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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    I was fortunate to be on two whale-watching cruises: off the San Juans in WA in 1989, and Dana Point, CA in 1994. Saw not only whales breaching, but on the latter dolphins as well. Amazing.

    Not sure where we're going tonight. The Thai joint we intended to visit has no liquor license and will not allow BYO on its patio, only inside. Nope--only place we trust to dine in is Cellars, for their upcoming wine dinners at the end of the month (due to capacity limits, there will be three). Waiting till then to dine in anywhere but home.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    So it turns out the neighborhood restaurant we wanted (a combination sushi-Thai-sake & wine bar only two blocks away) did have a liquor license. With our dinner (extremely reasonable, large portions) we shared a bottle of Varichon et Clerc "Privilege" brut rosé (very pale, almost of a blanc de noirs) from Burgundy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    🐣 25+ Best Memes About Grumpy Cat Memes Clean | Grumpy Cat Memes ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Special Saturday early morning ladies, work woke me this morning.

    Illi I'm so glad ur doing better, this has been such a struggle for you, ur a Champ, now for the rads. We with you any time Illi. Hopefully they go by quickly for u and don't take to much out of you. <<<HUGS>>>

    Yes Kim I was very kind to u cuz ur as stubborn as an Italian, so I can relate to that. But I know Sadie is giving you her special looks when ur gone to long and she should. There is more confusion for ur work than anything. Personally I think u should be running the place <seriously> things for u would be horrible tho but others would be happy. So don't even think about it if they offer that to u Cabeesh. I wish u traveled and taught people how to be the kind of nurse you are and Sadie could be ur sidekick. I don't think u can learn that realistically, it's in your heart.

    Lori as usual I'm confused isn't ur DH going this Monday or did he already go??? To much thinking for my 7 cell brain and it seems like there are so many tests foing on too around here. Lori I went out for the first time today since the middle of March, i wore my mask and Joey drove and wiped the cart off for me and put the things in the cart and had to help me trying to figure out change.And when we got home he made sure I washed up his way.My hands are raw. He really drove well, I didn't get nervous at all...I'm a bad passenger.

    Celia the family that Joey went to Kentucky with we go back a few yrs. and they include Joey in everything. But I told u guys there has always been a rule when turning 16. I was kind enough to lie to my parents and I wanted to carry that down thru the generations. He knows how much I worry so it's time but he always tells me after and I'm glad I didn't know. I've said I was a parent, but never did I say I was a good parent, but a good Grandma for the most part. Jeez u know a lot about wines too, fun learning I'm sure.

    JC u sound a little to quiet for me. Or my posts are getting screwed up again.

    Jazzy like the drop in, of course. Now what's happening in NM??? Lots of goofy stuff here especially on the weekends crime is the big thing. It's scary for everyone actually. I saw some pics. of a few air balloons and thought of all the ones u've shown among the yrs.With urs u feel like u can touch some of them.

    Sandy u had a nice night out and the weather for a few days anyway has gotten a little cooler, but I heard it's going back up this week. So enjoy the evenings at least.

    Oh did I tell u Leslie's got gout now, that girl manages to just get whatever at any time.

    I can't double screen or do that other thing <Iforgot what it's called> so I know I don't get to everyone and I really always do want to, so if I miss anyone it's only cuz I don't remember not cuz I miss you on purpose. Hey respect ur elders.I respect my youngers.

    I hope Saturday is good for everyone and Illi try a little more wine, just a little.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning from a Covid19 hot spot! We are firmly into our summer doldrums. ‘Feels like’ temps will be over 100 degrees today. I will do a few outside chores then hurry back inside for the AC. DH asked if there were any plans for today. I laughed and laughed!!! I have run out of things to do inside except for cleaning and I have no interest in that. I did chat with some friends via Facebook Messenger yesterday. Hardly makes up for face to face conversations. Guess I am bored and need to find some activities to keep me busy. May do some Internet shopping! I need new every day dishes and silverware. Even that gets boring after a while. Oh well! Count your blessings and move on!!!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    NM - Bummer indeed about no whale trip. Hope the weather clears & you get a good trip in. My good friend who lives in Pacifica, CA (S of SF) has back windows & deck that face Pacifica Beach. She sees whales all the time & has said it has been particularly busy - anchovies apparently schooling in the area.

    Cammie - Split screen is the word? Nice for Joey to have friends in KY, but agree he should have told you about the trip. Any idea where in KY?

    Sandy - The La Vielle Ferme is a good price here as well. Glad to hear the thumbs up. Sounds like the bottle you had with dinner was a good one.

    NCS - I hear you about the cleaning. Retail therapy sounds good. I am conquering "stay at home" via Zoom exercise classes, reading (working my way through Diana Gabaldon Outlander books), binge watching programs on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu & Showtime, as well as finding all kinds of "guilty pleasures" on YouTube. Not to mention, just inquiring on the internet about any subject that comes to mind.

    Will sign off with the following famous quote about champagne, from the veuve (widow) Madame Lily Bollinger, who took over the reins of the champagne house of Bollinger in 1941 after the death of her husband: "I drink it when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company, I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it when I'm not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise, I never touch it. Unless I'm thirsty." (I only wish I could drink it this much!)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning ladies- we made it to the weekend. I won't say this is a good week between the super high heat (104 yesterday and expected to be the same through the weekend) plus I think I got food poisoning. I was really sick Wed night after eating some pre-made dinner from a local supermarket. Within an hour, I was hugging the porcelain pony but fortunately it was over quickly. Laid low on Thursday and watched my temp, O2, etc. as I know Covid can appear as a GI thing in mild cases. I felt better yesterday. Pandemics, heat waves, and food poisoning, oh my....

    Our state is pulling back on some of it's re-opening with an increase in daily cases. Yesterday was the highest yet with over 300, and there is a big rise in the county where I live where most of the population resides in this state. She is closing indoor dining again, and has a 50% capacity on patio dining and is begging people to wear masks. The breweries are shut down again and feel badly for them as they only opened a few weeks ago. There was a woman who owns one brewery here on the news crying and said they are out of funds from the loans and their savings to survive any longer. The news says we have had 200 restaurants permanently close so far this year and they are expecting up to 700 may close by the end of the year state wide. They are making people wear masks at the gym (why that was not required to start was beyond me). I am still swimming but if things don't get better, I expect the city pools will be closed soon. We have states on each side of us that are becoming epicenters now. I hope our sisters in FL, TX, AZ and CA are all doing okay.....

    No news on my sister's MIL outside of the fact she had angioplasty after her heart attack on Monday. I was aware she had a bad heart and has had a number of stents in through time, and was concerned for her knowing that and with the hip surgery. She has been bleeding out into her hip with the blood thinners so they reduced those but then other things happen. I think she was going back to rehab yesterday but have not heard. My sister has been a bit off the rails this week and sent her a care package yesterday that I have been working on for her for awhile, and keep in touch. The situation continues to be hard for her and her family.

    Goldie- I hope your travels are safe and do what you need to do in the hotels to feel safe. How is your son doing in rehab?

    NM- I hope the evening shifts go okay and had to LOL when Sadie farted in your face. She was mad at you for sure. What a character. Are you two going to get out to the lake this summer? Any chance of kayaking this year too?

    Chi- your tests seem to be going okay and giving you info for decisions or helping you to know if anything needs to happen. I had a major floater show up in Feb in my right eye and was worried about a retinal detachment but talked to someone at the eye center and they said unless there were flashes of light, to just watch it. It has mostly resovled itself. It sounds like they may have spotted something else though and hope that is nothing to worry about.

    Cami- life keeps me busy between my volunteer initiative, discussing new work opps with people, taking care of the house and yard, trying to keep up with life in general. I am personally very concerned about the rising cases out here in the west and what the future holds for us here.

    Ill- that is really good news about being able to eat a salad. I love salads and bet you must have missed that. Plus a cooling food like salad in the hot TX summer (yes I lived there once long ago) is so yummy. This tells me your body is healing and finding it's way back. I hope you are staying safe in Houston too, I know things are on the rise there and saw something today about medical personel coming in via the military to help this weekend.

    JCS- being indoors for so long is so hard for many. I became a bit less social after my bc and just not wanting to deal with people who wanted me to be the old jazzy. I drink less, don't do as high risk sports anymore, not one to run myself in to the ground as some of my friends still do. I I don't miss the socialization that much as this point, but have missed the freedom to do as much time out as I used to, to travel, etc. Finding a new hobby is a great idea for you to think about. I have been sharpening my cooking skills, doing lots of interesting things with the gardens this year, etc. I was part of a steel drum band a few years back and want to get my own lead pan to learn how to play better, but need to wait on that right now ($$$).

    I think there was a new person here I may have missed and wanted to welcome her. We are a group that talks about everything here, certainly around the cancer stuff but we talk about food, family, gardening, (and previously travel) and more. I hope you like it and will stay. We have some old timers here and new people joining all the time too. Some of us drink, some don't, and some just talk about our old partying days. Oh those days of our youth!

    Celia C, Mistyeyes, Dara dear, and anyone else I may be missing, wishing you all a safe weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Cami, how exciting that you and Joey got to go out. I can just see how well he took care of you. I find it so strange to see people walking around with masks on. It's like WTF! Is this really happening? Yes, we leaving Monday for Flagstaff. DH has to have an MRI Monday, Tuesday is surgery, he stays overnight at the hospital. And we will go home Wednesday, unless he wants to stay another day, we will extend our stay at the hotel. Oh my, poor Leslie. Like she needs another problem. Love the "pretty" cat meme.

    JCS, hot here too. Can only be outside for about 5 minutes! Ya, always cleaning to do.

    Celia, love the quote!

    NM, are you working? I think you are going to have to post your schedule, like every other day!

    I got me some beans out of the garden, I guess the birds don't care for beans! Just my maters! So maybe some canning today/tomorrow.

    DOTD: Blue Whale

    • 2 oz blue curacao
    • 4 oz rum
    • 2 oz pineapple juice
    • ice

    Blue Whale Cocktail Recipe | Kita Roberts PassTheSushi

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    I mostly stay in but I’ve been doing so since the brain surgery in January, so it’s getting old now. But other than occasional grocery shopping and medical appointments I’m pretty well set up for a lockdown, should it be reinstated. I do miss traveling though. I’m tasting lots of things like it’s the first time again and it’s glorious, today it’ll be watermelon!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    For BabyGirl.

    Vodka/Watermelon Cocktail

    • 8 cups chilled watermelon
    • 11.5 oz. coconut water
    • 4 tablespoons fresh lime juice
    • 1 cup vodka citron (citrus flavored vodka)
    • mint for garnish


    1. To a blender add watermelon, coconut water and fresh lime juice.
    2. Blend until smooth.
    3. Pour mixture into a large pitcher. Add Vodka and stir.
    4. Serve over ice. Garnish with lime wedges and fresh mint.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    No photo description available.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Goldie - Cat Scale: It's #6 for me, after just finishing a Chambord Spritzer. The Blue Whale recipe reminded me of a favorite drink at a now closed restaurant in Isle of Palms, SC. It was called Jamaica Me Crazy - made with Malibu Coconut Rum instead of traditional rum. Safe travels and hope DH's surgery goes smoothly.

    Illi - Enjoy your watermelon! Should be a nice treat in this god awful heat.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Gonna finish off the La Vielle Ferme rosé with a halibut dinner.

    Spoke to the retinologist today and he doubts it's ocular melanoma because it's too regular in shape and in the wrong part of the choroid, plus he saw no orange color nor fluid leakage. He will try to see if the ocular oncologist can squeeze me in this week.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    You may have heard about the comet that is out and about in our skies here in July. We have the perfect skies for seeing this out here New Mexico and seen some great shots, but this one is from the Natural History Museum here in town and over our local mountains (the Sandias). I hope you enjoy it!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Gorgeous! Wish I could drive out far enough from Chi. & back in one night to avoid the light pollution and see the comet clearly, but it is what it is. No more shared telescopes at the Adler Planetarium the way they did it for Kohoutek & Hale-Bopp, alas.

    DOTD at outdoor brunch: cava.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Beautiful picture! How I wish I were able to see the sky that clearly at night. Still hot here. Still setting records with Covid19. Still not excited about doing chores, etc. I have spent the morning attempting to talk myself into cleaning the bathroom. Good grief! I did spend some time planning our possible trip to Utah. I found out the North Rim closes on October 15th. That changes the timeline greatly. DH is grumbling about going. He picks the oddest things to shade with Covid19. He worries about flying and staying in multiple hotels. While concerned, I think by then it will be manageable. I just hate to think I cannot go anywhere anymore! Oh well...Monday blues. One more cup of coffee and I will start on chores. Y’all stay safe and engaged with activities you enjoy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Not getting on a plane unless it's a private jet---and it would have to be for something insanely urgent & essential (like an urgent surgery or lifesaving/prolonging treatment I can't get w/in a day's drive of Chicago) to spend such a huge chunk of retirement $. Even though I have never driven an RV nor even a camper truck or conversion van, I would rent an RV and tow Bob's Fusion (the latter for detaching to drive around town from a large RV-capable lot or campground, the way my cousins used to do well into their 80s). We have a prepaid NYC Hilton Grand Vac. stay (good through this May), but I don't feel safe flying commercial or driving our car through several higher-COVID states to get there.

    Since I drank at brunch, dinner's drink was ice water.

    Today, I am enjoying a faux-jito: muddled together the juice of 1/2 a lime, granulated monkfruit and sugar-free simple syrup, and a handful of mint leaves to taste. Shook it with 1/2 c. crushed ice, strained it over ice cubes, topped up with seltzer. Not missing the rum at all.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Sandy - Echoing your sentiments about flying or RV.

    Just keep telling myself that even car travel is not worth the risk. My oldest friend's family gathers on the shores of Lake Erie every year. They come in from Baltimore, DC, Chicago, Pittsburgh & Minnesota - all ages, from toddlers to those in their 70s & 80s. Cannot believe their gathering is still "on" for end of July. I usually spend some time with them, but told her no way this year.

    Headed for my DOTD, now - Chambord Spritz.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Milo Piglet Love - CUTE CAT GIFS

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    OK, looks like I didn't hit "submit" yesterday:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, my weekend got shot to shite. Got a call from a desperate acting Director of Nursing, the overnight nurse called out for Friday night, the agency could not find a replacement, none of our own staff would cover, she had been working remotely (she hasn't moved from the southern part of the state, took this job on short notice, and had to be home for some things this weekend), could I work overnight Friday night instead of Monday night. I said ok, but only from 11 pm to 7 ayem, not the full 12 hours from 7 peeyem.So, one of the nurses had to stay over and cover from 7 peeyem until I got there, the second nurse went home as usual, and so I walked into a boat load of attitude and left over work.All of which carried over to Saturday night, where I did have to work the whole 12 hours. Add to that we were short a C.N.A. both nights. Add to that the heat and humidity and it made for a couple of miserable nights. But it has opened my eyes to some problems that need to be addressed, so I am dragging my exhausted and aching body in to work today so I can sit down with the DON and Admin and point out some changes that need to be made before there is a major disaster. I've got a list of things that need to be addressed that's going in to work with me today. The screaming andyelling you hear later today will probably be me! Sadie is in total agreement with me, BTW. And she wants to come to work and listen in!

    Chi--Whale watching is fun, isn't it? Get to see lots of critters. I enjoy the harbor seals quite a bit, too.

    Cammy Cat--LOL a the kitty meme, my kind of thinking!I am flattered that you think I should be running the place, but you do realize that means I would be woking/on call 24/7/365, right?No way I'm taking that on. NO WAY. Oh, ok, you already know that. And frankly, no one else would be happy with me in charge, cuz I would insist on everyone doing what they are supposed to do and the drama would be handled with "Yeah, so? Deal with it." Now traveling with Sadie teaching would be great fun!

    Librarian--Living in a COVID hot spot must have some real challenges! Please take care of yourself in the heat, when the "feels like" is over 100 it's dangerous, to my way of thinking.

    Celiac--yeah, the whale watch cancellation was a bummer, but I just need to pick another date and call and get my ticket switched over. The company has a great policy--cancelled due to weather or if no whales seen, the ticket is good for 3 years, just need to call and reschedule. Must be nice for your friend who can see whales from home! Here we have to go out 30 to 40 miles to see them. Love the champagne quote!

    Jazzy--oh my indeed, that does sound like you had food poisoning! Not pleasant at all. At mynursing home we've started testing anyone showing GI symptoms for COVID. Which means, with the heat and humidity, that we are doing lots of testing. The up side is that while someone is waiting for a test result they go on full isolation,lots of extra work for staff, and then we find out it's dehydration, staff is paying way more attention to offering fluids. There are silver linings if you look hard enough!Your sister is going through such a hard time, I hope she is taking care of her own health during all this. We are definitely going to the lake this coming week. I'd like to get the kayak out, but every time I set a date to do that my scheduled gets changed.

    Goldie--I may have to start posting my schedule just soI can keep track of the changes! Lets see, this week:Monday8-4, Tuesday Off, Wed 8-4, Thur 12-4, Friday 7-11.Lets see how long before it changes again!

    Ooh, that blue whale looks WONDERFUL!

    Illi--I'm so glad you are getting to taste things again! Take the enjoyment whereveryou can!

    Goldie--that watermelon cocktail looks LOVELY!

    This ayem I am feeling Cat # 8, heading for Cat # 1

    Chi--sounds like more good news, even if still no real answer.

    Jazzy--that is a great shot of the comet!Hoping to see it around here, but the sky has been cloudy most of the time, if not, its too foggy to see anything.


    3 ingredients


    • 1 splash Maple syrup

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 4 oz Angry orchard crisp apple hard cider
    • 1 dash Bitters

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Right off the bat I'm number 8 all day, 7/24.

    Lori u have a lot of traveling ahead of you and ur DH. OK it's this Monday coming up right. I know it's difficult but I hope u stay for one more day just to make sure. After all it.s such a long ride. None of this is easy for sure. planes, trains, and automobiles<although an ok movie> is not for me anytime. I'm such a fraidy cat, traveling anywhere.

    Illi so happy ur healing finally and watermelon sounds like a good choice. It's a food and a drink all at the same time, so are pickles so keep that in mind. This has certainly been a long road for you and it sounds like your winning. I knew you would.

    Celia good quote and u do have some good beverages planned, very important. And Wow ur friends are still planning to get together, I think I would not go either. It's to bad tho cuz it sounds like fun. Just something else all this has goofed up.

    JC I can't imagine how ur feeling. Knowing how much u like to travel and planning it and right now there is nothing to plan and cleaning the house well ugh to that, that will always be there to do. Hopefully this will be over soon, maybe. It just seems to go on and on.

    Oh Lori u'd better take pics. of what ur doing and with what ur garden has produced..

    Jazzy U always seem to have the perfect pics. Your skies show so much of what's going on up there. But then NM always had all strange things to show in their skies. It's like a canvas of strange and beauty.How are plans going for any projects. It seems like they should be looking up soon.

    Sandy so far tests are going good for you, now they want more. Oh mese oh my hope all goes well. And it sounds like u have the best restaurants picked out to go to.

    Have I missed something, where is KIM. working I suppose. I don't know how she does it. She works like crazy for years now, what a woman. <see I was Nice> enough this time.

    Hey to Misty, Teka, and yes Jazzy we did have someone new poop in but haven't seen her for a little bit. Hope she comes back. I can't believe it';s almost the middle of July already and my phones are crazy. I hear it ring and I cringe.

    I hope everyone has a good day this Tuesday, the "no feel" day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy twofer Tuesday! I am taking today and tomorrow off, working Thursday and Friday instead, and it was WONDERFUL sleeping in till 6 ayem with Sadie! Today is going to be a very "ME" day. The rocking chair for the deck was delivered yesterday, going to put that together. Going to putter in the garden pots on the deck. Going to go vote this pm and then take Sadie to the lake if it isn't thundering. Supposed to thunder off and on all day, but they've been saying that for daysand it hasn't been happening. Fried up some really good bacon from a local farm to go with the local eggs I scrambled for breakfast. I had a nice talk with the acting Director of Nursing and the Admin at work yesterday ayem. Some of the changes I want made NOW are being made, one got put into effect yesterday at lunch time. I found out they were more aware of some of the issues than I realized and are working on them. After listening to the old Director of Nurses talking about how we can't have any overtime or use the Agency staff so much for months I heard that she was actually let go in part because she wasn't telling the powers that be what was really needed for staffing. Now the Board of Directors and CFO are getting an earful and have started a major recruitment campaign! And I found out that the staffing crisis over the weekend was caused by a nurse that walked off the job without giving notice. While that action from a supposed professional rather floors me, my next reaction is relief, that nurse is/has been trouble for a long time and we are much better off without her.Then I fell into the groove and got major work done on a major project that is due at the end of the week, and I feel really good about that.All in all it was an emotional and physically draining day but a very good one. And today is going to be very restorative. Sadie says she guarantees it!

    Chi--too bad about nomore shared telescopes.It would seem like that kind of thing could be done with social distancing and lots of bleach wipes for sanitation,

    Librarian--Eventually we will get to the point where enough of the population has been exposed that we won't have big surges in numbers of cases and travel and going out won't be so scary. Eventually.

    Chi--sometimes I wonder if air travel will ever become as popular as it once was. I think I could be comfortable flying if the plane was half or three-quarters full, but I've never been totally comfortable in planes that were totally full or "over booked" even though I know the air filtration systems are at least as good at the ones used in hospitals.Your faux-jito recipe sounds delicious!

    Celia--While I can understand how important the family gathering is, I, too, would pass on something like that. Is everyone planning to quarantine themselves after they get home in case they get exposed during the get-together? I so need to get a bottle of Chambord after seeing your recent DOTDs!

    Morning, Cammy Cat! Looks like we are splashing into the pool! This morning I'm more Cat Scale 2, heading toward Cat Scale 7. Although I may pass through #1 on the way.Meet you at the swim up bar!

    Lazy Day Colada | The Cocktail Project

    Lazy Day Colada


    • 1 part DeKuyper® Pucker® Sour Apple Schnapps
    • 1 part Cruzan® Aged Light Rum
    • 2 1/4 parts Pina Colada Mix


    Build over ice, blend and serve.

    From <>

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy - Thanks for the great comet photo! Too cloudy here to see anything.

    NM - Nurturing thoughts coming your way. May you soon have the good fortune to find yourself in possession of a bottle of Chambord. Many thanks to you for that Chambord Spritz recipe - it has become a favorite! Re: family gatherers - one would hope they would have the sense to quarantine, but since they do not have the sense to not travel/gather, who knows? FYI - The adults gathering are all well educated, but we all know education does not always result in common sense.

    Our instructor asked participants @ Zoom Yoga this am how we were doing. One lady, who has been going back & forth between her homes in TN & KY since mid-March without regard for travel restrictions rather nonchalantly that her 2 sons + their spouses visited her Mom last weekend, stayed overnight in the same room and now 1 of the sons has tested COVID positive. Her Mom and the other 3 have been tested, but negative at this point. I am amazed at these folks gathering, especially since 1 son is a Physical Therapist & 1 of the spouses is an ER nurse! What the heck!

    Ok, rant over. Time for my early afternoon coffee mocha liberally laced w/Irish Cream Liquor.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Thanks cami, I’ll be skipping the pickles, they are my most hated thing, so much so that I was in a fist fight with a childhood friend and almost ended a date with my future husband over them. I’m enjoying lots of other things though.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi friends- just a quick hello during another busy week. I am working on deliveries of hand sanitizer to dentists and small practice groups through my volunteer emergency supply collabortive and took some to an orthodontic center today. It's a nice feeling to be able to help and you feel like Santa Claus when you arrange these deliveries or do them yourself. Ha, when do we ever get to feel like Santa Claus?

    My sister's MIL is back in rehab but not doing well. She is having a hard time with dementia issues along with all the physical problems, but being moved around so much the past few weeks and not being able to see anyone has her in a bad place. My sister is not optomistic that she may recover from any of this, just so many things working against her. So she may end up going to a nursing home next if she can't improve in rehab and expect hospice may be on the horizon too.

    Ill- that is an unfortunate but not all that unsurprising story about the Zoom woman's family. I have some colleagues in the healthcare industry who have been pretty open about their weekend junkets, summer vacations, etc. on Facebook and also said "hmm." Some are people I don't see regularly, some are people I won't be seeing for awhile either. I am laughing about the pickle thing....

    Celia C- I have a client/friend who has a house boat on one of the AZ lakes and gets a big group together every year to go out there for a week. I have been invited in the past but never have gone (not really my thing) but heard they are all going and think they may be there now. They will have to quaruntine when they come back and my friend has a mom with a lot of serious health issues who is also in assisted living here and hope everyone can stay safe.

    NM- so glad you had today off for yourself. Sounds like some positive changes are happening at the job, many orgs realize they are going to be forced to make changes with the "new world" we are living in for the foreseeble future.

    On the airline front, I have heard it said there will be a lot of airlines that won't make it through this and that for those that survive, flights may become much more unaffordable for the majority. As someone who has traveled a lot in the past for both work and fun, I will say I really don't really enjoy traveling by air much anymore. It is a good thing I enjoy a good road trip as those may be what I do in the future.

    Goldie- I saw your post on FB about not your DH not being able to get his surgery today. Ugh sister, I am sorry.

    Cami- what is happening girlfriend? I do have more picking up on the work front, think the late summer into the rest of the year is going to be busy. What is happening for Joey and school this fall? I know it is all up in the air about everything happening with the schools.

    Chi- I have not seen the comet yet but am going to try to before it goes away. Supposed to be good until the end of the month and supposedly the best time to see it is in the 4 a.m. zone in the NE sky. We have had some cloudy skies the past couple days so it has not been ideal for a viewing.

    Okay folks, time for bed. I have an on line conference tomorrow morning called the Future of Healthcare that was supposed to be in March (would have been a great networking event for me and my biz) but got moved to July and now on line. Should be interesting to hear what the local organizations are seeing and what is trending in the healthcare tech industry too.

    Stay well everyone!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited July 2020

    Jazz - I'm not getting on a plane anytime soon - but 2 of my 3 kids don't live in America (both daughters). Borders to both countries are closed and even citizens entering the countries have to quarantine for 14 days.. But even if open, one the only way to get there is by air and older daughter would be a 3 day drive. Son is over 10 hours away. We are mostly socially distancing - only go to the grocery store once/week, but we get out 2 -3 times/day for walks in the neighborhood.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Sadie and I had a lovely day yesterday even if we didn't go to the lake. The sun never came out, and the temps never got above 70 with a nice breeze--that's not a complaint, it was lovely and we enjoyed it greatly on the deck, especially after I got the rocker put together. Sadie did get to go for a ride when I went to vote. Another nice "me" day in store today, puttering around the house in the ayem, running some errands in the afternoon, Wednesday, Women and Wine get together this peeyem.Then in to work early for a CPR class Thursday ayem, get a Skills Fair set up, thenhome to nap before covering the 11 peeyem to 7 ayem shift. I know, I know, but there is a staffing crisis just at the moment AND I am getting $10 an hour incentive pay for all these overnights AND I will get a 3 day weekend after. The Interim Director worked overnight last night and she doesn't even know how to use the electronic medical record program yet, God Bless Her. And she is running a staff meeting this peeyem. It's going to be interesting over the next couple of weeks to see what the new management works out.

    Celia--thanks for the thoughts! Glad the Chambord Spritz pleases you. As for the folks who traveled and are now looking at COVID testing, to hear that health professionals are involved is saddening.

    Illi--pickles almost ended a date with your future husband?Now there's a story I'd like to hear!

    Jazzy--Thank you for you volunteer work, and I'm glad you get to feel like Santa!So sorry to hear about the sister's MIL. Dementia and rehab do not play well together.It sounds like your sister has a realistic understanding of the situation. I'm hoping to get to see the comet, too, before it passes by, but have been dealing with fog and clouds. I'm betting on line conferencing will become the norm in health care going forward. A conference I wanted to go to this summer that was cancelled is being rescheduled as a virtual conference.

    Karen--At least with air travel being much less popular and moving fewer people the next pandemic will move a bit more slowly than COVID did. Maybe.Travel is going to be a very different world going forward.


    Paper Plane


    • 3/4 ounce bourbon
    • 3/4 ounce Aperol
    • 3/4 ounce Amaro Nonino Quintessentia
    • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice


    1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake.
    2. Strain into a coupe glass.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    OK, gang, I just had a really good laugh. Listening to Good Morning America, and heard this statement:

    "Look at all those cars lined up to be tested."

    All I could picture was swabs being stuck in car exhausts! It aint the cars being tested, Lady, it's the people in them! Or is this a new finding, and if we get rid of all the cars we won't have any more COVID????????

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    NM, the future hubs and I were out having lunch and there was a pickle on my plate (sandwich and fries), I asked him to remove it and explained my hatred for pickles. He thought it was silly, not serious. I looked away briefly and when I looked back he was holding the pickle over the fries and said “guess which fry the pickle touched”. I was furious and told him sternly that I don’t date assholes. He immediately understood how serious I was an admitted that he only held the pickle over the fries, didn’t touch them, as a joke and apologized. Once we moved in together, he stopped buying them and always warns me if pickles are nearby, like at a friends house or cookout.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited July 2020

    NM - thanks for the laugh - swabs in the exhaust.

    Illimae - I'm so glad to be seeing your eating reports. Sounds like good progress. And I agree about the pickles. My tuna salad does not have pickles. My hamburgers do not have pickles. Pickles do not touch my lips.