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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Thank you Teka.

    Sandy, I hope all went well last night and tonight the same and good luck with the results. Do you when you can expect them?

    Well, the anti b's had me super sick, threw up 5 times yesterday morning and was in bed almost all day. Evening dose, I made sure I had something to eat and lots of water, still got sick. So I am not taking them anymore.

    NM, Sulfamethoxazole is what they give me. Horse pills! Would it be ok to just take 1/2 a pill? The incision feels great, pain level a 1. Now that would be different if I got popped on the cheek!

    DH has appt. with ortho this morning, 2.5 hour drive. He is still on for his surgery on the 14th with him, now it just depends on the hospital. Since we are growing so fast with Covid.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Morning all! Today is my son’s birthday. We will celebrate with dinner tonight. I am sure there will be laughter and maybe some hugs! Hope to get some pictures. My kids are uncomfortable with having their picture taken. I got my hair cut and styled yesterday by my regular stylist. It looks much better. Think Jamie Lee Curtis. Now I will have to replicate her technique and attempt to get the same look.

    Sandy - Definitely in your pocket for the scans. I totally understand the anxiety, both during the scan and waiting for the results.

    Goldie - I often wonder why Medicare doesn’t cover eyes and teeth for the elderly. Antibiotics can be very harsh at times. Rest and let the medicine do what it can to cure you.

    NM - The industry of group homes for the elderly is going to change tremendously due to this pandemic. You are a strong person to work there and try to give good service to the customers.

    Cami - This time of year those phones are going to ring ALOT. I cannot stand the heat or the humidity. When it rains here you can see steam rising from the pavement. Could not live with my heat pump!

    Hope all are able to enjoy a safe 4th of July. We will stay home, eat barbecue and watch NASCAR. I have plenty of books to read. Might start another cross stitch project. LOL

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi friends- I am back! Did you miss me? Happy July and almost July 4th. Well, the first half of this year is over and not sure what to say about the rest. I often think about how after the end of last year (August through Dec) was enough to make me desperate to get in to a new year, but little did I know what was coming next.....

    June went by quickly and the state of New Mexico began opening up more on June 1st. I was able to get back in to the pool to swim the second week of June, and they have a good on line process to register and screen, plus they do the same at the door and take your temp. I was just getting back into my swimming in Jan and Feb after all the eye stuff last fall, and then had to stop. There are so many benefit I get from swimming from fitness and strength, to weight management, and better sleep and so glad to be back in the water. We are limited to one hour with the new process, but in many ways, I like it because I am assured to have a lane when I go. I am up to 66 laps as of yesterday!

    Other things are open here like more retail, dining in for restaurants, and hair salons. I did get to my stylist after many months and decided to make the change to going grey now. Something I was planning to do this year anyways turning 60, but with being at home, it allowed me to grow out my roots and have a super short cute pixie now. A tad of blonde on the tips on top, but by my next cut in August, that will be gone too. I have not had my hair this short in a long time, but really like it better than I expected (both short cut and the grey color).

    Been continuing to work with my volunteer project to help with emergency supply for PPE around the state. I have learned a lot of things about this pandemic from behind the scenes, but also had some great recognition so far for my efforts. I have some new work opps coming back now and hope to be back in my consulting world very soon.

    Family is doing okay for the most part. My SIL is still in long term care and her mother nearby in assisted living. My sister has not been able to go in yet to see either of them since mid March, but stops by with supplies. She was hoping to go in to see them after end of June but with things worse in Cali, no such luck. She tells me her partner is strong and will live another 3-4 years. We had a cousin who is a group living situation back east and ended up with Covid but okay so far. We heard recently on a family zoom that 30 people in her location had died from it. She is okay for the time being.

    My home and yard have been my refuge during all this. I have often thought about how much worse this could be if it had hit in the dead of winter. At least here in the SW, the weather was improving and being outside was easier. I have had whole families in my yard this spring, a family of quail with chics and lots of rabbits who have found their way into my back yard now (despite lots of limited entry points). Rabbits have chewed up some plants, left many alone. Wildlife is winning in the pandemic.

    I have some supplies to get up north with my volunteer work this weekend and going to spend a night at the newly restored Harvey Hotel, The Castenda, in Las Vegas, NM. One of my fav spots and off the beaten path so I expect it will be quiet there. I hope all of you have a safe holiday weekend and will be back to chat more next week!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Last night was the "MRI IAC." The IAC (internal auditory canal scan, no contrast) was first, and took about 45 min. Super-noisy, and at one point the magnets actually shook me like the "tapping" setting on my massage chair (what the Bill McNeill character on the sitcom NewsRadio called "weekend in Thailand"). No music, just ear-protector headphones (Evanston's control room lacks a stereo, dang it, so I can't even bring my own CDs). So I went through the songs in one of my favorite albums in my mind's ear, albeit fairly slowly in rhythm with the background throb of the scanner. Then came the contrast injection and the brain part of the MRI--lasted only about 18 min. The only problems were my R shoulder felt a bit sore as I lay on my back with arms at my side (tomorrow I will ask for a little cushioning beneath it); and then about 12 min. into the contrast MRI I got one of those exasperating throat tickles--usually cured by sipping water but obviously that was not an option. So I had to cough w/o moving my head. The tech said it didn't blur the scan, and a few swallows of saliva (TMI, I know) stopped the tickle in its tracks. (Will take a couple of cough-suppressant gels tomorrow night and hope I don't have to pee after--more TMI). They said the procedures would take a total of 90 min., but it was much less. Tomorrow night is the non-contrast MRA (arteriogram) and then contrast MRV (venogram), each estimated to be 45 min.

    Since this is a holiday weekend, and the scans aren't being done on an emergency basis, I doubt the radiologists will even read the scans till at least Tues., much less report to my ENT. (I don't have a followup appt. with her--she wants to see the scans first and proceed from there via my patient portal).

    The scary part was the drive home. I was headed south along Ridge and decided instead of taking my usual route south and then east, I would cut over to Sheridan Rd. along the lakefront. Big mistake--Sheridan is one of the two "main drags" through East Rogers Park, which while pretty is getting increasingly dicey. I was still in Evanston, headed east toward the lake, when a WGN-TV mobile unit turned on to the street ahead of me. After crossing the city line, I could see blue lights off to the south about 1/2 mi.--then the mobile unit pulled over and extended its antenna & a cameraman stepped out. Uh-oh..."newsworthy" at night is never a good thing. Got a block further south when I saw a bunch of police SUVs, yellow crime scene tape, and a cop making everyone detour west. So the first couple of N-S cross-streets were either the wrong way or dead-ends; then the third one was also cordoned off at its intersection. Something told me not to take Ashland south, so I looked at the map in my nav system and found a parallel N-S street and then an E-W cross street without a cordon. But though it was 2-way, there was heavy traffic headed W on it and it was so narrow that at one point I had to fold my side mirrors back. Got to Sheridan, just s. of the other side of the cordon, and went on my way, listening to news radio but heard nothing about the roadblock.

    Got home, turned on WGN-TV and found it had been a drive-by shooting that took place about an hour before I reached that intersection. A car was headed northbound on Sheridan when, acc. to terrified joggers, another northbound car pulled alongside it, opened fire and sped away. The driver and passenger were shot multiple times, lost control, and crashed into a parked car. A good Samaritan drove the victims to the nearest hospital where they were listed in good condition, with the wounds non-life-threatening. No motive was given, no report on whether it was gang-related, and nobody is in custody. Only description was of the shooters' car. And this morning, i learned of a 4-hr hostage an apt. bldg. on Ashland--beginning precisely when & where I would have turned s. onto it.

    Boring & routine is good--will take Ridge home tomorrow night!

    Bob had dinner near his office, so with my nuked (vegan) dinner I had a little of the remaining Williams-Selyem rosé. All the DOTD I needed. Bob is staying at the hotel tonight (he has a very early echo-reading morning at nearby Advocate Christ tomorrow morning) so I will probably kill off the last couple oz. of the rosé with whatever I pull out of the freezer. No point in dining out alone.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Sandy - Glad that you got through the 1st scans ok. Hope all goes well tomorrow and that your drive is less harrowing. You so deserved that DOTD. I think I mentioned before that when DD lived in Chicago, she was on N Sheridan in East Rogers Park. Sorry to hear it is getting dicey.

  • mariadelpilar
    mariadelpilar Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2020

    I drink wine every night. I have done a lot of research and can’t find anything that says drinking after a breast cancer diagnosis will cause a recurrence. My onco agreed. Anybody’s onco provide any research proving alcohol can cause a recurrence? Please post. thank you

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    I Gathered All the Funniest Cat GIFs So You Didn't Have to ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Welcome Maria, I don;t think any of us heard any connection between wine and cancer, so enjoy and I hope u come back to share with us.

    Kim I still don't know how u do it all, u do more for people in 24 hrs. than most cuz I know u take mind things home with u. That's why u have Sadie she can relax you when maybe nothing else can.

    Oh Lori what u go thru sometimes, I'm so sorry, but u need to take something I'm sure. Can't u call ur Dr. and get something else. And now another long ride??? I'm sorry but the thought of that gets me sick. U need rest just going to ur Drs.I have no idea what can help u, I wish I did.

    JAZZY's back and u have really kept busy this last month. Did I know u were volunteering??? Wow that's so nice to do.And I know ur happy about getting ur swimming in, that's been sorely missed by you. Ur looking great and I really like ur hair. Things are opening up there just like here, but a little scary to me.

    Hey Teka!!!

    Sandy bad enough going thru all the tests, but riding home sounds horrendous. I told all of u boring is good, but u had to go another way. Good thing u were an hour later too. I saw something on the news, but since I don't know areas it never dawned on me u would be near that. Good luck with the rest of the tests and just go ur usual way. Be safe. Chicago's a mess.

    It really just dawned on me tomorrow is a Holiday so people are off today, so I'm thinking the guy in my office is probably off today meaning I have all the phone calls. Holy shit I have a hard time doing that anymore just to many for me. And I saw the guys are jammed today so it doesn't help me trying to get people taken care of. And I have to find out what the prices are for tomorrow, see how ill equiped I am. I think of these things now.

    JC sounds like a couple of fun days planned for u. I know how much u enjoy that. And ur cross stitching is beautiful, lotsa patience there.

    Kim I certainly don;t think I'm fabulous, but I think cats think they are for sure. I never met a cat that didn't love himself like crazy. After all they lick their own butts.

    Hey Celia.

    Have a safe and observant few days everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Well, Sadie and I did just exactly as much as I figured we would do yesterday--nothing. Unless you count basking in the sun for a while, and then moving inside in front of the fan and playing games on the Kindle and reading. And snoozing. Sadie did lots of snoozing. We did have a big thunderstorm in the evening, bright lightning and thunder that shook the house along with some serious downpours. Good storm for watching. Let me tell you, it fell very good to do nothing all day.

    Goldie--Sulfamethoxazole can be hard on the tummy. Talk to your doc about either changing to a different antibiotic or stopping this one, but don't change the dosage. If you have tablets that have a mark where you can cut them in half, try taking half a tablet with some food, and then the other half 30 to 60 minutes later, also with some food. Another trick is to drink some milk 15 to 20 minutes before taking the antibiotic with some food. And another trick is to take it with an ice cold liquid and to keep sipping the ice cold liquid for a while after taking the pill.Wishing the DH good luck with his appointments.

    Librarian--happy birthday to your son! You are very right in that the care of the elderly is going to change going forward. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Congregate care may not be the best way going forward, but fundamental attitudes about elder care and paying for care and paying caregivers is going to have to change if we move to some other approach if we don't want a disaster like the one that happened when mental illness care was deinstitutionalized. What really hurts is knowing that most people working in nursing homes are like me, really caring for and about the people we are taking care of and doing the best we can and adding lots of little extras whenever we can, but are getting painted with the broad brush that should only be applied to the very few who don't care and treat residents poorly. Your 4th of July plans sounds like mine--not going anywhere, enjoying a good book or movie at home, and probably watching the neighbors' fireworks.

    Jazzy--Welcome back!Wow, 66 laps, that is amazing! Some good things are coming from the virus changes, knowing you will have a lane is one. Time we all stated looking for the benefits. Most restaurants asking for reservations means less waiting for tables for one. I'm glad to hear the hair color and new cut is pleasing to you. I'm not sure I could ever get used to short hair again after so many decades of long hair! I didn't realize your SIL's mother was in assisted living. The lockdown on visitation must be hard on them and your sister. Wildlife truly is the only winner in this whole thing, and showing surprising ability to thrive under adversity. Have a good trip this weekend!

    Chi--Glad to hear the first scans are over and weren't too unbearable. You are probably right about when the scans will be read and reported. Wow, what a drive home you had! Sounds absolutely terrifying. Boring and routine can be a very good thing!

    Morning, Celia!

    Welcome, Mariadelpilar! Your question is one that is at the root of many recommendations. There is no PROOF that alchohol causes cancer or recurrence, the research only shows correlations, and even those aren't really clear. My stand is that until medicine can state with certainty how cancer starts and what causes it, correlations with drinking/diet/exercise/etc is just a way to blame the victim. I don't mean that we shouldn't pay attention to these things, there are positives and negatives of all of them than need to be taken into account by each individual in light of their own values and beliefs.

    Cammy Cat--How did you know that I bring work home in my mind? I thought I hid that pretty well! Sadie is able to distract me when no one or nothing else can. And she takes that job very seriously! She can even make me smile when she is sleeping! Yes, cats do love themselves, don't they?

    image alt="The Cheshire Cat Cocktail Recipe">

    Cheshire Cat

    Serve in an

    Old-fashioned glass


    Lemon zest twist, rosemary sprig & smouldering cinnamon stick

    How to make:

    THROW all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass (preferably over a chunk of ice block).

    1 sprig

    Rosemary sprig

    1 1/2 fl oz

    Cognac VSOP

    2/3 fl oz

    Dewar's 12 Year Old Scotch whisky

    1/2 fl oz

    Cherry Heering Liqueur

    1/2 fl oz

    Carpano Punt E Mes

    1/6 fl oz

    Cinnamon sugar syrup

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    JCS, happy birthday to your son. Nice that you can celebrate with your family. I think Medicare will cover some things, eyes and ears, but just the exam. I don't think they pay for glasses or hearing aids, from what I remember and nothing on dental.

    Sandy, glad the scans went "ok", but quite the ride home. Hoping all goes ok today with a better ride home.

    Jazzy, of course we missed you, but my gosh, the time sure flew by. You have been busy, but you alway are. I just heard on the news this morning that NM is fining $100 for anyone caught not wearing a mask out in public! Is that good news that your SIL could last that much longer? Is that any QOL? Of course we never want to lose a loved one. She was taken off life support, right?

    Hi Maria and welcome. We know of no such thing that relates drinking to BC. So stick around and have some drinks with us.

    Cami dear, I'm fine, I promise. The one thing that makes my long drives easy, is they are usually pretty drives, always mountains to look at. I'll call someone today to find out if I need a dif. anti b. Doesnt' Dan let you know if you have all the calls. I'm sure you will do fine, seems like you always do.

    NM, thanks for the swim yesterday morning, always a pleasure. A do nothing day is the best day! I just need more of them! Thanks for the info on the anti b. I have stopped taking it. My mouth feels ok and I have a ton of stuff to do today since being gone a week camping and then all the dental stuff when I got home. Work and home cleaning stuff. Plus have to make a dessert for bbq with neighbor tomorrow. If I can find time, I will call my onc or the dentist. It's just that if they call in another script, that's 2-3 hours of my day!

    DH's appts. went fine. He has to have neck MRI and covid test next week. At least a 2 day hospital stay. I think I will take my own sheets/blanket/pillows and some bleach rags to wipe everything down and no room service/cleaning. Especailly after learning what I posted before. We will have to go the day before as he will probably have to be at the hospital very early in the morning.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    My DS LOVED the cross stitch gift!!! He actually teared up telling me about his memories of talking to me about it when he was younger. Really makes me happy.

    Have a fun and safe 4th

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi ladies- thank you for your welcome back. Couple quick responses to a few things here:

    Maria- I was diagnosed in 2012 and had two different MO's during my first six months, whom I talked to this about. There had been something shared back in the 1980s about it and it came around again around the same time I was going through treatment. Some linkage between alchohol and increased risk of bc. The first MO suggested that I limit my drinking to 2-3 drinks per week, the other one (my longer term MO) said he did not think there was that much relationship. I choose to stick to the limited consumption and because of other health issues since bc. I think it is a personal choice/risk assessment about how much anyone wants to imbibe and think you will see here we have a range of what people do. Sometimes we talk about drinking more than we actually do!

    The best info I can share with you comes from this BCO site:

    Goldie- no, my SIL is not off life support. She has been on a respirator since last October, and a feeding tube since about November. Quality of life, I think not. I am not really able to explain this situation to anyone about the why, but have detached from all of it because as NM says "not my circus and monkeys." My sister and have never had an easy relationship and there are years we have not talked or seen each other, but have tried to maintain some connection with her. I have compassion for the situation but have upped the boundaries with her to avoid any more problems to my life. All I can say to anyone about this is if anyone creates a DNR, people need to be very clear it in about how much should be done and get it documented clearly too. I was the one to execute on my mother's DNR when the time came, and respected my mother's wishes not to be left lingering when there was no more hope of recovery or QOL.

    NM- my SIL is an only child, and has an aging mother and an aunt who need a lot of help and all of this has fallen to my sister to deal with. The MIL was moved to CA from TX about this time last summer as she needed more care, and they got her house sold and moved in to a nice place near them. She has been doing okay for the most part, but yesterday, something bad happened. The MIL fell in assisted living and could not get up. She was taken to the ER and has a broken hip, which they will pin. That assumes she can even have surgery, because she has had a bad heart for awhile and refused heart surgery. My sister believes she may not recover from this (aged 88).

    Cami- not sure if I had talked that much about the volunteer work. It was really getting going in May as we were figuring out how to help. I think we may be ramping down end of the month, but with cases on the rise out west, we are not sure?

    Happy July 4th to all of you and be back next week!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Sandy, in your pocket for tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Thanks, "Beav!"

    As to alcohol, it's all over the map--but the only studies that show a coincidence (not a correlation, if you remember the diff from Statistics 101) between alcohol consumption and cancer did not address recurrence risk, only the risk of getting cancer in the first place. Biochemically, the theory as to alcohol and ER+ breast cancer is that alcohol can impair the liver's ability to clear estrogen from the bloodstream. BUT aromatase--which is the catalyst for the body's conversion of androgen (androstenedione, secreted by fat cells and adrenals) into estrogen (estrone)--is produced by...wait for it...the liver. So theoretically, alcohol might also impair the liver's ability to produce aromatase. Add an aromatase inhibitor into the mix, and alcohol's relationship to ER+ breast cancer is questionable. As my MO and my BS' first NP said, "moderation in all things." So I still keep my wine consumption under a pint (three 5-oz. glasses plus an ounce) a week. If anything, wine does have calories and even dry wines have carbs. I notice my weight plateaus when I have wine with my dinner. I think that my getting below my 150-lb. weight loss goal since the pandemic began may have been due in part to less dining out and NO wine-tasting dinners/events. Having a Coravin--and for bottles we actually open, eyeballing where on my wine glass 1 or 2 oz. hits--certainly helps. But when we dine out (al fresco), I do allow myself a full flute of bubbly. And if I do order a red with dinner, I usually drink less than an oz. of it--when I'm done with my protein, I'm done with my wine.

    Thanks, "pocket passengers!" Once I'm past tonight's scans, I'm gonna put it out of my mind till I see the reports. Planning to have Gordy & Leslie over tomorrow for some outdoor grilling. I told him not to call after 6 tonight because I'm "having some tests." Carefully avoided the words "scan" or "MRI." He assumes the "tests" are to fulfill my CLE requirement (as per the last steps Bob does for his CME). What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Sandy, I agree. Get the tests done and fa get about it! Enjoy the weekend, Gordy and Leslie. All of us in your pockets, glad you supplied plenty of them!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long. Been busy getting into a trial to see if radiation for single bone mets vs systemic therapy alone adds any progression free or overall survival benefit. I'm in and randomized to the radiation arm but now insurance is giving the trial doc trouble. Also had a follow up brain mri last Friday and was notified that a spot appeared in the fluid but to wait for the radiologists official report. Monday the report confirmed as suspicious for leptomenigial disease, so I had an mri of the spine, went home and completely lost my shit. Lepto mets has a average prognosis of 4-6 months for BC. Fortunately, I was told on Wednesday that's the spine mri was clear, no lepto but I will have the two new spots zapped.

    I am eating a bit better, bigger bites and crunchy things like celery and apples. I also had my first glass of wine in nearly 6 months!

    Now, I'm coming down off the emotional roller coaster and planning for more hospital stuff.

    I missed you all 💖

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Glad it's not lepto, Ilona. Hope the spots are artifacts. I just had brain MRIs Wed. & tonight, inner-ear MRI Wed. and MRA/MRV tonight. Now comes the waiting. They weren't checking for mets (though an "incidentaloma" is an un-felicitous remote possibility) but rather for the cause of my L sided pulsatile tinnitus, which i've had since mid-Jan. (though it's not as severe these days). I also had it, along with a weird hearing disturbance (hearing pitches 1/8 tone apart between my L & R ears and severely distorted stringed instrument sounds), back in 2004. They found nothing back then, but antioxidants & 5-day course of prednisone eventually cleared it up. This time if they find nothing amiss, they'll look for a cerebro-spinal fluid leak.

    Yeah, you bet I had a drink (killed off the last couple oz. of Wiliams-Selyem rosé).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Happy Independence Day! Sadie and I are going to stay right here at home today, and avoid the traffic and craziness that is going on out there in the world. Got a few more things done around the house, if I keep puttering at this rate the entire house will look clean again soon. I just don't have the physical stamina to clean for hours at a time like I used to. I can remember Mom saying things like that when she hit her late 60's, so it seems I'm a bit ahead of the curve on that one. That's ok, no real need to rush, anyway, right? Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I do like a good swim, too! Hopefully you've gotten the antibiotic long enough to ward off any potential infection and you can just stop it entirely, that would be easiest for you. Taking bleach wipes to the hotel sounds like a good idea. Hope everything goes well for your DH.


    Jazzy--oh my goodness, not good news about the MIL. At her age, life expectancy if she has surgery is 6 weeks to 3 months, 6 months to ayear if she doesn't have surgery. Does the MIL have any dementia? If so that will make things a lot harder. That is a lot for you sister to be dealing with, and there is really nothing you can do to help except what you are already doing. Thank you for the volunteer work! I know we have been depending on volunteer projects for many things here.

    Morning, Beaver!

    Chi--nice touch with the don't-call'after-6-I'm-having-tests line! Have a good time with the grilling.

    Illi--oh my, what a ride you have been on! How is the insurance company giving the Trial Doc problems? It's not like they are going to have to pay for anything related to the trial. Why do things always have to be so difficult?


    Red, White and Blue Wine Spritzer


    • 1 cup simple syrup (1 part sugar plus 1 part water, boiled until dissolved and cooled)
    • ½ cup fresh strawberries (sliced in half)
    • ½ cup fresh blueberries
    • 1 bottle dry white wine
    • club soda or tonic water
    • ice
    • few sprigs of fresh mint for garnish


    1. Fill Pitcher with ice and top with berries (save some to place in glasses).
    2. Pour in simple syrup and then wine until pitcher is ¾ full.
    3. Top off with club soda or tonic water, stir and serve in ice filled glasses. Garnish with mint sprig.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    BabyGirl, thanks for stopping by to let us know what is going on. I don't like it! And I'm certain you don't either. This damned disease can be so fricken brutal sometimes. Glad you are coming off the emotional roller coaster, not sure I could recover from all that. Praying the radiation zaps all of the Mother F'ers, to never be seen again. Are you having any physical symptoms, pain, headaches? Glad you are least eating better. And then having insurance problems on top of it all....oh vey!

    NM, indeed no rush on the cleaning. Ya know always comes back! The anti b, I only had 3 pills, I doubt enough to do anything. Just praying I don't get infection. It's feeling pretty good, doesn't look red and just a tad sore, which I think would be expected. Oooooh, that Red White and Blue Wine Spritzer looks so good and refreshing.

    Just some cleaning, gardening and then heading to the neighbors for a little BBQ. We shall be VERY careful! I am pretty aware of what most of them do and feel pretty confident that all will be safe. There are just 2 that I don't know well, and not sure what they do in daily living. They are older than us, and live out here like us, and have lots of animals. So I don't think they go out a lot.

    Well, hoping everyone has a great holiday weekend. Happy 4th!

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    NM, The insurance company is being asked to pay for the radiation in this trial and they believe that since I have mets elsewhere (brain), the bone radiation is “not medically necessary” but the trial doc has a plan B (and plan C if required). My participation was approved but now that I’m due for rads, they’re fussing.

    Goldie, no pain or headaches and the 2 mets are tiny, one may be slight regrowth from a previous met but they didn’t specify at my appointment. So far I haven’t had any SE’s from brain mets, mine seem to grow slow and we catch them quick since I am monitored so frequently.

    DH and I are heading to a friends house today for a few hours. We’ll be outside mostly and I’ll be distancing like they’ve got the plague, lol. I’m pretty comfortable about it since they’ve been home working on their house for weeks, my only question is where their adult son and his kids have been but they all know to give me lots of space.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Gordy is coming over tonight to eat grilled steaks & veggie skewers. WF was completely out of corn of any kind! May forage through the freezer & pantry to see if I can find any Niblets to turn into elotes. Leslie doesn't like being out in the heat too long, and wants to be able to comfort their pooch in the inevitable event there are pyrotechnics. Will make mojitos; Bob got some local-brew lager; and I will likely crack a bottle of red Zin or kill off the Coravin-ed bottle of Signorello Cab. Sauv.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Delicious sangria


    Green chili infused margarita


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I was right that the neighbors would be shooting off fireworks last evening, but I did not realize how loud they were going to be! The first volley of firecrackers just about bounced me off the ceiling, and I know I squawked. It even startled Sadie, who was sound asleep at the time. Apparently, Sadie was not happy with the neighbors, she went outside and barked at them then entire time they were shooting off various fireworks. Fortunately, it only lasted about an hour and all was quiet again by 9 peeyem.Today it's raining as we get up, again badly needed moisture coming down lazily and gently. The deck garden is doing nicely, the yard garden needs some TLC, maybe I'll go see it later today.

    Goldie--yeah, the cleaning still keeps coming back, but I am still digging out from a period of totally ignoring that kind of stuff due to lack of energy. I'm working to get back to the point where regular housework will keep things under control. Making progress, though! You are probably OK from an infection point of view, antibiotics given after dental work are usually a short course and more of an insurance policy than anything else. Good mouth care for a week or so until everything heals up is a must do for you right now! Socially and psychologically I think we are all getting to the point where we need to do something with other people or start going stark raving crazy. Being careful and thoughtful about potential exposures is the key now. My big thing this coming week is a Whale Watching cruise on Thursday. I try to go once a year, I prefer to stay outside the boat cabin and with all the breeze nothing much can land on me, right? Besides, the boat will only be half full so there will be plenty of space.

    Illi--Good luck with the insurance company. I'm glad the RO has back up plans. Glad to hear there is no pain from the mets. Hope you enjoyed the visit with friends.

    Chi--After watching a news report about a potato farm burying tons and tons of potatoes no one is buying I can believe the same thing is happening with corn. I never realized that half the food grown in the US went to processing plants to become packaged foods and how much of the other half went to restaurants and other places that prepare and sell food. I naively thought the bulk of all that food went to grocery stores where individuals bought the food to prepare for their family to eat!

    Morning, Teka!

    Jazzy--the sangria looks wonderful! But green chili infused margarita?Not gonna touch that one!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    BabyGirl, so glad to hear you are not experiencing horrible SE's. Hope you had a fun time at your friends house.

    Jazzy, interestiing cocktails, but I'm with NM on the chili infused margarita! I know you are enjoying.

    NM, I am def. taking good care of my teeth, rinsing with salt water and I also have a prescription rinse I use as well. Sorry that first firework sent you to the ceiling, but I did chuckle about it. My garden is doing so so. I have terrible blossom drop on my tomatoes, I think due to the heat. So losing them that way and the birds helping themselves! Whale watching cruise, I remember you going on that, but didn't realize it was a yearly thing. That will be fun.

    Good time at my neighbors, there was 7 of us, not including her 91 yo FIL. The guys (3) mostly stayed outside grilling. Everyone kept a nice distance, no hugging or hand shaking and I made sure to ask if they were mask wearers. 2 were not, both guys. One is married and she wears one, but I don't see where that does any good if her husband doesn't wear one. He is one of them that thinks this is all a political joke. He started in on that and his wife put the kabosh on that right away! I took a dessert "Better than Sex" 9x13 dish, just enough left that I could bring some home for my DH. When everyone left, my neighbor made me a "Scooby Snack". Malibu rum, Midori and milk on ice. It was ok, a tad too sweet for me. During the get together, she has snap chat and took pictures of everyone, one of me as a guy and one as a young hottie! Got home around 7:45. My DH did not go as there was a neighbor there that he doesn't like.

    Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

    Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Goldie, my friend has the same filter and it’s funny. I look like some dude at a monster truck rally, lol


  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Oh, Goldie & Illi, those pics are too much fun! In order to see a pic of me as male, I need look no further than a pic of my younger brother.

    Illi - Glad to hear you are feeling better. Healing thoughts coming your way.

    NativeMainer - Have fun on your whale watching trip. Went on one with my daughter & sister outside Boston (Stellwagen Bay) and it was amazing. Two whales were "playing" at continually broaching and then slapping their dorsal fins on the water.

    Jazzy - Nice bar and drink pics!

    I have dreams of one day rendezvousing with members of this topic and drinking a toast. Think today calls for a Chambord Spritz, but a little later in the day. Just finished my irish cream liqueur laced coffee.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    cute cat gif | Tumblr

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    A pretty full group here and I read everything but only remember a few things.

    Oh Illi so glad u pooped in, u must have been going thru so much and still are. But u are better at least. This has been a long haul for you and I pray u really are getting better. At least u can eat now. I don't think anyone thought it was going to be this hard on you. I'm so sorry.

    Jazzy ur swimming is really great, not n easy thing to do. And it must feel good. U know I always enjoy ur sunsets and sunrises and I wonder sometimes cuz I never see all that beauty around here in our skies, and wonder why. Wow ur SIL is still hanging in there but doesn't sound very well.

    Lori I saw the beginnings of ur garden and still remember when u had a super full table full a few years back, How r u going to stop those critters there must be a way. Will u stay with ur H overnight. I think it's kind of a good idea cuz ur so far from home.

    Hey Teka

    JC Ur really beaming with things ur doing now, just be careful.

    Kim things sound as usual for you. How u go thru this everyday is beyond my comprehension I always said ur like Superwoman and u still are. Don't u get scared or nervous when u get home cu u never mention that. Give Sadie and extra belly rub from me.

    Sandy r u done with ur tests yet. Holiday weekend is always a wait. I'm anxious to hear what is causing this actually so explain in layman terms when u find out. And doing something with Gordy will be nice.

    Sandy u have the same news I have. I don't know if all of any of u have read about Chicago the last few weekends, but it's been horrendous. So many killings and of little girls in their homes. I've been so sad about all this I don't even understand it. Protesters are fine, but all this violence has nothing to do with what's at hand. it's just killing for killings sake. Another girl was killed last nite doing nothing wrong. Why??? Why are these people killing their own people what are they trying to prove. All these families are all crying with so much hurt. I actually watched the news and I'm not doing that again. It just made me miserable. I'm not being political, I'm just being sad for all that is happening. I'm going back to my comedies at nite no more news for me.

    I talked to my sister last nite and did I get a bashing from her <bitch> I've been putting off my tests for a couple of months now and I know it's time but she wouldn't let it go.So I promised her this week I will make app'ts. GRRRR she aggravates me. It's easy to promise, now I have to do it.

    Hope all is going well for ALL of you.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    I'm done with my MRIs--now to wait and see what's next. Bob thinks it's definitely an inner-ear/eustachian-tube issue. I certainly hope so--despite it being annoying & untreatable, it would be harmless and I could live with it. Radiologist probably won't read the scans till tomorrow and I doubt whether the ENT & I would get a report before Tuesday.

    Scary event this week: I have my 4-month dental cleaning coming up Tues. My DDS used to have his office in the neighborhood--to where I could walk and climb a nice open staircase to the second-floor "gallery." The building was actually Chicago's first-ever indoor shopping arcade, with a leaded-glass skylight. Unfortunately, the application for landmark status was denied, and it fell to the wrecking ball for yet another ugly condo bldg. So I have to see him at his Loop office now. So what's so "scary?" I used to take a Lyft there and the CTA home--but I don't feel safe doing either one of those. So I need to go on SpotHero to find out the nearest self-park garage--I don't feel safe using valet parking either. And even scarier? He's on the 17th floor...which means an elevator. I am so afraid of having to share an elevator! (Of course, the dentist & hygienist are at higher risk from patients than vice versa).

    It was great having Gordy over last night--our deck table is big enough that the 3 of us were easily able to physically-distance. Turns out the reason Leslie couldn't come was that she started a new job running a website for a gifted-and-talented STEM student program. Funded through Americorps, it pays half again as much as her tutoring job and has benefits. As to Gordy, he has a sinking feeling that w/in the next 2 weeks all the company's employees will be called back into the office--which means he would have to take CTA there & back. With college sports and some drive-in concerts & shows coming back, and hopefully B'way & other theater, large arena concerts and such coming back by spring or summer 2021--and thousands of customers looking to apply their credits from cancelled stuff, he will likely have his hands full.

    Went out to Cellars for patio brunch today (amazingly, they had more outdoor than Indoor tables available). Very warm but with a nice lakefront breeze keeping it in the low 80s. Actually had to put on sunscreen before walking there. (And of course, my breath smelled like sunscreen in my mask). DOTD was Bellefleur de Haute Terre sparkling rosé. Nothing alcoholic tonight with leftovers. Trying to pace myself. Have a weigh-in (in-person) coming up 7/22 and I need to get my act together.