiting in her rose garden. August's meeting will be at yet another members home, on the porch. None of us are ready to go back to restaurants or bars just yet. We want to wait and see how things play out.We're a funny mix, about half are school teachers, and about half are nurses, with a smattering of a Real Estate agent, a Physical Therapy Program Director, a fund raiser working for the same university as the PT program director and who used to do Search and Rescue with her dog, who she brought with her. The homeowner member has 2 dogs, an older pug and a 7 month old Jamaican Rescue mix. Sadie had a grand time sniffing me all over when I got home last night!

    Cammy Cat--I'm glad the headache went away, too.Many years ago I did get migraines, and I was a little afraid that headache was going to try to become a migraine, and very thankful it didn't.I really think it was a combination of dehydration, not enough caffeine, and readjusting to a normal schedule. I'm going to pay more attention to getting enough water going forward. I suspect Sadie will go swimming and I probably will too, if it really gets as hot as they say this weekend. Poor Marty, he must be feeling pretty miserable.

    Goldie--I would think camping is going to be a quite safe activity. Mostly outside, easy to maintain social distancing, no need to go anywhere crowded. I think we all need some kind of break from all the COVID stuff. Glad you can finally get your medicine, that must be a worry off your mind. Have a good time!

    Chi--It must be nice to be street legal again! Isn't it amazing how little routine errands have become little escapes?

    Beaver--ah, wine and chocolate after a good meal, what luxury!

    Camping Sangria

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Oh Lori u always take beautiful pics cu ur beautiful, so no excuses. Well u should know today right about going camping. U REALLY seem like u need it so I hope all plans are set to go.

    Before it was mostly just Sandy, now Beaver ur making me hungry too. Except when I look to find something to eat nothing in my house looks so good. Last nite I had jello and I srill didn't feel well, no just my stomach, But when I read what ur having YUMMY, yet all I want is jello at the time. LOL..

    Sandy do u know of any of the restaurants that were fine by not opening correctly, they were mostly near north Chicago, well all they did was not seat people at proper distance I think But I saw a lot of people out eating on the news. It was likened to letting out the zoo and everyone came to the tables. The weather was nice so I can understand it.

    Dan stopped by yesterday, I got so excited just seeing him. It was just for a couple of minutes but I haven't seen him in so long.

    Leslie and Marty met with the lawyers for her breast case yesterday for the first time, not downtown tho, they asked her where it would be more convenient for her in one of their other offices so she went there, so they were gone for a while. So Joey helped me with my shower, oh it was fine he closes his eyes when I tell him and now he''s strong enough so I just grab onto him and I'm in a robe getting in and out so it's proper, as he says I did that for him, now it's his turn. His friends came over and he made dinner for them. He asked permission first, hahaha I'm fine with all that. It was his friend and his sister so they spent time here until my kids came home.I know I talk about him so much but he's so caring and considerate to me, I can't help it.And I can't wait til he gets his license so he can take me a couple of places <we already made a deal> I don't know why but u can turn 16 now and wait for a couple of months, wasn't a rule when I worked there at all.

    See for me that was a full day, besides work. Weather is supposed to be warm and now it'll be time to figure out when to go swimming, I really can't wait.

    I'll peruse later and maybe hop in.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2020

    Youngster rabbit up to no good


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Just poopin in here. JAZZY u couldn't stay away. LOL.

    Teka I don't remember u telling us u were taking a break, MY POINT Jazzy told us so I don't worry about her, but after like 2 weeks I think I hope everything is going OK with Teka, We all seem to have a rhythm. So Lori tells us,and I didn't see Kim today <I don't think> so she'd better be here tomorrow. Sandy usually comes on at night and during the day it varies. Boy do I have time on my hands. I just want everyone to be all right.And then I was thinking, well I know where u live <not the house> but ur area, again which I know nothing about, do u have an accent. OK I know u wouldn't have one to you but would u have one to me.

    OK I think I'm tired now, so I'm going to go to sleep, well try to anyway.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Breast Cancer Topic: how about drinking?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin' ladies

    Well I see no one has been around lately WTF is going on 2 people take a break and they're the only ones that stopped by. Am I being blocked or something??? Just remember and never forget one ay u'll be asked who was the most boring person u ever knew in ur life an that's where I come in for all of ur memories, and u'll miss me. Cuz there are a lot of boring people but I could win an award for that and I do know that.. And u'll all wonder who is she boring now mostly on a daily basis.

    I will check back yjo, just in case.

    LUBS U ALL still

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Sadie and I had a totally lazy day yesterday. Once it got really warm I just lounged on the deck until I started to burn and then inside with the fans going. Going to be another warm day today, but the humidity is going to go up, so I may have to turn on the AC in the bedroom tonite. Last nite Sadie and I slept in the living room withthe fan going. Weather has switched from below average to above average. Summer has moved in! Got errands to run this afternoon and a CPR class this evening, so I will be busy today. But then I have a 3 day weekend, cuz I'm working longer days Tues and Friday for inservices at work. Things are getting back to normal with that part of work, despite the ongoing COVID stuff. Sadie has been loving her pool, it's funny to watch her walk over to the pool, very deliberately step in, and then flop down with asplash!

    Cammy Cat--If you are craving Jello you might be a little dehydrated.Jello counts as fluids. You may want to try to get a little more fluid (water, juice, tea, ice cream, popsicles, soda). I love hearing about you and Joey. He is becoming such a considerate and helpful young man. I had a bit of a giggle at the comment about being in a robe so it's "proper". So many people don't seem to care about dignity these days.

    Teka--Love the ruffled feathers meme!

    Jazzy--cute lil guy!

    Cammy Cat--I'm here, I'm just running a little late yesterday and today.

    The Late Night Reviver cocktail

    The Late Night Reviver


    0.75ozGinger Syrup


    Mix together:

    ½ oz lime juice

    ¾ oz Ginger Syrup

    ½ oz Fernet Branca

    1 ½ oz gin (Beefeater)

    Shake all ingredients and serve over ice. Garnish with candied ginger.

    Ginger Syrup recipe:

    1 litre juiced ginger, room temperature

    1 ¼ pound granulated sugar

    Stir together the ingredients. "You have to stir a long time but it makes a delicious sweet ginger syrup with lots of heat."

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    I am going out to lunch today with a friend from work. We will eat at an outdoor restaurant with plenty of social distancing. After that, I need to get a Father’s Day card and a few odds and ends. It is warm here, but itwill be fun to be in and out. I will have my mask and sanitizer!!

    I am planning a weekend in the mountains with my friends. We will drive to the cabin and stay there. I do not think there will be any problems. Covid cases are going up here. My MO said it would be fine as long as we take sensible precautions. I am excited about going somewhere and seeing my friends.

    I cannot get the card group to think about getting together. One of them is in the hospital with pneumonia, but not Covid19. It can be difficult in the summer, but the virus makes everyone nervous.

    Anyway, checking in Cami! I am almost finished with the cross stitch project. It looks nice. Once I get it framed, maybe I will post a picture. Time to get busy. Take care and find a way to have fun!!!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    I was away from the "pewl" yesterday because I was watching law videos. 18+ hrs. down, <12 to go by the 30th. I got this!

    Cami, the frustrating thing is that the city won't reveal the names of the businesses (especially restaurants) that were fined for violating reopening guidelines. Bars' (even those that don't sell food) outdoor seating opened Wednesday; a week from today, restaurants in the city will be allowed to have indoor dining at 25% capacity, with all the usual restrictions. (Some suburbs will be allowed to open indoors at 50%). But that's where I draw the line risk-wise: outdoor dining is as far as I'm willing to take it. I still do almost all my grocery shopping online, no matter how pricey (the worker gets a tip).

    Last night we went to Cellars. There was a delightful lake breeze, and it was in the low 70s. My DOTD was cava. Tonight we're going to The Barn steakhouse in Evanston, and I'm going to have a flute of CA bubbly with my app. Their online wine menu mentions "Coravin" wines, not just the by-the-glass list. I think they just bring the bottle with the Coravin attached to it. I'm wondering how much the actual bottle is (after they remove the contraption), because I don't want to risk 2 full glasses and drive--and I have a Coravin at home.

    I might hunt up a strawberry patch and go pickin' tomorrow, rain be da**ed.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2020

    Here in south central Texas, restaurants have been partially open long enough that several have had to close for sanitizing after employee(s) tested positive. Now I'm not comfortable ordering out, especially with the spikes in positive tests in the area!

    Had reruns of the enchilada casserole tonight but not of the two glasses of wine. I had forgotten how much my tolerance for alcohol has changed since being on Tamoxifen. Ended up with a semi sleepless night and a draggy next day. Perhaps I'll remember better now?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    At The Barn tonight with Bob, Gordy, & Leslie. DsOTD: with appetizer, Gruet Brut Rosé. With steak, 2013 Brassfield Pinot Noir (Lake County, CA).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Another hot and humid day shaping up here. I had a small CPR class last evening, a couple of nurses I used to work with at the old Hospice job, now working for a different Hospice agency. The old office is still losing nurses and staff at a steady rate, I gathered, and is going downhill pretty steadily, too. The new agency is growing steadily. Their office space is beautiful. It was great catching up with some old friends and colleagues.Silly Sadie is still in bed asleep this ayem, in the bedroom where the AC is on, on the clothes again. I spoke to her when I got up, she opened her eyes, looked at me and did the little tip of the tail wag that says "I know you are there and talking to me, but I am too comfy to get up right now. Luv you anyway." Silly doggo.

    Librarian--I bet the lunch out with your friend was wonderful! How many friends are going to the mountain cabin? That sounds like fun, too. It's going to be hard getting some groups back together again, I think. I hope the card group will be able to eventually. It's still pretty scary.I would love to see a pic of the cross stitch project!

    Chi--I would think that the businesses being fined by the city would be public info, just like all health inspections for businesses are.

    Beaver--What I really wish would be happening is for the symptom status of people in businesses testing positive to be reported, too. It's looking more and more like the most contagious period is when symptoms start. If businesses are testing everyone, and the people testing positive are without symptoms at the time, risk of spread is less than if testing is done because of symptoms being present. At least, that is how the research is looking to me. Probably not enough difference to matter either way, though. I do think the closing for deep cleaning will be helpful in the long run, and not just for COVID but for a lot of other things, too.The state CDC and Emergency Management Office closed down for deep cleaning when a number of employees called in sick with respiratory symptoms, they all tested negative and during cleaning found the source of the infections in the air conditioning system.

    The Sleeping Beauty Cocktail


    2 oz. Kinky Pink Liqueur

    2 oz. Vodka

    1 oz. Lemon Lime Soda

    3 oz. (90ml) Hpnotiq


    1. In a shaker with ice, pour Hpnotiq and shake well to chill. Pour into a martini glass.
    2. Rinse the shaker and pour in Kinky pink liqueur, vodka, lemon lime soda and ice. Stir.
    3. Layer pink layer over blue layer, carefully.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Looks like we aren't going to get a heat wave after all, today would be day 3 over 90 degrees and it's only supposed to get into the mid 80's. I should have turned the AC on in the house yesterday, Sadie and I got nothing done all day again, just too hot and sticky. Probably should have gone to the pond, but just didn't have the energy. A couple of really nice thunderstorms came through yesterday evening, though, so the humidity has cleared out a bit. Funny, got some VERY loud thunder and gusts of wind but no rain. I did tun the AC in the bedroom last night and the night before, so I slept well. Didn't get up until almost 8 ayem today! Looks like everyone is sleeping in or busy with things this weekend.

    Thunder | Cocktail Recipe | SAQ.COM>

    Thunder recipe

    1 1/2 oz brandy
    1 tsp powdered sugar
    1 pinch cayenne peppers
    1 egg yolk

    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    73 Good Morning Wishes for Cat Lovers

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Good morning, all! Getting hot here again, but no storms yet. My DIL called Friday and told me she had gotten a Covid19 test. She has issues with her sinuses as well as asthma and had been feeling poorly. We are postponing Father’s Day until Tuesday when she will know the results. I am pretty sure she is fine, but will err on the side of caution. My friend in the hospital does not have Covid19. The doctor said double pneumonia. She is responding to the medications. I am taking my temperature daily as a way to “test myself”. If the temp ramps up, I will get a test.
    Hope everyone has a great Father’s Day celebrating their Dads

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Glad u gals checked in.

    Oh JC I'm glad u r finally getting to go on ur mountain trip with ur friends. U've waited long enough. U sound so happy. And BTW after u frame ur project it is ur duty to send us a picture.

    Kim Sadie could be a one dog show, she's such a howl. I LOL at everything she does. I still can't figure out ur schedule but sounds to me like u maybe are putting a couple of extra hrs. in. But far be it from me to mention that. U do love what ur doing tho and anyone who u help knows that.

    Sandy ur really being adventurous, I know tho u r being cautious, which is what counts. Did I miss something why ur listening to this law thing. <I don't member what it was>, or just for you. U always seem to make me hungry. I would think Kim is right about letting the public know who might be contagious, well maybe it's better we don't know. This is still so scary to me way to much not known.

    It is so nice to hear that things are opening up tho. JC u r so so ready for this.

    Oh I just got a call from Jodie and she's coming by this morning but bringing one of her cousins along. She surprised her this weekend with her trip from aroun Washington DC. I'm so excited now she has always been another of my favs. I have a few LOL She was supposed to be surprising me too, but Jodie thought I' faint or something, but Les doesn't know. She's an attorney that is some sort of named person for FEMA <is that that right word> well one of those things so she works for the most part out of DC and travels to crazy countries, but hasn't lately

    OK I've got to do something with my appearance, that's take hours.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Cami, all attorneys in IL have to certify every two years that they have taken 30 hours of mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) courses--either in person or online--by June 30 of the reporting year. Surnames A-M have to report in even-numbered years, N-Z in odd-numbered years. What's confusing, though, is that we have till July 31 to report; and this year due to the pandemic, till July 31 to request an extension till Oct. if we were unable to complete the 30 hours by June 30. Confused yet? I took an extra course after midnight on July 1, 2018, hoping to carry it over--but because the CLE website was in the Pacific time zone the date on the Certificate of Completion was June 30. D'OH! Anyway, there are several online agencies (e.g., IICLE, Lawline, Apex) offering courses--but I've found Apex to be the least expensive and IL-specific. (Lawline has too many presenters in NYC and NJ, which is sometimes irrelevant; and costs twice as much. IICLE is the priciest, but offers live real-time courses individually during the year--but no longer in-person).

    Went to Cellars for outdoor brunch today--DOTD was a rosé Cava.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    What A Beautiful Day What A Beautiful Morning Cat Playing Piano ...