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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    And Cami, the only thing besides street-gang wars (and miserable aim on the parts of shooters--often rookies ordered by leaders to pull the triggers as an initiation) I can think of as a motivation for all this gun violence in Chicago is a generation inured to early deaths and therefore with no concept of respect for human life, nor even the empathy to feel grief. (Living the old maxim that "life is nasty, brutish and short"). That, and--despite strict city gun laws--easy availability of guns just across state lines (the Southeast Side abuts Indiana) and even neighboring low-income blue-collar suburbs just outside the city.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Hello all! Looks like everyone had nice celebrations for the 4th. Sorry about the fireworks. We did better here than normal. There were noises, but most were over by 11:00pm. Next week is time to start some heavy duty indoor cleaning. I have been neglecting things and need to get caught up. First I will attend a friend’s wedding on Zoom. She lives in Maryland and it is not her first marriage. Happy she has found someone to spend her ‘Golden years’ with.

    The pic is my DH and I attempting to make the spa feel like a pool. We had sparklers, beer and NASCAR for the 4th. We were also able to buy some BBQ from a friend that was really good. A quiet, but fun day!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Waking up to some more rain but it's supposed to blow through this ayem and clear up through the day. The humidity has dropped off which is a great relief. Sadie is doing a good job supervising the neighborhood in between naps. I'm sure she'll keep herself busy while I'm at work today.

    Goldie--The birds helping themselves to the tomatoes must be hard to see. I'd be unhappy with them, that's for sure! Sounds like the BBQ was a good time.Just SMH at the hubby that won't mask and the wife that does.I hope he's reading the reports that are coming out about how "mild" cases of COVID-19 are leaving a lot of people with long term after effects.Those pics of you are fun!

    Illi--I wondered who the Dude was when I first saw the pic, hard to believe that's you!

    Celia--Whales are amazing creatures. It's great fun to see them breaching and spy hopping. I love being out on the water seeing them and the birds and other critters.

    Cammy Cat--I don't get scared or nervous at home very often, but when I do it's usually about work stuff. Home is my sanctuary. Sadie is better than Xanax most of the time when I do get anxious about things. Iunderstand putting off tests, I have a tendency to put things like that off, too. Glad you have your sister to keep you in line!

    Chi--glad to hear the testing is over with, now comes the waiting. I can see where the dental appointment is going to be scary. Take something with you to poke the elevator keys with instead of using your finger. I pray that you can get an empty elevator, or at least one with very few people and all masked. Sounds like Leslie is making out well work-wise. Sounds like Gordy will be busy at work and have the added concern of the commute soon. So many people are coming up on that point soon, and probably very frightened about the whole thing. Good luck with the weigh in, even though I know you don't need luck!

    Librarian--love the way you made the spa into a pool! Looks like you were having fun!


    Fireworks Flair Cocktail




    water, to cover


    4 ice cubes

    1⁄2 cup cranberry juice

    1 ounce vodka

    1⁄2 ounce blackberry brandy

    1⁄2 ounce triple sec

    1 blueberries, for garnish (optional)

    1 raspberries, for garnish (optional)

    1 three-inch-long strip lemon rind, for garnish (optional)



    In ice cube mold, fill 4 molds half-way with water. Freeze for 2 hours. Drop in 3 blueberries. Add water to fill those cubes. Place in freezer for 48 hours to set.


    Place 4 plain ice cubes in cocktail shaker. Add cranberry juice, vodka, blackberry brandy, and triple sec. Shake; strain into glass.

    Add blueberry ice cubes.

    Garnish with strip of lemon rind in an S-pattern around blueberry then raspberry.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    My HK's DH's dialysis line clotted, so she has to take him into the V.A. first thing tomorrow morning to de-clot it, replace it, and then go through dialysis. Long day ahead of her. Well, I muddled through almost 2 mos., and then this past 3-day weekend, so I can deal with tomorrow--piece of cake for me compared to what's in store for her.

    No word on the scans yet. Got a message in my patient portal this a.m., and my heart nearly stopped...turns out it was from my derm's office, renewing my skin cream prescriptions.

    Bob's in the office tonight so dinner alone for me; and I've been reading that caffeine & alcohol can aggravate some causes of pulsatile tinnitus, so no wine for me with dinner tonight, and I switched to decaf after 1pm.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Oh my BabyGirl, I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley! I think my guy looks very very gay. Which is funny, cuz I have 2 gay brothers!

    Celia, meeting a breastie is one of the best things. I think I have met about a dozen, some more than once.

    Cami, I'm doing my darnedest to stop the critters. For birds I have fake snakes, reflective tape and my traps. I highly doubt I will be allowed in the hospital, especially since AZ is now a hot spot. Glad that Lu is bugging you about your tests. I know you don't want to go, and I don't blame you. But it might mean a change in meds/treatments for you.

    JCS, a Zoom wedding. Kind of sad isn't it. One of my kids HS friends was planning wedding in Sept. but decided to hold off a year. Fun in the hot tub with hubby, how fun. Cute cut, super short. Glad you like it.

    NM, I am non too happy with the birdss. I think it's mocking birds. Sadie better than Xanax, of course she is and so was Snooky. And I'm sure more before them. Is your schedule the same every week? Or do the days change?

    Had to run to town today for labs. Onc appt. tomorrow morning 9:30, so I most likely won't be posting, hence my post now. DH has to go for tests and scans on Wednesday, 2.5 hours one way. And if he doesn't get these done, surgery will be postponed. He needs x ray, ekg, covid, mri and labs....oy vey. My mouth is doing pretty good, still a bit tender, but doesn't really hurt. Was going to stop at my dentist's office today to have him look at, but they were closed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Wishing everyone good outcomes with their tests and procedures!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungetttes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Yesterday at work was rather interesting. I met the interim Director of Nurses, she seems to be a nice person. Then I found out that the Assistant Director of Nursing has also left--already gone, in fact. Then I heard that the Assistant Director of Nursing "had to" resign, immediately, after something happened, and that is the same reason the Director of Nurses left with only 2 week's notice. Now I've got to figure out what happened. This also explains the very strange vibe that's been going on in the building the last few weeks. Now I get to play detective! Sadie is very interested in figuring out what happened, too!

    Chi--Yikes, having a dialysis line clot off is not fun. That will make for a long day for them. I can imagine the jump in pulse when you get a message like that, glad it was something routine. Still holding on to the no-news-is-good-news idea.

    Goldie--My schedule is generally Mon-Tues-Wed with changes from time to time as needs arise. Next week I'll have to adjust so that I'm working on Thursday to set up the conference room for a Skills Fair that starts on Friday. Usually the days I work will change about once a month.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    detective cocktails

    Sherlock Holmes' Chilled Black Tea Toddy


    • 1 1/2 oz single-malt Scotch

    • 2 oz chilled brewed Lapsang souchong tea

    • 1 oz honey syrup

    • 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice

    Pour ingredients into a mixing glass. Stir well and strain into an ice-filled glass.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Well, I'm ok but my HK's DH is not. To my utter amazement, the V.A. didn't admit him last night but rather sent him home. By the time they reached the hospital this morning, his arm had swollen so badly that it took a long time to extract the clot and it was impossible to replace the line with a clean one in his arm. They had to put the new one in his neck. Even if not having kept him for observation were malpractice, they can't sue...Federal sovereign immunity.

    Got my scan results back tonight and talked to my ENT. No tumors or stenosed blood vessels, thank goodness. Not a patulous eustachian tube either. Turns out the cause of my pulsatile tinnitus is that on each side I have an extra blood vessel ("of uncertain, posssible fetal etiology"--did I originally have a blighted twin and the vessels continued to develop instead of resorbing when the other embryo died?) that runs close to the internal auditory canal--and closer on the L than the R. So what I'm hearing IS my pulse, but of normal velocity (not more forceful flow due to hypertension nor narrowed arteries or veins). The radiologist also noticed a tiny (1mm) "outpouching" in one artery on the L, but unlikely to be an aneurysm--more likely just an anatomical anomaly (again, maybe a remnant of my fetal days). Suggestion is to get it imaged annually. But also, to see an ophthalmologist to rule out any intraocular hemorrhage or mass. There's no treatment for the pulsatile tinnitus, but there are workarounds (CBD/CBN/Xanax before bedtime, masking-noise generator app & earbuds, just getting used to it).

    But this morning I developed a new floater in my L eye. At first it looked like a gnat, then enlarged to the size & shape of a mosquito, and now it's a bent thread that flips its orientation when I move my eye and pay attention to it. Fortunately, we have a dear friend who is a vitreo-retinologist, so I will see him tomorrow. (Been 18 mos. since my last eye exam--and the ophthalmoligist who did my cataracts and refractions has since retired). So he will check my fundi and my intraocular pressure too.

    Another late night for Bob, so no wine for me tonight. (What goes with a tuna salad sandwich, parmesan crisps and a dessert of keto cereal anyway)?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!It seems Cammy not only knows me too well, but is a bit of a fortune teller, too. Yup, I let myself get talked into covering 2 more night shifts, one Saturday night and one next Monday night. The powers that be are desperate enough that they offered me $10 per hour incentive pay. In the meantime, the Admin and the Interim Director of Nurses is working on getting a few traveling nurse contracts and is more willing to let Agency nurses work overtime hours than the former one. When I told Sadie about this you should have seen the look she gave me! Total disgust. Then she ignored me for half an hour. I can just imagine what Cammy will have to say.

    Chi--good to know the tinnitus isn't due to a life-threatening cause. The floater sounds scary, though. Glad you have someone who can check things out quickly for you. What to drink with tuna, parmesan crisps and cereal? Anything you like! I'd probably choose a Prosecco, but I think Prosecco goes with everything, unsophisticated person that I am.

    Champagne Margarita - the perfect margarita topped with a bit of bubbly. Oh. So. Good. // 40 Aprons

    Champagne Margarita


    • 3 ounces tequila
    • 2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
    • 1 ounce simple syrup , recipe follows
    • 1/2 tsp to 1 teaspoon orange liqueur
    • 1 tsp Dry champagne or sparkling wine , to top
    • 1 piece Fresh lime juice , to rim
    • 1 pinch Kosher salt , to rim
    • 5 piece Ice cubes
    • 1 cup white sugar
    • 1 cup water


    1. Make simple syrup: combine sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat and whisk to dissolve sugar. Bring to a boil then remove from heat and cool. Store in an airtight container in the fridge, up to one month.
    2. To make a champagne margarita: Prepare your glass. Pour fresh lime juice in a shallow bowl or plate that's just large enough to dip your margarita glass in and pour a layer of kosher salt in another shallow bowl or plate. Dip rim of glass in lime juice then in kosher salt, then add ice. Combine tequila, lime juice, simple syrup, and orange liqueur in a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice and shake vigorously. Pour over ice into prepared glass and top with champagne--about 2-4 tablespoons will do it, but it's totally up to your own taste!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Oh dear NM, I can hear Cami now, with her "but I'm not gonna say"! Sadie is too funny and you too kind!

    Sandy, sorry about HK's DH. Hmmmmmm, blighted twin! A big glass of ice cold milk with that tuna sandwich, that is what I would have.

    Off to Flagstaff this morning for DH's pre-op tests. Another long day. I don't even know what day it is! I thought Tuesday, but looking at my phone, it says Wednesday!

  • e32
    e32 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2020

    Hi Ladies! Just looking for a page with something besides just the logistics of cancer. What is it like here? What should I expect? I am intrigued.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    E32, we’re a smallish group sharing daily life, adventures and cocktail recipes. Hi 👋

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2020

    e32 - Welcome, this is a fun group and where all the cool kids hang out! lol The people here talk about everything as you can see from reading some of the past messages.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi folks- hope everyone had a decent July 4th. Lots of noisey fireworks around, including up north where I spent the night at the newly restored Harvey House hotel. My get away was very nice, not busy there, restaurant moved outside to the patio with lots of social distancing, etc. It was also a lot cooler up there and a great reprieve from the hot temps down here. We are pushing 100 every day and going up to 104 by the weekend. I understand it is pretty hot just about everywhere this week?

    Things with the family are not good. My sister's MIL had her surgery last Friday and my sister was able to go see her over the weekend several times. With her dementia, she is very confused about what has been going on. But then things got worse yesterday after she went to rehab and then had a heart attack last night. She is back in the hospital and had angioplasty. She has a bad heart and needed major heart surgery awhile back but did not want to go through the recovery (at 90, I can't blame her). Between the broken hip with a rod, her bad heart and the dementia, I am really not feeling optomistic about much recovery here. My sister is exhausted.

    Everyone stay cool and safe and will be back again at some point. Wishing for continued good visits for those seeing the doctors and getting test results this week.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Good evening all, another evening post from me, strange I know. All went well with DH's pre ops today. We will head out Monday, hotel it, he has to be at the hospital Tues. am 5:45. Hopefully coming home Wednesday.

    E32 welcome. We are a small group indeed. We like to have fun and get away from all the cancer BS, but we are also very supportive when one needs it. The lounge here is called The Hot Tatties Lounge. We have Tenders (bar tenders) that will bring you whatever your heart desires. Some drink here only virtually, others do so at home, we don't judge! We have a pool, one indoor one outdoor, a casino, a beach park, and whatever else you would like! Our Tenders are Jocks, Hunk, Skate....OMG, I'm forgetting here, help me out goils. Oh Pants is one too. We post a drink of the day, NM (Native Mainer) usually does that in the mornings. Pull up a bar stool, tell us a little about you and we can share some of us with you. I am stage IV, have been for 6 years. Live in AZ on 80 acres off grid and run our business here. I have 2 children, one that just got out of rehab for the 2nd time (my son), and daughter that lives in the Virgin Islands.

    NM, looks like you are safe for now from the wrath of Cami!

    Misty, thanks for referring to us as the "cool kids". Have you seen that show with Vicki Lawrence? Wasn't on very long, we loved it. I wish it would come back.

    Jazzy, I'm so sorry to hear of the struggles in your sister's life with her MIL. I hope she is at least comfortable and I know how dimentia can make things so much worse. If it is her time, and at 90, that could be any day, with or without health issues, I hope it is peaceful. Does your SIL understand what is going on? I hope your sister gets some rest as well, I'm sure this is hard on her. Hot here too, and no monsoons. 116 in Phoenix this weekend, yikes! 105 for us.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Hi there, E32--welcome aboard!

    Well, the floater turned out to be a whole lotta nothing--harmless but annoying. Unfortunately, the retinologist found something in the R eye--an anomaly behind the bottom of the iris. Could be anything, but can't rule out melanoma or breast cancer mets. Going for advanced imaging at a super-specialist he recommends. Will let you know as soon as I know. Best specialists for this are a husband-wife Philadelphia. Nope--just too dangerous to travel. COVID would kill me faster and more horribly.

    DOTD: Sparkling rosé with patio dinner out.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Better Than I Know Myself GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Super early morning ladies,

    HERE I AM KIM, I will be kind, I will be nice, I will be understanding and I will be honest. I knew u' fall into a trap of working long hours. OK I lied. All anyone has to do is look at you and I think u say yes <take that anyway u want> U always think of others first, which is admirable but u have to start thinking of urself too. We all know that, especially now. I never want to hear u being sick like u were before. And I know Sadie would agree with me. And I agree about the Xanax I took less when I had my Katie-Kat. <I still miss her>

    Lori how can u ever say u run to the Drs.. Ur trips are all day long, that's horrible. well now u'll sty overnite for ur DH at least praying everything goes well.

    JC u can make fun anywhere u go. U and ur DH are so cute and I vet ur hair is easy to take care of now.

    Those pics of Lori and Illi are hysterical. I have no idea what thing that takes these pics, but the man part was just to funny. I can just take a regular pic. and I look like a man so I don't need that. Illi it's good to see u man or woman up and around. U've been thru so much.

    Welcome E I think u'll enjoy here. I've been here for a few yrs. now and everyone is great and met a couple of the gals here, so I got lucky. And U'll notice about me I'm the worst typist here and I did this for most of my life. I hope u come back and share about u and ur life,,,and as was said we do not judge, how can we???

    Hey Celia I see u pooped in as did Teka and Misty.

    Jazzy ur supposed to be back now, ur already getting busy planning I know. But sorry about ur sister MIL. This has to be a hard time for her.

    I remember freezing different fruit to put in my wine, depending on my mood, it looked so pretty and when the fruit started to melt it was infused with wine, can't get much better than that.

    Sandy so glad all is well with ur tests. My sister and I have had that for yrs. so we sleep with the tv on all the rime it helps drown out the noise. But I never heard the theory about a twin, oh i could believe it about my sister she wouldn't share her first home with anyone. I had a hard time in one bed with her. Sorry there's not much u can do about it tho. But my mom had it so we figured she passed it on to us. We always blamed her for everything we didn't like, yea cancer too.

    Oh OH Joey told me he was going to Springfield for the long weekend, of course I worried but tried not to think about it. Then when he got home <he did text me a couple of times> he sat with me and told me he went to Kentucky. KENTUCKY that brat!!! He knew I would worry like crazy so he didn't want to tell me til he got home, his parents knew. I told him a few months back it's all right to lie to me now cuz I don't want to know things <just as I told my kids> and he did lie. He learned that fast. But so did my kids. Oh well

    Check with u latah


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Today is Whale Watch day, assuming the fog clears and the storm front isn't creating issues this afternoon. Ye Olde Governorsigned a mandate for businesses to enforce face coverings in coastal counties (where the whale watching is) and certain towns (one is where I work) so masking is my style for the foreseeable future both at work and off duty. Sigh. So not comfortable in the humidity, but then, lots of things aren't comfortable but are the right thing to do. I will admit I am getting so very tired of all this virus stuff disrupting life and not crazy that many of these changes will likely be permanent. And I am so sick of hearing the phrase "new normal"!Can you say Oxymoron?Ah, well, enough ranting and raving for one morning. Sadie says "hi" to everyone!

    Goldie--yup, I'm just waiting to get Cammy's lecture.And she is right. But I can't let my residents be put in danger or get poor care when all it takes is me working 2 overnights. Got to give the new Director a chance to get her feet on the ground, and she has hit the ground running. Hope all the tests went well and the day wasn't too long for you.

    E32--Welcome to the Hot Tatties Lounge!We have all sorts of amenities, a swim up bar in the pool, handsome bar tenders and beautiful bar wenches to serve us our drinks, give massages and other treats, an attached casino that has an ATM that automatically spits out money whenever a Loungettes walks past it, a pet park with attendants, and way, way back in the corner is a swamp for burying inconvenient bodies. The Loungettes are a bunch of us who have breast cancer in common, but while the beast is a common topic of conversation it's not the sole focus. The focus is more onquality of life, day to day life, just a bunch of friends who get together at the local bar regularly to chew the fat.Feel free to join in or lurk and check things out. I am an RN, have worked for 39 years, starting out in pediatrics and neonatal intensive care, then moving on to geriatrics, then home health and then hospice, and now staff educator at a local nursing home. I'm single, share life with my yellow lab, Sadie.Sadie collects belly rubs and has an account here that anyone can deposit into (hint, hint from Sadie). I often post a DOTD (Drink of the Day) but anyone is welcome to post a DOTD or drink recipe any time. Posting a DOTD has been a long time thing here.

    Morning, Illi!

    Good to see you, Misty!

    Jazzy--sorry to hear about sister's MIL's setback. Not a good scenario. Rehab can be so difficult when the person has dementia and can't remember the restrictions and really participate in the exercises. I can imagine how tired your sister is right now. Sadie and I had a lovely 4th--didn't go anywhere or do anything special, listened to the neighbors setting off firecrackers for a while.

    Goldie--sounds like DH's pre-ops went well.

    Chi--you seem to be stuck in a two step forward/one step back situation with your eye! I hope it turns out to be nothing. Don't blame you for not wanting to travel right now.

    Cammy Cat--yes, cammy, I am a soft touch. Yes, I said "yes" when I said I wouldn't for 6 weeks. My working is truly the last resort for those two shifts before mandating a day nurse to stay overnight, and having a nurse work 24 hours is NOT going to happen in this nursing home, it's way too dangerous and so not fair and not right. And I am getting $10 and hour bonus, and the interim director of nursing and I had a long talk about my not wanting to work 12 hour shifts and cover a lot of shifts.I had to give her a break, it was only her 2nd day on the job, after all!Yes, Sadie agrees with you. And I can imagine how much you miss Katie-Kat. Too funny how Joey has learned to lie to you like that!

    Warm Welcome Cocktail Recipe | Bourbon Drink with Egg White | The ...

    A Warm Welcome


    • 1 1/2 part Basil Hayden's® Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
    • 1 Egg White
    • 1/2 part Lime Juice
    • 1/2 part Simple Syrup
    • 1/4 part Apple Syrup


    Add egg white, lime juice, simple syrup, spiced apple syrup, and Basil Hayden's® Bourbon in a shaker. Give it a nice dry shake to mix all the ingredients together, then add ice and shake again so your cocktail is chilled when strained. The cocktail will have a nice froth on top. Grate fresh nutmeg, sprinkle on top for garnish and enjoy.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Good morning everyone! There is much going on with the loungettes!

    Sandy - Great news your ears are not more than a nasty problem. Now we can worry about your eye! Fingers crossed it is just a bunch of doctor visits we can laugh about later.
    Goldie - Fingers crosses for your DH. Tests are worrisome. Staying in a hotel is worrisome! I am sure you will take many precautions.
    Jazzy - So sorry about your DS situation. She is really be pulled in several directions. I will take 90 any day.
    NM - I wonder if should I need a group living situation I can move to Maine? I would love to have you at my facility. You are so dedicated to giving good care to your patients.

    This is a great group of people. We talk about anything and everything. It is the one group on this blog that I feel is my support. I learn from other forums, but this one is my warm fuzzy.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Good morning all.

    Jazzy, sorry your sis is dealing with so much, it’s just sad and exhausting I’m sure.

    Had a small glass of red wine last night and a salad earlier, 1st salad in 6 mo’s. It was delicious but I did have a few tiny pieces of lettuce that took a long time to completely swallow, it’s progress though.

    Scheduled for lots of radiation next week, tues-thurs to my hip bone and weds to 2 spots in my brain, I’m tired just thinking about it, lol

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Ilona, who'd have thought that a salad could be such a joy?! Your baby steps keep getting bigger (and red wine helps). In your pocket for your zap-sessions next week.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    E32 - Come join us! You are most welcome!

    Sandy - Already commented in re: your eye consult on another topic. In your pocket, of course. Question: What sparkling rosé would you recommend?

    Jazzy - Sounds like a very tough situation for your DS. MIL seems to have been/is going through a lot.

    Ilona - Happy to hear of your progress.

    Cami - What the heck was Joey doing in Kentucky & where was he in Kentucky?

    Goldie - Thinking positive thoughts for your DH's surgery.

    NM - Hope to hear some good tales about the whale tails you watched.

    Bye for now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    I would recommend a sparkling rosé that is "naturally fermented in the bottle" as opposed to "Charmat," aka "bulk process carbonation." In France it would be Methode Champenoise in Champagne & Methode Traditionelle elsewhere, in CA "Champagne Method," "Methode Champenoise," or "naturally fermented in this bottle;" in Italy, "Metodo Traditionelle;" and in Spain, Cava (which by law must be naturally fermented in the bottle).

    You can also tell the difference by looking at the bottom of the bottle: a naturally fermented sparkler would have a deep indentation, aka "punt." in the bottom, with the glass being much thicker to hold in the much higher pressure.

    I would recommend any rosé Cava (Juve y Campos, Freixenet, Codorniu--or the CA versions Artesa and Gloria Ferrer); the CA arms of Champagne houses such as Domaine Chandon, Mumm Napa, Domaine Carneros; independent CA wineries Iron Horse, Schramsberg, Scharffenberger, etc. For Italian, Franciacorta Brut. (Prosecco is bulk-process). France has, outside Champagne, "Cremant" de Bourogne, Alsace, Limoux, etc. Barefoot and Cupcake are bulk process (meh), but if you're gonna guzzle on a hot night...

    Bob brought home La Vielle Ferme (still) rosé as well as Angry Orchard rosé cider (too carby for me, so I'll have a little of the wine for my DOTD).

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Sandy - Thanks for the info on sparkling rosé. Will be on the lookout for one of these. On a business trip to Paris in July 1989, bought a bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal Rosé at the airport duty free to save for a special occasion. Hey, I was a single gal, making good money & the exchange rate was very good. LIttle did I know that special occasion would be celebrating my engagement a few months later with two close wine aficionado friends.

    Did you like the La Vielle Ferme?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    The La Vielle Ferme is pretty good for a downright inexpensive wine.

    Though I've had Dom Perignon, Perrier-Jouet Fleur de Champagne, Veuve Cliquot La Grande Dame, Pol Roger Winston Churchill and Taittinger Grand Brut, I've never had Cristal. You had the absolute best occasion to enjoy it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Yesterday was disappointing, the Whale Watching cruise was cancelled due to dense fog. I did get to spend a nice couple hours hanging around the town pier where I used to hang out as a kid, though. Now to reschedule and try again. Sadie was just plainconfused with my coming and going yesterday. At bedtime she curled up next to me with her butt toward my head and farted in my face, turned around and looked at me as I coughed and gagged, then got up and turned around so her head was on my shoulder. I swear she was smiling!

    Librarian--I'd love to have you come to Maine so I can take care of you!

    Illi--glad the eating/swallowing is getting better, no matter how slowly! Good luck with the rads. Rest up!

    Morning, Chi!

    Celia--wish I had a good whale tale to tell! That will have to wait a bit longer. I really want to go out while the boats are still at half capacity, so will need to reschedule soon.

    Chi--great info, thanks for sharing!

    How to Make It


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters

    How to Make It

    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited July 2020

    NM - I went whale watching when with DH when I was 7 months pregnant - I was fine while the boat was moving. As soon as it stopped to whale watch I turned green - and to make matters worse, I had to use the facilities which were below deck - made me even greener!!! As soon as the boat started moving I was fine! Kind of surprised me as we sailed Hobie Cats for many years on a man made lake as well as Lake Erie. Because of the whale watching trip and a friend who go sea sick on a cruise, I refuse to go on a cruise - can't risk spending $$$$ to be sick the whole time! Hope you get to reschedule your whale watching trip soon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Yes Cami, dr trips are usually all day. Going anywhere for anything, usually ends up being all day. I'm sorry you are missing Katie Kat, can you get another cat? Oh my, Joey lieing to you and went to Kentucky. Did he fly? And what did he go there for?

    Well NM, how was the whale trip? LOL, I forgot about the spot to bury bodies! Yes, all pre op for DH went well. They told him his EKG looked good. Oh bummer, no whale trip. How soon will you get to go? Oh my, what a naughty Sadie, passing wind in your face, then turning around after. Almost as if she did it on purpose. With her, I wouldn't be surprised! I think we all would like to have you take care of us if we needed it.

    JCS, I AM worried about staying in the hotel. I'm taking my own sheets, will strip the bed and remake it. I will also wipe things down and won't have room service.

    BabyGirl, salad and wine....YAY! The little things in life, eh? All the best to you for the rads this coming week. Zapping those RB's outtahere.

    Hi Karen, going on a cruise only to get sea sick would be horrible. My DD, who lives in VI get's sea sick, but seems like the bigger boats are ok with her.

    Super dang hot here, and no relief in the near future. Laughlin, where we used to go to get away, is expected to get to 120 this weekend. We will get to 105 or so. The only thing nice about staying at the hotel.....AC!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020
