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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    WOW talk about quiet. U must all be opening up to be in public again. Well around here the weather was at least good, hmmm a little to warm for me, sat out for a while but the sun was way to hot beaming for me.

    Thanks Sandy, of course I never knew this...none of my lawyers never told me cuz we never talk about that stuff. But it does make sense.

    My visit was great yesterday. She surprised Jodie for her BD coming in so that was wonderful. That was so thoughtful, once she really became an adult she started going on trips with Jodie and Nicky and over the yrs. they did get close. So she thought without Nicky here she would fly in and be with Jodie. Oh she's up for a job in the white house, of course that takes forever to figure out for them. so she's not holding her breath, but Joey got an invite to the inauguration this year. <so many kids from different states get them> so she's already planning that trip for him LOL and Les and Joe can stay with her. It hasn't been cancelled yet so we'll see.

    We did order out yesterday and that was nice and ,very good. It was Italian. we almost always end up Italian, oh well but all in all it was a nice day.

    Okey Dokey see ya latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Pin on CLASSICSWas going to put this up yesterday but I forgot, I figured the name said it all for all the fathers, well most I'm sure.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! I have today off, going in early tomorrow and Friday ayem for inservices, so I get an extra weekend day today. Yeah! I did get up close to normal time, though, so it won't be so hard tomorrow ayem. Sadie and I had a nice day yesterday, got some stuff done around the house under Sadie's expert supervision. Got to park on the deck for while, too. Still waiting for the deck rocker to be delivered, got to look into that today and see where it is. I did get one surprise yesterday.A garbage can had gotten pushed back under the kitchen table, I thought it was mostly empty. I finally got around to pulling it out yesterday, opened it up to check the contents, and found a hornet's nest! Not a very big one, but still! Well, that's been cleaned off, the can cleaned out and put back in to service. Probably explains why I've seen more hornets in the house than usual recently!



    Cammy Cat--Hey, Lady, when I do silly work hours things I'll own up to it, but right now I am NOT doing funny work hour things! Last week I worked less than 28 hours. I did do a private CPR class, which took about an hour and earned me $50 plus a chance to catch up with some old colleagues. Yes, the hours this week will not be the regular Mon-Tue-Wed, but will still be only 24 hours, just on different days.So quit picking onme!What fun to have a surprise visitor! Do have a good time with each other!

    Librarian--praying your DIL's test is negative. It's hard to keep in mind sometimes that there are all the usual illnesses still going on during all this. Good idea to postpone Father's Day celebrating, though. Glad your friend is free from COVID, too. Keep taking care of yourself.

    Chi--ah, continuing education! I'm glad Maine doesn't require continuing ed to renew nursing licenses like many states do. Until recently it's been really hard to get any significant amount of continuing education without a lot of cost or travel, particularly at 0.25 to 0.50 hours at a time.

    image alt="VISITOR DRINK RECIPE - HOW TO MIX - YouTube">



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Kim, "more hornets IN THE HOUSE than usual?" OMG!!! I freak out when I see a bee or wasp inside once or twice a year! I guess there are upsides to urban living after all (even if the best of the upsides are unavailable during a pandemic).

    Very strong downpours today, but the new garage power line is holding up like a champ. Bought my first gas since March 13--and I still had half of that tank left!

    DOTD was a breve cappuccino when I got home from the ENT (she's finally seeing patients again). She confirmed that there is nothing wrong with my ears per se, my blood pressure, nor my carotid artery; but that because I have some mild-to-moderate high-frequency hearing loss on the same side as the pulsatile tinnitus, the cause could be sensorineural. So I have to get an MRI of my brain to see if there's anything impinging on my auditory nerve (it seems to get worse when I'm lying down). If the MRI turns out normal, then the next step is to see a neuro-ophthalmologist, who can peer past my optic nerve to check for excess or leaking cerebrospinal fluid. If that comes up empty too, then ear training and possibly a sleep study (to determine if I'm unknowingly grinding my teeth despite wearing a retainer) is the last resort. But I doubt bruxism is the issue, because sometimes if I'm up very late I can hear and feel the "rrhn-rhhn-rhhhn." It hasn't been too bad lately, because I've added CBN to my bedtime CBD and Xanax. (She is on board with that).

    (Dined alone tonight--Bob ate at the office--so no wine). Might have some seltzer, though.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Just a quick poop in before heading in for work this ayem. Listening to the news, bars were going to be able to open July 1st for indoor service now going to be delayed due to the spikes in COVID cases in other states traced back tothat setting in other states. Makes sense to me, bars are areas of close contact and people don't wear masks while drinking.That and the spikes being traced back to riots and large protest gatherings really paints the picture for the need for face coverings. Oh well, people will do what they want no matter what. Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Chi--yeah, I keep the kitchen door open with a hanging screen door so Sadie can go in and out as she pleases during the summer. The hanging screen door does a pretty good job of keeping out the skeeters, black flies and other bugs, but a few get through. I don't mind all that much, have to deal with the bugs when outside anyway, and a small price to pay to give Sadie the freedom to come and go, especially while I'm at work. Glad to hear the ENT was able to see you and it sounds like good news so far.


    Green Hornet


    Ingredient Checklist

    • ¾ fluid ounce whiskey
    • ¾ fluid ounce vodka
    • ¾ fluid ounce gin
    • ¾ fluid ounce green creme de menthe
    • ½ fluid ounce cola-flavored carbonated beverage (such as Coca-Cola®), or more to taste
    • ½ fluid ounce lemon-lime carbonated beverage (such as 7Up®), or to taste
    • ½ fluid ounce sweet and sour mix, or to taste
    • 1 cup crushed ice, or as desired


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      Mix whiskey, vodka, gin, creme de menthe, cola-flavored beverage, lemon-lime flavored beverage, and sweet and sour mix together in a cocktail shake. Fill a glass with ice; pour drink over ice.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    10 Of The Best Good Morning Gifs And Animations

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Heading out to run some errands today. I will have my mask and hand sanitizer. I am still amazed at how people do not wear masks or leave plenty of space between them. My DIL’s Covid19 test was negative. She has sinus trouble and I think let herself get upset about it. I am taking my temperature daily in an attempt to catch any infection early. I think that is slightly better than getting multiple tests.The kids are coming tonight for dinner and to celebrate Father’s Day. The rest of the week will be preparing to go to the mountains. We may go to a winery that has outdoor seating. I gotta go make a list so I get all my errands completed without any backtracking! Hope everyone has a magnificent Tuesday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    hornets, HORNETS building a NEST, WTF. Kim I have to say I'm with Sandy on this one. I realize they r all over the place but I've always kept social distancing between us or at least trie to. I member when my dad tried to teach me how to catch those things if they were in the house and let them out so they could live <I told u he was a nature freak> I never did it tho cuz I couldn't get that close to them, LOL I can still hear him say they're not here to hurt you nature needs them ur not important to them. Yea he actually said those things. Anyway u r one brave woman. OK OK I'll back off of all work time of urs. Belly rubs for Sadie.

    OMG Sandy what's this thread coming to, ur not even having a glass of wine at nite. This whole world is turning upside down. And a 1/2 tank of gas, WOW, that really is nothing. When do u start the tests r they all at the hospital??? Ithink my Dr. has started to open up and I still don't want to go to the office , I haven't left my house since the first day of this, I feel like this is a vulnerable time especially now. This is a terrible feeling.

    JC what's going on with the testing???

    Poop in latah


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    I called N. Shore Radiology today, and there will be three separate head scans: a contrast MRV on 7/1, then a non-contrast MRA and contrast MRI on 7/3. (The MRV dye needs to leave my system before I get the MRI dye). The MRI will be to check the acoustic nerve and Eustachian tubes; the MRA will check the arteries and the MRV the veins. I am not claustrophobic--just hope I get good enough earplugs. My brain MRI in 2004 was at an Open MRI center, easy-peasy, even with contrast. I will have to shed my bra and wear cotton underpants (of which I have exactly two) to avoid any metallic yarns; and, of course, shed all my jewelry despite it being 14K. (My retainer, being clear plastic, can stay in). The MRV will be 90 min. (first the shot, then wait, then scan for 45 min. The other two, one after the other, will be 45 min. each. They'll be in the evening. (My HK is driving to AL 7/2-5 to see her sister who's in hospice--has to be back on the 6th for her DH's dialysis appt.).

    Bob got home very early today and was starving, having had a very light lunch at 11 am. So I made shakshuka, and the DOTD is chilled Williams-Selyem 2019 Vin Gris rosé of Pinot Noir. Very yummy--better than the cheaper French stuff. I was allotted only two bottles each of it and Gruner Veltliner (I am on their subscription list) because they are limited editions,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Kim, paradoxically the spikes are NOT due to riots or large protest gatherings! These protests are outdoors, almost everyone is wearing masks, and the marchers are trying to social-distance. IL has had its share of protest marches & outdoor demonstrations--but our cases are going down, and our rolling positivity rate is down to 2%. Check your state numbers--I think the entire northeast is on a downward trend. Even MN, where the rioting and protesting began, has shown a decline in cases. The key is that these gatherings are all outdoors. The rise in cases is occurring in the South & West, which opened up too quickly and too fully. That's why the average age in those states is getting younger: it corresponds to younger adults carelessly gathering in large numbers in bars (especially bars, where alcohol loosens inhibitions and makes people forget to social-distance), restaurants, pool parties, BBQs and indoor gatherings such as church services. Not just that, but Southern & (most) Western states have a higher proportion of morons who refuse to wear masks or keep their distance because they feel it violates their "freedom." (Sorry if I inadvertently offended anyone here, but from what I'm reading on BCO, all of us ladies seem to have the common sense & decency to abide by CDC guidelines, even if certain of our governors care more about their states' economies and image than about their constituents' health and lives).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Forgot to turn the alarm off this ayem, so here I am up at the crack of dawn, but don't need to go in to work until almost lunch time. Ah, well, such is life, right? Gives me a chance to get some stuff done around the house before work, like getting the laundry off the line before the rain starts. We need a good couple days of gentle, soaking rain, probably going to get drenchpours during thunderstorms instead. I do like to watch a good thunderbumper! Sadie says Hi to eveyone.

    Cammy Cat--I'm not crazy about having hornets and other stingers in the house, but it happens when you live in the country and you learn to cope. Mostly they leave me alone and I leave them alone or try to shoo them out of the house. OK, building a nest in the garbage can is going too far, that nest has been evicted.Sadie says Thanks for the belly rubs. It is a scary time for vulnerable people, we still really don't know what we are doing with this virus or what to expect as we open up.Difficult times, indeed.

    Librarian--it's hard to tell the difference between COVID and most respiratory infections, so I can see how your DIL got upset. At least testing is easier to get nowadays. Glad hers was negative. Hope all the errands got done with no backtracking! I'd have to have a list just to make sure I didn't forget anything.

    Chi--wow, that sounds like a lot of testing on your head. I hope you get through them easily. What is shakshuka?

    Thunderstorm Martini Recipe | How To Make | Cocktail Builder>

    Thunderstorm Martini

    1/2 oz of sweet and sour mix

    1/2 oz of Pineapple Juice

    1/2 oz of grenadine syrup

    1/2 oz of sierra mist soda

    1 splash of curacao orange liqueur

    1 oz of Absolut vodka

    Mix all contents in a martini shaker. Shake well then just pour. No garnish.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    cat good morning - PicMix

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Look at this pathetic thread, if anyone stops by they'll run off thinking meh. See no Lori, Jazzy and occasional visitor Teka and Misty, JC, Celia, oh like I can member anymore names, we're like drowning in our own liquor pewl. Oh we've had dry times before so we will rise above our glasses and triumph.

    Kim doesn't it feel good tho to wake up and then know u don't have to rush off for work. Well we can always talk about the weather, which we do anyway, that sounds inviting. Kim ur getting rains like we had them tho now it's still supposed to rain but not like we had. I too like the sound of storms, but not earth shattering lightening and thunder. I've used them a couple of times on TV with my eye mask on and it always seems relaxing. Joey put them on my TV, but I forget how to get them up most of the time. Well Sadie is happy so ur doing what ur supposed to be Kim.

    Sandy that's unusual for Bob to be home so early, I hope he's feeling all right and he could actually relax. U DON'T MIND BEING COUPED UP IN THAT MACHINE??? My sister and I say the rosary while we're in there and 45 mins is a long one. The sounds don't bother me, it's the being enclosed so my eyes are covered. Good Luck with all of them. I still need 3 tests just didn't want to go all this time of panic, hum I wonder if this word derived from pandemic...see how my mind works??? It seems logical that being around alot of people would keep this thing going. But when ur young u feel invincible and that's natural, that's the gift of youth. And a lot don't have the patience that usually comes to u with age, kind of the order of things. Oh u gals r younger than I am and I'm all right with being in the house for so long when I think it's necessary and I think this is.

    Enough babbling but hoping everyone has a good day.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2020

    Just stopping in for a quick hello. Work is still so busy, but I am down to 10 more months to go. (actually 10 months on the 28th). The lawn mower stopped working, I got it fixed last year and didn't want to put more money into it so I got another one. This is kind of embarrassing, but I had to get my son to show me where everything was, the grass in the back yard was getting high and I wanted to raise the blade up. He will probably mow from now on and my grandson always wants to mow when he visits, I think he just likes driving the riding lawn mower. My mom is having trouble with her leg, I think it is her back, but the pain is in the leg and keeps getting worse, she went to the doctor and she has degenerated disc ( I think) - she got a shot from her primary doctor that didn't help so she went to a orthopedic, and goes Friday to get a different type of shot. She always had so much energy and was always working around the yard and had a garden going, but she doesn't do all that and it feels like she just got old this year.

    I love reading about everything you all are doing, hope everyone is well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2020

    Hi folks- will be back soon, probably after July 4th weekend. Everyone stay safe!

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    edited June 2020
    Sandy, I just have to jump in and say that you hit the nail on the head when you said, “morons who won’t wear masks” in the west. It is so frustrating. Only Walmart and Safeway are requiring employees to wear masks here so that is where we are shopping. Costco is requiring customers to wear masks and of course the “freedom fighters” are boycotting. The good news is Washington State is one of 17 now requiring mandatory mask wearing in public. I don’t see that happening in my area of Idaho.
  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2020

    Jazzy - Hope you have a fun and safe July 4th.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Peregrine, ID is experiencing a spike in cases, no doubt because it's a notorious haven for libertarians (espec. the militia movement). Patrick Henry did not say "give me liberty and I don't care if you drop dead."

    Kim, shakshuka is a Middle Eastern (some say Tunisian, others Israeli) dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce with sliced olives and feta cheese crumbles.

    Cami, the MRI machine at Evanston Hosp. is a "wide-bore" scanner that is roomier and less noisy--but more sensitive than older narrower machines and much more sensitive and accurate than "open MRI" scanners. The only problem I ever had with an MRI is when I had my wrist scanned back in 2018 (in a narrow-bore machine): I had to lie on my stomach with both arms stretched out in front of me like I was Superman flying through the sky...for 45 minutes. The scan was done at Glenbrook, and the only music they could offer through headphones was on this bizarre SiriusXM classic rock channel with commercials in Mandarin and movie clips in Spanish between the songs--six of which are permanently ruined for me. And then my shoulders were so sore I had to have a nurse put my bra back on me. Because these scans will be of my head (especially near my ears), I don't think there's any way I can be offered music since the headphones would interfere with the imaging. So earplugs and meditation (and maybe running my favorite songs through my "mind's ear") will be my only distraction.

    Complicating matters is that on Wed. before the MRV scan I have ingrown-toenail surgery scheduled on my R big toe (only 3 weeks after the podiatrist dug out a big pointy corner barb, it's hurting again). That office is also in Evanston in the Prof. bldg next to St. Francis Hosp., about a mile south of Evanston Hospital (where the scanner is). I have it timed so that my toe will still be painless by the time I have to drive up for my scans; and when the local anesthetic starts to wear off I can pop some Extra Strength Tylenol (and maybe add ibuprofen once I'm upright again). For sleep, I have in reserve a precious few Tylenol #3s if necessary. Thurs., I have nothing planned; and by Fri. evening I should pretty much be out of pain. If not, I can always re-schedule the scans. But waiting even a week for the ingrown-toenail surgery is going to be bad; waiting 2 weeks till the next pedi will be torture.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2020

    Image may contain: outdoor, text that says 'Crystal River Tos cold to paint, went to Florid'

    One of my friends on facebook posted this picture his sister sent him and said it is in Chicago, Ashland and Lawrence avenues. Interesting to me because Crystal River is the town next to mine.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    Sandy - Good to hear you have your diagnostics scheduled out. Toenail surgery - Ouch!

    Cammie - Still here. Thanks for remembering.

    DH & I both went to Dentist today. Infected tooth I had awhile ago will be $2,000 to repair. Afterward, replenished wine (so I can make Chambord Spritz drinks again) and irish cream and quick store visit. Wore our masks, & used sanitizer, etc. Felt very safe at Dentist. Picked up a rotisserie chicken - 1st one we have had in over 3 months. Imbibed in a coffee mocha liberally laced with irish cream this afternoon.

    Here in N KY, "morons who won't wear a mask" abound. When I do groceries, seems only about 75% of store patrons wear masks. I was heartened to see a mom and her 2 youngish daughters all 3 wearing masks. Neighbors across the street still hold several gatherings a week with no one masked/no social distancing.

    Updated photo of yours truly is below.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2020

    Mistyeyes- thank you for the good wishes. I am going on a little overnight junket on the 4th, but only here in NM.

    CeliaC- I love your look! I just cut off all my hair last week and made the transition to grey and love it. I don't share pics of myself here on public threads due to self employment and the need for privacy around my health, but can tell you I love my new do!

    Be back soon ....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited June 2020

    Celia - very pretty

    Masks are mandatory for customers and workers in Denver. Not sure about surrounding areas/suburbs, but I rarely not in Denver proper. DH and I carry ours when we walk the neighborhood as they are not required for that, but we keep our distance from people, even friends. If we talk, we put mask on.

    Jazz - enjoy your little getaway

    Chi - good luck with all your procedures

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Celia, had my gray come in like yours I'd never have gone blonde! You're truly a "silver fox." (We women can say that).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Well I'm moaning about it being so quiet now everyone is coming in and I won't remember anything.

    Misty good thing u have ur "men" to help u and don't be afraid to ask, they'll be more than happy to help you. I never had a clue. That's why I lived in a condo for so long. Taking care of the inside was hard enough. I do know tho that somehow the leg is so connects to the back and the back can have moderate or no pain but legs can be horrendous with pain, glad ur mom is getting things checked out. Steroids might give her some relief for a short time til they figure out exactly whats wrong, good luck.

    Oh Celia ur hair is what anyone going gray wants. I tried but mine came in like dirty gray. Urs looks beautiful and a nice length for you. Foxy is right. And the DENTIST oh at least u felt comfortable with how it was set up. I would have a straw taped into my mouth to keep "fluids" going on.

    Jazzy I''m waiting for you, u'll have a lot to say I'm sure.

    Karen it's so nice to see you, we've "known" each other for a long time. I think the discussion for masks will go on for a long time.

    Perig....ur weighed in too, so I hope we see more of you.

    Sandy u are always organized especially with ur tests. I'm sure u'll be happy when they're all over. Especially when u have a few happening. And yep I always like the open ones but they are far and few in between around here. And u would think by now everyone would be handling the "mask" thing and the more people u see in one area the less masks u see.

    I went on FB last nite for like 2 mins. then I honestly couldn't take anymore of it. It's turning into a political arena and if I don't seem to say much it's cuz I'm not going on for a while. It's so destructive and just plain sad. OK wait, I might go on when I see something I just pay shipping for, usually a good deal or Ok I'm a shnook, but things that are cheap. I know I've said this before, but it has gotten worse.But I did see my sister getting all involved in this so she got sucked in and I don't want to.

    I think Lori should be back soon, so I'm looking forward to that, just hoping she really had a nice time. Did I miss JC or is she gone now???

    OK I'll check back latah!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    recipe Memes & GIFs - ImgflipJUST IN CASE

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Hey, Cami, I am here! I had trouble figuring out the changes to the website. Pretty crazy. Got my errands done, but have to go to the grocery store today. Getting excited about the mountain trip even though our Covid19 numbers keep going up. DH’s band is coming over tonight so things will be out around here for a while. Raining here today. would love to sit and read my book, but will get busy with a few things. Hope everyone is doing something fun

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, yesterday turned into a pretty weird day. Shortly after I got done with my post here I got a call from the scheduled, one of the nurses had called out sick, could I come in an cover for a while until she could find one of the regular nurses to come in. OK, I can do that, but I have a mandatory meeting at 1 peeyem, so I need to be off the unit by then.Get to the nursing home just before 8 ayem, the nurse I'm relieving is going out the door as I go in (Huh?What about giving me report?) cuz she has an appointment. The nurse working on the other unit has the keys for my unit (keys to the med room, narcotics, treatment cart, etc).OK, so I go get signed in, find the nurse on the other unit, she's upset and in tears cuz she got moved to the long term care/admission unit where she hasn't worked for a while. She gives me her census sheet where she has her notes about what is due when, but doesn't really give me report (info like who has fallen recently, who has new orders, who's had a condition change, little details like that). OK, I'm good at what I do, I can drop into a situation and take charge and make it work. So over to my unit I go, and take a quick look through the electronic records and jump in giving morning insulin doses that are an hour overdue, visually check everyone, start talking with the staff (mostly listening to them complain about being short handed) and start getting the work done. The social worker comes by, tells me that a resident on the Admit unit has finished quarantine and will be moving to a room on my unit during the day, not sure exactly when, need to get that room ready. OK, dealt with getting that room ready, working on doing the dressing changes and other treatments that need doing. Discover that 2 CNAs, not 1 have called out, and the whole CNA assignment needs to be reworked to cover until another CNA comes in at 11 to help out. Listen to more complaints about being short handed and not getting messages.Just get things back under control and the State Survey Team arrives! Yup. Worse staffing day in months, and this is the day we get a Federal Survey. So now I'm working on getting dressings and treatments done, notes written, vital signs reviewed, and I have to keep running all the way to the other end of the building to print off reports and gather info to take to the Director of Nursing for the survey team.And help the other nurse who has an admission and has never done an admission here before, and is totally overwhelmed and in tears again. God bless the scheduled, who found another nurse to come in and help out.I had her go help the other nurse as my stuff was under control, if not on time. The one of the surveyors needs to sit down with me as the educator and go over education stuff in detail, took probably 45 minutes, but she was very nice about doing it at the nurses' station so I could still answer phone calls and deal with things as they happened. But it did require another trip all the way to the other end of the building to my office to get my big record book. And I find out that the survey isn't just the Infection Control Federal survey that all nursing must have done, but a complaint survey as well.I still haven't found out what the complaint was, but I did find out that the surveyor was very impressed with my work! Gold star for me! And for one of the medication techs, who is fantastic every day, and she actually went and found some gold stars and put one on my name badge as well as on hers, so that was fun. Anyway, the surveyors are done and gone in a few hours. That's good. At lunch time I get the message that there isn't a nurse to come in and take over for me, so I have to stay until 7 peeyem. OK, so I'm not going to make the mandatory 1 to 3:30 meeting. I shoot an e-mail off to HR, let her figure out how to fix that problem. In the middle of lunch one of the residents has a major choking spell. As in, I wasn't sure we weren't going to end up calling 911, but she did manage to clear things out on her own after a bit. By this time I've lost track of the crises count and just work in all the charting and phone calling that has to be done after an incident like that.The, all of a sudden, there is a new person in one of the rooms on my unit!Yup, the person from the admit unit has been transferred over, and I haven't even been told her name yet, let alone anything about her. I call the other unit nurse, she didn't even know the person was going to be moved. Meltdown ensues. I get her calmed down, tell her to send over the lady's chart and I'll take care of all the transfer work. Of course, I forgot one thing, to notify the kitchen, so at suppertime her tray went to the admission unit and not to my unit. Now, in the normal kitchen schedule, my unit gets the meal cart first, the admission unit gets theirs last/third. So this new lady is wondering where her dinner is, the CNAs are having meltdowns cuz she doesn't have a tray. The admit unit calls, her tray is there, we arrange a quick hand off, I deliver the tray to her room, another crisis resolved. So I finally got everything done, nothing left over for the overnight nurse to pick up, the 2 nurses on the other unit have everything mostly caught up, only a couple things need to be picked up by the overnight nurse. OK, the handoff should be pretty smooth. Nope, the overnight nurse is one who is flaky, flighty, and easily flipped out. You know the type, asks you a question but won't let you finish a sentence when you try to answer and has to spend a bunch of time pointing out how hard all this is and how the recent changes have made things harder and this isn't what she signed up for, making sure you know how hard she works, micromanaging the CNAs, chasing down insignficant details while ignoring the important stuff, blah, blah, blah.She was way more concerned about making sure I emptied the garbage can at the desk than getting report about the residents. Needless to say, I treated myself to a couple of lobstah rolls for dinner. Sadie was not happy with me, I had told her I would be home at the usual time and I wasn't. I swear that dog can tell time! But I enjoyed the heck out of those rolls and petting Sadie while sipping Birch Beer Cordial, let me tell you!

    Cammy Cat--it did feel good to think I had a nice leisurely morning until the phone rang! So glad I am off today. I slept until almost 8:30 ayem!

    Misty--I think it's great to have someone else do the most of the mowing. I actually pay to have it done and think it's a good value for the money! Particularly since I hire a neighbor who is trying to establish a lawn care business. Sorry to hear about your Mom's pain. Very often leg pain does come from a back issue. I hope the shots help.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Hi, Peregrine!I'm with you on the mask thing. I wish one of the big stores around here would be boycotted by the "freedom fighters" folks, then I'd know it would be safer to go that store! Mostly staff are masked around here, but very few customers are. I think I would feel more protected if face coverings were mandatory here, but I don't see that happening outside of a few individual stores choosing to make it mandatory.

    Chi--shakshuka sounds interesting. I can remember learning about some of the crazy positions people needed to be in during MRI and CT scans when I was a student nurse. I'm glad the tech is evolving to decrease that part of the scan process. You might want to consider taking a dose of tylenol BEFORE the toe procedure, it will help block the inflammation from starting/keep it lower and let the local last longer.


    Celia--coffee mocha with irish cream, YUM! That is a BEAUTIFUL pic!

    Karen--I don't mask outside, either, unless I am very close to people.It's not needed so much outside. Inside, however, is a totally different.

    Cammy Cat--I hear you about FaceBook. I've paused a few friends who are only posting political stuff and blocked a lot of sites and a few people posting what I consider inappropriate and hateful content. I just do not need all that crap right now. Fb is for keeping up with friends and family. I wonder if I could start a non-political version of Fb, one where political content is not allowed?Hmmm.

    Oh my gosh, Mango soda????? Never heard of it before!! Got to find me some, now!


    Hi!! Rub my belly??

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2020

    Hi Dahlinks,
    Just a note to say I'm doing pretty good.
    Dealing with some mega-hot weather and the winds, oh my. But I'm ok with it for now.
    Been trying to get some hair to grow. Been doing the 'comb over' LOL. Got some growth but still see the bald spots. Been using Keranique, is working better than the Rogaine I was using. I've been working on the re-growth for 5+ years. UGH!
    I had a brain MRI last Thurs, haven't got results yet, but as they say 'no news can be good news'. Have been having incredible headaches for over a month now, so am glad I got the MRI.
    Anyway, that's what's happening on my end …wishing you all happy days. Still praying for everyone, morning and night. Take care ya'all.

    Morn'n DahlinKs
    I hope everyone is doing OK…I'm doing well. Hubs traded the chry van in for another chrys town n country van, this time it's a renegade I think. It's nice, has all kinds of bells and whistles and more room over the jeep suv.

    Well I hope ya'll are doing well. Gonna do a bunch of stuff with hubs today. Its been soooo ungodly hot this last week, and doesn't look like any relief in the near future…wah wah. Oh, saw the onco on Tues, brain scan was really good. Now just gotta figure out the headaches. Been increasing the aspirin and ibrophin, so far not too bad.

    Hope your's had a wonder Fathers Day..LUBSLUBSLUBS All ya'll

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2020

    Celia - I'd feel the same way with my coffee drink and my wine too. Yes...I've developed a taste for the dark wines with fresh fruit in it, (canned is fine too. Jes thot I'd toss in my 2 cents too.
