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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    I've decided to postpone the toenail surgery--I remember the first one I had >20 years ago, how the DPM claimed that toenail would never ingrow again, blah blah blah...well, after couple of years I started getting ingrowns again. My current DPM claims that they now apply carbolic acid to "destroy the root" permanently, but everything I've read since yesterday says it's a crapshoot--especially if one happens to have inherited a tendency for the sides of ones toenails to scroll under no matter what. Had my mani today, and the nail tech/salon owner confirmed my suspicions: for some people the results are permanent but for others only temporary. One of her customers took two months to recover, and the ingrowth was back within a year. Besides, I do remember how painful the local anesthetic injections were (despite numbing the skin with ethyl chloride). So I've concluded it is what it is, and will just have the "barbs" removed whenever the toes start to bother me. The DPM tends not to care about aesthetics and removes huge chunks; the nail tech is more exacting (and it hurts a lot more when she goes digging in there) but the nails look normal when she's done. I will have the DPM just remove the most painful bits next Wed. and have the nail tech do her thing at my mani-pedi a week later. Regardless, the ingrowths seem to return after 3 weeks, no matter who removes them. Anyway, I would rather have one set of major stressors per week, thank you very much. The thought that the likely cause of my pulsatile tinnitus would require either a brain-vein stent or a spinal tap is worrisome enough without a throbbing toe.

    We went out to Cellars with the kids (Gordy & Leslie) to celebrate our 49th anniv. a couple of days early. We could have done so indoors tomorrow (IL and Chicago are moving into Phase 4 of cautious reopening tomorrow--indoor dining at 25% capacity, with masking & social distancing), plus celebrate the chef-owner's birthday; but I don't feel comfy dining indoors anywhere but our house yet. And outdoors tomorrow night is a no-go, what with storms forecast. It was a lovely dry cool evening (thank you, Lake Michigan). I did cheat, but will save those details for the "what's for dinner?" thread. DOTD was a shared bottle of Bellefleur de Haute-Terre sparkling Malbec rosé (SW France).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Just a quick poop in, got to go in early to cover the 7 to 3 shift today. Somuch for working 24 hour per week, with today's shift I'll be at 32 hours, at least!

    Sadie says Hi!

    Mema--glad the scan results are good! Hope the headaches get figured out ASAP. Headaches are not fun. Are you sure you aren't dehydrated?

    Chi--Don't blame you for limiting major stressors to one per week!Good plan, actually.

    image alt="">

    Hello Friday


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters

    How to Make It


    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Morning Coffee GIF by memecandy - Find & Share on GIPHY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh My Stars Kim, that all happened in just those few hours. And out of everyone melting down <I don't blame them> I knew u wouldn't and u kept ur cool and made sure everything was done and finished the way it should be. I know that was more hrs. than usual but things just kept on happening one right after the other. How u do it all amazes me, well in a way it doesn't cuz that's the kind of nurse you are and always have been. That was a rough day for u so I'm not saying anything about the number of hrs. u spent there. Do u really think the ones who called in sick were just normal sick, I mean no Covid stuff. But coming home to Sadie was the complete highlight of that day, or any other day for that matter. Cute pic. of your girl.She really missed u for that day. And cute as usual.

    SusyQ so glad to see you, but super sorry for ur hang on headaches. Those must be horrible.I'm glad the scan came out all right but puleeeeze let us know about the MRI. Oh trying for hair growth is so challenging I hope u get some decent results I bought it but haven't used it yet but my sister uses Toppit and uses it when she goes anywhere, but she has dark hair if that makes a difference. It really looks good. She's lost more than I have so it helps how she looks. But it's good ur getting out with ur DH of course be careful.So poop in to let us know.

    JC good to see u. I thought maybe u were gone already. So when r u leaving cuz ur ready to go now, I can tell.

    When does Lori come back, anyone know??? Seems like she's been gone for so long. She must be having a good time.

    Sandy that's smart not having 2 things done at the same time, even tho it's a time saver it's not worth what u have to go thru... Haven't heard about Gordy and Leslie for a while so I assume they're doing good. <I like to hear that> And 49 years WOW Happy Anniversary that's a while Sandy. And u know I like to hear what u ate, so now ur keeping it from me. I always liked buffets until the last few years and really thought of all the germs that could come with it, but I especially liked a salad one, my favorite part of the meal taking all the things I like, but I haven't been to one in a long time now and probably won't anymore, even tho we'd go to the same restaurants and the servers always offered to make my plate for me, which I didn't cousin would, she knew exactly what I liked and how much.LOL and dessert would be 2 plates of everything and we'd all eat it and all of it too. But no more.

    My GFs and I made plans to go out to lunch right before this crap started so we're still waiting, we want to make sure.

    I ordered a new bed pillow this week to sit on, it's starting to get uncomfortable to sit and be on my computer or work. I've tried those actual sit on ones but they're all to hard, so I'll see . Dan told me to use his card so that helped me but I didn't go crazy with the price. He told me to use it whenever I need something for me personally or my meds, but I buy my own meds just every so often I use it for something I really need. He is so good to me.

    Jodie is coming this morning so I'll take a shower and I have some new skin lotion and I always like to use new things. She comes earliesh cuz that's when I have the most energy as the day progresses I start to lazy up, I think cuz of my pain meds for that one. Yes that's what I think and I'm sticken' to it.

    So hoping everyone is doing well and has a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Happy Anniversary! - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats ...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Sadie and I had a wonderful sleep in this ayem. And a wonderful sleep last night. Still pretty warm here but the humidity has left and that makes all the difference to me. While I was at work yesterday we got a terrific thunderstorm with quarter sized hail come through, along with acouple of absolute drenching downpours. Got home after work, not a sign of a drop of rain anywhere. It's been dry, we need the rain badly, starting to get wildfires. A couple of houses in town where I work got hit by lightening and have some fire damage. I was kind ofhoping we'd get a good thunderbumper here at home last night so I could watch it, but nope, just some clouds and breezes. Not much on the agenda today, probably going to be a lazy day today. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Cammy Cat--so far as I know the people who called in sick are not COVID sick.There is another respiratory bug going around and it's being a heavy pollen season so allergic people are having issues, too, and those all look like COVID. Add to that how tired staff is getting with all the extra stress and constant rule changes since mid-March it's no wonder people are starting to get sick. At least we are now allowed to schedule vacation time, that's helping boost morale a lot. Just so you know, I did not plan to stay so long at work the other day.I actually agreed to work on the unit until 1 peeyem, but the scheduler couldn't find anyone to come in, and all the rest of the admin folks who could cover were at that mandatory 12 peeyem meeting, so I was stuck. I can't just walk away, no matter how hard I wish I could some days. I hadn't really thought about what's going to happen with buffets after all of this. Buffets have always been a weak point in food safety, not because the restaurants do anything wrong but just because of the sheer number of people who walking by and handling the serving utensils , and talking and breathing and coughing and sneezing, well, you get the picture. It's going to be a long time before I can comfortably go to a buffet, I think! I think we all start to "lazy up" as you call it, as the day goes on. But the pain meds are notorious for that, too, so you are probably right.

    Lazy Daze Ingredients

    Shake and strain into an ice-filled highball glass. Add lemonade and float cream on top. Garnish with a cherry and mint sprig, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Cami, I love the cat-heart Happy Anniversary! The kitties in it, BTW, look exactly like our first two (1978-97)! Since you're not on the "So...what's for dinner?" thread, here's what I had Thurs. night at Cellars: calamari fritti, sesame-crusted seared ahi tuna, and fish & chips with slaw. (Major carb cheat, but it was a special occasion; and I subbed out sweet potato fries for the chips--sweet potatoes are okay occasionally on my diet). But just when I thought it was safe to get the check, along came a giant slice of fudge cake! We split it four ways (but I had only 1/8 of it, as it was so rich and dense).

    We had a stormy evening, but it's clear & sunny today, at least up north here. Bob is at his hospitals all weekend, so staying over at the hotel. Leftovers last night (with some of that Williams-Selyem rosé) and tonight (gonna make a "faux-jito" with garden mint, lime juice, erythritol and seltzer). Going outside soon to cut back my parsley before it goes completely to seed. Transplanted the zucchini into the garden--but d**n rabbits (or squirrels) ate the blossom overnight, so no squash in the offing, Boo, hiss. Some of my tomato plants are tentatively blooming, though, and the basil seems to be going like gangbusters.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie and I had a wonderfully lazy day yesterday. Today the sun is out and I'm going to try to get some stuff done around the house. Sadie says Woof to everyone.

    Chi--sounds like your garden is getting along pretty well, except for the zucchini blossoms getting eaten!

    English garden cocktail

    English garden cocktail


    • gin 50ml
    • St Germain elderflower liqueur 25ml
    • apple juice 75ml, not from concentrate
    • lime juice 10ml
    • cucumber ribbons to serve


    • Step 1
      Shake all the ingredients except the cucumber with ice and strain into a tall glass with filled with fresh ice.
    • Step 2
      Decorate with cucumber ribbons to serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Sunday Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Kim I never thought about symptoms mimicking Covid, what fun is that. U certainly deserved the rest day this weekend. That one day u put in sounded like a week's work to me. We got some good rain the other nite too, actually with just the right amount of thunder, so relaxing for me. Belly rubs for Sadie.

    Thanks Sandy for the menu, sounds OK to me but I will say when the cake came u would see all hands with forks in them so the only fork in the cake would have been mine, u all know sweets are my thing, always have been. I so enjoy restaurants too I can always have what I have a taste for not what's just there. An u seem to enjoy fish a lot so that part is good for you. BTW I forgot are Gordy and Leslie working at all? If not this is the biggest test for living together that has ever happened in the history of our world.

    Jodie couldn't make it yesterday so she's coming today, so Joey looks forward to t too. Joddie's DD is working or she would come too, which Joey misses her a lot. Oh 2 of Joey's friends got their DL, now it's let's drive around, remember when that was so much fun with ur friends and some of us still do actually.

    Being home mostly alone gets me thinking about so much <to much> some sad and some funny. And something came to mind that made me LOL. When I was in Elmhurst Hospital my surgeon was going away for a few days and introduced me to his partner cuz he was going to check in on me. And in front of me he said to him "I have to tell u this, she's crazy" Of course I said I'm right here, and he said I know but this is all right to tell him right now. And I just said OK. So alot has made me laugh. Which is good.

    I was pretty busy yesterday on the phones and one was a doozy, total complaining but somehow I calmed her down and she was much nicer, but I wanted to tell her to go ____ herself after a few choice words from her and I didn't, I didn't even hang up on her, so again I ordered something on Dan's card and told him why. But I needed it.

    Watching Golden Girls, I enjoy all the clothes these women have, even their night clothes, yet they're always watching their budget, yea u should see mine.

    OK have a good Sunday and hope everyone feels decent.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Morning from the mountains! Not sure why the pic is sideways. It is in the seventies with a slight breeze. Birds are chirping and all is good with the world. Well, I wish it was. We have talked, laughed and imbibed greatly. There is no beating good friends. One more night here than back to reality. SC is a Covid19 Hot spot now, so I will probably hibernate this summer.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    JCS - Guessing you are in NC somewhere? Near Asheville area? Sounds like you had a nice break. Safe travels back to SC.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Gordy (knock wood) still has his job, working from home for VividSeats. He is both investigating fraud and trying to convince customers to accept credits towards events for which the company is once again selling tickets (such as some pro and college sports and upcoming 2021 concerts and shows). Leslie is still tutoring online; but now that the school year (and parents needing some relief fro homeschooling) is over, and the SAT & ACT not being given in person (and many colleges no longer requiring them), a significant portion of her business--test prep--has been suspended.

    Dinner last night was the end of my leftover fish & sweet potato chips, plus skillet-charring the leftover green beans. Brunch today was 1/4 of a 12" cauliflower-crust (365's pre-baked) pizza topped with fresh & sliced mozzarella, tomatoes, mushrooms & basil. Could've used some sea salt, though. When Bob comes home late tonight, I will give him the other 3/4--adding coppa ham, green peppers & onions.

    Not sure yet about a DOTD. Likely a faux-jito for me and a real mojito for Bob.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited June 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Sadie and I are getting up to some much needed rain this ayem. Things are terribly dry here. Hope we get enough rain to offset the dryness.

    Cammy Cat--yeah, this year's flu season should be a real trip on the wild side. No way to tell COVID from flu from bacterial pneumonia from flare up of COPD without testing. I'm anticipating a huge mess come fall.Time will tell. Oh, boy, Joey has reached the age of driving and some of his friends have licenses, what a scary time! I wish I had the Golden Girls budget for clothes and everything else!

    Librarian--beautiful vista! Good friends, talk and imbibing are great stress relievers.

    Morning, Celia!

    Chi--this pandemic has really changed the way education is being done along with a lot of other things. Glad they both still have work, even if not as much as before.

    Lord of the Rings: Two Towers Ent-Draught Recipe


    2 ½ shots Coconut Rum

    2 shots Melon Schnapps

    ½ shot Raspberry Schnapps

    Pineapple Juice to fill up glass


    1. Pour all 3 liquors into a pint glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Good morning my Lounge Lizards! I'll be back in a day or so, I do want to read. Got back Saturday afternoon, had a GREAT time. However, on Friday, I guess I was too aggressive when cleaning my teeth. I think whilst flossing I lifted a crown, or it cracked or something. Anyways, you guessed it, major pain and of course it's on a Friday and I'm in another state! So to the dentist I go this morning....I hope! Our friends son, wife and kids were visiting and their youngest, 4 yo Samuel couldn't remember my name and was always calling me Larry. We would tell him he was close. Eventually when asked he would say "Larry. Am I close". He knew he was wrong but just couldn't remember Lori. He was so cute!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited June 2020

    Made it back from the mountains. We had a great time. We went to a local winery that had outside seating and a duo playing music. The wine was great. The duo not so much! We went into town to check out a boutique that we really love. As we were leaving, we noticed a crowd gathering at a park across the street. Turns out a local Black Lives Matter group was planning to remove a Confederate statue there. The group was all the ‘Good ‘ol Boys’ protecting the statue. We high tailed it outta there. I was so happy to spend time with friends. I will have to refrain from Drinks OTD for a few days. LOL!

    I picked up the cross stitch project for my older DS’s birthday. I am pleased with how it turned out. Hope he likes it as well. My younger DH sent me a text that he got his position at the REI store. He had applied and been hired previous to the pandemic, but the store opening was indefinitely postponed. Nowthey are set to open in August. Maybe....

    Anyway, have a safe and socially distant 4th of July weekend!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Lori, hope you were able to get that crown replaced or repaired.

    Kim, wish we could ship you some of our surplus rain. It's been a wet & stormy June and July promises more of the same. Severe weather is forecast all week--starting this afternoon.

    Not sure about the DOTD--will depend on what I forage from the fridge & freezer for dinner. Thus far, the usual (coffee, ice water).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2020

    Cami, how cool that Joey has been invited to the inaugeration! Your family loves you so much and Dan takes super good care of you. You and your lotion, my mom was the same way.

    Sandy, I see your are due or already have had some scans. I guess I missed why, but all is ok and scans come out good for you. You "silver fox" ladies are lucky. I think mine would be a dark ugly gray!

    Jazzy, enjoy your little weekend get away! Your hair looks great. You are always changing it up, and no matter what you, or what color you go with, it ALWAYS looks good on you.

    Ceilia! You look gorgeous! Then and now. What nationality are you. And thank you for sharing.

    Karen, it's nice to see you popping in every now and then.

    NM, re your post on the 25th. My oh my, what a day. But as always, you were on top of everything and everyone, you well deserved that gold star girl...and the lobstah rolls! Non political FB, I"M IN! You don't see any of that chit from me, just personal stuff. Luv the pic of Sadie, lots of belly rubs from me please.

    LDB, so glad to see you and good results with your scans, but what's up with those damned headaches. I hope you and the good docs can get it figured out. Hot and windy here too.

    JCS, great job on the cross stitch, I'm sure your DS will cherish it forever. And glad you had a good mountain visit and escaped the protest.

    No tooth fixing for me. My dentist couldn't see where the problem was so sending me to an endodontist. All of the closest ones couldn't get me in for 2 weeks. I can't wait that long. Compromised immune system, infection....not good. So I have to drive 4 and 1/2 hours one way, down to the phoenix area to see this specialist. We don't have dental insurance, so not looking forward to this bill! The problem area is where I have had a root canal done over 20 years ago. My dentist said it's not a happy tooth. Well now, we can't have an unhappy tooth now, can we? So, needless to say, I won't be around in the morning.

    Love to all of you, time for some libations! Oh, and critters are getting to my maters, so I need to go out and set all mese traps.

    Anyone heard from Wacko? Stella?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2020

    Fingers crossed, and in your pocket, Lori, for that long drive and endodontist visit. Phoenix is a "hot spot," so be sure to bring your mask & hand sanitizer. (The endodontist is at more risk from you than you are from him/her). Hoping for a good result or at least a workaround--extraction & implant perhaps?

    My brain scans (MRI, MRV--veins, and MRA--arteries) are to determine the cause of my one-sided pulsatile tinnitus. My ENT, from my description, is almost certain the cause is vascular (either a narrowed vein or artery in my brain or near my ear); the MRI is to rule out anything pressing on my auditory nerve or a eustachian tube that won't close completely. If all results are normal, next step is a visit to a neuro-ophthalmologist to check for papilledema (pressure on the eyeball from behind), which would indicate a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Treatment for that would be a (relatively) minimally invasive neurosurgery. I'm hoping that at my age whatever it is isn't serious enough to kill or disable me before the end of my predicted lifespan, should we choose not to treat it.

    JCS, amazing needlecraft! Must have taken forever and a day. It's gorgeous. And looks like you "got outta Dodge" and back at just the right time. Our friends who moved from Wilmette (Chi. suburb) to Del Webb Charleston excitedly e-mailed me that the lot next to theirs is available to build. Kind of broke my heart to tell them Bob is still working, we want to be near Gordy, and there's no way we intend to leave IL before either we get immunity (hopefully, from a vax) or there is a surefire treatment for the virus. (And no offense, but SC is a bit of a hot spot). Bob wants to take a road trip to VA (DC 'burbs) this fall to see my sis, but unless we can rent an RV (or something with its own toilet) I'm not gonna travel. Public restrooms don't have lids on their toilets--and flushing sends a "plume" of particles into the air, which not only remain suspended (and breathable) for at least 60 sec. but also settles on the walls, handles, floors, seat, etc. (And paper seat covers don't offer any protection). I've managed to dine out now without ever using the restroom--don't ask me how.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2020

    Lori, ditto what Sandy said about the endodontist. I will be having a root canal on a tooth that keeps getting infected on 7/15. Just hope the infection does not flare up before then. JCS - Wow, that looks like an intricate cross stitch to me. Good one! Where in the mountains were you?

    Had La Marca Proseco with dinner to celebrate 30th wedding anniversary. Feeling good!

    Lori & others - Thanks for the compliments on the photo. Lori - Wish I could say I am some exotic nationality. French on dad's side (somewhat slanty eyes come from his gene pool), German mostly + some Irish on mom's side.

    Another glass of proseco is calling my name. Bye for now.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    DOTD here is Kenneth Volk 2010 Tannat to go with pizza. First wine we've had for a while as DH hurt his back and his gi system doesn't do well when he mixes pain meds and alcohol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Funny cat trying to take a nap with smartphone as pillow (not very ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Super early mornin ladies,

    I didn't realize how long I was gone. Lori's back YAYAYAYA, or should I say Larry, now that cracked me up. Well leave it to u to have to go to almost Egypt to have ur tooth fixed. Oh Lori that has to hurt loads and then such a ride. Wacho LOL is doing OK right now.

    JC beautiful pic. and u had a great time, u were waiting for this for months, but good thing u left when u did.

    Beaver hope ur DH's back heals quickly, passing up wine means it's bad.

    OK Sandy food sounds good and I hope ur plans for the RV all happens for the 4 of u, now that sounds like it could be fun with all of u.

    How's Sadie???

    I'd better try to sleep, been so busy with these damn A//C's everybody is crabby


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Lolcat Anniversary | Cute baby animals, Cute animals, Animals kissingCelia

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy hump day! Yesterday turned out to be quite the eventful day at work. First I went in early cuz one of the nurses hadn't sent a copy of her negative COVID test in and we didn't know if she would remember to bring it with her or not (no proof of COVID negative = not allowed to work). So my morning routine gets turned around and I go in to work not knowing what job I was actually going to be doing. Well, she did bring a copy of the test result, so I got to do my own job for the day. Throughout the day I find out that the Director of Nurses, the Scheduler, a Med Tech and 2 CNAs have turned in their notice and are leaving in a couple of weeks. Then I got an e-mail from HR "reminding" of a new employee orientation on Thursday. I'm not working Thursday, and shoot back an e-mail saying so. The HR director asks me to change my schedule to accommodate the orientation! She has been in the habit of announcing orientation sessions the day of and expecting everyone to be available. I've asked time and again for her to drop me a note when a new hire comes on as soon as the orientation dates are set so I can plan ahead, but she just won't, her system has worked for her for years and she's resistant to change. I sent back an e-mail that I can't reschedule this week at this point, if I had known last week I could have. Things are feeling a bit unsettled and with very little change in the COVID restrictions and talk of starting universal staff testing every week or two being started soon. At least we can put in for vacation time again now.I am looking forward to the coming long weekend to recharge. It's also been raining for the last couple of days, which is badly needed, but makes for gloomy conditions. It is nice to see things greening up again after getting so brown!Sadie says "Hi" to everyone, and wants me to remind everyone that her belly rub account is always accepting donations!

    Goldie--Ounch for the damaged crown!So cute, sounds like your new name is "Larry. Am I close"!

    Librarian--So glad you had a good time in the mountains. And glad you didn't get caught up in thestatue situation. The cross stitch is gorgeous!And younger DH getting work of being hired, is good news even if it is a month away, maybe they'll need him to do some work before opening so he'll be able to start sooner? At least there is hope there!

    Chi--I wish we could get some of your rain, too! We need to talk to Mother Nature and set up accounts that we can transfer rain, snow, sun, warmth, coolth among to even things out for everyone.

    Goldie--so sorry the tooth fixing didn't happen easily. I hope it's been fixed by now, but boy that's a long commute. I wonder what it will take to make that tooth happy again?

    Chi--I'm impressed that you can go out to eat without using the facilities!

    Celia--ah, proseco, a lovely evening sip!

    Beaver--hoping DH's back gets better ASAP!

    Cammy Cat--Sadie is very happy with her pool and getting lots of belly rubs and supervising the neighborhood activities.


    Birch Beer Cordial with a splash of soda water on ice

    Birch Beer is a New England flavor of soda. I absolutely love Birch Beer. The tastes is lighter than root beer but similar, not quite as sweet as root beer, with vanilla undertones much like cream soda.Birch Beer Cordial is a liquour made by a local distillery (very local to me, less than 10 miles from my house)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Celia, I too am German (dad's side) and Irish (mom's side). But you do look perhaps Sweedish? I don't know. Good luck with your root canal.

    Sandy, staying anywhere other than my own home, or my RV is about all I want to do. However if my DH gets his surgery, I will have to stay at least 1 night in a hotel. He was watching something on TV where a company went in and and sprayed their logo with invisible paint on things, pillow, sheets, etc. And a lot of the big hotel chains, Marriot, Hilton and Trump Tower were 3 they went to and when cleaning the rooms, sheets and stuff like that were not changed, remote and thermostat were not wiped, counters were not wiped down. Just grosses me out.

    Cami, the hours you keep, good grief. Glad to hear Wacko is doing well. Yes, I thought it was cute when Samuel would call me Larry, but especially when right away he would ask, "am I close", cuz he knew he was wrong!

    OH NM, work is sounding more like how things were at Hospice. You are going to need this long weekend to recharge. At least you stood up for yourself and told HR person you can't do the orientation.

    Ok, here is what I put on FB re; my tooth, so just skip over if you already saw it....

    Long day today (Tuesday)! Yesterday (Monday) I had to go to the dentist, was having an issue with a tooth. Hour drive there, hour drive back. I have an infection, near tooth that had root canal. Dentist can't do anything, I need to see an endodontist. None here can see me for 2 weeks, same in Flagstaff. I have to go to Mesa, 4 hours away. Left here at 6:30am. Do we pull it, or open the gums up and take a look. Well I don't really want it pulled so we opt for the surgery. Good thing, the tooth was not cracked or anything, nothing wrong with the tooth. I had a cist on my jaw bone. 5 hours back home, as I have to take a detour to pick up scripts. Finally home at 7pm. They are sending the bone sample in for biopsy.

    Had I had the tooth pulled it wouldn't have fixed the situation and I would have been without a tooth for no reason and still would have had to have the surgery. The surgery was almost $1200.00, we have no dental.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Lori, so glad you didn't need an extraction or re-do of the root canal! Hope the cyst is just fluid or at worst a minor infection.

    Celia, LaMarca is my go-to for Aperol spritzes.

    My DOTD yesterday was coffee, cappuccino, & water. Might need to make myself a mojito or Aperol spritz tonight after I come home from my MRI. I will make sure to wear something with pockets so anyone who wants to can jump in. (Scans are tonight for brain & the arterial/venous MRs Fri. night--what a waste of perfect weather for patio dining or BBQ). Having major league scanxiety for the first time since the lump scare I had in Oct. (which turned out to be scar tissue surrounding the shrunken seroma).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    I am Fabulous | Funny animals, Cute funny animals, Funny animal ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    OMG Lori all that traveling for something that is so unpleasant. But u did get ur tooth saved. Hopefully it'll be an infection of some sort, u have so much patience to do all of that but if the pain is gone it is worth it.Oh Larry is so cute u shouldn't correct him. Our weather here is treacherous, we have alerts for polution being super high for people with all kinds of problems, which most people do now a days. And it will last for a while I guess. It's of course so humid here it's hard to even open the door to let the dog out and he doesn't stay out very long.

    Kim CONGRATULATIONS u said NO, but the next few weeks sounds a little iffy for you, but again I will stay out of it <mostly>Wow for so many to want to leave it must be like a zoo for some.U know if u were the head of all this everything would have so much organization there I just know it. U are a problem solver big time without the panic mode. And Sadie would have many more belly rubs.

    Sandy sounds like u got some tests done, now it's waiting time, but they do get results faster than a few yrs. ago. So let us know.

    Hey Teka

    OK where is Jazzy, it's July and she should be back here with lots to say.

    Again my phone was busy after midnite right after I fell asleep. Talked to Dan he was wide awake and said he'd come over,,,oh boy the dog would wake up the whole house. He assured me he would be silent, but as much as I wanted to see him I tol him no and it still took me a while to fall asleep again. I don't blame these poor people but I'm working 1/2 asleep slurring my words even. Always sounds like I'm drunk <I wish I was> So I'm draggin' again this morning.

    Joey is leaving this afternoon for Springfield with his friends and their family, for a few days. They are his best friends and have all kept to adhering to all the rules but thought they'd get away for a while and they always include Joey, they won't let him or us pay for anything so Joey is taking his own money and wants to at least buy them dinner one night. They treat Joey so good and they all enjoy each other One thing they do have money so at least he's not a drain on them or Les wouldn't let him get included in everything. Oh they come here to but their house is all set with different rooms for different things to do. The have a huge home so they set it up so kids can have dun too. Very nice people, they were Joey's first friends when we moved here., oh I think I told u this before, oh well.

    OK I'll check back latah.

    Hello everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Sadie and I are getting up to one very foggy ayem. My little desk top hygrometer is saying the humidity is 72%, with the weather people saying it's 91% to 96%. Very sticky. Supposed to get thunder showers this peeyem. I think this is going to be a good day for not moving around too much. Sadie is moving in her slow-motion mode this ayem,And I have now officially join the ranks of the Uninsured.I cannot afford to pay $800 a month for health insurance that won't cover anything until I've paid a $5000 deductible. I'm not going to run up $5k of medical bills in a year at this point in my life unless something catastrophic happens, at which point I would have to stop working and would qualify for Medicaid. Obamacare really has not helped me at all. If something catastrophic comes up I'll be bankrupt if I have health insurance or not, so no point in throwing that much money away. Pretty sad state of societal affairs when the most logical financial choice for a professional working part time is to go uninsured, but them's the facts these days.

    Goldie--I know the work situation sounds a lot like Hospice, but there are some very major differences--there is no bullying going on, I have a guaranteed minimum of 24 hours a week of paid work on a set schedule, and most of the people that are leaving have kind of negative attitudes that are not being helpful. I have a really hard time with the idea that sheets and things don't get changed at motels/hotels.I worked my way through nursing school primarily by chambermaiding, as it was called way back then, and would never have not changed the sheets and towels. Of course, wiping down all the surfaces was not a thing back then, but dusting them was, and hand washing the dishes left dirty in the cabins with kitchen (no dishwashers). I suppose there are all kinds of workers out there, though. I saw your Fb post. Glad you found the true problem and avoided unnecessary surgery. And to have to go so far to get it taken care of in a reasonable time frame, SMH.Is there such a thing as dental insurance any more? I haven't heard of it in years!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--scanxiety can rear it's ugly head at the most unexpected times! When will you get the scan results?

    Cammy Cat--You are, indeed, FABULOUS!

    Wet Money Cocktail

    Wet Money Cocktail


    1 1/2 oz white rum

    3/4 oz Torani Almond (Orgeat) Syrup

    1/2 oz green chartreuse liqueur

    1/2 oz fresh lime juice

    Lime peel, for garnish

    Crushed ice & ice cubes


    Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled 2/3 of the way up with crushed ice. Shake well and strain over ice into a rocks glass. Garnish with lime peel.

    From <>